Results for 'Kerstin Klein'

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  1.  42
    (1 other version)“New Authoritarianism” in China: Political Reform in the One-Party State.Kerstin Klein - 2010 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2010 (151):30-56.
    Introduction At the 4th Plenum of the Communist Party of China (CPC), held in September 2004, the CCP set out on a new self-declared path to establish itself as a permanent “governing party” (zhizheng dang) instead of remaining a “revolutionary” party.1 The 36-page resolution on the Enhancement of the Party's Governance Capability says that China's reform and development have reached a critical stage in which new situations and new problems are mushrooming.2 The CPC concedes that it needs to enhance its (...)
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    Putative Markers of Repression in Patients Suffering From Mental Disorders.Aram Kehyayan, Nathalie Matura, Kerstin Klein, Anna-Christine Schmidt, Stephan Herpertz, Nikolai Axmacher & Henrik Kessler - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Einstellung zu psychiatrisch-genetischer Forschung und prädiktiver Diagnostik: Hoffnungen und Befürchtungen von Patienten, Angehörigen und der Allgemeinbevölkerung in Deutschland.Franciska Illes, Christian Rietz, Michael Fuchs, Stephanie Ohlraun, Kerstin Prell, Georg Rudinger, Wolfgang Maier & Marcella Rietschel - 2003 - Ethik in der Medizin 15 (4):268-281.
    Mit den Fortschritten im Bereich der psychiatrisch-genetischen Forschung gehen auch intensive Diskussionen bezüglich der daraus erwachsenden Implikationen einher. Hoffnungen wie Befürchtungen gegenüber der neuen Technologie und deren Folgen werden gleichermaßen zum Ausdruck gebracht. Über die Einstellung der Bevölkerung und insbesondere der Patienten mit affektiven oder schizophrenen Erkrankungen und ihrer Angehörigen in Deutschland war bisher allerdings wenig bekannt. Daher führten wir im Rahmen des Deutschen Humangenomprojektes erstmals eine Studie durch, um die Einstellungen und ihre beeinflussenden Faktoren zu erfassen. Wir entwickelten einen (...)
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  4. What the body commands: the imperative theory of pain.Colin Klein - 2015 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    In What the Body Commands, Colin Klein proposes and defends a novel theory of pain. Klein argues that pains are imperative; they are sensations with a content, and that content is a command to protect the injured part of the body. He terms this view "imperativism about pain," and argues that imperativism can account for two puzzling features of pain: its strong motivating power and its uninformative nature. Klein argues that the biological purpose of pain is homeostatic; (...)
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  5. Lectures and Essays.J. Klein - 1985
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    The Oxford handbook of interdisciplinarity.Robert Frodeman, Julie Thompson Klein & Roberto C. S. Pacheco (eds.) - 2017 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    This title provides a synoptic overview of the current state of interdisciplinary research, education, administration and management, and problem solving - knowledge that spans the disciplines and interdisciplinary fields and crosses the space between the academic community and society at large.
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  7. Influences of Cognitive Control on Numerical Cognition—Adaptation by Binding for Implicit Learning.Korbinian Moeller, Elise Klein & Hans-Christoph Nuerk - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (2):335-353.
    Recently, an associative learning account of cognitive control has been suggested (Verguts & Notebaert, 2009). In this so-called adaptation by binding theory, Hebbian learning of stimulus–stimulus and stimulus–response associations is assumed to drive the adaptation of human behavior. In this study, we evaluated the validity of the adaptation-by-binding account for the case of implicit learning of regularities within a stimulus set (i.e., the frequency of specific unit digit combinations in a two-digit number magnitude comparison task) and their association with a (...)
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  8. The Two Selves: Their Metaphysical Commitments and Functional Independence.Stan Klein - 2014 - Oxford University Press.
    The Two Selves takes the position that the self is not a "thing" easily reduced to an object of scientific analysis. Rather, the self consists in a multiplicity of aspects, some of which have a neuro-cognitive basis (and thus are amenable to scientific inquiry) while other aspects are best construed as first-person subjectivity, lacking material instantiation. As a consequence of their potential immateriality, the subjective aspect of self cannot be taken as an object and therefore is not easily amenable to (...)
