Results for 'Karen Mogendorff'

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  1.  14
    We say: ‘...’, they say: ‘...’: How plant science experts draw on reported dialogue to shelve user concerns.Bart Gremmen, Cees van Woerkum, Hedwig te Molder & Karen Mogendorff - 2014 - Discourse and Communication 8 (2):137-154.
    This study aims to increase insight into the uses of experts’ references to physically absent technology users in government-funded plant science. A discursive psychological analysis of expert board meetings shows that experts invoke various forms of reported dialogue/thoughts and dispositional statements when problems with technology and with program funding are discussed. Forms of reported dialogue serve to demonstrate that experts engage in dialogue with users, understand and are reasonable about users’ concerns, and that the content of user concerns does not (...)
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    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics Volume 12.Karen Bennett & Dean W. Zimmerman (eds.) - 2020 - Oxford University Press.
    Oxford Studies in Metaphysics is the forum for the best new work in this flourishing field. Much of the most interesting work in philosophy today is metaphysical in character: this series is a much-needed focus for it.
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  3. Second-Hand Moral Knowledge.Karen Jones - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy 96 (2):55.
    Trust enters into the making of a virtuous person in at least two ways. First, unless a child has a sufficiently trusting relationship with at least one adult, it is doubtful that she will be able to become the kind of person who can form ethically responsible relationships with others. Infant trust, as Annette Baier has reminded us, is the foundation on which future trust relationships will be built; and when such trust is irreparably shaken, the adult into whom the (...)
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  4. (1 other version)Supervenience.Karen Bennett & Brian McLaughlin - 2005 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    Someone is pulling the strings: hypersensitive agency detection and belief in conspiracy theories.Karen M. Douglas, Robbie M. Sutton, Mitchell J. Callan, Rael J. Dawtry & Annelie J. Harvey - 2016 - Thinking and Reasoning 22 (1):57-77.
    We hypothesised that belief in conspiracy theories would be predicted by the general tendency to attribute agency and intentionality where it is unlikely to exist. We further hypothesised that this tendency would explain the relationship between education level and belief in conspiracy theories, where lower levels of education have been found to be associated with higher conspiracy belief. In Study 1 participants were more likely to agree with a range of conspiracy theories if they also tended to attribute intentionality and (...)
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  6. Source monitoring: Attributing mental experiences.Karen J. Mitchell & Marcia K. Johnson - 2000 - In Endel Tulving, The Oxford Handbook of Memory. Oxford University Press. pp. 179--195.
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    The Confucian Creation of Heaven: Philosophy and the Defense of Ritual Mastery.Karen Turner - 1992 - Philosophy East and West 42 (2):365-368.
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    Gurch Randhawa and Silke Schicktanz : Public engagement in organ donation and transplantation: Pabst Science Publishers, 2013, 176 pp, 20.00 EUR, ISBN: 978-3-89967-821-5.Karen De Looze - 2015 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 36 (5):369-372.
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    The effectiveness of the OECD Guidelines' NCP procedure.Aziza Mayar & Karen Maas - 2024 - Business and Society Review 129 (3):479-501.
    The OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises have become increasingly relevant in the debate on the role of business in society. This instrument for responsible business conduct (RBC) is considered to be unique due to its implementation mechanism, the National Contact Point (NCP) procedure. The NCP procedure applies a pragmatic stakeholder engagement approach to contribute to the effectiveness of the OECD Guidelines. However, little is known about the effects of the NCP procedure. To fill this gap, this study provides insights into (...)
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    Incorporating Biobank Consent into a Healthcare Setting: Challenges for Patient Understanding.T. J. Kasperbauer, Karen K. Schmidt, Ariane Thomas, Susan M. Perkins & Peter H. Schwartz - 2021 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 12 (2):113-122.
    Background Biobank participants often do not understand much of the information they are provided as part of the informed consent process, despite numerous attempts at simplifying consent forms and improving their readability. We report the first assessment of biobank enrollees’ comprehension under an "integrated consent” process, where patients were asked to enroll in a research biobank as part of their normal healthcare experience. A number of healthcare systems have implemented similar integrated consent processes for biobanking, but it is unknown how (...)
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    Susceptibility to the ‘Dark Side’ of Goal-Setting: Does Moral Justification Influence the Effect of Goals on Unethical Behavior?Karen Niven & Colm Healy - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 137 (1):115-127.
