Results for 'Larry Jackson'

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  1.  60
    Philosophy of education in a new key: Snapshot 2020 from the United States and Canada.Liz Jackson, Kal Alston, Lauren Bialystok, Larry Blum, Nicholas C. Burbules, Ann Chinnery, David T. Hansen, Kathy Hytten, Cris Mayo, Trevor Norris, Sarah M. Stitzlein, Winston C. Thompson, Leonard Waks, Michael A. Peters & Marek Tesar - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1130-1146.
    This article shares reflections from members of the community of philosophers of education in the United States and Canada who were invited to express their insights in response to the theme ‘Snaps...
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    A Different Path: Why Stanley Cavell Won't Get to the Point.Larry Jackson - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (4):503-521.
    ABSTRACT Stanley Cavell rarely gets to the point, and his winding sentences and frequent asides are a favorite target for detractors. This essay follows a different path, however, proposing that we listen carefully to Cavell's voice as an author and consider the philosophical significance of these twists and turns in his writings. After exploring the intellectual basis for Cavellian indirectness, the essay examines an exemplary passage from Must We Mean What We Say? linking it to the political unrest of the (...)
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    Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on the Translational Work of Bioethics.Elizabeth Lanphier & Larry R. Churchill - 2022 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 65 (4):515-520.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Editors' Introduction to the Special Issue on the Translational Work of BioethicsElizabeth Lanphier and Larry R. ChurchillRecent essays in Perspectives and Biology and Medicine, including "Can Clinical Ethics Survive Climate Change" by Andrew Jameton and Jessica Pierce and "Ethical Maxims for a Marginally Inhabitable Planet" by David Schenck and Larry R. Churchill, both appearing in the Autumn 2021 issue, inspired conversations between us, among our colleagues, and (...)
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  4. (1 other version)A confutation of convergent realism.Larry Laudan - 1981 - Philosophy of Science 48 (1):19-49.
    This essay contains a partial exploration of some key concepts associated with the epistemology of realist philosophies of science. It shows that neither reference nor approximate truth will do the explanatory jobs that realists expect of them. Equally, several widely-held realist theses about the nature of inter-theoretic relations and scientific progress are scrutinized and found wanting. Finally, it is argued that the history of science, far from confirming scientific realism, decisively confutes several extant versions of avowedly 'naturalistic' forms of scientific (...)
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  5. Perception: A Representative Theory.Frank Jackson - 1977 - Cambridge University Press.
    What is the nature of, and what is the relationship between, external objects and our visual perceptual experience of them? In this book, Frank Jackson defends the answers provided by the traditional Representative theory of perception. He argues, among other things that we are never immediately aware of external objects, that they are the causes of our perceptual experiences and that they have only the primary qualities. In the course of the argument, sense data and the distinction between mediate (...)
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  6. Teleological Explanations: An Etiological Analysis of Goals and Functions.Larry Wright - 1976 - University of California Press.
    INTRODUCTION The appeal to teleological principles of explanation within the body of natural science has had an unfortunate history. ...
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  7. (2 other versions)Inequality.Larry S. Temkin - 1986 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 15 (2):99-121.
    Temkin presents a new way of thinking about equality and inequality that challenges the assumptions of philosophers, welfare economists, and others, and has significant implications on both a practical and theoretical level.
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  8. Intransitivity and the mere addition paradox.Larry S. Temkin - 1987 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 16 (2):138-187.
    In "Futurc Generations: Further Problems,"‘ and Part Four of Reasons and Persons} Derek Pariit raises many perplexing questions. Although some think his ingenious arguments little more than delightful puzzles, I believe they challenge some of our deepest beliefs. In this article, I examine some of Pariit’s arguments, focusing mainly on "The Mere Addition Paradox." If my analysis is correct, Parfit’s arguments have extremely interesting and important implications that not even Pariit rcalized. In Part I, I present ParHt’s argument for the (...)
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  9. Normative naturalism.Larry Laudan - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (1):44-59.
