Results for 'Jung-A. Lee'

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  1.  46
    Hydrogen-induced softening in nanocrystalline Ni investigated by nanoindentation.Yakai Zhao, Moo-Young Seok, Dong-Hyun Lee, Jung-A. Lee, Jin-Yoo Suh & Jae-il Jang - forthcoming - Philosophical Magazine:1-9.
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    Comparison of Bootstrap Confidence Interval Methods for GSCA Using a Monte Carlo Simulation.Kwanghee Jung, Jaehoon Lee, Vibhuti Gupta & Gyeongcheol Cho - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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    Strain-dependent transition of time-dependent deformation mechanism in single-crystal ZnO evaluated by spherical nanoindentation.Yong-Jae Kim, In-Chul Choi, Jung-A. Lee, Moo-Young Seok & Jae-il Jang - 2015 - Philosophical Magazine 95 (16-18):1896-1906.
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  4. Workshop on Approaches or Methods of Security Engineering (AMSE 2006, Sess. A)-A Robust Routing Protocol by a Substitute Local Path in Ad Hoc Networks.Mary Wu, SangJoon Jung, Seunghwan Lee & Chonggun Kim - 2006 - In O. Stock & M. Schaerf, Lecture Notes In Computer Science. Springer Verlag. pp. 93-103.
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    Barriers to Using Balance and Gait Assessment Tools by Physical Therapists in Patients with Neurological Impairments: A Systematic Review.Ho Young Jang, You Lim Kim, Jung Lim Oh & Suk Min Lee - 2017 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 8 (4).
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    The ethical foundations of early Daoism: Zhuangzi's unique moral vision.Jung H. Lee - 2014 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Introduction -- Daoism and "morality" -- Hearing the silent harmony: revisioning ethics in the Zhuangzi -- Travellers on the way: friendship in the Zhuangzi -- The preservation of the Way: rights, community, and social ethics in the Zhuangzi -- The great returning: death and transformation in the Zhuangzi -- Inwardly a sage, outwardly a king: the Way as ruler.
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  7. The Rhetoric Of Context.Jung H. Lee - 2013 - Journal of Religious Ethics 41 (4):555-584.
    This paper presents a critical appraisal of the recent turn in comparative religious ethics to virtue theory; it argues that the specific aspirations of virtue ethicists to make ethics more contextual, interdisciplinary, and practice-centered has in large measure failed to match the rhetoric. I suggest that the focus on the category of the human and practices associated with self-formation along with a methodology grounded in “analogical imagination” has actually poeticized the subject matter into highly abstract textual studies on normative voices (...)
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  8. Problems of religious pluralism: A zen critique of John Hick's ontological monomorphism.Jung H. Lee - 1998 - Philosophy East and West 48 (3):453-477.
    John Hick's "pluralistic hypothesis" of religion essays a comprehensive vision of religious diversity and its attendant soteriological, epistemological, and ontological implications. At the heart of Hick's proposal is the belief in the transcendental unity and soteriological identity of all religions. While coherent and compelling, Hick's model militates against those traditions that do not possess an ultimate noumenal referent that undergirds the phenomenal responses of culturally conditioned traditions. One of those traditions, namely Sōtō Zen Buddhism, at once defies Hick's categories and (...)
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  9.  73
    The CRISPR Revolution in Genome Engineering: Perspectives from Religious Ethics.Jung Lee - 2022 - Journal of Religious Ethics 50 (3):333-360.
    This focus issue considers the normative implications of the recent emergence in genome editing technology known as CRISPR (clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats) or CRISPR‐associated protein 9. Originally discovered in the adaptive immune systems of bacteria and archaea, CRISPR enables researchers to make efficient and site‐specific modifications to the genomes of cells and organisms. More accessible, precise, and economic than previous gene editing technologies, CRISPR holds the promise of not only transforming the fields of genetics, agriculture, and human medicine, (...)
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  10.  33
    Host Country Sourcing of Multinational Enterprises: A Corporate Social Responsibility Perspective.Jae C. Jung & Khan-Pyo Lee - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 152 (3):683-701.
    Through corporate social responsibility activities, a firm can develop the capability for managing and benefiting from stakeholder relationships. This study refers to such a capability as stakeholder influence capacity. In a host country, locally sourcing parts and/or materials can generate economic value and improve social welfare. Moreover, local sourcing provides opportunities for a foreign firm to apply and advance SIC while closely interacting with host-country stakeholders. Accordingly, we expect that a firm, having gained SIC through CSR activities in its home (...)
