Results for 'Laura Wells'

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  1. Why surplus structure is not superfluous.Nguyen James, J. Teh Nicholas & Wells Laura - 2018 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 71 (2):665-695.
    The idea that gauge theory has `surplus' structure poses a puzzle: in one much discussed sense, this structure is redundant; but on the other hand, it is also widely held to play an essential role in the theory. In this paper, we employ category-theoretic tools to illuminate an aspect of this puzzle. We precisify what is meant by `surplus' structure by means of functorial comparisons with equivalence classes of gauge fields, and then show that such structure is essential for any (...)
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    Learning to live with Parkinson’s disease in the family unit: an interpretative phenomenological analysis of well-being.Laura J. Smith & Rachel L. Shaw - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (1):13-21.
    We investigated family members’ lived experience of Parkinson’s disease aiming to investigate opportunities for well-being. A lifeworld-led approach to healthcare was adopted. Interpretative phenomenological analysis was used to explore in-depth interviews with people living with PD and their partners. The analysis generated four themes: It’s more than just an illness revealed the existential challenge of diagnosis; Like a bird with a broken wing emphasizing the need to adapt to increasing immobility through embodied agency; Being together with PD exploring the kinship (...)
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    Gossip and other aspects of language as group-level adaptations.David Sloane Wilson, Carolyn Wilczynski, Alexandra Wells & Laura Weiser - 2000 - In Celia Heyes & Ludwig Huber, The Evolution of Cognition. MIT Press.
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    Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies.Laura Galiana, José M. Tomás, Irene Fernández & Amparo Oliver - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Psychological Variables Explaining the Students’ Self-Perceived Well-Being in University, During the Pandemic.Laura Nicoleta Bochiş, Karla Melinda Barth & Maria Cristina Florescu - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    IntroductionIn the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, Romanian universities switched to emergency relocation and online education, with students experiencing a sense of isolation, which affected their well-being, pace and normal learning style, relationships with other colleagues, and Professors. Beyond the technological obstacles that have arisen in learning, the aim of this study is to highlight the psychological variables that are associated and that explain the self-perceived well-being of students, in university, in the pandemic. The psychological variables studied were the following: the (...)
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  6. Normative Concepts: A Connectedness Model.Laura Schroeter - 2014 - Philosophers' Imprint 14.
    This paper proposes a new relational account of concepts and shows how it is particularly well suited to characterizing normative concepts. The key advantage of our ‘connectedness’ model is that it explains how subjects can share the same normative concepts despite radical divergences in the descriptive or motivational commitments they associate with them. The connectedness model builds social and historical facts into the foundations of concept identity. This aspect of the model, we suggest, reshapes normative epistemology and provides new resources (...)
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    Physical Activity Protects Against the Negative Impact of Coronavirus Fear on Adolescent Mental Health and Well-Being During the COVID-19 Pandemic.Laura J. Wright, Sarah E. Williams & Jet J. C. S. Veldhuijzen van Zanten - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Background:The severity of the Coronavirus pandemic has led to lockdowns in different countries to reduce the spread of the infection. These lockdown restrictions are likely to be detrimental to mental health and well-being in adolescents. Physical activity can be beneficial for mental health and well-being; however, research has yet to examine associations between adolescent physical activity and mental health and well-being during lockdown.Purpose:Examine the effects of adolescent perceived Coronavirus prevalence and fear on mental health and well-being and investigate the extent (...)
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    Corrigendum: Predicting Well-Being Among the Elderly: The Role of Coping Strategies.Laura Galiana, José M. Tomás, Irene Fernández & Amparo Oliver - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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  9. (1 other version)Did My Brain Implant Make Me Do It? Questions Raised by DBS Regarding Psychological Continuity, Responsibility for Action and Mental Competence.Laura Klaming & Pim Haselager - 2010 - Neuroethics 6 (3):527-539.
    Deep brain stimulation is a well-accepted treatment for movement disorders and is currently explored as a treatment option for various neurological and psychiatric disorders. Several case studies suggest that DBS may, in some patients, influence mental states critical to personality to such an extent that it affects an individual’s personal identity, i.e. the experience of psychological continuity, of persisting through time as the same person. Without questioning the usefulness of DBS as a treatment option for various serious and treatment refractory (...)
