Results for 'Leon Stefanija'

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  1. Izhodišča hermenevtike glasbe: štirje pogledi Starting Points of Musical Hermeneutics: Four Views.Leon Stefanija - unknown - Phainomena 53.
    Članek prinaša štiri poglede na hermenevtiko glasbe, ki so osredotočeni na 1) vzpostavljanje hermenevtičnega obzorja, 2) zgodovinske umestitve hermenevtike glasbe, 3) teoretsko razmejitev glasbene povednosti v muzikologiji in 4) spoznavoslovne razmejitve glasbene povednosti. Osrednja pozornost pri vseh štirih pogledih je naravnana k vprašanju: katere epistemološke ravni kaže upoštevati, ko govorimo o hermenevtiki glasbe kot muzikološkem pojmu v najširšem smislu?Različne fasete, ki tvorijo hermenevtiko glasbe, zato narekujejo za glavni cilj prispevka: očrtati meje med hermenevtiko kot teoretskim sistemom, ki temelji na metodah (...)
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    Essay Review: The Historiography of Immunology is Still in Its Infancy.Alfred I. Tauber, Leon Chernyak, Anne-Marie Moulin, Herman Friedman & Emily Martin - 1999 - Journal of the History of Biology 32 (1):205-215.
  3. Beyond therapy: Biotechnology and the pursuit of human improvement.Leon Kass - 2003 - President’s Council on Bioethics, Washington, Dc (Www. Bioethics. Gov) 16.
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    Joint Wigner distribution for spin-1/2 particles.Leon Cohen & Marlan O. Scully - 1986 - Foundations of Physics 16 (4):295-310.
    The Wigner distribution has proven to be a useful tool in many quantum problems requiring a joint distribution of position and momentum. In the present paper we develop a joint distribution for spin components within the spirit of the Wigner distribution. This distribution provides an insight into the quantum theory of measurement. We also discuss how one may write joint distributions for two arbitrary noncommuting operators.
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  5. Perceptual Indiscriminability and the Concept of a Color Shade.Leon Horsten - 2010 - In Richard Dietz & Sebastiano Moruzzi (eds.), Cuts and clouds: vagueness, its nature, and its logic. New York: Oxford University Press.
  6.  47
    The idea of immunity: Metchnikoff's metaphysics and science.Leon Chernyak & Alfred I. Tauber - 1990 - Journal of the History of Biology 23 (2):187-249.
  7.  10
    De impact van schoolfactoren op de onderwijsloopbaan van individuele leerlingen. Een thema dat meer aandacht verdient.Jan Van Damme & Leon Peeters - 1990 - Nova et Vetera: Tijdschrift Voor Onderwijs en Opvoeding 67 (3):213-224.
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    El Arte como horizonte. Del vínculo entre arte y religión en la cultura occidental contemporánea.Adolfo León Grisales Vargas - 1998 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):29-43.
    En la investigación se pretende mostrar, apoyado sobre todo en Gadamer, que entre arte y religión se da un vínculo indisoluble, que dicha relación va más allá del encuentro coyuntural de ciertas épocas, y que para acceder a dicho vínculo es necesario replantear la manera como, desde una óptica fundamentalmente disyuntiva, se autocomprenden dichos conceptos. Esto supone, metodológicamente. el señalamiento de la imposibilidad de abordar dicho vínculo si se parte de la delimitación precisa de los conceptos, por lo que se (...)
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    Technological mediation and 3D visualizations in construction engineering practice.Hans Voordijk & Léon Olde Scholtenhuis - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-14.
    The generation and use of 3D images and visualizations through remote sensing, Building Information Modeling, and Augmented Reality technologies, have come to play a significant role in construction engineering practice. Although these technologies are promising, their potential can be misjudged when potential end-users are unaware of key assumptions that were made by developers. Realistic expectations require insights into the ways in which these technologies transform input collected into 3D visualizations and how these visualizations are possibly used on construction sites. This (...)
