Louis Hébert [12]L. Joseph Hebert [10]L. Hebert [2]Louie Joseph Hebert [2]
L. Joseph Hebert Jr [2]Lara Hebert [1]
  1.  18
    Essais de définition du sémiotique, de la sémiotique et de l’interdisciplinarité.Louis Hébert - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):123-143.
    This article seeks to define what is semiotic and what is Semiotics. Provided first is a brief presentation of various perspectives of Semiotics. Pursuant to this, we will seek to uncover Semiotics’ particulars by evaluating various approaches. We will commence by framing the definitions of the word “Semiotic” to consider then Semiotics via eight particular anthropic – human-related – levels. This partition, derived by the author from a Rastier typology, defines the following levels: noumenophysical, phenophysical, semiotic, representational (“mental images” and (...)
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    Modèles logiques de la structure élémentaire de la signification: Templum, prisme sémiotique, carré sémiotique, cube sémiotique et autres.Arthur Poirier-Roy & Louis Hébert - 2021 - Semiotica 2021 (238):91-124.
    RésuméLa sémiotique a inventé ou utilisé plusieurs modèles logiques pour représenter la structure élémentaire de la signification. Le carré sémiotique est sans doute l’un des plus célèbres de ces modèles. Il faut se demander, devant l’importance des phénomènes triadiques, si les modèles dyadiques sont (toujours) adaptés à leur description ou s’il ne faudrait pas se tourner (aussi) vers des modèles triadiques. Or, les modèles triadiques de la structure élémentaire de la signification nous apparaissent bien moins nombreux. À notre connaissance, seule (...)
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    The Semiotics of Nirvāṇa: Salvation in Buddhism.Louis Hébert - 2017 - Semiotica 2017 (214):331-350.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Semiotica Jahrgang: 2017 Heft: 214 Seiten: 331-350.
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    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Hugh Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, Seth N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Laurence, Mark L. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, William B. Parsons, Marc F. Plattner, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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    In Search of Humanity: Essays in Honor of Clifford Orwin.Ryan Balot, Timothy W. Burns, Paul A. Cantor, Brent Edwin Cusher, Donald Forbes, Steven Forde, Bryan-Paul Frost, Kenneth Hart Green, Ran Halévi, L. Joseph Hebert, Henry Higuera, Robert Howse, S. N. Jaffe, Michael S. Kochin, Noah Lawrence, Mark J. Lutz, Arthur M. Melzer, Jeffrey Metzger, Miguel Morgado, Waller R. Newell, Michael Palmer, Lorraine Smith Pangle, Thomas L. Pangle, Marc F. Plattner, William B. Parsons, Linda R. Rabieh, Andrea Radasanu, Michael Rosano, Diana J. Schaub, Susan Meld Shell & Nathan Tarcov (eds.) - 2015 - Lexington Books.
    This collection of essays, offered in honor of the distinguished career of prominent political philosophy professor Clifford Orwin, brings together internationally renowned scholars to provide a wide context and discuss various aspects of the virtue of “humanity” through the history of political philosophy.
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    Past, Present, and Future Research on Teacher Induction: An Anthology for Researchers, Policy Makers, and Practitioners.Betty Achinstein, Krista Adams, Steven Z. Athanases, EunJin Bang, Martha Bleeker, Cynthia L. Carver, Yu-Ming Cheng, Renée T. Clift, Nancy Clouse, Kristen A. Corbell, Sarah Dolfin, Sharon Feiman-Nemser, Maida Finch, Jonah Firestone, Steven Glazerman, MariaAssunção Flores, Susan Hanson, Lara Hebert, Richard Holdgreve-Resendez, Erin T. Horne, Leslie Huling, Eric Isenberg, Amy Johnson, Richard Lange, Julie A. Luft, Pearl Mack, Julia Moore, Jennifer Neakrase, Lynn W. Paine, Edward G. Pultorak, Hong Qian, Alan J. Reiman, Virginia Resta, John R. Schwille, Sharon A. Schwille, Thomas M. Smith, Randi Stanulis, Michael Strong, Dina Walker-DeVose, Ann L. Wood & Peter Youngs - 2010 - R&L Education.
    This book's importance is derived from three sources: careful conceptualization of teacher induction from historical, methodological, and international perspectives; systematic reviews of research literature relevant to various aspects of teacher induction including its social, cultural, and political contexts, program components and forms, and the range of its effects; substantial empirical studies on the important issues of teacher induction with different kinds of methodologies that exemplify future directions and approaches to the research in teacher induction.
