Results for 'Jorn Janssen'

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  1.  11
    Hope Springs Eternal: Political Engagement in a Post-Anarchist Utopia.Jorn Janssen - 2024 - Utopian Studies 35 (1):25-46.
    Post-anarchism poses a profound challenge to the fundamental tenets of traditional anarchism, particularly its veneration of science and reason, its overarching narrative of human emancipation, and its reliance on a sanguine conception of innate human goodness. However, this challenge inadvertently erodes the utopian aspirations inherent in traditional anarchism, leaving a conspicuous absence of a tangible alternative. Yet, a sense of utopia remains integral to the impetus for political engagement. This article seeks to address the implicit quandary of political engagement within (...)
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    Max Stirner, Identity Politics, and the Demand for Conformity from Its Opponents.Jorn Janssen - 2024 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2024 (208):130-149.
    ExcerptWe are currently witness to a new rise of identity politics, only the content of which is prone to partisanship. On the one side of the political aisle, we are supposed to care about our particular place in a social hierarchy based on race, gender, or sexual orientation, while on the other side we are supposed to identify with our original geographical lineage. This approach to politics, which we commonly refer to as identity politics, has drawn the ire of liberal (...)
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    Personalist morals: essays in honor of Professor Louis Janssens.Louis Janssens, Joseph A. Selling & Franz Böckle (eds.) - 1988 - Leuven: Peeters.
  4.  64
    Quine and His Place in History.Frederique Janssen-Lauret & Gary Kemp (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Palgrave.
    Containing three previously unpublished papers by W.V. Quine as well as historical, exegetical, and critical papers by several leading Quine scholars including Hylton, Ebbs, and Ben-Menahem, this volume aims to remedy the comparative lack of historical investigation of Quine and his philosophical context.
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  5. Reconsidering a Scientific Revolution: The Case of Einstein 6ersus Lorentz.Michel Janssen - unknown
    The relationship between Albert Einstein’s special theory of relativity and Hendrik A. Lorentz’s ether theory is best understood in terms of competing interpretations of Lorentz invariance. In the 1890s, Lorentz proved and exploited the Lorentz invariance of Maxwell’s equations, the laws governing electromagnetic fields in the ether, with what he called the theorem of corresponding states. To account for the negative results of attempts to detect the earth’s motion through the ether, Lorentz, in effect, had to assume that the laws (...)
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    Penser avec Avicenne: de l'héritage grec à la réception latine, en hommage à Jules Janssens.Jules L. Janssens, D. De Smet & Meryem Sebti (eds.) - 2022 - Bristol, CT: Peeters.
    Jules Janssens a construit une œuvre importante, qui, pour de nombreux chercheurs, a ouvert des perspectives de recherches nouvelles et fécondes. Ses travaux ont fait date. Ils portent principalement sur la philosophie d'Avicenne, ses sources, ses rapports avec la pensée musulmane, son influence sur la théologie ash'arite (al-Ghazālī, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī) et sa réception dans le monde latin. Pour lui rendre hommage, quatorze collègues et amis de renommée internationale se sont réunis pour poursuivre ses réflexions sur ces thèmes. L'ouvrage qui (...)
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  7.  26
    Quine, Structure, and Ontology.Frederique Janssen-Lauret (ed.) - 2020 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.
    W.V. Quine, a champion of philosophical naturalism and pioneer of mathematical logic, was one of the most important philosophers of the 20th century. This volume provides a full picture of the development of Quine's views on structure and how it permeates and shapes his attitude to a range of philosophical questions.
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    Lost voices: on counteracting exclusion of women from histories of contemporary philosophy.Frederique Janssen-Lauret & Sophia M. Connell - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2):199-210.
    While women philosophers are beginning to be rediscovered in the Early Modern period, they are conspicuously missing from later nineteenth and early to mid-twentieth century histories of philosophy...
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    Contemporary ethical naturalism : a comparative metaethical evaluation of expressivism and Cornell realism.Jorn Sonderholm - 2005 - Dissertation, St. Andrews
    This thesis contains a critical discussion of two metaethical theories: expressivism, as developed in the works of Simon Blackburn, and Cornell realism, as presented by Richard Boyd and David Brink. In the introduction, a distinction is made between external and internal accommodation projects for moral discourse and it is argued that the external accommodation project should be guided by acceptance of methodological naturalism. Expressivism and Cornell realism are then subjected to an extended comparative evaluation, and an answer is sought to (...)
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  10. Das Erscheinen des Menschen: Hannah Arendt und Franz Rosenzweig.Jörn Ahrens - 2001 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 48 (3):401-431.
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    Raum als Sinnordnung bei Ernst Cassirer.Jörn Bohr - 2008 - Erlangen: Filos.
