Results for 'Lena Weil'

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  1.  53
    Global interference and spatial uncertainty in the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART).William S. Helton, Lena Weil, Annette Middlemiss & Andrew Sawers - 2010 - Consciousness and Cognition 19 (1):77-85.
    The Sustained Attention to Response Task is a Go–No-Go signal detection task developed to measure lapses of sustained conscious attention. In this study, we examined the impact global interference and spatial uncertainty has on SART performance. Ten participants performed either a SART or a traditionally formatted version of a global–local stimuli detection task with spatially certain and uncertain signals. Reaction time in the SART was insensitive to global interference and spatial uncertainty, whereas reaction time in the low-Go task was sensitive. (...)
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    Simone Weil, an anthology.Simone Weil - 1986 - London: Virago. Edited by Siân Miles.
  3.  24
    The Simone Weil Reader.Simone Weil & George Andrew Panichas - 1977 - Wakefield, Rhode Island / London: Moyer Bell.
    The immediate and guiding aim of this book is to introduce the contemporary reader to the work and thought of Simone Weil.
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    Modelling and knowledge transfer in complexity science.Lena Zuchowski - 2019 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 77:120-129.
  5.  24
    Simone Weil, l'expérience de la vie et le travail de la pensée.Simone Weil - 1998 - Arles: Editions Sulliver. Edited by Domenico Canciani & Charles Jacquier.
    Porté aux nues par les écrivains du XIXè siècle qui voyaient en lui le type même du poète maudit, Byron (1788-1824) a subi au XXè siècle un long purgatoire avant d'être enfin reconnu comme une personnalité littéraire de premier plan. Après les traductions en prose du siècle dernier qui, malgré leur mérite, n'offraient qu'un pâle reflet, on redécouvre aujourd'hui toute la virtuosité d'un poète qui jongle avec les rimes et les rythmes et qui demandait donc à être traduit en vers. (...)
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    When gender studies becomes a threatening religion.Lena Martinsson - 2020 - European Journal of Women's Studies 27 (3):293-300.
    The transnational anti-gender movement often has a strong connection to conservative religious organisations. However, even if the anti-gender movement is easy to recognise in Sweden, it is impossible for it to propagate significant opposition to gender mainstreaming and gender studies by using the Church as a reference due to white Swedish people’s established and neo-colonial image of Sweden as exceptional, secular, modern, and a gender equal and tolerant nation. The aim of this article is to analyse how a transnational anti-gender (...)
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  7. Categorization and the Moral Order.Lena Jayyusi - 1984 - Boston: Routledge.
    First published in 1984, this is a study of categorization practices: how people categorize each other and their actions; how they describe, infer, and judge. The book presents a sociological analysis and description of practical activities and makes a cogent contribution to the study of how the moral order actually works in practical communicative contexts. Among the issues dealt with are: collectivity categorizations, the organization of lists and descriptions, moral attribution and inferences, and the relationship between standards of morality and (...)
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    City networks’ power in global agri-food systems.Lena Partzsch, Jule Lümmen & Anne-Cathrine Löhr - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (4):1263-1275.
    Cities and local governments loom large on the sustainability agenda. Networks such as Fair Trade Towns International (FTT) and the Organic Cities Network aim to bring about global policy change from below. Given the new enthusiasm for local approaches, it seems relevant to ask to what extent local groups exercise power and in what form. City networks present their members as “ethical places” exercising _power with_, rather than _power over_ others. The article provides an empirical analysis of the power of (...)
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    Singing emotionally: a study of pre-production, production, and post-production facial expressions.Lena R. Quinto, William F. Thompson, Christian Kroos & Caroline Palmer - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  10.  38
    Hermeneutics and narration: a way to deal with qualitative data.Lena Wiklund, Lisbet Lindholm & Unni Å Lindström - 2002 - Nursing Inquiry 9 (2):114-125.
    Hermeneutics and narration: a way to deal with qualitative data This article focuses a hermeneutic approach on the interpretation of narratives. It is based on the French philosopher Paul Ricoeur's theory of interpretation but modified and used within a caring science paradigm. The article begins with a presentation of the theoretical underpinnings of hermeneutic philosophy and narration, as well as Ricoeur's theory of interpretation, before going on to describe the interpretation process as modified by the authors. The interpretation process, which (...)
