Results for 'Jérémie Gosselin'

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  1.  47
    The tree to the left, the forest to the right: Political attitude and perceptual bias.Serge Caparos, Simon Fortier-St-Pierre, Jérémie Gosselin, Isabelle Blanchette & Benoit Brisson - 2015 - Cognition 134 (C):155-164.
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    The project, the everyday, and reflexivity in sociotechnical agri-food assemblages: proposing a conceptual model of digitalisation.Jérémie Forney & Angga Dwiartama - 2022 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):441-454.
    Digital technologies have opened up new perspectives in thinking about the future of food and farming. Not only do these new technologies promise to revolutionise our way of meeting global food demand, they do so by boldly claiming that they can reduce their environmental impacts. However, they also have the potential to transform the organisation of agri-food systems more fundamentally. Drawing on assemblage theory, we propose a conceptual model of digitalisation organised around three facets: digitalisation as a project; “everyday digitalisation”; (...)
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    Everyday digitalization in food and agriculture: Introduction to the symposium.Jérémie Forney, Angga Dwiartama & Dana Bentia - 2023 - Agriculture and Human Values 40 (2):417-421.
    Research addressing the challenges emerging from the development and diffusion of digital technologies has grown rapidly in recent years. However, much of this literature tends to overlook the immersion of these technologies into our everyday lives. This everyday digitalization cannot be reduced to specific technological innovations and is obviously a crucial aspect of the social changes introduced by digital technologies. This themed issue sets out to explore the everyday dimension of digitalization, in the specific context of agri-food systems. We propose (...)
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    “Wise Passiveness”: Wordsworth, Spinoza, and the Ethics of Passivity.Jérémie LeClerc - 2021 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 40:75-97.
    This article frames the poetry of William Wordsworth and the philosophical writings of Spinoza as mutually illuminating works exploring the ethical and ontological questions raised by bodies in states of passivity and immobility. Both writers, it argues, revise our idea of what a “powerful” body might be by developing the concept of “dynamic passivity”—a passivity that does not stand in simple opposition to states of activity, and that ought to be cultivated rather than overcome in the process of empowering the (...)
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    Sämtliche Schriften und Briefe.Jérémie Griard - 2006 - The Leibniz Review 16:149-157.
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  6. L’usage de la conjecture technique chez Galien de Pergame.Jérémie Hébrard - 2019 - Philosophiques 46 (1):179-206.
    The aim of this paper is to examine the considerations on stochastic arts in Antiquity and to show how Galen’s analysis concerning the “art of conjecturing” constitutes a preferable alternative to the traditional ways used by philosophers to explain the inherent fallibility in the medical art. By distinguishing the scientific diagnosis from the conjectural one, Galen encompasses all cases relevant to the medical art. The former, because of its general nature, can be theorized. As for the latter, it concerns only (...)
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    Sociolinguistics as scientific project: insight from critical realism.Jeremie Bouchard - 2022 - Journal of Critical Realism 22 (2):173-194.
    The dominant meta-theories in contemporary sociolinguistics include interactionism, social constructivism, poststructuralism and similarly relativist, anti-realist approaches (hereby grouped within the broader category of interpretivism). This paper argues that anti-scientific, anti-realist tendencies in contemporary sociolinguistics are ill-justified, confuse science with positivism, and weaken sociolinguists' necessary commitment to objectivity (hereby understood as commitment by scientists to explain the ontological order, or what exists regardless of whether it is known by people). The anti-realism in interpretivist sociolinguistics also considerably diminishes the ability of sociolinguists (...)
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  8.  26
    Le meilleur régime selon Leibniz.Jérémie Griard - 2004 - Philosophiques 31 (2):349-372.
    Peu connue à cause de l’absence d’ouvrage de référence qui la présenterait dans toute son étendue, la pensée politique de Leibniz présente cependant un intérêt non négligeable pour l’histoire de la philosophie politique. En concevant l’homme comme sociable par nature, Leibniz ne fait pas pour autant de l’État l’aboutissement des sociétés naturelles, mais plutôt un moment passager dans la réalisation du monde moral au sein du monde naturel. Dès lors, le meilleur régime pour un tel État, ne résultant pas d’un (...)
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  9.  5
    Machiavelli costituzionalista: il progetto di riforma dello Stato di Firenze del 1522.Jérémie Barthas - 2023 - Roma: Viella.
