Results for 'Kortney Eng'

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    Does learning to count involve a semantic induction?Kathryn Davidson, Kortney Eng & David Barner - 2012 - Cognition 123 (1):162-173.
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    Lost in the System or Lost in Translation? The Exchanges between Hart and Ross.Svein Eng - 2011 - Ratio Juris 24 (2):194-246.
    According to the received opinion there is a theoretical incompatibility between Herbert Hart'sThe Concept of Lawand Alf Ross'sOn Law and Justice, and, according to the received opinion, it stems above all from Hart's emphasis on the internal point of view. The present paper argues that this reading is mistaken.The Concept of Lawdoes not go beyondOn Law and Justicein so far as both present arguments to the effect that law is based on a shared understanding between participants in a project perceived (...)
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    Why Reflective Equilibrium? II: Following Up on Rawls's Comparison of His Own Approach with a Kantian Approach.Svein Eng - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (2):288-310.
    In A Theory of Justice (1971), John Rawls introduces the concept of “reflective equilibrium.” Although there are innumerable references to and discussions of this concept in the literature, there is, to the present author's knowledge, no discussion of the most important question: Why reflective equilibrium? In particular, the question arises: Is the method of reflective equilibrium applicable to the choice of this method itself? Rawls's drawing of parallels between Kant's moral theory and his own suggests that his concept of “reflective (...)
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    Why Reflective Equilibrium? III: Reflective Equilibrium as a Heuristic Tool.Svein Eng - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (3):440-459.
    In A Theory of Justice (1971), John Rawls introduces the concept of “reflective equilibrium.” Although there are innumerable references to and discussions of this concept in the literature, there is, to the present author's knowledge, no discussion of the most important question: Why reflective equilibrium? In particular, the question arises: Is the method of reflective equilibrium applicable to the choice of this method itself? Rawls's drawing of parallels between Kant's moral theory and his own suggests that his concept of “reflective (...)
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    Fusion of Descriptive and Normative Propositions. The Concepts of 'Descriptive Proposition' and 'Normative Proposition' as Concepts of Degree.Svein Eng - 2000 - Ratio Juris 13 (3):236-260.
    I introduce the concept of ‘fused descriptive and normative proposition.’ I demonstrate that and how this concept has a basis in reality in lawyers' propositions de lege lata, and I point out that and why we do not find fused modality in language qua language, morals and the relationship between parents and children. The concept of ‘fused descriptive and normative proposition’ is of interest in a number of contexts, inter alia in relation to law, cf. the debate about the status (...)
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    A Tentative Discussion of Pre-Ch'in Legalists' Ideas Concerning War Preparedness.Hung Ch'eng - 1975 - Chinese Studies in History 9 (2):21-36.
  7. Wen hsüeh ti che hsüeh.Ta-chʻeng Chʻeng - 1975
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  8. Hsien Chʻin ju tao Mo fa ssu chia hsüeh shu ssu hsiang chih yen chiu.Kʻai-ti Pʻeng - 1974 - [s.l.: : s.n.] ; Tʻai-pei : Yin shua chen Chen i tsʻai se yin shua yu hsien kung ssu.
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  9. 17 Appetite, passion, madness.Erling Eng - 1982 - In A. J. J. de Koning & F. A. Jenner, Phenomenology and psychiatry. New York: Grune & Stratton. pp. 245.
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  10. Teleologie jako forma vědeckého poznání.Karel Engliš - 1930 - V Praze,: F. Topič.
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    Provincial Assemblies: The Emergence of Political Participation, 1909-1914.Chang P'eng-Yuan - 1984 - Chinese Studies in History 17 (3):3-28.
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  12.  23
    Thomas Henry Huxley's Understanding of ‘Evolution’.Erling Eng - 1978 - History of Science 16 (4):291-303.
  13. The Confrontation Between Reason and Imagination: the Example of Darwin.Erling Eng - 1976 - Diogenes 24 (95):58-67.
    The theme of Darwin's struggle between reason and imagination is perhaps most clearly shown in his efforts in the Origin to conceive of how the eye of the body might have developed through natural selection. Thus he wrote:To arrive, however, at a just conclusion regarding the formation of the eye, with all its marvellous yet not absolutely perfect characters, it is indispensable that the reason * should conquer the imagination; but I have felt the difficulty far too keenly to be (...)
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  14.  33
    Art and the Heideggerian Repression: Ranciére, Nancy, and a Communism of the Image.Michael Eng - 2013 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 5 (1):19-35.
    This essay conducts a reading of Jean-Luc Nancy’s and Jacques Rancière’s respective theorizations of the image. Using Nancy’s notion of literary communism, I first show how he and Rancière conceive the image as a site of community’s open writing and contestation. My reading then demonstrates how this “communism of the image” exposes Rancière’s repetition of an ontological gesture that he has attempted to dismiss as Heideggerian.
