Results for 'Laurence Kahn'

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    Wie auf die infantile Sexualität zu hören ist: ein sektiererischer Disput oder ethische Differenzen?Laurence Kahn - 2017 - Psyche 71 (4):308-319.
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  2. The Structure of Socratic Dialogue: An Aristotelian Analysis.Robert Laurence Gallagher - 1998 - Dissertation, The Ohio State University
    This dissertation advances a solution to a problem intrinsic to understanding the dialogues of Plato. How are we to understand Plato's thought when he never speaks in his own name in any of his dialogues? Many writers assume that Plato's characters speak for him. With this assumption, they study the thought articulated by Plato's characters as if it were his own, and elaborate a so-called "doctrinal" interpretation. A variety of subjective readings follows, since what Socrates and other characters say in (...)
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    Rezension: Kahn, Laurence, Ce que le nazisme a fait à la psychanalyse.Carsten Pilzecker - 2020 - Psyche 74 (5):386-389.
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    Lyotard et le langage.Corinne Enaudeau & Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos (eds.) - 2017 - [Paris]: Klincksieck.
    Les etudes ici rassemblees interrogent les articulations et desarticulations que Jean-Francois Lyotard place au principe du langage. Le volume dessine ainsi les lignes de force et les deplacements de sa pensee, ses presupposes et ses apories. Il montre les malentendus et les polemiques suscites par sa reecriture radicale de la rationalite. Pas de langage en general, dit Lyotard, mais des langages multiples, des types de discours heterogenes que la politique brasse sans pacifier leurs conflits. La recherche du consensus, dont l' (...)
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  5. The structure of empirical knowledge.Laurence BonJour - 1985 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    1 Knowledge and Justification This book is an investigation of one central problem which arises in the attempt to give a philosophical account of empirical ...
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  6. The probable and the provable.Laurence Jonathan Cohen - 1977 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.
    The book was planned and written as a single, sustained argument. But earlier versions of a few parts of it have appeared separately. The object of this book is both to establish the existence of the paradoxes, and also to describe a non-Pascalian concept of probability in terms of which one can analyse the structure of forensic proof without giving rise to such typical signs of theoretical misfit. Neither the complementational principle for negation nor the multiplicative principle for conjunction applies (...)
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    The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts.Charles H. Kahn - 1959 - Journal of Philosophy 56 (11):508-510.
  8. In Defense of Pure Reason: A Rationalist Account of a Priori Justification.Laurence BonJour - 1998 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is concerned with the alleged capacity of the human mind to arrive at beliefs and knowledge about the world on the basis of pure reason without any dependence on sensory experience. Most recent philosophers reject the view and argue that all substantive knowledge must be sensory in origin. Laurence BonJour provocatively reopens the debate by presenting the most comprehensive exposition and defence of the rationalist view that a priori insight is a genuine basis for knowledge. This important (...)
  9. (1 other version)Foundationalism and the external world.Laurence BonJour - 1999 - Philosophical Perspectives 13:229-249.
    Outlines a tenable version of a traditional foundationalist account\nof empirical justification and its implications for the justification\nof beliefs about physical or material objects. Presupposing the acceptability\nof other beliefs about physical objects; Concept of a basic belief;\nMetabeliefs about one's own occurrent beliefs; Beliefs about sensory\nexperience.
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  10. Friendship.Laurence Thomas - 1987 - Synthese 72 (2):217 - 236.
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  11. Concepts and conceptual analysis.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2003 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67 (2):253-282.
    Conceptual analysis is undergoing a revival in philosophy, and much of the credit goes to Frank Jackson. Jackson argues that conceptual analysis is needed as an integral component of so-called serious metaphysics and that it also does explanatory work in accounting for such phenomena as categorization, meaning change, communication, and linguistic understanding. He even goes so far as to argue that opponents of conceptual analysis are implicitly committed to it in practice. We show that he is wrong on all of (...)
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  12. Heidegger's Atheism: The Refusal of a Theological Voice.Laurence Paul Hemming - 2002 - Notre Dame University Press.
    This work traces the development of Heidegger's explanation of philosophy as a methodological atheism, relating it to his reading of Aristotle, Aquinas and Nietzsche. A predominant issue throughout this study is Heidegger's pursuit of an answer to the question: How did God get into philosophy?
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    Heidegger and Marx: a productive dialogue over the language of humanism.Laurence Paul Hemming - 2013 - Evanston, Ill.: Northwestern University Press.
