Results for 'Lars Walldén'

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  1.  9
    Photoemission studies of Ag and AgMn alloys.Lars Walldén - 1970 - Philosophical Magazine 21 (171):571-582.
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    Better off without Parents? Legal and Ethical Questions concerning Refugee Children in Germany.Annette Dufner & Lars Hillmann - 2017 - Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies 45 (2):1-18.
    Refugee migration to Europe reached peak levels in 2015. During this time, more than 260,000 children applied for asylum in Germany; over 40,000 of whom arrived without parents or other legal guardians. This article takes a broadly descriptive legal approach to focus on the resulting legal and ethical problems in Germany, and to highlight a variety of ethically relevant issues within the legal system. In particular, refugee children below the legal age of 18, have special needs with regard to health (...)
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    Postponed Withholding: Balanced Decision-Making at the Margins of Viability.Janicke Syltern, Lars Ursin, Berge Solberg & Ragnhild Støen - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 22 (11):15-26.
    Advances in neonatology have led to improved survival for periviable infants. Immaturity still carries a high risk of short- and long-term harms, and uncertainty turns provision of life support int...
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  4. Art in Culture I-III.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen, Rik Pinxten & F. Vandamme (eds.) - 1985 - Communication & Cognition.
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  5. Fit, Fast, and Futura.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 2015 - Wassard Elea Rivista 2 (2):79-90.
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  6. O saznajnoj estetici.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1984 - Knjizevna Kritika 15 (1):5-12.
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  7. Real Art: An Essay in Aesthetics.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1994 - Communication & Cognition.
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  8. The Alleged Ambiguity of "Work of Art".Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1975 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 56 (3):309.
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  9.  42
    The association between ruminative thinking and negative interpretation bias in social anxiety.Marcel Badra, Lars Schulze, Eni S. Becker, Janna Nonja Vrijsen, Babette Renneberg & Ulrike Zetsche - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 31 (6):1234-1242.
    Cognitive models propose that both, negative interpretations of ambiguous social situations and ruminative thoughts about social events contribute to the maintenance of social anxiety disorder. It has further been postulated that ruminative thoughts fuel biased negative interpretations, however, evidence is rare. The present study used a multi-method approach to assess ruminative processing following a social interaction and negative interpretation bias in a student sample screened for high and low social anxiety. Results support the hypothesis that group differences in negative interpretations (...)
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    (1 other version)Toward a Responsibility-Catering Prioritarian Ethical Theory of Risk.Per Wikman-Svahn & Lars Lindblom - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics:1-16.
    Standard tools used in societal risk management such as probabilistic risk analysis or cost–benefit analysis typically define risks in terms of only probabilities and consequences and assume a utilitarian approach to ethics that aims to maximize expected utility. The philosopher Carl F. Cranor has argued against this view by devising a list of plausible aspects of the acceptability of risks that points towards a non-consequentialist ethical theory of societal risk management. This paper revisits Cranor’s list to argue that the alternative (...)
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  11.  22
    A Corporate Purpose as an Antecedent to Employee Motivation and Work Engagement.Lars van Tuin, Wilmar B. Schaufeli, Anja Van den Broeck & Willem van Rhenen - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    It is generally assumed that a corporate purpose aiming to benefit all stakeholders has a positive effect on employee motivation and engagement, but no empirical studies into these specific effects were found. To examine this assumption, a corporate mission and vision matching the definition of a higher purpose were tested in two subsequent studies. The first study (N = 270) was a cross-sectional self-report study. The second study included a longitudinal design (N = 56) modeling purpose, motivation, and engagement in (...)
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    Term-modal logics.Melvin Fitting, Lars Thalmann & Andrei Voronkov - 2001 - Studia Logica 69 (1):133-169.
    Many powerful logics exist today for reasoning about multi-agent systems, but in most of these it is hard to reason about an infinite or indeterminate number of agents. Also the naming schemes used in the logics often lack expressiveness to name agents in an intuitive way.To obtain a more expressive language for multi-agent reasoning and a better naming scheme for agents, we introduce a family of logics called term-modal logics. A main feature of our logics is the use of modal (...)