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  9. The flame that illuminates itself: A Phenomenological Analysis of Human Phenomenology.Stan Klein - forthcoming - Psychology of Consciousness; Theory, Research, and Practice.
    In a recent set of articles (Klein et al., 2023; Klein & Loftus, 2024), my colleagues and I used the logic of adaptationism—the application of evolutionary principles to study the functional design of naturally selected systems (e.g., Klein et al., 2002)—to help make sense of the role natural selection played in the evolution of consciousness. To avoid well-known, seemingly intractable problems that accompany efforts to explain “how consciousness is possible in a world that consists in physical objects (...)
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    Doppelganger: a trip into the mirror world.Naomi Klein - 2023 - New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
    What if you woke up one morning and found you'd acquired another self--a double who was almost you and yet not you at all? What if that double shared many of your preoccupations but, in a twisted, upside-down way, furthered the very causes you'd devoted your life to fighting against? Not long ago, the celebrated activist and public intellectual Naomi Klein had just such an experience--she was confronted with a doppelganger whose views she found abhorrent but whose name and (...)
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  11. Remembering with and without Memory: A Theory of Memory and Aspects of Mind that Enable its Experience.Stan Klein - 2018 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 5:117-130.
    This article builds on ideas presented in Klein (2015a) concerning the importance of a more nuanced, conceptually rigorous approach to the scientific understanding and use of the construct “memory”. I first summarize my model, taking care to situate discussion within the terminological practices of contemporary philosophy of mind. I then elucidate the implications of the model for a particular operation of mind – the manner in which content presented to consciousness realizes its particular phenomenological character (i.e., mode of presentation). (...)
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  12. The sense of diachronic personal identity.Stan Klein - 2013 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 12 (4):791-811.
    In this paper, I first consider a famous objection that the standard interpretation of the Lockean account of diachronicity (i.e., one’s sense of personal identity over time) via psychological connectedness falls prey to breaks in one’s personal narrative. I argue that recent case studies show that while this critique may hold with regard to some long-term autobiographical self-knowledge (e.g., episodic memory), it carries less warrant with respect to accounts based on trait-relevant, semantic self-knowledge. The second issue I address concerns the (...)
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  13. Determinism, Blameworthiness, and Deprivation.Martha Klein - 1990 - Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press.
    This book casts new light on the traditional disagreement between those who hold that we cannot be morally responsible for our actions if they are causally determined, and those who deny this. Klein suggests that reflection on the relation between justice and deprivation offers a way out of this perplexity.
  14. An Essay on the Ontological Foundations and Psychological Realization of Forgetting.Stan Klein - 2019 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 6 (292-305).
    I argue that appreciation of the phenomenon of forgetting requires serious attention to its origins and place in nature. This, in turn, necessitates metaphysical inquiry as well as empirical backing – a combination likely to be eschewed by psychological orthodoxy. But, if we hope to avoid the conceptual vacuity that characterizes too much of contemporary psychological inquiry (e.g., Klein, 2012, 2014a, 2015a, 2016a), a “big picture” approach to phenomena of interest is essential. Adopting this investigative posture turns the “received (...)
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  15. Engagement: Konzepte von Gegenwart und Gegenwartsliteratur.Jürgen Brokhoff, Ursula Geitner & Kerstin Stüssel (eds.) - 2016 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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    What Are You Waiting For? Real‐Time Integration of Cues for Fricatives Suggests Encapsulated Auditory Memory.Marcus E. Galle, Jamie Klein-Packard, Kayleen Schreiber & Bob McMurray - 2019 - Cognitive Science 43 (1):e12700.
    Speech unfolds over time, and the cues for even a single phoneme are rarely available simultaneously. Consequently, to recognize a single phoneme, listeners must integrate material over several hundred milliseconds. Prior work contrasts two accounts: (a) a memory buffer account in which listeners accumulate auditory information in memory and only access higher level representations (i.e., lexical representations) when sufficient information has arrived; and (b) an immediate integration scheme in which lexical representations can be partially activated on the basis of early (...)