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  11.  91
    A Cross-Cultural Examination of SNS Usage Intensity and Managing Interpersonal Relationships Online: The Role of Culture and the Autonomous-Related Self-Construal.Soon Li Lee, Jung-Ae Kim, Karen Jennifer Golden, Jae-Hwi Kim & Miriam Sang-Ah Park - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  12.  35
    Anthropomorphic Design: Emotional Perception for Deformable Object.Jung Min Lee, Jongsoo Baek & Da Young Ju - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:387347.
    Despite the increasing number of studies on user experience and user interfaces, few studies have examined emotional interaction between humans and deformable objects. In the current study, we investigated how the anthropomorphic design of a flexible display interacts with emotion. For 101 unique 3D images in which an object was bent at different axes, 281 participants were asked to report how strongly the object evoked five elemental emotions (e.g., happiness, disgust, anger, fear, and sadness) in an online survey. People rated (...)
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  13.  65
    The way of poetic influence: Revisioning the "syncretist chapters" of the zhuangzi.Jung H. Lee - 2008 - Philosophy East and West 58 (4):pp. 552-571.
    This essay examines the intra-poetic relationship between the "Inner Chapters" and the "Syncretist Chapters" of the Zhuangzi , exploring the affinities and tensions between the two competing works by analyzing not only how the Syncretist authors deliberately displace and recast the precursor poem by engaging in an act of creative revisionism, but also how the "Syncretist Chapters" unconsciously reveal a hidden debt to the "Inner Chapters," especially in regard to the practices of inner cultivation and a cosmology of the Dao. (...)
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  14. What is it like to be a butterfly? A philosophical interpretation of zhuangzi's butterfly dream.Jung H. Lee - 2007 - Asian Philosophy 17 (2):185 – 202.
    This paper attempts to recast Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream within the larger normative context of the 'Inner Chapters' and early Daoism in terms of its moral significance, particularly in the way that it prescribes how a Daoist should live through the 'significant symbol' of the butterfly. This normative reading of the passage will be contrasted with two recent interpretations of the passage - one by Robert Allinson and the other by Harold Roth - that tend to focus more on the epistemological (...)
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  15.  24
    A Comparative Study on the Performance of GSCA and CSA in Parameter Recovery for Structural Equation Models With Ordinal Observed Variables.Kwanghee Jung, Pavel Panko, Jaehoon Lee & Heungsun Hwang - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  16.  30
    Comparative Religious Ethics and the Politics of Christian Identity.Jung H. Lee - 2019 - Journal of Religious Ethics 47 (4):781-788.
    I present a brief historical narrative of the legacy of Christian ethics in comparative religious ethics (CRE) that attempts to make sense of the tensions within the field from the perspective of the politics of identity with reference to its changing content and practices—its internal history—and what might be called the background conditions—its external history—that shaped not only the content and methods of CRE but also its self‐understanding. Given the politics of Christian identity and the historical development of religious ethics (...)
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  17.  69
    An Ethics of Propriety: Ritual, Roles, and Dependence in Early Confucianism.Jung H. Lee - 2013 - Asian Philosophy 23 (2):153-165.
    This study examines the normative foundations of early Confucian ethics and suggests that rather than attempting to understand Confucian ethics in the language of ‘morality’ a more productive way would be to appreciate Confucianism as an ethics of propriety that can be articulated in terms of social roles, ritual decorum, and relational dependence. I argue that Western notions of ‘morality’ betray a thicker, more culturally loaded concept that possesses a limited utility in regard to comparative study. We can appeal to (...)
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  18.  70
    Antecedents of Adopting Corporate Environmental Responsibility and Green Practices.Jung Wan Lee, Young Min Kim & Young Ei Kim - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 148 (2):397-409.
    This paper examines the antecedents of organizational commitment for adopting corporate environmental responsibility and green practices in the case of the logistics industry in South Korea. Seven hundred and eighty employees and top management from logistics companies were sampled. The data were analyzed using factor analysis, structural equation modeling techniques, and one-way analysis of variance. The results showed that social expectations, organizational support, and stakeholder pressure were the important antecedents for the adoption of corporate environmental responsibility and green practices. In (...)