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    The promise of bildung.Lars Løvlie - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (3):467–486.
    Lars Løvlie; The Promise of Bildung, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 36, Issue 3, 16 December 2002, Pages 467–486,
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  14. Anpassung von Begriffen an Qualitäten.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 28 (2):183-191.
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  15. Factual and Logical Incorrigibility.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1972 - Danish Yearbook of Philosophy 9:7-14.
  16. The Definition of 'Art'.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1974 - Diálogos. Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Puerto Rico 10 (27):39-55.
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    Anthropologie und Kulturpsychologie der religiösen Entwicklung: eine Religionspsychologie.Lars Allolio-Näcke - 2022 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Religionspsychologie wird in Deutschland zumeist im Bereich der Praktischen Theologie und Religionspädagogik betrieben und stellt kein eigenständiges psychologisches Teilfach dar. Theorien der religiösen Entwicklung sind daher häufig von ihrem theologischen Kontext beeinflusst. Gängige Modelle religiöser Entwicklung nimmt Allolio-Näcke in diesem Band aus psychologischer Perspektive in den Blick und entwirft erstmals seit 30 Jahren eine eigene kulturpsychologische Theorie religiöser Entwicklung. Ein historischer Rahmen, der die Entstehung der Religionspsychologie nachzeichnet und sie im wissenschaftlichen Kanon verortet, rundet den Band ab.
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  18.  7
    Arendt und Adorno.Dirk Auer, Lars Rensmann & Julia Schulze Wessel (eds.) - 2003 - Frankfurt am Main: Suhrkamp.
  19.  33
    Elementary Axioms for Local Maps of Toposes.Steve Awodey & Lars Birkedal - unknown
    We present a complete elementary axiomatization of local maps of toposes.
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    The Phenomenology of Eye Movement Intentions and their Disruption in Goal-Directed Actions.Maximilian Roszko, Lars Hall, Petter Johansson & Philip Pärnamets - 2018 - In Timothy M. Rogers, Marina Rau, Jerry Zhu & Chuck Kalish, Proceedings of the 40th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 973-978.
    The role of intentions in motor planning is heavily weighted in classical psychological theories, but their role in generating eye movements, and our awareness of these oculomotor intentions, has not been investigated explicitly. In this study, the extent to which we monitor oculomotor intentions, i.e. the intentions to shift one’s gaze towards a specific location, and whether they can be expressed in conscious experience, is investigated. A forced-choice decision task was developed where a pair of faces moved systematically across a (...)
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    Organizational transparency as myth and metaphor.Joep Cornelissen & Lars Thøger Christensen - 2015 - European Journal of Social Theory 18 (2):132-149.
    Transparency has achieved a mythical status in society. Myths are not false accounts or understandings, but deep-seated and definitive descriptions of the world that ontologically ground the ways in which we frame and see the world around us. We explore the mythical nature of transparency from this perspective, explain its social-historical underpinnings and discuss its influence on contemporary organizations. In doing so, we also theorize in a more general sense about the relationship between myth, as a foundational understanding and description (...)
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  22.  56
    Mathematical Fit: A Case Study†.Manya Raman-Sundström & Lars-Daniel Öhman - 2016 - Philosophia Mathematica 26 (2):184-210.
    Mathematicians routinely pass judgements on mathematical proofs. A proof might be elegant, cumbersome, beautiful, or awkward. Perhaps the highest praise is that a proof is right, that is, that the proof fits the theorem in an optimal way. It is also common to judge that one proof fits better than another, or that a proof does not fit a theorem at all. This paper attempts to clarify the notion of mathematical fit. We suggest six criteria that distinguish proofs as being (...)
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    Evidence‐based practice and determinants of research use in elderly care in Sweden.Anne-Marie Boström, Lars Wallin & Gun Nordström - 2007 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 13 (4):665-673.
  24.  10
    Geometric backtracking for combined task and motion planning in robotic systems.Julien Bidot, Lars Karlsson, Fabien Lagriffoul & Alessandro Saffiotti - 2017 - Artificial Intelligence 247 (C):229-265.
  25.  18
    Parental Imprisonment and Children's Right Not to be Separated from Their Parents.William Bülow & Lars Lindblom - forthcoming - Journal of Applied Philosophy.