    Introduction: there is no justice in Heidegger or for Marx -- Interpretations of Heidegger and Marx -- The history of Marx and Heidegger -- The history and negation of metaphysics -- Logic and dialectic -- Metaphysics of the human state -- The situation of Germany -- The ideology of Germany -- Nazism, liberalism, humanism -- The Jewish question -- Speaking of the essence of man -- Production-previously this was called God -- The end of humanism -- Between men and gods (...)
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  14. A consistent way with paradox.Laurence Goldstein - 2009 - Philosophical Studies 144 (3):377 - 389.
    Consideration of a paradox originally discovered by John Buridan provides a springboard for a general solution to paradoxes within the Liar family. The solution rests on a philosophical defence of truth-value-gaps and is consistent (non-dialetheist), avoids ‘revenge’ problems, imports no ad hoc assumptions, is not applicable to only a proper subset of the semantic paradoxes and implies no restriction of the expressive capacities of language.
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  15. Internalism and externalism.Laurence BonJour - 2002 - In Paul K. Moser, The Oxford Handbook of Epistemology. New York: Oup Usa. pp. 234--264.
    In “Internalism and Externalism,” Laurence BonJour suggests that the contemporary epistemological debate over internalism and externalism concerns the formulation of the justification or warrant condition in an account of knowledge. The internalist requires that for a belief to meet this condition, all of the necessary elements must be cognitively accessible to the believer, whereas the externalist claims that at least some such elements do not need to be accessible to the believer. BonJour gives an overview of this dispute. He (...)
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    Wired for Society: Cognizing Pathways to Society and Culture.Laurence Kaufmann & Fabrice Clément - 2014 - Topoi 33 (2):459-475.
    While cognitive scientists increase their tentative incursions in the social domains traditionally reserved for social scientists, most sociologists and anthropologists keep decrying those attempts as reductionist or, at least, irrelevant. In this paper, we argue that collaboration between social and cognitive sciences is necessary to understand the impact of the social environment on the shaping of our mind. More specifically, we dwell on the cognitive strategies and early-developing deontic expectations, termed naïve sociology, which enable well-adapted individuals to constitute, maintain and (...)
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  17. The art and thought of Heraclitus: an edition of the fragments with translation and commentary.Charles H. Kahn (ed.) - 1979 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Behind the superficial obscurity of what fragments we have of Heraclitus' thought, Professor Kahn claims that it is possible to detect a systematic view of human existence, a theory of language which sees ambiguity as a device for the expression of multiple meaning, and a vision of human life and death within the larger order of nature. The fragments are presented here in a readable order; translation and commentary aim to make accessible the power and originality of a systematic (...)
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  18. Pourquoi organiser en cette année charnière un colloque bioéthique-droits de l'homme?Laurence Azoux-Bacrie - 2003 - In Bioéthique, bioéthiques. Bruxelles: Bruylant.
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    A Single Leaf Orchid: Meaning of a Husband's Death for Taiwanese Widows.Min-Tao Hsu, David L. Kahn & Mutsu Hsu - 2002 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 30 (4):306-326.
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    Hegel: religion, economics, and the politics of spirit, 1770-1807.Laurence Winant Dickey - 1987 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This major study of Hegel's intellectual development up to the writing of The Phenomonology of Spirit argues that his work is best understood in the context of the liberalisation of German Protestantism in the eighteenth century. 'The scholarship with which Dickey presents his case is remarkable for both its depth and its range: his account of German protestantism, for example, involves a discussion of the theological doctrines of St Clement, St Augustine and Pelagius, and, despite his scepticism about the Kant-Fichte-Schelling-Hegel (...)
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  21. Morality and a Meaningful Life.Laurence Thomas - 2005 - Philosophical Papers 34 (3):405-427.
  22. (1 other version)A Chomskian alternative to convention-based semantics.Stephen Laurence - 1996 - Mind 105 (418):269-301.
    In virtue of what do the utterances we make mean what they do? What facts about these signs, about us, and about our environment make it the case that they have the meanings they do? According to a tradition stemming from H.P. Grice through David Lewis and Stephen Schiffer it is in virtue of facts about conventions that we participate in as language users that our utterances mean what they do (see Gr'ice 1957, Lewis 1969, 1983, Schiffer 1972, 1982). This (...)
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  23. In search of direct realism.Laurence Bonjour - 2004 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 69 (2):349-367.
    It is fairly standard in accounts of the epistemology of perceptual knowledge to distinguish three main alternative positions: representationalism, phenomenalism, and a third view that is called either naïve realism or direct realism. I have always found the last of these views puzzling and elusive. My aim in this paper is to try to figure out what direct realism amounts to, mainly with an eye to seeing whether it offers a genuine epistemological alternative to the other two views and to (...)
