Results for 'Judy Schaefer'

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  1.  30
    Review of Imagine What It's Like: A Literature and Medicine Anthology. [REVIEW]Judy Schaefer - 2009 - American Journal of Bioethics 9 (4):63-64.
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    A Suitable Measure of Redemption: Poems and Commentaries by Richard Berlin, Judy Schaefer, Audrey Shafer, John Graham-Pole, and John Wright.Jack Coulehan - 2000 - Journal of Medical Humanities 21 (4):189-198.
  3.  56
    The Right to Know: A Revised Standard for Reporting Incidental Findings.G. Owen Schaefer & Julian Savulescu - 2018 - Hastings Center Report 48 (2):22-32.
    The “best-medical-interests” standard for reporting findings does not go far enough. Research subjects have a right to know about any comprehensible piece of information about them that is generated by research in which they are participating. An even broader standard may sometimes be appropriate: if subjects agree to accept information that they may not understand, then all information may be disclosed.
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  4. The Ethics of Producing In Vitro Meat.G. Owen Schaefer & Julian Savulescu - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):188-202.
    The prospect of consumable meat produced in a laboratory setting without the need to raise and slaughter animals is both realistic and exciting. Not only could such in vitro meat become popular due to potential cost savings, but it also avoids many of the ethical and environmental problems with traditional meat productions. However, as with any new technology, in vitro meat is likely to face some detractors. We examine in detail three potential objections: 1) in vitro meat is disrespectful, either (...)
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  5. Autonomy and Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (2):123-136.
    Some have objected to human enhancement on the grounds that it violates the autonomy of the enhanced. These objections, however, overlook the interesting possibility that autonomy itself could be enhanced. How, exactly, to enhance autonomy is a difficult problem due to the numerous and diverse accounts of autonomy in the literature. Existing accounts of autonomy enhancement rely on narrow and controversial conceptions of autonomy. However, we identify one feature of autonomy common to many mainstream accounts: reasoning ability. Autonomy can then (...)
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    Neuroethics: Defining the Issues in Theory, Practice, and Policy.Judy Illes (ed.) - 2005 - Oxford University Press.
    Recent advances in the brain sciences have dramatically improved our understanding of brain function. As we find out more and more about what makes us tick, we must stop and consider the ethical implications of this new found knowledge. This ground-breaking book on the emerging field of neuroethics answers many pertinent questions, such as: What makes monitoring and manipulating the human brain so ethically challenging? Will having a new biology of the brain through imaging make us less responsible for our (...)
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  7. Clarifying how to deploy the public interest criterion in consent waivers for health data and tissue research.G. Owen Schaefer, Graeme Laurie, Sumytra Menon, Alastair V. Campbell & Teck Chuan Voo - 2020 - BMC Medical Ethics 21 (1):1-10.
    Background Several jurisdictions, including Singapore, Australia, New Zealand and most recently Ireland, have a public interest or public good criterion for granting waivers of consent in biomedical research using secondary health data or tissue. However, the concept of the public interest is not well defined in this context, which creates difficulties for institutions, institutional review boards and regulators trying to implement the criterion. Main text This paper clarifies how the public interest criterion can be defensibly deployed. We first explain the (...)
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  8.  15
    Field of compassion: how the new cosmology is transforming spiritual life.Judy Cannato - 2010 - Notre Dame, Ind.: Sorin Books.
    Introduction -- The significance of story -- Morphogenic fields -- The universe story and Christian story -- Morphic resonance : two stories converge -- The "kingdom of God" -- Emerging capacities -- Meditation -- The power of intention -- The fields converge -- A field of compassion -- Manifesting a field of compassion -- Engaging the grace we imagine.
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    Bringing capitalism back in: what the idea of the labour constitution adds to our understanding of labour law.Judy Fudge - 2018 - Jurisprudence 9 (2):398-401.
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    A lógica dialética: um estudo da obra filosófica de Caio Prado Júnior.Sérgio Schaefer - 1985 - Santa Cruz do Sul: FISC.
