Results for 'Keiji Ota'

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  1.  27
    Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation Over Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Modulates Risk-Attitude in Motor Decision-Making.Keiji Ota, Masahiro Shinya & Kazutoshi Kudo - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
  2.  40
    Autonomous behaviour and the limits of human volition.Keiji Ota, Lucie Charles & Patrick Haggard - 2024 - Cognition 244 (C):105684.
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    Nishitani Keiji chosakushū.Keiji Nishitani - 1986 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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    Applying Mathematics: Immersion, Inference, Interpretation.Otávio Bueno & Steven French - 2018 - Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. Edited by Steven French.
    How is that when scientists need some piece of mathematics through which to frame their theory, it is there to hand? What has been called 'the unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics' sets a challenge for philosophers. Some have responded to that challenge by arguing that mathematics is essentially anthropocentric in character, whereas others have pointed to the range of structures that mathematics offers. Otavio Bueno and Steven French offer a middle way, which focuses on the moves that have to be made (...)
  5.  10
    Jōi ni okeru kū: Nishitani Keiji Sensei tsuitō.Keiji Nishitani & Shizuteru Ueda (eds.) - 1992 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
  6.  9
    Theorie der Normen: Festgabe für Ota Weinberger zum 65. Geburtstag.Ota Weinberger - 1984
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  7. Nishitani Keiji Zuibun.Tåoru Sasaki & Keiji Nishitani - 1990
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    New waves in philosophy of mathematics.Otávio Bueno & Øystein Linnebo (eds.) - 2009 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Thirteen up-and-coming researchers in the philosophy of mathematics have been invited to write on what they take to be the right philosophical account of mathematics, examining along the way where they think the philosophy of mathematics is and ought to be going. A rich and diverse picture emerges. Some broader tendencies can nevertheless be detected: there is increasing attention to the practice, language and psychology of mathematics, a move to reassess the orthodoxy, as well as inspiration from philosophical logic.
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    Phylogenetic Distribution and Trajectories of Visual Consciousness: Examining Feinberg and Mallatt’s Neurobiological Naturalism.Koji Ota, Daichi G. Suzuki & Senji Tanaka - 2022 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 53 (4):459-476.
    Feinberg and Mallatt, in their presentation of neurobiological naturalism, have suggested that visual consciousness was acquired by early vertebrates and inherited by a wide range of descendants, and that its neural basis has shifted to nonhomologous nervous structures during evolution. However, their evolutionary scenario of visual consciousness relies on the assumption that visual consciousness is closely linked with survival, which is not commonly accepted in current consciousness research. We suggest an alternative idea that visual consciousness is linked to a specific (...)
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    Reproduction et expression: Essai sur les methodes sémiologique et esthétique de Christian Metz.Keiji Asanuma - 1996 - Semiotica 112 (1-2):21-34.
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  11. Introduction. Modal matters : philosophical significance.Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski - 2018 - In Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski, The Routledge Handbook of Modality. New York: Routledge.
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  12.  26
    Krása jako unitas multiplex u Plótína.Ota Gál - 2019 - Dissertation, Charles University
    The thesis investigates Plotinus' concept of beauty. Chapter 1 focuses on two methodological issues: development in Plotinus' thought and topics of the concerned Enneads. Since Plotinus wrote two Enneads directly devoted to this topic which were numbered and named by Porphyry I.6 On beauty and V.8 On intellectual beauty, these two treatises are addressed first in the context of other relevant Enneads. The outcome of these chapters is that beauty is primarily to be found in Intellect and that it is (...)
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  13.  14
    Z řečtiny do řečtiny. Krátce o Plótínovi a Pavlosu Kalligasovi.Ota Gál - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):147-152.
    Introduction of the philosophy of Pavlos Kalligas.
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  14.  20
    Unitas Multiplex as the Basis of Plotinus’ Conception of Beauty: An Interpretation of Ennead V.8.Ota Gál - 2020 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 48 (2):172.
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  15. Hēgeru no shūgyō henreki jidai.Keiji Hayami - 1974
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  16. Kodai chūsei no tetsugaku.Keiji Hayami - 1968 - Chikuma Shobo.
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  17. Tetsugaku nenpyō.Keiji Hayami - 1949
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  18. Satori no genshōgaku.Keiji Hoshikawa - 1992 - Kyōto-shi: Hōzōkan.
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  19. Ikiru imi.Keiji Nishitani - 1972
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    Correction: Phylogenetic Distribution and Trajectories of Visual Consciousness: Examining Feinberg and Mallatt’s Neurobiological Naturalism.Koji Ota, Daichi G. Suzuki & Senji Tanaka - forthcoming - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie:1-1.
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  21. Haideggā.Keiji Satō - 1943
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  22. Supinoza kenkyū.Keiji Shimpuku - 1969
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  23. Kurs logiky pro právníky.Ota Weinberger - 1957 - Praha,: Státní pedagogické nakl..