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  24. Against Naturalized Epistemology.Laurence Bonjour - 1994 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 19 (1):283-300.
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    Speaking out of turn: Martin Heidegger and die kehre.Laurence Paul Hemming - 1998 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 6 (3):393 – 423.
    ' Speaking out of Turn : Martin Heidegger and die Kehre ' examines the difference between Heidegger's own understanding of 'the turning' and that understanding which originated with Karl Lowith and was later presented to English-speaking readers by William Richardson in Martin Heidegger: Through Phenomenology to Thought . The study focuses on Heidegger's own introduction to Richardson's book, and argues that, far from confirming Richardson's view that there is a 'Heidegger I' and 'Heidegger II' connected by the 'reversal' or turning, (...)
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    A critical analysis of the concept and discourse of 'unborn child'.Laurence B. McCullough & Frank A. Chervenak - 2008 - American Journal of Bioethics 8 (7):34 – 39.
    Despite its prominence in the abortion debate and in public policy, the discourse of 'unborn patient' has not been subjected to critical scrutiny. We provide a critical analysis in three steps. First, we distinguish between the descriptive and normative meanings of 'unborn child.' There is a long history of the descriptive use of 'unborn child.' Second, we argue that the concept of an unborn child has normative content but that this content does not do the work that opponents of abortion (...)
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  27. So this is what it's like: A defense of the ability hypothesis.Laurence Nemirow - 2006 - In Torin Alter & Sven Walter, Phenomenal Concepts and Phenomenal Knowledge: New Essays on Consciousness and Physicalism. New York, US: Oxford University Press.
  28. A yabloesque paradox in set theory.Laurence Goldstein - 1994 - Analysis 54 (4):223-227.
  29. What is it like to be human.Laurence BonJour - 2013 - American Philosophical Quarterly 50 (4):373-386.
    My purpose in this paper is to discuss and defend an objection to physicalist or materialist accounts of the mind.
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    Putting Liberalism in its Place.Paul W. Kahn - 2008 - Princeton University Press.
    In this wide-ranging interdisciplinary work, Paul W. Kahn argues that political order is founded not on contract but on sacrifice. Because liberalism is blind to sacrifice, it is unable to explain how the modern state has brought us to both the rule of law and the edge of nuclear annihilation. We can understand this modern condition only by recognizing that any political community, even a liberal one, is bound together by faith, love, and identity.Putting Liberalism in Its Place draws (...)
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    Levels of Perception: A Festschrift for Ian Howard.Laurence Harris & Michael Jenkin (eds.) - 2003 - Springer Verlag.
    This book includes sections on brightness and light, eye movements and perception, and perception of orientation and self-motion.
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    Redeeming truth: considering faith and reason.Laurence Paul Hemming & Susan Frank Parsons (eds.) - 2007 - Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame Press.
    "Redeeming Truth has as its overarching theme the redemption of truth looked at philosophically and theologically. This collection is notable in that it embraces a variety of approaches to its theme, from traditional forays to those that engage postmodernism and those that consider feminist theology. As many of the essays respond directly to other contributions, the volume reflects the vigor of the debate."--Jacket.
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    Rousseau, Nature, and the Problem of the Good Life.Laurence D. Cooper - 1999 - Pennsylvania State University Press.
    The rise of modern science created a crisis for Western moral and political philosophy, which had theretofore relied either on Christian theology or Aristotelian natural teleology as guarantors of an objective standard for "the good life." This book examines Rousseau's effort to show how and why, despite this challenge from science, nature can remain a standard for human behavior. While recognizing an original goodness in human being in the state of nature, Rousseau knew this to be too low a standard (...)
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    Medicine as a Profession: A Hypothetical Imperative in Clinical Ethics.Laurence B. McCullough - 2015 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 40 (1):1-7.
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    Preventive ethics, professional integrity, and boundary setting: The clinical management of moral uncertainty.Laurence B. McCullough - 1995 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 20 (1):1-11.
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    Out of Eden: Adam and Eve and the Problem of Evil.Paul W. Kahn - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    In Out of Eden, Paul W. Kahn offers a philosophical meditation on the problem of evil. He uses the Genesis story of the Fall as the starting point for a profound articulation of the human condition.
