Results for 'Karla Kelsey'

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  1.  7
    Matters of feminist practice.Karla Kelsey & Poupeh Missaghi (eds.) - 2020 - Brooklyn, New York: Belladonna Series.
    Matters of Feminist Practice is a print anthology that brings together scholars, writers, and artists of different age groups, identities, and languages from around the world to expand our imaginations and conversations surrounding feminist theories and practices. In the twenty-five scholarly and creative-critical pieces included in this volume, each contributor brings unique visions, insights, approaches, voices, and forms to our collective subject. They also share suggested texts, inviting in a lineage of thinkers with whom they've been in conversation, expanding this (...)
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    Don't Be Gay, Dude! How the Institution of Sport Reinforces Homophobeia.Kelsey Lucyk - 2011 - Constellations (University of Alberta Student Journal) 2 (2):66-80.
    Kelsey Lucyk analyzes how the media and the institution of sport have entrenched certain ideals about masculinity meanwhile reinforcing homophobic attitudes towards gender roles in sports. This article focusses primarily on analyzing Canadian sports and makes use of the concept of muscular Christianity to explain hegemonic masculinity as found in the Canadian institution of sport.
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    Psycho-discursive constructions of narrative in archetypal storytelling: a discourse-mythological approach.Darren Kelsey - 2021 - Critical Discourse Studies 18 (3):332-348.
    Narrative construction is a discursive practice: storytellers draw on the language, signs and symbols of their culture to provide meaning through stories. Stories that reflect the values, ideals an...
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    Zizek: A Reader's Guide.Kelsey Wood - 2012 - Malden, MA: Wiley.
    A comprehensive overview of Slavoj Zizek's thought, including all of his published works to date. Provides a solid basis in the work of an engaging thinker and teacher whose ideas will continue to inform philosophical, psychological, political, and cultural discourses well into the future Identifies the major currents in Zizek's thought, discussing all of his works and providing a background in continental philosophy and psychoanalytic theory necessary to its understanding Explores Zizek's growing popularity through his engagement in current events, politics, (...)
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    The problem of the naturalist fallacy for evolutionary ethics.Karla Chediak & Thomas Hasek - 2006 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 2.
    One of the most difficult problems for those who defend evolutionary ethics is the naturalist fallacy. In this article, we examine the solutions proposed by W. Rottschaefer and R. Richards. We believe that these solutions are not good enough to completely eliminate the problem of the naturalist fallacy without compromising the specificity of morality.
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    The Commodification of Care.Karla Erickson - 2005 - Theory and Event 8 (4).
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  7. Wittgenstein y la articulación lingüística de lo público.Karla Alejandra Hernández - 2009 - Episteme NS: Revista Del Instituto de Filosofía de la Universidad Central de Venezuela 29 (2):145-148.
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    Response to Open Peer Commentaries on “Accidental Communities: Race, Emergency Medicine, and the Problem of PolyHeme”: The “R” Word: Bioethics and a (Dis)Regard of Race.Karla F. C. Holloway - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (3):W46-W48.
    This article focuses on emergency medical care in black urban populations, suggesting that the classification of a “community” within clinical trial language is problematic. The article references a cultural history of black Americans with pre-hospital emergency medical treatment as relevant to contemporary emergency medicine paradigms. Part I explores a relationship between “autonomy” and “community.” The idea of community emerges as a displacement for the ethical principle of autonomy precisely at the moment that institutionalized medicine focuses on diversity. Part II examines (...)
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    The Perception of School Life From the Perspective of Popular and Rejected Students.Karla Hrbackova & Zuzana Hrncirikova - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13:801611.
    The experience of peer rejection in the classroom, an environment in which students spend a large part of their time, is accompanied by a sense of social pain which can have a profound effect on self-perception and attitude toward the overall school environment. These attitudes can be subsequently reflected in the student’s behavior at school and in his/her school success. The research aims to identify differences in the perception of school life (interpersonal and intrapersonal) among rejected and popular upper-primary school (...)
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    Das literarische Porträt Kaiser Manuels I. Komnenos in den Kaiserreden des 12. Jh.Grammatiki Karla - 2009 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 101 (2):669-679.