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  24. Studie K Logice Normativních Vet Teorie D Usledkových Vztah U a Hypothetická Normativní Veta : Dve Oblasti Logiky Normativních Vet.Ota Weinberger - 1960 - Nakl. Csav.
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  25. Theorie der Utilität.Ota Weinberger - 2003 - Rechtstheorie 34 (2):195-206.
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  26.  35
    一般画像自動分類の実現へ向けた World Wide Web からの画像知識の獲得.Yanai Keiji - 2004 - Transactions of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence 19:429-439.
    In this paper, we describe a generic image classification system with an automatic knowledge acquisition mechanism from the World Wide Web. Due to the recent spread of digital imaging devices, the demand for generic image classification/recognition of various kinds of real world scenes becomes greater. To realize it, visual knowledge on various kinds of scenes is required, and we have to prepare a large number of learning images. Therefore, commercial image collections such as Corel Image Gallery are widely used in (...)
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  27. Gakumon no chizu.Keiji Yamada (ed.) - 1979
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    Religion and Nothingness.Keiji Nishitani - 1982 - University of California Press.
    In _Religion and Nothingness_ the leading representative of the Kyoto School of Philosophy lays the foundation of thought for a world in the making, for a world united beyond the differences of East and West. Keiji Nishitani notes the irreversible trend of Western civilization to nihilism, and singles out the conquest of nihilism as _the_ task for contemporary philosophy. Nihility, or relative nothingness, can only be overcome by being radicalized to Emptiness, or absolute nothingness. Taking absolute nothingness as the (...)
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  29.  8
    Wahrer Glaube, Agnostizismus und Logik der theologischen Argumentation.Ota Weinberger - 2004 - Berlin: Duncker Und Humblot.
    Ota Weinberger versucht, die logische Analyse für die theologische Argumentation nutzbar zu machen und Forderungen für eine Moral des friedfertigen Diskurses aufzustellen.Hierzu bestimmt er zunächst eine logische und methodologische Charakteristik des Glaubensoperators der Religionen. Nach einer Diskussion des Begriffes der möglichen Welten wird das Theodizeeproblem skeptisch beleuchtet. Zur Konstitution der Willensfreiheit ist weder die Existenz der ontologischen noch des moralischen Bösen erforderlich. Auch ist die Notwendigkeit des Bösen zum Nutzen der Geschöpfe nicht beweisbar. Es gehört jedoch zur Sichtweise der Theologen, (...)
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  30.  29
    Nihility and Emptiness.Keiji Nishitani - 2018 - In Masakatsu Fujita, The Philosophy of the Kyoto School. Singapore: Springer Singapore. pp. 199-216.
    In contemporary nihilism the nihility stretches, so to speak, into the site of God’s being, and in this way becomes an abyss. And upon this godless nihility that has become an abyss, all life, not only biological life and souls, but even spiritual and personal life, manifests the form of something fundamentally meaningless. At the same time, it is furthermore claimed that human beings can only truly become free and independent and become true subjects when they resolutely ground themselves upon (...)
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  31.  69
    (1 other version)The Routledge Handbook of Modality.Otávio Bueno & Scott A. Shalkowski (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Routledge.
    Modality - the question of what is possible and what is necessary - is a fundamental area of philosophy and philosophical research. The Routledge Handbook of Modality is an outstanding reference source to the key topics, problems and debates in this exciting subject and is the first collection of its kind. Comprising thirty-five chapters by a team of international contributors the Handbook is divided into seven clear parts: worlds and modality essentialism, ontological dependence, and modality modal anti-realism epistemology of modality (...)
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  32. Figure unhappy consciousness and mystical theology of Dionysius the Areopagite.Ota Gal - 2012 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 43:33-57.
    dicates implying a surplus in the background from previous negation) and the other three combinations . The second part of the study in relation to the issue of intersubjectivity summarizes Hegel's unhappy consciousness analysis of figures from the Phenomenology of Spirit and shows that it takes insufficient account of Hegel older authors, which is just Dionysios. In writings on mystical theology can find is the formal structure of intersubjectivity, and Hegel's analysis so they can not be correct.
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  33.  56
    Mon point de départ philosophique.Nishitani Keiji - 2008 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 64 (2):295-303.
    Dans cet article publié deux ans après la parution de son maître ouvrage, Qu’est-ce que la religion? , auquel il est fait allusion dans les dernières lignes, Nishitani jette un regard rétrospectif sur son parcours philosophique. Plutôt que de rédiger un essai autobiographique, l’auteur y adopte une perspective analytique sur sa propre démarche et s’efforce d’expliciter la position philosophique qui est la sienne, qu’il a forgée très tôt dans sa carrière et à partir de laquelle il faut comprendre sa pratique (...)