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    Emotionally enhanced memory for negatively arousing words: storage or retrieval advantage?Lena Nadarevic - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (8):1557-1570.
    People typically remember emotionally negative words better than neutral words. Two experiments are reported that investigate whether emotionally enhanced memory for negatively arousing words is based on a storage or retrieval advantage. Participants studied non-word–word pairs that either involved negatively arousing or neutral target words. Memory for these target words was tested by means of a recognition test and a cued-recall test. Data were analysed with a multinomial model that allows the disentanglement of storage and retrieval processes in the present (...)
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  12.  49
    Simone Weil: basic writings.Simone Weil - 2024 - Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY: Routledge. Edited by D. K. Levy & Marina Barabas.
    Simone Weil is one of the most profound thinkers of the twentieth century. Her writings encompass an extraordinary breadth of subjects, including philosophy, religion, sociology, and politics. A political activist and resistance fighter, her accomplishments are even more astonishing in light of her death in 1943 at the age of thirty-four. Whilst Weil was concerned with deep philosophical questions - the nature of human thought and human faculties, the limits of language, and thought's contact with reality through mediation, (...)
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    The notebooks of Simone Weil.Simone Weil - 1956 - New York: Routledge.
    Simone Weil (1909-1943) was a defining figure of the twentieth century; a philosopher, Christian, resistance fighter, anarchist, feminist, labor activist and teacher. She was described by T. S. Eliot as "a woman of genius, of a kind of genius akin to that of the saints," and by Albert Camus as "the only great spirit of our time." Originally published posthumously in two volumes, these newly reissued notebooks, are among the very few unedited personal writings of Weil's that still (...)
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  14.  62
    Advance directives and the temporal structure of a good life.Lena Stange & Mark Schweda - 2022 - Ethik in der Medizin 34 (2):239-255.
    Definition of the problemAdvance directives involve evaluative assumptions about the further course of one’s life that can be more or less appropriate and thus call for ethical reflection. This contribution focuses on the basis and criteria of such assumptions. We argue that considerations regarding the temporal structure of a good life constitute a particularly relevant perspective in this context.ArgumentsEmpirical studies on the individual composition of advance directives point to the important role of personal values and life plans that can change (...)
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  15.  82
    Characterizing the robustness of science: after the practice turn in philosophy of science.Lena Soler (ed.) - 2012 - New York: Springer Verlag.
    Featuring contributions from the world’s leading experts on the subject and based partly on several detailed case studies, this volume is the first comprehensive analysis of the scientific notion of robustness as well as of the general ...
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    Digital ethical reflection in long-term care: Leaders’ expectations.Lena Jakobsen, Rose Mari Olsen, Berit Støre Brinchmann & Siri Andreassen Devik - forthcoming - Nursing Ethics.
    Background Healthcare leader support and facilitation for ethics work are of great importance for healthcare professionals’ handling of ethical issues, moral distress, and quality care provision. A digital tool for ethical reflection in long-term care was developed in response to the demand for appropriate tools. Research aim This study aimed to explore healthcare leaders’ expectations of using a digital tool for ethical reflection among their home nursing care staff. Research design A qualitative research design with vignettes and focus group interviews (...)
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  17.  17
    Vad jag tänker på när jag tänker på livet.Lena Andersson (ed.) - 2012 - [Stockholm]: Brombergs.
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  18. Проблеми функціонування регіонального ринку юридичних послуг в умовах міжнародної інтеграції.Оlena Karlova - 2014 - Схід 5 (131):15-20.
    У дослідженні розглянуто сучасний стан ринку юридичних послуг . Автор виокремлює проблеми функціонування та можливості розвитку регіонального ринку в умовах міжнародної інтеграції, виділяє можливі шляхи нівелювання впливу негативних чинників розвитку регіонального ринку юридичних послуг. Запропоновані комплексні заходи для формування регіональної концепції якості юридичних послуг; упровадження в програму підготовки сучасного юриста спеціальних навчальних курсів у сфері маркетингу, менеджменту, зв'язків із громадськістю; розвитку клієнтоорієнтованих технологій сервісного обслуговування, розробки регіональної програми збереження молодих юридичних кадрів.
