Results for 'Karina Bray'

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    Book Review: Environmental Values in American Culture. [REVIEW]Karina Bray - 1996 - Environmental Values 5 (3):274-276.
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  2. The Parity Argument for Extended Consciousness.Karina Vold - 2015 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 22 (3-4):16-33.
    Andy Clark and David Chalmers (1998) argue that certain mental states and processes can be partially constituted by objects located beyond one’s brain and body: this is their extended mind thesis (EM). But they maintain that consciousness relies on processing that is too high in speed and bandwidth to be realized outside the body (see Chalmers, 2008, and Clark, 2009). I evaluate Clark’s and Chalmers’ reason for denying that consciousness extends while still supporting unconscious state extension. I argue that their (...)
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    The scope of even.Karina Wilkinson - 1996 - Natural Language Semantics 4 (3):193-215.
    This paper is about even in downward entailing contexts. Karttunen and Peters (1979) have shown that there are two different sets of implicatures of even in such contexts. They argue that the two sets of implicatures are derived by allowing even to take scope either higher or lower than a negative polarity licenser. Rooth (1985) argues that even is lexically ambiguous, that is, there is a negative polarity even. I argue against Rooth's ambiguity theory and show that within Rooth's theory (...)
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    Impostor Phenomenon Measurement Scales: A Systematic Review.Karina K. L. Mak, Sabina Kleitman & Maree J. Abbott - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Models, theory structure and mechanisms in biochemistry: The case of allosterism.Karina Alleva, José Díez & Lucia Federico - 2017 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 63:1-14.
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    Sociocultural Influences on Moral Judgments: East–West, Male–Female, and Young–Old.Karina R. Arutyunova, Yuri I. Alexandrov & Marc D. Hauser - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7:211309.
    Gender, age, and culturally specific beliefs are often considered relevant to observed variation in social interactions. At present, however, the scientific literature is mixed with respect to the significance of these factors in guiding moral judgments. In this study, we explore the role of each of these factors in moral judgment by presenting the results of a web-based study of Eastern (i.e., Russia) and Western (i.e., USA, UK, Canada) subjects, male and female, and young and old. Participants ( n = (...)
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    The Normative Orientations of Climate Scientists.Dennis Bray & Hans Storch - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1351-1367.
    In 1942 Robert K. Merton tried to demonstrate the structure of the normative system of science by specifying the norms that characterized it. The norms were assigned the abbreviation CUDOs: Communism, Universalism, Disinterestedness, and Organized skepticism. Using the results of an on-line survey of climate scientists concerning the norms of science, this paper explores the climate scientists’ subscription to these norms. The data suggests that while Merton’s CUDOs remain the overall guiding moral principles, they are not fully endorsed or present (...)
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    Is My Boss Really Listening to Me? The Impact of Perceived Supervisor Listening on Emotional Exhaustion, Turnover Intention, and Organizational Citizenship Behavior.Karina J. Lloyd, Diana Boer, Joshua W. Keller & Sven Voelpel - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (3):509-524.
    Little is known empirically about the role of supervisor listening and the emotional conditions that listening facilitates. Having the opportunity to speak is only one part of the communication process between employees and supervisors. Employees also react to whether they perceive the supervisor as actively listening. In two studies, this paper examines three important outcomes of employee perceptions of supervisor listening. Furthermore, positive and negative affect are investigated as distinct mediating mechanisms. Results from Study 1 revealed that employee perceptions of (...)
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    The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology.Melissa A. Bray & Thomas J. Kehle - 2011 - Oxford University Press USA.
    With its roots in clinical and educational psychology, school psychology is an ever-changing field that encompasses a diversity of topics. The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology synthesizes the most vital and relevant literature in all of these areas, producing a state-of-the-art, authoritative resource for practitioners, researchers, and parents.Comprising chapters authored by the leading figures in school psychology, The Oxford Handbook of School Psychology focuses on the significant issues, new developments, and scientific findings that continue to change the practical landscape. The (...)
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    A structuralist analysis of Hill's theories: an elucidation of explanation in Biochemistry.Karina Alleva & Lucía Federico - 2013 - Scientiae Studia 11 (2):333-353.
    Los científicos suelen diferenciar entre teorías científicas explicativas y descriptivas. Para poder dar cuenta de esta diferencia es necesario contar con un análisis riguroso de las teorías científicas y la concepción estructuralista es una herramienta metateórica de análisis capaz de brindar los elementos metateóricos requeridos para abordar este tipo de estudios. El objetivo del presente trabajo es analizar una teoría que trata de dar cuenta de la actividad cooperativa de las proteínas, la teoría de Hill (tanto la originalmente publicada como (...)
