Results for 'Jose Carrion'

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  1.  13
    ¿Cómo afrontar la infertilidad de modo médico, respetando a las personas y el amor conyugal? La ayuda de la naprotecnología en estos procesos.José Francisco Vaquero, Helena Marcos, María Victoria Mena & Venancio Carrión - 2023 - Medicina y Ética 34 (1):194-241.
    ¿Qué hacer cuando el matrimonio quiere tener un hijo y éste tarda en venir, o simplemente no viene? La naprotecnología, como estudio médico de la fertilidad masculina y femenina, ofrece una respuesta válida para afrontar esta situación de infertilidad/esterilidad. Seguimos como camino el método triangular propuesto por Elio Sgreccia: ver los datos científicos para realizar un análisis antropológico y una valoración ética que oriente el actuar concreto.La naprotecnología, como ciencia médica, constituye un abordaje médico y científico que busca resolver los (...)
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    Neuropsychological Markers for Safe Driving in Healthy Middle-Aged Drivers.Jose Carrion - 2018 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 12.
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    Repertorio bibliográfico sobre Aristóteles.Ángel Alvarado, Úrsula Carrión, Juan Carlos Díaz, Cristina Hinojosa, José Carlos Loyola, Erich Daniel Luna, Eduardo Llosa, Claudia Maldonado, Elvis Mejía, Rafael Moreno Moreno, Vanessa Navarro, Gerardo Perla, Arturo Rivas, Manuel Seifert, Omar Valencia, Ruth Zea & Raúl Zegarra - 2007 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 6.
    "El repertorio bibliográfico no presenta resumen".
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    Emotional intelligence as a predictor of identified regulation, introjected regulation, and external regulation in athletes.Isabel Mercader-Rubio, Nieves Gutiérrez Ángel, Nieves Fátima Oropesa Ruiz & José Juan Carrión-Martínez - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Self-determination theory considers motivation as a multidimensional phenomenon, with different levels of intensity, purposes, intentions, wills and autonomies. It distinguishes between intrinsic motivation, extrinsic motivation and amotivation. In this paper, we are going to focus on extrinsic motivation, which is related to those tasks that the subject performs without having a purpose in themselves, and which is composed of identified regulation, introjected regulation and external regulation. The aim of this research is to analyse the relationship between them and emotional intelligence (...)
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    Antisocial Behavior and Interpersonal Values in High School Students.María del Mar Molero Jurado, María del Carmen Pérez Fuentes, José J. Carrión Martínez, Antonio Luque de la Rosa, Anabella Garzón Fernández, África Martos Martínez, Maria del Mar Simón Márquez, Ana B. Barragán Martín & José J. Gázquez Linares - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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  6. La Mexicana en la Chicana: The Mexican Sources of Gloria Anzalduá's Inter-American Philosophy.Alexander Stehn & Mariana Alessandri - 2020 - Inter-American Journal of Philosophy 1 (11):44-62.
    This article examines Gloria Anzaldúa’s critical appropriation of Mexican philosophical sources, especially in the writing of Borderlands/La Frontera. We argue that Anzaldúa effectively contributed to la filosofía de lo mexicano by developing an Inter-American Philosophy of Mexicanness. More specifically, we recover “La Mexicana en la Chicana” by paying careful attention to Anzaldúa’s Mexican sources, both those she explicitly cites and those we have discovered while conducting archival research using the Gloria Evangelina Anzaldúa Papers at the Benson Latin American Collection at (...)
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  7. La Mexicana en la Chicana: Sources of Anzaldúa’s Mexican Philosophy.Alexander V. Stehn & Mariana Alessandri - 2022 - In Adrianna M. Santos, Rita E. Urquijo-Ruiz & Norma E. Cantú, El Mundo Zurdo 8: Selected Works from the 2019 Meeting of the Society for the Study of Gloria Anzaldúa. pp. 169-186.
    Our paper examines Gloria Anzaldúa’s critical appropriation of Mexican philosophical sources, especially in the writing of Borderlands/La Frontera. We demonstrate how Anzaldúa developed a transnational Philosophy of Mexicanness, effectively contributing to what has been recently characterized as the “multi-generational project to pursue philosophy from and about Mexican circumstances” (Vargas). More specifically, we recover “La Mexicana en la Chicana” by paying careful attention to Anzaldúa’s Mexican sources, both those she explicitly cites and those we have discovered while conducting archival research using (...)
