Results for 'Judith Miriam Glassgold'

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  1.  21
    Bright on the right feels right: SQUARC compatibility is hedonically marked.Charlotte S. Löffler, Judith Gerten, Mariam Mamporia, Johanna Müller, Theresa Neu, Julia Rumpf, Miriam Schiller, Yannik Schneider, Mirella Wozniak & Sascha Topolinski - 2022 - Cognition and Emotion 36 (4):767-772.
    According to the Spatial Quantity Association of Response Codes (SQUARC), people hold a mental association between horizontal position and quantity (lower quantities left, higher quantities right). While a large body of research has explored this effect for response speed and judgment accuracy, the affective downstream consequences of the SQUARC remain unexplored. Aiming to address this gap, the present two experiments (pre-registered, total N = 521) investigated whether stimulus arrangements that are compatible with the SQUARC for luminance are affectively preferred to (...)
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    Lesbians in Psychoanalytic Theory and PracticeWild Desires and Mistaken Identities: Lesbianism and PsychoanalysisLesbians and Psychoanalysis: Revolutions in Theory and PracticeDisorienting Sexuality: Psychoanalytic Reappraisals of Sexual IdentitiesLesbian Lives: Psychoanalytic Narratives Old and NewSexual Subjects: Lesbians, Gender, and Psychoanalysis.Evelyn Torton Beck, Susan Stepakoff, Noreen O'Connor, Joanna Ryan, Judith M. Glassgold, Suzanne Iasenza, Thomas Domenici, Ronnie C. Lesser, Maggie Magee, Diana C. Miller & Adria E. Schwartz - 2000 - Feminist Studies 26 (2):477.
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  3. Action-Oriented Understanding of Consciousness and the Structure of Experience.Anil Seth, Richard Menary, Paul Verschure, Jamie Turnbull, Martina Martina Martina Al, Judith Ford, Chris Frith, Pierre Jacob, Miriam Kyselo, Marek McGann, Ezequiel Di Paolo & Kevin Andrew Kevin - 2016 - In Karl Friston, Andreas Andreas & Danika Kragic, Pragmatism and the Pragmatic Turn in Cognitive Science. M.I.T. Press. pp. 261-281.
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    Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx.Miriam Leonard - 2021 - Arion 28 (3):131-155.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Freud between Oedipus and the Sphinx MIRIAM LEONARD Areproduction of Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres’s neo-classical painting Oedipus and the Sphinx famously hung over Freud’s couch in his consulting room at Berggasse 19 [figure 1]. Nobody doubts the significance of the figure of Oedipus to the development of Freud’s thought, arion 28.3 winter 2021 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres, (1780–1867). Oedipus and the Sphinx, 1808. Oil on canvas. Photo Credit : Scala/ Art Resource, (...)
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    Preface.Judith Gardiner & Bibi Obler - 2019 - Feminist Studies 45 (1):7-12.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:preface Within the current context in the United States, we tend to think of “choice” as the leading slogan of the liberal movement to expand women’s reproductive rights, particularly the right to elective abortion. But choice depends on context: on what is available, what is mandated, what is prohibited or discouraged, and what has not yet been imagined. This issue of Feminist Studies expands our thinking about available and (...)
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    Judith Butler’s “New Humanism”: A Thing or Not a Thing, and So What?Sina Kramer - 2015 - philoSOPHIA: A Journal of Continental Feminism 5 (1):25-40.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Judith Butler’s “New Humanism”A Thing or Not a Thing, and So What?Sina KramerA few thinkers in the last few years, such as Stefan Dolgert and Miriam Leonard, but especially political theorist Bonnie Honig, have argued that Judith Butler’s most recent work (Antigone’s Claim, 2000; Undoing Gender, 2004; Precarious Life, 2005; Frames of War, 2009) institutes a new form of humanism, based on the universality of grief, (...)
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    ‘The Paideia of the Greeks’: On the Methodology of Roland Barthes's Comment vivre ensemble1.Thanks to Diana Knight, Miriam Leonard, Anneleen Masschelein, Judith Mossman and Luc Van der Stockt for their help and advice during the writing process of this text.Maarten de Pourcq - 2008 - Paragraph 31 (1):23-37.
    When Barthes starts to conceptualize his courses at the Collège de France, he envisions a methodology which he actually considers to be an ‘anti-method’, that is to say, an ‘unscientific’ method which goes against the grain of traditional education. He pursues the method of his seminars at the École Pratique des Hautes Etudes, especially the seminar that ended up with the publication of A Lover's Discourse. In the conclusion to the seminar, Barthes turns to Nietzsche to ground this ‘anti-method’ and (...)