    It is widely known that criminal punishment, especially imprisonment, has negative effects for innocent persons, most notably the families of prisoners. This is an issue attracting increasing attention from penal theorists and philosophers. Adding to this literature, this article examines the extent to which incarceration of a parent is consistent with fundamental rights that are often ascribed to children. In particular, we focus on children's rights against being separated from their parents. To this end, we begin with a discussion of (...)
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  26. Culture and art: an anthology.Lars Aagaard-Mogensen (ed.) - 1976 - Atlantic Highlands, N.J.: Humanities Press.
    Danto, A. The artworld.--Dickie, G. What is art?--Margolis, J. Works of art are physically embodied and culturally emergent entities.--Kjørup, S. Art broadly and wholly conceived.--Meyer, L. B. Forgery and the anthropology of art.--Brunius, T. Theory and ideologies in aesthetics.--Tilghman, B. R. Artistic puzzlement.--Binkley, T. Deciding about art.--Alexander, H. G. On defining in aesthetics.--Iseminger, G. Appreciation, the artworld, and the aesthetic.--Glickman, J. Creativity in the arts.--Sclafani, R. The theory of art.--Lyas, C. Danto and Dickie on art.--Beardsley, M. C. Is art essentially (...)
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    Software Tools for Practical work with Formal Task Descriptions.Thomas Strothotte, Peter W. Fach, Erik J. Olsson & Lars Reichert - 1991 - In Ulich Ackermann, Software-Ergonomie. pp. 373-382.
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    Claudia Leeb’s The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence with David W. McIvor, Lars Rensmann, and Claudia Leeb.Claudia Leeb, David W. McIvor & Lars Rensmann - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (1):63-79.
    In this article, I respond to David McIvor’s and Lars Rensmann’s discussion of my recent book, The Politics of Repressed Guilt: The Tragedy of Austrian Silence (2018, Edinburgh University Press). Both invited me to clarify my use of Arendt in my conception of embodied reflective judgment. I argue for a stronger connection between judgment and emotions than Arendt because one can effectively shut down critical thinking if one uses defense mechanisms to repress feelings of guilt. In response to McIvor, (...)
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    Sustainability Marketing Commitment: Empirical Insights About Its Drivers at the Corporate and Functional Level of Marketing.Karin Tollin & Lars Bech Christensen - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 156 (4):1165-1185.
    Corporate sustainability is an important strategy and value orientation for marketing, but scarce research addresses the organizational drivers and barriers to including it in companies’ marketing strategies and processes. The purpose of this study is to determine levels of commitment to corporate sustainability in marketing, processes associated with sustainability marketing commitment, drivers of sustainability marketing at the functional level of marketing, and its organizational context. Using survey data from 269 managers in marketing, covering a broad range of industries in Sweden (...)
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    Bumblebees Express Consistent, but Flexible, Speed-Accuracy Tactics Under Different Levels of Predation Threat.Mu-Yun Wang, Lars Chittka & Thomas C. Ings - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:368340.
    A speed-accuracy trade-off (SAT) in behavioural decisions is known to occur in a wide range of vertebrate and invertebrate taxa. Accurate decisions often take longer for a given condition, while fast decisions can be inaccurate in some tasks. Speed-accuracy tactics are known to vary consistently among individuals, and show a degree of flexibility during colour discrimination tasks in bees. Such individual flexibility in speed-accuracy tactics is likely to be advantageous for animals exposed to fluctuating environments, such as changes in predation (...)
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    In the same boat.Kerstin Fischer, Lars Christian Jensen & Nadine Zitzmann - 2021 - Interaction Studies 22 (3):488-515.
    In this paper, we analyze what effects indicators of a shared situation have on a speaker’s persuasiveness by investigating how a robot’s advice is received when it indicates that it is sharing the situational context with its user. In our experiment, 80 participants interacted with a robot that referred to aspects of the shared context: Face tracking indicated that the robot saw the participant, incremental feedback suggested that the robot was following their actions, and comments about, and gestures towards, the (...)