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  8. Dignidad de la vocación matrimonial y su sacramentalidad en virtud del bautismo (según San Agustín).José Luis Larrabe - 1987 - Revista Agustiniana 28 (85):3-28.
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    El lenguaje litúrgico. Valoración crítica y perspectivas.José Aldazábal Larrañaga - 2023 - Isidorianum 6 (12):417-449.
    La palabra no es un accesorio de la oración, sino una parte esencial de ella, íntimamente ligada a la dinámica del servicio religioso, ya que ayuda o dificulta la comunicación, sobre todo entre culturas. El autor describe algunos enfoques contemporáneos, formulando observaciones críticas y ofreciendo nuevas perspectivas sobre los pasos que la Iglesia podría dar en un futuro próximo.
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  10. La exhortaciÓn apostÓlica ecclesia in Europa: Análisis y dimensiÓn pastoral.José Luis Larrabe - 2004 - Studium : revista de filosofía y teología 44 (3):383-404.
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    Foucault.José Guilherme Merquior - 1985 - Berkeley: University of California Press.
    In this concise, witty critical study, Merquior examines Foucault's work on madness, sexuality, and power and offers a provocative assessment of Foucault as a "neo-anarchist." Merquior brings an astonishing breadth of scholarship to bear on his subject as he explores Foucault using insights from a range of fields including philosophy, sociology, and history.
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    The Primacy of Practice.José L. Zalabardo - 2019 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 86:181-199.
    I argue that our procedures for determining whether ascriptions of a predicate represent things as being a certain way are ultimately pragmatic. Pragmatic procedures are not subject to validation by the referential procedure – determining whether there is a property playing the role of its referent. Predicates can represent even if we can't provide an independent identification of its referent. For these predicates, the speakers’ knowledge of how they represent objects as being would have to be construed in terms of (...)
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  13.  24
    A Particularist Approach to Arguments by Analogy.José Alhambra - 2023 - Argumentation 37 (4):553-575.
    In this article I defend what I call a ‘particularist approach to arguments by analogy.’ Particularism is opposed to generalism, which is the thesis that arguments by analogy require a universal principle that covers cases compared and guarantees the conclusion. Particularism rejects this claim and holds that arguments by analogy operate on particular cases. I elaborate on two ideas that support this position. On the one hand, I contend that an analogy can be seen as a parallelism of argumentative relationships, (...)
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  14. Identity trouble: Disidentification and the problem of difference.Josè Medina - 2003 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 29 (6):655-680.
    This paper uses the conceptual apparatus of Wittgenstein’s later philosophy to tackle a foundational issue in the philosophical literature on group identity, namely, the problem of difference. This problem suggests that any appeal to a collective identity is oppressive because it imposes a shared identity on the members of a group and suppresses the internal differences of the group. I develop a Wittgensteinian view of identity that dissolves this problem by showing the conceptual confusions on which it rests. My Wittgensteinian (...)
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    Policy advice and best practices on bias and fairness in AI.Jose M. Alvarez, Alejandra Bringas Colmenarejo, Alaa Elobaid, Simone Fabbrizzi, Miriam Fahimi, Antonio Ferrara, Siamak Ghodsi, Carlos Mougan, Ioanna Papageorgiou, Paula Reyero, Mayra Russo, Kristen M. Scott, Laura State, Xuan Zhao & Salvatore Ruggieri - 2024 - Ethics and Information Technology 26 (2):1-26.
    The literature addressing bias and fairness in AI models (fair-AI) is growing at a fast pace, making it difficult for novel researchers and practitioners to have a bird’s-eye view picture of the field. In particular, many policy initiatives, standards, and best practices in fair-AI have been proposed for setting principles, procedures, and knowledge bases to guide and operationalize the management of bias and fairness. The first objective of this paper is to concisely survey the state-of-the-art of fair-AI methods and resources, (...)
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    Practical Values and Uncertainty in Regulatory Decision‐making.José Luis Luján, Javier Rodríguez Alcázar & Oliver Todt - 2010 - Social Epistemology 24 (4):349-362.