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  19.  45
    Mutual Transformation of Colonial and Imperial Botanizing? The Intimate yet Remote Collaboration in Colonial Korea.Jung Lee - 2016 - Science in Context 29 (2):179-211.
    ArgumentMutuality in “contact zones” has been emphasized in cross-cultural knowledge interaction in re-evaluating power dynamics between centers and peripheries and in showing the hybridity of modern science. This paper proposes an analytical pause on this attempt to better invalidate centers by paying serious attention to the limits of mutuality in transcultural knowledge interaction imposed by asymmetries of power. An unusually reciprocal interaction between a Japanese forester, Ishidoya Tsutomu, at the colonial forestry department, and his Korean subordinate Chung Tyaihyon is chosen (...)
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  20.  42
    Ethics After Comparative Religious Ethics: Rereading Little and Twiss in a Pragmatic Light.Jung H. Lee - 2024 - Journal of Religious Ethics 52 (1):71-94.
    This paper presents a rereading of David Little and Sumner Twiss's Comparative Religious Ethics in the context of its initial reception and legacy within the field of religious ethics and argues that we can read it more charitably as a piece of pragmatism rather than as a work of formalism or semi-formalism. If one does not read Little and Twiss as committed positivists concerned with realizing a specific research program associated with the “twilight of logical empiricism,” then their theoretical and (...)
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  21. The moral power of Jim: A mencian reading of huckleberry Finn.Jung H. Lee - 2009 - Asian Philosophy 19 (2):101 – 118.
    This paper examines the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn in the light of the early Confucian thinker Mencius, arguing in essence that Mencian theories of moral development and self-cultivation can help us to recover the moral significance of Twain's novel. Although 'ethical criticisms' of Huckleberry Finn share a long history, I argue that most interpretations have failed to appreciate the moral significance of Jim, either by focusing on the moral arc of Huck in isolation or by casting Jim in one-dimensional terms (...)
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  22.  26
    Comparative Religious Ethics Among the Ruins.Jung Lee - 2014 - Journal of Religious Ethics 42 (3):571-584.
    This is a response to the recent essay by Elizabeth M. Bucar and Aaron Stalnaker on “Comparative Religious Ethics as a Field of Study.” I clarify my earlier positions on method and virtue in comparative religious ethics and try to respond to some of the issues that Bucar and Stalnaker raise in regard to my arguments specifically and the field more generally. I argue that while we need not measure the practical impact of scholarly work in comparative religious ethics purely (...)
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  23. Does Ethics Statement of a Public Relations Firm Make a Difference? Yes it Does!!Eyun-Jung Ki, Hong-Lim Choi & Junghyuk Lee - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 105 (2):267-276.
    Attempting to determine solutions for unethical practices in the field, this research was designed to assess the effectiveness of public relations firms’ ethics statements in decreasing the incidence of malpractice. This study revealed an encouraging finding that practitioners working in firms with ethical parameters were significantly more likely to engage in ethical practices. Moreover, educating public relations practitioners about the content of ethics statement could positively influence their ethical practices. At the same time, this study’s findings suggest further questions for (...)
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  24. Factors affecting ethical practice of public relations professionals within public relations firms.Eyun-Jung Ki, Junghyuk Lee & Hong-Lim Choi - 2012 - Asian Journal of Business Ethics 1 (2):123 - 141.
    Abstract This study was designed to investigate the factors affecting ethical practices of public relations professionals in public relations firms. In particular, the following organizational ethics factors were examined: (1) presence of ethics code, (2) top management support for ethical practice, (3) ethical climate, and (4) perception of the association between career success and ethical practice. Analysis revealed that the presence of an ethics code along with top management support and a non-egoistic ethical climate within public relations firms significantly influenced (...)
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  25.  24
    Smartphone-Based Psychotherapeutic Micro-Interventions to Improve Mood in a Real-World Setting.Gunther Meinlschmidt, Jong-Hwan Lee, Esther Stalujanis, Angelo Belardi, Minkyung Oh, Eun Kyung Jung, Hyun-Chul Kim, Janine Alfano, Seung-Schik Yoo & Marion Tegethoff - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  26.  24
    Surface Stickiness Perception by Auditory, Tactile, and Visual Cues.Hyungeol Lee, Eunsil Lee, Jiye Jung & Junsuk Kim - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:471990.