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    Erich Trapp . Lexikon zur byzantinischen Gräzität besonders des 9.–12. Jahrhunderts, 8. Faszikel.Grammatiki Karla - 2018 - Byzantinische Zeitschrift 111 (3):829-834.
    Name der Zeitschrift: Byzantinische Zeitschrift Jahrgang: 111 Heft: 3 Seiten: 829-834.
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    God and Teleology: Must God have only one ‘Eternal Purpose’?David H. Kelsey - 2012 - Neue Zeitschrift für Systematicsche Theologie Und Religionsphilosophie 54 (4).
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    Troubling Play: Meaning and Entity in Plato's Parmenides.Kelsey Wood - 2005 - State University of New York Press.
    This new interpretation of Plato's Parmenides emphasizes its treatment of time and language—insights especially relevant for those working in the Continental tradition.
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  14. The Place of I 7 in the Argument of Physics I.Sean Kelsey - 2008 - Phronesis 53 (2):180 - 208.
    Aristotle introduces Physics I as an inquiry into principles; in this paper I ask where he argues for the position he reaches in I 7. Many hold that his definitive argument is found in the first half of I 7 itself; I argue that this view is mistaken: the considerations raised there do not form the basis of any self-standing argument for Aristotle's doctrine of principles, but rather play a subordinate role in a larger argument begun in earnest in I (...)
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    Assessing the Impact of Fair Trade Coffee: Towards an Integrative Framework.Karla Utting - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 86 (S1):127 - 149.
    This article presents an impact assessment framework that allows for the evaluation of positive and negative local-level impacts that have resulted from "responsible trade" interventions such as fair trade and ethical trade. The framework investigates impact relating to (1) livelihood impacts on primary stakeholders; (2) socio-economic impacts on communities; (3) organizational impacts; (4) environmental impacts; (5) policies and institutional impacts; and (6) future prospects. It identifies relevant local-level stakeholders and facilitates the analysis of conflicting interests. The framework was developed in (...)
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  16.  21
    Mind and World in Aristotle's de Anima.Sean Kelsey - 2021 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Why is the human mind able to perceive and understand the truth about reality; that is, why does it seem to be the mind's specific function to know the world? Sean Kelsey argues that both the question itself and the way Aristotle answers it are key to understanding his work De Anima, a systematic philosophical account of the soul and its powers. In this original reading of a familiar but highly compressed text, Kelsey shows how this question underpins (...)
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    Valence framing effects on moral judgments: A meta-analysis.Kelsey McDonald, Rose Graves, Siyuan Yin, Tara Weese & Walter Sinnott-Armstrong - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104703.
  18.  28
    Capacity assessment during labour and the role of opt-out consent.Kelsey Mumford - 2023 - Journal of Medical Ethics 49 (9):620-621.
    The authors of the feature article argue against implied consent in all episiotomy cases, but allow that opt-out consent might be appropriate in limited circumstances.1 However, they do not indicate how clinicians should assess whether the pregnant person is capable of consenting in this way during an obstetric emergency. This commentary will focus on how capacity should be determined during these circumstances, suggest next steps for clinicians if capacity is deemed uncertain or absent, and discuss the appropriate role for opt-out (...)
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  19. Empty Words.Sean Kelsey - 2015 - In David Ebrey, Theory and Practice in Aristotle's Natural Science. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press. pp. 199-216.
  20. The hard problem of ‘educational neuroscience’.Kelsey Palghat, Jared C. Horvath & Jason M. Lodge - 2017 - Trends in Neuroscience and Education 6:204-210.
    Differing worldviews give interdisciplinary work value. However, these same differences are the primary hurdle to productive communication between disciplines. Here, we argue that philosophical issues of metaphysics and epistemology subserve many of the differences in language, methods and motivation that plague interdisciplinary fields like educational neuroscience. Researchers attempting interdisciplinary work may be unaware that issues of philosophy are intimately tied to the way research is performed and evaluated in different fields. As such, a lack of explicit discussion about these assumptions (...)
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    What’s fair? How children assign reward to members of teams with differing causal structures.Karla Koskuba, Tobias Gerstenberg, Hannah Gordon, David Lagnado & Anne Schlottmann - 2018 - Cognition 177 (C):234-248.