    Regulatory science, which generates knowledge relevant for regulatory decision?making, is different from standard academic science in that it is oriented mainly towards the attainment of non?epistemic (practical) aims. The role of uncertainty and the limits to the relevance of academic science are being recognized more and more explicitly in regulatory decision?making. This has led to the introduction of regulation?specific scientific methodologies in order to generate decision?relevant data. However, recent practical experience with such non?standard methodologies indicates that they, too, may be (...)
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    Wittgenstein's Tractatus logico-philosophicus: a critical guide.José L. Zalabardo (ed.) - 2024 - New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
    Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, the only book-length work to have been published during his lifetime, continues to generate interest and scholarly debate. This volume of new essays showcases contemporary ideas on how to interpret the Tractatus and throws new light on some of its most challenging passages.
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    La noción de procesión en Plotino.José María Zamora - 1997 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 9 (1):85-105.
    El autor realiza una lectura de las Enéadas de Plotino partiendo de la noción de procesión, pieza clave para comprender la arquitectura del universo plotiniana ordenado jerárquicamente alrededor del Uno-Bien.Del primer principio proceden todos los seres y en él convergen. Cuatro son fundamentalmente los aspectos tratados: 1) El axiomade la procesión. 2) Los dos momentos de la procesión: el ascendente y el descendente. 3) Las imágenes de la procesión.4) Dentro de estas metáforas, privilegia el centro y el círculo, núcleo en (...)
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  19.  11
    Philosophy's duty towards social suffering.José A. Zamora & Reyes Mate (eds.) - 2021 - Zürich: Lit.
    Social suffering commands increasing public attention in the wake of several historical processes that have changed the ways victims are perceived. In making suffering eloquent by rendering it in conceptual form, philosophy runs the risk of muting suffering, thereby neutralizing its ability to mobilize responses. In the experience of suffering philosophy finds a limit it must recognize as its own. Yet only by fulfilling its duty towards suffering - only by having the abolition of suffering as its ultimate goal - (...)
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  20. El consumo como cultura: el imperio total de la mercancía.José Antonio Zamora Zaragoza - 2012 - Critica: La Reflexion Calmada Desenreda Nudos 62 (980):30-34.
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  21. ¿ Orfandad política de los intelectuales?:(Traducción y notas de José Calvo y Felipe Navarro Martínez).Vaclav Havel, José Calvo González & Felipe Navarro Martínez - 2003 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 8:187-201.
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    Paulo Margutti & José Crisóstomo de Souza sobre o artigo “Nota sobre linguagem e realidade, práticas e coisas”.Paulo Margutti & José Crisóstomo de Souza - 2019 - Cognitio 20 (1):150-158.
    Paulo Margutti e José Crisóstomo discutem sobre a possiblidade ou a impossibilidade de ultrapassar o representacionismo correspondentista e principalmente o eventual linguocentrismo da filosofia contemporânea, pós-virada linguística, em que parece que da linguagem pode-se passar apenas à linguagem, a cujo círculo mágico estaríamos, desse modo, inevitavelmente presos. Sendo assim, o mundo “aí fora” novamente nos escapa e o relativismo, o agnosticismo e o ceticismo de novo nos espreitam. Em Nietzsche, é a linguagem, sempre metafórica, que se adéqua aos nossos modos (...)
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    Argumentation by Analogy and Weighing of Reasons.José Alhambra - 2022 - Informal Logic 43 (4):749-785.
    John Woods and Brent Hudak’s theory on arguments by analogy (1989), although correct in its meta-argumentative approach, gives rise to problems when we consider the possibility of weighing reasons. I contend that this is an outcome of construing the relationship between the premises and the conclusion of arguments compared in argumentation by analogy as inferences. An interpretation in terms of reasons is proposed here. The reasons-based approach solves these problems and allows the theory to be extended to account for a (...)
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    Apresentação - Dossiê Nietzsche na Fenomenologia.José Fernandes Weber, Anna Luiza Coli & Giovanni Jan Giubilato - 2021 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 12 (1):e6.
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    Objeto Técnico, Mediação e Ensino Refletido da Técnica Em Simondon.José Fernandes Weber - 2013 - Revista Sul-Americana de Filosofia E Educação 20:136-156.
