Results for 'Katarzyna Wazynska-Finck'

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  1.  28
    Navigating conflict: The role of mediation in healthcare disputes.Jaime Lindsey, Margaret Doyle & Katarzyna Wazynska-Finck - 2024 - Clinical Ethics 19 (1):26-34.
    Navigating conflict in healthcare settings can be challenging for all parties involved. Here, we analyse disputes about the provision of healthcare to patients, specifically exploring how mediation might be used to resolve disputes where healthcare professionals may disagree with the patient themselves or the patient's family about what healthcare is in the patient's best interests. Despite concerns about compromise over the patient's best interests, there is often room for the parties to come together and think about how the dispute might (...)
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    BM 76829: A small astronomical fragment with important implications for the Late Babylonian Astronomy and the Astronomical Book of Enoch.Jeanette C. Fincke, Wayne Horowitz & Eshbal Ratzon - 2021 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 75 (3):349-368.
    BM 76829, a fragment from the mid-section of a small tablet from Sippar in Late Babylonian script, preserves what remains of two new unparalleled pieces from the cuneiform astronomical repertoire relating to the zodiac. The text on the obverse assigns numerical values to sectors assigned to zodiacal signs, while the text on the reverse seems to relate zodiacal signs with specific days or intervals of days. The system used on the obverse also presents a new way of representing the concept (...)
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    Bodies at liberty in Kathy acker’s Don quixote.Shannon Finck - 2017 - Angelaki 22 (4):81-97.
    Kathy Acker’s work has been praised for the way it highlights the transformative potential of the body in contact with the world. Often, however, such contact also reminds us of the danger involved in the use of the body to disrupt social convention. “Bodies at Liberty” mines this tension, considering Acker alongside three contemporary theorists – Michel Serres, Jean-Luc Nancy, and Mari Ruti – whose disparate theories of embodiment each offer accounts of exposure, vulnerability, and relation as strategies for envisioning (...)
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    Does interpersonal behavior of psychotherapy trainees differ in private and professional relationships?Janna I. Fincke, Heidi Mã¶Ller & Svenja Taubner - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Das Recht liegt auf der Hand: ein Erbe der Evolution.Eberhard Fincke - 2011 - Berlin: ATE.
  6.  23
    Pious Nietzsche: Decadence and Dionysian Faith.Daniel Fincke - 2009 - International Philosophical Quarterly 49 (4):538-541.
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    37. Zu Kokondrios πεϱí τϱόπων.Christ Eberh Finckli - 1867 - Philologus: Zeitschrift für Antike Literatur Und Ihre Rezeption 26 (1-4):713-715.
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  8. Związek duszy z ciałem w późnych filozoficznych dociekaniach Ludwiga Wittgensteina.Katarzyna Gurczyńska - 2009 - Studia Philosophica Wratislaviensia:39-50.
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    Semantics, pragmatics, philosophy: a journey through meaning.Katarzyna Jaszczolt - 2023 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    This book is about meaning - not the meaning of certain concepts such as the meaning of life or the meaning of freedom but about what it means for linguistic expressions to mean something. It is also a book about meaning for humans. The qualification 'human meaning' is not yet common in linguistics book titles but it is increasingly important to add it. We are already experiencing fundamental differences in how, and what kind of, meaning is approached in computational linguistics (...)
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  10. Daleki widok jako kategoria estetyczna (Gdańsk i okolice).Katarzyna Rozmarynowska - forthcoming - Estetyka I Krytyka 7 (7/8):144-163.
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    Inner-out: transgresje, inspiracje, interpretacje: Katarzyna Łyszkowska, 2005-2021.Katarzyna Łyszkowska - 2022 - Toruń: Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu.
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    The Family Regulation System and Medical-Legal Partnerships.Kara R. Finck & Susanna Greenberg - 2023 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 51 (4):831-837.
    This article confronts the challenges and opportunities presented by medical-legal partnerships (MLPs) representing families impacted by the family regulation system. Based on the authors’ experience developing a collaboration between a medical-legal partnership, interdisciplinary law school clinic and nurse home visiting program focused on clients impacted by the family regulation system, the article challenges traditional conceptions of the MLP model and proposes an expanded vision for MLPs to address systemic injustice and improve outcomes for families.
