Results for 'Klaus Bally'

961 found
  1.  37
    “We need to talk!” Barriers to GPs’ communication about the option of physician-assisted suicide and their ethical implications: results from a qualitative study.Ina C. Otte, Corinna Jung, Bernice Elger & Klaus Bally - 2017 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 20 (2):249-256.
    GPs usually care for their patients for an extended period of time, therefore, requests to not only discontinue a patient’s treatment but to assist a patient in a suicide are likely to create intensely stressful situations for physicians. However, in order to ensure the best patient care possible, the competent communication about the option of physician assisted suicide as well as the assessment of the origin and sincerity of the request are very important. This is especially true, since patients’ requests (...)
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    The utility of standardized advance directives: the general practitioners’ perspective.Ina Carola Otte, Bernice Elger, Corinna Jung & Klaus Walter Bally - 2016 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 19 (2):199-206.
    Advance directives are written documents that give patients the opportunity to communicate their preferences regarding treatments they do or do not want to receive in case they become unable to make decisions. Commonly used pre-printed forms have different formats. Some offer space for patients to appoint a surrogate decision maker, and/or to determine future medical treatments and/or give a statement of personal values. So far it is unknown which forms GPs preferably use and why they decide to do so. 23 (...)
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    Incongruency effects in affective processing: Automatic motivational counter-regulation or mismatch-induced salience?Klaus Rothermund, Anne Gast & Dirk Wentura - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (3):413-425.
    Attention is automatically allocated to stimuli that are opposite in valence to the current motivational focus (Rothermund, 2003; Rothermund, Voss, & Wentura, 2008). We tested whether this incongruency effect is due to affective–motivational counter-regulation or to an increased salience of stimuli that mismatch with cognitively activated information. Affective processing biases were assessed with a search task in which participants had to detect the spatial position at which a positive or negative stimulus was presented. In the motivational condition, positive or negative (...)
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  4.  24
    Explaining and simulating judgment biases as an aggregation phenomenon in probabilistic, multiple-cue environments.Klaus Fiedler - 1996 - Psychological Review 103 (1):193-214.
  5. Ideal Intellectual Cognition in Timeaus 37 A 2 – C 5.Klaus Corcilius - 2018 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 54:51-106.
    Plato's depiction of the world soul's cognitive activity in Timaeus 37 A 2‐C 5 offers a general account of intellectual cognition. He gives this account by describing the activity of an ideal cognitive agent, involving the very same comparative mechanism that governs human intellectual activity, namely, the active production of a propositional grasp of sameness and difference that things have in relation to each other in several respects. Plato depicts the world soul's intellectual activity as entirely devoid of immediate forms (...)
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  6. (1 other version)Das problem Des höchsten gutes in kants praktischer philosophie.Klaus Düsing - 1971 - Kant Studien 62 (1-4):5-42.
  7. An intensional Leibniz semantics for aristotelian logic.Klaus Glashoff - 2010 - Review of Symbolic Logic 3 (2):262-272.
    Since Freges terms were meant to refer always to sets, that is, entities composed of individuals. Classical philosophy up to Leibniz and Kant had a different view on this questionBegriffes syntaxhighercorresponding to the idea which Leibniz used in the construction of his characteristic numbers. Thus, this paper is an addendum to Corcorans theory via predicate logic.
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  8. Der Sinn für Angemessenheit.Klaus Günther - 1990 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 44 (3):491-495.
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    Studying appraisal-driven emotion processes: taking stock and moving to the future.Klaus R. Scherer - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (1):31-40.
  10.  34
    Pseudocontingencies: An integrative account of an intriguing cognitive illusion.Klaus Fiedler, Peter Freytag & Thorsten Meiser - 2009 - Psychological Review 116 (1):187-206.
  11.  27
    Resource Dependencies and the Legitimatization of Grocery Retailer’s Social Evaluations of Suppliers.Matthew Gorton, Klaus Kastenhofer, Fred Lemke, Luis Esquivel & Mariana Nicolau - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-16.
