Results for 'Joëlle Delattre'

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  1.  18
    Entretien avec Daniel Delattre, autour de l’édition des papyrus d’Herculanum.Daniel Delattre, Stéphane Marchand & Joelle Delattre-Biencourt - 2023 - Cahiers Philosophiques 173 (2):159-168.
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    Federico M. Petrucci, Teone di Smirne, Expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium.Joëlle Delattre - 2013 - Philosophie Antique 13:269-273.
    D’un versant à l’autre des Alpes, les règles universitaires et éditoriales diffèrent beaucoup, et c’est une aubaine pour les chercheurs et les érudits. Voici Théon de Smyrne, élégamment propulsé sur le devant de la scène par un jeune chercheur de 27 ans, dans une traduction italienne actualisée, commentée au fil du texte à la mode antique, avec une volonté non dissimulée d’exhaustivité dans les références, les parallèles, les contrastes et les variantes, les interprétations divergentes. Les n...
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    Richard Sorabji (éd.), Philoponus and the Reje.Joëlle Delattre Biencourt - 2011 - Philosophie Antique 11:251-254.
    Ce volume est la réédition, entièrement revue et complétée, d’une publication de 1987 qui réunissait en douze chapitres les contributions de dix savants chercheurs, chargés chacun d’une des multiples facettes du grand auteur grec chrétien du VIe siècle apr. J.‑C., Jean Philopon. L’influence que cet auteur a exercée sur la philosophie et la science modernes n’est plus à démontrer : il est notre source la plus ancienne pour la transmission de manières d’interpréter les idées d’Aristote ; et Gal...
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    Voula Tsouna, The Ethics of Philodemus.Joëlle Delattre - 2009 - Philosophie Antique 9:224-228.
    L’éthique de Philodème de Gadara est aujourd’hui accessible, en langue anglaise, dans une présentation thématique qui met en perspective toutes les œuvres actuellement publiées de l’épicurien d’Herculanum, protégé du beau-père de César, Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus, et ami de Virgile et d’Horace. Les trois cent cinquante pages du livre de Voula Tsouna, The Ethics of Philodemus, offrent en effet enfin au public la réorganisation et le commentaire, en un seul volume, de larges et très nombreux ex...
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    Entretien avec Joëlle Proust.Joëlle Proust - 2011 - Cahiers Philosophiques 4:7-21.
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  6. The philosophy of metacognition: Mental agency and self- awareness.Joelle Proust - 2013 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Does metacognition--the capacity to self-evaluate one's cognitive performance--derive from a mindreading capacity, or does it rely on informational processes? Joëlle Proust draws on psychology and neuroscience to defend the second claim. She argues that metacognition need not involve metarepresentations, and is essentially related to mental agency.
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    Time and Action: Impulsivity, Habit, Strategy.Joëlle Proust - 2015 - Review of Philosophy and Psychology 6 (4):717-743.
    Granting that various mental events might form the antecedents of an action, what is the mental event that is the proximate cause of action? The present article reconsiders the methodology for addressing this question: Intention and its varieties cannot be properly analyzed if one ignores the evolutionary constraints that have shaped action itself, such as the trade-off between efficient timing and resources available, for a given stake. On the present proposal, three types of action, impulsive, routine and strategic, are designed (...)
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    Affordances from a control viewpoint.Joëlle Proust - 2024 - Philosophical Psychology 37 (7):1590-1614.
    Perceiving an armchair prepares us to sit. Reading the first line in a text prepares us to read it. This article proposes that the affordance construct used to explain reactive potentiation of behavior similarly applies to reactive potentiation of cognitive actions. It defends furthermore that, in both cases, affordance-sensings do not only apply to selective (dis)engagement, but also to the revision and the termination of actions. In the first section, characteristics of environmental affordance-sensings such as directness, stability, action potentiation, valence, (...)
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    Science and the Ethics of Belief. An Examination of Philipse’s ‘Rule R’.Joelle Steen & René Woudenberg - 2016 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 47 (2):349-362.
