Results for 'Kerstin Schnell'

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  1.  38
    Anger Makes You Feel Stronger: The Positive Influence of Trait Anger in a Real-Life Experiment.Sonja Rohrmann, Kerstin Schnell & Ana Nanette Tibubos - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):147-156.
    Although anger as a negative emotion is associated with unpleasantness, recent research on anger highlights its motivational effect. The present study tested whether individuals experience both, an unpleasant and an activating affect, after real-life provocations. Results revealed that an anger situation evoked not only typical subjective and cardiovascular anger reactions but also a sense of strength, which is a positive affect. A comparison of participants with low versus high anger disposition according to the STAXI-2 at baseline, treatment, and recovery showed (...)
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    Test and Math Anxiety: A Validation of the German Test Anxiety Questionnaire.Volker Hodapp, Sonja Rohrmann, Ana Nanette Tibubos & Kerstin Schnell - 2013 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 44 (2):193-200.
    The present study investigated the construct validity of the Test Anxiety Questionnaire, a revised and shortened version of the German Test Anxiety Inventory, by comparing it with math anxiety. A sample of German fifth- and sixth-grade students was analyzed. Math anxiety was measured by a German adaptation of the Math Anxiety Questionnaire. A significant but moderate correlation between test anxiety and math anxiety was found. In regression analyses, math anxiety predicted math performance whereas test anxiety explained additional variance for both (...)
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    From embodied to socially embedded agents: Implications for interaction-aware robots.Kerstin Dautenhahn, Bernard Ogden, Tom Quick & Tom Ziemke - 2002 - Cognitive Systems Research 3 (1):397-427.
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    Verbale und nonverbale Vagheit in englisch- und deutschsprachigen Interviews.Kerstin Petermann - 2014 - Berlin: Frank & Timme.
    In Interviews wird – vor allem von Politikern – oft „um den heißen Brei herum geredet“. Welche Gründe gibt es für diese Vagheit in der Sprache und in der inhaltlichen Aussage? Auf welchen Ebenen der Kommunikation liegt die Vagheit in den Fragen und Antworten eines Interviews? Und welche Strategien verfolgen die Interviewpartner damit? Kerstin Petermann hat deutsch- und englischsprachige Interviews mit Gesprächspartnern aus Politik, Kultur und Gesellschaft untersucht. Im Ergebnis Ihrer Studie formuliert sie Aussagen zu Semantik und Syntax in (...)
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    Settler Colonialism, Decolonization, and Climate Change.Kerstin Reibold - 2023 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 40 (4):624-641.
    The article proposes that climate change makes enduring colonial injustices and structures visible. It focuses on the imposition and dominance of colonial concepts of land and self-determination on Indigenous peoples in settler states. It argues that if the dominance of these colonial frameworks remains unaddressed, the progressing climate change will worsen other colonial injustices, too. Specifically, Indigenous self-determination capabilities will be increasingly undermined, and Indigenous peoples will experience the loss of what they understand as relevant land from within their own (...)
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  6. Rawls on Kant.Kerstin Budde - 2007 - European Journal of Political Theory 6 (3):339-358.
    This article will investigate Rawls's claim that his theory is Kantian in origin. In drawing on the Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy, I will show that Rawls's claim to be Kantian cannot be conclusively explained and assessed without the Lectures. An investigation of the Lectures shows that Rawls forces onto Kant's theory a Rawlsian interpretation which crucially alters Kant's theory. So far the secondary literature has neglected to subject Rawls's Lectures to detailed philosophical scrutiny. This article aims to (...)
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    2.6 Between Limitations and Moments of Transcendence. A Case Study on the Frankfurt Airport Refugee Accommodation (Kerstin Söderblom). [REVIEW]Kerstin Söderblom - 2010 - In Trygve Wyller & Hans-Günter Heimbrock (eds.), Perceiving the Other: Case Studies and Theories of Respectful Action. Oxbow [Distributor]. pp. 111.
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    La concept de mouvement dans l' Auseinandersetzung d'Eugen Fink avec la pensée grecque.Schnell Alexander - 2024 - Metodo. International Studies in Phenomenology and Philosophy 11 (2):121-142.
    The aim of this contribution is to establish the role of movement in the reconsideration of ontology proposed by Eugen Fink in his 1951 summer semester course Nachdenkliches zur ontologischen Frühgeschichte von Raum - Zeit - Bewegung. In this lecture, first published in 1957, Fink successively discusses how Parmenides, Zeno of Aeneas, Plato and Aristotle approach the concepts of time, space and movement in the overall economy of ontology, and how they might be overcome in a cosmology. This refection on (...)
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    Ludwik Fleck, Leben und Denken: zur Entstehung und Entwicklung des soziologischen Denkstils in der Wissenschaftsphilosophie.Thomas Schnelle - 1982 - Freiburg: Hochschulverlag.