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    Gaming well: links between videogames and flourishing mental health.Christian M. Jones, Laura Scholes, Daniel Johnson, Mary Katsikitis & Michelle C. Carras - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5.
  11.  41
    One hundred years of general relativity: Albert Einstein: Relativity: The special and the general theory, 100th anniversary edition. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015, 320 pp, £19.95 HB Andrew Robinson, Einstein. A Hundred Years of Relativity. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2015, 256 pp, £18.95 PB.Katherine Brading, Sebastián Murgueitio Ramírez & Laura Wells - 2017 - Metascience 26 (1):49-57.
  12.  33
    Safety Culture, Moral Disengagement, and Accident Underreporting.Laura Petitta, Tahira M. Probst & Claudio Barbaranelli - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 141 (3):489-504.
    Moral disengagement is the process by which individuals mitigate the consequences of their own violations of moral standards. Although MD is understood to be co-determined by culture norms, no study has yet explored the extent to which MD applied to safety at work fosters safety violations, nor the role of organizational culture as a predictor of JS-MD. The current study seeks to address this gap in the literature by examining individual- and organizational-level factors that explain why employees fail to report (...)
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    Small Business Social Responsibility: Expanding Core CSR Theory.Laura J. Spence - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (1):23-55.
    This article seeks to expand business and society research in a number of ways. Its primary purpose is to redraw two core corporate social responsibility theories, enhancing their relevance for small business. This redrawing is done by the application of the ethic of care, informed by the value of feminist perspectives and the extant empirical research on small business social responsibility. It is proposed that the expanded versions of core theory have wider relevance, value, and implications beyond the small firm (...)
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    Landscape and Health: Connecting Psychology, Aesthetics, and Philosophy through the Concept of Affordance.Laura Menatti & Antonio Casado da Rocha - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:182719.
    In this paper we address a frontier topic in the humanities, namely how the cultural and natural construction that we call landscape affects well-being and health. Following an updated review of evidence-based literature in the fields of medicine, psychology, and architecture, we propose a new theoretical framework called “processual landscape,” which is able to explain both the health-landscape and the medical agency-structure binomial pairs. We provide a twofold analysis of landscape, from both the cultural and naturalist points of view: in (...)
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  15. Digital Wellness and Persuasive Technologies.Laura Specker Sullivan & Peter Reiner - 2019 - Philosophy and Technology 34 (3):413-424.
    The development of personal technologies has recently shifted from devices that seek to capture user attention to those that aim to improve user well-being. Digital wellness technologies use the same attractive qualities of other persuasive apps to motivate users towards behaviors that are personally and socially valuable, such as exercise, wealth-management, and meaningful communication. While these aims are certainly an improvement over the market-driven motivations of earlier technologies, they retain their predecessors’ focus on influencing user behavior as a primary metric (...)
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    Editorial: Psychological Distress, Burnout, Quality of Life, and Wellness Among Healthcare Workers.Laura Galiana, Krystyna Kowalczuk & Noemí Sansó - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
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    Education, Welfare Reform and Psychological Well-Being: A Critical Psychology Perspective.Laura Anne Winter, Erica Burman, Terry Hanley, Afroditi Kalambouka & Lauren Mccoy - 2016 - British Journal of Educational Studies 64 (4):467-483.
    There are established links between education and well-being, and between poverty and education. This article draws on interviews with parents of school-aged children impacted by a policy in the UK commonly referred to as the ‘bedroom tax’. A critical psychology perspective to education is put forward, acknowledging the complex interrelationships between psychological well-being, sociopolitical factors and education.
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    Equitable access to ectogenesis for sexual and gender minorities.Laura L. Kimberly, Megan E. Sutter & Gwendolyn P. Quinn - 2020 - Bioethics 34 (4):338-345.