    It has recently been argued that the following Rule should be part of any characterization of science: Claims concerning specific disputed facts should be endorsed only if they are sufficiently supported by the application of validated methods of research or discovery, and moreover that acceptance of this Rule should lead one to reject religious belief. This paper argues, first, that the Rule, as stated, should not be accepted as it suffers from a number of problems. And second, that even if (...)
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    Microevolutionary studies in nematodes: a beginning.Marie Delattre & Marie-Anne Félix - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (9):807-819.
    Comparisons between related species often allow the detailed genetic analysis of evolutionary processes. Here we advocate the use of the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans (and several other rhabditid species) as model systems for microevolutionary studies. Compared to Drosophila species, which have been a mainstay of such studies, C. elegans has a self‐fertilizing mode of reproduction, a shorter life cycle and a convenient cell‐level analysis of phenotypic variation. Data concerning its population genetics and ecology are still scarce, however. We review molecular, behavioral (...)
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    The evolutionary context of robust and redundant cell biological mechanisms.Marie Delattre & Marie-Anne Félix - 2009 - Bioessays 31 (5):537-545.
    The robustness of biological processes to perturbations has so far been mainly explored in unicellular organisms; multicellular organisms have been studied for developmental processes or in the special case of redundancy between gene duplicates. Here we explore the robustness of cell biological mechanisms of multicellular organisms in an evolutionary context. We propose that the reuse of similar cell biological mechanisms in different cell types of the same organism has evolutionary implications: (1) the maintenance of apparently redundant mechanisms over evolutionary time (...)
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  12.  16
    La diversité culturelle dans le commerce mondial : assumer des arbitrages.Joëlle Farchy & Heritiana Ranaivoson - 2008 - Hermes 51:53.
    Dans le cadre des négociations commerciales internationales, les politiques en faveur de la diversité culturelle désignent un objectif qui consiste à limiter l'uniformisation censée résulter du fonctionnement du marché et du libre-échange. Depuis quelques années, le véritable débat ne porte plus sur l'objectif lui-même qui semble faire l'objet d'un consensus, mais sur les moyens d'y parvenir. Notre propos dans cet article est justement de revenir sur cet objectif en montrant sa complexité et son caractère multidimensionnel. Au-delà du discours incantatoire à (...)
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    Another Close Look at the Interpretant.Joelle Rethore - 1998 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 62:243-252.
  14.  73
    Aesthetics and Ethics: Jonathan Edwards and the Recovery of Aesthetics for Religious Ethics.Roland A. Delattre - 2003 - Journal of Religious Ethics 31 (2):277 - 297.
    This is a tricentennial riff on the Edwardsean idea that beauty is both the first principle of being and the distinguishing perfection of God. What is really distinctive about Edwards's view of beauty is that it is an ontological reality and consists in joyfully bestowing being and beauty more than in being beautiful, in creative and beautifying activity more than in being beautiful. Edwards was also a pioneer in the way he envisaged a lively universe created by God, not out (...)
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  15. Migration and refugees: Giving students a compass to understanding.Joelle Stoelwinder - 2011 - Ethos: Social Education Victoria 19 (4):18.
  16.  9
    De la vie biologique à la vie sociale: approches sociologiques et anthropologiques.Joëlle Vailly, Janina Kehr & Jörg Niewöhner (eds.) - 2011 - Paris: La Découverte.
  17. “Too Good to be True!”. The Effectiveness of CSR History in Countering Negative Publicity.Joëlle Vanhamme & Bas Grobben - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (2):273-283.
    Corporate crises call for effective communication to shelter or restore a company's reputation. The use of corporate social responsibility claims may provide an effective tool to counter the negative impact of a crisis, but knowledge about its effectiveness is scarce and lacking in studies that consider CSR communication during crises. To help fill this gap, this study investigates whether the length of company's involvement in CSR matters when it uses CSR claims in its crisis communication as a means to counter (...)
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  18.  61
    Some reflections on success and failure in competitive athletics.Edwin J. Delattre - 1975 - Journal of the Philosophy of Sport 2 (1):133-139.