    Normative naturalism is a view about the status of epistemology and philosophy of science; it is a meta-epistemology. It maintains that epistemology can both discharge its traditional normative role and nonetheless claim a sensitivity to empirical evidence. The first sections of this essay set out the central tenets of normative naturalism, both in its epistemic and its axiological dimensions; later sections respond to criticisms of that species of naturalism from Gerald Doppelt, Jarrett Leplin and Alex Rosenberg.
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    Science and Hypothesis: Historical Essays on Scientific Methodology.Larry Laudan & R. Laudan - 1981 - Springer.
    This book consists of a collection of essays written between 1965 and 1981. Some have been published elsewhere; others appear here for the first time. Although dealing with different figures and different periods, they have a common theme: all are concerned with examining how the method of hy pothesis came to be the ruling orthodoxy in the philosophy of science and the quasi-official methodology of the scientific community. It might have been otherwise. Barely three centuries ago, hypothetico deduction was in (...)
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    Philosophie Und/Als Wissenschaft.Christian Nimtz & Ansgar Beckermann (eds.) - 2005 - Mentis.
    Man kann die Vielfalt und Dynamik der gegenwärtigen Analytischen Philosophie kaum besser unter Beweis stellen als durch sachorientierte Streitgespräche zwischen ihren herausragenden Vertretern. Die Kolloquien der GAP.5-Konferenz waren solche Streitgespräche. In ihnen haben international renommierte Philosophinnen und Philosophen über aktuelle Fragen aus dem Spektrum der Analytischen Philosophie debattiert - von Willensfreiheit bis Wohlfahrt und Armut, von Bedeutung und Normativität bis Feministische Wissenschaftstheorie, von Philosophie als Wissenschaft? bis Physikalismus. Mit Beiträgen von: Daniela Bailer-Jones, Paul A. Boghossian, Ansgar Beckermann, Jonathan Dancy, Hans-Johann (...)
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  12. Immersive Experience and Virtual Reality.Magdalena Balcerak Jackson & Brendan Balcerak Jackson - 2024 - Philosophy and Technology 37 (1):1-24.
    Much of the excitement about virtual reality and its potential for things like entertainment, art, education, and activism is its ability to generate experiences that are powerfully immersive. However, discussions of VR tend to invoke the notion of immersive experience without subjecting it to closer scrutiny; and discussions often take it for granted that immersive experience is a single unified phenomenon. Against this, we argue that there are four distinct types or aspects of immersive experience that should be distinguished: representational (...)
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    Ethical leadership means sharing power: An interview with Felicity Haynes.Liz Jackson - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (9):1016-1024.
    Felicity Haynes earned Honours degrees in English and French literature from The University of Western Australia and completed her doctorate on reason and understanding at the University of Illinoi...
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  14. The embodied cognition research programme.Larry Shapiro - 2007 - Philosophy Compass 2 (2):338–346.
    Embodied Cognition is an approach to cognition that departs from traditional cognitive science in its reluctance to conceive of cognition as computational and in its emphasis on the significance of an organism's body in how and what the organism thinks. Three lines of embodied cognition research are described and some thoughts on the future of embodied cognition offered.
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  15. Lessons from Causal Exclusion.Larry Shapiro - 2010 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 81 (3):594-604.
    Jaegwon Kim’s causal exclusion argument has rarely been evaluated from an empirical perspective. This is puzzling because its conclusion seems to be making a testable claim about the world: supervenient properties are causally inefficacious. An empirical perspective, however, reveals Kim’s argument to rest on a mistaken conception about how to test whether a property is causally efficacious. Moreover, the empirical perspective makes visible a metaphysical bias that Kim brings to his argument that involves a principle of non-inclusion.
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  16. Separating conscious and unconscious influences of memory: Measuring recollection.Larry L. Jacoby, Jeffrey P. Toth & Andrew P. Yonelinas - 1993 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 122 (2):139-54.
  17.  33
    The Socially Responsive Self: Social Theory and Professional Ethics.Larry May - 1996 - University of Chicago Press.
