Results for 'Laurent Demanze'

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  1.  13
    Fins de la littérature?Laurent Demanze & Dominique Viart (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: Armand Colin.
    t. 1. Esthétiques et discours de la fin -- t. 2. Historicité de la littérature contemporaine.
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    Un nouvel 'ge de l'enquête. Portraits de l'écrivain contemporain en enquêteur by Laurent Demanze.Carole Edwards - 2021 - Intertexts 25 (1-2):136-139.
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    From evidence to value-based transition: the agroecological redesign of farming systems.Camille Lacombe, Nathalie Couix & Laurent Hazard - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 39 (1):405-416.
    The agroecological transition of agriculture not only requires changes in practices but also in ways of thinking and in their underlying values. Agroecology proposes broad scientific principles that need to be adapted to the singularities of each farm. This contextualization leads to the identification of agroecological practices that work locally and could serve as evidence-based practices to be transferred to local practitioners. This strategy was tested in a 4-year experiment conducted with dairy-sheep farmers in the South of France. The aim (...)
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    The Role of Iconic Gestures in Speech Comprehension: An Overview of Various Methodologies.Kendra G. Kandana Arachchige, Isabelle Simoes Loureiro, Wivine Blekic, Mandy Rossignol & Laurent Lefebvre - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Iconic gesture-speech integration is a relatively recent field of investigation with numerous researchers studying its various aspects. The results obtained are just as diverse. The definition of iconic gestures is often overlooked in the interpretations of results. Furthermore, while most behavioral studies have demonstrated an advantage of bimodal presentation, brain activity studies show a diversity of results regarding the brain regions involved in the processing of this integration. Clinical studies also yield mixed results, some suggesting parallel processing channels, others a (...)
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    Transitive Inference Remains Despite Overtraining on Premise Pair C+D-.Héctor O. Camarena, Oscar García-Leal, José E. Burgos, Felipe Parrado & Laurent Ávila-Chauvet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Quartier Mu : la canalisation I 19-I 20 (b'timent A).René Treuil, Martin Schmid & Laurent Lespez - 2006 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 130 (2):758-763.
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    Société et pouvoir.Valérie Theis, Alain Tallon, Agnès Cugno, Catherine Larrère, Christian Nadeau, Laurent Bourquin, Dominique Weber, Gabrielle Radica, Géraldine Lepan, Bruno Karsenti, Mikhaïl Xifaras & Stéphane Haber - 2005 - Revue de Synthèse 126 (1):232-264.
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    Relire les Éléments de théologie de Proclus: réceptions, interprétations antiques et modernes.Gwenaëlle Aubry, Luc Brisson, Philippe Hoffmann & Laurent Lavaud (eds.) - 2021 - Paris: Hermann.
    Les Eléments de théologie de Proclus constituent un monument philosophique radicalement singulier tant par son architecture propre que par la façon dont la tradition l'a revisité. Ordonnant, sous une forme géométrique, les principes de la métaphysique néoplatonicienne, ils ont à la fois constitué celle-ci en système et opéré comme le principal relais de sa transmission aux pensées byzantine, arabe et occidentale. Ce sont ces effets d'héritage et d'adaptation que les textes ici réunis visent à évaluer. Du Liber de causis à (...)
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    Toward an Adapted Neurofeedback for Post-stroke Motor Rehabilitation: State of the Art and Perspectives.Salomé Le Franc, Gabriela Herrera Altamira, Maud Guillen, Simon Butet, Stéphanie Fleck, Anatole Lécuyer, Laurent Bougrain & Isabelle Bonan - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Stroke is a severe health issue, and motor recovery after stroke remains an important challenge in the rehabilitation field. Neurofeedback, as part of a brain–computer interface, is a technique for modulating brain activity using on-line feedback that has proved to be useful in motor rehabilitation for the chronic stroke population in addition to traditional therapies. Nevertheless, its use and applications in the field still leave unresolved questions. The brain pathophysiological mechanisms after stroke remain partly unknown, and the possibilities for intervention (...)
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    The human being at the heart of agroecological transitions: insights from cognitive mapping of actors’ vision of change in Roquefort area.Gwen Christiansen, Jean Simonneaux & Laurent Hazard - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (4):1675-1696.