    As the technology for ectogenesis continues to advance, the ethical implications of such developments should be thoroughly and proactively explored. The possibility of full ectogenesis remains hypothetical at present, and myriad concerns regarding the safety and efficacy of the technology must be evaluated and addressed, while pressing moral considerations should be fully deliberated. However, it is conceivable that the technology may become sufficiently well established in the future and that eventually full ectogenesis might be deemed ethically acceptable as a reproductive (...)
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    Safe at any scale? Food scares, food regulation, and scaled alternatives.Laura B. DeLind & Philip H. Howard - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):301-317.
    The 2006 outbreak of E. coli O157:H7, traced to bagged spinach from California, illustrates a number of contradictions. The solutions sought by many politicians and popular food analysts have been to create a centralized federal agency and a uniform set of production standards modeled after those of the animal industry. Such an approach would disproportionately harm smaller-scale producers, whose operations were not responsible for the epidemic, as well as reduce the agroecological diversity that is essential for maintaining healthy human beings (...)
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  20. Explanation in two dimensions: Diagrams and biological explanation.Laura Perini - 2005 - Biology and Philosophy 20 (2-3):257-269.
    Molecular biologists and biochemists often use diagrams to present hypotheses. Analysis of diagrams shows that their content can be expressed with linguistic representations. Why do biologists use visual representations instead? One reason is simple comprehensibility: some diagrams present information which is readily understood from the diagram format, but which would not be comprehensible if the same information was expressed linguistically. But often diagrams are used even when concise, comprehensible linguistic alternatives are available. I explain this phenomenon by showing why diagrammatic (...)
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  21. Interpreting quantum field theory.Laura Ruetsche - 2002 - Philosophy of Science 69 (2):348-378.
    The availability of unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations constituting a quantization of a classical field theory raises questions about how to formulate and pursue quantum field theory. In a minimally technical way, I explain how these questions arise and how advocates of the Hilbert space and of the algebraic approaches to quantum theory might answer them. Where these answers differ, I sketch considerations for and against each approach, as well as considerations which might temper their apparent rivalry.
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    Child Well-Being in Times of Confinement: The Impact of Dialogic Literary Gatherings Transferred to Homes.Laura Ruiz-Eugenio, Esther Roca-Campos, Susana León-Jiménez & Mimar Ramis-Salas - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    From Rational to Wise Action: Recasting Our Theories of Entrepreneurship.Laura C. Dunham - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 92 (4):513-530.
    In this article, I argue that if we challenge some tacit assumptions of narrow rationality that endure in much of entrepreneurial studies, we can elevate entrepreneurial ethics beyond mere external constraints on rational action, and move toward fuller integration of ethics as an intrinsic part of the process of value creation itself. To this end, I propose the concept of practical wisdom as a framework for exploring entrepreneurial decision making and action that can broaden the scope of our research to (...)
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    Psychopathic traits are associated with reduced attention to the eyes of emotional faces among adult male non-offenders.Steven M. Gillespie, Pia Rotshtein, Laura J. Wells, Anthony R. Beech & Ian J. Mitchell - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25.  45
    Intrinsically mixed states: an appreciation.Laura Ruetsche - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 35 (2):221-239.
    An “intrinsically mixed” state is a mixed state of a system that is ‘orthogonal’ to every pure state of that system. Although the presence of such states in the quantum theories of infinite systems is well known to those who work with such theories, intrinsically mixed states are virtually unheralded in the philosophical literature. Rob Clifton was thoroughly familiar with intrinsically mixed states. I aim here to introduce them to a wider audience—and to encourage that audience to cultivate their acquaintance (...)
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  26. The Two Facets of Pleasure.Laura Sizer - 2013 - Philosophical Topics 41 (1):215-236.
    Several tensions run through philosophical debates on the nature of pleasure: is it a feeling or an attitude? Is it excited engagement during activities, or satisfaction and contentment at their completion? Pleasure also plays fundamental explanatory roles in psychology, neuroscience, and animal behavior. I draw on this work to argue that pleasure picks out two distinct, but interacting neurobiological systems with long evolutionary histories. Understanding pleasure as having these two facets gives us a better account of pleasure and explains the (...)
