Results for 'Kathryn Plant'

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  1.  16
    How Parents’ Stereotypical Beliefs Relate to Students’ Motivation and Career Aspirations in Mathematics and Language Arts.Kathryn Everhart Chaffee & Isabelle Plante - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Despite progress, gender gaps persist in mathematical and language-related fields, and gender stereotypes likely play a role. The current study examines the relations between parents’ gender-related beliefs and their adolescent child’s motivation and career aspirations through a survey of 172 parent-child dyads. Parents reported their gendered beliefs about ability in mathematics and language arts, as well as their prescriptive gender role beliefs. Students reported their expectancies and values in these two domains, as well as their career aspirations The results of (...)
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    The Philosophy of Gadamer.Jean Grondin & Kathryn Plant - 2003 - Carleton University Press.
    Grondin situates Gadamer's concerns in the context of traditional philosophical issues, showing, for example, how Gadamer both continues and significantly modifies Descartes' approach to the philosophical problem of method and advances rather than simply follows Heidegger's treatment of the relationship of thinking to language. In doing this Grondin shows that the issues of philosophical hermeneutics are relevant to contemporary concerns in science and history.
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  3. Fifty Eastern Thinkers.Diané Collinson, Kathryn Plant & Robert Wilkinson - 1999 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kathryn Plant & Robert Wilkinson.
    Close analysis of the work of fifty major thinkers in the field of Eastern philosophy make this an excellent introduction to a fascinating area of study. The authors have drawn together thinkers from all the major Eastern philosophical traditions from the earliest times to the present day. The philosophers covered range from founder figures such as Zoroaster and Confucius to modern thinkers such as Fung Youlan and the present Dalai Lama. Introductions to major traditions and a glossary of key philosophical (...)
  4.  31
    The Plant Decoration on Theocritus' Ivy-Cup.Kathryn J. Gutzwiller - 1986 - American Journal of Philology 107 (2).
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    'Curious Scotch Plants': Scotland as the Exotic in the Early Edinburgh Physic Garden.Kathryn James - 2005 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 24:135.
  6.  89
    (1 other version)So animal a human ..., Or the moral relevance of being an omnivore.Kathryn Paxton George - 1990 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 3 (2):172-186.
    It is argued that the question of whether or not one is required to be or become a strict vegetarian depends, not upon a rule or ideal that endorses vegetarianism on moral grounds, but rather upon whether one's own physical, biological nature is adapted to maintaining health and well-being on a vegetarian diet. Even if we accept the view that animals have rights, we still have no duty to make ourselves substantially worse off for the sake of other rights-holders. Moreover, (...)
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    Sustainability and the moral community.Kathryn Paxton George - 1992 - Agriculture and Human Values 9 (4):48-57.
    Three views of sustainability are juxtaposed with four views about who the members of the moral community are. These provide points of contact for understanding the moral issues in sustainability. Attention is drawn to the preferred epistemic methods of the differing factions arguing for sustainability. Criteria for defining membership in the moral community are explored; rationality and capacity for pain are rejected as consistent criteria. The criterion of having interests is shown to be most coherent for explaining why all living (...)
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    Darwin at Orchis Bank: Selection after the Origin.Kathryn Tabb - 2016 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 55 (C):11-20.
    Darwin’s first publication after the Origin of Species was a volume on orchids that expanded on the theory of adaptation through natural selection introduced in his opus. Here I argue that On the Various Contrivances by which British and Foreign Orchids are Fertilised by Insects (1862) is not merely an empirical confirmation of his theory. In response to immediate criticisms of his metaphor of natural selection, Darwin uses Orchids to present adaptation as the result of innumerable natural laws, rather than (...)
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    Queer Coal: Genealogies in/of the Blood.Kathryn Yusoff - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (2):203-229.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Queer Coal:Genealogies in/of the BloodKathryn YusoffIntroductionAn inhuman equationA genealogical account of coal ± a solar line of descentSolar -/- plant -/- coal ≤ plant minor/miner ≠ bloodlineFossil fuels are dark and patient and have a history that is in/of the blood. Fossil fuels are pockets of sunshine that have a solar line of descent. Fossil fuels are a chemical “blood knowledge” (Cixous 1991, 103) that coheres at (...)