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    Let's go back to Bled!: A contribution to considerations on praxis.Katarzyna Bielinska - 2009 - Filozofija I Društvo 20 (2):249-259.
    Using the categories of the epistemic and epistemological field of theory the author is trying to show on the basis of Bled presentations of Mihailo Markovic and Milan Kangrga that their conceptions belong to two separated theoretical fields, which are incompatible with each other. Therefore even in that period we could not speak about a common praxis-philosophy nor a common vision of Marxism. Koristeci kategorije epistemickog i epistemoloskog polja teorije autorica na osnovu bledskih referata Mihaila Markovica i Milana Kangrgi pokusava (...)
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    Temperamental traits and life and job satisfaction.Katarzyna Brzuszkiewicz & Elżbieta Kasprzak - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (1):27-39.
    Temperamental traits and life and job satisfaction The aim of this research project was to evaluate the impact of the temperamental traits and structure on the level of life satisfaction and job satisfaction. The participants of the study were employees having different jobs and from different workplaces. The results indicate that there exists a positive relationship between both types of satisfaction and activity and endurance as well as a negative relationship between the measures of satisfaction and emotional reactivity. Multiple linear (...)
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  15. Komunikacja poza słowami.Katarzyna Budzyńska & Magdalena Kacprzak - 2010 - Studia Semiotyczne 27:185-216.
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    Platons Begründung der Seele im absoluten Denken.Philipp Florian Finck - 2007 - De Gruyter.
    What are Platonic ideas? What actual necessity is there for the supposition of such entities? What is their relation to the human soul? These questions form the core of this book. First, the Theory of Ideas is developed. Then, questions are posed as to how knowledge of ideas is possible and what meaning such ideas have practically in our lives. Then a unified concept of the soul is developed on the basis of the theoretical and practical aspects of Plato's philosophy.
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  17. The paradoxes of fragmentation : does regional constitutionalisation constitute a fragmentation threat to the international legal order?François Finck - 2016 - In Andrzej Jakubowski & Karolina Wierczyńska, Fragmentation vs the constitutionalisation of international law: a practical inquiry. New York: Routledge.
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  18. Gramatyka narracyjna Claude'a Bremonda a "Morfologia bajki" Władimira Proppa.Katarzyna Rosner - 1980 - Studia Semiotyczne 10:95-110.
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  19. Udział semiotyki dwudziestowiecznej w przemianie paradygmatu pojęć estetycznych.Katarzyna Rosner - 1986 - Studia Semiotyczne 14:335-341.
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    Investments of Polish Family Businesses.Katarzyna Schmidt & Maciej Stradomski - 2021 - Studia Humana 10 (3):30-41.
    In this paper the authors address the issue of investments made by family businesses. Their study attempted to verify the level of investments made by Polish family businesses in comparison with the level of investments made by Polish non-family businesses. The study focused on the analysis of investment flows of Polish listed companies included in the WIG index for the years 2006-2018. A total of 233 companies were analyzed, including 177 non-family businesses and 56 family businesses. The results corroborated the (...)
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  21.  14
    The Importance of Evaluative Thinking and the Excess of Scientific Effectiveness - Inspirations from Henryk Elzenberg’s Thought.Katarzyna Łukaszewska - 2022 - Ruch Filozoficzny 77 (4):95-112.
    The dynamics of changes in science inevitably, but also increasingly urgently begins to include ethical reflection. These issues include such problems as: the gap between the prestige of scientific and didactic activity, building scientific achievements solely through the prism of their carrying capacity, or the lack of influence of science on social and cultural life. The dominant role in shaping teaching standards is played by such phenomena as parameterization, indexing, coefficients or accreditation, while the normative space of scientific activity is (...)
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  22. W sprawie zaangażowania intelektualistów - rzecz o Jean-Paulu Sartrze.Katarzyna Bartosiak - 2010 - Nowa Krytyka 24.