    Multinational corporations (MNCs) are increasingly judged not only on their own social impacts but also on those of their supply chain partners. To reduce this environmental dependence, many MNCs implement social evaluations and codes of conduct which suppliers must follow. But how do MNCs legitimise and implement social evaluations in their supply chains? To address this, we draw on and augment resource dependence and legitimacy theories, to analyse a multinational grocery retailer’s implementation of labour standards for its fruit and vegetable (...)
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  12.  20
    Modified Navigation Instructions for Spatial Navigation Assistance Systems Lead to Incidental Spatial Learning.Klaus Gramann, Paul Hoepner & Katja Karrer-Gauss - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
  13.  16
    From ‘the Bads of Goods’ to ‘the Goods of Bads’: The Most Recent Developments in Ulrich Beck’s Cosmopolitan Sociology.Klaus Rasborg - 2018 - Theory, Culture and Society 35 (7-8):157-171.
    The article critically assesses Ulrich Beck’s body of work and its importance for contemporary sociology. It demonstrates that Beck’s elaboration of his original theory of the ‘risk society’ into a theory of the ‘world risk society’, ‘cosmopolitanism’ and ‘metamorphosis’ involved several key theoretical innovations. Firstly, Beck adjusted his notion of risk to include the threat of international terrorism in his diagnosis of the risk society. Secondly, he introduced a distinction between ‘cosmopolitanism’ and ‘cosmopolitization’ in order to capture the specificity of (...)
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  14.  12
    Project lightspeed: A case study in research ethics and accelerated vaccine development.Klaus Leisinger & Doris Schroeder - 2024 - Research Ethics 20 (4):847-856.
    The COVID-19 pathogen led to a fast expanding pandemic because it proved lethal in certain populations but could be transmitted by persons who appeared healthy. As a result, researchers came under unprecedented time pressure to develop a vaccine. This case study focuses on the first COVID-19 vaccine, which was approved for use in humans, known as Comirnaty, the BioNTech-Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine or Vaccine BNT162b2. With the benefit of hindsight, we show how close collaboration with regulators and trust-based decisions meant that (...)
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  15. Ein normativer Begriff der Kohärenz für eine Theorie der juristischen Argumentation”.Klaus Günther - 1989 - Rechtstheorie 20 (1989):163-190.
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  16.  35
    Three decades of Cognition & Emotion: A brief review of past highlights and future prospects.Klaus Rothermund & Sander L. Koole - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (1):1-12.
  17.  88
    A Normative Conception of Coherence for a Discursive Theory of Legal Justification.Klaus Günther - 1989 - Ratio Juris 2 (2):155-166.
    The author introduces a normative conception of coherence, derived from a pragmatic interpretation of the application of norms to concrete cases. A distinction is made between the justification of a norm and its application. In the case of moral norms, justification and application can be analysed as two different discursive procedures which give rise to different aspects of the principle of impartiality. Impartial justification requires a procedure by which all interests concerned are taken into account whereas impartial application requires a (...)
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  18.  64
    Interkulturelle Öffnung von Sportvereinen – Theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Ergebnisse.Klaus Cachay & Carmen Borggrefe - 2021 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 18 (2):157-186.
    Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag analysiert auf der Basis theoretischer Überlegungen sowie empirischer Ergebnisse Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer „interkulturellen Öffnung“ von Sportvereinen, worunter Strukturanpassungen verstanden werden, die auf die Inklusion und Integration von Personen mit Migrationshintergrund zielen. Es wird gezeigt, inwiefern eine nachhaltige interkulturelle Öffnung der Vereine von der programmatischen Anbindung an den Vereinszweck, von der kontinuierlichen Behandlung in den Kommunikationswegen, von spezifischen Personalentscheidungen und der Kompatibilität mit der Organisationskultur abhängig ist.
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  19.  45
    "The whole is greater than the part." Mereology in Euclid's Elements.Klaus Robering - 2016 - Logic and Logical Philosophy 25 (3):371-409.