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    Enhancing farmers’ agency in the global crop commons through use of biocultural community protocols.Michael Halewood, Ana Bedmar Villanueva, Jazzy Rasolojaona, Michelle Andriamahazo, Naritiana Rakotoniaina, Bienvenu Bossou, Toussaint Mikpon, Raymond Vodouhe, Lena Fey, Andreas Drews, P. Lava Kumar, Bernadette Rasoanirina, Thérèse Rasoazafindrabe, Marcellin Aigbe, Blaise Agbahounzo, Gloria Otieno, Kathryn Garforth, Tobias Kiene & Kent Nnadozie - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (2):579-594.
    Crop genetic resources constitute a ‘new’ global commons, characterized by multiple layers of activities of farmers, genebanks, public and private research and development organizations, and regulatory agencies operating from local to global levels. This paper presents sui generis biocultural community protocols that were developed by four communities in Benin and Madagascar to improve their ability to contribute to, and benefit from, the crop commons. The communities were motivated in part by the fact that their national governments’ had recently ratified the (...)
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    Agnes Arber, historian of botany and Darwinian sceptic.Vittoria Feola - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Science 52 (3):515-523.
    This essay aims to reappraise Agnes Arber's contribution to the history of science with reference to her work in the history of botany and biology. Both her first and her last books are classics: the former in the history of botany, the latter in that of biology. As such, they are still cited today, albeit with increasing criticism. Her very last book was rejected by Cambridge University Press because it did not meet the publisher's academic standards – we shall return (...)
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  12. The gendered cyborg: a reader.Gill Kirkup (ed.) - 2000 - New York: Routledge in association with the Open University.
    The Gendered Cyborg brings together material from a variety of disciplines that analyze the relationship between gender and technoscience, and the way that this relationship is represented through ideas, language and visual imagery. The book opens with key feminist articles from the history and philosophy of science. They look at the ways that modern scientific thinking has constructed oppositional dualities such as objectivity/subjectivity, human/machine, nature/science, and male/female, and how these have constrained who can engage in science/technology and how they have (...)
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  13. Development and validation of a multi-dimensional measure of intellectual humility.Mark Alfano, Kathryn Iurino, Paul Stey, Brian Robinson, Markus Christen, Feng Yu & Daniel Lapsley - 2017 - PLoS ONE 12 (8):e0182950.
    This paper presents five studies on the development and validation of a scale of intellectual humility. This scale captures cognitive, affective, behavioral, and motivational components of the construct that have been identified by various philosophers in their conceptual analyses of intellectual humility. We find that intellectual humility has four core dimensions: Open-mindedness (versus Arrogance), Intellectual Modesty (versus Vanity), Corrigibility (versus Fragility), and Engagement (versus Boredom). These dimensions display adequate self-informant agreement, and adequate convergent, divergent, and discriminant validity. In particular, Open-mindedness (...)
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  14.  58
    Geosocial Formations and the Anthropocene.Nigel Clark & Kathryn Yusoff - 2017 - Theory, Culture and Society 34 (2-3):3-23.
    For at least two centuries most social thought has taken the earth to be the stable platform upon which dynamic social processes play out. Both climate change and the Anthropocene thesis – with their enfolding of dramatic geologic change into the space-time of social life – are now provoking social thinkers into closer engagement with earth science. After revisiting the decisive influence of the late 18th-century notion of geological formations on the idea of social formations, this introductory article turns to (...)
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    Exploring the Interface Between Strategy-Making and Responsible Leadership.Rachel Maritz, Marius Pretorius & Kato Plant - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (S1):101-113.
    This article explores strategy-making modes within organisations. The implications of certain strategy-making modes for the responsible leader as an architect or change agent are highlighted. The study on which this article is based, showed that the use of emergent strategy-making is as prevalent as the use of deliberate strategy-making. This article reports on the thinking of organisational leaders, managers and non-managers regarding strategy-making processes and records empirical findings from mixed method research. It was found that emergent strategy-making is associated with (...)
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  16.  29
    Elementary students’ challenges with informational texts: Reading the words and the world.Kristy A. Brugar & Kathryn L. Roberts - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (1):49-59.
    The purpose of this study is to describe ways in which elementary students access information from various components of informational social studies texts in schools. Although the time devoted to elementary social studies has decreased considerably in recent years, a renewed focus on content-area literacy skills, driven by state standard initiatives, presents us with the opportunity to regain lost social studies instructional time by integrating social studies content during literacy instructional time. However, it is not entirely clear what this instructional (...)
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  17. Integrating laptops into campus learning: Theoretical, administrative and instructional fields of play.Daniel Anderson, Robin Seaton Brown, Todd Taylor & Kathryn Wymer - 2002 - Kairos (Université de Toulouse-Le Mirail. Faculté de philosophie) 7 (1).
