Results for 'Km Parker'

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  1. Effects of arousal, imagery, and encoding in a vonrestorff task.Km Parker & Lw Duke - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (6):508-508.
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    The Works of John Locke, Esq: In Three Volumes.John Locke, Arthur Bettesworth, Edmund Parker, John Pemberton & Edward Symon - 1727 - Printed for Arthur Bettesworth, at the Red Lion, in Pater-Noster-Row; Edmund Parker, at the Bible and Crown, in Lombard-Street; John Pemberton, at the Buck, in Fleet-Street; and Edward Symon, Against the Royal-Exchange, in Cornhill.
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    American medicine in crisis.Edward Parker Luongo - 1971 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
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    The Idealism-Realism Debate Among Edmund Husserl’s Early Followers and Critics.Rodney K. B. Parker (ed.) - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume aims to contextualize the development and reception of Husserl’s transcendental-phenomenological idealism by placing him in dialogue with his most important interlocutors – his mentors, peers, and students. Husserl’s “turn” to idealism and the ensuing reaction to Ideas I resulted in a schism between the early members of the phenomenological movement. The division between the realist and the transcendental phenomenologists is often portrayed as a sharp one, with the realists naively and dogmatically rejecting all of Husserl’s written work after (...)
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    Law as Clinical Evidence: A New ConstitutiveModel of Medical Education and Decision-Making.Malcolm Parker, Lindy Willmott, Ben White, Gail Williams & Colleen Cartwright - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (1):101-109.
    Over several decades, ethics and law have been applied to medical education and practice in a way that reflects the continuation during the twentieth century of the strong distinction between facts and values. We explain the development of applied ethics and applied medical law and report selected results that reflect this applied model from an empirical project examining doctors’ decisions on withdrawing/withholding treatment from patients who lack decision-making capacity. The model is critiqued, and an alternative “constitutive” model is supported on (...)
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    Postmortem non-directed sperm donation: quality matters.Joshua Parker & Nathan Hodson - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):263-264.
    In our paper ‘The ethical case for non-directed postmortem sperm donation’ we argued that it would be ethical for men to donate sperm after death for use by strangers. In their thoughtful response Fredrick and Ben Kroon lay out practical concerns regarding our proposal. They raise issues regarding the quality of sperm collected postmortem based on empirical studies. Second, they claim that concerns about quality would make women unlikely to use sperm collected after death. In this response we explore issues (...)
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    The Importance of Clear and Careful Thinking in Clinical Ethics.J. Clint Parker - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (1):1-16.
    Clear and careful thinking is an indispensable aid in the pursuit of answers to the difficult ethical question faced by clinicians, patients, and families. In this issue of The Journal of Medicine and Philosophy devoted to issues in clinical ethics, the authors engage in this enterprise by reflecting on morally good medical decision making, conscientious objection, presumed consent in organ donation, the permissibility of surrogate decision making, and the failure of legislative limits on the scope of euthanasia in Belgium.
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  8. Pragmatism and environmental thought.Kelly A. Parker - 1996 - In Eric Katz & Andrew Light, Environmental Pragmatism. Routledge. pp. 30.
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    How the child got his stages.S. T. Parker & K. R. Gibson - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):399-407.
  10.  41
    Literacy in the post-truth era: The significance of affect and the ethical encounter.Lana Parker - 2020 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 53 (6):613-623.
    Education has a responsibility to respond to the threat of deteriorating democracies. The post-truth era is marked by an erosion of trust in public institutions and extreme polarisation. This paper begins with an examination of the ways by which current literacy and media literacy education is not simply outmoded, but also limited by a grounding in neoliberal conceptions of rationality and individualism. Offering a counterpoint to the status quo, and foregrounding the significance of affect, I work with Levinas’s conception of (...)
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    Pepys Island as a Pacific stepping stone: the struggle to capture islands on early modern maps.Katherine Parker - 2018 - British Journal for the History of Science 51 (4):659-677.
    This paper will investigate how geographic features were recorded on maps in the eighteenth century in order to outline the construction of geographic knowledge by British mapmakers. Due to practical and economic factors, early modern cartography was a conservative practice based on source compilation and comparison. For the Pacific region especially, the paucity of first-hand observations and the conflicting nature of those observations rendered the world's largest ocean difficult to chart and prone to the retention of mythical continents, passages and (...)
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    Direct and indirect interference in the recall of paired associates.Geoffrey Keppel, Dennis Bonge, Bonnie Z. Strand & Janat Parker - 1971 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 88 (3):414.
  13. An Examination of Some Passages in Dr. Whately's Elements of Logic.George Cornewall Lewis, J. Murray, Parker & Richard Whately - 1829 - For J. Parker; and J. Murray, London.
  14.  36
    Practice Guidelines and Private Insurers.Christine W. Parker - 1995 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 23 (1):57-61.