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  17. The Phenomenology of REM-sleep Dreaming: The Contributions of Personal and Perspectival Ownership, Subjective Temporality and Episodic Memory.Stan Klein - 2018 - Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice 6:55-66.
    Although the dream narrative, of (bio)logical necessity, originates with the dreamer, s/he typically does not know this. For the dreamer, the dream world is the real world. In this article I argue that this nightly misattribution is best explained in terms of the concept of mental ownership (e.g., Albahari, 2006; Klein, 2015a; Lane, 2012). Specifically, the exogenous nature of the dream narrative is the result of an individual assuming perspectival, but not personal, ownership of content s/he authored (i.e., “The (...)
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  18. Lost feeling of ownership of one’s mental states: the importance of situating patient R.B.’s pathology in the context of contemporary theory and empiricism.Stan Klein - 2016 - Philosophical Psychology 29 (4):490-493.
    In her re-analysis of the evidence presented in Klein and Nichols (2012) to support their argument that patient R.B. temporarily lost possessory custody of consciously apprehended objects (in this case, objects that normally would be non-inferentially taken as episodic memory), Professor Roache concludes Klein and Nichols's claims are untenable. I argue that Professor Roache is incorrect in her re-interpretation, and that this is due, in part, to lack of sufficient familiarity with psychological theory on memory as well as (...)
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    Philosophie des Geistes im Spätmittelalter: Intellekt, Materie und Intentionalitat bei Johannes Buridan.Martin Klein - 2019 - Boston: Brill.
    Ist der menschliche Intellekt materiell? Oder können wir mit Verweis auf seine intentionalen Tätigkeiten wie allgemeine Erkenntnis oder Selbsterkenntnis zeigen, dass er immateriell ist? Besteht also ein Zusammenhang zwischen Intentionalität und Immaterialität? Mit Philosophie des Geistes im Spätmittelalter bietet Martin Klein eine umfassende Darstellung der Philosophie des Geistes von Johannes Buridan im Zusammenhang seiner Erkenntnistheorie, Metaphysik und Naturphilosophie. Vor dem Hintergrund neuester Editionen wird Buridan im Kontext der spätmittelalterlichen Debatte über die Natur des menschlichen Intellekts und seine kognitiven Vermögen (...)
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  20. Kant-Festschrift Zu Kants 200. Geburtstag Am 22. April 1924, Unter Mitwirkung von Adolf Dyroff, Bonn; C. A. Emge, Giessen [U. A.] Im Auftrage der Internationalen Vereinigung Für Rechts- Und Wirtschaftsphilosophie, Hrsg. Von Friedrich von Wieser, Wien, L.Friedrich Wieser, Leopold Wenger, Peter Klein & Adolf Dyroff - 1924 - W. Rothschild.
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    Similarities and Differences in Health, Social Trust, and Financial Situation in People With Usher Syndrome, a Bio-Psychosocial Perspective.Moa Wahlqvist, Claes Möller, Kerstin Möller & Berth Danermark - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    In Those Distant Days: Anthology of Mesopotamian Literature in Hebrew.Dina Katz, Shin Shifra & Jacob Klein - 1999 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 119 (1):142.
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  23. A tragic coalition of the rational and irrational: a threat to collective responses to COVID-19.Marinus Ferreira, Marc Cheong, Colin Klein & Mark Alfano - 2022 - Philosophical Psychology (6).
    There is not as much resistance to COVID-19 mitigation as there seems, but there are structural features that make resistance seem worse than it is. Here we describe two ways that the problem seeming to be worse than it is can make it worse. First, visible hesitation to implement COVID-19 responses signals to the wider society that mitigation measures may not succeed, which undermines people’s conditional willingness to join in on those efforts. Second, our evaluations of others’ willingness to implement (...)
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  24.  7
    Moralpolitik in Deutschland: staatliche Regulierung gesellschaftlicher Wertekonflikte im historischen und internationalen Vergleich.Christoph Knill, Stephan Heichel, Caroline Preidel & Kerstin Nebel (eds.) - 2015 - Wiesbaden: Springer VS.