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    Intervening into mechanisms: Prospects and challenges.Lena Kästner & Lise Marie Andersen - 2018 - Philosophy Compass 13 (11):e12546.
    In contemporary philosophy of science, the consensus view seems to be that scientific explanations describe mechanisms responsible for the phenomena to be explained. Two kinds of explanatory relevance figure in mechanistic accounts of explanation: causal and constitutive. Following prominent accounts, it seems natural to analyze both these relations in terms of systematic interventions into some factor X with respect to another factor Y. However, such interventions are tailored to uncover causal relations only. Construing the constitutive relationship between parts and wholes (...)
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    Validating Test Score Interpretations Using Time Information.Lena Engelhardt & Frank Goldhammer - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Job Demands as Risk Factors of Exposure to Bullying at Work: The Moderating Role of Team-Level Conflict Management Climate.Lena Zahlquist, Jørn Hetland, Anders Skogstad, Arnold B. Bakker & Ståle Valvatne Einarsen - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Retrieval interference in reflexive processing: experimental evidence from Mandarin, and computational modeling.Lena A. Jäger, Felix Engelmann & Shravan Vasishth - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:125783.
    We conducted two eye-tracking experiments investigating the processing of the Mandarin reflexive ziji in order to tease apart structurally constrained accounts from standard cue-based accounts of memory retrieval. In both experiments, we tested whether structurally inaccessible distractors that fulfill the animacy requirement of ziji influence processing times at the reflexive. In Experiment 1, we manipulated animacy of the antecedent and a structurally inaccessible distractor intervening between the antecedent and the reflexive. In conditions where the accessible antecedent mismatched the animacy cue, (...)
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  23. The role of the expert witness.Lena Wahlberg & Christian Dahlman - 2021 - In Christian Dahlman, Alex Stein & Giovanni Tuzet, Philosophical Foundations of Evidence Law. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Initial judgment task and delay of the final validity-rating task moderate the truth effect.Lena Nadarevic & Edgar Erdfelder - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:74-84.
  25. A defence of the category ‘women’.Lena Gunnarsson - 2011 - Feminist Theory 12 (1):23-37.
    Against influential strands of feminist theory, I argue that there is nothing essentialist or homogenising about the category ‘women’. I show that both intersectional claims that it is impossible to separate out the ‘woman part’ of women, and deconstructionist contentions that the category ‘women’ is a fiction, rest on untenable meta-theoretical assumptions. I posit that a more fruitful way of approaching this disputed category is to treat it as an abstraction. Drawing on the philosophical framework of critical realism I elucidate (...)
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    Bicycling and Walking are Associated with Different Cortical Oscillatory Dynamics.Lena Storzer, Markus Butz, Jan Hirschmann, Omid Abbasi, Maciej Gratkowski, Dietmar Saupe, Alfons Schnitzler & Sarang S. Dalal - 2016 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 10.
  27.  19
    Legal Questions and Scientific Answers : Ontological Differences and Epistemic Gaps in the Assessment of Causal Relations.Lena Wahlberg - 2010 - Dissertation, Lund University
    A large number of legal rules create an obligation to prevent, repair or otherwise mitigate damage to human health or the environment. Many of these rules require that a legally relevant causal relation between human behaviour and the damage at issue is established, and in the establishment of causal relations of this kind scientific information is often pressed into service. This thesis examines this specifically legal use of scientific information. It shows that many legally relevant causal relations cannot be established (...)
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  28.  55
    Dissolution of What? The Self Lost in Self-transcendent Experiences.Lena Lindström, Petri Kajonius & Etzel Cardeña - 2022 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 29 (5-6):75-101.
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    Two Shapes of Pragmatism.Léna Mudry - 2021 - Kriterion - Journal of Philosophy 35 (2):151-165.
    The ethics of belief is concerned with the question of what we should believe. According to evidentialism, what one should believe is determined by evidence only. Pragmatism claims that practical considerations too can be relevant. But pragmatism comes in two shapes. According to a more traditional version, practical considerations can provide practical reasons for or against belief. According to a new brand of pragmatism, pragmatic encroachment, practical considerations can affect positive epistemic status, such as epistemic rationality or knowledge. In the (...)
