Results for 'Kate Rogers'

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  1.  44
    Equitable Research Partnerships: A Global Code of Conduct to Counter Ethics Dumping.Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Roger Chennells, Peter Herissone-Kelly & Michelle Singh - 2019 - Springer Verlag.
    This open access book offers insights into the development of the ground-breaking Global Code of Conduct for Research in Resource-Poor Settings (GCC) and the San Code of Research Ethics. Using a new, intuitive moral framework predicated on fairness, respect, care and honesty, both codes target ethics dumping – the export of unethical research practices from a high-income setting to a lower- or middle-income setting. The book is a rich resource of information and argument for any research stakeholder who opposes double (...)
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  2. Freedom, ethics, philosophy of God in anselmo d'aosta's work. The ninth centenary of death.Miguel Perez de Laborda, Kate Rogers & Italo Sciuto - 2009 - Acta Philosophica 18 (1).
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    Vulnerability Revisited: Leaving No One Behind in Research.Doris Schroeder, Kate Chatfield, Roger Chennells, Hazel Partington, Joshua Kimani, Gillian Thomson, Joyce Adhiambo Odhiambo, Leana Snyders & Collin Louw - 2024 - Springer Nature Switzerland.
    Open access. This open-access book discusses vulnerability and the protection-inclusion dilemma of including those who suffer from serious poverty, severe stigma, and structural violence in research. Co-written with representatives from indigenous peoples in South Africa and sex workers in Nairobi, the authors come down firmly on the side of inclusion. In the spirit of leaving no one behind in research, the team experimented with data collection methods that prioritize research participant needs over researcher needs. This involved foregoing the collection of (...)
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    REC Members' Perceptions of Their Training Needs: Report of an AREC Audit.Paula McGee, Gordon Taylor, Roger Rawbone, on Behalf of the Arec Training Needs Working Group, Carol Dawson, Kate McGarva & Richard Nicholson - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (4):119-131.
    The Association of Research Ethics Committees is one of the leading providers of training and education for members of Research Ethics Committees. The introduction of the research governance strategy and the increasing complexity of ethical review place great demands on research ethics committee members that in turn creates challenges for training providers. This paper presents the outcome of an audit of REC members' views about training. Findings demonstrate that REC members are not a homogenous group. Several distinct sub-groups, each with (...)
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    Roger Herz‐Fischler. The Shape of the Great Pyramid. xii + 293 pp., figs., tables, apps., bibl., index.Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfried Laurier University Press, 2000. $29.95. [REVIEW]Kate Spence - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):83-84.
    The existence of a mathematical theory determining the shape of the Great Pyramid is a long‐standing assumption, and speculation on the subject dates back to Herodotus. Roger Herz‐Fischler's study presents and discusses eleven major theories and their proponents in the light of archaeological and philosophical considerations. The historiographical aspect of the study is very useful, as is the formulation and discussion of some of the problems. A brief sociological case study of the Pi‐theory and the reasons for its propagation and (...)
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    On Keeping Things as Books.Fabio Morabito, Kate van Orden, Deidre Shauna Lynch, Tom Stammers & Erin Johnson-Williams - 2025 - Critical Inquiry 51 (2):365-396.
    Music, literature, history. These things are not quite alike. But in Europe, before the advent of recording machines that made it possible for sounds to be recorded and played back, the three activities relied on the same technology of preservation. They were kept in/as books. Bookishness, in European and colonial imaginaries, was an often-idealized, powerful means of keeping things from slipping away. An understanding of bookish things as a repository can be evinced in laws that required preserving a copy of (...)
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    Hvorfor populisme?Rogers Brubaker - 2020 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 38 (1-2):11-32.
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    Teaching/learning events in the workplace: A comparative analysis of their organizational and interactional structure.Rogers Hall & Reed Stevens - 1996 - In Garrison W. Cottrell, Proceedings of the Eighteenth Annual Conference of The Cognitive Science Society. Lawrence Erlbaum. pp. 160--165.