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    Why Is the First Principle of the Grundlage der gesamten Wissenschaftslehre Foundational for Fichte’s Entire Wissenschaftslehre?Alexander Schnell - 2021 - Fichte-Studien 49:79-93.
    This article aims at a new interpretation of paragraph §1 of Fichte’s main work of 1794/95, the Grundlage der gesammten Wissenschaftslehre. This well-known text of the early Jena period explicitly introduces a number of thought motifs that will prove to be valuable for the later versions of the Wissenschaftslehre – including the second version of 1804 – and these motifs will furthermore illuminate the significance of the first principle for Fichte’s entire Wissenschaftslehre.
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    Die Schwester: das Leben der Elisabeth Förster-Nietzsche.Kerstin Decker - 2016 - München: Berlin Verlag.
  12. Making the world safe for preventive force : South Korea and the US precedent.Kerstin Fisk & Jennifer M. Ramos - 2018 - In Daniel R. Brunstetter & Jean-Vincent Holeindre (eds.), The ethics of war and peace revisited: moral challenges in an era of contested and fragmented sovereignty. Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press.
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  13. Durkheim and social movements.Kerstin Jacobsson - 2024 - In Hans Joas & Andreas Pettenkofer (eds.), The Oxford handbook of Emile Durkheim. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Variation in English and German nominal coreference: a study of political essays.Kerstin Anna Kunz - 2010 - New York: Peter Lang.
    0 Introduction 0.1 Variation in nominal coreference Nominal coreference has received much interest in the field of text linguistics as an essential strategy ...
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    Relational becoming, mit Anderen werden: soziale Zugehörigkeit als Prozess.Kerstin Meissner - 2019 - Bielefeld: Transcript.
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    Crisis and Repetition. Essays on Art and Culture, by Kate Armstrong.Kerstin Mey - 2004 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 35 (3):333-334.
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  17. Schreib doch mal hard facts über dich: Briefe 1939 bis 1975: Texte und Dokumente.Kerstin Putz, Hannah Arendt & Günther Anders (eds.) - 2016 - München: C.H. Beck.
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  18.  12
    Circumstance sentences.Helmut Schnelle - 1979 - In A. Margalit (ed.), Meaning and Use. Reidel. pp. 93--115.
  19. L'angoisse dans la constitution de l'identité: Une relecture des Ages du Monde de Schelling dans la version de 1815.Mechtild Schnell - 2004 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 24:237-257.
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    Rules or neural networks?Helmut Schnelle - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (6):1037-1038.
    Clahsen's claim to contribute arguments for dual mechanisms based on rule analysis and against connectionist proposals is refuted. Both types of modeling are inadequate for principled reasons.
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    Sprachphilosophie und Linguistik.Helmut Schnelle - 1973 - Reinbek (bei Hamburg): Rowohlt.
  22. Transformations in the Myth of the Inner Valleys as a Zionist Place.Izhak Schnell - 1998 - Philosophy and Geography 3:97-118.
  23. Verfransung und Digitalität : Medienspezifik in der Krise.Kerstin Stakemeier - 2014 - In Marcus Quent & Eckardt Lindner (eds.), Das Versprechen der Kunst: aktuelle Zugänge zu Adornos ästhetischer Theorie. Wien: vERLAG Turia + Kant.
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    Caring Power – Coercion as Care.Kerstin Svensson - 2002 - Outlines. Critical Practice Studies 4 (2):71-78.
    The article analyses the compulsory care of drug misusers in Sweden. An historical analysis of this field of work as a part of the Swedish welfare state highlights historically changing legislations, institutions, understandings and practices. Following Foucault, it is argued that it is impossible to distinguish between power and care and that confusion about coercive care is a result of not acknowledging power. Empirical studies of current social work point to the significance of different institutional settings. The author's study of (...)
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  25. Speculative foundations of phenomenology.Alexander Schnell - 2012 - Continental Philosophy Review 45 (3):461-479.
    This essay tries to account for a certain “speculative turn” in contemporary philosophy (Q. Meillassoux, G. Harman, M. Gabriel, etc.) from a phenomenological point of view . A first objective of it will consist in exposing the link between, on the one hand, the methodological sense of Husserl’s concrete phenomenological analyses (concerning, for example, time and intersubjective structure of transcendental subjectivity,) and on the other hand, the consequences that follow from the grounding of phenomenology as first philosophy. This will allow (...)
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  26. Socially intelligent robots: dimensions of human-robot interaction.Kerstin Dautenhahn - 2007 - In Nathan Emery, Nicola Clayton & Chris Frith (eds.), Social Intelligence: From Brain to Culture. Oxford University Press.
