Results for 'Judith Puncochar'

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  1.  14
    How Does “Collaboration” Occur at All?Don Faust & Judith Puncochar - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (1):137-144.
    Collaboration must be based on careful representation and communication of each stakeholder’s knowledge. Using a foundational logical and epistemological point of view, we explore how such representation and communication can be accomplished. We tentatively conclude, based on careful delineation of logical technicalities necessarily involved in such representation and communication, that currently a complete representation is not possible. This inference, if correct, is discouraging. However, we suggest two actions. First, we can strive to make stakeholders more aware of the incompleteness of (...)
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  2. Drucilla Cornell, and Nancy Fraser.Seyla Benhabib & Judith Butler - 1995 - In Feminist contentions: a philosophical exchange. New York: Routledge.
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    Les concepts scientifiques: invention et pouvoir.Isabelle Stengers & Judith E. Schlanger - 1989
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  4. Nagel, Williams, and moral luck.Judith Andre - 1983 - Analysis 43 (4):202-207.
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  5. Leveling the Playing Field: Justice, Politics, and College Admissions.Robert K. Fullinwider & Judith Lichtenberg - 2004 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Leveling the Playing Field examines the admissions policies of contemporary American colleges and universities in light of the assumption that enhancing the educational opportunities of lower-income and minority students would make American society more just. The book evaluates controversies about such issues as the nature of merit, the missions of universities, affirmative action, the role of standardized tests, legacy preference, early decision, financial aid, the test-prep industry, and athletics.
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    Psychological Safety, Job Crafting, and Employability: A Comparison Between Permanent and Temporary Workers.Judith Plomp, Maria Tims, Svetlana N. Khapova, Paul G. W. Jansen & Arnold B. Bakker - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10:433931.
    Employability is one of the leading challenges of the contemporary organizational environment. While much is known about the positive effects of job crafting on employees’ employability in general, little is known about its effects when employment contacts are different. Differentiating between temporary and permanent workers, in this article we investigate how in the environment of psychological safety, these two types of employees engage in job crafting, and how job crafting is related to their perceived employability. Data were collected among two (...)
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    The emergence of events.Judith Avrahami & Yaakov Kareev - 1994 - Cognition 53 (3):239-261.
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    The Dog in the Lifeboat Revisited.Judith Barad-Andrade - unknown
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    Political philosophy for the global age.Mónica Judith Sánchez-Flores - 2005 - New York: Palgrave-Macmillan.
    In a time of globalization, Political Philosophy for the Global Age provides a theoretical basis for the convergence of human values in terms of legitimate conceptions of time, language, and notions of self. Sánchez Flores reviews what she considers to be the most important positions in the current debate on political theory (liberalism, communitarianism, feminism, and postcolonialism) and also proposes her own original contribution. Sánchez Flores’s unique approach is a critique of a type of morality formulated solely on the basis (...)
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    Good persons exist: Remembering Richard Bernstein.Judith Friedlander - 2023 - Constellations 30 (1):3-4.
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  11. El proyecto admisión por mérito académico. Lineamientos para consolidar la equidad y justicia social en la Universidad del Zulia.Judith Aular de Durán, Mineira Finól de Franco & Noraida Marcano - 2006 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 8 (2):163-185.
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    Modeling costs and benefits of adolescent weight control as a mechanism for reproductive suppression.Judith L. Anderson & Charles B. Crawford - 1992 - Human Nature 3 (4):299-334.
    The “reproductive suppression hypothesis” states that the strong desire of adolescent girls in our culture to control their weight may reflect the operation of an adaptive mechanism by which ancestral women controlled the timing of their sexual maturation and hence first reproduction, in response to cues about the probable success of reproduction in the current situation. We develop a model based on this hypothesis and explore its behavior and evolutionary and psychological implications across a range of parameter values. We use (...)
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    Einleitung.Angela Keppler, Popp Judith-Frederike & Martin Seel - 2015 - In Angela Keppler, Martin Seel & Popp Judith-Frederike (eds.), Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino. Frankfurt am Main: Campus. pp. 7-18.