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  23.  11
    Del Infierno Al Cuerpo: La Otredad En la Narrativa y En El Cine Español Contemporáneo.Katarzyna Olga Beilin - 2007 - Ediciones Libertarias.
  24.  34
    Causal clarity and deeper dimensions in microbiota-gut-brain research.Katarzyna B. Hooks, Jan Pieter Konsman & Maureen A. O'Malley - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Our analysis of microbiota-gut-brain research took MGB to task for some of its methods, concepts, and interpretations. Commentators then raised numerous issues about the neuroscientific and microbiome aspects of MGB and how it can be understood as a field. We respond by addressing the dimensionality and causal focus of MGB.
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  25. Interpretacja mechaniki kwantowej Everetta w świetle realizmu modalnego Lewisa i semantyki Kripkego.Katarzyna Kuś & Marek Kuś - 2008 - Przeglad Filozoficzny - Nowa Seria 66.
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  26. Mythos, Archetyp und Translation. Die Prosa von Bruno Schulz im Kontext der Ideen von Thomas Mann und Carl Gustav Jung.Katarzyna Lukas - forthcoming - Convivium: revista de filosofía.
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    Finansowy wymiar psychoterapii a relacja psychoterapeutyczna.Marchewka Katarzyna - 2017 - Diametros 51:48-64.
    This paper aims to discuss selected issues related to the effect exerted by the financial aspects of psychotherapy on a psychotherapeutic relationship. At the beginning, I consider the effect that remuneration received by the therapist directly from the customer can have on their therapeutic relationship. Then I discuss the issues related to the compensation for psychotherapy services and show the consequences which the criteria of compensating for specific therapeutic methods have for the quality of psychotherapeutic relationships, as well as the (...)
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    Przestrzeń możliwości. Teatr partycypacyjny jako środek budowania kapitału społecznego.Katarzyna Niziołek - 2021 - Civitas. Studia Z Filozofii Polityki 27:217-249.
    The article is an attempt at examining the possibilities for the development of social capital by means of active cultural engagement, as exemplified by participatory theatre. Narrowing the analysis to this particular area of artistic practice is not a coincidence. Theatre constitutes one of the most exclusive social spaces within the cultural field, requiring a high degree of cultural competency, and taking the inequality of position between artists and spectators for granted. On the other hand, it is defined by their (...)
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    Defying Maintenance Mimesis: The Case of Somewhere over the Balcony by Charabanc Theatre Company.Katarzyna Ojrzyńska - 2018 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 8 (8):137-150.
    Making reference to Luce Irigaray’s definitions of mimesis and mimicry, and the ways in which these concepts respectively reinforce and challenge the phallogocentric order, this article investigates the representation of the Troubles in the play Somewhere over the Balcony by Charabanc—a pioneering all-female theatre company which operated in Belfast in the 1980s and early 1990s. The article discusses the achievement of the company in the local context and offers a reading of Somewhere over the Balcony, Charabanc’s 1987 play which depicts (...)
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  30. Frederick C. Doepke, The Kinds of Things: A Theory of Personal Identity Based on Transcendental Argument Reviewed by.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Philosophy in Review 18 (4):248-250.
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  31. Introduction.Katarzyna Paprzycka & Krzysztof Brzechczyn - 2012 - Latest Issue of Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 100 (1):7-11.
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    Must false consciousness be rationally caused?Katarzyna Paprzycka - 1998 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 28 (1):69-82.
    Denise Meyerson has recently argued that the adaptational account of false consciousness must appeal to a psychological element, contrary to explicit declarations of its proponents. In order to explain why the rulers genuinely hold ideological beliefs, one must take them to desire to think well of themselves. She concludes that the desire to think well of oneself causes the ideological beliefs. The article defends the adaptational account from Meyerson's attempt to ground it in the psychology of the rulers. Meyerson is (...)
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    On Lowe's Argument for His Conception of Intentional and Physical Causation.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2013 - Filozofia Nauki 21 (1):91 - +.