  19. Thinking of oneself as the same.Joëlle Proust - 2003 - Consciousness and Cognition 12 (4):495-509.
    What is a person, and how can a person come to know that she is a person identical to herself over time ? The article defends the view that the sense of being oneself in this sense consists in the ability to consciously affect oneself : in the memory of having affected oneself, joint to the consciousness of being able to affect oneself again. In other words, being a self requires a capacity for metacognition (control and monitoring of one's own (...)
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    Questions of Form: Logic and Analytic Proposition From Kant to Carnap.Joëlle Proust - 1989 - Minneapolis, MN, USA: Univ of Minnesota Press.
    Hence, this book's provocative claim: today's so-called logical empiricism owes much more to Kant's notion of science than to Hume's.
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  21. Comment l’esprit vient aux bêtes. Essai sur la représentation.JOËLLE PROUST - 1997
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  22. A plea for mental acts.Joëlle Proust - 2001 - Synthese 129 (1):105-128.
    A prominent but poorly understood domain of human agency is mental action, i.e., thecapacity for reaching specific desirable mental statesthrough an appropriate monitoring of one's own mentalprocesses. The present paper aims to define mentalacts, and to defend their explanatory role againsttwo objections. One is Gilbert Ryle's contention thatpostulating mental acts leads to an infinite regress.The other is a different although related difficulty,here called the access puzzle: How can the mindalready know how to act in order to reach somepredefined result? A (...)
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  23. To Do Well by Doing Good: Improving Corporate Image Through Cause-Related Marketing.Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen, Jon Reast & Nathalie Popering - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 109 (3):259-274.
    As part of their corporate social responsibility, many organizations practice cause-related marketing, in which organizations donate to a chosen cause with every consumer purchase. The extant literature has identified the importance of the fit between the organization and the nature of the cause in influencing corporate image, as well as the influence of a connection between the cause and consumer preferences on brand attitudes and brand choice. However, prior research has not addressed which cause composition most appeals to consumers or (...)
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    Lydie Bodiou, Véronique Mehl, Jacques Oulhen, Francis.Charles Delattre - 2012 - Clio 36.
    Le volume Chemin faisant réunit vingt-et-un articles rassemblés en hommage à l’historien de la Grèce classique Pierre Brulé et aux activités qu’il a développées au sein du CRESCAM-LAHM (UMR 6566). Il peut ainsi servir de pendant à La Grèce d’à côté, un recueil d’articles de P. Brulé publié en 2007 : les compagnonnages de l’historien, illustrés par la participation de P. Briant, de M.-M. Mactoux, de L. Bruit-Zaidman, de R. Parker, de S. Georgoudi, de M. Jost, de V. Dasen ou (...)
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    Système, structure, fonction, évolution.Pierre Delattre - 1971 - Paris,: Doin.
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    Saint Valery and Thomas More.Jean Delattre - 1978 - Moreana 15 (Number 59-15 (3):12-12.
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    Commentary: Ethics in public service: Higher standards and double standards.Edwin J. Delattre - 1989 - Criminal Justice Ethics 8 (2):2-83.
  28.  21
    (1 other version)Classer et « encyclopéder » aujourd’hui : la reconfiguration des formats de connaissances.Joëlle Farchy & Cécile Méadel - 2013 - Hermès: La Revue Cognition, communication, politique 66 (2):, [ p.].
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    Les temps et les modes des politiques réparatrices. Le cas des réparations ouest-allemandes à Israël et à la Claims Conference entre 1950 et 1980.Joëlle Hecker - 2015 - Temporalités 21.
    Cet article se penche sur les rapports entre les politiques de réparation et la perception du temps après un crime de masse. Il cherche à démontrer que les mesures réparatrices prises parfois dans le but de rétablir la justice et le dialogue entre les groupes agissent sur la perception du temps. Elles sont dotées d’un pouvoir de reformulation qui vient modifier la mise en récit du passé, et donc sa perception. Elles contribuent notamment à faire le récit des responsabilités et (...)