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    Descartes' Conversation with Burman.G. A. J. Rogers & John Cottingham - 1976 - Oxford: Clarendon Press. Edited by Frans Burman.
  10. Aquinas and the Supreme Court: Race, Gender, and the Failure of Natural Law in Thomas’s Biblical Commentaries.Eugene F. Rogers - 2013 - Hoboken: Wiley-Blackwell.
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  11. The Right to Explanation.Kate Vredenburgh - 2021 - Journal of Political Philosophy 30 (2):209-229.
    Journal of Political Philosophy, Volume 30, Issue 2, Page 209-229, June 2022.
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    Ethnicity as cognition.Rogers Brubaker, Mara Loveman & Peter Stamatov - 2004 - Theory and Society 33 (1):31-64.
  13.  83
    Feminism and public health ethics.W. A. Rogers - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (6):351-354.
    This paper sketches an account of public health ethics drawing upon established scholarship in feminist ethics. Health inequities are one of the central problems in public health ethics; a feminist approach leads us to examine not only the connections between gender, disadvantage, and health, but also the distribution of power in the processes of public health, from policy making through to programme delivery. The complexity of public health demands investigation using multiple perspectives and an attention to detail that is capable (...)
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  14. Beyond “identity”.Rogers Brubaker & Frederick Cooper - 2000 - Theory and Society 29 (1):1-47.
  15. A brief introduction to distributed cognition©.Yvonne Rogers - manuscript
    Distributed Cognition is a hybrid approach to studying all aspects of cognition, from a cognitive, social and organisational perspective. The most well known level of analysis is to account for complex socially distributed cognitive activities, of which a diversity of technological artefacts and other tools and representations are an indispensable part.
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    Abandoning happiness for life: Mourning and futurity in Maja Borg’s Future My Love.Anna Backman Rogers - 2016 - European Journal of Women's Studies 23 (4):353-364.
    Why do we labour so hard to sustain relationships that are fundamentally harmful to our wellbeing? That is the question which lies at the heart of Maja Borg’s poetic and alternatively distributed documentary film, Future My Love. The detrimental bonds on which the film focuses are those that maintain our connection to an economic system that has thrown us into an acute state of crisis and the stillborn emotions that keep us hopefully attached to a romantic partnership that we have (...)
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    A Beginner's History of Philosophy. Vol. II. Modern Philosophy.A. K. Rogers - 1911 - Philosophical Review 20:670.
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    A Timbered Choir, by Wendell Berry.David Rogers - 2001 - The Chesterton Review 27 (1/2):149-151.
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  19. Why populism?Rogers Brubaker - 2017 - Theory and Society 46 (5):357-385.
    It is a commonplace to observe that we have been living through an extraordinary pan-European and trans-Atlantic populist moment. But do the heterogeneous phenomena lumped under the rubric “populist” in fact belong together? Or is “populism” just a journalistic cliché and political epithet? In the first part of the article, I defend the use of “populism” as an analytic category and the characterization of the last few years as a “populist moment,” and I propose an account of populism as a (...)
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  20.  45
    Exploring Models for an International Legal Agreement on the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Lessons from Climate Agreements.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Isaac Weldon, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):25-46.
    An international legal agreement governing the global antimicrobial commons would represent the strongest commitment mechanism for achieving collective action on antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Since AMR has important similarities to climate change—both are common pool resource challenges that require massive, long-term political commitments—the first article in this special issue draws lessons from various climate agreements that could be applicable for developing a grand bargain on AMR. We consider the similarities and differences between the Paris Climate Agreement and current governance structures for (...)
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  21. L'empirismo di Locke e Newton.G. A. J. Rogers - 1979 - Rivista di Filosofia 15:421.
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  22. Open House: An Inquiry concerning the Church.W. Maxfield Rogers - 1918 - Hibbert Journal 17:657.