  11.  9
    Staatsform und Politik.Hans Schaefer - 1932 - Leipzig,: Dieterich'sche Verlagsbuchhandlung.
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    What to Do Between the Times?Judy Yates Siker - 2013 - Interpretation: A Journal of Bible and Theology 67 (3):245-255.
    The church looks with great anticipation to the seasons of Advent, Christmas, Lent, and Easter as opportunities for reflection on powerful passages of Scripture recalling the major events in our Christian story. In every liturgical year, however, there are 33 or 34 Sundays known as Ordinary Time that fall between those seasons. Must they be “ordinary”?
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  13. Direct vs. Indirect Moral Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer - 2015 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 25 (3):261-289.
    Moral enhancement is an ostensibly laudable project. Who wouldn’t want people to become more moral? Still, the project’s approach is crucial. We can distinguish between two approaches for moral enhancement: direct and indirect. Direct moral enhancements aim at bringing about particular ideas, motives or behaviors. Indirect moral enhancements, by contrast, aim at making people more reliably produce the morally correct ideas, motives or behaviors without committing to the content of those ideas, motives and/or actions. I will argue, on Millian grounds, (...)
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    Early understanding of the representational function of pictures.Judy S. DeLoache & Nancy M. Burns - 1994 - Cognition 52 (2):83-110.
  15.  35
    A Cross-Cultural Neuroethics View on the Language of Disability.Judy Illes & Hayami Lou - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (2):75-84.
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  16. Procedural Moral Enhancement.G. Owen Schaefer & Julian Savulescu - 2016 - Neuroethics 12 (1):73-84.
    While philosophers are often concerned with the conditions for moral knowledge or justification, in practice something arguably less demanding is just as, if not more, important – reliably making correct moral judgments. Judges and juries should hand down fair sentences, government officials should decide on just laws, members of ethics committees should make sound recommendations, and so on. We want such agents, more often than not and as often as possible, to make the right decisions. The purpose of this paper (...)
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  17. Rhetoric of health and medicine.Judy Segal - 2009 - In Andrea A. Lunsford, Kirt H. Wilson & Rosa A. Eberly, SAGE Handbook of Rhetorical Studies. SAGE. pp. 227--245.
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  18. Procedural versus substantive justice: Rawls and Nozick.David Lewis Schaefer - 2007 - Social Philosophy and Policy 24 (1):164-186.
    This paper critically assesses the “procedural” accounts of political justice set forth by John Rawls in A Theory of Justice (1971) and Robert Nozick in Anarchy, State, and Utopia (1974). I argue that the areas of agreement between Rawls and Nozick are more significant than their disagreements. Even though Nozick offers trenchant criticisms of Rawls's argument for economic redistribution (the “difference principle”), Nozick's own economic libertarianism is undermined by his “principle of rectification,” which he offers as a possible ground in (...)
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    Contributing to Discourse.Herbert H. Clark & Edward F. Schaefer - 1989 - Cognitive Science 13 (2):259-294.
    For people to contribute to discourse, they must do more than utter the right sentence at the right time. The basic requirement is that they add to their common ground in an orderly way. To do this, we argue, they try to establish for each utterance the mutual belief that the addressees have understood what the speaker meant well enough for current purposes. This is accomplished by the collective actions of the current contributor and his or her partners, and these (...)
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  20.  68
    Justice or tyranny?: A critique of John Rawls's A theory of justice.David Lewis Schaefer - 1979 - Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press.
  21.  59
    (1 other version)Trade associations and corporate social responsibility: Evidence from the UK water and film industries.Anja Schaefer & Finola Kerrigan - 2008 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 17 (2):171–195.
    In highly structured organisational fields individual efforts to deal rationally with uncertainty and constraints tend to lead, in the aggregate, to greater homogeneity in structure, culture and output. Drawing on institutional theory, this paper develops research propositions regarding the nature and scope of corporate social responsibility (CSR) engagement at trade/industry association level. The cases of the water and sewerage and film industries are used in order to test these propositions. The findings suggest that (a) trade associations in more homogeneous industries (...)