    Agroecological transitions aim at developing sustainable farming and food systems, adapted to local contexts. Such transitions require the engagement of local actors and the consideration of their knowledge and reasoning as a whole, which encompasses different natures of knowledge (empirical, scientific, local, generic), related to different dimensions (economic, environmental, technical, social, political), as well as their values and perceived uncertainties. While these transitions are often problematized in relation to technical issues, this article's objective is to start from the way the (...)
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    Dislocation dynamics simulations with climb: kinetics of dislocation loop coarsening controlled by bulk diffusion.Botond Bakó, Emmanuel Clouet, Laurent M. Dupuy & Marc Blétry - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (23):3173-3191.
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    On Computing Structural and Behavioral Complexities of Threshold Boolean Networks: Application to Biological Networks.Urvan Christen, Sergiu Ivanov, Rémi Segretain, Laurent Trilling & Nicolas Glade - 2019 - Acta Biotheoretica 68 (1):119-138.
    Various threshold Boolean networks, a formalism used to model different types of biological networks, can produce similar dynamics, i.e. share same behaviors. Among them, some are complex, others not. By computing both structural and behavioral complexities, we show that most TBNs are structurally complex, even those having simple behaviors. For this purpose, we developed a new method to compute the structural complexity of a TBN based on estimates of the sizes of equivalence classes of the threshold Boolean functions composing the (...)
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  13.  7
    Connaissance pratique et narrations. Une hypothèse pour l’histoire des idées.Laurent Pietra - 2019 - Noesis 33:77-88.
    Si l’histoire des idées exige de prendre en compte la relation entre les pensées et les actes, la philosophie, dès lors qu’elle porte ses recherches sur le domaine pratique, esquisse les mouvements d’une narration, et justifie pleinement cet usage des symboles, ou des métaphores. Les narrations permettraient une « présentation indirecte » des concepts pratiques, des connaissances, mais aussi des méconnaissances. Les narrations, reprises de civilisations en civilisations, produisent des objets transhistoriques qui permettent de comparer les époques, les principes civilisationnels, (...)
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    Le réalisme propositionnel: sémantique et ontologie des propositions chez Jean Duns Scot, Gauthier Burley, Richard Brinkley et Jean Wyclif.Laurent Cesalli - 2007 - Paris: Vrin.
    On s'est dès lors efforcé de contextualiser cette thèse et d'en préciser le sens, aboutissant à un double résultat : premièrement, les signifiés propositionnels ne sont ni des entités abstraites (platoniciennes), ni des complexes ...
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    Autopiction : Où va la peinture de Laurent Marissal.Laurent Buffet - 2011 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 7 (1):81-91.
    Résumé Où va la peinture est un livre de Laurent Marissal qui se présente à la fois comme un traité sur la peinture et comme une œuvre peinte. Les actions qu’il relate sont elles-mêmes revendiquées comme des actions picturales. L’article s’interroge sur ces usages hétérodoxes de la notion de « picturalité », tout d’abord au niveau de la mise en forme narrative du livre, puis à celui des actions que cette forme a pour dessein de relater. Une dernière partie (...)
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    Dialogical logic.Laurent Keiff - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
  17. Transformation du concept d’imitation de Francis Hutcheson à Adam Smith.Laurent Jaffro - 2000 - In puf (ed.), Naissance de l’esthétique au XVIIIe siècle.
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  18. L'histoire de la philosophie du point de vue systématique: le problème de la lecture hégélienne de la philosophie aristotélicienne.Laurent Merigonde - 2004 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 24:295-311.
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    Bourdieu et la phénoménologie: théorie du sujet social.Laurent Perreau - 2019 - Paris: CNRS.
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    The future of research in artificial intelligence.Laurent Siklóssy - 1991 - In P. A. Flach (ed.), Future Directions in Artificial Intelligence. New York: Elsevier Science.
  21. The Sociology of Critical Capacity.Laurent Thévenot & Luc Boltanski - 1999 - European Journal of Social Theory 2 (3):359-377.
    This article argues that many situations in social life can be analyzed by their requirement for the justification of action. It is in particular in situations of dispute that a need arises to explicate the grounds on which responsibility for errors is distributed and on which new agreement can be reached. Since a plurality of mutually incompatible modes of justification exists, disputes can be understood as disagreements either about whether the accepted rule of justification has not been violated or about (...)
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  22. Darwinism and Evolutionary Economics.J. Laurent & J. Nightingale (eds.) - 2001 - Edward Elgar.