    The present article provides a mereological analysis of Euclid’s planar geometry as presented in the first two books of his Elements. As a standard of comparison, a brief survey of the basic concepts of planar geometry formulated in a set-theoretic framework is given in Section 2. Section 3.2, then, develops the theories of incidence and order using a blend of mereology and convex geometry. Section 3.3 explains Euclid’s “megethology”, i.e., his theory of magnitudes. In Euclid’s system of geometry, megethology takes (...)
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  20.  38
    The semantic structure of emotion words across languages is consistent with componential appraisal models of emotion.Klaus R. Scherer & Johnny R. J. Fontaine - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (4):673-682.
    Appraisal theories of emotion, and particularly the Component Process Model, claim that the different components of the emotion process (action tendencies, physiological reactions, expressions, and feeling experiences) are essentially driven by the results of cognitive appraisals and that the feeling component constitutes a central integration and representation of these processes. Given the complexity of the proposed architecture, comprehensive experimental tests of these predictions are difficult to perform and to date are lacking. Encouraged by the “lexical sedimentation” hypothesis, here we propose (...)
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  21.  24
    History and Prophecy: Oswald Spengler and The Decline of the West.Klaus P. Fischer - 1989 - Peter Lang Incorporated, International Academic Publishers.
    This book provides insight into the work of Oswald Spengler (1880-1936), one of the most prophetic minds of the 20th century, whose dire historical predictions - world wars, ecological disasters, gigantic cities with unrestrained urban sprawl, increasing race conflicts, failure of nerve among the ruling elites, and rapid decline of cultural norms - have more than passed the test of time. Besides focusing on Spengler the prophet and the controversies which surrounded his name in the 1920s, this book also emphasizes (...)
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  22.  79
    Critical Remarks on Robert Alexy's "Special-Case Thesis".Klaus Günther - 1993 - Ratio Juris 6 (2):143-156.
    In this paper the author criticizes the way Robert Alexy reconstructs the relationship between legal and practical reasoning. The core of Alexy's argumentation (Alexy 1978) is considered the claim that legal argumentation is a “special case” of general practical discourse. In order to question this claim, the author analyzes three different types of argument: (1) that legal reasoning is needed by general practical discourse itself, (2) that there are similarities between legal argumentation and general practical discourse, (3) that there is (...)
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  23.  54
    Mood and constructive memory effects on social judgement.Klaus Fiedler, Judith Asbeck & Stefanie Nickel - 1991 - Cognition and Emotion 5 (5):363-378.
    Based on a theoretical model of the mood-cognition interface, the prediction is derived and tested empirically that positive mood enhances constructive memory biases. After reading an ambiguous personality description, participants received a positive or negative mood treatment employing different films. Within each mood group, half of the participants were then questioned about the applicability of either desirable or undesirable personality traits to the target person. This questioning treatment was predicted to bias subsequent impression judgements in the evaluative direction of the (...)
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  24. The hidden vicissitudes of the priming paradigm in evaluative judgment research.Klaus Fiedler - 2003 - In Jochen Musch & Karl C. Klauer, The Psychology of Evaluation: Affective Processes in Cognition and Emotion. Lawerence Erlbaum. pp. 109--137.
  25.  31
    John Locke in the German Enlightenment: an Interpretation.Klaus P. Fischer - 1975 - Journal of the History of Ideas 36 (3):431.
    A favorite assumption of anglo-American scholarship is that locke's influence "pervaded the eighteenth century with an almost scriptural authority." examining the philosophy of the german enlightenment, This essay disputes the exaggerated importance ascribed to locke in the eighteenth century. Locke's influence was always limited by native traditions inimical to his thought. His empiricism could not compete with the leibniz-Wolff system in which all german philosophers, Including the lockean sympathizers, Were educated. It is true that around mid-Century and beyond locke attracted (...)
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  26.  16
    Hungernde Dichter, unwillige Mäzene. Baptista Mantuanus’ Ekloge V und die römische Satire.Klaus Fetkenheuer - 2012 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 156 (2):310-327.