    This study aimed to explore the psychophysical bases of multisensory surface stickiness perception by investigating how sensitively humans perceive different levels of stickiness intensity conveyed by auditory, tactile, and visual cues. First, we sorted five different sticky stimuli by perceived intensity in ascending order for each modality separately and evaluated the discrimination sensitivities of each participant using a fitted psychometric curve. Results showed that perceptual intensity orders were not identical to physical intensity order and that the sequential order of perceived (...)
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  27.  24
    Socially skilling toil: New artisanship in papermaking in late Chosŏn Korea.Jung Lee - 2019 - History of Science 57 (2):167-193.
    In pre-modern Korea, paper was renowned for its white glossy surface and cloth-like strength, becoming an important item in both tributary exchanges and private trade. The unique material of the tak tree and related technical innovations, including toch’im, the repeated beating of just-produced paper that provides sizing and fulling effects, were crucial to this fame. However, the scholar-officials who integrated papermaking into the state production system in order to meet administrative and tributary needs initially made toch’im corvée and then penal (...)
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  28.  31
    天符經을 통해서 본 東學과 多夕의 기독교 이해 ‐기독교의 토착화를 위한 水雲과 多夕의 한 접점 모색.Jung-bae Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 50:1167-1176.
    What I pay attention to in this article is the relationship between Su-wun (水雲) and Da-seok (多夕) in their thoughts. As is generally known, Dong-hak (東學) has been recognized as an independent national religion which rediscovered the forgotten God of Korean People. It is indicated by the fact that Dong-hak is a system of thought which has inherited and developed the theory of three foundations (三才) as the worldview of Cheonbugyeong. In this paper, what I find to be missing in (...)
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  29.  26
    Dynamic Capabilities and an ESG Strategy for Sustainable Management Performance.Yi Liang, Min Jae Lee & Jin Sup Jung - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    This research explores the dynamic capabilities required for firms to implement environmental, social, and governance strategies, and investigates sustainable management performance that can be created based on them. By using dynamic capabilities theory, we integrate sustainable management and the ESG literature to suggest a research model and identify the factors that act as the catalysts achieving sustainability. The data used for the analysis were collected from 78 firms listed on the Korea Exchange with assets totaling more than 2 trillion Korean (...)
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  30.  60
    Carr, Karen L., and Philip J. Ivanhoe, The Sense of Antirationalism: The Religious Thought of Zhuangzi and Kierkegaard: Charleston, SC: CreateSpace, 2010, xix+218 pages.Jung H. Lee - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (2):245-249.
  31.  26
    Reply to Carr and Ivanhoe.Jung H. Lee - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10 (2):253-254.
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  32.  36
    Evaluating attention deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms in children and adolescents through tracked head movements in a virtual reality classroom: The effect of social cues with different sensory modalities.Yoon Jae Cho, Jung Yon Yum, Kwanguk Kim, Bokyoung Shin, Hyojung Eom, Yeon-ju Hong, Jiwoong Heo, Jae-jin Kim, Hye Sun Lee & Eunjoo Kim - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    BackgroundAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder is clinically diagnosed; however, quantitative analysis to statistically analyze the symptom severity of children with ADHD via the measurement of head movement is still in progress. Studies focusing on the cues that may influence the attention of children with ADHD in classroom settings, where children spend a considerable amount of time, are relatively scarce. Virtual reality allows real-life simulation of classroom environments and thus provides an opportunity to test a range of theories in a naturalistic and (...)
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  33. On Toleration in Social Work.Thomas M. Besch & Jung-Sook Lee - 2018 - European Journal of Social Work 21 (2):311–322.
    Toleration is one of many responses toward diversity and difference. With the growing diversity, the theme of toleration has often taken center stage in discussions of multiculturalism and social pluralism. Nonetheless, it has not received much attention in the social work profession. Social workers often encounter situations in which they face a choice between tolerating and not tolerating. We argue that toleration is a legitimate and relevant topic in social work discourse. To make this point, first, this paper discusses different (...)
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  34. Toleration, Reasonableness, and Power.Thomas M. Besch & Jung-Sook Lee - 2020 - In Mitja Sardoč, The Palgrave Handbook of Toleration. Palgrave-Macmillan.