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    Breached horizons: the philosophy of Jean-Luc Marion.Rachel Bath, Antonio Calcagno, Kathryn Lawson & Steve G. Lofts (eds.) - 2018 - New York: Rowman & Littlefield International.
    Part I. Reflections on the past : a mor et memoria / Ugo Perone -- Givenness, grace, and Marion's Augustinianism / Felix O Murchadha -- Way of being given / Pierre-Jean Renaudie -- On the threshold of distance / Ryan Coyne -- Part II. Present openings : reading textual dramatics / Stephen E. Lewis -- The moving icon / Jodie McNeilly -- Love without bodies / Cassandra Falke -- As an Orpheus of phenomenality -- Part III. Breaching future horizons : (...)
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    The importance of magic to social relationships.Craig T. Palmer, Lyle B. Steadman, Chris Cassidy & Kathryn Coe - 2010 - Zygon 45 (2):317-337.
    Many anthropological explanations of magical practices are based on the assumption that the immediate cause of performing an act of magic is the belief that the magic will work as claimed. Such explanations typically attempt to show why people come to believe that magical acts work as claimed when such acts do not identifiably have such effects. We suggest an alternative approach to the explanation of magic that views magic as a form of religious behavior, a form of communication that (...)
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  20. Introduction to the New Testament.A. Robert, A. Feuillet, Patrick W. Skehan, Edward P. Arbez, Kathryn Sullivan, Lawrence J. Dannemiller, Edward F. Siegman, John P. McCormick & Martin R. P. McGuire - 1965
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  21. Knowers/Doers and Their Moral Problems.Kathryn Pyne Addelson - 1992 - In Linda Alcoff & Elizabeth Potter, Feminist Epistemologies. New York: Routledge.
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    Representing Whom? U.K. Health Consumer and Patients’ Organizations in the Policy Process.Rob Baggott & Kathryn L. Jones - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (3):341-349.
    This paper draws on nearly two decades of research on health consumer and patients’ organizations in the United Kingdom. In particular, it addresses questions of representation and legitimacy in the health policy process. HCPOs claim to represent the collective interests of patients and others such as relatives and carers. At times they also make claims to represent the wider public interest. Employing Pitkin’s classic typology of formalistic, descriptive, symbolic, and substantive representation, the paper explores how and in what sense HCPOs (...)
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    Ethics Across the Graduate Engineering Curriculum.Michael Davis & Kathryn Riley - 2008 - Teaching Ethics 9 (1):25-42.
  24. Educating prospective teachers of biology: Introduction and research methods.Peter W. Hewson, B. Robert Tabachnick, Kenneth M. Zeichner, Kathryn B. Blomker, Helen Meyer, John Lemberger, Robin Marion, Hyun‐Ju Park & Regina Toolin - 1999 - Science Education 83 (3):247-273.
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  25. The role of imagery in sexual behavior.D. P. J. Przybyla, Donn Byrne & Kathryn Kelley - 1983 - In Anees A. Sheikh, Imagery: Current Theory, Research, and Application. Wiley.
  26.  43
    Person-specific non-shared environmental influences in intraindividual variability: a preliminary case of daily school feelings in monozygotic twins.Yao Zheng, Peter C. M. Molenaar, Rosalind Arden, Kathryn Asbury & David M. Almeida - unknown
    Most behavioural genetic studies focus on genetic and environmental influences on inter-individual phenotypic differences at the population level. The growing collection of intensive longitudinal data in social and behavioural science offers a unique opportunity to examine genetic and environmental influences on intra-individual phenotypic variability at the individual level. The current study introduces a novel idiographic approach and one novel method to investigate genetic and environmental influences on intra-individual variability by a simple empirical demonstration. Person-specific non-shared environmental influences on intra-individual variability (...)
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    The phenomenon of "the look".George J. Stack & Robert W. Plant - 1982 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (3):359-373.
  28.  23
    Adult attachment and memory of emotional reactions to negative and positive events.Amy Gentzler & Kathryn Kerns - 2006 - Cognition and Emotion 20 (1):20-42.
    Relations between adult attachment and memory for earlier emotional reactions to negative and positive events were examined. Hypotheses were that avoidance would be associated with underestimating earlier negative affect, whereas anxiety would be associated with overestimating earlier negative affect. Also, both avoidance and anxiety were expected to relate to underestimating earlier positive affect intensity. Participants (119 college students) completed daily report forms three times a day for 4 days on which they described and rated their immediate emotional reactions to events (...)