    In his fifth eclogue Candidus the Neo-latin poet Baptista Mantuanus, known in the Renaissance as the “second Virgil”, deals with the poverty of writers and the stinginess of patrons. The dialogue between the sincere-minded poet Candidus, who is frustrated by his hopeless situation, and the rich Silvanus, who gives only empty promises of help, turns out, however, to be futile. As can be demonstrated by the quotations taken mainly from the Roman satirists, Mantuanus makes use of the classical texts as (...)
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    Beyond local cognitive processes: imprinting a systems approach to social cognition.Klaus Fiedler - 1991 - In Robert S. Wyer & Thomas K. Srull, The Content, Structure, and Operation of Thought Systems. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 4--129.
  28.  49
    Beyond negative and positive ideologies.Klaus Fiedler - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (3):334-334.
    There are reasons to endorse Krueger & Funder's (K&F's) critique, but also to disagree with their diagnosis. A “problem-seeking approach” is hardly the cause of imbalance and lack of theoretical integration. Precommitted, ideological theories afford a more appropriate explanation.
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    Metacognitive Myopia in Hidden-Profile Tasks: The Failure to Control for Repetition Biases.Klaus Fiedler, Joscha Hofferbert & Franz Wöllert - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  30. Die Bestimmung des Rechtes.Klaus Joachim Fintelmann - 1949 - [Heidelberg,:
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  31. Der Sokrates des Aischines von Sphettos und die Frage nach dem historischen Sokrates.Klaus Döring - 1984 - Hermes 112 (1):16-30.
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    Artificial intelligence-related anomies and predictive policing: normative (dis)orders in liberal democracies.Klaus Behnam Shad - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-12.
    This article links three rarely considered dimensions related to the implementation of artificial intelligence (AI)-based technologies in the form of predictive policing and discusses them in relation to liberal democratic societies. The three dimensions are the theoretical embedding and the workings of AI within anomic conditions (1), potential normative disorders emerging from them in the form of thinking errors and discriminatory practices (2) as well as the consequences of these disorders on the psychosocial, and emotional level (3). Against this background, (...)
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  33.  15
    Nietzsches Vater Oder Die Katastrophe des Deutschen Protestantismus: Eine Biographie.Klaus Goch - 2000 - De Gruyter.
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    Optimierung und ökonomisierung im kontext Von evolutionstheorie und phylogenetischer rekonstruktion.Klaus Bonik, Wolfgang Friedrich Gutmann & D. Stefan Peters - 1977 - Acta Biotheoretica 26 (2):75-119.
    The meaning of optimality and economy in phylogenetics and evolutionary biology is discussed.It can be shown that the prevailing concepts of optimality and economy are equivocal as they are not based on strict theoretical positions and as they have a variable meaning in different theoretical contexts. The ideas of optimality and economy can be considered to be identical with the expectation of a relatively simple order in a particular field of study. Although there exists no way of inferring one or (...)
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  35.  8
    Die Begründung des moralischen Sollens: Studien zur Möglichkeit einer normativen Ethik.Klaus Steigleder - 1992 - Tübingen: Attempto Verlag.
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  36.  21
    Der „erste Satz“ in Grundlegung I.Klaus Steigleder - 2022 - Kant Studien 113 (2):179-191.
    In this article, I try to show that the question of what the “first proposition” in Groundwork I is can be answered by textual evidence. At the end of paragraph 15 of GMS I, Kant recapitulates the “first proposition”. It is: “Eine Handlung aus Pflicht sondert den Einfluss der Neigung ganz ab.“ (“An action from duty puts aside entirely the influence of inclination.”). It is also shown that this “proposition” summarizes an important result of Kant’s argument in the preceding paragraphs (...)
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  37. Die Unterscheidung zwischen Menschen und Personen. Zur Debatte in der Medizinethik.Klaus Steigleder - 2003 - Jahrbuch für Wissenschaft Und Ethik 8:96-115.
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  38. Ethics and Global Finance.Klaus Steigleder - 2011 - In Michael Boylan, The Morality and Global Justice Reader. Westview Press. pp. 169.