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    Concerning form =.Asger Jorn - 2012 - Silkeborg: Museum Jorn.
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  13. Nordens teoretiske æstetik fra Julius Lange til Yrjö Hirn.Asger Jorn - 1967 - København,: Borgen. Edited by Julius Henrik Lange & Jrjö Hirn.
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    Changement de Méthode causé par la Numérisation.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    La numérisation va de pair avec un changement fondamental des méthodes qui a le potentiel de changer la pensée, les décisions et les actions des gens. Sur la base de cette thèse, une structure est proposée pour l’analyse de le changement de méthode induit par la numérisation. L’article donne un bref aperçu des forces motrices, des formes et des effets de ce changement méthodologique.
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    Methodenwandel durch Digitalisierung.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    Die Digitalisierung geht mit einem fundamentalen Methodenwandel einher, dem das Potential innewohnt, das Denken, Entscheiden und Handeln der Menschen nachhaltig zu verändern. Ausgehend von dieser These wird eine gliedernde Struktur zur näheren Betrachtung des durch die Digitalisierung induzierten Methodenwandels vorgeschlagen. Der Artikel bietet dazu einen kurzen Abriss über die Triebfedern, die Formen und die Auswirkungen dieses Methodenwandels.
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  16. Disputatio 5: Medieval Forms of Argument: Disputation and Debate.Müller Jorn - 2002
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  17. Funktion und Begründung von Menschenrechten in Martha Nussbaums capabilities approach: Eine kritische Bestandsaufnahme.Jörn Müller - 2005 - Freiburger Zeitschrift für Philosophie Und Theologie 52 (3):492-513.
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    Wille und Handlung in der Philosophie der Kaiserzeit und Spätantike.Jörn Müller & Roberto Hofmeister Pich (eds.) - 2010 - De Gruyter.
    Unter dem Willen versteht man die Fähigkeit eines Akteurs, sich frei und überlegtermaßen Ziele zu setzen sowie sie im Handeln planmäßig und beharrlich zu verfolgen. In diesem Band werden erstmals umfassend die begriffs- und problemgeschichtlichen Entwicklungen innerhalb der verschiedenen Philosophenschulen (Stoa, Neuplatonismus, Peripatetik) sowie in der christlichen Patristik untersucht, die zur Ausbildung eines philosophisch "vollwertigen" Willensbegriffs in der Spätantike geführt haben.
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  19. A história entre a modernidade ea pós-modernidade.Jörn Rüsen - forthcoming - História.
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    Historie und Historik: 200 Jahre Johann Gustav Droysen: Festschrift für Jörn Rüsen zum 70. Geburtstag.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2009 - Köln: Böhlau.
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  21. Is the publication of exit poll results morally permissible?Jorn Sonderholm - 2016 - Public Affairs Quarterly 30 (1):51-56.
    This article is about exit polls. It addresses the question of whether or not it is morally permissible to publish exit poll results. The conclusion of the article is that an affirmative answer should be given to this question. In section 2, the master argument in favor of the moral permissibility of the publication of exit poll results is introduced. This is a strong argument. It is, however, argued that it might be the case that the conclusion of this argument (...)
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  22. (1 other version)Ruth Barcan Marcus and quantified modal logic.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 30 (2):353-383.
    ABSTRACT Analytic philosophy in the mid-twentieth century underwent a major change of direction when a prior consensus in favour of extensionalism and descriptivism made way for approaches using direct reference, the necessity of identity, and modal logic. All three were first defended, in the analytic tradition, by one woman, Ruth Barcan Marcus. But analytic philosophers now tend to credit them to Kripke, or Kripke and Carnap. I argue that seeing Barcan Marcus in her historical context – one dominated by extensionalism (...)
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    Liebe als Zentralbegriff der Ethik nach Peter Abaelard.Jörn Müller - 2001 - Münster: Aschendorff.
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  24. Creation and emanation in Ibn Sînâ.Jules Janssens - 1997 - Documenti E Studi Sulla Tradizione Filosofica Medievale 8:455-477.
    Lo studio verte sulla terminologia avicenniana utilizzata per richiamare l'idea di «emanazione» e quella di «creazione». Il vocabolario avicenniano è comparato in particolare alla terminologia della Theologia Aristotelis.
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  25.  15
    Grace de Laguna as a Grandmother of Analytic Philosophy: Her Philosophy of Science and A.N. Whitehead’s.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2022 - Australasian Philosophical Review 6 (1):49-58.
    In this paper I build a case for considering the pioneering behaviourist philosopher Grace de Laguna as one of the grandmothers of analytic philosophy. I argue against the ‘Great Men’ narrative of analytic philosophy as composed of Moore, Russell, Wittgenstein and their followers, and in favour of a more inclusive ‘movement’ narrative of analytic philosophy as a broad and varied movement with an anti-idealist and naturalistic orientation aimed at fitting around novel development in the sciences, including Einsteinian physics and psychology. (...)