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    Finished with Menthol: An Evidence-Based Policy Option That Will Save Lives.Joelle M. Lester & Stacey Younger Gagosian - 2017 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 45 (s1):41-44.
    Smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States, killing approximately 480,000 people each year. This crushing health burden falls disproportionately, and recent CDC data shows that large disparities in adult cigarette smoking remain. One factor in these disparities is the use of flavors. Menthol cigarettes and other flavored tobacco products are used at higher rates by vulnerable populations including youth and young adults, African Americans, women, Hispanics and Asian Americans. This is no accident; the (...)
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    Adaptive Control Loops as an Intermediate Mind-Brain Reduction Basis.Joëlle Proust - 2009 - In Alexander Hieke & Hannes Leitgeb (eds.), Reduction: Between the Mind and the Brain. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag. pp. 191-219.
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    Le langage forme-t-il une condition nécessaire de la rationalité?Joëlle Proust - 2007 - Dialogue 46 (1):165-172.
    A propos de 'Evolution et Rationalité' de Ronald de Sousa (2004).
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    Questions de forme: logique et proposition analytique de Kant à Carnap.Joëlle Proust - 1986 - Fayard.
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    Luxury Ethical Consumers: Who Are They?Joëlle Vanhamme, Adam Lindgreen & Gülen Sarial-Abi - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 183 (3):805-838.
    Building on a model of the biological, socio-psychological, and structural drivers of luxury consumption, this article explores when and why luxury consumers consider ethics in their luxury consumption practices, to identify differences in their ethical and ethical luxury consumption. The variables proposed to explain these differences derive from biological, socio-psychological, and structural drivers, namely, consumers’ (1) age, (2) ethicality, (3) human values, (4) motivations, and (5) assumptive world. A cluster analysis of a sample of 706 U.S. adult luxury consumers reveals (...)
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  35. XIII-Epistemic Agency and Metacognition: An Externalist View.Joëlle Proust - 2008 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 108 (1pt3):241-268.
    Controlling one's mental agency encompasses two forms of metacognitive operations, self-probing and post-evaluating. Metacognition so defined might seem to fuel an internalist view of epistemic norms, where rational feelings are available to instruct a thinker of what she can do, and allow her to be responsible for her mental agency. Such a view, however, ignores the dynamics of the mind–world interactions that calibrate the epistemic sentiments as reliable indicators of epistemic norms. A 'brain in the lab' thought experiment suggests that (...)
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    The Evolution of Primate Communication and Metacommunication.Joëlle Proust - 2016 - Mind and Language 31 (2):177-203.
    Against the prior view that primate communication is based only on signal decoding, comparative evidence suggests that primates are able, no less than humans, to intentionally perform or understand impulsive or habitual communicational actions with a structured evaluative nonconceptual content. These signals convey an affordance-sensing that immediately motivates conspecifics to act. Although humans have access to a strategic form of propositional communication adapted to teaching and persuasion, they share with nonhuman primates the capacity to communicate in impulsive or habitual ways. (...)
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  37.  29
    Mental Acts.Joëlle Proust - 2010 - In Timothy O'Connor & Constantine Sandis (eds.), A Companion to the Philosophy of Action. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 209–217.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Mental Agency as Sensitivity to Reasons Mental Agency as Voluntary Control Mental Agency, ‘Evaluative Control,’ and Metacognition References Further reading.
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  38. How voluntary are minimal actions?Joëlle Proust - unknown
    This book chapter aims at exploring how intentional a piece of behavior should be to count as an action, and how a minimal view on action, not requiring a richly intentional causation, may still qualify such a behavior as voluntary.
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  39. Overlooking metacognitive experience.Joëlle Proust - 2009 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 32 (2):158-159.
    Peter Carruthers correctly claims that metacognition in humans may involve self-directed interpretations (i.e., may use the conceptual interpretative resources of mindreading). He fails to show, however, that metacognition cannot rely exclusively on subjective experience. Focusing on self-directed mindreading can only bypass evolutionary considerations and obscure important functional differences.
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    Françoise Thébaud, Une traversée du siècle. Marguerite Thibert, femme engagée et fonctionnaire internationale.Joëlle Droux - 2023 - Clio 57:347-350.