    This book should prove provocative reading for philosophers, political scientists, social theorists, professionals of many stripes, and ethicists.
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  18. Two dogmas of methodology.Larry Laudan - 1976 - Philosophy of Science 43 (4):585-597.
    This paper argues that it has been widely assumed by philosophers of science that the cumulative retention of explanatory success is a "sine qua non" for making judgements about the progress or rational preferability of one theory over another. It has also been assumed that it is impossible to make objective, Comparative judgements of the acceptability of rival theories unless all the statements of both theories could be translated into a common language. This paper seeks to show that both these (...)
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  19. Creative Commons y cultura libre. Una legislación insensata.Larry Lessig - 2008 - Telos: Cuadernos de Comunicación E Innovación 77:90-94.
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    Lying in prime time: Ethical egoism in situation comedies.Larry Z. Leslie - 1992 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 7 (1):5 – 18.
    The growing interest in ethics and ethical behavior has not manifested itself in an ethical analysis of television programming beyond a journalism context. This study examines one social/ethical issue - lying in prime time network television situation comedies. Results show sitcom characters who lie are motivated primarily by self-interest. This egoistic approach raises questions of ethical maturity and provides a model of behavior that may have negative implications for society.
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  21. Aim-less epistemology?Larry Laudan - 1990 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 21 (2):315-322.
  22. Beyond Positivism and Relativism: Theory, Method, and Evidence.Larry Laudan - 1997 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 48 (3):447-454.
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  23. Progress or rationality.Larry Laudan - 1996 - In David Papineau, The philosophy of science. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 194--214.
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  24. Crimes against Humanity: A Normative Account.Larry May - 2006 - Philosophical Quarterly 56 (225):603-610.
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  25. Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning.Larry Wright - 2001 - Oxford, England and New York, NY, USA: Oup Usa.
    Critical Thinking: An Introduction to Analytical Reading and Reasoning, Second Edition, provides a nontechnical vocabulary and analytic apparatus that guide students in identifying and articulating the central patterns found in reasoning and in expository writing more generally. Understanding these patterns of reasoning helps students to better analyze, evaluate, and construct arguments and to more easily comprehend the full range of everyday arguments found in ordinary journalism. Critical Thinking, Second Edition, distinguishes itself from other texts in the field by emphasizing analytical (...)
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  26. Some problems facing intuitionist meta-methodologies.Larry Laudan - 1986 - Synthese 67 (1):115 - 129.
    Intuitionistic meta-methodologies, which abound in recent philosophy of science, take the criterion of success for theories of scientific rationality to be whether those theories adequately explicate our intuitive judgments of rationality in exemplary cases. Garber's (1985) critique of Laudan's (1977) intuitionistic meta-methodology, correct as far as it goes, does not go far enough. Indeed, Garber himself advocates a form of intuitionistic meta-methodology; he merely denies any special role for historical (as opposed to contemporary or imaginary) test cases. What all such (...)
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  27. On Sexual Lust as an Emotion.Larry A. Herzberg - 2019 - Humana Mente 35 (12):271-302.
    Sexual lust – understood as a feeling of sexual attraction towards another – has traditionally been viewed as a sort of desire or at least as an appetite akin to hunger. I argue here that this view is, at best, significantly incomplete. Further insights can be gained into certain occurrences of lust by noticing how strongly they resemble occurrences of “attitudinal” (“object-directed”) emotion. At least in humans, the analogy between the object-directed appetites and attitudinal emotions goes well beyond their psychological (...)
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  28. The Turing Test and the Frame Problem: AI's Mistaken Understanding of Intelligence.Larry Crockett - 1994 - Ablex.
    I have discussed the frame problem and the Turing test at length, but I have not attempted to spell out what I think the implications of the frame problem ...
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  29. Symposia papers: Collective inaction and shared responsibility.Larry May - 1990 - Noûs 24 (2):269-277.
  30.  95
    (1 other version)Inequality: A Complex, Individualistic, and Comparative Notion.Larry S. Temkin - 2001 - Noûs 35 (s1):327 - 353.