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  30.  37
    Problem Solving As a Sufficient Condition of the Creative Process: A Case for Closer Cooperation of Creativity Research and Problem Solving Research.Lena Wimmer - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    (1 other version)Waiting for God.Simone Weil - 1951 - Harpercollins. Edited by Joseph Marie Perrin.
    Emerging from thought-provoking discussions and correspondence Simone Weil had with the Reverend Father Perrin, this classic collection of essays contains her most profound meditations on the relationship of human life to the realm of the transcendant.An enlightening introduction by Leslie Fiedler examines Weil's extraordinary roles as a philosophy teacher turned mystic. "One of the most neglected resources of our century ", Waiting for God will continue to influence spiritual and political thought for centuries to come.
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    Gender differences in emotion recognition: Impact of sensory modality and emotional category.Lena Lambrecht, Benjamin Kreifelts & Dirk Wildgruber - 2014 - Cognition and Emotion 28 (3):452-469.
    Results from studies on gender differences in emotion recognition vary, depending on the types of emotion and the sensory modalities used for stimulus presentation. This makes comparability between different studies problematic. This study investigated emotion recognition of healthy participants (N = 84; 40 males; ages 20 to 70 years), using dynamic stimuli, displayed by two genders in three different sensory modalities (auditory, visual, audio-visual) and five emotional categories. The participants were asked to categorise the stimuli on the basis of their (...)
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  33.  33
    The 2N-ary Choice Tree Model for N-Alternative Preferential Choice.Lena M. Wollschläger & Adele Diederich - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Acceptable Use: Morality and Credibility Struggles in Swedish 1960s Alcohol and Illicit Drug (Ab)use Research and Policy.Lena Eriksson & Helena Bergman - 2022 - Minerva 60 (3):419-440.
    This article explores morality and credibility struggles in connection to two officially sanctioned public Swedish experiments launched in the late 1960s to investigate the (ab)use of alcohol and illicit drugs, especially in relation to young people, and the subsequent decisions to terminate the experiments and research. We argue that these 1960s struggles on how to analyze the effects of increased availability of psychoactive substances must be understood in the light of a simultaneous development of modern (social) science studies. The public (...)
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    Domestic Bank Reform and the Contingent Nature of the Structural Power of Finance in Emerging Markets.Lena Rethel & Florence Dafe - 2022 - Politics and Society 50 (4):571-598.
    This article examines the structural power of domestic finance in developing and emerging economies in the context of a shift toward increasingly activist financial development planning and financial sector reform. Focusing on efforts to create large, internationally competitive banks in Malaysia and Nigeria dating to the late 1990s and early 2000s, it highlights that banks have not played their envisaged role in financing structural transformation via industrial growth and economic development. Nonetheless, banks in DEEs have attained considerable structural power over (...)
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  36.  14
    Engendering ‘Race’ in Calls for Diasporic Community in Sweden.Lena Sawyer - 2008 - Feminist Review 90 (1):87-105.
    This article argues that theorists of black/african diasporas should interrogate the specific ways in which ‘race’ is used to engage people in diasporic projects, and that such projects are intimately intertwined with specifically gendered, sexualized, and generational class relations and positionalities in specific national contexts and spaces. Attention to these intersections can help us better understand hierarchies of power between and among diasporic individuals and communities. This article focuses on historically specific Swedish meanings of racialized femininities and the different forms (...)
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  37.  29
    Midterm-Symposium der BMBF-Forschungsgruppe SALUS: „Zwang im Voraus planen? Risiken und Chancen von Odysseus-Verfügungen in der Psychiatrie“: Digitales Symposium, 29.–30. September 2021.Lena Stange - 2021 - Ethik in der Medizin 33 (4):559-562.
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  38. Humor and horror: different emotions, similar linguistic processing strategies.Lena Strassburger - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter Mouton.
    Despite their opposite emotional effects, humor and horror are highly similar phenomena. They both can be traced back to (the detection, resolution, and emotional elaboration of) incongruities, understood as semantic violations through unexpected combinations of oppositional information. However, theoretical and experimental comparisons between humor and resolvable incongruities that elicit other emotions than exhilaration have been lacking so far. To gain more insights into the linguistic differences between humor and horror and the cognitive real-time processing of both, a main concern of (...)
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  39.  47
    Science After the Practice Turn in the Philosophy, History, and Social Studies of Science.Lena Soler, Sjoerd Zwart, Michael Lynch & Vincent Israel-Jost (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Routledge.