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    Two Middle English translations of Friar Laurent's Somme le roi: critical edition.Laurent & Emmanuelle Roux - 2010 - Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols Publishers n.v.. Edited by Emmanuelle Roux.
    This is the first volume of a two-volume project whose aim is to publish all the known Middle English manuscript translations of the French Somme le mi, a thirteenth-century manual of religious instruction offering teaching on the Decalogue, the seven deadly sins and their remedies, compiled by the Dominican friar Laurent of Orleans. The project extends and deepens our knowledge of the influence of this popular French text, known today only from the versions entitled The Ayen bite of Inwit (...)
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  24. Guyau, Darwin et la vie.Laurent Fedi - 2004 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 46:25-45.
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    Les Figures de la Coutume: Autour du Discours de la Servitude Volontaire.Laurent Gerbier & Olivier Guerrier (eds.) - 2012 - Classiques Garnier.
    Les Cahiers La Boétie accueillent des travaux interdisciplinaires explorant tous les aspects et les enjeux de l'oeuvre de La Boétie.
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  26. Thomas Burnet.Laurent Jaffro - 2010 - In S. J. Savonius-Wroth Paul Schuurman & Jonathen Walmsley (eds.), The Continuum Companion to Locke. Continuum. pp. 93--94.
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  27. The Contractual Transformations And The Origins Of "civil Society".Laurent Jaffro - 2002 - Studia Philosophica 1.
    Un istoric al noţiunii de societate civilă va considera, fără îndoială, absurdă tentativa mea de a retrasa formarea conceptului în sânul teoriei contractualiste moderne, şi aceasta din doua motive. In primul rând, pentru că în filozofia politică a secolelor XVII-XVIII expresia "societatea civilă" este încă perfect sinonimă cu "comunitate politică". Apoi, pentru că sensul contemporan al expresiei se dezvoltă în afara tradiţiei contractualiste, în particular în scoala scoţiană, care, de la Hume la Smith şi Ferguson, respinge ideea de contract fondator (...)
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  28. La Phénoménologie comme science eidétique.Laurent Perreau - 2012 - In Antoine Grandjean & Laurent Perreau (eds.), Husserl, la science des phénomènes. Paris: CNRS éditions.
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    Henri Poincaré-Vulgarisation scientifique et philosophie des sciences.Laurent Rollet - 1996 - Philosophia Scientiae 1 (1):125-153.
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  30. Brentano tétele.Laurent Stern - 1999 - Magyar Filozofiai Szemle 1.
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  31. Enhanced perception in savant syndrome: patterns, structure, and creativity.Laurent Mottron, Michelle Dawson & Isabelle Soulieres - 2010 - In Francesca Happé & Uta Frith (eds.), Autism and Talent. Oup/the Royal Society.
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    The Plurality of Cognitive Formats and Engagements: Moving between the Familiar and the Public.Laurent Thévenot - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (3):409-423.
    Cognitive forms vary considerably as a human being detaches herself from what is closest and most personal and moves to communicate — in the broad sense of taking part in a common matter — across increasing relational distances. The article proposes to deal with the variety of cognitive formats which cannot `commonize' cognition to an equal degree, relating them to a set of regimes of engagement with the world that are identified in terms of the dependency between the human agent (...)
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  33.  31
    Interpretive Reasoning.Laurent Stern - 2005 - Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.
    Laurent Stern here provides a concise account of the difficulties that arise within the interpretive process and in the context of interpretive conflict. Speakers and agents are expected by others to be occasionally insincere. Attempting to be tolerant of alternative interpretations, and dealing with the insincerity of others, often motivates interpreters themselves to become insincere. Accordingly, moral issues emerge for both speakers and interpreters. Interpretive Reasoning discusses such issues in the literature on interpretation. Stern offers a carefully argued account (...)
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  34. Anton Marty, Karl Bühler. Between Mind and Language.Laurent Cesalli & Janette Friedrich (eds.) - 2014 - Schwabe.
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    Les territoires de l'attente en 10 propositions.Laurent Vidal - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Le programme de recherche que l'on trouvera ci-dessous nous semble particulièrement original et utile d'un point de vue rythmanalytique – et cela à double titre. Alors que la vitesse, l'accélération et l'urgence sont, depuis quelques années, les objets d'une littérature pléthorique et désormais assez répétitive, Laurent Vidal et les chercheurs regroupés dans l'ANR TERRIAT s'intéressent, quant à eux, à la « lenteur » et à l'« attente ». Second point fort, ils orientent leur attention vers la question des « (...)