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    The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science.Andreas K. Engel, Karl J. Friston & Danica Kragic (eds.) - 2016 - MIT Press.
    Cognitive science is experiencing a pragmatic turn away from the traditional representation-centered framework toward a view that focuses on understanding cognition as "enactive." This enactive view holds that cognition does not produce models of the world but rather subserves action as it is grounded in sensorimotor skills. In this volume, experts from cognitive science, neuroscience, psychology, robotics, and philosophy of mind assess the foundations and implications of a novel action-oriented view of cognition. Their contributions and supporting experimental evidence show that (...)
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    Singing Women's Words as Sacramental Mimesis.C. B. Tkacz - 2003 - Recherches de Theologie Et Philosophie Medievales 70 (2):275-328.
    Singing and praying in the words of biblical men and women is basic to sacramental mimesis, i.e., Christian imitation of the actions of the saints with the intention of thereby opening themselves to grace. This evidence counters the “voiceless victim” paradigm prevalent in much feminist scholarship. In pre-Christian Jewish liturgy, the song of Miriam after the Crossing of the Red Sea was already important in the annual celebration of the Passover. Jesus emphasized the spiritual equality of the sexes in (...)
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  10. Belief as emotion.Miriam Schleifer McCormick - 2022 - Philosophical Issues 32 (1):104-119.
    It is commonly held that (i) beliefs are revisable in the face of counter‐evidence and (ii) beliefs are connected to actions in reliable and predictable ways. Given such a view, many argue that if a mental state fails to respond to evidence or doesn't result in the kind of behavior typical or expected of belief, it is not a belief after all, but a different state. Yet, one finds seeming counter examples of resilient beliefs that fail to respond to evidence, (...)
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  11. Meditations on Beliefs Formed Arbitrarily.Miriam Schoenfield - 2022 - In Tamar Szabó Gendler, John Hawthorne & Julianne Chung, Oxford Studies in Epistemology 7. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 278-305.
    Had we grown up elsewhere or been educated differently, our view of the world would likely be radically different. What to make of this? This paper takes an accuracy-centered first-personal approach to the question of how to respond to the arbitrary nature in which many of our beliefs are formed. I show how considerations of accuracy motivate different responses to this sort of information depending on the type of attitude we take towards the belief in question upon subjecting the belief (...)
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    Dialogic materialism: Bakhtin, embodiment, and moving image art.Miriam Jordan-Haladyn - 2014 - New York: Peter Lang.
    Dialogic Materialism: Bakhtin, Embodiment and Moving Image Art argues for the relevance of Mikhail Bakhtin's theories of dialogism as a means of examining the interdisciplinary nature of contemporary moving image art forms. The volume comprises six chapters divided into two sections. The first section, Part I, illustrates the key concepts in Bakhtin's multifaceted dialogism and develops these ideas in relation to moving image art. The main focus of this first part is the proposal of what the author terms dialogic materialism, (...)
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    On Validators for Psychiatric Categories.Miriam Solomon - 2022 - Philosophy of Medicine 3 (1).
    The concept of a “validator” as a unit of evidence for the validity of a psychiatric category has been important for more than fifty years. Validator evidence is aggregated by expert committees (for the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), these are referred to as “workgroups”), which use the results to make nosological decisions. Through an examination of the recent history of psychiatric research, this paper argues that it is time to reassess this traditional practice. It concludes with (...)
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    Changing the Focus in the Donation After Circulatory Death Debates.Miriam Piven Cotler, Michael Nurok, Pedro A. Catarino, Rosemary O’Meeghan & Jason N. Batten - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (2):48-49.
    In their target article, Nielsen Busch and Mjaaland (2023) address a longstanding debate within the bioethics and organ transplantation community regarding whether controlled donation after circula...
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    Leib und Sprache. Zur Reflexivität verkörperter Ausdrucksformen.Emmanuel Alloa & Miriam Fischer (eds.) - 2013 - Velbrück.
    Die elf Beiträge dieses Bandes gehen aus verschiedenen Blickwinkeln dem Problem der Verkörperung von Sinn nach: phänomenologische, psychoanalytische und sprachwissenschaftliche Ansätze bilden dabei den Schwerpunkt; sie werden aber durch Studien aus der Literaturtheorie, der politischen Theorie und der Filmwissenschaft ergänzt. Was heißt es – das ist die zentrale Frage –, den Körper als leibliches Medium aufzufassen, welches Sinn nicht nur verkörpert, sondern überhaupt erst entstehen lässt? Gibt es bereits eine Sprache des Leibes diesseits der Ebene ausdrücklicher Rede?