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  26. Anti-essentialism, modal relativity, and alternative material-origin counterfactuals.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2021 - Synthese 199 (3-4):8379-8398.
    In ordinary language, in the medical sciences, and in the overlap between them, we frequently make claims which imply that we might have had different gametic origins from the ones we actually have. Such statements seem intuitively true and coherent. But they counterfactually ascribe different DNA to their referents and therefore contradict material-origin essentialism, which Kripke and his followers argue is intuitively obvious. In this paper I argue, using examples from ordinary language and from philosophy of medicine and bioethics, that (...)
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  27.  50
    Time and history: the variety of cultures.Jörn Rüsen (ed.) - 2007 - New York: Berghahn Books.
    This series aims at bridging the gap between historical theory and the study of historical memory as well as western and non-western concepts, for which this ...
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    Independent choices and the interpretation of IF logic.Theo M. V. Janssen - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (3):367-387.
    In this paper it is argued that Hintikka's game theoreticalsemantics for Independence Friendly logic does not formalize theintuitions about independent choices; it rather is aformalization of imperfect information. Furthermore it is shownthat the logic has several remarkable properties (e.g.,renaming of bound variables is not allowed). An alternativesemantics is proposed which formalizes intuitions aboutindependence.
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  29. Relativity.Michel Janssen - 2004
    A brief review (~8K words) of the history and philosophy of special and general relativity for a Dictionary of the History of Ideas.
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  30.  12
    Liber primus Naturalium: tractatus tertius, De his quae habent naturalia ex hoc quod habent quantitatem.J. Janssens - 2017 - [Bruxelles]: Académie royale de belgique. Edited by J. Janssens.
    Ce volume offre l'édition critique de la traduction latine médiévale (partielle) de la troisième partie de la Physique du Shif?' d'Avicenne. Pour l'édition de la peine première partie traduite à Tolède, qui couvre le prologue et le début du premier chapitre, les mêmes principes ont été maintenus que pour l'édition du second traité. Quant à l'édition de la majeure partie, qui fut traduite à Burgos quasiment un siècle après la tolédane et qui n'a été conservée que dans un seul témoin, (...)
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    Vorzeitbelebung: Vergangenheits- und Gegenwarts-Reflexionen in der Musik heute.Jörn Peter Hiekel (ed.) - 2010 - Hofheim: Wolke.
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  32. Albert the Great and Pagan Ethics: His Elaboration of Aristotle's Reflections on the Scientific Character of Ethics.Jorn Müller - 2002 - In Müller Jorn (ed.), Disputatio 5: Medieval Forms of Argument: Disputation and Debate. pp. 41 - 52.
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    Montague semantics.Theo M. V. Janssen - forthcoming - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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    CWI Tract.Theo M. V. Janssen - 1986
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    The Trouton Experiment, E= mc 2, and a Slice of Minkowski Space-Time.Michel Janssen - 2003 - In A. Ashtekar (ed.), Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics. Springer. pp. 27--54.
  36. The Quinean Roots of Lewis’s Humeanism.Frederique Janssen-Lauret - 2017 - The Monist 100 (2):249-265.
    An odd dissensus between confident metaphysicians and neopragmatist antimetaphysicians pervades early twenty-first century analytic philosophy. Each faction is convinced their side has won the day, but both are mistaken about the philosophical legacy of the twentieth century. More historical awareness is needed to overcome the current dissensus. Lewis and his possible-world system are lionised by metaphysicians; Quine’s pragmatist scruples about heavy-duty metaphysics inspire antimetaphysicians. But Lewis developed his system under the influence of his teacher Quine, inheriting from him his empiricism, (...)
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  37.  18
    Al-Amidi and his integration of philosophy into kalam.Jules Janssens - 2009 - In Ahmet Erkol, Abdurrahman Adak & Ibrahim Bor (eds.), Uluslararası Seyfuddîn Âmidî Sempozyumu Bildirileri. International Conference on Sayf Al-Din Al-Amidi Papers.
    In the present paper it is shown that al-Ämidî has tried to integrate somehow pilosophy into theology in way that reveals closer to al-Ghazâlî's than to F.D. al-Râzî's way of combining both currents of thought. Based on an analysis of several ideas taken from different works it is shown that al-Ämidî not only accepts the logic of the philosophers, but also their views that may be considered as scientifically established beyond any reasonable doubt.
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  38. Flasch, K., Dietrich von Freiberg.Jules Janssens - 2009 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 71 (2):388.
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  39. Ger Groot de rode lap der rede voorgehouden, essay.Monique Janssens - 2009 - Filosofie En Praktijk 30 (5):47.