  27.  27
    Why some are more equal: Family firm heterogeneity and the effect on management’s attention to CSR.Kerstin Fehre & Florian Weber - 2019 - Business Ethics: A European Review 28 (3):321-334.
    Business Ethics: A European Review, EarlyView.
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  28. Can naturalistic theories of human rights accommodate the indigenous right to self-determination?Kerstin Reibold - 2017 - In Reidar Maliks & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (eds.), Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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  29.  30
    Identity Work through Support and Control.Kerstin Svensson - 2009 - Ethics and Social Welfare 3 (3):234-248.
  30.  24
    Untangling the role of social relationships for overcoming challenges in local food systems: a case study of farmers in Québec, Canada.Kerstin Schreiber, Bernard Soubry, Carley Dove-McFalls & Graham K. MacDonald - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):141-156.
    Advocates for re-localizing food systems often encourage consumers to support local farmers and strengthen local food economies. Yet, local food systems hinge not only on consumers’ willingness to buy local food but also on whether farmers have the social support networks to address diverse challenges during food production and distribution. This study characterizes the challenges and support systems of farmers selling to local markets in Québec, Canada, across multiple growing seasons using a mixed-methods research design. We sent an online questionnaire (...)
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    Using eye-tracking to trace a cognitive process: Gaze behavior during decision making in a natural environment.Kerstin Gidlöf, Annika Wallin, Richard Dewhurst & Kenneth Holmqvist - 2013 - Journal of Eye Movement Research 6 (1):3-14.
    The visual behaviour of consumers buying products in a supermarket was measured and used to analyse the stages of their decision process. Traditionally metrics used to trace decision-making processes are difficult to use in natural environments that often contain many options and unstructured information. Unlike previous attempts in this direction, our methodology reveals differences between a decision-making task and a search task. In particular the second stage of a decision task contains more re-dwells than the second stage of a comparable (...)
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    The World Capital Markets’ Perception of Sustainability and the Impact of the Financial Crisis.Kerstin Lopatta & Thomas Kaspereit - 2014 - Journal of Business Ethics 122 (3):475-500.
    Using a unique dataset provided by the international rating agency GES®, we investigate the effects of corporate sustainability and industry-related exposure to environmental and social risks on the market value of MSCI World firms. The results show a negative relationship in the earlier years of our sample period. However, the analysis reveals that the capital market perception of sustainability has changed owing to the financial crisis. Looking at the height of the crisis in September 2008, the month in which Lehman (...)
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  33.  24
    The Still Life of Objects – Heidegger, Schapiro, and Derrida reconsidered.Kerstin Thomas - 2015 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 60 (1):81-102.
    Kerstin Thomas revaluates the famous dispute between Martin Heidegger, Meyer Schapiro, and Jacques Derrida, concerning a painting of shoes by Vincent Van Gogh. The starting point for this dispute was the description and analysis of things and artworks developed in his essay, “The Origin of the Work of Art”. In discussing Heidegger’s account, the art historian Meyer Schapiro’s main point of critique concerned Heidegger’s claim that the artwork reveals the truth of equipment in depicting shoes of a peasant woman (...)
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    Why indigenous land rights have not been superseded – a critical application of Waldron’s theory of supersession.Kerstin Reibold - 2022 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 25 (4):480-495.
    Jeremy Waldron introduced the notion of rights supersession into the philosophical discussion about restitutive justice in cases of historic injustices. He refers to land claims by indigenous peoples as a real-world example and as an application of his theory of rights supersession. He implies that the changes that have taken place in settler states since the first years of colonialism are the kind of changes that lead to a supersession of land rights. The article proposes to unbundle property rights into (...)
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  35.  12
    Introducing a new rubric in BioEssays: Reviews.Kerstin Brachhold - 2023 - Bioessays 45 (1):2200216.
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    Was aus Asche alles werden kann–Vom Ascheamulett bis zur Beisetzung im Lavastrom.Kerstin Gernig - 2011 - In Dominik Gross, Brigitte Tag & Christoph Schweikardt (eds.), Who wants to live forever?: Postmoderne Formen des Weiterwirkens nach dem Tod. New York: Campus-Verlag. pp. 5--113.
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    Visual attention during real-world decision making.Kerstin Gidlöf, Annika Wallin & Kenneth Holmqvist - unknown
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  38. Die Sprachwissenschaft und ihre Geschichte.H. Schnelle - 1985 - Philosophia Naturalis 22 (4):528-542.
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  39.  10
    Histories of emotion: modern - premodern.Rüdiger Schnell - 2021 - Boston: Walter de Gruyter.