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  16. Meaning making machine.Miriam Fernández Santiago - 2022 - Granada: Editorial Comares.
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    Disseminating and using research knowledge.Michael Huberman & Miriam Ben-Peretz - 1994 - Knowledge, Technology & Policy 7 (4):3-12.
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  18. Spinoza, Oldenburg y van Blijenbergh.Miriam Van Reijen - 2012 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 44 (133):19-32.
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    Parents, Peers, and Musical Play: Integrated Parent-Child Music Class Program Supports Community Participation and Well-Being for Families of Children With and Without Autism Spectrum Disorder.Miriam D. Lense, Sara Beck, Christina Liu, Rita Pfeiffer, Nicole Diaz, Megan Lynch, Nia Goodman, Adam Summers & Marisa H. Fisher - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
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    Praying for a Miracle: Negative or Positive Impacts on Health Care?Miriam Martins Leal, Emmanuel Ifeka Nwora, Gislane Ferreira de Melo & Marta Helena Freitas - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    The belief in miracle, as a modality of spiritual/religious coping strategy in the face of stress and psychic suffering, has been discussed in psychological literature with regard to its positive or negative role on the health and well-being of patients and family members. In contemporary times, where pseudo-conflicts between religion and science should have been long overcome, there is still some tendency of interpreting belief in miracle – as the possibility of a cure granted by divine intervention, modifying the normal (...)
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    The scope of privacy in law and ethics.Judith Wagner DeCew - 1986 - Law and Philosophy 5 (2):145-173.
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    Innovative Art and Obsolescent Artists.Judith Adler - 1975 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 42.
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    Ethics in clinical practice.Judith C. Ahronheim - 2000 - Gaithersburg, MD.: Aspen Publishers. Edited by Jonathan D. Moreno & Connie Zuckerman.
    To help professionals in all health care disciplines grapple with ethical issues, Ahronheim (medicine, New York Medical College), Moreno (biomedical ethics, U. of Virginia) and Zuckerman (Center for Ethics in Medicine, Beth Israel Medical Center) review the history and theory of clinical ethics and present 31 case studies analyzed from medical, ethical and legal perspectives. This second edition expands the original discussions of ethical dilemmas caused by advances in medical genetics, organ transplants, HIV medicine and other developments. The appendix includes (...)
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  24. Standing again at Sinai.Judith Plaskow - 2009 - In Hans Küng, How to do good & avoid evil: a global ethic from the sources of Judaism. Woodstock, Vt.: SkyLight Paths.
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    Religion posed as a racial category: A reading of Emile burnouf, Adolph Moses.Eliza Sunderland & Miriam Peskowitz - 1998 - In Arie L. Molendijk & Peter Pels, Religion in the Making: The Emergence of the Sciences of Religion. Boston: Brill. pp. 80--231.
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  26. Peer victimization (bullying) on mental health, behavioral problems, cognition, and academic performance in preadolescent children in the ABCD Study.Miriam S. Menken, Amal Isaiah, Huajun Liang, Pedro Rodriguez Rivera, Christine C. Cloak, Gloria Reeves, Nancy A. Lever & Linda Chang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectivePeer victimization is a substantial early life stressor linked to psychiatric symptoms and poor academic performance. However, the sex-specific cognitive or behavioral outcomes of bullying have not been well-described in preadolescent children.MethodsUsing the baseline dataset of the Adolescent Brain Cognitive Development Study 2.0.1 data repository, we evaluated associations between parent-reported bullying victimization, suicidality, and non-suicidal self-injury, as well as internalizing and externalizing behavioral problems, cognition, and academic performance.ResultsOf the 11,015 9-10-year-old children included in the analyses, 15.3% experienced bullying victimization, as (...)
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    Feminist republicanism. Etta palm-aelders on justice, virtue and men.Judith Vega - 1989 - History of European Ideas 10 (3):333-351.
    I want to thank Marybeth Carlson and Rudolf Dekker. Their careful readings of the article have contributed much to the form and content of the article.
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    Green culture, cultures and philosophies.Nelly Eysholdt & Miriam Kennet (eds.) - 2016 - Tidmarsh, Reading: The Green Economics Institute.
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    How Does “Collaboration” Occur at All?Don Faust & Judith Puncochar - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (1):137-144.
