Results for 'Hayami Lou'

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  1.  35
    A Cross-Cultural Neuroethics View on the Language of Disability.Judy Illes & Hayami Lou - 2019 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 10 (2):75-84.
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    Zhongguo de zhi hui: Lou Yulie de Bei da zhe xue ke.Yulie Lou - 2021 - Xianggang: Zhong he chu ban.
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    A logic for deontic dilemmas.Lou Goble - 2005 - Journal of Applied Logic 3 (3-4):461-483.
  4.  24
    An introduction to communication ethics: A book review by Lou Hodges. [REVIEW]Lou Hodges - 1997 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 12 (2):119 – 120.
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  5. Kodai chūsei no tetsugaku.Keiji Hayami - 1968 - Chikuma Shobo.
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    Chinatown transformed: Ideology, power, and resources in narrative place-making.Jackie Jia Lou - 2010 - Discourse Studies 12 (5):625-647.
    Combining textual, visual, and ethnographic approaches to discourse, this article examines a variety of resources employed in the narrative construction of Washington, DC’s Chinatown in a billboard advertisement that de-ethnicizes the neighborhood. Analysis of the linguistic resources of narrative structure, comparative reference, and lexical cohesion reveals how the gentrification of Chinatown is constructed as a positive transformation driven by a corporation. Further, the visual juxtaposition of text with photos and graphics appropriates the community voice and infuses it with corporate identity. (...)
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  7. Retrato de filósofo con bigote.Lou Andreas Salomé - 2000 - A Parte Rei 8:13.
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    (1 other version)The Concept of Moral Obligation.Lou Goble - 1996 - Philosophical and Phenomenological Research 60 (1):242-244.
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  9. Normative conflicts and the logic of 'ought'.Lou Goble - 2009 - Noûs 43 (3):450-489.
    On the face of it, normative conflicts are commonplace. Yet standard deontic logic declares them to be logically impossible. That prompts the question, What are the proper principles of normative reasoning if such conflicts are possible? This paper examines several alternatives that have been proposed for a logic of 'ought' that can accommodate normative conflicts, and finds all of them unsatisfactory as measured against three criteria of adequacy. It then introduces a new logic that does meet all three criteria, and (...)
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    Against the Multicultural Agenda: A Critical Thinking Alternative.Lou F. Caton & Yehudi O. Webster - 1999 - Substance 28 (2):167.
  11. Hēgeru no shūgyō henreki jidai.Keiji Hayami - 1974
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  12. Rogosu no kenkyū.Keiji Hayami - 1948
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  13. Runessansuki no tetsugaku.Keiji Hayami - 1958
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  14. Tetsugaku nenpyō.Keiji Hayami - 1949
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    Of Violence and Intimacy: the Shame of Loving and Being Loved.Lou-Marie Kruger - 2019 - Philosophical Journal of Conflict and Violence 3 (1).
    This paper explores violence in intimate relationships in one low-income community in the Western Cape, South Africa. In this community most intimate relationships (including parentchild, intimate partner relationships and friendships) seem to be characterized by anger, rage and also violence. In our analysis we discuss how the concepts of shame, guilt and the compulsion to repeat can serve to illuminate the seemingly inevitable link between violence and care in this specific community. It also seems that contextual factors such as class, (...)
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  16. Wen gu zhi xin: Zhongguo zhe xue yan jiu lun wen ji.Yulie Lou - 2004 - Beijing: Shang wu yin shu guan.
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    Reply to Roderick bucknell and Martin Stuart-fox.Lou Nordstrom - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (2):197-202.
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    The Big Questions: How Philosophy Can Change Your Life.Lou Marinoff - 2003 - Bloomsbury USA.
    From the author of the international bestseller Plato Not Prozac!, a vital guide to the art of living. Professor Lou Marinoff's first book drew on the wisdom of the great philosophers to solve our everyday problems, launching a movement that restored philosophy to what it once was: useful in all walks of life. Now, in The Big Questions, he takes the concept to the next level, applying centuries of philosophy and great literature to answer central questions of modern existence. Urging (...)
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  19. Preference Semantics for Deontic Logic - Part II: Multiplex Models.Lou Goble - 2004 - Logique Et Analyse 47.
  20.  78
    The Utility of Religious Illusion: A Critique of J.S. Mill's Religion of Humanity: Lou Matz.Lou Matz - 2000 - Utilitas 12 (2):137-154.
    In ‘Utility of Religion’, Mill argues that a wholly naturalistic religion of humanity would promote individual and social welfare better than supernatural religions like Christianity; in ‘Theism’, however, Mill defends the salutary effects of hope in an afterlife. While commentators have acknowledged this discrepancy, they have not examined the utilitarian value of what Mill terms ‘illusions’. In this essay, I explain Mill's case against the utility of supernatural religious belief and then argue that Mill cannot dismiss the utility of hope (...)