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  23. Pt. 2. God in relation to creation. Incarnation.Katherin A. Rogers - 2010 - In Charles Taliaferro & Chad Meister, The Cambridge companion to Christian philosophical theology. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    The parallelism of mind and body from the standpoint of metaphysics.Arthur Kenyon Rogers - 1899 - Chicago,: The University of Chicago press.
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  25. The return to God.Travers Guy Rogers - 1933 - London,: A. Barker.
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    Differentiated citizenship and the tasks of reconstructing the commercial republic.Rogers M. Smith - 2010 - Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (2):214-222.
  27.  16
    Computational approaches to analogical reasoning.Rogers P. Hall - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (1):39-120.
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    The Bennett Judgment and Recent Episcopal Charges. A Lecture..J. Guinness Rogers & Manchester Nonconformist Association - 1873 - Nonconformist Association Hodder and Stoughton.
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  29. The Search for Truth Outlined in Letters From a Rationalist.W. S. Rogers - 1920 - Watts & Co.
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    Equal protection remedies: The errors of liberal ways and means.Rogers M. Smith - 1993 - Journal of Political Philosophy 1 (3):185–212.
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  31. Freedom at Work: Understanding, Alienation, and the AI-Driven Workplace.Kate Vredenburgh - 2022 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 52 (1):78-92.
    This paper explores a neglected normative dimension of algorithmic opacity in the workplace and the labor market. It argues that explanations of algorithms and algorithmic decisions are of noninstrumental value. That is because explanations of the structure and function of parts of the social world form the basis for reflective clarification of our practical orientation toward the institutions that play a central role in our life. Using this account of the noninstrumental value of explanations, the paper diagnoses distinctive normative defects (...)
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    A unificationist defence of revealed preferences.Kate Vredenburgh - 2020 - Economics and Philosophy 36 (1):149-169.
    Revealed preference approaches to modelling agents’ choices face two seemingly devastating explanatory objections. The no self-explanation objection imputes a problematic explanatory circularity to revealed preference approaches, while the causal explanation objection argues that, all things equal, a scientific theory should provide causal explanations, but revealed preference approaches decidedly do not. Both objections assume a view of explanation, the constraint-based view, that the revealed preference theorist ought to reject. Instead, the revealed preference theorist should adopt a unificationist account of explanation, allowing (...)
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  33.  44
    Paradoxes of populism during the pandemic.Rogers Brubaker - 2021 - Thesis Eleven 164 (1):73-87.
    Populist protests against Coronavirus-related restrictions in the US appear paradoxical in three respects. Populism is generally hostile to expertise, yet it has flourished at a moment when expertise has seemed more indispensable than ever. Populism thrives on crisis and indeed often depends on fabricating a sense of crisis, yet it has accused mainstream politicians and media of overblowing and even inventing the Corona crisis. Populism, finally, is ordinarily protectionist, yet it has turned anti-protectionist during the pandemic and challenged the allegedly (...)
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  34. Is there a moral duty for doctors to trust patients?W. A. Rogers - 2002 - Journal of Medical Ethics 28 (2):77-80.
    In this paper I argue that it is morally important for doctors to trust patients. Doctors' trust of patients lays the foundation for medical relationships which support the exercise of patient autonomy, and which lead to an enriched understanding of patients' interests. Despite the moral and practical desirability of trust, distrust may occur for reasons relating to the nature of medicine, and the social and cultural context within which medical care is provided. Whilst it may not be possible to trust (...)
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  35.  29
    Books Reviews.G. A. J. Rogers - 1987 - Mind 96 (383):427-429.
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    Women Philosophers of the Seventeenth Century.G. A. J. Rogers - 2004 - Philosophical Books 45 (4):335-339.
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    Einführung in die Metaphysik auf Grundlage der Erfahrung.A. K. Rogers - 1906 - Philosophical Review 15 (2):210-211.