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  22. The Right to Withdraw from Research.G. Owen Schaefer & Alan Wertheimer - 2010 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 20 (4):329-352.
    The right to withdraw from participation in research is recognized in virtually all national and international guidelines for research on human subjects. It is therefore surprising that there has been little justification for that right in the literature. We argue that the right to withdraw should protect research participants from information imbalance, inability to hedge, inherent uncertainty, and untoward bodily invasion, and it serves to bolster public trust in the research enterprise. Although this argument is not radical, it provides a (...)
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  23.  43
    A Critique of Rawls' Contract Doctrine.David Lewis Schaefer - 1974 - Review of Metaphysics 28 (1):89 - 115.
    JOHN RAWLS IN A Theory of Justice attempts to deduce "the principles of justice" from the idea of a "contract" among free and equal persons. The factor which obviously distinguishes Rawls’ contract doctrine from the teachings of the great social contract philosophers who preceded him is that it does not rest on any examination of what the character of an actual nonpolitical condition or "state of nature" among men would be. Rawls’ procedure is in fact the opposite of that followed (...)
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  24.  49
    Making Mistakes About One's “True” Self.G. Owen Schaefer - 2010 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 1 (3):8-9.
    Anderson-Shaw, Baslet, and Villano (2010) have rightfully pointed out the need for a more systematic approach in diagnosing and communicating to patients the effects of diseases and treatments on t...
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  25. The Obligation to Participate in Biomedical Research.G. Owen Schaefer, Ezekiel J. Emanuel & Alan Wertheimer - 2009 - Journal of the American Medical Association 302 (1):67-72.
    The current prevailing view is that participation in biomedical research is above and beyond the call of duty. While some commentators have offered reasons against this, we propose a novel public goods argument for an obligation to participate in biomedical research. Biomedical knowledge is a public good, available to any individual even if that individual does not contribute to it. Participation in research is a critical way to support an important public good. Consequently, all have a duty to participate. The (...)
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    An Institutional Analysis of Corporate Social Responsibility in Kenya.Judy N. Muthuri & Victoria Gilbert - 2011 - Journal of Business Ethics 98 (3):467 - 483.
    There is little doubt that Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is now a global concept and a prominent feature of international business, with its practice localised and differing across countries. Despite the growing body of research focussing on CSR in developing countries, there is dearth research on CSR institutionalisation in African countries. Drawing on institutional theory (IT), this article examines the focus and form of CSR practice of companies in Kenya. It is evident from our findings that the nature and orientation (...)
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    Intellectual Property, Fee or Free?Judy Anderson - 2012 - Journal of Information Ethics 21 (2):114-121.
    Changes in attitude toward intellectual property are covered here.
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    The lessons and messages of the holocaust as conveyed through Yom Hashoah (holocaust day) commemorations in selected Australian Jewish communities, 1945–1996.Judy Berman - 1999 - The European Legacy 4 (1):54-71.
    (1999). The lessons and messages of the holocaust as conveyed through Yom Hashoah (holocaust day) commemorations in selected Australian Jewish communities, 1945–1996. The European Legacy: Vol. 4, Postmodern Fascism, pp. 54-71.
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    Consciousness Without Constraint: Open String Theory - One Loose End.Judy B. Gardiner - 2016 - Cosmos and History 12 (2):83-98.
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  30. Jewish Values in the Marketplace.Rabbi Arthur Gross-Schaefer, Jd & Cpa - 2019 - In Mary L. Zamore & Elka Abrahamson, The sacred exchange: creating a Jewish money ethic. New York, NY: CCAR Press.
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    Deep Brain Stimulation: Paradoxes and a Plea.Judy Illes - 2012 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 3 (1):65-70.
    Deep brain stimulation (DBS) represents a promising new frontier in medicine and neuroscience for managing disorders of mental health that represent an enormous burden of disease on our societies. The caution and significant restraint of leaders in the evolution of DBS today stand in sharp and refreshing contrast to previous episodes in history. In embracing the anticipatory and pragmatic problem-solving approach of neuroethics to clinical neuroscience, four significant paradoxes for DBS today come to the fore: caution and innovation, capacity and (...)