    O objetivo do artigo é apresentar como Simondon concebe o objeto técnico, a mediação e o ensino refletido da técnica. Num primeiro momento será apresentada a defesa dos objetos técnicos frente a acusação de restrição da experiência humana, da cultura. Num segundo, será apresentada a genealogia do objeto técnico, compreendido enquanto mediação entre o homem e a natureza, para então abordar o tema do ensino refletido da técnica.
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    Destituteness Revised: Sinan Antoon’s The Corpse Washer.José M. Yebra - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (7-8):775-787.
    Unlike most American novels on the Iraq wars, which tend to be either celebratory or redemptive, Iraqi-born Sinan Antoon’s The Corspe Washer bears witness to the traumatic effects of destitu...
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  27. La teoría del lenguaje literario.José María Pozuelo Yvancos - 1988 - Madrid: Cátedra.
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    Independent collective identity functions as voting rules.José Carlos R. Alcantud & Annick Laruelle - 2020 - Theory and Decision 89 (1):107-119.
    In this paper we study collective identity functions that deal with formation of clubs. Usually the choice offered to individuals is to cast a vote in favor of qualification or not, and the final outcome is qualification or non-qualification. In this context we show that independent collective identity functions are naturally characterized by voting rules, and in particular, consent rules can be represented by one single collection of weighted majorities. In addition, we consider the extended model where voters are allowed (...)
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    From Prague to Paris: a critique of structuralist and post-structuralist thought.José Guilherme Merquior - 1986 - London: Verso.
  30. What’s So Special about Self-Knowledge?Jose Medina - 2006 - Philosophical Studies 129 (3):575-603.
    This is a critical discussion of selected chapters of the first volume of Scott Soames's _Philosophical Analysis in the Twentieth Century. It is argued that this volume falls short of the minimal standards of scholarship appropriate to a work that advertises itself as a history, and, further, that Soames's frequent heuristic simplifications and distortions, since they are only sporadically identified as such, are more likely to confuse than to enlighten the student. These points are illustrated by reference to Soames's discussions (...)
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  31.  37
    The impact of eye contact on the sense of agency.José Luis Ulloa, Roberta Vastano, Nathalie George & Marcel Brass - 2019 - Consciousness and Cognition 74:102794.
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    Vinculación Empresarial: Una Forma de Expresión Organizacional En Las Universidades.José Cristóbal Hernández Tamayo - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (4):1-10.
    El propósito de esta investigación es describir el impacto de las acciones de vinculación de las empresas en las instituciones educativas superiores. La metodología se basó en estudios documentales y encuestas aplicadas a estudiantes y egresados de una Universidad. Los resultados destacan que los estudiantes que participan en programas en estadías de vinculación en las organizaciones durante su estancia en las universidades tienen mayores posibilidades de ejercer su práctica profesional. Se concluye científicamente que las instituciones educativas superiores que proporcionan prácticas (...)
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  33. Hume and Mill on 'Utility of Religion': a Borgean Garden of Forking Paths?José L. Tasset - 2007 - Τέλος. Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios Utilitaristas 14 (2):117-129.
    This work is not a specific assessment of Utility of Religion by John Stuart Mill, but a defence of what I think is a utilitarian, but not millian, view on the problem that work states, the question of the utility of religion in contemporary societies. I construct that view from neohumeanism more than from millian positions, notwithstanding, I postulate that view as a genuine utilitarian one. -/- Every cultural tradition makes a different approach to ethical and political theories. Spanish and (...)
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  34. Religious Fundamentalism: Psychological Factors.Jose Thadavanal - 1990 - Journal of Dharma 15 (2):148-167.
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  35. Superar divisiones: conocimientos de bioética para navegar la desconfianza y polarización en una era post-covid.José Tham - 2025 - Medicina y Ética 36 (1):11-43.
    La polarización de opiniones y posturas durante la pandemia de COVID-19 es inconfundible. Aunque hay muchas áreas de debate, nuestro enfoque principal gira en torno a las controversias de la vacuna COVID-19. El Informe SAGE (OMS 2014) sobre la indecisión ante las vacunas enumeró tres factores críticos, complacencia, conveniencia y confianza, que se repitieron durante la pandemia. De ellos, la confianza emerge como el motor central de la polarización. La desconfianza abarca varias dimensiones: el gobierno, la ciencia, las empresas farmacéuticas, (...)
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    Conceito e fronteiras da filosofia da arte.José Antônio Tobias - 1966 - [Marília, Brasil]: Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Marília.