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  21. The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical Logic.Lou Goble (ed.) - 2001 - Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell.
    This volume presents a definitive introduction to twenty core areas of philosophical logic including classical logic, modal logic, alternative logics and close examinations of key logical concepts.
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    Philo of Alexandria.Jean Daniélou - 2014 - Eugene, Oregon: Cascade Books. Edited by James G. Colbert.
    Life of Philo -- Philo and his time -- The Bible at Alexandria -- Philo's exegesis -- Philo's theology -- Philo's spirituality -- Philo and the New Testament.
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    The logic of obligation, 'better' and 'worse'.Lou Goble - 1993 - Philosophical Studies 70 (2):133 - 163.
  24.  42
    Yoga: the method of re-integration.Alain Daniélou - 1949 - London: C. Johnson.
    Research with Children is a unique resource book on the methodology of childhood research. Leading and new researchers within the social studies of childhood discuss central questions of epistemology and methodology, demonstrating the links between theory and practice. The theoretical and practical questions are set out in a clear and well-argued fashion and will therefore appeal both to the newcomer to childhood studies and to experienced researchers in the field.
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  25.  86
    Neighborhoods for entailment.Lou Goble - 2003 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 32 (5):483-529.
    This paper presents a neighborhood semantics for logics of entailment. It begins with a minimal system Min that expresses the most fundamental assumptions about the entailment relation, and continues by examining various extensions that reflect further assumptions that might be made about entailment. This leads first to the logic B that is the basic relevant logic, and then to more powerful systems. All of these logics are proved to be sound and strongly complete. With B the neighborhood semantics meets the (...)
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  26. A rumor of empathy: reconstructing Heidegger’s contribution to empathy and empathic clinical practice.Lou Agosta - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (2):281-292.
    This article takes Heidegger's design distinctions for human being [Dasein] including affectivity, understanding, and speech, and, using these distinctions, generates a Heideggerian definition of empathy [Einfuehlung]. This article distinguishes empathic receptivity, empathic understanding, empathic interpretation, and empathic speech (or responsiveness). It also looks at characteristic breakdowns.
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  27. Combinatory Logic and the Semantics of Substructural Logics.Lou Goble - 2007 - Studia Logica 85 (2):171-197.
    The results of this paper extend some of the intimate relations that are known to obtain between combinatory logic and certain substructural logics to establish a general characterization theorem that applies to a very broad family of such logics. In particular, I demonstrate that, for every combinator X, if LX is the logic that results by adding the set of types assigned to X (in an appropriate type assignment system, TAS) as axioms to the basic positive relevant logic B∘T, then (...)
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  28.  53
    Questions of Distributive Justice: public health nurses' perceptions of long-term care insurance for elderly japanese people.Lou Ellen Barnes, Kiyomi Asahara, Anne J. Davis & Emiko Konishi - 2002 - Nursing Ethics 9 (1):67-79.
    This study examines public health nurses’ perceptions and concerns about the implications of Japan’s new long-term care insurance law concerning care provision for elderly people and their families. Respondents voiced their primary concern about this law as access to services for all elderly people needing care, and defined their major responsibility as strengthening health promotion and illness prevention programmes. Although wanting to expand their roles to meet the health care, social and public policy advocacy needs of elderly persons and their (...)
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    (9 other versions)Cases and Commentaries.Lou Hodges, Jeffrey A. Marks, Ted Frederickson, David Hawpe & Ralph D. Barney - 1991 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 6 (2):119-130.
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    Cases and Commentaries.Lou Hodges, Jane Kirtley, Richard Harwood, Rem Rieder & Paul McMasters - 1995 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 10 (4):248-256.
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    Hegel's missing moral virtues?Lou Matz - 1997 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 5 (2):321 – 338.
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  32.  12
    Philosophical Counseling for Counselors.Lou Matz - 2002 - International Journal of Philosophical Practice 1 (2):68-73.
    One promising form of philosophical practice is to conduct workshops on philosophical counseling for counselors. Since licensed professionals, such as Marriage and Family Counselors and Licensed Clinical Social Workers sometimes confront situations that raise philosophical issues and usually have a philosophical perspective that informs their practice, they could profit from a workshop on philosophical counseling; the workshop also qualifies for continuing education units (CEUs) that are typically required to renew their licenses. This paper describes the principal purposes of a workshop (...)