    Setting goals in the workplace can motivate improved performance but it might also compromise ethical behavior. In this paper, we propose that individual differences in the dispositional tendency to morally justify behavior moderate the effects of specific performance goals on unethical behavior. We conducted an experimental study in which working participants, who were randomly assigned to a specific goal condition or to a condition with a vague goal that lacked a specific target, completed two tasks in which they had the (...)
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  12. Memory, Knowledge and Epistemic Competence.Karen Shanton - 2011 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 2 (1):89-104.
    Sosa (2007) claims that a necessary condition on knowledge is manifesting an epistemic competence. To manifest an epistemic competence, a belief must satisfy two conditions: (1) it must derive from the exercise of a reliable belief-forming disposition in appropriate conditions for its exercise and (2) that exercise of the disposition in those conditions would not issue a false belief in a close possible world. Drawing on recent psychological research, I show that memories that are issued by episodic memory retrieval fail (...)
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    1.1 Public, Relational and Organizational Trust in Economic Affairs1.Karen S. Cook & Oliver Schilke - forthcoming - Common Knowledge: The Challenge of Transdisciplinarity.
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    Catharine Macaulay’s enlightenment faith and radical politics.Karen Green - 2018 - History of European Ideas 44 (1):35-48.
    The disappearance of Catharine Macaulay’s eighteenth-century defense of the doctrines that justified the seventeeth-century republican parliament, has served to obscure an important strand of enlightenment faith, that was active in the lead up to the American and French Revolutions, and that also played a significant role in the history of feminism. This faith was made up of two intertwined strands, ‘Christian eudaimonism’ and ‘rational altruism’. Dominant contemporary accounts of the origins of republicanism and democratic theory during the eighteenth-century have excluded (...)
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    Beyond Choice: Reading Sigmund Freud at the End of Roe.Karen McFadyen - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (6):100.
    After Roe v. Wade was overturned by the Supreme Court, pregnant people lost their Constitutional protection of abortion. The new, visible politics of susceptibility have invited a revisitation to the psychoanalytic work of Sigmund Freud. This article examines the trauma narrative of Freud’s Beyond the Pleasure Principle and the theory of the death drive in elaborating the enduring cultural investment in protecting fetal life while examining its implications for pregnant subjects.
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  16. Germaine de Staël (1766-1817).Karen de Bruin - 2023 - In Kristin Gjesdal, The Oxford handbook of nineteenth-century women philosophers in the German tradition. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  17. American Roots : Techniques of Plant Transportation and Cultivation in the Early Atlantic World.Mark Laird & Karen Bridgman - 2014 - In Pamela H. Smith, Amy R. W. Meyers & Harold J. Cook, Ways of making and knowing: the material culture of empirical knowledge. New York City: Bard Graduate Center.
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    De substantiële vertegenwoordiging van moslimvrouwen.Eline Severs, Karen Celis & Petra Meier - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (4):429-457.
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    What is the shape of developmental change?Karen E. Adolph, Scott R. Robinson, Jesse W. Young & Felix Gill-Alvarez - 2008 - Psychological Review 115 (3):527-543.
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  20. Methodology in Aristotle’s Theory of Spontaneous Generation.Karen R. Zwier - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (2):355-386.
    Aristotle’s theory of spontaneous generation offers many puzzles to those who wish to understand his theory both within the context of his biology and within the context of his more general philosophy of nature. In this paper, I approach the difficult and vague elements of Aristotle’s account of spontaneous generation not as weaknesses, but as opportunities for an interesting glimpse into the thought of an early scientist struggling to reconcile evidence and theory. The paper has two goals: to give as (...)
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  21.  26
    Human research protections:.Karen J. Maschke - 2008 - Hastings Center Report 38 (2):19-22.
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    Linking perspectives: A role for poetry in philosophical inquiry.Karen Simecek - 2022 - Metaphilosophy 53 (2-3):305-318.
    There is a long-standing debate about whether poetry can make a substantive contribution to philosophy with compelling arguments to show that poetry and philosophy involve distinct modes of thought and aims, albeit with similar concerns. This paper argues that reading lyric poetry can play a substantive role in philosophy by helping the philosopher understand how to forge connections with the perspectives of others. The paper takes the view that poetry is not directly philosophical but can play an important role in (...)