  31. Functionalism and mental boundaries.Larry Shapiro - unknown - Cognitive Systems Research 9 (1-2).
  32.  76
    Toward a Fregean pragmatics: Voraussetzung, nebengedanke, andeutung.Larry Horn - manuscript
    In I. Kecskes & L. Horn (eds.) Explorations in Pragmatics: Linguistic, Cognitive, and Interculural Aspects. Mouton: 39-69.
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    War Crimes and Just War.Larry May - 2008 - Journal of Military Ethics 7 (4):317-319.
  34.  45
    The re-emergence of hyphenated history-and-philosophy-of-science and the testing of theories of scientific change.Larry Laudan & Rachel Laudan - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 59:74-77.
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    Methodology's Prospects.Larry Laudan - 1986 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1986:347 - 354.
    For positivists and post-positivists alike, methodology had a decidedly suspect status. Positivists saw methodological rules as stipulative conventions, void of any empirical content. Post-positivists (especially naturalistic ones) see such rules as mere descriptions of how research is conducted, carrying no normative force. It is argued here that methodological rules are fundamentally empirical claims, but ones which have significant normative bite. Methodology is thus divorced both from foundationalism and conventionalism.
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  36. Towards a Reassessment of Comte’s ‘Methode Positive’.Larry Laudan - 1971 - Philosophy of Science 38 (1):35-53.
    In this study of Auguste Comte's philosophy of science, an attempt is made to explicate his views on such methodological issues as explanation, prediction, induction and hypothesis. Comte's efforts to resolve the dual problems of demarcation and meaning led to the enunciation of principles of verifiability and predictability. Comte's hypothetico-deductive method is seen to permit conjectures dealing with unobservable entities.
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  37. Contingent Pacifism and the Moral Risks of Participating in War.Larry May - 2011 - Public Affairs Quarterly 25 (2):95-112.
    The just war tradition began life, primarily in the writings of Augustine and other Church Fathers, as a reaction to pacifism. In my view, contemporary just war adherents should also see pacifism as their main rival. The key question of the just war tradition is how to justify war, given that war involves intentionally attacking or killing innocent people. And this justificatory enterprise is not an easy one. Today some theorists argue that some, but not all, soldiers are liable to (...)
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  38. The Essential Dewey, Volume 1: Pragmatism, Education, Democracy.Larry A. Hickman & Thomas M. Alexander (eds.) - 1998 - Indiana University Press.
    In addition to being one of the greatest technical philosophers of the twentieth century, John Dewey was an educational innovator, a Progressive Era reformer, and one of America’s last great public intellectuals. Dewey’s insights into the problems of public education, immigration, the prospects for democratic government, and the relation of religious faith to science are as fresh today as when they were first published. His penetrating treatments of the nature and function of philosophy, the ethical and aesthetic dimensions of life, (...)
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  39. Intransitivity and the person-affecting principle: A response.Larry S. Temkin - 1999 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 59 (3):777-784.
    In "Intrzmsitivity and thc Person-Affecting Principlc,"‘ (IPAP) Alastair Norcross attacks several key claims of my "Intransitivity and thc Merc Addition Paradox" (IMAP).2 This article suggests that N0rcross’s arguments despite: their appca1——lcavc IMAP’s claims mostly intact. Bcforc assessing N0rcross’s arguments, lct mc characterize two key notions distinguished in IMAP: an essentially comparative view of moral ideals and an intrinsic aspect view. On an essentially comparative view (ECU, different factors might bc relevant for comparing diffcrcnt alternatives regarding a given idcal. On such (...)
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    Mind and Morals: Essays on Cognitive Science and Ethics.Larry May, Marilyn Friedman & Andy Clark - 1996 - MIT Press (MA).
    The essays in this anthology deal with the growing interconnections developmental psychology and evolutionary biology. This cross-disciplinary interchange coincides, not accidentally, with the renewed interest in ethical naturalism.