    Diese Studie zeichnet die Entwicklung von Moralpolitiken in Deutschland seit den 1960er Jahren bis heute nach und analysiert moralpolitische Regulierungsmuster. Im Fokus stehen die Biopolitik (embryonale Stammzellforschung, Schwangerschaftsabbruch und Sterbehilfe), die Sexualpolitik (Homosexualität, Gleichgeschlechtliche Partnerschaften, Pornographie und Prostitution), die Suchtpolitik (Drogenkonsum und Glücksspiel) und die Waffenpolitik.
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    Managed Care: Effects on the Physician-Patient Relationship.Robyn S. Shapiro, Kristen A. Tym, Jeffrey L. Gudmundson, Arthur R. Derse & John P. Klein - 2000 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 9 (1):71-81.
    Over the past several years, healthcare has been profoundly altered by the growth of managed care. Because managed care integrates the financing and delivery of healthcare services, it dramatically alters the roles and relationships among providers, payers, and patients. While analysis of this change has focused on whether and how managed care can control costs, an increasingly important concern among healthcare providers and recipients is the impact of managed care on the physicianpatient relationship, but little data have been collected and (...)
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    Fact Sheet for “Consistency of Modeled and Observed Temperature Trends in the Tropical Troposphere”.Ben Santer, Peter Thorne, Leo Haimberger, Karl Taylor, Tom Wigley, John Lanzante, Susan Solomon, Melissa Free, Peter Gleckler, Phil Jones, Tom Karl, Steve Klein, Carl Mears, Doug Nychka, Gavin Schmidt, Steve Sherwood & Frank Wentz - 2018 - In Elisabeth A. Lloyd & Eric Winsberg, Climate Modelling: Philosophical and Conceptual Issues. Springer Verlag. pp. 73-84.
    Using state-of-the-art observational datasets and results from a large archive of computer model simulations, a consortium of scientists from 12 different institutions has resolved a long-standing conundrum in climate science—the apparent discrepancy between simulated and observed temperature trends in the tropics. Research published by this group indicates that there is no fundamental discrepancy between modeled and observed tropical temperature trends when one accounts for: the uncertainties in observations; and the statistical uncertainties in estimating trends from observations. These results refute a (...)
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  27. De grenzen van Law's Empire: Dworkins rechtsfilosofie onder vuur.B. M. J. van Klink & J. A. Klein Kranenberg - 1995 - Krisis 15 (59):63-71.
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  28.  22
    Wnt–frizzled signaling in the induction and differentiation of the neural crest.Wang Yanfeng, Jean-Pierre Saint-Jeannet & Peter S. Klein - 2003 - Bioessays 25 (4):317-325.
    The neural crest is a transient population of multipotent progenitors arising at the lateral edge of the neural plate in vertebrate embryos. After delamination and migration from the neuroepithelium, these cells contribute to a diverse array of tissues including neurons, smooth muscle, craniofacial cartilage, bone cells, endocrine cells and pigment cells. Considerable progress in recent years has furthered our understanding at a molecular level of how this important group of cells is generated and how they are assigned to specific lineages. (...)
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  29.  16
    Augustine's Theology of Angels.Elizabeth Klein - 2018 - Cambridge University Press.
    References to the good angels in the works of Augustine are legion, and angels also play a central role in some of his major works, such as City of God and the opening of On the Trinity. Despite Augustine's interest in angels, however, little scholarly work has appeared on the topic. In this book, Elizabeth Klein gives the first comprehensive account of Augustine's theology of the angels and its importance for his thought more generally. Offering a close textual analysis (...)
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    Reduced Orbitofrontal Gray Matter Concentration as a Marker of Premorbid Childhood Trauma in Cocaine Use Disorder.Keren Bachi, Muhammad A. Parvaz, Scott J. Moeller, Gabriela Gan, Anna Zilverstand, Rita Z. Goldstein & Nelly Alia-Klein - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
  31. Scents.Marc Jacobs Dot, Eau de Parfum, Calvin Klein Euphoria, Blossom Eau de Toilette, Kate Moss Lilabelle, Eau de Toilette, Jo Malone Plum & Blossom Cologne - unknown - Hermes 2 (9663).