    This chapter explores Rainer Forst’s justification-centric view of nondomination toleration. This view places an idea of equal respect and a corresponding requirement of reciprocal and general justification at the core of non-domination toleration. After reconstructing this view, this chapter addresses two issues. First, even if this idea of equal respect requires the limits of non-domination toleration to be drawn in a manner that is equally justifiable to all affected people, equal justifiability should not be understood in terms of Forst’s requirement (...)
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  35.  86
    Older Korean People's Desire To Participate in Health Care Decision Making.Soo Jung Chang, Kyung Ja Lee, In Sook Kim & Won Hee Lee - 2008 - Nursing Ethics 15 (1):73-86.
    The purpose of this study was to identify how older Korean people seek information and their desire to participate in decision making about their health care. A total of 165 elderly people living in Seoul, South Korea, participated in the study. Data were collected during individual interviews using the Autonomy Preference Index. The mean information-seeking score was high. The mean score for their desire to participate with a physician in decision making was lower, but this was higher when family members (...)
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  36.  12
    Impact of the life-sustaining treatment decision act on organ donation in out-of-hospital cardiac arrests in South Korea: a multi-centre retrospective study.Min Jae Kim, Dong Eun Lee, Jong Kun Kim, In Hwan Yeo, Haewon Jung, Jung Ho Kim, Tae Chang Jang, Sang-Hun Lee, Jinwook Park, Deokhyeon Kim & Hyun Wook Ryoo - 2024 - BMC Medical Ethics 25 (1):1-9.
    The demand for organ transplants, both globally and in South Korea, substantially exceeds the supply, a situation that might have been aggravated by the enactment of the Life-Sustaining Treatment Decision Act (LSTDA) in February 2018. This legislation may influence emergency medical procedures and the availability of organs from brain-dead donors. This study aimed to assess LSTDA’s impact, introduced in February 2018, on organ donation status in out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) patients in a metropolitan city and identified related factors. We conducted (...)
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  37.  22
    Application of the Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics-6 (SAVE-6) and Coronavirus Anxiety Scale (CAS) to Measure Anxiety in Cancer Patient in Response to COVID-19. [REVIEW]Myung Hee Ahn, Jihoon Lee, Sooyeon Suh, Sangha Lee, Hwa Jung Kim, Yong-Wook Shin & Seockhoon Chung - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    This study investigated the usefulness of the six-item Stress and Anxiety to Viral Epidemics scale and the Coronavirus Anxiety Scale as tools to assess anxiety related to coronavirus disease in cancer patients. A total of 221 patients with cancer responded to an anonymous online questionnaire between 15 July and 15 August 2020. The functional impairment of the patients was assessed using the Work and Social Adjustment Scale, and the SAVE-6 and CAS were also applied. Among these 221 cancer patients, 110 (...)
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  38.  34
    Van Norden, Bryan W. (tr.), Mengzi: With Selections from Traditional Commentaries. [REVIEW]Jung H. Lee - 2012 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 11 (3):409-413.
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  39. Book Review. [REVIEW]Jung Lee - 2011 - Dao: A Journal of Comparative Philosophy 10:245-249.
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  40. A Systematic Review of MRI Neuroimaging for Education Research.Ching-Lin Wu, Tzung-Jin Lin, Guo-Li Chiou, Chia-Ying Lee, Hui Luan, Meng-Jung Tsai, Patrice Potvin & Chin-Chung Tsai - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study aims to disclose how the magnetic resonance imaging neuroimaging approach has been applied in education studies, and what kind of learning themes has been investigated in the reviewed MRI neuroimaging research. Based on the keywords “brain or neuroimaging or neuroscience” and “MRI or diffusion tensor imaging or white matter or gray matter or resting-state,” a total of 25 papers were selected from the subject areas “Educational Psychology” and “Education and Educational Research” from the Web of Science and Scopus (...)
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  41.  51
    Rumination as a Mediator between Childhood Trauma and Adulthood Depression/Anxiety in Non-clinical Participants.Ji S. Kim, Min J. Jin, Wookyoung Jung, Sang W. Hahn & Seung-Hwan Lee - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Emergence of Community‐Associated Methicillin‐Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Strains as a Cause of Healthcare‐Associated Bloodstream Infections in Korea.M. D. Sun Hee Park, Chulmin Park, Jin-Hong Yoo, Su-Mi Choi, Jung-Hyun Choi, Hyun-Ho Shin, Dong-Gun Lee, Seungok Lee, JaYoung Kim & So Eun Choi - 2009 - Emergence: Complexity and Organization 30 (2):146-155.