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    Not forgetting forgetting.Judy Illes - 2007 - American Journal of Bioethics 7 (9):1 – 2.
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  33. Russell, Frege, and the nature of implication.Judy Pelham - 1999 - Topoi 18 (2):175-184.
  34. Brief Notices.Judy Quinn, Kate Heslop & Tarrin Wills - 2008 - Speculum 83 (4):1067.
  35.  42
    Perennial Wisdom and the Sayings of Mencius.Thomas E. Schaefer - 1963 - International Philosophical Quarterly 3 (3):428-444.
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    Visibility Sometimes Wandering and Sometimes Reassembled.Judy Spark - 2017 - Environmental Philosophy 14 (2):239-254.
    If we attend to things only in terms of their bearing on our own projects then our experience of them will be filtered through their compatibility or incompatibility with those aims. This essay is about the experience of rain in the northern latitudes and the work is built around a phenomenological description that relies on accounts of direct experience which are then considered through Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s conception of flesh. In thinking through the phenomenon in this way, the overlapping nature of (...)
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    Timing is everything: Evaluating behavioural causal theories of Britain's industrialisation.Judy Z. Stephenson - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Baumard's thesis that the English Industrial Revolution can be explained by Life History Theory's predictions for psychological development is a progression of much literature in economic and social history. However, the theory suffers from its reliance on increasingly fragile data indicators for “wealth” and its focus on “innovation” as new research begins to explore sectoral dynamics in long run growth.
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  38. Composing racial difference in Madama Butterfly : tonal language and power of Cio-Cio-San.Judy Tsou - 2015 - In Olivia Ashley Bloechl, Melanie Diane Lowe & Jeffrey Kallberg, Rethinking difference in music scholarship. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Chinese State-Owned Enterprises and Human Rights: The Importance of National and Intra-Organizational Pressures.Judy Muthuri & Glen Whelan - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (5):738-781.
    The growing global prominence of Chinese state-owned enterprises brings new dimensions to our understanding of multi-national corporations and human rights issues. This article constructs a three-level framework that enables the mapping of transnational, national, and intra-organizational human rights pressures, and uses this framework to identify and analyze the human rights that Chinese SOEs report concern with. The analysis provided suggests that while China’s most global SOEs are subject to transnational pressures to respect all human rights, such pressures appear outweighed by (...)
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  40.  21
    Illiberal Justice: John Rawls Vs. The American Political Tradition.David Lewis Schaefer - 2007 - University of Missouri.
    "Schaefer challenges John Rawls's practically sacrosanct status among scholars of political theory, law, and ethics by demonstrating how Rawls's teachings deviate from the core tradition of American constitutional liberalism toward ...
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    Professional Ethics in Context: Practising Rural Canadian Psychologists.Judi L. Malone - 2012 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 9 (4):463-477.
    The complexities of professional ethics are best understood and interpreted within their sociohistorical context. This paper focuses on the experience of 20 rural psychologists from across Canada, a context rife with demographic and practice characteristics that may instigate ethical issues. Employing hermeneutic phenomenology, these qualitative research results are indicative of professional struggles that impacted the participants’ experience of professional ethics and raised key questions about policy and practise. Concerns regarding competition highlight potential professional vulnerability, beget the idea of fostering general (...)
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  42.  10
    Betweenity: A Discussion of the Concept of Borderline.Judy Gammelgaard - 2010 - Routledge.
    From its inception psychoanalysis has sought to effect a cure through the therapeutic relationship between analyst and analysand. _Betweenity _looks at what happens when the established framework of the psychoanalytic process is challenged by those with borderline personalities. In this book Judy Gammelgaard looks at how we might understand the analysand who is unable to engage with therapy and how we might bring them to a point where they are able to do so. Areas of discussion include: the border (...)
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    Reflecting on the Past and Future of Neuroethics: The Brain on a Pedestal.Judy Illes - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (3):223-226.