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  22. (1 other version)Aristotle's definition of nature.Sean Kelsey - 2003 - Oxford Studies in Ancient Philosophy 25:59-87.
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  23. Intelligibility, Insight, and Intelligence.Sean Kelsey - 2021 - In Caleb M. Cohoe, Aristotle's on the Soul: A Critical Guide. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. pp. 211-228.
    Aristotle maintains that defining nous requires first defining its activity, which requires first having considered its objects, intelligible beings. This chapter is about the nature of these objects: what about them makes them intelligible? My principal proposals will be that what makes them intelligible is that they are separate or unmixed, and that because, insofar as they are intelligible, they are, in their essence, activity. I am not unaware that this makes it sound as though Aristotle takes intelligibility to consist (...)
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    Reason After its Eclipse. On Late Critical Theory, Martin Jay.Karla Sánchez Felix - 2022 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 54 (153):286-292.
    A pesar de que Max Horkheimer en Eclipse de la razón había analizado los límites de la razón subjetiva, atendien- do a las posibilidades de retornar a la razón objetiva y a su función después del eclipse, a Jay le parecían aún insuficientes estas respuestas. Por ello, regresó al estudio de las conceptualizaciones filosóficas de los fundadores de la teoría crítica y de quienes se quedaron a cargo del Instituto de Investigación Social en Frankfurt. En este sentido, este texto podría (...)
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  25. Hylomorphism in Aristotle’s Physics.Sean Kelsey - 2010 - Ancient Philosophy 30 (1):107-24.
  26.  28
    Litigation Provides Clues to Ongoing Challenges in Implementing Insurance Parity.Kelsey Berry, Haiden Huskamp, Lainie Rutkow, Howard Goldman & Colleen Barry - 2017 - Journal of Health Politics, Policy, and Law 6 (42).
    Over the past twenty-five years, thirty-seven states and the US Congress have passed mental health and substance use disorder (MH/SUD) parity laws to secure nondiscriminatory insurance coverage for MH/SUD services in the private health insurance market and through certain public insurance programs. However, in the intervening years, litigation has been brought by numerous parties alleging violations of insurance parity. We examine the critical issues underlying these legal challenges as a framework for understanding the areas in which parity enforcement is lacking, (...)
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    A pluralidade como idéia reguladora: a noção de justiça a partir da filosofia de Lyotard.Karla Chediak - 2001 - Trans/Form/Ação 24 (1):213-224.
    De acordo com Lyotard, não poderíamos mais contar com o apoio de um sistema filosófico para fundamentar nosso conceito de justiça. A pluralidade é a grande marca da experiência do pensamento no nosso tempo e, por isso, deveríamos considerar o problema da justiça a partir dessa pluralidade e não contra ela. Isso não significa reduzir a questão da justiça ao jogo de opinião e das relações de dominação, mas significa concebê-la a partir de uma Idéia que é capaz de reconstituir (...)
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  28. O Universal Na Filosofia De Deleuze.Karla Chediak - 2007 - O Que Nos Faz Pensar:157-168.
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    Heroism and Marginalization within Norrington's Blade and Wiseman's Underworld.Kelsey Cummings - 2011 - Semiotics:321-328.
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    As marcas entram em campo nas mídias sociais: O embate entre Nike e Adidas na Copa do Mundo de 2014.Karla Caldas Ehrenberg & Wilson Da Costa Bueno - 2016 - Logos: Comuniação e Univerisdade 23 (1).
    O marketing esportivo, que movimenta bilhões de dólares em todo o mundo, assumiu um novo perfil com a entrada em campo das mídias sociais. A gestão das marcas nestes espaços virtuais exige agilidade, pró-atividade e sobretudo disposição para interagir com os consumidores. Este estudo analisa as estratégias da Nike e da Adidas no Facebook e no Twitter durante a realização da Copa do Mundo de 2014 no Brasil e conclui que, apesar da tradicional agressividade das marcas no mercado, a apropriação (...)