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    On the autonomy of language and gesture: evidence from the acquisition of personal pronouns in American Sign Language.Laura A. Petitto - 1987 - Cognition 27 (1):1-52.
    Two central assumptions of current models of language acquisition were addressed in this study: (1) knowledge of linguistic structure is "mapped onto" earlier forms of non-linguistic knowledge; and (2) acquiring a language involves a continuous learning sequence from early gestural communication to linguistic expression. The acquisition of the first and second person pronouns ME and YOU was investigated in a longitudinal study of two deaf children of deaf parents learning American Sign Language (ASL) as a first language. Personal pronouns in (...)
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    Addressing vaccine hesitancy requires an ethically consistent health strategy.Laura Williamson & Hannah Glaab - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (1):1-8.
    Vaccine hesitancy is a growing threat to public health. The reasons are complex but linked inextricably to a lack of trust in vaccines, expertise and traditional sources of authority. Efforts to increase immunization uptake in children in many countries that have seen a fall in vaccination rates are two-fold: addressing hesitancy by improving healthcare professional-parent exchange and information provision in the clinic; and, secondly, public health strategies that can override parental concerns and values with coercive measures such as mandatory and (...)
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    The Christian Consumer: Living Faithfully in a Fragile World.Laura M. Hartman - 2011 - Oup Usa.
    Consumption--the flow of physical materials in human lives--is an important ethical issue. Be it fair trade coffee or foreign oil, North Americans' consumption choices affect the well-being of humans around the globe, in addition to impacting the natural world and consumers themselves. In this book, Laura Hartman seeks to formulate a coherent Christian ethic of consumption.
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  30. The limits of conceptual analysis.Laura Schroeter - 2004 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 85 (4):425-453.
    It would be nice if good old a priori conceptual analysis were possible. For many years conceptual analysis was out of fashion, in large part because of the excessive ambitions of verificationist theories of meaning._ _However, those days are over._ _A priori conceptual analysis is once again part of the philosophical mainstream._ _This renewed popularity, moreover, is well-founded. Modern philosophical analysts have exploited developments in philosophical semantics to formulate analyses which avoid the counterintuitive consequences of verificationism, while vindicating our ability (...)
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    Why People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance ed. by John F. Kilner.Laura Alexander - 2018 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 38 (1):190-192.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Why People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance ed. by John F. KilnerLaura AlexanderWhy People Matter: A Christian Engagement with Rival Views of Human Significance Edited by John F. Kilner grand rapids, mi: baker academic, 2017. 240 pp. $26.99Although Why People Matter does not use the word, it is an apologetic for the Christian faith and ethical tradition. Its argument begins with a moral (...)
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  32. Jackson’s classical model of meaning.Laura Schroeter & John Bigelow - 2009 - In Ian Ravenscroft, Minds, Ethics, and Conditionals: Themes from the Philosophy of Frank Jackson. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    Frank Jackson often writes as if his descriptivist account of public language meanings were just plain common sense. How else are we to explain how different speakers manage to communicate using a public language? And how else can we explain how individuals arrive at confident judgments about the reference of their words in hypothetical scenarios? Our aim in this paper is to show just how controversial the psychological assumptions behind in Jackson’s semantic theory really are. First, we explain how Jackson’s (...)
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  33. Medicalization, medical necessity, and feminist medicine.Laura Purdy - 2001 - Bioethics 15 (3):248–261.
    New and proposed medical technologies continually challenge our vision of what constitutes appropriate medical treatment. As scholars and consumers grapple with the meaning of innovation, one common critical theme to surface is that it constitutes undesirable medicalization. But we are embodied creatures who can often benefit from medical knowledge; in addition, rejection of medicalization may be in some cases based on an untenable appeal to nature. Harnessing the power of medicine for women’s welfare requires us to rethink the goals of (...)
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    Retrieving Experience Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics.Laura Hengehold - 2001
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 17.1 (2003) 73-75 [Access article in PDF] Retrieving Experience: Subjectivity and Recognition in Feminist Politics. Sonia Kruks. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 2001. Pp. xii + 200. $35.00 h.c. 0-8014-3387-8; $16.95 pbk. 0-8014-8417-0. Sonia Kruks' latest book, Retrieving Experience, is a valuable contribution to ongoing debates about the relevance of feminist philosophy in a period of relative political quietism. It also offers timely (...)