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    Culture, Mind, and Brain: Emerging Concepts, Models, and Applications.Laurence J. Kirmayer, Carol M. Worthman, Shinobu Kitayama, Robert Lemelson & Constance Cummings (eds.) - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Recent neuroscience research makes it clear that human biology is cultural biology - we develop and live our lives in socially constructed worlds that vary widely in their structure values, and institutions. This integrative volume brings together interdisciplinary perspectives from the human, social, and biological sciences to explore culture, mind, and brain interactions and their impact on personal and societal issues. Contributors provide a fresh look at emerging concepts, models, and applications of the co-constitution of culture, mind, and brain. Chapters (...)
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    Dream content: Individual and generic aspects☆.Allan Hobson & David Kahn - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (4):850-858.
    Dream reports were collected from normal subjects in an effort to determine the degree to which dream reports can be used to identify individual dreamers. Judges were asked to group the reports by their authors. The judges scored the reports correctly at chance levels. This finding indicated that dreams may be at least as much like each other as they are the signature of individual dreamers. Our results suggest that dream reports cannot be used to identify the individuals who produced (...)
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  39. The Barber, Russell's paradox, catch-22, God, contradiction and more: A defence of a Wittgensteinian conception of contradiction.Laurence Goldstein - 2004 - In Graham Priest, Jc Beall & Bradley P. Armour-Garb, The law of non-contradiction : new philosophical essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 295--313.
    outrageous remarks about contradictions. Perhaps the most striking remark he makes is that they are not false. This claim first appears in his early notebooks (Wittgenstein 1960, p.108). In the Tractatus, Wittgenstein argued that contradictions (like tautologies) are not statements (Sätze) and hence are not false (or true). This is a consequence of his theory that genuine statements are pictures.
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    (1 other version)Concepts.Stephen Laurence & Eric Margolis - 2003 - In Ted Warfield, The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of Mind. Blackwell.
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    Simplement humains: mieux vaut préserver l'humanité que l'améliorer.Laurence Hansen-Love - 2019 - La Tour d'Aigues: Éditions de l'Aube.
    La planète est exténuée. L'humanité dans son ensemble traverse une mauvaise passe. A tel point que certains chercheurs professent l'effondrement, voire la fin de notre civilisation. Ces lanceurs d'alerte cosmique ne sont pas de simples illuminés. Ils comptent parmi eux des intellectuels de renom et des savants influents. Dans le même état d'esprit, des ingénieurs futuristes, anticipant une évolution qu'ils jugent inéluctable, programment le remplacement de notre espèce par des créatures hybrides d'un nouveau genre, humains augmentés ou améliorés. Demain, assurent-ils, (...)
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  42. Dualisms and social responsibility.Laurence Sears - 1939 - Ethics 50 (3):314-328.
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    Self-in-a-vat: On John Searle's ontology of reasons for acting.Laurence Kaufmann - 2005 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 35 (4):447-479.
    John Searle has recently developed a theory of reasons for acting that intends to rescue the freedom of the will, endangered by causal determinism, whether physical or psychological. To achieve this purpose, Searle postulates a series of "gaps" that are supposed toendowthe self with free will. Reviewing key steps in Searle's argument, this article shows that such an undertaking cannot be successfully completed because of its solipsist premises. The author argues that reasons for acting do not have a subjective, I-ontology (...)
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    Preventive ethics, managed practice, and the hospital ethics committee as a resource for physician executives.Laurence B. McCullough - 1998 - HEC Forum 10 (2):136-151.
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  45. Desirelessness and the good.Laurence J. Rosan - 1955 - Philosophy East and West 5 (1):57-60.
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    Logic, methodology, and philosophy of science VI: proceedings of the Sixth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, 1979.Laurence Jonathan Cohen (ed.) - 1982 - New York: sole distributors for the U.S.A. and Canada, Elsevier North-Holland.
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    Rousseau - by Nicholas Dent.Laurence D. Cooper - 2008 - Philosophical Books 49 (1):54-56.
  48. Fun stuff.Laurence Goldstein - manuscript
    I was commissioned by Barry Smith, Editor of The Monist , to act as Advisory Editor for issue 88.1, January 2005 on the topic Humor, and we drafted the appended description. The deadline for submissions is January 31, 2004, and you are welcome to submit an article to me for consideration (word limit 7,500 words, including footnotes). What the Editor and I are, hoping for, is some serious and seriously good philosophical writing on this topic.
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  49. Actions following words: Critical race theory connects to critical pedagogy.Laurence Parker & David O. Stovall - 2004 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 36 (2):167–182.
  50.  79
    Dr. Laura: Ruminations from a listener.Laurence Thomas - 2004
    This essay is a discussion of the radio talk show host Dr. Laura Schlessinger. It is an assessment of the moral advice that she dispenses her radio show, and kinds of criticisms to which she has been subjected.
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