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    (1 other version)Le beau dans la nature.Lucien Bray - 1901 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 52:379 - 408.
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  12. (1 other version)Meister Eckhart e Dietrich di Freiberg nell'«Opus Ior» di Giordano di Quedlinburg.Nadia Bray - 2003 - Giornale Critico Della Filosofia Italiana 23 (3).
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  13. La alucinación: a propósito de un texto de M. Merleau-Ponty.Karina Pilar Trilles Calvo - 2007 - In César Moreno, Rafael Lorenzo & Alicia Ma de Mingo, Filosofía y realidad virtual. Zaragoza: Prensas Universitarias de Zaragoza.
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    ¿ Pueden Los artefactos ser buenos O maLos? Un enfoque fiLosófico.Karina Silva García - 2011 - Theoría. Revista del Colegio de Filosofía 20 (1):43-50.
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  15. “Ser hombre”: Un acercamiento desde las representaciones sociales sobre masculinidad en jóvenes de ciudad bolívar Y la configuración de sus subjetividades políticas.Karina Paola Ballén Granados - 2012 - Revista Aletheia 4 (1):87 - 109.
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    Der Körper. Realpräsenz und symbolische Ordnung.Karina Kellermann - 2003 - Das Mittelalter 8 (1).
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    Medialität im Mittelalter Zur Einführung.Karina Kellermann - 2004 - Das Mittelalter 9 (1).
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  18. Justiça restaurativa: Uma análise sociológica dos Fins que os meios punitivos não alcançam.Karina Bezerra Pinheiro & Raul Rocha Chaves - 2013 - Revista Fides 4 (1):117-128.
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    Aquinas and the Cry of Rachel: Thomistic Reflections on the Problem of Evil by John F. X. Knasas.Karina Robson - 2016 - Nova et Vetera 14 (2):720-725.
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  20. Extended mathematical cognition: external representations with non-derived content.Karina Vold & Dirk Schlimm - 2020 - Synthese 197 (9):3757-3777.
    Vehicle externalism maintains that the vehicles of our mental representations can be located outside of the head, that is, they need not be instantiated by neurons located inside the brain of the cogniser. But some disagree, insisting that ‘non-derived’, or ‘original’, content is the mark of the cognitive and that only biologically instantiated representational vehicles can have non-derived content, while the contents of all extra-neural representational vehicles are derived and thus lie outside the scope of the cognitive. In this paper (...)
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  21. Conceptual Reconstruction and Epistemic Import: Allosteric Mechanistic Explanations as a Unified Theory-Net.Karina Alleva, José Díez & Lucía Federico - 2017 - Crítica. Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía 49 (146):5-36.
    The goal of this article is to show that formal analysis and reconstructions may be useful to discuss and shed light on substantive meta-theoretical issues. We proceed here by exemplification, analysing and reconstructing as a case study a paradigmatic biochemical theory, the Monod-Wyman-Changeux theory of allosterism, and applying the reconstruction to the discussion of some issues raised by prominent representatives of the new mechanist philosophy. We conclude that our study shows that at least in this case mechanicism and more traditional (...)
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  22. How does Artificial Intelligence Pose an Existential Risk?Karina Vold & Daniel R. Harris - 2021 - In Carissa Véliz, The Oxford Handbook of Digital Ethics. Oxford University Press.
    Alan Turing, one of the fathers of computing, warned that Artificial Intelligence (AI) could one day pose an existential risk to humanity. Today, recent advancements in the field AI have been accompanied by a renewed set of existential warnings. But what exactly constitutes an existential risk? And how exactly does AI pose such a threat? In this chapter we aim to answer these questions. In particular, we will critically explore three commonly cited reasons for thinking that AI poses an existential (...)
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    Perceptual load and early selection: An effect of attentional engagement?Karina Linnell - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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    Confidence—More a Personality or Ability Trait? It Depends on How It Is Measured: A Comparison of Young and Older Adults.Karina M. Burns, Nicholas R. Burns & Lynn Ward - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  25. Privacy, Autonomy, and Personalised targeting: Rethinking How Personal Data is Used.Karina Vold & Jessica Whittlestone - 2020 - In Carissa Veliz, Report on Data, Privacy, and the Individual in the Digital Age.
    Technological advances are bringing new light to privacy issues and changing the reasons for why privacy is important. These advances have changed not only the kind of personal data that is available to be collected, but also how that personal data can be used by those who have access to it. We are particularly concerned with how information about personal attributes inferred from collected data (such as online behaviour), can be used to tailor messages and services to specific individuals or (...)