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  10. Aproximaciones a la ontología del arte [Approaches to the ontology of art].Paulo Vélez León - 2006 - Analysis. Documentos de Investigación 9 (1):1-21.
    El presenta trabajo describe y caracteriza de manera breve y concisa lo que podría ser una ontología del arte. En la primera sección se presentan las dificultades actuales, así como las nociones y preguntas principales de la ontología. En la sección segunda, se bosquejan las definiciones y caracterizaciones actuales de la ontología, se hace especial hincapié, en la ontología aplicada. En la tercera, cuarta y quinta sección se caracteriza y configura lo que podría ser una ontología del arte, se evidencian (...)
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  11.  53
    Symmetry, Reference Frames, and Relational Quantities in Quantum Mechanics.Leon Loveridge, Takayuki Miyadera & Paul Busch - 2018 - Foundations of Physics 48 (2):135-198.
    We propose that observables in quantum theory are properly understood as representatives of symmetry-invariant quantities relating one system to another, the latter to be called a reference system. We provide a rigorous mathematical language to introduce and study quantum reference systems, showing that the orthodox “absolute” quantities are good representatives of observable relative quantities if the reference state is suitably localised. We use this relational formalism to critique the literature on the relationship between reference frames and superselection rules, settling a (...)
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  12.  49
    Truth and Finite Conjunction.Leon Horsten, Guanglong Luo & Sam Roberts - 2024 - Mind 133 (532):1121-1135.
    This note is a critical response to Kentaro Fujimoto’s new conservativeness argument about truth, which centres on the notion of finite conjunction. We argue that Fujimoto’s arguments turn on a specific way of formalizing the notions of finite collection and finite conjunction in first-order logic. In particular, by instead formalizing these concepts in a natural way in set theory or in second-order logic, Fujimoto’s new conservativeness argument can be resisted.
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    Das Dritte Reich und seine Denker.Léon Poliakov & Josef Wulf (eds.) - 2015 - Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG.
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    Of Papers and Pens: Polysemes and Homophones in Lexical Selection.Leon Li & L. Robert Slevc - 2017 - Cognitive Science 41 (S6):1532-1548.
    Every word signifies multiple senses. Many studies using comprehension-based measures suggest that polysemes’ senses share lexical representations, whereas homophones’ meanings correspond to distinct lexical representations. Less is known about the lexical representations of polysemes compared to homophones in language production. In this study, speakers named pictures after reading sentence fragments that primed polysemes and homophones either as direct competitors to pictures, or as indirect-competitors to pictures. Polysemes elicited equal numbers of intrusions to picture names compared to in control conditions whether (...)
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  15. The Rational Justification of Aesthetic Judgments.María José Alcaraz León - 2008 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 66 (3):291-300.
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    The model companion of differential fields with free operators.Omar León Sánchez & Rahim Moosa - 2016 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 81 (2):493-509.
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    Concerning individuality.Leon Chernyak & Alfred I. Tauber - 1992 - Biology and Philosophy 7 (4):489-499.
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    The Limits of Science, Outline of Logic and the Methodology of the Exact Sciences.Leon Chwistek - 1948 - Philosophy 23 (86):283-284.
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  19. The Age of Automation.Leon Bagrit - 1966 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 17 (1):80-83.
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    Una amistad filosófica. Cioran y su amigo italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni.Alberto Pinzón León - 2011 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 32 (105).
    El artículo muestra las relaciones de amistad que se van tornando en reflexiones filosóficas entre Cioran y el escritor italiano Mario Andrea Rigoni, a partir de su obra: Cioran dans mes souvenirs. Nuestro interés está en dar a conocer las reflexiones que hace Rigoni sobre la obra y el carácter humano de Cioran.
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    Right Actions and Motives.P. Leon - 1933 - Philosophy 8 (30):191 - 204.
    CAN actions be right irrespective of the motives from which they come? Can an action be right though coming from a bad or an ‘indifferent’ motive?
