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  1.  33
    Public Concerns in the United Kingdom about General and Specific Applications of Genetic Engineering: Risk, Benefit, and Ethics.Richard Shepherd, Chaya Howard & Lynn J. Frewer - 1997 - Science, Technology and Human Values 22 (1):98-124.
    The repertory grid method was used to determine what terminology respondents use to distinguish between different applications of genetic engineering drawn from food- related, agricultural, and medical applications. Respondents were asked to react to fifteen applications phrased in general terms, and results compared with a second study where fifteen more specific applications were used as stimuli. Both sets of data were submitted to generalized Procrustes analysis. Applications associated with animals or human genetic material were described as causing ethical concern, being (...)
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  2.  52
    The Role of Moral Judgments Within Expectancy-Value-Based Attitude-Behavior Models.Richard Shepherd & Paul Sparks - 2002 - Ethics and Behavior 12 (4):299-321.
    Rational choice models are characterized by the image of the self-interested Homo economicus. The role of moral concerns, which may involve a concern for others' welfare in people's judgments and choices, questions the descriptive validity of such models. Increasing evidence of a role for perceived moral obligation within the expectancy-value-based theory of reasoned action and the theory of planned behavior indicates the importance of moral-normative influences in social behavior. In 2 studies, the influence of moral judgments on attitudes toward food (...)
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  3.  43
    The influence of initial attitudes on responses to communication about genetic engineering in food production.Lynn J. Frewer, Chaya Howard & Richard Shepherd - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (1):15-30.
    Source credibility has been thought to bean important determinant of peoples‘ reactions toinformation about technology. There has also been muchdebate about the need to communicate effectively withthe public about genetic engineering, particularlywithin the context of food production. Questionnaireswere used to investigate the impact of sourcecredibility, admission of risk uncertainty, andinitial attitude towards genetic engineering onattitudes of respondents after information provision.120 respondents with positive attitudes towardsgenetic engineering in food production were providedwith persuasive information about the technology,where both source attribution and admission (...)
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  4. Perpetual unease or being at ease? -- Derrida, daoism, and the 'metaphysics of presence'.Robert J. Shepherd - 2007 - Philosophy East and West 57 (2):227-243.
    : Interesting work has been done on the striking similarities between the key arguments of the late Jacques Derrida and Daoism. While named otherwise, such Derridean signposts as the metaphysics of presence, the duality of language, and logocentrism are found in Daoist views of the relationship between reality, speech, writing, and knowledge. However, where the limits of language lead Derrida is different from where they take the authors of the Zhuangzi and the Daodejing, in particular regarding the question of action (...)
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  5.  42
    ‘Objection’ mapping in determining group and individual concerns regarding genetic engineering.Lynn J. Frewer, Duncan Hedderley, Chaya Howard & Richard Shepherd - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (1):67-79.
    Whilst there has been much debateregarding the importance of public acceptance ofgenetic engineering and its applications, there isevidence to indicate that objections to the technologyare likely to focus on specific applications of thetechnology, rather than genetic engineering per se.Thus it becomes important to examine the extent ofobjections associated with individual applications,rather than to assess public feeling regarding thetechnology overall. Survey data were collected from200 respondents regarding their objections to generalapplications of genetic engineering (where thetangible benefits were not obvious). Similar objectiondata (...)
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  6.  18
    “Normal” is not the issue: It is “effective” goal attainment that counts.J. H. Carr & R. B. Shepherd - 1996 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 19 (1):72-73.
  7.  14
    Interview with Robert Shepherd: On Soft Robots, Biomimetics, and Beyond.Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen & Robert Shepherd - 2021 - In Peter Fratzl, Michael Friedman, Karin Krauthausen & Wolfgang Schäffner (eds.), Active Materials. De Gruyter. pp. 145-156.
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    ...Turgot and the six edicts.Robert Perry Shepherd - 1903 - New York,: The Columbia university press; [etc., etc.].
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  9.  49
    Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Coat.Reginald Shepherd - 2004 - Semiotics:158-175.
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  10.  38
    Gene technology, food production, and public opinion: A UK study. [REVIEW]Paul Sparks, Richard Shepherd & Lynn J. Frewer - 1994 - Agriculture and Human Values 11 (1):19-28.
    In this paper, dimensions of the debate surrounding the application of gene technology to food production are discussed and a study assessing perceptions of the technology among a sample of the UK public (n = 1499) is reported. The general picture that emerges from the study is one of people expressing low familiarity with the technology, with more people associating it with high risks than with low risks, and more people expecting it to provide low benefits than high benefits. Attitudes (...)
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  11.  50
    Ethical concerns and risk perceptions associated with different applications of genetic engineering: Interrelationships with the perceived need for regulation of the technology. [REVIEW]Lynn J. Frewer & Richard Shepherd - 1995 - Agriculture and Human Values 12 (1):48-57.
    The development of genetic engineering and its plausible consequences raises a level of controversy that can be identified at the level of public rather than scientific debate. Opposition to genetic engineering may manifest itself in rejection of the technology overall, or rejection of specific aspects of the technology, where public attitudes may be defined by a complex set of perceptions incorporating risk, benefit, control, and ethical concerns.One hundred and seventy six members of the public responded to questionnaires about genetic engineering (...)
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  12. Letters to Soame Jenyns, Esq; Occasioned by His Free Enquiry Into the Nature and Origin of Evil. To Which Are Added, Three Discourses. I. On Conscience. Ii. On Inspiration. Iii. On a Paradisiacal State.R. Shepherd, Soame Jenyns, William Flexney & S. Parker - 1768 - Printed for W. Flexney, ... London; and S. Parker, in Oxford.
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