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  43.  29
    Understanding the meaning of emoji in mobile social payments: Exploring the use of mobile payments as hedonic versus utilitarian through skin tone modified emoji usage.Amelia Acker, Clive Unger, Ishank Arora, Wei-Jie Xiao, Pratik Shah, Charulata Ghosh, Jung-Ah Lee, Sabitha Sudarshan & Dhiraj Murthy - 2020 - Big Data and Society 7 (2).
    Despite research establishing emojis as sites of critical racial discourse, there is a paucity of literature examining their importance in the increasingly popular context of mobile payments. This is particularly important as new forms of social payment platforms such as Venmo bridge the seamlessness of mobile payments with the vibrant communicative practices of social networks. As such, they provide a unique medium to examine how emojis are used within the context of digital consumption, and by extension, self-representation. This study analyzes (...)
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  44.  89
    Simulation-Based Optimization on the System-of-Systems Model via Model Transformation and Genetic Algorithm: A Case Study of Network-Centric Warfare.Bong Gu Kang, Seon Han Choi, Se Jung Kwon, Jun Hee Lee & Tag Gon Kim - 2018 - Complexity 2018:1-15.
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    Multivalued Fixed Point Results for Two Families of Mappings in Modular-Like Metric Spaces with Applications.Tahair Rasham, Abdullah Shoaib, Choonkil Park, Manuel de la Sen, Hassen Aydi & Jung Rye Lee - 2020 - Complexity 2020:1-10.
    The aim of this research work is to find out some results in fixed point theory for a pair of families of multivalued mappings fulfilling a new type of U -contractions in modular-like metric spaces. Some new results in graph theory for multigraph-dominated contractions in modular-like metric spaces are developed. An application has been presented to ensure the uniqueness and existence of a solution of families of nonlinear integral equations.
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    Injury of the cingulum in patients with putaminal hemorrhage: a diffusion tensor tractography study.Hyeok Gyu Kwon, Byung Yeon Choi, Seong Ho Kim, Chul Hoon Chang, Young Jin Jung, Han Do Lee & Sung Ho Jang - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  47.  17
    Illuminating nursing's shadow side through a Jungian analysis of the film Fog in August.Margaret McAllister & Donna Lee Brien - 2020 - Nursing Inquiry 27 (3):e12348.
    Fog in August is a German film based on Robert Domes' historical novel of the same name. The film provides a fictionalized account of the institutionalization and eventual killing of children and adults labelled as a burden on the State and unworthy of life. On one level, this is a story of good versus evil, where innocent patients are manipulated by callous doctors and nurses. At a deeper level, however, it is possible to read the characters as more complex and (...)
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  48.  52
    巍巖 ․ 南塘 以後 性理學派의 人物性同異 論.Jung-Geun Hong - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:223-232.
    The great academic disputation of Ho-rak had been made for about 200 years since it began in 1709. An argument that the human nature and the nature of things are same or different was one of the main subjects for the great academic disputation. Gan Lee (李柬, 1677-1727) and Wonjin Han (韓元震, 1682-1751) were leading discussants of the argument. After Lee and Han, Neo-Confucian scholars in Joseon dynasty attempted comprehensively to synthesize their two views. But such Scholars as Seong-ju Lim (...)
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  49.  59
    Did Shilhak School in Chosun Dynasty Make a settlement of Sung-li Debate?Dong-hee Lee - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 9:279-290.
    This article has the purpose of examining the commentation that Sung-ho Yi Ik and Da-san Jung Yak-yong developed of Sa-chil Debate (사칠논쟁) Which was a philosophical debate in Chosun Dynasty. Sa-chil Debate began from Toe-gye Yi Whang and Ko-bong Gi Dae-sung and soon as a result of Yul-gok Yi Yi and Woo-gae Sung Hon repeating the debate, It appeared as a kind of philosophical theme. After that, Yul-gok and Toe-gye's students formed a kind of school. They also made the (...)
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  50.  18
    Review of Embracing Change: Postmodern Interpretations of the I Ching from a Christian Perspective by Jung Young Lee. [REVIEW]John Berthrong - 1996 - Philosophy East and West 46 (4):586-588.
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