  34. The Epiphenomenalism Charge as an External Objection to Anomalous Monism.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2011 - Filozofia Nauki 19 (2):135.
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    Waging Wars with Words – Libel and Slander in the Polish Statutory Law and English Common Law.Katarzyna Strębska - 2014 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 38 (1):197-213.
    This paper aims to investigate the differences between the concepts of libel and slander as understood by the Polish statutory and English common law. As it turns out, the above terms are not only divergent with regard to language but also with regard to corresponding acts in the real world. Western cultures cherish such values as dignity, honour and self-fulfillment as the underlying rights of a citizen in democratic countries. The above terms are being constantly referred to in international treaties (...)
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    Etyka troski. Wkład teorii feministycznej w myślenie o państwie.Katarzyna Szymala - 2020 - Civitas 21:207-226.
    The aim of the article is to describe the contribution of the ethics of care, understood as an element of the feminist theory and a philosophical and theoretical discourse, to ref‌lection on the state. Three care ethics proponents are the starting point of this article. Carol Gilligan analyses concepts particularly related to women’s moral development – the value of relations and care which is bound to these concepts. Martha Nussbaum’s political thought focuses on the need to revise the political concept (...)
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    Reality in Ruins Before and After the Catastrophe: The Case of Two Contemporary Polish Novels.Katarzyna Trzeciak - 2014 - Philosophy Study 4 (2).
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    The Petrified Utopia: Monumental Propaganda, Architecture Parlante, and the Question about Materialisation of Monuments.Katarzyna Trzeciak - 2015 - Philosophy Study 5 (1).
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    The Outline of Selected Marital Satisfaction Factors in the Intercultural Couples based on the Westerner and non-Westerner relationships.Katarzyna Waszyńska, Jeremy Wong Jia Yang, Gabriel Lum Wei Han, Daniel Tan Wen Siang, Atifa Bte Othman & Dariusz P. Skowroński - 2014 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 45 (3):346-356.
    The paper investigates the various factors from a socio-cultural perspective that have a bearing on the intercultural couple’s marital satisfaction in Westerner and non-Westerner relationships, and how cultural differences may potentially amplify the difficulties, which non-intercultural couples themselves are already likely to face. These factors include acculturation, language and communication, attitudes toward marriage, individual traits and behaviours, support of the family, societal views, gender roles, managing of the household finances and child rearing. Certain theories are also highlighted in an attempt (...)
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  40. Kim jest obca w Cudzoziemce Marii Kuncewiczowej?Katarzyna Weber - 2008 - Colloquia Communia 84 (1-2):239-257.
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    In search of effective remediation for students with developmental dyslexia – a review of contemporary English literature.Katarzyna Wiejak, Grażyna Krasowicz-Kupis & Katarzyna M. Bogdanowicz - 2016 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 47 (3):270-280.
    Although developmental dyslexia is frequently diagnosed in Poland, little knowledge of effective treatment for this disorder is available in Polish society. Remedial teachers for many years have applied traditional methods aimed at correction and compensation for affected cognitive functions and academic skills. Otherwise, although western therapies are regularly advertised in the media, their effectiveness has rarely been subject to scientific investigation. Since the assumptions underlying some approaches are not consistent with current understanding of cognitive function, they may attract negative expert (...)
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  42.  12
    Le sens absent: approche microstructurale et interprétative du virtuel sémantique.Katarzyna Wolowska - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang Edition.
    Dans toutes les dimensions de la communication verbale, le virtuel s'efface devant l'actuel, mais le sens "absent" ne cesse d'escorter le sens « present ». Il le sous-tend, l'informe et, quelquefois, pointe le bout de son nez. En s'inscrivant dans la perspective de la sémantique microstructurale, ce livre se propose de revisiter le virtuel linguistique pour saisir ses rapports avec le domaine de l'actuel, en envisageant la virtualité dans l'optique interprétative qui mobilise tout un éventail de mécanismes sémantico-discursifs de la (...)
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    Mały słownik terminów teorii tekstu.Katarzyna Wyrwas - 2005 - Kraków: Tow. Miłośników Języka Polskiego. Edited by Katarzyna Sujkowska-Sobisz.