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  35. Moral Testimony: A Re-Conceived Understanding Explanation.Laura Callahan - 2018 - Philosophical Quarterly 68 (272):437-459.
    Why is there a felt asymmetry between cases in which agents defer to testifiers for certain moral beliefs, and cases in which agents defer on many other matters? One explanation influential in the literature is that having understanding of a proposition is both in tension with acquiring belief in the proposition by deferring to another's testimony and distinctively important when it comes to moral propositions, as compared with what we might think of as many ‘garden variety’ facts. My project in (...)
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    Lynn Huffer’s Mad For Foucault.Laura Hengehold - 2011 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 1 (2):226-238.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Lynn Huffer's Mad For Foucault:An Analysis of Historical Eros?Laura HengeholdMad for Foucault is a remarkably beautiful book balanced on the edges between the personal, the impersonal, and the public and reflected through Foucault's own struggles to establish those divides. Huffer's goal in Mad for Foucault is to draw scholarly attention to the emotional and ethical content of Foucault's writing, as well as to assess the risks of queer (...)
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    An Office on Main Street Health Care Dilemmas in Small Communities.Laura Weiss Roberts, John Battaglia, Margaret Smithpeter & Richard S. Epstein - 1999 - Hastings Center Report 29 (4):28-37.
    The health care needs of rural populations often differ from those of their urban counterparts. And the ethical dilemmas that caregivers face are distinctively shaped in rural settings, not only by resource constraints, but by the nature of life in small, close-knit communities as well.
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  38. The Efficacy of Anger: Recognition and Retribution.Laura Luz Silva - 2021 - In Ana Falcato, The Politics of Emotional Shockwaves. Palgrave Macmillan. pp. 27-55.
    Anger is often an appropriate reaction to harms and injustices, but is it a politically beneficial one? Martha Nussbaum (Journal of the American Philosophical Association 1 (1), 41–56, 2015, Anger and Forgiveness. Oxford University Press, 2016) has argued that, although anger is useful in initially recruiting agents for action, anger is typically counterproductive to securing the political aims of those harmed. After the initial shockwave of outrage, Nussbaum argues that to be effective at enacting positive social change, groups and individuals (...)
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  39. Agency and Responsibility: Essays on the Metaphysics of Freedom.Laura Waddell Ekstrom (ed.) - 2000 - Boulder, Colo.: Westview.
    A companion volume to Free Will: A Philosophical Study, this new anthology collects influential essays on free will, including both well-known contemporary classics and exciting recent work. Agency and Responsibility: Essays on the Metaphysics of Freedom is divided into three parts. The essays in the first section address metaphysical issues concerning free will and causal determinism. The second section groups papers presenting a positive account of the nature of free action, including competing compatibilist and incompatibilist analyses. The third section concerns (...)
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    Deleuze and performance.Laura Cull (ed.) - 2009 - Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    This book provides rigorous analyses of Deleuze's writings on theatre practitioners such as Artaud, Beckett and Carmelo Bene, as well as offering innovative ...
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  41. Health and environment from adaptation to adaptivity: a situated relational account.Laura Menatti, Leonardo Bich & Cristian Saborido - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (3):1-28.
    The definitions and conceptualizations of health, and the management of healthcare have been challenged by the current global scenarios (e.g., new diseases, new geographical distribution of diseases, effects of climate change on health, etc.) and by the ongoing scholarship in humanities and science. In this paper we question the mainstream definition of health adopted by the WHO—‘a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity’ (WHO in Preamble to the constitution of (...)
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    The porosity of the self: Husserl's philosophy of self and personhood.Laura Jane Nanni - 2024 - Lanham: The Rowman & Littlefield.