    This study addresses two desiderata of historical emotion research: reflecting on the interdependence of textual functions and the representation of emotions, and acknowledging the interdependence of studies on the premodern and modern periods in the history of emotion. Contemporary research on the history of emotion is characterised by a proliferation of studies on very different eras, authors, themes, texts, and aspects. The enthusiasm and confidence with which situations, actions, and interactions involving emotions in history are discovered, however, has led to (...)
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  40.  19
    Transzendentalität und Realität.Alexander Schnell - 2014 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy:241-264.
    From a phenomenological point of view the ‘real’ is neither to be identified with the ‘given’ nor with the ‘withdrawn’. It rather has to be examined in its relatedness to the factual. This in turn requires the reflection of the basic correlation of being and thought. By engaging in this task the author of this essay distinguishes five modalities: 1. the possibility of the accessibility of the world, 2. the actual modes of constitution of appearance 3. the genetic moment of (...)
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  41.  10
    Vorzeigen und nachschlagen.Kerstin Seidel - 2008 - Frühmittelalterliche Studien 42 (1):307-328.
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  42.  12
    Preventive Force: Drones, Targeted Killings, and the Transformation of Contemporary Warfare.Kerstin Fisk & Jennifer M. Ramos (eds.) - 2016 - New York University Press.
    More so than in the past, the US is now embracing the logic of preventive force: using military force to counter potential threats around the globe before they have fully materialized. While popular with individuals who seek to avoid too many “boots on the ground,” preventive force is controversial because of its potential for unnecessary collateral damage. Who decides what threats are ‘imminent’? Is there an international legal basis to kill or harm individuals who have a connection to that threat? (...)
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    Working memory gating mechanisms explain developmental change in rule-guided behavior.Kerstin Unger, Laura Ackerman, Christopher H. Chatham, Dima Amso & David Badre - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):8-22.
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  44.  96
    Das problem der zeit bei Husserl. Eine untersuchung über die Husserlschen zeitdiagramme.Alexander Schnell - 2002 - Husserl Studies 18 (2):89-122.
    This paper propounds an analysis of the Husserlian problem of time through the prism of his elaboration of succeeding time-diagrams. The author focuses his reflexions on the "Lectures on Inner Time-consciousness" (1905) and at the same time on the decisive advancements of the "Bernauer Time-Manuscripts" (1917-1918). These manuscripts complete the Husserlian description of constitution of time-consciousness by the element of protentional intentionality and the "original process" with its "core"-structure (Kernstruktur), on this side of immanent temporality, and try to work out (...)
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  45.  15
    Ethik im Zeichen vulnerabler Personen: Leiblichkeit - Endlichkeit - Nichtexklusivität.Martin W. Schnell - 2017 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
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  46.  68
    Infants' emerging ability to represent occluded object motion.Kerstin Rosander & Claes von Hofsten - 2004 - Cognition 91 (1):1-22.
  47.  43
    Does ignoring lead to worse evaluations? A new explanation of the stimulus devaluation effect.Kerstin Dittrich & Karl Christoph Klauer - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (2):193-208.
  48. Meaning Potentials and the Interaction between Lexis and Contexts: An empirical substantiation.Kerstin Norén & Per Linell - 2007 - In Noel Burton-Roberts (ed.), Pragmatics. New York: Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 17--3.
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  49.  36
    Possibilité, possibilisation et réflexion de la réflexion : L’héritage de la philosophie allemande classique dans la phénoménologie transcendantale.Alexander Schnell - 2016 - Philosophiques 43 (2):297-315.
    Alexander Schnell | : La position défendue dans cette contribution consiste à montrer que la compréhension de la phénoménologie comme philosophie transcendantale implique le recours à la philosophie allemande classique. L’auteur étudie, à ce dessein, une perspective d’abord gnoséologique puis ontologique, commandées sur différents registres par les concepts d’« intuition », de « construction » et de « possibilisation ». Dans un troisième moment, il établit comment, dans une perspective tirant les conclusions « métaphysiques » de ces élaborations phénoménologiques, (...)
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    Die Macht der Affekte: Spinozas Theorie immanenter Individuation.Kerstin Andermann - 2020 - Hamburg: Felix Meiner Verlag.
    Spinozas Ethik bietet ein metaphysisches Modell der Wirklichkeit, das die Stellung des Menschen in den relationalen Verhältnissen der umgebenden Welt erklärbar macht. Wir haben es hier aber nicht mit einer anthropologischen Theorie des Menschen zu tun, sondern mit einer ontologischen Theorie immanenter Individuation. Spinoza unterzieht seine ontologischen Grundbegriffe einer immanenten Begründung und bestimmt ein Affektionsgeschehen, durch das auch menschliche Individuen konstituiert werden. Affektionen sind dabei als heteronome Machtwirkungen zu verstehen, die die Aktivität und die Passivität menschlicher Individuen bestimmen. Die Erkenntnis (...)
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