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  34. Kinsei kokugaku to sono shūhen.Keiji Minami - 1992 - Tōkyō: Miyai Shoten.
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  35. Kami to zettaimu.Keiji Nishitani - 1987 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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    Ōtani Daigaku kōgi.Keiji Nishitani - 1991 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
  37. Seiyō shinpi shisō no kenkyū.Keiji Nishitani - 1986 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  38. Zen no tachiba.Keiji Nishitani - 1987 - Tōkyō: Sōbunsha.
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  39. Yōmeigaku kenkyū.Keiji Nomura - 1974
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  40.  37
    Can Cartesian Mind Survive?Masako Ota - 2011 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 44 (1):75-90.
    In Kagaku no Sekai to Kokoro no Tetsugaku, Mr.Michio Kobayashi features on Descartes' theory of minds as "subjecitive-active consciousness", and defends it against the materialist movement. I show that Kobayashi's method has a difficulty for defending existence of our minds because Descartes didn't allow the scientific investigation of our mental experience from outside,and so cannot appropriately grasp the significance of other minds.
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  41.  15
    What Is It Like to Be a Physicalist?:物理主義者であるとはどのようなことか.Koji Ota - 2019 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 52 (1):143-162.
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  42.  26
    The Consistency of Indian Art--Particularities of Subject Matter and Depiction in Indian Sculpture and Painting.Keiji Sadakane - 1995 - Bigaku: The Japanese Journal of Aesthetics 46:1-11.
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    Begründung oder Illusion. Erkenntniskritische Gedanken zu John Rawls' Theorie der Gerechtigkeit.Ota Weinberger - 1977 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 31 (2):234 - 251.
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  44.  25
    Der nomische Allsatz.Ota Weinberger - 1977 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 4 (1):31-41.
    Rescher charakterisiert die Gesetzesaussage durch a) nomische Notwendigkeit, b) hypothetische Kraft; Gesetzeshaftigkeit sei Bereitschaft zur faktentranszendenten Anwendungeines Allsatzes. Dem wird die These gegenübergestellt, daß die Struktur des nomischen Allsatzes so zu bestimmen ist, daß die faktentranszendente Anwendung durch den Satz begründet erscheint. Dies wird durch einen Allsatz erreicht, der nicht nur über die reale Welt, sondern auch über ein System von Alternativwelten über der realen Welt spricht. Durch den nomischen Allsatz wird gleichzeitig die nomische Notwendigkeit expliziert. Die Begründung der faktentranszendenten (...)
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  45.  15
    In memoriam Georg Henrik von Wright (1916 - 2003): ein Beitrag zur Entwicklung der praktischen Philosophie.Ota Weinberger - 2003 - Rechtstheorie 34 (4):533-539.
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    Théorie des Propositions NormativesTeoria Zdań NormatywnychТеория Нормативных Предложений.Ota Weinberger - 1960 - Studia Logica 9 (1):7-25.
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  47.  54
    Wissensaussage und die Unmöglichkeit ihrer Objektivierung.Ota Weinberger - 1975 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 1 (1):101-120.
    Knowledge is expressed in sentences about states of affairs of the type 'p' not in knowledge-sentences of the type 'W(p)'. Knowledge-sentences are results of a reflexion about a subject of knowledge and a knowledge-system. Objectivization of a knowledgesentence 'W(p)' is defined as the entailment of 'p' from the premis 'W(p)' based on the generally accepted sentence 'W(p)->p'. The author distinguishes three kinds of knowledge-sentences: a) self-reflective knowledge-sentences which are a result of the subject's S reflexion about his own knowledge 'WS*(p)';b) (...)
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  48.  18
    The Self-Overcoming of Nihilism.Keiji Nishitani - 1990 - State University of New York Press.
    Translation of an important work by the contemporary Japanese philosopher Keiji Nishitani.
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  49.  25
    Do Moral Foundations Theory and Dyadic Morality Theory Disagree over the Nature of Emotion? (道徳基盤理論と二項道徳理論は情動の本性をめぐって対立しているのか).Akira Ota - 2024 - Kagaku Tetsugaku 56 (2):23-44.
    The two competing camps of theorists in moral psychology share one common view on the disagreement between their theories: moral foundations theory presupposes basic emotion theory, while dyadic morality theory presupposes constructionist theory of emotion. The paper challenges this common view. First, it reviews the four theories. Second, it clarifies the issue about the relation between the moral contents and emotions on which the two camps of moral-psychological theorists dispute. Third, it identifies the explananda for the moral-psychological theories, and examines (...)
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  50.  48
    Is the Pyrrhonist an internalist?Otávio Bueno - 2011 - In Diego E. Machuca, New essays on ancient Pyrrhonism. Boston: Brill. pp. 126--179.
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