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    Determination underdeterred: reply to Kukla.Larry Laudan & Alonso Church - 1993 - Analysis 53 (1):8.
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    Justification, Discovery, Reason & Argument.Larry Wright - 2001 - Argumentation 15 (1):97-104.
    In distinguishing justification from discovery, the logical empiricists hoped to avoid confusing causal matters with normative ones. Exaggerating the virtue of this distinction, however, has disguised from us important features of the concept of a reason as it functions in human practice. Surfacing those features gives some insight into reasoning and argument.
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    Nixin' goes to china.Larry Hauser - 2002 - In John Mark Bishop & John Preston, Views Into the Chinese Room: New Essays on Searle and Artificial Intelligence. London: Oxford University Press. pp. 123--143.
    The intelligent-seeming deeds of computers are what occasion philosophical debate about artificial intelligence (AI) in the first place. Since evidence of AI is not bad, arguments against seem called for. John Searle's Chinese Room Argument (1980a, 1984, 1990, 1994) is among the most famous and long-running would-be answers to the call. Surprisingly, both the original thought experiment (1980a) and Searle's later would-be formalizations of the embedding argument (1984, 1990) are quite unavailing against AI proper (claims that computers do or someday (...)
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  44. Why isn't my pocket calculator a thinking thing?Larry Hauser - 1993 - Minds and Machines 3 (1):3-10.
    My pocket calculator (Cal) has certain arithmetical abilities: it seems Cal calculates. That calculating is thinking seems equally untendentious. Yet these two claims together provide premises for a seemingly valid syllogism whose conclusion -- Cal thinks -- most would deny. I consider several ways to avoid this conclusion, and find them mostly wanting. Either we ourselves can't be said to think or calculate if our calculation-like performances are judged by the standards proposed to rule out Cal; or the standards -- (...)
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  45. Dewey's Theory of Inquiry.Larry A. Hickman - 1998 - In Reading Dewey: Interpretations for a Postmodern Generation. Indiana University Press. pp. 166-86.
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    Does Anything Really Matter?: Parfit on Objectivity.Peter Singer (ed.) - 2016 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press UK.
    In the first two volumes of On What Matters Derek Parfit argues that there are objective moral truths, and other normative truths about what we have reasons to believe, and to want, and to do. In defending his view, Parfit argues that if there are no objective normative truths, nihilism follows, and nothing matters. He criticizes many leading contemporary philosophers working on ethics, including Simon Blackburn, Stephen Darwall, Allen Gibbard, Frank Jackson, Peter Railton, Mark Schroeder, Michael Smith, and Sharon (...)
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    The morality of groups.Larry May - 1987 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The paperbound edition of a 1987 work which began a series on ethics in economics and business. May argues that the structure of social groups influences the behavior of their members, and that groups should be given different moral status from individuals. He discusses mobs, corporations, and other groups in terms of collective action, responsibility, and rights. Annotation copyrighted by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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    The Hegemony of Money: Commercialism and Professionalism in American Medicine.Larry R. Churchill - 2007 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 16 (4):407.
    Money plays a powerful role in modern medicine, both in terms of how health services are organized and delivered and increasingly in how physicians understand themselves and their work. The phrase “the hegemony of money” is intended to capture that power.
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    Reasoning and Explaining.Larry Wright - 2002 - Argumentation 16 (1):33-46.
    When regimented in a certain natural way, the concepts of explanation and justification manifest a pattern of interrelations connected more or less systematically to their object. Besides its intrinsic interest, this pattern may give us some insight into the nature, source, and limits of the concept of argument.
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  50. Love's Commitments and Epistemic Ambivalence.Larry A. Herzberg - manuscript
    [This paper was presented at the APA Eastern Division Conference in New York City, January 2024] -/- Can one reasonably doubt that one is voluntarily making a commitment, even when one is doing so? Given that one voluntarily makes a commitment if and only if one (personally) knows that one is doing so, the answer appears to be “No.” After all, knowing implies justifiably believing, and it seems impossible that one could (synchronically and from a single personal perspective) reasonably doubt (...)
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