    Con la morte di Leone X nel dicembre del 1521, il dominio mediceo sulla Toscana entro in una fase d'incertezza, sia all'interno che all'esterno. In questo quadro, Niccolo Machiavelli fu invitato dalle autorita fiorentine a stendere una nuova costituzione, il cui testo e oggi noto come Minuta di provvisione per la riforma dello Stato di Firenze l'anno 1522. Inizialmente supportato dal cardinale Giulio de' Medici, il progetto fu bloccato dai membri dell'oligarchico Consiglio dei Settanta, ma si tratta comunque di un (...)
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    Leibniz's social quasi-contract.Jérémie Griard - 2007 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15 (3):513 – 533.
  11. Leibniz selon les Nouxeaux Essais sur l'entendement Humain.François Duchesneau & Jérémie Girard (eds.) - 2006 - Vrin & Bellarmin.
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  12.  14
    Leibniz selon les Nouveaux essais sur l’entendement.François Duchesneau & Jérémie Griard (eds.) - 2006 - Editions Fides & Librarie Philosophie.
    Dramatisation d'un dialogue souhaite par Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz mais refuse par John Locke, les Nouveaux Essais sur l'entendement humain mettent en scene Theophile et Philalethe: et Leibniz pouvait ainsi donner la replique a l'Essay concerning Human Understanding de Locke. Longtemps consideres comme la simple synthese de la philosophie leibnizienne, les Nouveaux Essais ne nous presentent-ils pas plutot le philosophe de Hanovre empruntant des pistes originales d'analyse et offrant des orientations epistemologiques plus marquees que dans toute autre de ses oeuvres? S'interessant (...)
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  13.  31
    Environmental Design Shapes Perceptual-motor Exploration, Learning, and Transfer in Climbing.Ludovic Seifert, Jérémie Boulanger, Dominic Orth & Keith Davids - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
  14.  15
    On duality and model theory for polyadic spaces.Sam van Gool & Jérémie Marquès - 2024 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 175 (2):103388.
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  15.  39
    A Structured Argumentation Framework for Modeling Debates in the Formal Sciences.Marcos Cramer & Jérémie Dauphin - 2020 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 51 (2):219-241.
    Scientific research in the formal sciences comes in multiple degrees of formality: fully formal work; rigorous proofs that practitioners know to be formalizable in principle; and informal work like rough proof sketches and considerations about the advantages and disadvantages of various formal systems. This informal work includes informal and semi-formal debates between formal scientists, e.g. about the acceptability of foundational principles and proposed axiomatizations. In this paper, we propose to use the methodology of structured argumentation theory to produce a formal (...)
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  16.  43
    Quantifying central banks’ scientization: why and how to do a quantified organizational history of economics.François Claveau & Jérémie Dion - 2018 - Journal of Economic Methodology 25 (4):349-366.
  17.  53
    Strength or Nausea? Children’s Reasoning About the Health Consequences of Food Consumption.Damien Foinant, Jérémie Lafraire & Jean-Pierre Thibaut - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Children’s reasoning on food properties and health relationships can contribute to healthier food choices. Food properties can either be positive (“gives strength”) or negative (“gives nausea”). One of the main challenges in public health is to foster children’s dietary variety, which contributes to a normal and healthy development. To face this challenge, it is essential to investigate how children generalize these positive and negative properties to other foods, including familiar and unfamiliar ones. In the present experiment, we hypothesized that children (...)
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  18. Common knowledge and limit knowledge.Christian W. Bach & Jérémie Cabessa - 2012 - Theory and Decision 73 (3):423-440.
    We study the relationship between common knowledge and the sequence of iterated mutual knowledge from a topological point of view. It is shown that common knowledge is not equivalent to the limit of the sequence of iterated mutual knowledge. On that account the new epistemic operator limit knowledge is introduced and analyzed in the context of games. Indeed, an example is constructed where the behavioral implications of limit knowledge of rationality strictly refine those of common knowledge of rationality. More generally, (...)
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  19.  51
    (1 other version)Hegel et la logique de la réflexion.Dieter Henrich & Jérémie Rostan - 2006 - Philosophie 3 (3):33.
  20.  23
    Présentation.Gilles Gauthier, André Gosselin & Jean Mouchon - 1995 - Hermes 17:15.