    Practice guidelines are an increasingly relevant feature of health insurance. One hundred and seventy-eight million people in the United States have some form of private health insurance coverage; coverage for 150 million of them is employment-related. Traditionally, this coverage was provided by employers purchasing a group contract under which an insurance carrier provided indemnity coverage for employees—that is, the insurance company paid all usual, customary, and reasonable charges incurred by an employee for medical care, subject in some cases to an (...)
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    Problem-based learning: A practical demonstration.M. H. Parker, L. Skene & W. Anderson - forthcoming - 6th National Conference of the Australian Bioethics Association.
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  16. Linguistic Analysis: Ayer and Early Ordinary Language Philosophy.Sally Parker-Ryan - 2021 - In Adam Tamas Tuboly, The Historical and Philosophical Significance of Ayer’s Language, Truth and Logic. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave. pp. 123 - 149.
    The ‘between Wars’ period in England in the early twentieth century was extraordinary, philosophically. It was marked by a profusion of new, controversial, and revolutionary ideas. Developments in formal logic, the rise of the method of ‘analysis’, and logical atomism were already changing the face of philosophy in England. From this mix emerged two distinctive views about language and its connection to philosophical methodology: one championing the concept of an ideal language; and one rejecting this and favoring appeal to ordinary (...)
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    Love poetry and Apuleius’ Cupid and Psyche.S. Parker & P. Murgatroyd - 2002 - Classical Quarterly 52 (1):400-404.
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    Medical Research on Trial: A Reply to Steiner.Colin Parker - 2005 - Research Ethics 1 (3):101-104.
    We consider a particular attempt to justify medical research and the practice of medicine as moral imperatives; in doing this we are led into a comparison of consequential and deontological justifications of intention and action. We conclude that the justification of research and medicine is consequential.
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    2. Normative Judgment in Jazz: A Semiotic Framework.Kelly A. Parker - 2012 - In Cornelis De Waal & Krzysztof Piotr Skowroński, The normative thought of Charles S. Peirce. New York: Fordham University Press. pp. 26-43.
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    On Fiction, Femininity, and Fashion: An Interview with Linda Grant.Emma Parker - 2010 - Feminist Review 96 (1):127-134.
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    Objects of all Sorts: A Philosophical Grammar, by Vincent Descombes.Noel Parker - 1989 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 20 (2):184-185.
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    Os Positivistas: Subsidios para a Historia da Filosofia em Portugal.A. A. Parker & Alvaro Ribeiro - 1952 - Philosophical Quarterly 2 (9):377.
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    Preface.Wendy S. Parker - 2017 - Philosophy of Science 84 (5):795-796.
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    Pathology and Creativity: Asinthomatic Reading of Lacan's Seminar XXIII.Ian Parker - 2013 - Philosophia: International Journal of Philosophy (Philippine e-journal) 14 (2):233-246.
    Jacques Lacan's innovative development of Freudian psychoanalysis entails a differentiation between registers of the "symbolic," "imaginary," and "real," and then an analysis of the way these three registers are held together as three rings of the "Borromean knot." This work is taken a significant step further in his 1975-76 Seminar XXIII, and is sometimes thought to mark the shift to a "later Lacan.,, The seminar shifts its focus from "symptom" (as a coded message to the Other, repetitively sent even unbeknownst (...)
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    Preventing and De-Escalating Ethical Conflict: A Communication-Training Mediation Model.Patricia A. Parker & Tomer T. Levin - 2015 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 26 (4):342-345.
    While ethical conflicts in the provision of healthcare are common, the current third-party mediator model is limited by a lack of expert ethical mediators, who are often not on site when conflict escalates. In order to improve clinical outcomes in situations such as conflicts at the end of life, we suggest that clinicians—physicians, nurses and social workers—be trained to prevent and deescalate emerging conflicts. This can be achieved using a mediation model framed by a communication-training approach. A case example is (...)
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  26. Philosophy by ipod : Wisdom to the people.Scott F. Parker - 2008 - In D. E. Wittkower, Ipod and Philosophy: Icon of an Epoch. Open Court.
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    Prenatal diagnosis: discrimination, medicalisation and eugenics.Malcolm Parker - 2006 - Monash Bioethics Review 25 (3):41-53.
    Prenatal Diagnosis (PD) includes diagnostic procedures carried out during the antenatal period, together with Preconception Screening (PS) of prospective parents, and prenatal genetic diagnosis (PGD). The purpose of all these procedures is to provide prospective parents with opportunities to decide whether or not to have a child who will be diseased or disabled. Selection decisions determine what kinds of children are brought into existence; the ability to make these decisions is of huge ethical significance. It raises connected questions about discrimination, (...)
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    Purposive Evolution, the Link Between Science and ReligionEdmund Noble.DeWitt H. Parker - 1927 - International Journal of Ethics 37 (4):431-432.
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    Paul F. Linke.Rodney Parker - 2018 - In Evan Clarke & Andrea Staiti, The Sources of Husserl’s 'Ideas I'. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 383-384.