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    A Coming Community.Michael Eng - 2011 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 3 (2):269-281.
    Reviewed: The Obsessions of Georges Bataille: Community and Communication, edited by Andrew J. Mitchell and Jason Kemp Winfree, State University of New York Press, 2009, 232pp., pb. $24.95. ISBN-13: 9781438428246. This review analyzes the extent to which The Obsessions of Georges Bataille: Community and Communication, edited by Andrew J. Mitchell and Jason Kemp Winfree, may contribute to recent treatments of sensibility and affect in critical thought. After first posing the question of why community appeared to recede from the critical attention (...)
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  16. Apologia finalitatis; rozprava o Tardym.Karel Engliš - 1946 - V Praze,: Knihovna sborníku věd právních a státních.
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  17. Body, Consciousness, and Violence.Erling Eng - 1972 - Analecta Husserliana 2:267.
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  18.  40
    Criteria that are used in the Setting up of and Choice Between Descriptive Characterisations.Svein Eng - 1999 - Law and Philosophy 18 (5):475-495.
    This paper investigates the actual use of truth as a criterion in the setting up of and choice between descriptive characterisations. The consideration for truth is often weighed against other considerations. This weighing character is illuminated through examples from everyday life, politics, law, and science. In everyday life the weighing character shows itself inter alia through the categories of ‘white lies’ and ‘great questions’, and in politics, inter alia through the categories of ‘personal character’ versus ‘the party’. In law there (...)
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  19. Discussion on vision and the graphic arts.Erling Eng - 1970 - In Erwin Walter Straus & Richard Marion Griffith, Aisthesis and aesthetics. Pittsburgh, Pa.,: Duquesne University Press. pp. 189.
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    (1 other version)Institutional Schizophasia and the Possibility of the Humanities' 'Other Scene': Guattari and the Exigency of Transversality.Michael Eng - 2012 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 6 (2):328-352.
    Transversality occupies a central place in Guattari's thought, appearing in his early writings on institutional analysis and on through to his final work, Chaosmosis. Transversality is thus particularly pertinent to understanding Guattari's critique of semiocapitalism and his goal of re-imagining forms of institutional subjectivisation as a way to free the unconscious from structures of lack and the desire for punishment, the very structures upon which capitalism relies for its reproduction. If there is one institution that has taken advantage of semiocapitalism's (...)
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  21. Kinesthesias and Horizons in Psychosis.Erling Eng - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 16:217.
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    The amplificatory phenomenology of dieter wyss.Erling Eng - 1986 - Man and World 19 (3):329-336.
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  23. The Life and Work of Erwin Straus.E. Eng - 2002 - Analecta Husserliana 80:665-667.
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    Věčné ideály lidstva.Karel Engliš - 1992 - Praha: Vyšehrad.
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  25. Darwin's Phenomenological Embarrassment and Freud's Solution.Erling Eng - 1983 - Analecta Husserliana 15:231.
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  26. Une existence théologique dans l'Allemagne du XXe siècle: Helmut Gollwitzer (1908-1993).David Engeli - 2002 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 134 (4):309-325.
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    World and Self in Ageing and Psychosis.Erling Eng - 1984 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 15 (1):21-31.
    Through the twofold meaning of nature for man-rhythmically-of which he is a part and from which he is apart, the situations of psychosis and of ageing "cross over." In both are manifested the imperious sway of that nature of which we are a part: in the earlier half of life-largely-as psychosis, in the latter half of life through ageing. It is in the midst of the life-span, with the transition from predominant instinctuality to awareness of its recession, that psychosis and (...)
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  28. Uma bobina de Ruhmkorff.Eng Manuel Vaz Guedes - 2001 - História 1:2.
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  29. The Psychology of Children's Drawings.Helga Eng - 1932 - Philosophy 7 (27):366-368.
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    Hu Shih and Liang Ch'i-ch'ao: Affinity and Tension between Intellectuals of Two Generations.Chang P'eng-Yuan - 1993 - Chinese Studies in History 26 (4):3-49.
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  31. Die Norm ist kein Urteil.Karel Engliš - 1964 - Archiv für Rechts-Und Sozialphilosophie 50:305-316.
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  32.  16
    Defining a Me th=11pt ṇḍ th aka Question in the Questions of Milinda and Its Commentarial Texts.Eng Jin Ooi, Andrew Schumann & Natchapol Sirisawad - 2023 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 51 (5):567-589.