    Dieses Buch ist einer Phänomenologie der Spannung von Gesetz und Gewalt gewidmet, wie sie fast seit Beginn des Kinozeitalters in zahllosen Spielfilmen vorgeführt wird. In einer Interpretation exemplarischer Filme verschiedener Genres und Epochen untersuchen die vorliegenden Beiträge, wie Filme die Verzahnung von Recht, Gesetz und Gewalt im Kino dramatisieren – und welches Licht diese Inszenierungen auf idealisierende Prämissen und Prin- zipien in traditionellen und aktuellen Theorien des Rechts und der Politik werfen. Diese ästhetische Reflexionsleistung des Kinos wird aus unterschied- lichen (...)
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  14. Intergenerational justice and the concept of common concern in marine resource allocation and ocean governance.Judith Schäli - 2019 - In Thomas Cottier, Shaheeza Lalani & Clarence Siziba (eds.), Intergenerational equity: environmental and cultural concerns. Boston: Brill Nijhoff.
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    Zwischen Selbstannahme und Selbstdistanz: das kirchliche Ehrenamt im Licht theologischer Anthropologie und Tugendethik.Judith Behr - 2019 - Trier: Paulinus.
    Ehrenamt - Facetten eines komplexen Phänomens -- Moralische Dignität und Ehrenamt - eine theologisch-ethische Analyse -- Zusammenschau von Theorie und Praxis -- Konklusion. Aspekte einer zukunftsfähigen und nachhaltigen Gestalt des Ehrenamtes.
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    Le vivable et l'invivable: une conversation à l'initiative d'Arto Charpentier et Laure Barillas.Judith Butler - 2021 - Paris: PUF. Edited by Frédéric Worms, Arto Charpentier & Laure Barillas.
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    The Uses of Anger in Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies in advance.Judith Plaskow - forthcoming - Philosophy and Global Affairs.
    Women’s studies began as an outgrowth and direct expression of the feminist movement. It sought to understand the forces that had limited women’s choices and to name the ways in which various academic disciplines had contributed to destructive mythologies about women’s place in society. Anger was a motivating force in feminist studies and activism, a reality captured by Audre Lorde brilliant essay “The Uses of Anger,” which insists on the power of anger as an indispensable tool for change. Over time, (...)
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    Irrationalität als Wagnis: philosophische Theorie und psychoanalytische Praxis.Judith-Frederike Popp - 2019 - Weilerswist: Velbrück Wissenschaft.
    Philosophie und Psychoanalyse unterhalten seit Sigmund Freuds Lebzeiten ein spannungsvolles Verhältnis. Die damit einhergehenden Diskussionen tendieren dazu, die Disziplinen gegeneinander auszuspielen oder sie aneinander anzugleichen. Das vorliegende Buch stellt sich der Herausforderung, einen disziplinenübergreifenden Standpunkt jenseits solcher Einseitigkeiten zu identifizieren. Philosophische wie psychoanalytische Perspektiven können in Hinblick auf ihr ethisches Denken und ihr kritisches Selbstverständnis hiervon profitieren. Den Ausgangspunkt bildet ein Unbehagen gegenüber philosophischen Ansätzen, die ein Ideal praktischer Vernünftigkeit und Selbstbestimmung propagieren, das sich primär auf die reflexive Distanznahme beruft. (...)
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    Innen und außen im Wechselspiel.Judith-Frederike Popp - 2023 - Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 71 (2):297-303.
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    Jörg Volbers: Die Vernunft der Erfahrung, Meiner Hamburg 2018, 356 S.Judith-Frederike Popp - 2019 - Philosophische Rundschau 66 (3-4):405.
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    Von der Kunst, sich fremd werden zu können.Judith-Frederike Popp - 2018 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 63 (2):51-70.
    The article follows the hypothesis that the aesthetic dimension of the standpoint of reason provides the main element for an appropriate perspective on how the interplay between rationality and irrationality is able to contribute to practical self-determination as a person. The starting point is formed by the critical discussion of the position considering that it is possible to derive the normative implications of practical reasonableness and self-determination from an abstract momentum of reflective distance. Whilst taking a look on Christine Korsgaard’s (...)
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    Vom Schauen und Erschaffen, vom Nutzen und Entwerfen.Judith-Frederike Popp - 2020 - Zeitschrift für Ästhetik Und Allgemeine Kunstwissenschaft 65 (2):28-42.
