Results for 'Kazuo Kondō'

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  1. Three phases of epistemological penetration to nature.Kazuo Kondō - 1997 - [Naples]: Accademia pontaniana.
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  2. Kondō Tokuzan, Hayashi Ryōsai.Noriyuki Kondō - 1988 - Tōkyō: Meitoku Shuppansha. Edited by Takehiko Okada.
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    Gendai no hōshisō: Amano Kazuo, Yasaki Mitsukuni, Yagi Tetsuo Sensei kanreki kinen.Kazuo Amano, Mitsukuni Yasaki, Tetsuo Yagi, Tomonosuke Ōhashi, Shigeaki Tanaka & Mitsunori Fukada (eds.) - 1985 - Tōkyō: Yūhikaku.
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    Friendly Resistance: Narratives from a Preservice Teacher of Color Navigating Diversity Courses.Chelda Smith Kondo & Christian A. Bracho - 2019 - Educational Studies 55 (2):139-159.
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  5. Shinjidai no dōtoku to kyōiku.Kazuo Kinoshita - 1962
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    Creating an Ideal Self: Theories of Selfhood and Pedagogy at a Japanese Ethics Retreat.Dorinne K. Kondo - 1987 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 15 (3):241-272.
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    Approximation Logic and Strong Bunge Algebra.Michiro Kondo - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (4):595-605.
    In this paper we give an axiom system of a logic which we call an approximation logic (AL), whose Lindenbaum-Tarski algebra is a strong Bunge algebra (or simply s-Bunge algebra), and show thatFor every s-Bunge algebra , a quotient algebra by a maximal filter is isomorphic to the simplest nontrivial s-Bunge algebra ;The Lindenbaum algebra of AL is an s-Bunge algebra;AL is complete;AL is decidable.
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  8. Kyojigen e no michi.Kazuo Obata - 1969
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  9. Naze kagaku wa Kirisutokyōken de seiritsushita no ka.Kazuo Seto - 2023 - Tōkyō-to Bunkyō-ku: Keisō Shobō.
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    Hapinesu o motomete: AI-enjin, men'eki to gan, minkan roketto.Kazuo Yano (ed.) - 2018 - Tōkyō-to Chiyoda-ku: Maruzen Puranetto.
    本書は、生活者のハピネス(豊かさや幸せ)の視点から科学技術や社会の変革を考える『因果関係から相関へ、個別技術からシステムへ』と題した『武田シンポジウム2018』の内容をまとめたものです。昨今最も注目を 浴びている科学技術である「AI」、「免疫システム研究」、「民間宇宙ロケット開発」の3つと異なる切り口から、ビッグデータと言われる時代の科学の方法論、個の集積以上の意味をもつシステムとしてのアプローチに ついて立体的に考察します。.
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  11. An introduction to fuzzy logic for practical applications.Kazuo Tanaka - 1997 - New York: Springer.
    Fuzzy logic has become an important tool for a number of different applications ranging from the control of engineering systems to artificial intelligence. In this concise introduction, the author presents a succinct guide to the basic ideas of fuzzy logic, fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations, and fuzzy reasoning, and shows how they may be applied. The book culminates in a chapter which describes fuzzy logic control: the design of intelligent control systems using fuzzy if-then rules which make use of human knowledge (...)
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  12. Shushigakuteki shii: Chūgoku shisōshi ni okeru dentō to kakushin.Kazuo Arita & Akira Ōshima (eds.) - 1990 - Tōkyō: Kyūko Shoin.
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  13. Mitogaku to Meiji ishin.Kazuo Higo - 1973
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  14. Hō no kaishaku to tekiyō.Kazuo Ichien - 1958
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  15. Taiju Satō Issai.Kazuo Kamei - 1931 - Tōkyō: Kinkei Gakuin.
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    Stable remanence and memory of multi-domain materials with special reference to magnetite.Kazuo Kobayashi & M. Fuller - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 18 (153):601-624.
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    Seimei no rinri o tou.Kazuo Satō - 1988 - Tōkyō: Ōtsuki Shoten. Edited by Seiji Isaka & Akirō Takeuchi.