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  37. "Bienes humanos y normatividad moral: la crítica de GEM Anscombe al concepto de" moral ought".José María Torralba - 2010 - Acta Philosophica 19 (2):349-362.
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    Didáctica desarrolladora: Posición desde el enfoque histórico cultural.José Toruncha & Silvia Cruz - 2015 - Educação E Filosofia 29 (57):61-93.
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    GARCÍA DE LEÁNIZ, I. (ed.), De nobis ipsis silemus. Homenaje a Juan Miguel Palacios, Encuentro, Madrid, 638 pp.José María Torralba - 2010 - Anuario Filosófico 43 (3):648.
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    La Disputa de Tortosa y las semillas judeoconversas del materialismo del siglo XVII.José Sánchez Tortosa - 2015 - Ingenium. Revista Electrónica de Pensamiento Moderno y Metodología En Historia de la Ideas 9:151-171.
    The history of Sephardic Judaism, from the late Middle Age to Modernity, and its diatribes against Christianity, which claims to be its theological resolution and, therefore, considers it abolished time, points out the direction of theological, philosophical and even political thought, which crystallize in the evolution of modern Judaism itself and in philosophical schools that are breeding grounds for a given materialism, the fullest systematic culmination of which is the work of Amsterdam-born, Sephardic Jew Benedictus de Espinosa.
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    Sobre el carácter humano del poder mundial.José María Tortosa - 2006 - Polis 13.
    No debe exagerarse la intensidad del poder a escala mundial. El presente trabajo explora las limitaciones del poder mundial tanto en el sentido de estar detentado por una potencia hegemónica, es decir, los Estados Unidos de América, como en el sentido de países centrales en cuanto opuestos a los periféricos. En el caso de los Estados Unidos, se presentan algunas debilidades que se derivan de sus aparentes fortalezas, en especial en el campo militar, económico, político y cultural, haciendo énfasis en (...)
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  42. Nuevas aportaciones sobre la recepción de Vico en el siglo XIX español.José M. Sevilla - 2004 - Cuadernos Sobre Vico 17 (18):2004-2005.
    El presente estudio contiene algunas recientes indagaciones que continúan y se agregan a anteriores trabajos del autor sobre el problema de la recepción de Vico en la cultura hispánica del siglo XIX.The present study contains some recent investigations that continue to previous works of the author on the problem of the reception of Vico during the XIX Century in the Hispanic culture.
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    Pascha = Passio en el "Tractatus IX" de Gregorio de Elvira. Rasgos de una Cristología pascual en la Iglesia bética del siglo IV.José Miguel Núñez Moreno - 2024 - Isidorianum 3 (6):7-31.
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  44. Réflexions métaphysiques sur la mort et le problème du sujet.José Echeverria - 1957 - Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 64 (2):241-242.
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    Universidad, democracia y destino.José Echeverría - 2001 - Polis 1.
    Esta conferencia, dictada la Universidad de Puerto Rico,postula un vínculo firme entre la vivencia universitaria y el ejercicio de la democracia. Recoge que el siglo XII se caracterizó por el auge de los debates teológicos, y la recuperación del Derecho romano, de lo que surge la creación de universidades en Europa, ocupando la palabra que deriva de universitatem, voz que significa el todo. El autor vincula esta relación entre universidad y democracia, a la concepción de destino surgida en el renacimiento (...)
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  46. Liberar la fuerza del Evangelio.José Antonio Pagola Elorza - 2012 - Nova et Vetera: Temas de Vida Cristiana 36 (74):201-218.
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  47. À porta do ser.José Enes - 1969 - Lisboa,: Difusão Dilsar.
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  48. La modestia de querer ser una ciencia.José Sanmartín Esplugues - 2014 - In Raúl Gutiérrez Lombardo & José Sanmartín, La filosofía desde la ciencia. México D.F.: Centro de Estudios Filosóficos, Políticos y Sociales Vicente Lombardo Toledano.
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  49. Modelos standard de sistemas Axiomáticos de Conjuntos. Parte I.José Sanmartín Esplugues - 1972 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (5):55-60.
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  50. "Sobre la consistencia de las" New Foundations for Mathematical Logic".José Sanmartín Esplugues - 1972 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 2 (8):71-90.
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