    In October 2022, I had the privilege of joining Hank Greely on the opening panel of the annual International Neuroethics Society (INS) meeting in Montréal, Tiohtiá:ke, situated on the traditional t...
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    A meta-analysis of factors influencing the development of trust in automation: Implications for understanding autonomy in future systems.K. E. Schaefer, J. Y. Chen, J. L. Szalma & P. A. Hancock - 2016 - Human Factors 58.
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    Engaging Fringe Stakeholders in Business and Society Research: Applying Visual Participatory Research Methods.Judy N. Muthuri & Lauren McCarthy - 2018 - Business and Society 57 (1):131-173.
    Business and society researchers, as well as practitioners, have been critiqued for ignoring those with less voice and power often referred to as “fringe stakeholders.” Existing methods used in B&S research often fail to address issues of meaningful participation, voice and power, especially in developing countries. In this article, we stress the utility of visual participatory research methods in B&S research to fill this gap. Through a case study on engaging Ghanaian cocoa farmers on gender inequality issues, we explore how (...)
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  46. The importance of getting the ethics right in a pandemic treaty.G. Owen Schaefer, Caesar A. Atuire, Sharon Kaur, Michael Parker, Govind Persad, Maxwell J. Smith, Ross Upshur & Ezekiel Emanuel - 2023 - The Lancet Infectious Diseases 23 (11):e489 - e496.
    The COVID-19 pandemic revealed numerous weaknesses in pandemic preparedness and response, including underfunding, inadequate surveillance, and inequitable distribution of countermeasures. To overcome these weaknesses for future pandemics, WHO released a zero draft of a pandemic treaty in February, 2023, and subsequently a revised bureau's text in May, 2023. COVID-19 made clear that pandemic prevention, preparedness, and response reflect choices and value judgements. These decisions are therefore not a purely scientific or technical exercise, but are fundamentally grounded in ethics. The latest (...)
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  47.  77
    An Integrated Approach to Implementing ‹Community Participation’ in Corporate Community Involvement: Lessons from Magadi Soda Company in Kenya.Judy N. Muthuri, Wendy Chapple & Jeremy Moon - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (S2):431-444.
    Corporate community involvement is often regarded as means of development in developing countries. However, CCI is often criticised for patronage and insensitivity both to context and local priorities. A key concern is the extent of 'community participation' in corporate social decision-making. Community participation in CCI offers an opportunity for these criticisms to be addressed. This paper presents findings of research examining community participation in CCI governance undertaken by Magadi Soda Company in Kenya. We draw on socio-political governance and interaction theories (...)
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  48.  33
    Synergies of Translational and Transnational Neuroethics for Global Neuroscience.Judy Illes & Anthony J. Hannan - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):400-401.
    The momentum for global neuroscience that is geopolitically-free has never been greater, and neuroethics holds a unique place in this context both in its translational and transnational forms.In th...
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  49. Imaging or imagining? A neuroethics challenge informed by genetics.Judy Illes & Eric Racine - 2005 - American Journal of Bioethics 5 (2):5 – 18.
    From a twenty-first century partnership between bioethics and neuroscience, the modern field of neuroethics is emerging, and technologies enabling functional neuroimaging with unprecedented sensitivity have brought new ethical, social and legal issues to the forefront. Some issues, akin to those surrounding modern genetics, raise critical questions regarding prediction of disease, privacy and identity. However, with new and still-evolving insights into our neurobiology and previously unquantifiable features of profoundly personal behaviors such as social attitude, value and moral agency, the difficulty of (...)
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  50. Some cross-cultural evidence on ethical reasoning.Judy Tsui & Carolyn Windsor - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (2):143 - 150.
    This study draws on Kohlberg''s Cognitive Moral Development Theory and Hofstede''s Culture Theory to examine whether cultural differences are associated with variations in ethical reasoning. Ethical reasoning levels for auditors from Australia and China are expected to be different since auditors from China and Australia are also different in terms of the cultural dimensions of long term orientation, power distance, uncertainty avoidance and individualism. The Defining Issues Tests measuring ethical reasoning P scores were distributed to auditors from Australia and China (...)
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