    The word _meṇḍaka_, a derivative of _meṇḍa_ (“ram”), is generally translated as “made of the ram” or “about the ram” or “horned.” However, in the Pāli _Milindapañha_ (_Questions of Milinda_), the word _meṇḍakapañha_, literally, a question about the ram, is also rendered as a logical conclusion that refutes an imaginary dilemma. Hence, in this treatise, the word _meṇḍaka_ is a special logical term which means an imaginary dilemma that can be logically refuted. This raises the question as to why the (...)
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    Constitutionalism in the Late Qing—Conception and Practice.Chang P'eng-Yuan - 1989 - Chinese Studies in History 23 (1):3-22.
  34. Why Reflective Equilibrium? I: Reflexivity of Justification.Svein Eng - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (1):138-154.
    In A Theory of Justice (1971), John Rawls introduces the concept of “reflective equilibrium.” Although there are innumerable references to and discussions of this concept in the literature, there is, to the present author's knowledge, no discussion of the most important question: Why reflective equilibrium? In particular, the question arises: Is the method of reflective equilibrium applicable to the choice of this method itself? Rawls's drawing of parallels between Kant's moral theory and his own suggests that his concept of “reflective (...)
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  35. Improved Turbulence Models for Computational Wind Engineering.Gary Easom B. Eng - forthcoming - Philosophy.
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    The Handicraft Guilds in Soochow During the Ch'ing Dynasty.Liu Yung-ch'eng - 1981 - Chinese Studies in History 15 (1-2):113-167.
  37. China and the Human: Part Ii.David L. Eng, Teemu Ruskola & Shuang Shen - 2012 - Duke University Press.
    In the Western media, stories about China seem to fall into one of two categories: China’s astounding economic development or its human rights abuses. As human rights discourses follow increasingly hegemonic conventions, especially with regard to China, many of their key assumptions remain unexamined. This special issue—the second in a two-part series beginning with “Cosmologies of the Human”—critically investigates the relationship between China and the human as it plays out in law, politics, biopolitics, political economy, labor, medicine, and culture. The (...)
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    Transmission of the Milindapañha.Eng Jin Ooi - 2022 - Buddhist Studies Review 39 (1):67-111.
    This article re-examines speculations about school affiliation of the Milindapañha (Questions of King Milinda) and traces its presence from North West India in the early centuries CE up to Southeast Asia in the nineteenth century. As there are significant differences between the textual traditions of the Pali Text Society’s Milindapañho and the Siamese printed edition, the Milindapañh?, I will discuss the little-known textual characteristics of the Siamese recensions which were circulating in Central Siam from at least the seventeenth century. This (...)
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    Locating Erwin Straus.Erling Eng - 1976 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 7 (1):1-14.
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  40. Constitution and Intentionality in Psychosis.Erling Eng - 1974 - Analecta Husserliana 3:279.
  41. Legislative Inflation and the Quality of Law.Svein Eng - 2002 - In Luc Wintgens, Legisprudence: a new theoretical approach to legislation. Portland, Or.: Hart. pp. 65--80.
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  42. O poznávání a hodnocení.Karel Engliš - 1947 - Bratislava,: Nákl. Právnickej fakulty Slovenskej university; v generální komisi V. Linhart.
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    Race as Phenomena: Between Phenomenology and Philosophy of Race, by Emily S. Lee, ed.Michael Eng - 2021 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 31 (2):352-357.
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    Locke's Tabula Rasa and Freud's "Mystic Writing Pad".Erling Eng - 1980 - Journal of the History of Ideas 41 (1):133.
  45.  15
    Reflections on republican socialism in Ireland: Marxian roots and Irish historical dynamics.R. Englis - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (4):555-571.
    Irish socialist republicanism has cast a larger shadow over political thought in Ireland than one would expect either from the number of its historical adherents or from the cogency of its central arguments. In modern Ulster -- where political theory is constantly chased, and often mauled, by engaged political practitioners -- one can witness this ‘disproportionate shadow’ syndrome in operation. Thus, for example, the bold and boisterous Bernadette Devlin was not only convinced by the arguments of the socialist republican thinker, (...)
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  46. The Concept of Evolution and the Phenomenological Teleology.Erling Eng - 1979 - Analecta Husserliana 9:63.
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    The Psychology of Children's Drawings: From the First Stroke to the Coloured Drawing.Helga Eng - 1999 - Routledge.
    First Published in 1999. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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    The scene of the voice: thinking language after affect.Michael Eng - 2023 - Albany: State University of New York Press.
    Brings the figure of the voice and the problem of mimesis in Heidegger and post-Heideggerian continental thought to bear on the dismissal of language by the affective and aesthetic turns of contemporary critical theory.
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  49. Kinderzeichnen.Helga Eng - 1930 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 109:156-157.
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  50. "Pathei Mathos" - The Knowledge of Suffering.Erling Eng - 1986 - Analecta Husserliana 20:289.
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