    Collaboration must be based on careful representation and communication of each stakeholder’s knowledge. Using a foundational logical and epistemological point of view, we explore how such representation and communication can be accomplished. We tentatively conclude, based on careful delineation of logical technicalities necessarily involved in such representation and communication, that currently a complete representation is not possible. This inference, if correct, is discouraging. However, we suggest two actions. First, we can strive to make stakeholders more aware of the incompleteness of (...)
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    The voice and the void: on humor and postmodernity.Miriam Fernández Santiago - 2005 - [Huelva]: Universidad de Huelva Publicaciones.
    The Voice and the Void es una monografía sobre la justificación o legitimización de la referencialidad del lenguaje. Se parte de supuesta falta de legitimidad de la representación lingüística mediante una reflexión sobre casos extremos de irrepresentabilidad--tales como los discursos humorístico, religioso, científico y filosófico--a lo largo de la historia para llegar a la crítica postmoderna y discutir dicha falta de legitimidad aplicando una lógica basada en la doble negación implícita a la legitimación de la referencialidad lingüística.
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  31. On the decolonial paradigm of development.Uche Miriam Nwafor - 2024 - In Joseph A. Agbakoba & Marita Rainsborough, Beyond decolonial African philosophy: Africanity, Afrotopia, and transcolonial perspectives. New York: Routledge.
  32. Plato's Geometric Hypothesis: Meno 86e-87b.Judith I. Meyers - 1988 - Apeiron 21 (3):173 - 180.
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    The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies: Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 29-30 October 2010.Sandra Costen Kunz - 2011 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 31:221-223.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:The Annual Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies:Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 29-30 October 2010Sandra Costen KunzThis past fall the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies (SBCS) presented two sessions at the annual meeting of the American Academy of Religion (AAR) in Atlanta, Georgia. On Friday afternoon, 29 October, an extremely well-attended and in many ways inspiring session titled "The Scholarly Contributions of Rita M. Gross" was presented. The second panel, titled (...)
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    Hector A. Garcia. Sex, Power, and Partisanship: How Evolutionary Science Makes Sense of Our Political Divide.Miriam Lindner - 2020 - Evolutionary Studies in Imaginative Culture 4 (2):141-144.
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    Violencia, memoria y género. Gabriela Cabezón Cámara, Marta Dillon, Selva Almada, Luciana de Mello, Belén López Peiró.Miriam Chiani - 2020 - Aletheia: Anuario de Filosofía 11 (21):e068.
    Avanzada la primera década del 2000 en efecto, va visualizándose la conformación de una zona narrativa que ligada a la inmediatez del presente de su enunciación (el conjunto de fuerzas sociales y discursivas en torno a cuestiones de género y diversidad) va tejiendo nudos entre los imaginarios de violencia patriarcal desplegados en los textos y el universo de hechos y relatos setentistas, entre perspectiva de género y terrorismo de estado. Recorremos aquí en algunas variantes de narrativas testimoniales (ficcionales y de (...)
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    Reclaiming liberty: from crisis to empowerment.Miriam Bentwich - 2012 - New York, NY: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    Based on a reconstruction of earlier liberal conceptions of liberty (the political theories of John Locke & J.S. Mill), this book stresses the empowering nature of liberal freedom and explains why such a concept of liberty better addresses two key contemporary challenges in liberal theory and praxis: wealth redistribution and multiculturalism."--Publisher's website.
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    Lesarten der Freiheit: zur Deutung und Bedeutung von Emmanuel Levinas' Difficile liberte.Alfred Bodenheimer & Miriam Fischer (eds.) - 2015 - Freiburg: Verlag Karl Alber.
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    The Developmental Gene Hypothesis for Punctuated Equilibrium: Combined Roles of Developmental Regulatory Genes and Transposable Elements.Emily L. Casanova & Miriam K. Konkel - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (2):1900173.
    Theories of the genetics underlying punctuated equilibrium (PE) have been vague to date. Here the developmental gene hypothesis is proposed, which states that: 1) developmental regulatory (DevReg) genes are responsible for the orchestration of metazoan morphogenesis and their extreme conservation and mutation intolerance generates the equilibrium or stasis present throughout much of the fossil record and 2) the accumulation of regulatory elements and recombination within these same genes—often derived from transposable elements—drives punctuated bursts of morphological divergence and speciation across metazoa. (...)
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    Application of a Readability Score in Informed Consent forms for Clinical Studies.Miriam Valentini Daniela D. & Alonzo Maria Celeste Pirozzoli - 2013 - Journal of Clinical Research and Bioethics 4 (3).