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    Masked prediction and interdependence network of the law using data from large-scale Japanese court judgments.Ryoma Kondo, Takahiro Yoshida & Ryohei Hisano - 2023 - Artificial Intelligence and Law 31 (4):739-771.
    Court judgments contain valuable information on how statutory laws and past court precedents are interpreted and how the interdependence structure among them evolves in the courtroom. Data-mining the evolving structure of such customs and norms that reflect myriad social values from a large-scale court judgment corpus is an essential task from both the academic and industrial perspectives. In this paper, using data from approximately 110,000 court judgments from Japan spanning the period 1998–2018 from the district to the supreme court level, (...)
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  19. Shin hōgaku kōgi.Kazuo Hatanaka (ed.) - 1984 - Kyōto-shi: Hōritsu Bunkasha.
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    A study on W. P. Fraleigh's methodology for selection of the morally best action.Yoshitaka Kondo & Naoki Shimazaki - 1989 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 11 (2):93-102.
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    Resident's and patients' perspectives on informed consent in primary care clinics (vol 11, pg 39, 2000).D. G. Kondo, F. M. Bishop & J. A. Jacobson - 2000 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 11 (3):285-285.
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    Report of the 20th Anniversary Conference of Japan Society for the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education.Yoshitaka Kondo - 1998 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Physical Education 20 (2):55-64.
  23. Sūri-ronrigaku.Kazuo Matsumoto - 1970
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    Negatively Skewed Locomotor Activity Is Related to Autistic Traits and Behavioral Problems in Typically Developing Children and Those With Autism Spectrum Disorders.Kazuo Ogino, Hidetoshi Takahashi, Toru Nakamura, Jinhyuk Kim, Hiroe Kikuchi, Takayuki Nakahachi, Ken Ebishima, Kazuhiro Yoshiuchi, Tetsuya Ando, Tomiki Sumiyoshi, Andrew Stickley, Yoshiharu Yamamoto & Yoko Kamio - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Christianity and the Notion of Nothingness: Contributions to Buddhist-Christian Dialogue From the Kyoto School.Kazuo Mutō - 2012 - Brill.
    The Christian philosopher Muto Kazuo contributed substantially to the predominantly Buddhist “Kyoto School of Philosophy.” Through critical exchange with its representatives, he opened up new perceptions of Christian faith, enabled mutual understanding between Buddhism and Christianity, and challenged the Western dialectical method.
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    Dreaming in the Late Morning: Summation of REM and Diurnal Cortical Activation.John Antrobus, Toshiaki Kondo, Ruth Reinsel & George Fein - 1995 - Consciousness and Cognition 4 (3):275-299.
    Since the discovery that the characteristics of dreaming sleep are far stronger in Stage 1 rapid eye movement sleep than in any other biological state, investigators have attempted to determine the relative responsibility of the tonic versus the phasic properties of REM sleep for the different characteristics of dreaming–features such as the amount of information in the dream report, the brightness and clarity of the visual images, shifts in thematic continuity, and incongruities of image and meaning. The present experiment is (...)
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    Seiken no genzō: Chūgoku kodai shisō kenkyū josetsu.Kazuo Inui - 1988 - Tōkyō: Meiji Shoin.
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    Kyōto no arugorizumu.Kazuo Iwama - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Shinjuku-ku: Kindai Kagakusha.
    京都を知る,アルゴリズムを知る。アルゴリズムとはそもそも,何か物事を行うときの“具体的手順”のことである。私たちは日々,意識するかしないかに関わらず,次々とアルゴリズムの設計をしながら生活をしている。 本書は,岩間一雄教授が京都の町を題材にアルゴリズムの思考を伝える,読み物的手法をとった数学書である。読者はその奥深い世界へと誘われてゆくだろう。 巻末には本書で取り上げた京都関連の名所・行事などの索引があり,逆引きで読んでいくことができる。 【目次】 1.斜め横断 2.アイドルタイム 3.人事部長の悩み 4.チームワーク 5.神様との勝負 6.アルゴリズムからメカニズムへ 7.一番でなくとも 8.千年に1回も起こらない 9.自分のページランクを上げたい 10.対話のアルゴリズム 11.ビットコインの素晴らしさ 12.P対NP問題:ノーベル賞以上? 13.アルゴリズムから見た進化論.