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    Violence, Well-Being and Level of Participation in Formal Education among Adolescent Girls in Eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo: The Role of Child Marriage.Debbie Landis, Kathryn Falb, Ilaria Michelis, Theresita Bakomere & Lindsay Stark - 2018 - Studies in Social Justice 12 (2):273-290.
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    The Seleucid Era and Early Hellenistic Imperialism.Boris Chrubasik & Kathryn Stevens - 2022 - História 71 (2):150.
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    Killing them softly: degrees of inaccessible and Mahlo cardinals.Erin Kathryn Carmody - 2017 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 63 (3-4):256-264.
    This paper introduces the theme of killing‐them‐softly between set‐theoretic universes. The main theorems show how to force to reduce the large cardinal strength of a cardinal to a specified desired degree. The killing‐them‐softly theme is about both forcing and the gradations in large cardinal strength. Thus, I also develop meta‐ordinal extensions of the hyper‐inaccessible and hyper‐Mahlo degrees. This paper extends the work of Mahlo to create new large cardinals and also follows the larger theme of exploring interactions between large cardinals (...)
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    Influences on development in infant chimpanzees: Enculturation, temperament, and cognition.Kim A. Bard & Kathryn H. Gardner - 1996 - In A. Russon, Kim A. Bard & S. Parkers, Reaching Into Thought: The Minds of the Great Apes. Cambridge University Press. pp. 235--256.
  33.  53
    A framework for managing and assessing ethics in Namibia: An internal audit perspective.Nolan Angermund & Kato Plant - 2017 - African Journal of Business Ethics 11 (1).
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  34. The role of Rasch analysis when conducting science education research utilizing multiple‐choice tests.William J. Boone & Kathryn Scantlebury - 2006 - Science Education 90 (2):253-269.
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    Evil in Julien Green's Le Mauvais Lieu.Kathryn E. Wildgen - 1987 - Renascence 40 (1):43-52.
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    Water and Meadow Views Both Afford Perceived but Not Performance-Based Attention Restoration: Results From Two Experimental Studies.Katherine A. Johnson, Annabelle Pontvianne, Vi Ly, Rui Jin, Jonathan Haris Januar, Keitaro Machida, Leisa D. Sargent, Kate E. Lee, Nicholas S. G. Williams & Kathryn J. H. Williams - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Attention Restoration Theory proposes that exposure to natural environments helps to restore attention. For sustained attention—the ongoing application of focus to a task, the effect appears to be modest, and the underlying mechanisms of attention restoration remain unclear. Exposure to nature may improve attention performance through many means: modulation of alertness and one’s connection to nature were investigated here, in two separate studies. In both studies, participants performed the Sustained Attention to Response Task before and immediately after viewing a meadow, (...)
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    Promoting Disclosure and Understanding in Informed Consent: Optimizing the Impact of the Common Rule “Key Information” Requirement.Stephanie A. Kraft, Elliott M. Weiss & Kathryn M. Porter - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (5):70-72.
    Millum and Bromwich provide a thorough and thoughtful analysis of what is required for sufficient informed consent, offering distinct conceptualizations of the ethical requirements of disclo...
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    The evolution of skeletal muscle performance: gene duplication and divergence of human sarcomeric α‐actinins.Monkol Lek, Kate Gr Quinlan & Kathryn N. North - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (1):17-25.
    In humans, there are two skeletal muscle α‐actinins, encoded by ACTN2 and ACTN3, and the ACTN3 genotype is associated with human athletic performance. Remarkably, approximately 1 billion people worldwide are deficient in α‐actinin‐3 due to the common ACTN3 R577X polymorphism. The α‐actinins are an ancient family of actin‐binding proteins with structural, signalling and metabolic functions. The skeletal muscle α‐actinins diverged ∼250–300 million years ago, and ACTN3 has since developed restricted expression in fast muscle fibres. Despite ACTN2 and ACTN3 retaining considerable (...)
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    Confucian reflections on the new reproductive model of ROPA.Yonghui Ma, Hua Chen & Kathryn Muyskens - forthcoming - Bioethics.
    Some countries are legalizing same‐sex marriage and assisted reproductive technologies (ART) for homosexual couples. One unique form of ART, ROPA (Reception of Oocytes from Partner), recently stirred up controversy in China, when a custody dispute between a female same‐sex couple who used ROPA brought this reproductive model into the public eye. Some Western scholars have argued for the legitimacy of ROPA from the perspective of autonomy and reproductive rights. Yet, these arguments do not easily translate into all cultural contexts, as (...)