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    The role of current affect, anticipated affect and spontaneous self-affirmation in decisions to receive self-threatening genetic risk information.Rebecca A. Ferrer, Jennifer M. Taber, William M. P. Klein, Peter R. Harris, Katie L. Lewis & Leslie G. Biesecker - 2015 - Cognition and Emotion 29 (8):1456-1465.
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    In situobservation of pore evolution during melting and solidification of Al–Pd–Mn quasicrystals by synchrotron X-ray radiography.J. Gastaldi *, T. Schenk, G. Reinhart, H. Klein, J. Härtwig, N. Mangelinck-Noël, B. Grushko, H. Nguyen Thi, P. Pino, B. Billia & J. Baruchel - 2006 - Philosophical Magazine 86 (3-5):335-340.
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    Innovation in Psychotherapy, Challenges, and Opportunities: An Opinion Paper.Janina Isabel Schweiger, Kai G. Kahl, Jan Philipp Klein, Valerija Sipos & Ulrich Schweiger - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Plato’s Parmenides and St. Thomas’s Analysis of God as One and Trinity.Sherwin Klein - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):229-244.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PLATO'S PARMENIDES AND ST. THOMAS'S ANALYSIS OF GOD AS ONE AND TRINITY SHERWIN KLEIN Fairleigh Dickinson University Hackensack, New Jersey IN HIS CRITICISM of the Neopfatonic interpretation of the Parmenides, Cornford says, "The fanguage throughout is as dry and prosaic as a textbook on algebra; there is little here to suggest that the One has any religious significance as there is in the other case to suggest that (...)
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  36.  16
    Basic concepts in algorithms.Shmuel T. Klein - 2021 - Hoboken: World Scientific.
    This book is the result of several decades of teaching experience in data structures and algorithms. It is self-contained but does assume some prior knowledge of data structures, and a grasp of basic programming and mathematics tools. Basic Concepts in Algorithms focuses on more advanced paradigms and methods combining basic programming constructs as building blocks and their usefulness in the derivation of algorithms. Its coverage includes the algorithms' design process and an analysis of their performance. It is primarily intended as (...)
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  37.  19
    Beyond interdisciplinarity: boundary work, communication, and collaboration.Julie Thompson Klein - 2021 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    Beyond Interdisciplinarity examines the broadening meaning of core concept across academic disciplines and other forms of knowledge. In this book, Associate Editor of The Oxford Handbook of Interdisciplinarity and internationally recognized scholar Julie Thompson Klein depicts the heterogeneity and boundary work of inter- and trans-disciplinarity in a conceptual framework based on an ecology of spatializing practices in transaction spaces, including trading zones and communities of practice. The book includes both "crossdisciplinary" work (encompassing multi-, inter-, and trans-disciplinary forms) as well (...)
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  38.  13
    Every time I find the meaning of life, they change it: wisdom of the great philosophers on how to live.Daniel M. Klein - 2015 - New York: Penguin Books.
    As a young college student studying philosophy, Klein filled a notebook with short quotes from the world's greatest thinkers, hoping to find some guidance on how to live the best life he could. As he revisits the wisdom he relished in his youth, each extract is annotated with Klein's inimitable charm and insights. He tackles life's biggest questions-- and leaves us chuckling and enlightened.
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  39.  15
    Flourish: finding purpose in the unknown and unexpected seasons of life.Grace Wabuke Klein - 2023 - New York: Worthy Publishing.
    The trials of life can wear us down. Unexpected events force us to face a new reality and unanswered prayers lead us to a growing frustration about why God doesn't intervene. We wonder if anything good can come out of this painful, dark, winter season. Grace Wabuke Klein knows that there is purpose in our darkest days and seasons of waiting. In Flourish, Grace meets the reader in their heartache, disappointment, and pain and gives encouragement and a fresh perspective (...)
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    The Object of French Studies -- Gebrauchkunst.Richard Klein - 1998 - Diacritics 28 (3):5-11.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Object of French Studies GebrauchkunstRichard Klein (bio)If I may say something about the title—it points to the possibility that we are discussing the nature and future of French studies at the precise moment that France is about to disappear. There are those who believe that on January 1, 1999, when the euro becomes the common currency of the European Union, France will become a province of Germany. (...)