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  21.  29
    Une « politique de l’oubliance »? Mémoire et oubli pendant les guerres de Religion (1550-1600). [REVIEW]Paul-Alexis Mellet & Jérémie Foa - 2016 - Astérion 15 (15).
    The french Wars of religion (1562-1598) involve memory in a very strange way. Indeed, each pacification edict is an opportunity for the french Crown to impose forgetfulness of recent wars between Catholics and Protestants. These “politics of forgiveness” aimed to enforce stability of the new peace, but faced a lot of obstacles: what kind of resistance dit it provoke? How to measure the effectiveness of these politics? How did the peace commissioners manage to compel forgetfulness?
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    A developmental study of the affective value of tempo and mode in music.Simone Dalla Bella, Isabelle Peretz, Luc Rousseau & Nathalie Gosselin - 2001 - Cognition 80 (3):B1-B10.
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  23.  23
    Eloge: Dame Frances Amelia Yates, 28 November 1899-29 September 1981.Margaret Jacob & Edward Gosselin - 1982 - Isis 73 (3):424-426.
  24.  34
    Implicit learning of predictable sound sequences modulates human brain responses at different levels of the auditory hierarchy.Françoise Lecaignard, Olivier Bertrand, Gérard Gimenez, Jérémie Mattout & Anne Caclin - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  25.  89
    Green Central Banking.Peter Dietsch, François Claveau, Clément Fontan & Jérémie Dion - 2024 - The Philosophy of Money and Finance 1:283-302.
    This chapter argues that central banks find themselves between a rock and a hard place when it comes to green central banking. Either they endorse the project, exposing them to the charge that they lack the input legitimacy to do so, or they eschew taking into account climate concerns, thus undermining their output legitimacy. Our discourse analysis of central bankers’ speeches shows that disagreements among officials from the same institution regarding green central banking are grounded on issues outside their core (...)
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  26.  24
    Updating standards for reporting diagnostic accuracy: the development of STARD 2015.Patrick M. M. Bossuyt, Lotty Hooft, Douglas G. Altman, Henrica C. W. de Vet, David Moher, Les Irwig, Paul P. Glasziou, Constantine A. Gatsonis, David E. Bruns, Johannes B. Reitsma, Jérémie F. Cohen & Daniël A. Korevaar - 2016 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 1 (1).
    BackgroundAlthough the number of reporting guidelines has grown rapidly, few have gone through an updating process. The STARD statement (Standards for Reporting Diagnostic Accuracy), published in 2003 to help improve the transparency and completeness of reporting of diagnostic accuracy studies, was recently updated in a systematic way. Here, we describe the steps taken and a justification for the changes made.ResultsA 4-member Project Team coordinated the updating process; a 14-member Steering Committee was regularly solicited by the Project Team when making critical (...)
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  27.  15
    Faire des courses avec des atteintes cognitives : l’influence des facteurs environnementaux.Stéphanie Gauthier, Priscilla Lam Wai Shun, Nadia Gosselin, Guylaine Le Dorze & Carolina Bottari - 2014 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 8 (3):170-182.
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  28.  38
    Analyse des confusions dans l’identification d’expressions faciales émotionnelles: comparaison de deux modalités de jugement.Gilles Kirouac, François Y. Doré & Pierre Gosselin - 1983 - Semiotica 45 (1-2).
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  29.  13
    Similarities and Differences Between Eye and Mouse Dynamics During Web Pages Exploration.Alexandre Milisavljevic, Fabrice Abate, Thomas Le Bras, Bernard Gosselin, Matei Mancas & Karine Doré-Mazars - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The study of eye movements is a common way to non-invasively understand and analyze human behavior. However, eye-tracking techniques are very hard to scale, and require expensive equipment and extensive expertise. In the context of web browsing, these issues could be overcome by studying the link between the eye and the computer mouse. Here, we propose new analysis methods, and a more advanced characterization of this link. To this end, we recorded the eye, mouse, and scroll movements of 151 participants (...)
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    Report on the General Police / Rapport sur la Police générale.Louis-Antoine Saint-Just, Christopher Fotheringham & Jérémie Barthas - 2014 - Theoria: A Journal of Social and Political Theory 61 (141):76-113.
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    The Ethics of Tax Evasion.Philipp Bagus, Walter Block, Marian Eabrasu, David Howden & Jérémie Rostan - 2011 - Business and Society Review 116 (3):375-401.