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  36.  19
    Formal Approaches and Natural Language in Medieval Logic.Laurent Cesalli & Alain de Libera (eds.) - 2016 - Brepols.
    Is medieval logic formal? And if yes, in what sense? There are striking affinities between medieval and contemporary theories of language. Authors from the two periods share formal ambitions and maintain complex, and at time uneasy, relations with natural language. However, modern scholars became careful not to overlook the specificities of theories developed more than five hundred years apart, in particular with respect to their 'formal' character. In 1972, Alfonso Maieru noted that the efforts of medieval logicians to identify logical (...)
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    Jean Cavaillès, un itinéraire résistant hors du commun.Laurent Douzou - 1998 - Philosophia Scientiae 3 (1):139-155.
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    Introduction.Laurent Dubreuil & Diane Berrett Brown - forthcoming - Diacritics 40 (1):iii-iii.
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  39. Une morale appliquée est-elle possible?: Renouvier lecteur de Kant.Laurent Fedi - 2003 - Corpus: Revue de philosophie 45:55-76.
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  40. Testaments non trahis: Max Weber, L'Éthique protestante et l'esprit du capitalisme suivi d'autres essais. Une traduction décisive.Laurent Fleury - 2004 - Cahiers Internationaux de Sociologie 117.
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    Le raisin et les ronces: essai.Laurent Fourquet - 2020 - [Paris]: Pierre-Guillaume de Roux.
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  42. Pierre Roger et Thomas d'Aquin.H. Laurent - 1931 - Revue Thomiste 36 (64):157.
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    De la réflexivité radicale à la métacritique.Guillaume St-Laurent - 2023 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 119 (4):611-647.
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  44. Perelman et Pascal: enjeux éthiques d'un malentendu.Laurent Susini - 2013 - In Charles Guérin, Gilles Siouffi & Sandrine Sorlin (eds.), Le rapport éthique au discours: histoire, pratiques, analyses. Bern: Peter Lang.
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  45. Bounded justifiability : making commonality on the basis of binding engagements.Laurent Thevenot - 2015 - In Paul Dumouchel & Reiko Gotō (eds.), Social bonds as freedom: revisiting the dichotomy of the universal and the particular. New York: Berghahn Books.
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  46. Strabon and Athenodorus the Tarsian: regarding the description of Petra at the end of the 1st century BC.Laurent Tholbecq - 2009 - Revue Belge de Philologie Et D’Histoire 87 (1):47-68.
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    Industrialisation et mécanisation de la guerre, sources majeures du totalitarisme (XIXe-XXe siècles).Laurent Henninger - 2004 - Astérion 2 (2).
    Laurent Henninger intervenant sur les « révolutions militaires » (notion située au carrefour du débat historique lancé dans les années 1980 par Geoffrey Parker – en polémique avec Jeremy Black – et du débat stratégique américain dans les années 1990) souligne que les avancées dans l’art de la guerre ont été depuis cinq siècles une des composantes majeures de la barbarisation et du totalitarisme. La notion de « révolution militaire » est aujourd’hui contestée par ceux qui y voient un (...)
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    Multiscale Integration in Scale Relativity Theory.Laurent Nottale - 2011 - Foundations of Science 16 (4):307-309.
    We give a “direction for use” of the scale relativity theory and apply it to an example of spontaneous multiscale integration including four embedded levels of organization (intracellular, cell, tissue and organism-like levels). We conclude by an update of our analysis of the arctic sea ice melting.
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    Organized Complexity: Conventions of Coordination and the Composition of Economic Arrangements.Laurent Thévenot - 2001 - European Journal of Social Theory 4 (4):405-425.
    This article introduces a framework which aims at capturing the complexity of economic organizations. The analysis of most legitimate conventions of coordination results in a new approach to the firm as a compromising device between several modes of coordination which engage different repertoires of evaluation. This contribution to the Économie des conventions offers an analytical tool to operate comparative research on firms, intermediate regulatory committees or public policies.
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    The Art of Biblical NarrativeThe Great Code: The Bible and Literature.Laurent Stern, Robert Alter & Northrop Frye - 1983 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 41 (3):340.
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