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    Philosophical Practice.Lou Marinoff - 2002
    This book provides a look at philosophical practice from the viewpoint of the practitioner or prospective practitioner. It answers the questions: What is philosophical practice? What are its aims and methods? How does philosophical counseling differ from psychological counseling and other forms of psychotherapy. How are philosophical practitioners educated and trained? How do philosophical practitioners relate to other professions? What are the politics of philosophical practice? How does one become a practitioner? What is APPA Certification? What are the prospects for (...)
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  34.  78
    (1 other version)Being Good and Being Logical: Philosophical Groundwork for a New Deontic Logic.Lou Goble & James Wm Forrester - 1998 - Philosophical Review 107 (2):298.
    Deontic logic ought to be fundamental to ethical theory and the theory of practical reasoning, but, for various reasons, it hasn’t been. James Forrester faults the standard systems themselves; so, in place of standard deontic logic, he proposes a new deontic logic that should, he thinks, serve moral philosophy more adequately.
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    The Twilight Language: Explorations in Buddhist Meditation and Symbolism.Lou Nordstrom - 1989 - Philosophy East and West 39 (1):104-106.
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    Heterogeneity in Community Size Effects: Exploring Variations in the Production of National Hockey League Draftees Between Canadian Cities.Lou Farah, Jörg Schorer, Joseph Baker & Nick Wattie - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Frantz Fanon’s Phenomenology of Black Mind: Sources, Critique, Dialectic.Lou Turner - 2001 - Philosophy Today 45 (Supplement):99-104.
  38.  84
    Utilitarian deontic logic.Lou Goble - 1996 - Philosophical Studies 82 (3):317 - 357.
  39.  70
    `Ought' and extensionality.Lou Goble - 1996 - Noûs 30 (3):330-355.
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    Corrigenda: Opacity and the ought-to-be.Lou Goble - 1974 - Noûs 8 (2):200.
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    Adapting intercultural research for performance: Enacting hospitality in interdisciplinary collaboration and public engagement.Lou Harvey - 2018 - Arts and Humanities in Higher Education 17 (4):371-387.
    This article theorises the process of adapting my research on intercultural communication for public performance in collaboration with a theatre company. I frame the collaboration as taking place within a hospitable institutional space, and then consider what it means to enact hospitality interpersonally, given Derrida's understanding that the condition of its possibility is at the same time the condition of its impossibility. I suggest that the enactment of hospitality can be understood through the application of an intercultural theoretical framework based (...)
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  42. Dare, Kao no keijijōgaku.Keiji Hayami - 1956
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  43. Ronrigaku.Hiroshi Hayami - 1948
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  44. Tetsugaku tsūshi.Keiji Hayami - 1950
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  45. Ware, kimi, kare.Keiji Hayami - 1966 - Chikuma Shobo.
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  46. Cases and commentaries.Lou Hodges, Chris Roberts, Jane B. Singer, Nora Paul & Michael R. Ogden - 1998 - Journal of Mass Media Ethics 13 (2):124 – 136.
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  47. Empathy and sympathy in ethics.Lou Agosta - 2011 - In James Fieser & Bradley Dowden, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Routledge.
    The distinction between “empathy” and “sympathy” in the context of ethics is a dynamic and challenging one. The eighteenth century texts of David Hume and Adam Smith used the word "sympathy," but not "empathy," although the conceptual distinction marked by empathy was doing essential work in their writings. After discussing the early uses of these terms, this article is organized historically. Two traditions are distinguished. The first is the Anglo-American tradition, and it extends from Hume and Smith to the twenty-first (...)
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    A framework for the examination of relational ethics: An interactionist perspective. [REVIEW]Lou E. Pelton, Jhinuk Chowdhury & Scott J. Vitell - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 19 (3):241 - 253.
    Despite the widespread agreement that the ontology of the marketing discipline is exchange, marketing ethics researchers have largely adopted a monadic viewpoint of ethical decision making. In this research, an interactionist approach is adopted in order to introduce a dyadic perspective of un/ethical decision making. The dyadic model includes each channel member's individual, situational and decision process factors linked by relationalism, an emerging paradigm in marketing channels. Relationalism is represented as a discriminating variable between perceived ethical dilemma and decision behaviour. (...)
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  49. Paraconsistent modal logic.Lou Goble - 2006 - Logique Et Analyse 193:3-29.
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  50.  34
    Hume's Religious Naturalism.Lou Reich - 1998 - Upa.
    This work presents a conception of Hume's overall philosophical stance which is derived from a focus on his Dialogues Concerning Natural Religion and The Natural History of Religion. A broad context is provided by frequent references to A Treatise of Human Nature and to An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding as well as to other relevant essays and letters written by Hume. Religious Naturalism is a complex tapestry woven of aesthetic, ethical, epistemological and metaphysical elements. The religious element in Hume's writings, (...)
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