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    Central banking and inequalities: old tropes and new practices.Peter Dietsch, François Claveau, Clément Fontan & Jérémie Dion - 2022 - In Guillaume Vallet, Silvio Kappes & Louis-Philippe Rochon, Central Banking, Monetary Policy and Social Responsibility. Edward Elgar Publishing. pp. 88-111.
  33.  36
    Involving psychological therapy stakeholders in responsible research to develop an automated feedback tool: Learnings from the ExTRAPPOLATE project.Jacob A. Andrews, Mat Rawsthorne, Cosmin Manolescu, Matthew Burton McFaul, Blandine French, Elizabeth Rye, Rebecca McNaughton, Michael Baliousis, Sharron Smith, Sanchia Biswas, Erin Baker, Dean Repper, Yunfei Long, Tahseen Jilani, Jeremie Clos, Fred Higton, Nima Moghaddam & Sam Malins - 2022 - Journal of Responsible Technology 11 (C):100044.
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    Early Conceptual Knowledge About Food.Matteo Gandolini, Andrea Borghini & Jérémie Lafraire - forthcoming - Review of Philosophy and Psychology:1-21.
    Recent research suggests that preschool (three- to six-years-old) children’s food cognition involves much more than the nutritional information usually conveyed by traditional food education programs. This review aims at collecting the empirical evidence documenting the richness of preschoolers’ conceptual knowledge about food. After introducing the relevance of the topic in the context of the research in early food rejection dispositions (Sect. 1), we draw from empirical contributions to propose the first classification of food knowledge in the field, which includes taxonomic (...)
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    Corpus de langue des signes : situer les biais des méthodes d'annotation et d'analyse.Annelies Braffort, Emilie Chételat-Pelé & Jérémie Segouat - 2011 - Corpus 10 (10):25-40.
    Cet article propose un tour d’horizon de différents types de biais que l’on peut rencontrer dans les études basées sur l’annotation de corpus vidéo de langue des signes. En tâchant de situer objectivement les choix effectués et les biais potentiels à chaque étape, nous décrivons les méthodologies que nous avons mises en place dans trois études, portant respectivement sur la synchronisation des composantes corporelles, le mouvement des sourcils et les clignements des yeux, puis la coarticulation.
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  36.  33
    Effect of Background Music on Attentional Control in Older and Young Adults.Amélie Cloutier, Natalia B. Fernandez, Catherine Houde-Archambault & Nathalie Gosselin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Dynamics of Oddball Sound Processing: Trial-by-Trial Modeling of ECoG Signals.Françoise Lecaignard, Raphaëlle Bertrand, Peter Brunner, Anne Caclin, Gerwin Schalk & Jérémie Mattout - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Recent computational models of perception conceptualize auditory oddball responses as signatures of a learning process, in line with the influential view of the mismatch negativity as a prediction error signal. Novel MMN experimental paradigms have put an emphasis on neurophysiological effects of manipulating regularity and predictability in sound sequences. This raises the question of the contextual adaptation of the learning process itself, which on the computational side speaks to the mechanisms of gain-modulated prediction error. In this study using electrocorticographic signals, (...)
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    Affordance Realization in Climbing: Learning and Transfer.Ludovic Seifert, Dominic Orth, Bruno Mantel, Jérémie Boulanger, Romain Hérault & Matt Dicks - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  39.  23
    Greater reliance on the eye region predicts better face recognition ability.Jessica Royer, Caroline Blais, Isabelle Charbonneau, Karine Déry, Jessica Tardif, Brad Duchaine, Frédéric Gosselin & Daniel Fiset - 2018 - Cognition 181 (C):12-20.
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  40.  19
    Influence of Background Musical Emotions on Attention in Congenital Amusia.Natalia B. Fernandez, Patrik Vuilleumier, Nathalie Gosselin & Isabelle Peretz - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
    Congenital amusia in its most common form is a disorder characterized by a musical pitch processing deficit. Although pitch is involved in conveying emotion in music, the implications for pitch deficits on musical emotion judgements is still under debate. Relatedly, both limited and spared musical emotion recognition was reported in amusia in conditions where emotion cues were not determined by musical mode or dissonance. Additionally, assumed links between musical abilities and visuo-spatial attention processes need further investigation in congenital amusics. Hence, (...)
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  41.  42
    Strawberries and Cream: The Relationship Between Food Rejection and Thematic Knowledge of Food in Young Children.Abigail Pickard, Jean-Pierre Thibaut & Jérémie Lafraire - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:626701.