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    Nihon no iro no rūtsu o sagashite.Kazuo Jō - 2017 - Tōkyō-to Toshima-ku: Pai Intānashonaru.
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  30. Kinkei kōdō yoroku.Kazuo Kamei - 1936 - Tōkyō: Kinkei Gakuin.
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  31. The Eurasian myth of the birth of cosmic ruler.Kazuo Matsumura - 2002 - Iris 23:137-147.
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    Classification of Weak De Morgan Algebras.Michiro Kondo - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (3):396-406.
    In this paper we shall first show that for every weak DeMorgan algebra $L$ of order $n$ , there is a quotient weak DeMorgan algebra $L{\sim}$ which is embeddable in the finite WDM-$n$ algebra $\Omega $. We then demonstrate that the finite WDM-$n$ algebra $\Omega $ is functionally free for the class $CL$ of WDM-$n$ algebras. That is, we show that any formulas $f$ and $g$ are identically equal in each algebra in $CL$ if and only if they are identically (...)
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    Mathematics in modern japan.Motokiti Kondō - 1964 - Philosophia Mathematica (2):89-95.
  34. A Method of Producing No Thermal Stress in Statically Indeterminate Structure.Kazuo Tomonaga - 1965 - In Karl W. Linsenmann, Proceedings. St. Louis, Lutheran Academy for Scholarship. pp. 95.
  35. Ningen mosaku.Kazuo Watanabe - 1976
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    CABINS: a framework of knowledge acquisition and iterative revision for schedule improvement and reactive repair.Kazuo Miyashita & Katia Sycara - 1995 - Artificial Intelligence 76 (1-2):377-426.
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  37. Yuibutsuron no rekishi.Kazuo Nishimoto - 1970
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  38. F24. Current Status and Ethical Concerns of Assisted Reproductive Technology in Japan.Kazuo Sato - forthcoming - Bioethics in Asia: The Proceedings of the Unesco Asian Bioethics Conference (Abc'97) and the Who-Assisted Satellite Symposium on Medical Genetics Services, 3-8 Nov, 1997 in Kobe/Fukui, Japan, 3rd Murs Japan International Symposium, 2nd Congress of the Asi.
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  39. Onnatachi no kindai hihan: kazoku sei yūai.Kazuo Satō - 2001 - Tōkyō: Aoki Shoten.
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  40. Tomasu Akinasu kenkyū.Kazuo Sawada - 1969
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  41. Dōtoku-shinrigaku no rinen.Kazuo Seki - 1969
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    Murase Kōtei.Kazuo Senoo - 1987 - Tōkyō: Chōryūsha.
  43. Nambu-Goldstone theorem and spin-statistics theorem.Kazuo Fujikawa - 2016 - In Lars Brink, L. N. Chang, M. Y. Han, K. K. Phua & Yoichiro Nambu, Memorial volume for Y. Nambu. Hackensack, NJ: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte..
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  44. Rōshi Sōshi to Taishi Kō.Kazuo Fukumoto - 1975 - Nihon Runessansu Kenkyukai.
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  45. Yuibutsu shikan no tame ni.Kazuo Fukumoto - 1928 - Tōkyō: Kaizōsha.
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  46. Kyōiku tetsugaku.Kazuo Kinoshita - 1955
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  47. Gendai shakai no wana: 21-seiki no shakai kagaku o tou.Kazuo Kitaaoyama - 1992 - Tōkyō: Tsūshō Sangyō Kenkyūsha.
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  48. Hyūmanizumu kō.Kazuo Watanabe - 1973
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  49. Senninshō no uta.Kazuo Watanabe - 1950
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  50. Watakushi no hyūmanizumu.Kazuo Watanabe - 1964
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