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  30. Public Hearings / Hearing Publics: A Pragmatic Approach to Applying Ethics.Kelly Parker - unknown
    The phrase "applied ethics" has lost much of the charm it initially had for philosophers. Alasdair MacIntyre, Tom Beauchamp, and others pointed out a decade ago that it is a mistake to think of ethics as a body of theory that can be carted in, when necessary, to sort out some particularly messy real-world moral dilemma.(1) According to these critics' line of thought there may be good reasons to distinguish pure from applied mathematics, for example, but ethics is not (and (...)
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    Psi in search of consensus.Adrian Parker - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (4):602.
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    (1 other version)Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society. New Series. Vol. XXXIX, 1938-1939.DeWitt H. Parker - 1941 - Philosophical Review 50 (2):230.
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    Pausanias the spartiate as depicted by Charon of lampsacus and herodotus'.Victor Parker - 2005 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 149 (1):3-11.
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    Risky Business: Medicine and Postmodernism.M. H. Parker - 2002 - New Zealand Bioethics Journal 3 (1):28-32.
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    Realms of Being.Dewitt H. Parker - 1943 - Philosophical Review 52 (4):409.
  36.  53
    Reformation or Revolution? Herman Bavinck and Henri de Lubac on Nature and Grace.Gregory W. Parker - 2017 - Perichoresis 15 (3):81-95.
    Henri de Lubac’s treatment of the relationship between nature and grace will be critiqued by Herman Bavinck’s ‘grace restores nature’ theme. In two significant addresses, Bavinck critiqued a Roman Catholic approach to nature and grace. De Lubac’s influence upon Roman Catholic thinking addressing nature and grace occurred post-Bavinck and has altered Catholic thinking on the subject. Neo-Calvinist scholar, Wolter Huttinga admits that Bavinck and de Lubac offer similar critiques of Roman Catholicism. The question remains then, do Bavinck’s critiques still hold? (...)
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    Real things: Discourse, context and practice.Ian Parker - 1990 - Philosophical Psychology 3 (2 & 3):227 – 233.
  38.  11
    The Date of the Material in “II Maccabees”: The Bureaucratic Evidence.Victor Parker - 2013 - Hermes 141 (1):34-44.
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    Theodor Elsenhans.Rodney Parker - 2018 - In Evan Clarke & Andrea Staiti, The Sources of Husserl’s 'Ideas I'. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 13-16.
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  40. The English Reformation to 1558.T. M. Parker - 1950
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    The «false prophets» of Lefèvre d'étaples.Louise Salley Parker - 1983 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 45 (3):473-485.
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  42. The Gospel Before Mark.Pierson Parker - 1953
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    Vaccination Day: Three of Five Pieces.Malcolm Parker - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (2):161-161.
    They enterin curves and stoopslimping and tappinga file of bare armscreased faces upliftedred eyelids poutingeyes curtained in cataract.The syringes are magazined at his hip.A pinch of skinin a chill autumn morninga stinging spreads outat the borders of shouldersthe grim supplicationfor all his attentionthe trembling smileon his remembering a name.Swabs spent in bucketsthe names all collecteda shifting and amblingacross the lawns to their liveson small porchesand in dim echoing cells.Washing his handsof the short easy morningthose bird-bone armsgrow stars of Davidin the (...)
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    Why eu, which eu? Habermas and the ethics of postnational politics in europe.Owen Parker - 2009 - Constellations 16 (3):392-409.
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    With new eyes: the animal rights movement and religion.James Parker - 1993 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 36 (3):338.
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    World Hypotheses. A Study in Evidence. [REVIEW]De Witt H. Parker - 1942 - Journal of Philosophy 39 (19):527-530.
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  47. Letters to Soame Jenyns, Esq; Occasioned by His Free Enquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Evil. To Which Are Added, Three Discourses. I. On Conscience. Ii. On Inspiration. Iii. On a Paradisiacal State.R. Shepherd, Soame Jenyns, William Flexney & S. Parker - 1768 - Printed for W. Flexney, ... London; and S. Parker, in Oxford.
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    Philosophy of metaphor: Science or poetry? [REVIEW]S. Gillian Parker - 1998 - Minds and Machines 8 (3):423-431.
  49. II—Wendy S. Parker: Confirmation and adequacy-for-Purpose in Climate Modelling.Wendy S. Parker - 2009 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 83 (1):233-249.
    Lloyd (2009) contends that climate models are confirmed by various instances of fit between their output and observational data. The present paper argues that what these instances of fit might confirm are not climate models themselves, but rather hypotheses about the adequacy of climate models for particular purposes. This required shift in thinking—from confirming climate models to confirming their adequacy-for-purpose—may sound trivial, but it is shown to complicate the evaluation of climate models considerably, both in principle and in practice.
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    Review: Herodotus and Religion in the Persian Wars. [REVIEW]Robert Parker - 2005 - The Classical Review 55 (1):46-47.
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