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    Guercino's Endymion, Hercules and Artemisia for Alessandro Argoli.Miriam Di Penta - 2004 - Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes 67 (1):233-254.
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    Devotions from the beach: 100 devotions.Miriam Drennan - 2019 - Nashville, Tennessee: Thomas Nelson.
    Life is better at the beach--but you already knew that. Escape with a beach read focused on the beauty of God's seaside wonders. The stunning photography and devotions will take you right to the water's edge, where God's voice is often clearer than ever. Devotions from the Beach is a beautiful gift with: 100 devotions focused on the beach Gorgeous photography Life parallels with elements of the shore Messages of hope, comfort, strength, and rest This beautiful book gives you a (...)
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  42. VIOLENCE D'ÉTAT, COALITIONS, SUJETS: Un entretien de Gabriel GIRARD et Olivier NEVEUX avec Judith BUTLER.Gabriel Girard, Olivier Neveux & Judith Butler - 2009 - Actuel Marx 45 (1):164 - 174.
    State Violence, Coalitions, Subjects After a consideration of the reception of her work in France , Judith Butler assesses the political contribution of queer movements and minority struggles. She addresses the need for the left to reappropriate the forthright critique of the State and its violence and to examine the way minorities are produced. To do so, her analysis starts from the question of immigrant persons. She highlights the issues and the difficulties which are involved, if there is to (...)
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    Las Cecrópidas como imagen representativa de las madres en Atenas arcaica y clásica.Miriam Valdés Guía - 2023 - 'Ilu. Revista de Ciencias de Las Religiones 28:e80612.
    Generalmente se ha pensado en las Cecrópidas, las hijas del Rey serpiente Cécrope, estrechamente vinculadas a la acrópolis, como imagen de las niñas y de las jóvenes (parthenoi) en sus procesos de iniciación y de tránsito hacia la madurez (Burkert, Brulé), y ésta es, quizás, la imagen más visible de las jóvenes heroínas en Atenas. Sin embargo, no se ha tenido, quizás, tan presente su importancia, al mismo tiempo, como icono de las madres ciudadanas en esta polis en varios aspectos (...)
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  44. Max Ophuls and instant messaging: reframing cinema and publicness.Miriam Hansen - 2019 - In Edward Dimendberg, The moving eye: film, television, architecture, visual art, and the modern. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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    Social work and K-12 schools casebook: phenomenological perspectives.Miriam Jaffe (ed.) - 2017 - New York, NY: Routledge.
    This volume offers a collection of nine case studies from clinical social workers in K-12 schools, each from a phenomenological perspective, with the objective of educating Master of Social Work students and early career social work clinicians. Each chapter is framed with pre-reading prompts, reading comprehension questions, and writing assignments. This casebook provides a resource for understanding the range of practice in school social work as well as some of the challenges that school social workers face in today's complex world. (...)
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    Contraception during lactation: considerations in advising the individual and in formulating programme guidelines.Miriam H. Labbok - 1985 - Journal of Biosocial Science 17 (S9):55-66.
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    Personalismo Vs. Animalismo: Un Argumento Fenomenológico.Miriam Martínez Mares - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 18:235-260.
    Se ha dado por sentado, a lo largo de los siglos, la superioridad de los seres humanos sobre la especie animal alegando a la racionalidad y la libertad que hace de las personas sujetos de derechos y deberes. No obstante, hoy en día, en el contexto de una cultura naturalista, surgen corrientes que ponen en duda esta supuesta “superioridad” de la raza humana respecto a la animal. El animalismo abre un debate al que hace falta atender. El presente artículo refleja (...)
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  48. Practice in ethics education.C. De Graaff Miriam, W. De Vries Peter, J. Van Bijlevelt Walter & Ellen Giebels - 2017 - In Peter Olsthoorn, Military Ethics and Leadership. Leiden & Boston: Brill.
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    Culture and Self: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, East and West (review).Judith L. Poxon - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):140-144.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 140-144 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Culture and Self: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, East and West Culture and Self: Philosophical and Religious Perspectives, East and West. Edited by Douglas Allen. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1997.xv + 184 pp. Inspired perhaps by both deconstructive and constructive impulses, this important collection of nine essays undertakes to challenge the notion, common in both Western and Eastern philosophical (...)
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  50. American Translations of Humor in the Poetry of Francis Ponge: Comparative Renderings of the Comic.Judith Radke - 1988 - Contrastes 16:49-66.
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