    In the 1980s, philosophical, historical and social studies of science underwent a change which later evolved into a turn to practice. Analysts of science were asked to pay attention to scientific practices in meticulous detail and along multiple dimensions, including the material, social and psychological. Following this turn, the interest in scientific practices continued to increase and had an indelible influence in the various fields of science studies. No doubt, the practice turn changed our conceptions and approaches of science, but (...)
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  40.  20
    Mais comment diable gérer ces ingérables?Léna Dormeau - 2024 - Multitudes 94 (1):80-84.
    Ce texte propose un décentrement théorique dans la formulation et l’analyse de ce que la clinique a coutume de désigner par « troubles psychiques/psychiatriques ». En contestant le monopole qu’à le pouvoir psychiatrique sur la thématisation de la souffrance et les voies possibles de rétablissement, il devient alors possible d’ouvrir un espace pour penser une politique de l’affect.
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    Leçons de philosophie de Simone Weil: Roanne 1933-1934.Simone Weil, Anne Reynaud-guérithault & Jean Guitton - 1989
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    Philosophy of Cognitive Neuroscience: Causal Explanations, Mechanisms and Experimental Manipulations.Lena Kästner - 2017 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    How do cognitive neuroscientists explain phenomena like memory or language processing? This book examines the different kinds of experiments and manipulative research strategies involved in understanding and eventually explaining such phenomena. Against this background, it evaluates contemporary accounts of scientific explanation, specifically the mechanistic and interventionist accounts, and finds them to be crucially incomplete. Besides, mechanisms and interventions cannot actually be combined in the way usually done in the literature. This book offers solutions to both these problems based on insights (...)
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  43. (1 other version)Discovering Patterns: On the Norms of Mechanistic Inquiry.Lena Kästner & Philipp Haueis - forthcoming - Erkenntnis 3:1-26.
    What kinds of norms constrain mechanistic discovery and explanation? In the mechanistic literature, the norms for good explanations are directly derived from answers to the metaphysical question of what explanations are. Prominent mechanistic accounts thus emphasize either ontic or epistemic norms. Still, mechanistic philosophers on both sides agree that there is no sharp distinction between the processes of discovery and explanation. Thus, it seems reasonable to expect that ontic and epistemic accounts of explanation will be accompanied by ontic and epistemic (...)
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    Dissecting “Discrimination”.Lena Halldenius - 2005 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 14 (4):455-463.
    edited by Tuija Takala and Matti Häyry, welcomes contributions on the conceptual and theoretical dimensions of bioethics.
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    Data-driven campaigns in public sensemaking: Discursive positions, contextualization, and maneuvers in American, British, and German debates around computational politics.Lena Fölsche & Christian Pentzold - 2020 - Communications 45 (s1):535-559.
    Our article examines how journalistic reports and online comments have made sense of computational politics. It treats the discourse around data-driven campaigns as its object of analysis and codifies four main perspectives that have structured the debates about the use of large data sets and data analytics in elections. We study American, British, and German sources on the 2016 United States presidential election, the 2017 United Kingdom general election, and the 2017 German federal election. There, groups of speakers maneuvered between (...)
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    Man under stress.Lena Beatrice Morton - 1960 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    “Something Else to Be”: A Chicana Survivor’s Journey from Vigilante Justice to Transformative Justice.Palacios Lena - 2016 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 6 (1):93-108.
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    Ein Spiel? Spieltheoretische Überlegungen zu den Pferdekämpfen der Sagaliteratur.Lena Rohrbach - 2013 - In Matthias Teichert, Sport Und Spiel Bei den Germanen: Nordeuropa von der Römischen Kaiserzeit Bis Zum Mittelalter. De Gruyter. pp. 467-480.
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    När det judiska tar plats.´Lena Roos - 2021 - Nordisk judaistik/Scandinavian Jewish Studies 32 (2):91-93.
    Recension av jag må bo mitt ibland dem. Stockholms stora synagoga 150 år.
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    Die Realisierbarkeit des: Autonomieprinzips Überlegungen zwischen den Forderungen der Öffentlichkeit und den Reflexionen der medizinischen Praxis.Lena Woydack - 2015 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 59 (3):179-190.
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