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  26. (1 other version)Overcoming Deadlock: Scientific and Ethical Reasons to Accept the Extended Mind Thesis.Karina Vold - 2018 - Philosophy and Society 29 (4):489-504.
    The extended mind thesis maintains that while minds may be centrally located in one’s brain-and-body, they are sometimes partly constituted by tools in our environment. Critics argue that we have no reason to move from the claim that cognition is embedded in the environment to the stronger claim that cognition can be constituted by the environment. I will argue that there are normative reasons, both scientific and ethical, for preferring the extended account of the mind to the rival embedded account.
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  27. Gestión del conocimiento como capacidad interna.Karina Amaya & Dulce Perozo - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (2):250-265.
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  28. Jueces, política y derecho: particularidades y alcances de la politización de la justicia.Karina Ansolabehere - 2005 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 22:39-64.
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    Flores no asfalto.Karina Kosicki Bellotti - 2020 - Horizonte 18 (56):449-449.
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  30. Esbozo de la concepción merleau-pontyana del" yo".Karina Pilar Trilles Calvo - 1999 - Thémata: Revista de Filosofía 23:296-297.
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    Educação, adaptação e emancipação: entre Dewey e Adorno.Karina de Matos Nunes Colla & Lauro de Matos Nunes Filho - 2013 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 8 (2):93-107.
    Este artigo busca aliar as leituras de Adorno e Dewey acerca do papel da educação frente o fenômeno da alienação social, focando principalmente a experiência dentro do processo de emancipação. Ao final, busca-se identificar os ideais de coletividade e compromisso como premissas falsas dos processos educacionais.
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    Königliche Hoheit.Karina Kellermann - 2000 - Das Mittelalter 5 (1).
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    Political Insults: How Offenses Escalate Conflict.Karina Valentinovna Korostelina - 2014 - Oup Usa.
    Political Insults proposes a theory of international insult that focuses on interrelations between social identity and power. The book analyses conflicts between the U.S. and North Korea, sovereignty contestations around islands in the Japanese sea, Pussy Riot in Russia, veterans in Ukraine, and Nagorno-Karabakh.
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  34. El poder: su estudio analítico y proyección ideal.Bray Maurice & Carlos Alfredo - 2005 - [Asunción, Paraguay: [S.N.].
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    Viver sem Deus: expressões de uma espiritualidade ateia na literatura de José Saramago.Karina Masci Silveira Raydan - 2019 - Horizonte 17 (52):527-529.
    Resumo e abstract da Dissertação – Programa de Pós-graduação em Ciências da Religião, Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, MG.
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    Artificial Intelligence Modeling of Spontaneous Self Learning.Karina Stokes - 1996 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 10 (2):1-6.
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    Bioética y los bienes humanos.Karina Ordóñez Torres - 2022 - Medicina y Ética 33 (4):1179-1189.
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  38. Human-AI Cognitive Teaming: Using AI to support State-level Decision Making on the Resort to Force.Karina Vold - 2024 - Australian Journal of International Affairs 78 (2):229-236.
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) are rapidly evolving and have already had major impacts on military capabilities in the battlefield, making new kinds of tools and tactics available. A less examined area of application for AI in a military context, however, is its impact on human strategic decision making. This article focuses on the more subtle cognitive influences of AI and how they can be strategically deployed to aid decision making around the state-level resort to force, in particular. (...)
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  39. The benefits, costs, and paradox of revenge.Karina Schumann & Michael Ross - 2010 - Social and Personality Psychology Compass 4 (12):1193–205.
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  40. (1 other version)AI Extenders and the Ethics of Mental Health.Karina Vold & Jose Hernandez-Orallo - forthcoming - In Marcello Ienca & Fabrice Jotterand, Ethics of Artificial Intelligence in Brain and Mental Health.
    The extended mind thesis maintains that the functional contributions of tools and artefacts can become so essential for our cognition that they can be constitutive parts of our minds. In other words, our tools can be on a par with our brains: our minds and cognitive processes can literally ‘extend’ into the tools. Several extended mind theorists have argued that this ‘extended’ view of the mind offers unique insights into how we understand, assess, and treat certain cognitive conditions. In this (...)
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    A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Phobia.Karina S. Blair & R. J. R. Blair - 2012 - Emotion Review 4 (2):133-138.
    Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) and social phobia (SP) are major anxiety disorders identified by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 4th edition (DSM-IV). They are comorbid, overlap in symptoms, yet present with distinct features (worry in GAD and fear of embarrassment in SP). Both have also been explained in terms of conditioning-based models. However, there is little reasoning currently to believe that GAD in adulthood reflects heightened conditionability or heightened threat processing—though patients with SP may show heightened processing (...)