  38.  58
    Rethinking classical theory.Rogers Brubaker - 1985 - Theory and Society 14 (6):745-775.
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  39. Digital hyperconnectivity and the self.Rogers Brubaker - 2020 - Theory and Society 49 (5):771-801.
    Digital hyperconnectivity is a defining fact of our time. In addition to recasting social interaction, culture, economics, and politics, it has profoundly transformed the self. It has created new ways of being and constructing a self, but also new ways of being constructed as a self from the outside, new ways of being configured, represented, and governed as a self by sociotechnical systems. Rather than analyze theories of the self, I focus on practices of the self, using this expression in (...)
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    Pierre Bourdieus dialog med den klassiske sosiologien.Rogers Brubaker - 2006 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 24 (1-2):269-297.
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  41. What is nature?: culture, politics, and the non-human.Kate Soper - 1995 - Cambridge: Blackwell.
    'This is an excellent book. It addresses what, in both conceptual and political terms, is arguably the most important source of tension and confusion in current arguments about the environment, namely the concept of nature; and it does so in a way that is both sensitive to, and critical of, the two antithetical ways of understanding this that dominate existing discussions.' Russell Keat, University of Edinburgh.
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    Making Use of Existing International Legal Mechanisms to Manage the Global Antimicrobial Commons: Identifying Legal Hooks and Institutional Mandates.Susan Rogers Van Katwyk, Isaac Weldon, Alberto Giubilini, Claas Kirchhelle, Mark Harrison, Angela McLean, Julian Savulescu & Steven J. Hoffman - 2023 - Health Care Analysis 31 (1):9-24.
    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is an urgent threat to global public health and development. Mitigating this threat requires substantial short-term action on key AMR priorities. While international legal agreements are the strongest mechanism for ensuring collaboration among countries, negotiating new international agreements can be a slow process. In the second article in this special issue, we consider whether harnessing existing international legal agreements offers an opportunity to increase collective action on AMR goals in the short-term. We highlight ten AMR priorities and (...)
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    (1 other version)Gödel numberings of partial recursive functions.Hartley Rogers - 1958 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 23 (3):331-341.
  44.  15
    Diplomatic Ties between Malaysia and the Holy See: A Symbol of Mutual Respect, Inter-Religious Coexistence and International Cooperation.Roy Anthony Rogers - 2019 - Intellectual Discourse 27 (2):643-664.
    The workings within the Holy See has one of the oldest diplomaticinstitutions. Unlike other states with their national interests the diplomaticrole of the Holy See within the international community is based on the moralauthority of the Pope in favour of the wellbeing of people. Malaysia is the 179thstate to have diplomatic relations with the Holy See. The relations are ratherunique because no economy and consular divisions are involved. In fact, thecore of the relations is based on the mutual interest of (...)
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    AI and bureaucratic discretion.Kate Vredenburgh - 2023 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.
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    Fentanyl: A Whole New World?Rachel L. Rothberg & Kate Stith - 2018 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 46 (2):314-324.
    This article seeks to document the latest danger in the opioid crisis: fentanyl and related synthetic opioids. Fifty times more potent than pure heroin, cheaper to manufacture in laboratories worldwide, and easily distributed by mail and couriers, fentanyl is flooding the illicit opioid markets throughout the country.
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  47.  32
    Hume: The Relation of the Treatise of Human Nature, Bk. I, to the Inquiry concerning Human Understanding.A. K. Rogers - 1905 - Philosophical Review 14:615.
  48.  42
    A Method of Distributive Justice.Arthur K. Rogers - 1918 - International Journal of Ethics 28 (3):406-424.
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    The Reception of Darwin's Origin of Species by Russian Scientists.James Rogers - 1973 - Isis 64 (4):484-503.
  50. Executive autonomy, multiculturalism and traditional medical ethics.Yohanna Barth-Rogers & Alan Jotkowitz - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (2):39 – 40.
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