    The Porosity of the Self delivers an original interpretation of the philosophy of Edmund Husserl, the founder of phenomenology and one of the most important philosophers of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Laura Jane Nanni provides a unique exploration of the philosophical problem of the self, challenging prevailing accounts of self and personhood that are predominantly one-dimensional and fail to capture the intricate double-sidedness of how we experience ourselves, others, and the world around us in everyday life. Nanni demonstrates (...)
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  43. It's a Matter of Principle: Scientific Explanation in Information‐Theoretic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory.Laura Felline - 2016 - Dialectica 70 (4):549-575.
    The aim of this paper is to explore the ways in which Axiomatic Reconstructions of Quantum Theory in terms of Information-Theoretic principles can contribute to explaining and understanding quantum phenomena, as well as to study their explanatory limitations. This is achieved in part by offering an account of the kind of explanation that axiomatic reconstructions of Quantum Theory provide, and re-evaluating the epistemic status of the program in light of this explanation. As illustrative case studies, I take Clifton's, Bub's and (...)
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    License to Harass: Law, Hierarchy, and Offensive Public Speech: Law, Hierarchy, and Offensive Public Speech.Laura Beth Nielsen - 2006 - Princeton University Press.
    Offensive street speech--racist and sexist remarks that can make its targets feel both psychologically and physically threatened--is surprisingly common in our society. Many argue that this speech is so detestable that it should be banned under law. But is this an area covered by the First Amendment right to free speech? Or should it be banned? In this elegantly written book, Laura Beth Nielsen pursues the answers by probing the legal consciousness of ordinary citizens. Using a combination of field (...)
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  45. The inward outlook: conscious choice as a daily practice.Laura Basha - 2023 - Berkeley, CA: She Writes Press.
    Leveraging a principles-based paradigm, clinical and organizational psychologist Laura Basha gives readers the tools to unlock a new level of decision-making and peace of mind-making it possible for them to enter a more accomplished and confident phase of their lives. Every day, we take in data from the world around us and store that data in our intellect. Then, without conscious awareness, we listen to that data-a process we call "thinking"-and use what it tells us to inform our decisions. (...)
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    Mental Health and Well-Being of University Students: A Bibliometric Mapping of the Literature.Daniel Hernández-Torrano, Laura Ibrayeva, Jason Sparks, Natalya Lim, Alessandra Clementi, Ainur Almukhambetova, Yerden Nurtayev & Ainur Muratkyzy - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Historical Perspectives in Industrial and Organizational Psychology.Laura L. Koppes (ed.) - 2006 - Psychology Press.
    This unique book is the first to contain a comprehensive history of industrial and organizational psychology, covering numerous topics in the discipline. The history presented offers various perspectives, including the contributions of individuals, organizations, and contextual or situational forces, as well as an international viewpoint. The authors, all highly regarded experts in their respective topics, use a range of approaches to examine history, demonstrating to readers that there are multiple ways to understand history. This volume will be of interest to (...)
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    Emotional Interdependence and Well-Being in Close Relationships.Laura Sels, Eva Ceulemans, Kirsten Bulteel & Peter Kuppens - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  49. (1 other version)Is Anger a Hostile Emotion?Laura Silva - 2021 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology.
    In this article I argue that characterizations of anger as a hostile emotion may be mistaken. My project is empirically informed and is partly descriptive, partly diagnostic. It is descriptive in that I am concerned with what anger is, and how it tends to manifest, rather than with what anger should be or how moral anger is manifested. The orthodox view on anger takes it to be, descriptively, an emotion that aims for retribution. This view fits well with anger being (...)
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    De-colonizing the political ontology of Kantian ethics: A quantum perspective.Laura Zanotti - 2021 - Journal of International Political Theory 17 (3):448-467.
    This article explores the relevance of ontological assumptions for justifications of agency and ethics. It critiques Kantian ethics for being based upon an ontological imaginary that starts from the substantialism of Newtonian physics. Substantialism shapes Western political philosophy’s view about who we are as subjects and how the world works. In this ontological imaginary, validation of ethics is based upon universality and abstractions. Furthermore, Kantian ethics underscores an anthropocentric and theocratic vision of how to govern societies. I argue Kantian criteria (...)
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