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    Points aveugles et points borgnes: Quelques réflexions sur l’innovation en sémiotique.Alice Bergeron & Louis Hébert - 2020 - Semiotica 2020 (234):1-5.
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    Alexis de Tocqueville and the Art of Democratic Statesmanship.Brian Danoff & Louie Joseph Hebert (eds.) - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville famously called for 'a new political science' that could address the problems and possibilities of a 'world itself quite new.' For Tocqueville, the democratic world needed not just a new political science, but also new arts of statesmanship and leadership. In this volume, editors Brian Danoff and L. Joseph Hebert, Jr. have brought together a diverse set of essays which reveal that Tocqueville's understanding of democratic statesmanship remains highly relevant today.
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    Signes des temps: Temps et temporalités des signes.Lucie Guillemette & Louis Hébert (eds.) - 2005 - Sainte-Foy, Québec: Presses de l'Université Laval.
    Saint Augustin écrit : " Qu'est-ce donc que le temps ? Si personne ne me le demande, je le sais ; mais, si on me le demande et que je veuille l'expliquer, je ne le sais plus.
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    Lanalyse des modalités véridictoires et thymiques: Vrai/faux, euphorie/dysphorie.Louis Hébert - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (144).
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    Petite sémiotique du rythme. Éléments de rythmologie.Louis Hébert - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Ce texte a déjà paru dans L. Hébert (dir.), Signo, Rimouski (Québec), 2011. Nous remercions Louis Hébert de nous avoir autorisé à le reproduire ici. 1. Résumé Trois opérations sont nécessaires pour produire un rythme : la segmentation en unités, la disposition et la sériation de ces unités. « Disposition » désigne également la composante relative à la disposition des unités dans une étendue temporelle et/ou spatiale. Le rythme peut notamment être défini comme la configuration particulière que constituent au (...) (...)
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  12.  24
    Référence du référent.Louis Hébert - 1998 - Semiotica 120 (1-2):93-108.
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    Schéma de l’interprétation et nombre d’interprétations adéquates.Louis Hébert - 1999 - Semiotica 126 (1-4):97-120.
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    Trois problèmes de sémiotique théorique et appliquée: Cohérence, genre, intertextualité et structure ontologique. à propos et autour de Sémiotique et littÉrature de Jacques Fontanille.Louis Hébert - 2003 - Semiotica 2003 (146):473-498.
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    Une typologie des relations.Louis Hébert - 2005 - Semiotica 2005 (157):453-475.
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  16. A typology of relations.L. Hebert - 2005 - Semiotica 157 (1-4):453-475.
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    More Than Kings and Less Than Men: Tocqueville on the Promise and Perils of Democratic Individualism.L. Joseph Hebert - 2010 - Lexington Books.
    This book explains why Tocqueville saw the central task of modern statesmanship as combating 'individualism,' a type of civic apathy that he thought capable of robbing modern citizens of human virtue and issuing in a historically unprecedented form of despotism. It looks in depth at the mechanisms he proposed for avoiding the perils and securing the promise of democracy in his own day, and discusses how Tocqueville's insights might be applied in our own time.
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    Not “Dressed Like a Philosopher”: Tactful Statesmanship in Utopia and the Epigrams.L. Joseph Hebert Jr - 2021 - Moreana 58 (1):31-52.
    This paper argues that the mode of statesmanship recommended in Utopia provides the framework for the Epigrams. While Utopia demonstrates the need for artful indirection by exposing the vices of a man too proud to adopt it, the Epigrams exhibit More's preparation for and practice of a tactfully philosophic statesmanship.
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    Sens de la transcendance: études sur la spiritualité.Louis Hébert, Étienne Pouliot, Eric Trudel & Georges Vasilakis (eds.) - 2023 - Paris: Classiques Garnier.
    After a generous introduction to the subject, essays follow on transcendence and spirituality from a multidisciplinary and multifaith perspective: a focus on Abrahamic, Oriental, and African religions, a study of transcendence in Nazism, etc.
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  20. The analysis of veridical and thymic modalities: True/false, euphoria/dysphoria.L. Hebert - 2003 - Semiotica 144 (1-4):261-302.
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  21. Tocqueville, Cicero, Augustine, and the limits of the polis.L. Joseph Hebert Jr - 2011 - In Lee Trepanier & Khalil M. Habib, Cosmopolitanism in the Age of Globalization: Citizens Without States. University Press of Kentucky.
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    Review essay: Drama, counsel, and command in early modern England. [REVIEW]L. Joseph Hebert - 2022 - Moreana 59 (1):148-157.
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