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    Eloge: Sylvia Freeman Wallace Mcgrath, 1937–2006.Elizabeth Musselman & Karen Rader - 2007 - Isis 98 (3):602-604.
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    Tracking shame and humiliation in Accident and Emergency.Karen Sanders, Stephen Pattison & Brian Hurwitz - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (2):83-93.
    In this paper, we reflect upon shame and humiliation as threats to personal and professional integrity and moral agency within contemporary health care. A personal narrative, written by a nurse about a particular shift in a British National Health Service Accident and Emergency Department, is provided as a case study. This is critically reflected and commented upon in dialogue with insights into the nature of shame and humiliation. It is suggested that Accident and Emergency is a locus that is latently (...)
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    Dialogue, Selection, Subversion: Three Approaches to Teaching Women Writers.Martha F. Bowden, Karen B. Gevirtz & Jonathan Sadow - 2013 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 32:127.
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    In Search of 1992—A Stroll Through the Law Books.Docksey Chris & Williams Karen - 1992 - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 12 (1):99-111.
  27. The datalogical turn.Patricia Ticineto Clough, Karen Gregory, Benjamin Haber & R. Joshua Scannell - 2018 - In The user unconscious: on affect, media, and measure. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
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    Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Clashes and Confrontations.Lisa Scherff & Karen Spector (eds.) - 2010 - R&L Education.
    The authors in this edited volume reflect on their experiences with culturally relevant pedagogy-as students, as teachers, as researchers-and how these experiences were often at odds with their backgrounds and/or expectations.
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  29. Rights and the politics of performativity.Karen Zivi - 2008 - In Terrell Carver & Samuel Allen Chambers, Judith Butler's precarious politics: critical encounters. New York: Routledge.
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    Narratives of Distinction: Personal Life Narrative as a Technology of the Self in the Everyday Lives and Relational Worlds of Children with Autism.Karen Gainer Sirota - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (1):93-115.
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    The Ethics of Using the Internet to Collect Qualitative Research Data.Karen Rodham & Jeff Gavin - 2006 - Research Ethics 2 (3):92-97.
    The practice of conducting research online is in its infancy. Consequently there is debate concerning the ethical implications of online data collection. We outline three approaches to online data collection and focus specifically on the issues of consent and anonymity of participants. We conclude that ethical issues raised when planning and implementing online data collection are no different to those raised by more traditional approaches to data collection.
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    Gender and medical insurance:: A test of human capital theory.Leonard Beeghley & Karen Seccombe - 1992 - Gender and Society 6 (2):283-300.
    This research investigates gender differences in employer-sponsored medical insurance coverage among full-time male and female workers in the United States and assesses the relevance of human capital theory and its compensating differentials corollary in predicting coverage. Data are analyzed from a subsample of the Quality of Employment Survey, a national probability sample of workers in the United States. Results indicate that men were more likely to have medical insurance coverage from their employers than were women; however, gender differences were minimized (...)
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  33. Teaching the Bible In the Church.John M. Bracke & Karen B. Tye - 2003
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  34. Economics and the limits of law : an international analysis of persistent gaps in women's reproductive health.Karen A. Grépin, Jeni Klugman & Matthew Moore - 2019 - In Irehobhude O. Iyioha, Women's health and the limits of law: domestic and international perspectives. New York, NY: Routledge.
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  35. Human Rights in Yugoslavia.Oskar Gruenwald & Karen Rosenblum-Čale (eds.) - 1986 - Irvington.
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  36. Proceed with care : reviewing reference services through the feminist lens.Elizabeth Hoppe & Karen Jung - 2017 - In Maria T. Accardi, The feminist reference desk: concepts, critiques, and conversations. Sacramento, California: Library Juice Press.
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    Protecting Human Subjects: Do IRBs Do the Job?Patricia A. King, Karen Lebacaz & Michael S. Yesky - 1979 - Hastings Center Report 9 (3):4.
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    Access to contraceptive methods and prevalence of use.John Ross & Karen Hardee - 2012 - Journal of Biosocial Science 1 (1):1-18.
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  39. Laat ons niet ernstig blijven, Huldeboek voor Jean Paul Van Bendegem.Bart Van Kerkhove, Karen François, Steffen Ducheyne & Patrick Allo (eds.) - 2018 - Academia Press.