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    Safety Study of Combination Treatment: Deep Brain Stimulation and Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation.Hamzah Magsood, Farheen Syeda, Kathryn Holloway, Ivan C. Carmona & Ravi L. Hadimani - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Perceptual biases and metacognition and their association with anomalous self experiences in first episode psychosis.Abigail Wright, Barnaby Nelson, David Fowler & Kathryn Greenwood - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 77:102847.
  42.  21
    Controlling in der Fußballbranche – Eine empirische Untersuchung zum Implementierungsstand des Controlling in den drei höchsten deutschen Fußballligen / Accounting Practices and Control in the Soccer Industry – An Empirical Study on the State of Accounting Practices and Control Implementation in the Top Three German Soccer Leagues.Carsten Tietje, Björn Filbrich & Kathryn Viemann - 2005 - Sport Und Gesellschaft 2 (3):296-313.
    Zusammenfassung Die Komplexität und Dynamik des Umfeldes, in dem sich Fußballvereine bewegen, hat in der Vergangenheit enorm zugenommen. Um bei dieser Entwicklung wettbewerbsfähig zu bleiben, bedarf es entsprechender Konzepte zur Unterstützung der Unternehmensführung. So hat die durchgeführte empirische Untersuchung ihren Fokus auf das Controlling als ein unterstützendes Konzept zur zielorientierten Unternehmenssteuerung gelegt. Ziel dieser Untersuchung ist es, das Controlling in Fußballvereinen zu beschreiben und zu analysieren.
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    Moral passages: toward a collectivist moral theory.Kathryn Pyne Addelson - 1994 - New York: Routledge.
    In Moral Passages, Kathryn Pyne Addelson presents an original moral theory suited for contemporary life and its moral problems. Her basic principle is that knowledge and morality are generated in collective action, and she develops it through a critical examination of theories in philosophy, sociology and women's studies, most of which hide the collective nature and as a result hide the lives and knowledge of many people. At issue are the questions of what morality is, and how moral theories (...)
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  44.  52
    Symposia on Gender, Race and Philosophy.Kathryn T. Gines - 2006 - Philosophy 2 (2).
  45. Navigating in a 3D world.Kathryn J. Jeffery, Aleksandar Jovalekic, Madeleine Verriotis & Robin Hayman - forthcoming - Behavioral and Brain Sciences.
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    Does learning to count involve a semantic induction?Kathryn Davidson, Kortney Eng & David Barner - 2012 - Cognition 123 (1):162-173.
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    Gender and publishing in sociology.Kathryn B. Ward & Linda Grant - 1991 - Gender and Society 5 (2):207-223.
    As in other fields, scholarly publication in sociology is not only the key to career success but also the route by which feminist analyses and perspectives become known to others in the discipline. A growing literature has analyzed women's and men's rates of publication, but the gender politics of the prepublication production of research and gender differences in reputation building after publication remain underexplored. This report reviews the current state of knowledge about sociological publishing at three phases: prepublication, the publication-seeking (...)
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    Relational epistemic humility in the clinical encounter.Kathryn Muyskens, Chloe Ang & Eric Thomson Kerr - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    Epistemic humility has garnered increased attention in recent years, including within the realm of clinical ethics and is increasingly accepted as an important part of patient-centred practice and clinical care. However, while literature on the topic often states what epistemic humility isnot, there have been few positive definitions given for the term. Further, these few positive definitions downplay the relational nature of epistemic humility, in other words, the ways in which epistemic humility is developed within the clinical encounter through the (...)
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  49. Economy of Grace.Kathryn Tanner - 2005
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    Anna Letitia Barbauld's ‘To Mr. Barbauld, with a Map of the Land of Matrimony’ and the History of Sentimental Cartography.Kathryn Ready - 2016 - History of European Ideas 42 (3):350-363.
    ABSTRACTAnna Letitia Barbauld's poem ‘To Mr. Barbauld, with a Map of the Land of Matrimony’ and its illustrated companion piece, ‘A New Map of the Land of Matrimony, Drawn from the Latest Surveys’, first published anonymously by Joseph Johnson in 1772 but attributable to Barbauld, show their creator playing in original ways with courtly and libertine variants of the map of love and marriage: a genre of allegorical and sentimental map tracing its provenance to ‘La Carte de tendre’ or ‘The (...)
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