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    The natural order and other texts.Asger Jorn - 2002 - Burlington, USA: Ashgate.
    Machine generated contents note: The Natural Order -- [Part] 11 -- Part 2: Expeditions to New Worlds -- Appendix -- Value and Economy -- Part I: Critique of political economy -- Part 2: The exploitation of the unique -- Topical additions -- Luck and Chance -- Notes.
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    Trading Social Visibility for Economic Amenability: Data-based Value Translation on a “Health and Fitness Platform”.Jörn Lamla, Barbara Büttner & Carsten Ochs - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):480-506.
    Research on privacy practices in digital environments has oftentimes discovered a paradoxical relationship between users’ discursive appraisal of privacy and their actual practices: the “privacy paradox.” The emergence of this paradox prompts us to conduct ethnography of a health and fitness platform in order to flesh out the structural mechanisms generating this paradox. We provide an ethnographic analysis of surveillance capitalism in action that relates front-end practices empirically to the data economy’s back-end operations to show how this material-semiotic setup elicits (...)
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  42.  65
    The Longue Durée of Empire.Jörn Leonhard - 2013 - Contributions to the History of Concepts 8 (1):1-25.
  43. COI Stories: Explanation and Evidence in the History of Science.Michel Janssen - 2002 - Perspectives on Science 10 (4):457-522.
    This paper takes as its point of departure two striking incongruities between scientiªc practice and trends in modern history and philosophy of science. (1) Many modern historians of science are so preoccupied with local scientiªc practices that they fail to recognize important non-local elements. (2) Many modern philosophers of science make a sharp distinction between explanation and evidence, whereas in scientiªc practice explanatory power is routinely used as evidence for scientiªc claims. I draw attention to one speciªc way in..
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  44. David Lewis's Place in the History of Late Analytic Philosophy: His Conservative and Liberal Methodology.Frederique Janssen-Lauret & Fraser MacBride - 2018 - Philosophical Inquiries 5 (1):1-22.
    In 1901 Russell had envisaged the new analytic philosophy as uniquely systematic, borrowing the methods of science and mathematics. A century later, have Russell’s hopes become reality? David Lewis is often celebrated as a great systematic metaphysician, his influence proof that we live in a heyday of systematic philosophy. But, we argue, this common belief is misguided: Lewis was not a systematic philosopher, and he didn’t want to be. Although some aspects of his philosophy are systematic, mainly his pluriverse of (...)
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  45. Guy Debord and the Problem of the Accursed.Asger Jorn & Roxanne Lapidus - 1999 - Substance 28 (3):157-163.
  46. Electromagnetic models of the electron and the transition from classical to relativistic mechanics.Michel Janssen & Matthew Mecklenburg - unknown
    This paper is part II of a trilogy on the transition from classical particle mechanics to relativistic continuum mechanics that one of the authors is working on. The first part, on the Trouton experiment, was published in the Stachel festschrift (Janssen 2003). This paper focuses on the Lorentz-Poincaré electron, and, in particular, on the "Poincaré pressure" or "Poincaré stresses" introduced to stabilize the electron. It covers both the original argument by Poincaré (1906) and a modern relativistic argument for adding (...)
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  47. We Don’t Know We Have Hands and It’s Fine.Nicolien Janssens - 2020 - Stance 13 (1):107-117.
    Based on the brain in a vat thought experiment, skeptics argue that we cannot have certain knowledge. At the same time, we do have the intuition that we know some things with certainty. A way to justify this intuition is given by semantic contextualists who argue that the word “knows” is context sensitive. However, many have objected to the intelligibility of this claim. In response, another approach called “moderate pragmatic contextualism” was invoked, which claims that “knows” itself is not context (...)
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    Strategic Adaptation to Performance Objectives in a Dual-Task Setting.Christian P. Janssen & Duncan P. Brumby - 2010 - Cognitive Science 34 (8):1548-1560.
    How do people interleave attention when multitasking? One dominant account is that the completion of a subtask serves as a cue to switch tasks. But what happens if switching solely at subtask boundaries led to poor performance? We report a study in which participants manually dialed a UK-style telephone number while driving a simulated vehicle. If the driver were to exclusively return his or her attention to driving after completing a subtask (i.e., using the single break in the xxxxx-xxxxxx representational (...)
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    Method Change caused by Digitalization.Jörn Lengsfeld - 2019
    Digitalization goes hand in hand with a fundamental change in methods that has the potential to change people’s thinking, decisions and actions. Departing from this thesis, a structure is proposed for the analysis of the method change induced by digitalization. The article provides a brief outline of the driving forces, the forms and the effects of this method change.
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  50. When knowledge is not identified with reason: An interview with Paul Janssen.M. Muransky & P. Janssen - 2003 - Filozofia 58 (8):564-570.
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