    Establishing healthy dietary habits in childhood is crucial in preventing long-term repercussions, as a lack of dietary variety in childhood leads to enduring impacts on both physical and cognitive health. Poor conceptual knowledge about food has recently been shown to be a driving factor of food rejection. The majority of studies that have investigated the development of food knowledge along with food rejection have mainly focused on one subtype of conceptual knowledge about food, namely taxonomic categories (e.g., vegetables or meat). (...)
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  42.  36
    Reverse correlating trustworthy faces in young and older adults.Catherine Éthier-Majcher, Sven Joubert & Frédéric Gosselin - 2013 - Frontiers in Psychology 4.
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  43.  33
    Understanding Freshness Perception from the Cognitive Mechanisms of Flavor: The Case of Beverages.Jérémy Roque, Malika Auvray & Jérémie Lafraire - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 8:306681.
    Freshness perception has received recent consideration in the field of consumer science mainly because of its hedonic dimension, which is assumed to influence consumers’ preference and behavior. However, most studies have considered freshness as a multisensory attribute of food and beverage products without investigating the cognitive mechanisms at hand. In the present review, we endorse a slightly different perspective on freshness. We focus on (i) the multisensory integration processes that underpin freshness perception, and (ii) the top–down factors that influence the (...)
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  44.  18
    Impact of Music on Working Memory in Rwanda.Sara-Valérie Giroux, Serge Caparos, Nathalie Gosselin, Eugène Rutembesa & Isabelle Blanchette - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Responding to Sanist Microaggressions with Acts of Epistemic Resistance.Abigail Gosselin - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (2):293-314.
    People who have mental health diagnoses are often subject to sanist microaggressions in which pejorative terms to describe mental illness are used to represent that which is discreditable. Such microaggressions reflect and perpetrate stigma against severe mental illness, often held unconsciously as implicit bias. In this article, I examine the sanist attitudes that underlie sanist microaggressions, analyzing some of the cognitive biases that support mental illness stigma. Then I consider what responsibility we have with respect to microaggressions. I argue that (...)
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  46.  24
    Book Review Section 1. [REVIEW]Bill Armaline, Kathy Farber, Kathleen Knight Abowitz, Deron R. Boyles, Cynthia I. Gerstl-Pepin, Colette Gosselin, Linda Irwin-Devitis, Benjamin Baez & Huey-li Li - 1999 - Educational Studies 30 (2):161-200.
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  47. The works of Jeremy Bentham.Jeremy Bentham & John Bowring - 1962 - New York,: Russell & Russell. Edited by John Bowring.
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    The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Official Aptitude Maximized, Expense Minimized.Jeremy Bentham (ed.) - 1993 - Clarendon Press.
    The essays which Bentham collected together for publication in 1830 under the title of Official Aptitude Maximized; Expense Minimized, written at various times between 1810 and 1830, deal with the means of achieving efficient and economical government. In considering a wide range of themes in the fields of constitutional law, public finance, and legal reform, Bentham places the problem of official corruption at the centre of his analysis. He contrasts his own recommendations for good administration, which he had fully developed (...)
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    Attachments: Psychiatry, Psychotherapy, Psychoanalysis: The Selected Works of Jeremy Holmes.Jeremy Holmes - 2014 - Routledge.
    For three decades Jeremy Holmes has been a leading figure in psychodynamic psychiatry in the UK and across the world. He has played a central role in promoting the ideas of John Bowlby and in developing the clinical applications - psychiatric and psychotherapeutic - of Attachment Theory in working with adults. Drawing on both psychoanalytic and attachment ideas, Holmes has been able to encompass a truly biopsychosocialperspective. As a psychotherapist Holmes brings together psychodynamic, systemic and cognitive models, alert to vital (...)
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    The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham: Correspondence: Volume 10: July 1820 to December 1821.Jeremy Bentham (ed.) - 1968 - London: Clarendon Press.
    This is the tenth volume of the Correspondence produced in the new edition of The Collected Works of Jeremy Bentham. The great majority of the letters have never before been published. They illustrate the composition, editing, publication, and reception of several of his works. The volume reveals Bentham's attempts to influence developments in France, the USA, Greece, Spain, Portugal, and South America. Despite Bentham's importance as jurist, philosopher, and social scientist, and leader of the Utilitarian reformers, the only previous edition (...)
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