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    The Way of St. James.Leon J. Podles - 2011 - The Chesterton Review 37 (3/4):668-681.
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    A diffusion model for the Dirac equation.Leon Bess - 1979 - Foundations of Physics 9 (1-2):27-54.
    In previous work the author was able to derive the Schrödinger equation by an analytical approach built around a physical model that featured a special diffusion process in an ensemble of particles. In the present work, this approach is extended to include the derivation of the Dirac equation. To do this, the physical model has to be modified to make provision for intrinsic electric and magnetic dipoles to be associated with each ensemble particle.
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    Liberating the pariah : politics, the Jews, and Hannah Arendt.Leon Botstein - 2010 - In Roger Berkowitz (ed.), Thinking in Dark Times: Hannah Arendt on Ethics and Politics. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 159-178.
  25.  13
    Elements Matter.Leon Gabriel, Stefan Hölscher, Julia Schade & Ruth Schmidt - 2022 - Nordic Journal of Aesthetics 31 (64).
    This contribution takes into focus elements as scenes of thought in order to contest our colonial, anthropocentric and extractivist mo-dernity: fires of burning fossil fuels, waves of the open sea, shores as the landscape of islands, clouds in the sky and beyond. We sug-gest that these motifs bear the possibility to examine the problems of our present as well as to develop other, differing and new rela-tionalities.
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    The real and unrefuted rights thesis.Leon Galis - 1983 - Philosophical Review 92 (2):197-221.
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  27. The state-soul analogy in Plato's argument that justice pays.Leon Galis - 1974 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 12 (3):285-293.
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    The apparatus theory: ‘Religion in the city’.Leon Geel & Jaco Beyers - 2018 - HTS Theological Studies 74 (4):1-9.
    The apparatus theory is used to challenge the interpretation of religion and also to determine whether religion is a factor to contend with in modern society. Religion could be the element that keeps the city intact or could be the one element that is busy ruining our understanding of reality and the way this interacts with society in the urban environment. Paradigms determine our relationships. In this case, the apparatus theory would be a more precise way of describing not only (...)
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    Art as experience and american visual art today.Leon Jacobson - 1960 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 19 (2):117-126.
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    Mediated satiation in verbal transfer.Leon A. Jakobovits & Wallace E. Lambert - 1962 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 64 (4):346.
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    Mediation theory and the "single-stage" S-R model: Different?Leon A. Jakobovits - 1966 - Psychological Review 73 (4):376-381.
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    Semantic satiation among bilinguals.Leon A. Jakobovits & Wallace E. Lambert - 1961 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 62 (6):576.
  33.  11
    Critical Account of the Journal DD.Leon Jaurnow & Kim Ravn - 2001 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2001 (1):453-461.
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    Critical Account of the Journal EE.Leon Jaurnow & Steen Tullberg - 2002 - Kierkegaard Studies Yearbook 2002 (1):443-449.
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    Notas sobre la situación Del arte contemporáneo en Ecuador [Notes on the situation of contemporary art in Ecuador].Paulo Vélez León - manuscript
    This paper proposes to give a brief overview of the state of contemporary Ecuadorian art. The first section defines the concept and practice of contemporary art in relation to ethics and truth. The second section deals with "problems" that beset the creators, curators and art critics, art market, and consumers, makes a brief allusion to the state of higher education in arts. In this section, although it emphasizes the fragility of Ecuadorian contemporary art, also noted that each of the states (...)
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  36. Educación, moral y cultura: tres facetas del pensamiento de Fernando Salmerón.León Olivé Morett - 1997 - Dianoia 43:235-244.
  37.  28
    Consideraciones historiográficas para una historia de la ontología [Historiographical considerations for a history of ontology].Paulo Vélez León - 2014 - In Tobies Grimaltos, Pablo Rychter & Pablo Aguayo (eds.), XX Congrés Valencià de Filosofia. Societat de Filosofia del País Valencià. pp. 347-362.