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    Brain MR spectroscopy in autism spectrum disorder—the GABA excitatory/inhibitory imbalance theory revisited.Maiken K. Brix, Lars Ersland, Kenneth Hugdahl, Renate Grüner, Maj-Britt Posserud, Åsa Hammar, Alexander R. Craven, Ralph Noeske, C. John Evans, Hanne B. Walker, Tore Midtvedt & Mona K. Beyer - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  33.  7
    Advances in Economics and Econometrics: Volume 2: Theory and Applications, Eighth World Congress.Mathias Dewatripont, Lars Peter Hansen & Stephen J. Turnovsky (eds.) - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This is the second of three volumes containing edited versions of papers and commentaries presented in invited symposium sessions of the Eighth World Congress of the Econometric Society. The papers summarize and interpret key developments and discuss future directions in a wide range of topics in economics and econometrics. The papers cover both theory and applications. Written by leading specialists in their fields, these volumes provide a unique survey of progress in the discipline.
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    Brain-Wise.Cambridge MA: MIT Press, 2002. Patricia Churchland.Lars De Nul - 2004 - Philosophica 73 (1).
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    Responsible innovation; responsible data. A case study in autonomous driving.C. Ten Holter, Lars Kunze, Jo-Ann Pattinson, Pericle Salvini & Marina Jirotka - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 11 (C):100038.
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    Spinoza and the Theory of Active Tolerance.Lars Tønder - 2013 - Political Theory 41 (5):687-709.
    This paper considers the politics of tolerance through the lens of Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence. The contention is that Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence provides us with a better conceptualization of the relationship between tolerance and power, and that it in so doing reinvigorates a theory of active tolerance that, for the most part, has been lost in contemporary democratic theory. Spinoza’s philosophy of immanence does so because it animates a sensorial orientation to politics, one that heightens our attention to the (...)
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    Diskusjonen mellom Ernst Cassirer og Martin Heidegger i Davos.Oversatt Av Lars Petter Storm Torjussen - 2008 - Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 43 (4):328-340.
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    Microfranchising to Alleviate Poverty: An Innovation Network Perspective. [REVIEW]Laté Lawson-Lartego & Lars Mathiassen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 171 (3):545-563.
    In 2015, the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals set an ethical imperative: end extreme poverty and hunger by 2030. Microfranchising can contribute to this critical effort by offering nonprofit organizations and businesses an opportunity to rapidly scale entrepreneurship within Base of the Pyramid markets. However, while abundant literature exists on traditional franchising, we know little about how to leverage microfranchising in resource-scarce contexts to alleviate poverty. To address this gap, we report a longitudinal case study of a microfranchise network aimed (...)
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  39. Berel Lang, ed., The Death of Art. [REVIEW]Lars Aagaard-Mogensen - 1986 - Philosophy in Review 6:229-231.
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    Better May be Worse: Some Monotonicity Results and Paradoxes in Discrete Choice Under Uncertainty. [REVIEW]Jörgen W. Weibull, Lars-Göran Mattsson & Mark Voorneveld - 2007 - Theory and Decision 63 (2):121-151.
    It is not unusual in real-life that one has to choose among finitely many alternatives when the merit of each alternative is not perfectly known. Instead of observing the actual utilities of the alternatives at hand, one typically observes more or less precise signals that are positively correlated with these utilities. In addition, the decision-maker may, at some cost or disutility of effort, choose to increase the precision of these signals, for example by way of a careful study or the (...)
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    Book Review: Kognition und soziale Praxis: Der Soziale Konstruktionismus und die Perspektiven einer postkognitivistischen Psychologie (Cognition and Social Practice: Social Constructivism and the Perspectives of a Postcognitivistic Psychology). [REVIEW]Lars Allolio-Näcke - 2006 - European Journal of Social Theory 9 (1):141-146.
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    Methodological Individualism: Background, History and Meaning.Lars Udehn - 2001 - Routledge.
    Throughout the history of social thought, there has been a constant battle over the true nature of society, and the best way to understand and explain it. This volume covers the development of methodological individualism, including the individualist theory of society from Greek antiquity to modern social science. It is a comprehensive and systematic treatment of methodological individualism in all its manifestations.