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  42. Can Consciousness Extend?Karina Vold - 2020 - Philosophical Topics 48 (1):243-264.
    The extended mind thesis prompted philosophers to think about the different shapes our minds can take as they reach beyond our brains and stretch into new technologies. Some of us rely heavily on the environment to scaffold our cognition, reorganizing our homes into rich cognitive niches, for example, or using our smartphones as swiss-army knives for cognition. But the thesis also prompts us to think about other varieties of minds and the unique forms they take. What are we to make (...)
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    Refusing to Vanish: Despair, Contingency, and the African Political.Alírio Karina - 2021 - Diacritics 49 (4):76-99.
    Abstract:This paper offers a historico-political exegesis of V-I Mudimbe’s Invention of Africa and Idea of Africa, reading how these texts respond to a post-independence African context of political and epistemic despair. This despair reflects at once the desire for a non-Western claim to knowledge and life, for political and economic autonomy from the West, and the seeming impossibilities (confirmed by the political ordinary) of enacting these. Retracing Mudimbe’s analysis of African political thought in the wake of Négritude and his critique (...)
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    Pragmatic cosmopolitanism: representation and leadership in transnational democracy.Daniel Bray - 2011 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Building on the work of philosopher John Dewey, Bray develops an approach to transnational democracy called "pragmatic cosmopolitanism." He argues for an ideal of representative democracy that emphasizes the role of democratic leadership and the development of critical intelligence.
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  45. Gender Dysphoria, Body Dysmorphia, and the Problematic of Body Modification.Sean Bray - 2015 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 29 (3):424-436.
    ABSTRACT This article focuses on issues of gender identity and bodily integrity in the context of profound desires to modify the body. It contends that, while hormonal and surgical interventions in treating gender dysphoria must continue to be considered medically necessary for many people, we do not yet fully understand why it is justified as medically necessary for this condition and not for others with similar features. The article discusses the difference between the medical classification of “gender dysphoria” and “body (...)
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    A fenomenologia na geografia da religião E a espacialização hierofânica.Karina Cruz Arroyo - 2016 - Synesis 8 (2):149-166.
    A Geografia da Religião configura-se no cenário acadêmico da Geografia Cultural como um subcampo dotado de potencialidades profícuas à apreensão do fenômeno religioso. Espacializar o rito, a prática cotidiana que se espraia em redes de informações fluídicas, repletas de subjetividades capazes de construir territórios e demarcar identidades é o objetivo principal deste campo do saber. É no tempo e no espaço que o sagrado se manifesta e semiografa indelevelmente como um mapa permanente as fronteiras entre o eu e o outro. (...)
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    Profundización de las brechas de desigualdad por razones de género: el impacto de la pandemia en los cuidados, el mercado de trabajo y la violencia en América Latina y el Caribe.Karina Batthyány & Agustina Sanchez - 2020 - Astrolabio: Nueva Época 25:1-21.
    La crisis sanitaria ocasionada por la expansión del Covid-19 pone en evidencia las consecuencias que tiene sobre la vida común la mercantilización de lo público y el mercado como eje regulador de la vida y de las relaciones humanas. El contexto actual demostró la cadena de inequidades que enfrentan las mujeres en la región, pudiendo identificarse al menos tres dimensiones en las que se expresa esta desigualdad: los cuidados, el trabajo y la violencia. Es menester de este artículo realizar un (...)
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  48. (1 other version)The publisher's duty (Cause for Debate – 10).Karina Bolasco - 2004 - Logos. Anales Del Seminario de Metafísica [Universidad Complutense de Madrid, España] 15 (4):177-180.
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    A Pantheology of the (Im)Possible: Reading Deconstruction in Ecstatic Naturalism and Ecstatic Naturalism in Deconstruction.Karen Bray - 2013 - American Journal of Theology and Philosophy 34 (1):35-48.
    Naturalist philosopher Robert Corrington begins his chapter in Frontiers in American Philosophy, volume 1, by asserting that "the current obsession with language and with written texts has blunted the generic drive of hermeneutics and its more legitimate quest for a categorical structure that is truly responsive to the various dimensions of meaning manifest in the ongoing human process. . . . The deeper emancipatory forces of nature and history remain bereft of a proper location for their appearance in nondestructive social (...)
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    Shared Book-Reading in Early Childhood Education: Teachers’ Mediation in Children’s Communicative Development.Karina Cárdenas, Ana Moreno-Núñez & Edgardo Miranda-Zapata - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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