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    The Psychoanalysis of Children.Melanie Klein - 1960 - Random House.
    The Psycho-Analysis of Children, first published in 1932, is a classic in its subject, and revolutionised child analysis. Melanie Klein had already proved, by the special technique she devised, that she was a pioneer in that branch of analysis. She made possible the extension of psycho-analysis to the field of early childhood, and in this way not only made the treatment of young children possible but also threw new light on psychological development in childhood and on the roots of (...)
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    The Work of Politics: Making a Democratic Welfare State.Steven Klein - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    The Work of Politics advances a new understanding of how democratic social movements work with welfare institutions to challenge structures of domination. Klein develops a novel theory that depicts welfare institutions as “worldly mediators,” or sites of democratic world-making fostering political empowerment and participation within the context of capitalist economic forces. Drawing on the writings of Weber, Arendt, and Habermas, and historical episodes that range from the workers' movement in Bismarck's Germany to post-war Swedish feminism, this book challenges us (...)
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    Austrian Perspectives on Entrepreneurship, Strategy, and Organization.Nicolai J. Foss, Peter G. Klein & Matthew McCaffrey - 2019 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    The 'Austrian' tradition is well-known for its definitive contributions to economics in the twentieth century. However, Austrian economics also offers an exciting research agenda outside the traditional boundaries of economics, especially in the management disciplines. This Element examines how Austrian ideas play a key role in expanding the understanding of fields like entrepreneurship, strategy, and organization. It focuses especially on the vital role that entrepreneurs play in guiding economic progress by shaping firms and their strategic behavior. In doing so, it (...)
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    Reflections on the 2016 Nobel Memorial Prize for contract theory.Nicolai J. Foss & Peter G. Klein - 2016 - Erasmus Journal for Philosophy and Economics 9 (2):167.
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  45. Hegel's dialetic of master and slave as a model for the relation between artistic creation and aesthetic appreciation.Claude Gandelman & Itshaq Klein - 1978 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 5 (1):36-45.
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    Using position rather than color at the traffic light – Covariation learning-based deviation from instructions in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.Robert Gaschler, Beate Elisabeth Ditsche-Klein, Michael Kriechbaumer, Christine Blech & Dorit Wenke - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Based on instructions people can form task representations that shield relevant from seemingly irrelevant information. It has been documented that instructions can tie people to a particular way of performing a task despite that in principle a more efficient way could be learned and used. Since task shielding can lead to persistence of inefficient variants of task performance, it is relevant to test whether individuals with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder – characterized by less task shielding – are more likely and quicker (...)
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    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Ezri Atzmon, Lois M. R. Louden, Douglas E. Mitchell, Ben A. Bohnhorst, J. Theodore Klein, Alan Wieder, Robert R. Sherman, Frank P. Diulus, Larry H. Ebbers, George W. Bright, Jack K. Campbell & Elizabeth Ihle - 1978 - Educational Studies 9 (2):183-210.
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    Working memory gating mechanisms explain developmental change in rule-guided behavior.Kerstin Unger, Laura Ackerman, Christopher H. Chatham, Dima Amso & David Badre - 2016 - Cognition 155 (C):8-22.
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  49. Literarische und naturwissenschaftliche Intelligenz.Helmut Kreuzer & Wolfgang Klein - 1969 - Stuttgart,: Klett. Edited by Wolfgang Klein.
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    Untangling the role of social relationships for overcoming challenges in local food systems: a case study of farmers in Québec, Canada.Kerstin Schreiber, Bernard Soubry, Carley Dove-McFalls & Graham K. MacDonald - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (1):141-156.
    Advocates for re-localizing food systems often encourage consumers to support local farmers and strengthen local food economies. Yet, local food systems hinge not only on consumers’ willingness to buy local food but also on whether farmers have the social support networks to address diverse challenges during food production and distribution. This study characterizes the challenges and support systems of farmers selling to local markets in Québec, Canada, across multiple growing seasons using a mixed-methods research design. We sent an online questionnaire (...)
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