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  39.  49
    Fichte, Schlegel, Nietzsche und die Moderne.Klaus Stein - 1997 - Fichte-Studien 13:1-18.
    Nichts anderes meint die romantische Ironie, als das Spiel des Lebens, das ein Widerspiel der Welt ist, auch wirklich als Spiel zu nehmen und darzustellen, aber: »Darstellung ist Sache der Kunst« und »Darstellen kann nur der Mensch.« So avanciert in der ästhetisch gedeuteten Tathandlung das allein zur Darstellung befähigte Bewußtsein zum »complementum existentiae« der äußeren Welt, indem es Darstellungen einer Welt hervorbringt, die nur in den Darstellungen ihre vielfältige Wirklichkeit oder wirkliche Vielfalt zum Dasein bringt. Jenseits und vorgängig dieser Darstellungen (...)
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  40.  29
    Gewirth und die Begründung der normativen Ethik.Klaus Steigleder - 1997 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 51 (2):251 - 267.
    Ziel des Aufsatzes ist der Nachweis, daß dem amerikanischen Philosophen Alan Gewirth die Begründung der normativen Ethik gelungen ist. Damit wird der herrschenden Auffassung widersprochen, daß der Ansatz von Gewirth gröbste Fehler enthält und kaum der Beachtung wert ist. Im Zentrum der Rekonstruktion des Ansatzes steht die Behandlung des umstrittensten Punktes - der Übergang von Werturteilen zu Rechtsansprüchen des Handelnden. Die wesentlichen Rekonstruktionsschritte werden in Auseinandersetzung mit Franz von Kutscheras Kritik am Ansatz von Gewirth entfaltet. Aus der spezifischen - von (...)
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  41.  10
    Hypothetische Imperative als reflexive Urteile.Klaus Steigleder - 2001 - In Volker Gerhardt, Rolf-Peter Horstmann & Ralph Schumacher, Kant Und Die Berliner Aufklärung: Akten des IX Internationalen Kant-Kongresses. New York: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 113-121.
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  42.  4
    (2 other versions)Auf Satzmengen relativierte epistemische Akzeptationsprädikate.Klaus Peschel - 1993 - In Auf Satzmengen relativierte epistemische Akzeptationsprädikate. pp. 196-199.
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  43.  23
    Medizinethik und Philosophie.Klaus Steigleder - 2006 - Ethik in der Medizin 18 (4):310-314.
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  44.  16
    (1 other version)Die entstehungszeit der hesiodischen frauenkataloge.Klaus Stiewe - 1962 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 106 (1-2):291-299.
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    Grand article: Correspondance entre Strauss et Löwith.Klaus Stichweh, Leo Strauss & Karl Löwith - 2001 - Cités 8:171-227.
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  46.  12
    Aktuelle Änderungen der Staatspraxis beim Umgang mit den deutschen Staatenberichten und den Schlußfolgerungen der Menschenrechtsausschüsse der vereinten Nationen.Klaus Stoltenberg - 2005 - Jahrbuch Menschenrechte 2006 (jg):78-87.
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  47. Leiden als Preis von Freiheit und Liebe.Klaus von Stosch - 2006 - Theologie Und Philosophie 81:60-75.
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  48. Die Bedeutung des antiken Skeptizismus für Hegels Kritik der sinnlichen Gewißheit.Klaus Düsing - 1973 - Hegel-Studien 8:119-130.
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  49. Hegel und die Geschichte der Philosophie. Ontologie und Dialektik in Antike und Neuzeit.Klaus Düsing - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (1):135-136.
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  50.  8
    Die Gradualität des Realen und des Wissens bei Leibniz.Klaus Erich Kaehler - 2016 - In Thomas Leinkauf & Thomas Kisser, Intensität Und Realität: Systematische Analysen Zur Problemgeschichte von Gradualität, Intensität Und Quantitativer Differenz in Ontologie Und Metaphysik. De Gruyter. pp. 129-140.
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