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    Posibilidad de Una Democracia Saludable, En Base a Las Actividades Artísticas, Humanísticas y a la Pedagogía Socrática.Karla Ortiz Gallegos - 2020 - Luxiérnaga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 10 (19):24-42.
    La ira interior, la tristeza, el disgusto, el nerviosismo, la impotencia, más que conceptos, son en realidad sentimientos que por carne propia podemos experimentar, además de ser constantes dentro de nuestra vida anímica, incluso más que el sentido de gozo y placer, que tanto buscamos dentro de nuestras actividades ordinarias. Sin embargo, al experimentar estas emociones en sí mismas parecen no generar algún problema mayor. El problema mismo viene en la acción para poder colmar estas intensas emociones que muchas veces (...)
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    Wave Function Collapse in Retinal Structure Under Aided/Unaided Conditions.M. Galdamez Karla - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):126-140.
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    The Moral Significance of Biofixtures: A Response to Nathan Goldstein, Bridget Tracy, and Rosamond Rhodes “But I have a pacer…there is no point in engaging in hypothetical scenarios”: A Non-imminently Dying Patient’s Request for Pacemaker Deactivation.Kelsey Gipe - forthcoming - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics:1-2.
    Based on the case report of Nathan Goldstein et al., “But I have a pacer…there is no point in engaging in hypothetical scenarios”: A Non-imminently Dying Patient’s Request for Pacemaker Deactivation, it is reasonable to conclude that it was, all-things-considered, ethically appropriate to grant the patient’s request to deactivate her pacemaker. Philosophically, and as a clinical ethicist, I support the team’s decision to honor the patient’s request for pacemaker deactivation. However, it is worth exploring a bit further whether the distress (...)
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    Open label extension studies and patient selection biases.Karla Hemming, Jane L. Hutton, Melissa J. Maguire & Anthony G. Marson - 2008 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 14 (1):141-144.
  35.  6
    Human Anguish and God’s Power.David H. Kelsey - 2020 - Cambridge University Press.
    Persons anguished by another's profound suffering are often outraged by well-intentioned efforts to console them which suggest that God 'sent' that horrific suffering to their loved one for a 'purpose' according to a tailor-made 'plan' for just that person. However, the outraged reaction simply deepens the anguish. This book argues that such 'consolation' is theologically problematic because it assumes that unrestricted power is what makes God 'God.' Against that it outlines an account of 'who' and 'what' the Triune God is, (...)
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  36. Life and soul in Aristotle's De anima.Sean Kelsey - 2025 - In David Lefebvre, The science of life in Aristotle and the early Peripatos. Boston: Brill.
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    Two Theologies of Death: Anthropological Gleanings.David H. Kelsey - 1997 - Modern Theology 13 (3):347-370.
  38. After Augustine.Karla Pollmann & David Lambert - 2004 - Millennium 1 (1).
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    Augustine, Genesis, and Controversy.Karla Pollmann - 2007 - Augustinian Studies 38 (1):203-216.
  40.  12
    Die Funktion des Mythos in den Satiren Juvenals.Karla Pollmann - 1996 - Hermes 124 (4):480-490.
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    Der Sogenannte Heptateuchdichter und die 'Alethia' des Claudius Marius Victorius:: Anmerkungen zur Datierungsfrage und zur Imitationsforschung.Karla Pollmann - 1992 - Hermes 120 (4):490-501.
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    Hippocampal Neurotransmitter Inhibition Suppressed During Gaming Explained by Skill Rather Than Gamer Status.Kelsey Prena, Hu Cheng & Sharlene D. Newman - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Goal-directed spatial decision making video games combine spatial mapping, memory, and reward; all of which can involve hippocampal excitation through suppression of an inhibitory neurotransmitter, γ-aminobutyric acid. In this study, GABA was measured before and after 30 min of video game play within a voxel around the hippocampus. It was predicted that all participants would experience a decrease in GABA during gaming as a result of in-game rewards; and, those who were most competitive with the goal-directed spatial decision making game (...)
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    Humanness Under Assault: An Essay Questioning Technology in the Classroom.Karla J. Smart & Steven P. Jones - 1998 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 18 (2):87-95.