    Der Beitrag nimmt aktuelle Annäherungen und Überschneidungen zum Anlass, um das Verhältnis von Kunst und Design neu zu betrachten: In der Gegenüberstellung beider Formen ästhetischer Gemachtheit lässt sich ein besonderes Zusammenspiel von Produktion, Werk und Rezeption herausarbeiten. Dieses öffnet auch den Blick darauf, welche Form ästhetische Selbstvergegenwärtigung als emanzipatorische Praxis annehmen kann. Die Argumentation folgt zwei Überlegungen: Zum einen wird gezeigt, dass das Design seit längerem eine Entwicklung durchläuft, die seine Prägung von Prozessen menschlicher Lebensführung und Subjektivierung deutlich verstärkt. Dies (...)
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    Erving Goffman: His presentation of self.Judith Posner - 1978 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 8 (1):67-78.
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    Rebuttal: Oromaner paper.Judith Posner - 1980 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 10 (3):293-294.
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    (1 other version)Why Privacy Isn't Everything: Feminist Reflections on Personal Accountability.Judith Wagner DeCew - 2006 - Hypatia 21 (1):227-231.
  26.  9
    Theory and Practice.Ian Shapiro & Judith Wagner Decew - 1996 - NYU Press.
    Contributors discuss the work of thinkers such as Cass Sunstein and Jeremy Waldron in their exploration of the relations between philosophical theories and everyday life. They elucidate major attempts to reconcile theory with practice in the Western tradition, from Herodotus to Heidegger, and discuss topics such as the role of theory in judicial decision-making and the political implication of theory. Of interest to philosophers, lawyers, and social scientists. Annotation copyright by Book News, Inc., Portland, OR.
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  27. Masculine Mystique, Feminine Mistake, and the Desire of the Analyst.Judith Feher-Gurewich - 2001 - Analysis (Australian Centre for Psychoanalysis) 10:32.
  28. Ethics, Professionalism, and Humanities at Michigan State University College of Human Medicine.Tom Tomlinson, Judith Andre & Len Fleck - 2003 - Academic Medicine 78 (10).
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    Do the Weak Stand a Chance? Distribution of Resources in a Competitive Environment.Judith Avrahami & Yaakov Kareev - 2009 - Cognitive Science 33 (5):940-950.
    When two agents of unequal strength compete, the stronger one is expected to always win the competition. This expectation is based on the assumption that evaluation of performance is complete, hence flawless. If, however, the agents are evaluated on the basis of only a small sample of their performance, the weaker agent still stands a chance of winning occasionally. A theoretical analysis indicates that, to increase the chance of this happening the weaker agent ought to give up on enough occasions (...)
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    Question and Answer Period UC, Santa Cruz, 1/31/98.Christopher Leigh Connery, Judith Butler, Paul A. Bové, Wendy Brown & Joseph A. Buttigieg - 1998 - Theory and Event 2 (3).
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    Are families out of date?Mary Midgley & Judith Hughes - 1997 - In Hilde Lindemann (ed.), Feminism and Families. Routledge. pp. 55--68.
  32. Moral Distress in Healthcare.Judith Andre - 2002 - Bioethics Forum 18 (1-2):44-46.
    Moral distress is the sense that one must do, or cooperate in, what is wrong. It is paradigmatically faced by nurses, but it is almost a universal occupational hazard.
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  33. The alleged incompatibility of business and medical ethics.Judith Andre - 1999 - HEC Forum 11 (4):288-292.
    Business Ethics and medical ethics are in principle compatible: In particular, the tools of business ethics can be useful to those doing healthcare ethics. Health care could be conducted as a business and maintain its moral core.
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  34. Virtue and Age.Judith Andre - manuscript
    Elderhood—or old age, if one prefers—is a stage of life without much cultural meaning. It is generally viewed simply as a time of regrettable decline. Paying more attention to it, to its special pleasures and developmental achievements, will be helpful not only to elders but to those younger as well. I will argue that three existential tasks are central in elderhood, but also important at every other stage of adult life. I identify three: cherishing the present, accepting the past, and (...)