    [ES]Una historia de la ontología que pretenda dar cuenta de su acontecer de manera integral y equilibrada, ha de considerar tanto los aspectos historiográficos y filosóficos de sus fuentes así como los relativos a su contexto socio-cultural y necesariamente en relación con los de la metafísica, pues sus historias están indisolublemente ligadas, aunque ello no significa que necesariamente sean las mismas. En este trabajo, se intenta de manera elemental y mínima bosquejar dichas consideraciones, a través de una breve revisión historiográfica (...)
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    Inner Experience and Neuroscience: Merging Both Perspectives.Leon Ciechanowski - 2015 - Philosophical Psychology 28 (2):302-306.
    Inner Experience and Neuroscience: Merging Both Perspectives. . ???aop.label???. doi: 10.1080/09515089.2013.811575.
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  39. The limits of thought and the mind-body problem.David de Léon - 1995 - Lund University Cognitive Studies 42.
    This paper gives an account of Colin McGinn's essay: "Can We Solve the Mind-Body Problem?". McGinn's answer to his own essay title is that the problem is forever beyond us due to the particular nature of our cognitive abilities.The present author offers a number of criticisms of the arguments which support this conclusion.
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    Improvement of Body Satisfaction in Older People: An Experimental Study.Roberto Sánchez-Cabrero, Ana C. León-Mejía, Amaya Arigita-García & Carmen Maganto-Mateo - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Moral, conventional, personal: reasons for action as dimensions of normativity.Leon Li & Sebastian Grueneisen - forthcoming - Philosophical Psychology.
    Human life is infused with different kinds of normativity (e.g. instrumental, epistemic, conventional, moral). Different theorists have proposed vastly differing views on how to conceptualize the different kinds of normativity. Whereas social domain theorists have asserted that moral, conventional, and personal kinds of normativity constitute distinct thematic domains and are viewed as such even by young children, other theorists have denied that moral and nonmoral kinds of normativity are thematically distinguishable. The current paper proposes a third approach that may show (...)
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    The development and meaning of twentieth-century existentialism.William Leon McBride (ed.) - 1997 - New York: Garland.
    The Development and Meaning of Twentieth-Century Existentialism This volume recaptures, through the writings of figures already well-known in the mid-1940s, the coming-to-consciousness of the existentialist movement, along with early disagreements concerning its significance. The articles present various critics' shifting views of that significance and the movement's standing over subsequent decades. Despite the centrality of Sartre's thought to existentialism, these selections offer interestingly diverse perceptions of his place within the existentialist pantheon, along with varied interpretations of both the historical origins and (...)
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    Texte à plusieurs voix autour d'un livre ou les suites d'une table ronde sur Le Singulier de Marc Renault.Léon Charette, René Champagne, Robert Imlay & Marc Renault - 1983 - Philosophiques 10 (1):127-151.
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    Hypnotic state: An interminable controversy.Léon Chertok - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):773.
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    "Suggestio Rediviva": The Vicissitudes of a Concept over Two Centuries.Leon Chertok, Ned Lukacher & Herman Rapaport - 1986 - Substance 14 (3):3.
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    The Rehabilitation of the Unconiscious in the Soviet Union: The Tbilisi International Symposiuim.Léon Chertok - 1981 - Dialectics and Humanism 8 (1):17-33.
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    (1 other version)The theme of language in the works of P. A. Florenskii and in the hermeneutics of H.-g. Gadamer.Leon Chernyak - 1988 - Studies in East European Thought 36 (3):203-220.
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    A formal proof of gödel's theorem.Leon Chwistek - 1939 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 4 (2):61-68.
  49.  14
    A Formal Proof of Godel's Theorem.Leon Chwistek - 1940 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 5 (1):28-30.
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    Überwindung des Begriffsrealismus.Leon Chwistek - 1937 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 2 (4):168-170.
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