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  44. Non-Inferential Aspects of Ad Hominem and Ad Baculum.Katarzyna Budzynska & Maciej Witek - 2014 - Argumentation 28 (3):301-315.
    The aim of the paper is to explore the interrelation between persuasion tactics and properties of speech acts. We investigate two types of arguments ad: ad hominem and ad baculum. We show that with both of these tactics, the structures that play a key role are not inferential, but rather ethotic, i.e., related to the speaker’s character and trust. We use the concepts of illocutionary force and constitutive conditions related to the character or status of the speaker in order to (...)
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  45. False consciousness of intentional psychology.Katarzyna Paprzycka - 2002 - Philosophical Psychology 15 (3):271-295.
    According to explanatory individualism, every action must be explained in terms of an agent's desire. According to explanatory nonindividualism, we sometimes act on our desires, but it is also possible for us to act on others' desires without acting on desires of our own. While explanatory nonindividualism has guided the thinking of many social scientists, it is considered to be incoherent by most philosophers of mind who insist that actions must be explained ultimately in terms of some desire of the (...)
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  46.  10
    Analytical feminism of Martha C. Nussbaum and Rae H. Langton. The notion of objectification.Katarzyna Ciarcińska - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 68:101-115.
    Analytical feminism is one of the current trends in contemporary analytical philosophy. We can distinguish three main trends: analysis of classical texts and philosophical categories through a feminist lense in order to verify their validity and actuality; analysis of language and researching its role in the construction of social norms, since language not only reflects, but also constructs and perpetuates social hierarchies and belief systems (both knowledge and prejudices); an attempt to create an engaged philosophy that goes beyond the purely (...)
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    Discourse, beliefs, and intentions: semantic defaults and propositional attitude ascription.Katarzyna Jaszczolt - 1999 - New York: Elsevier.
    This book is about beliefs, language, communication and cognition. It deals with the fundamental issue of the interpretation of the speaker's utterance expressing a belief and reporting on beliefs of other people in the form of oratio obliqua. The main aim of the book is to present a new account of the problem of interpreting utterances expressing beliefs and belief reports in terms of an approach called Default Semantics.
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    Intercultural Exchanges in Fourth-Century Attic Decrees.Katarzyna Hagemajer Allen - 2003 - Classical Antiquity 22 (2):199-250.
    Focusing on the analysis of Athens' relations with both Greeks and non-Greeks as recorded in extant fourth-century decrees, this paper challenges the applicability of the notion of Greek/barbarian antithesis to the interpretation of formal diplomatic exchanges between Athens and the non-Greek states. A comparison of the types of decrees and honors reveals a remarkable uniformity in the forms of Athens' foreign relations irrespective of the ethnicity of honorands. The distribution of honors among individuals and groups of recipients within single decrees (...)
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  49.  22
    Personality Dimensions and Nicotine Dependence and Withdrawal Symptoms: the Mediating Role of Self-Directness.Katarzyna Cieślik & Sybilla Schiep - 2011 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 42 (3):169-177.
    Personality Dimensions and Nicotine Dependence and Withdrawal Symptoms: the Mediating Role of Self-Directness We analyzed the relationship between personality traits and smoking status and nicotine withdrawal symptoms using two comprehensive models of personality: the Five-Factor Model and the Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory. In total 295 people were examined, 149 smokers and 146 who have never smoked. To measure the severity of the nicotine dependence we used the Fagerstroem Tolerance Questionnaire and the DSM-IV criteria of nicotine dependence and to measure (...)
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    The Concept and Functions of a Universal Language of Law.Katarzyna Doliwa - 2021 - Studies in Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric 66 (2):201-228.
    The subject of the article is the concept of a universal language and a reflection on its importance for law. The starting point is a presentation of the history of the concept of a common language for all mankind, a concept that has always accompanied man – it is present in the Bible, in the ancient writings of Near Eastern peoples, it was alive in the Middle Ages and during the Renaissance, and it experienced its particular heyday – among other (...)
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