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  43.  54
    Contrary Inferences in Consistent Histories and a Set Selection Criterion.Petros Wallden - 2014 - Foundations of Physics 44 (11):1195-1215.
    The best developed formulation of closed system quantum theory that handles multiple-time statements, is the consistent (or decoherent) histories approach. The most important weaknesses of the approach is that it gives rise to many different consistent sets, and it has been argued that a complete interpretation should be accompanied with a natural mechanism leading to a (possibly) unique preferred consistent set. The existence of multiple consistent sets becomes more problematic because it allows the existence of contrary inferences [1]. We analyse (...)
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  44.  9
    Zum sog. Sermo de confusione Diaboll et Inferni.Sigurd Walldén - 1937 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 92 (1-4):112-116.
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    Distinguishing Initial State-Vectors from Each Other in Histories Formulations and the PBR Argument.Petros Wallden - 2013 - Foundations of Physics 43 (12):1502-1525.
    Following the argument of Pusey et al. (in Nature Phys. 8:476, 2012), new interest has been raised on whether one can interpret state-vectors (pure states) in a statistical way (ψ-epistemic theories), or if each one of them corresponds to a different ontological entity. Each interpretation of quantum theory assumes different ontology and one could ask if the PBR argument carries over. Here we examine this question for histories formulations in general with particular attention to the co-event formulation. State-vectors appear as (...)
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  46.  26
    Strong Emergence in Biological Systems: Is It Open to Mathematical Reasoning?Lars H. Wegner, Min Yu, Biao Wu, Jiayou Liu & Zhifeng Hao - 2021 - Acta Biotheoretica 69 (4):841-856.
    Complex, multigenic biological traits are shaped by the emergent interaction of proteins being the main functional units at the molecular scale. Based on a phenomenological approach, algorithms for quantifying two different aspects of emergence were introduced (Wegner and Hao in Progr Biophys Mol Biol 161:54–61, 2021) describing: (i) pairwise reciprocal interactions of proteins mutually modifying their contribution to a complex trait (denoted as weak emergence), and (ii) formation of a new, complex trait by a set of n ‘constitutive’ proteins at (...)
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  47.  13
    The Politics of Unreason: The Frankfurt School and the Origins of Modern Antisemitism.Lars Rensmann - 2017 - SUNY Press.
    The first systematic analysis of the Frankfurt School’s research and theorizing on modern antisemitism. Although the Frankfurt School represents one of the most influential intellectual traditions of the twentieth century, its multifaceted work on modern antisemitism has so far largely been neglected. The Politics of Unreason fills this gap, providing the first systematic study of the Frankfurt School’s philosophical, psychological, political, and social research and theorizing on the problem of antisemitism. Examining the full range of these critical theorists’ contributions, from (...)
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    Conceptualizing creativity and innovation as affective processes: Steve Jobs, Lars von Trier, and responsible innovation.Lars Geer Hammershøj - 2018 - Philosophy of Management 17 (1):115-131.
    The aim of this article is to contribute to responsible innovation by developing a conceptual framework for the processes of creativity and innovation. The hypothesis is that creative and innovative processes are similar in that both are affective in nature. I develop this conceptual framework through an interpretation of the insights of Henri Poincaré’s notion of the ‘four stages’ in the creative process and Joseph Schumpeter’s notion of the entrepreneur. Building on this framework, I analyze the creative and innovative practices (...)
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  49.  34
    The importance of being pregnant: On the healthcare need for uterus transplantation.Lars Sandman - 2018 - Bioethics 32 (8):519-526.
    Researchers have recently provided proof of concept for uterus transplantation, giving rise to a discussion about priority setting. This article analyses whether absolute uterine‐factor infertility (AUFI), the main indication for uterus transplantation, gives rise to a healthcare need and the extent to which such a need places justified claims on public funding in a needs‐based welfare system. It is argued that, regardless of the concept of health to which one subscribes, there is a healthcare need for uterus transplantation in women (...)
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  50.  43
    Undoing the demos: Neoliberalism’s stealth revolution.Lars Cornelissen - 2016 - Contemporary Political Theory 15 (2):e11-e14.
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