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  40. Part and Whole, Again.Karen Bennett - 2017 - Philosophical Issues 27 (1):7-25.
    A paper exploring what we can learn about part/whole by focusing on the differences in the existence conditions of fusions and ordinary things, rather than the differences in their persistence conditions.
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  41. Ethics & journalism.Karen Sanders - 2003 - Thousand Oaks, Calif.: Sage Publications.
    What are ethics? Why does ethical journalism matter? How do ethics affect good journalism? Ethics and Journalism provides a comprehensive overview of the main approaches to ethical enquiry in Western journalism. It examines the ethical dilemmas faced by journalists in all areas of the media and sets our ways of achieving ethical journalism. Ethics and Journalism: - Explores such subjects as: private lives and the public interest, relations to sources and coverage of death, disease and destruction - Examines the role (...)
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  42. 'The scholars formerly known as…': Bisexuality, queerness and identity politics.Jonathan Alexander & Karen Yescavage - 2009 - In Noreen Giffney & Michael O'Rourke, The Ashgate Research Companion to Queer Theory. Ashgate.
  43. Higher Tablet Use Is Associated With Better Sustained Attention Performance but Poorer Sleep Quality in School-Aged Children.Karen Chiu, Frances C. Lewis, Reeva Ashton, Kim M. Cornish & Katherine A. Johnson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    There are growing concerns that increased screen device usage may have a detrimental impact on classroom behaviour and attentional focus. The consequences of screen use on child cognitive functioning have been relatively under-studied, and results remain largely inconsistent. Screen usage may displace the time usually spent asleep. The aim of this study was to examine associations between screen use, behavioural inattention and sustained attention control, and the potential modifying role of sleep. The relations between screen use, behavioural inattention, sustained attention (...)
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    Citizenship and autonomy in acquired brain injury.Karen Schipper, Guy A. M. Widdershoven & Tineke A. Abma - 2011 - Nursing Ethics 18 (4):526-536.
    In ethical theory, different concepts of autonomy can be distinguished. In this article we explore how these concepts of autonomy are combined in theory in the citizenship paradigm, and how this turns out in the practice of care for people with acquired brain injury. The stories of a professional caregiver and a client with acquired brain injury show that the combination of various concepts of autonomy in practice leads to tensions between caregivers and clients. These dynamics are discussed from a (...)
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    Reconstructing Artifacts, Reconstructing Work: From Textual Edition to On-Line Databank.Karen Ruhleder - 1995 - Science, Technology and Human Values 20 (1):39-64.
    New media can change the way that artifacts are constructed and used. Changes in these artifacts, in turn, will be reflected in work practices and processes. This article draws on an empirical investigation of the impact of computer-based technologies on classical scholarship to discuss some of the ramifications that a switch in medium may have for work. The article defines both traditional and computer-based tools as "packages" that consist of artifacts, skill sets, data, beliefs about the work process, and organizational (...)
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    An empirical test of the unrelated question randomized response technique.Stephen E. Edgell, Karen L. Duchan & Samuel Himmelfarb - 1992 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 30 (2):153-156.
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  47. Introduction and Cultural Sites: Sustaining a Home in a Deterritorialized World.Olwig Karen Fog - 1997 - In Karen Fog Olwig & Kirsten Hastrup, Siting culture: the shifting anthropological object. New York: Routledge.
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    Trumping Professionalism.D. Micah Hester & Karen Kovach - 2004 - American Journal of Bioethics 4 (2):51-52.
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    Editorial: Introducing “Biology in Culture” Reviews.Lijing Jiang, Karen Rader & Marsha Richmond - 2018 - Journal of the History of Biology 51 (2):407-409.
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    ‘Busyness’ and the preclusion of quality palliative district nursing care.Maurice Nagington, Karen Luker & Catherine Walshe - 2013 - Nursing Ethics 20 (8):893-903.
    Ethical care is beginning to be recognised as care that accounts for the views of those at the receiving end of care. However, in the context of palliative and supportive district nursing care, the patients’ and their carers’ views are seldom heard. This qualitative research study explores these views. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with 26 patients with palliative and supportive care needs receiving district nursing care, and 13 of their carers. Participants were recruited via community nurses and hospices (...)
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