    Pour celles et ceux qui prisent le grand large, la lecture de l’ouvrage de F. Thébaud, Une traversée du siècle. Marguerite Thibert, femme engagée et fonctionnaire internationale, s’impose. Dans cet ouvrage au long cours (près de 700 pages), l’auteure, spécialiste de l’histoire des femmes et du genre, nous convie en effet à partager un impressionnant périple temporel : celui d’une inconnue illustre, Marguerite Thibert (1886‑1982). Inconnue du grand public, Marguerite Thibert était déjà une per...
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  41. Rationality and metacognition in non-human animals.Joëlle Proust - 2006 - In Susan Hurley & Matthew Nudds (eds.), Rational Animals? Oxford University Press. pp. 247--274.
    The project of understanding rationality in non-human animals faces a number of conceptual and methodological difficulties. The present chapter defends the view that it is counterproductive to rely on the human folk psychological idiom in animal cognition studies. Instead, it approaches the subject on the basis of dynamic- evolutionary considerations. Concepts from control theory can be used to frame the problem in the most general terms. The specific selective pressures exerted on agents endowed with information-processing capacities are analysed. It is (...)
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    Robert Briggs, The Animal-to-Come: Zoopolitics in Deconstruction.Joëlle Dubé - 2023 - Derrida Today 16 (1):90-96.
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    « L’être est » et « II y a»: autarcie et anonymat de l’être dans les premiers écrits d’Emmanuel Levinas.Joëlle Hansel - 2006 - Études Phénoménologiques 22 (43/44):59-74.
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    Cognitive control and cortisol response to stress in generalised anxiety disorder: a study of working memory capacity with negative and neutral distractors.Joelle LeMoult, Randi E. McCabe, Atayeh Hamedani & K. Lira Yoon - 2019 - Cognition and Emotion 34 (4):800-806.
    We investigated the association between cognitive control and individual differences in cortisol response to stress in participants with generalised anxiety disorder and in never-disordered c...
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    Trapped Mermaid.Joelle Thompson - 2016 - Aletheia: The Alpha Chi Journal of Undergraduate Scholarship 1 (2).
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    De la démocratie à l’écologie et vice versa.Joëlle Zask - 2022 - Cités 92 (4):101-108.
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  47. Metacognition.Joëlle Proust - 2010 - Philosophy Compass 5 (11):989-998.
    Given disagreement about the architecture of the mind, the nature of self‐knowledge, and its epistemology, the question of how to understand the function and the scope of metacognition – the control of one’s cognition – is still a matter of hot debate. A dominant view, the self‐ascriptive view, has been that metacognition necessarily requires representing one’s own mental states as mental states, and, therefore, necessarily involves an ability to read one’s mind. The main claims of this view are articulated, and (...)
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  48. Mental acts as natural kinds.Joëlle Proust - 2013 - In Andy Clark, Julian Kiverstein & Tillmann Vierkant (eds.), Decomposing the Will. , US: Oxford University Press USA. pp. 262-282.
    This chapter examines whether, and in what sense, one can speak of agentive mental events. An adequate characterization of mental acts should respond to three main worries. First, mental acts cannot have pre-specified goal contents. For example, one cannot prespecify the content of a judgment or of a deliberation. Second, mental acts seem to depend crucially on receptive attitudes. Third, it does not seem that intentions play any role in mental actions. Given these three constraints, mental and bodily actions appear (...)
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  49. Perceiving Intentions.Joelle Proust - 2003 - In Johannes Roessler & Naomi Eilan (eds.), Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology. New York: Oxford University Press.
    This paper defends the view that knowledge about one's own intentions can be gained in part through perception, although not through introspection. The various kinds of misperception of one's intentions are discussed. The latter distinction is applied to the analysis of schizophrenic patients' delusion of control.
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  50. Is there a sense of agency for thought?Joelle Proust - 2009 - In Lucy O'Brien & Matthew Soteriou (eds.), Mental actions. New York: Oxford University Press.
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