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  35. Good Practice in Virtual Worlds Teaching: Designing a Framework through the Euroversity Project.Judith Molka-Danielsen, Darren Mundy, Stella Hadjistassou & Cristina Stefannelli - 2014 - Iris 35.
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  36. Remember the Nurses.Judith Andre - 2006 - Apa Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy 5 (2):19-21.
    As feminist theory explicates its fundamental principles – justice for the oppressed – it can lose its essential focus on the situation of women. One example is the inattention to nurses within feminist bioethics. Nurses deserve attention because most are women, but also because their lack of power is paradigmatic of patriarchy. Those examining ethics consultations should discuss whether nurses are allowed to request them. But feminists also need to imagine ways in which nurses can be heard when, for instance, (...)
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    Vom politischen Körper zur Körperpolitik: Männliche Rede und weibliche Keuschheit in Lessings Emilia Galotti.Judith Frömmer - 2005 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 79 (2):169-195.
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    Dynamic Changes in EEG Power Spectral Densities During NIH-Toolbox Flanker, Dimensional Change Card Sort Test and Episodic Memory Tests in Young Adults.Judith G. Foy & Michael R. Foy - 2020 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 14.
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    Effect of amount of interpolated learning and time interval before test on retention in rats.Judith P. Frankmann - 1957 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 54 (6):462.
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    Surgical Ethics and Diversity.Judith C. French & R. Matthew Walsh - 2019 - In Alberto R. Ferreres (ed.), Surgical Ethics: Principles and Practice. Springer Verlag. pp. 121-132.
    Surgeons have an ethical obligation to ensure all patients, regardless of their personal characteristics, receive the same quality of care. Established surgeons also have an obligation to ensure equal treatment for their peers and for those who would like to join the field. The commitment to ethical hiring and working standards entails making certain all individuals have the same opportunities free from discriminatory practices. The world of business has long realized the positive implications of having a diverse and inclusive workforce. (...)
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    Who should regulate?Judith Freeman - 1988 - Bioessays 8 (1):38-40.
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    Samuel Hirsch: Philosopher of Religion, Advocate of Emancipation and Radical Reformer.Judith Frishman & Thorsten Fuchshuber (eds.) - 2022 - Boston: De Gruyter.
    Rabbi Samuel Hirsch (Thalfang 1815 – Chicago 1889) was instrumental in the development of Reform Judaism in Europe and the USA. This volume is the first lengthy publication devoted to this striking personality whose significance was no less than that of his contemporaries Abraham Geiger and David Einhorn. En route from Thalfang via Dessau and Luxembourg to Philadelphia, Hirsch left his mark on societal, religious, and philosophical developments in manifold ways. By the time he was appointed Chief Rabbi of the (...)
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    Versuchsanordnungen einer „petite Société“: Zur Institution der Ehe bei Rousseau.Judith Frömmer - 2016 - In Harald Bluhm & Konstanze Baron (eds.), Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Im Bann der Institutionen. Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 203-224.
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    Martin Hollis, trust within reason.Reviewed by Judith Baker - 2000 - Ethics 110 (2).
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    Précis of the realm of rights.Review author[S.]: Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):159-162.
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    Reply to commentators.Review author[S.]: Judith Jarvis Thomson - 1993 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 53 (1):187-194.
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    The Curious Courtship of Women's Liberation and Socialism.Judith Van Allen & Batya Weinbaum - 1980 - Feminist Studies 6 (1):224.
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    Speaking Truth to Employers.Judith Andre - 1997 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 8 (2):199-203.
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    Trivers-willard rules for sex allocation.Judith L. Anderson & Charles B. Crawford - 1993 - Human Nature 4 (2):137-174.
    We present a quantitative model of sex allocation to investigate whether the simple “rules of thumb” suggested by Trivers and Willard (1973) would really maximize numbers of grandchildren in human populations. Using demographic data from the !Kung of southern Africa and the basic assumptions of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis, we calculate expected numbers of grandchildren based on age- and sex-specific reproductive value. Patterns of parental investment that would maximize numbers of expected grandchildren often differ from the Trivers-Willard rules. In particular, the (...)
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  50. Poole on obscenity and censorship.Judith Andre - 1984 - Ethics 94 (3):496-500.
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