    This article names some of the human under standings and ways of being that are fundamental to teaching and learning, which new educational tech nologies, especially the computer, tend to remake, reduce, or replace altogether in K-12 classrooms. The article asks questions and tells stories about students, teachers, and the authors themselves using computers for educational purposes, investigating three particular uses of technology in detail. The authors argue that new educational technologies change the meaning of words common to teachers' vocabularies, (...)
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    Tensions Between Science and Intuition Across the Lifespan.Andrew Shtulman & Kelsey Harrington - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (1):118-137.
    The scientific knowledge needed to engage with policy issues like climate change, vaccination, and stem cell research often conflicts with our intuitive theories of the world. How resilient are our intuitive theories in the face of contradictory scientific knowledge? Here, we present evidence that intuitive theories in 10 domains of knowledge—astronomy, evolution, fractions, genetics, germs, matter, mechanics, physiology, thermodynamics, and waves—persist more than four decades beyond the acquisition of a mutually exclusive scientific theory. Participants were asked to verify two types (...)
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  45.  19
    Early Reputation Management: Three-Year-Old Children Are More Generous Following Exposure to Eyes.Caroline Kelsey, Tobias Grossmann & Amrisha Vaish - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Yet Another Heuristic: Assessing Eudaimon versus Makarios in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics.Kelsey Boor - 2024 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 45 (2):255-275.
    This paper discusses the debate regarding the terms makarios (“blessed”) and eudaimon (“happy”) in Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics. In it, I identify two scholarly conclusions regarding these terms: (1) the distinction thesis: that the words mean different things in the text, and (2) the interchangeability thesis: that the words do not mean different things in the text, and may be substituted for one another. I argue that the theories should both be used as heuristic tools of analysis, rather than only one (...)
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  47. Aristotle Physics I 8.Sean Kelsey - 2006 - Phronesis 51 (4):330 - 361.
    Aristotle's thesis in "Physics" I 8 is that a certain old and familiar problem about coming to be can only be solved with the help of the new account of the "principles" he has developed in "Physics" I 7. This is a strong thesis and the literature on the chapter does not quite do it justice; specifically, as things now stand we are left wondering why Aristotle should have found this problem so compelling in the first place. In this paper (...)
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    Eyes, More Than Other Facial Features, Enhance Real-World Donation Behavior.Caroline Kelsey, Amrisha Vaish & Tobias Grossmann - 2018 - Human Nature 29 (4):390-401.
    Humans often behave more prosocially when being observed in person and even in response to subtle eye cues, purportedly to manage their reputation. Previous research on this phenomenon has employed the “watching eyes paradigm,” in which adults displayed greater prosocial behavior in the presence of images of eyes versus inanimate objects. However, the robustness of the effect of eyes on prosocial behavior has recently been called into question. Therefore, the first goal of the present study was to attempt to replicate (...)
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    Are Ethics Training Programs Improving? A Meta-Analytic Review of Past and Present Ethics Instruction in the Sciences.Logan L. Watts, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Logan M. Steele, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (5):351-384.
    Given the growing public concern and attention placed on cases of research misconduct, government agencies and research institutions have increased their efforts to develop and improve ethics education programs for scientists. The present study sought to assess the impact of these increased efforts by sampling empirical studies published since the year 2000. Studies published prior to 2000 examined in other meta-analytic work were also included to provide a baseline for assessing gains in ethics training effectiveness over time. In total, this (...)
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    Livestream Experiments: The Role of COVID-19, Agency, Presence, and Social Context in Facilitating Social Connectedness.Kelsey E. Onderdijk, Dana Swarbrick, Bavo Van Kerrebroeck, Maximillian Mantei, Jonna K. Vuoskoski, Pieter-Jan Maes & Marc Leman - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:647929.
    Musical life became disrupted in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Many musicians and venues turned to online alternatives, such as livestreaming. In this study, three livestreamed concerts were organized to examine separate, yet interconnected concepts—agency, presence, and social context—to ascertain which components of livestreamed concerts facilitate social connectedness. Hierarchical Bayesian modeling was conducted on 83 complete responses to examine the effects of the manipulations on feelings of social connectedness with the artist and the audience. Results showed that in concert (...)
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