Results for 'Jonathan Imholz'

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  1.  16
    Resting-State Functional Connectivity in the Dorsal Attention Network Relates to Behavioral Performance in Spatial Attention Tasks and May Show Task-Related Adaptation.Björn Machner, Lara Braun, Jonathan Imholz, Philipp J. Koch, Thomas F. Münte, Christoph Helmchen & Andreas Sprenger - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Between-subject variability in cognitive performance has been related to inter-individual differences in functional brain networks. Targeting the dorsal attention network we questioned whether resting-state functional connectivity within the DAN can predict individual performance in spatial attention tasks and whether there is short-term adaptation of DAN-FC in response to task engagement. Twenty-seven participants first underwent resting-state fMRI, they subsequently performed different tasks of spatial attention [including visual search ] and immediately afterwards received another rs-fMRI. Intra- and inter-hemispheric FC between core hubs (...)
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  2. Reasoning: Studies of Human Inference and its Foundations.Jonathan Eric Adler & Lance J. Rips (eds.) - 2008 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    This interdisciplinary work is a collection of major essays on reasoning: deductive, inductive, abductive, belief revision, defeasible, cross cultural, conversational, and argumentative. They are each oriented toward contemporary empirical studies. The book focuses on foundational issues, including paradoxes, fallacies, and debates about the nature of rationality, the traditional modes of reasoning, as well as counterfactual and causal reasoning. It also includes chapters on the interface between reasoning and other forms of thought. In general, this last set of essays represents growth (...)
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  3. Locke's agent Cornelius lyde: A new letter in the bodleian library'.Jonathan Walmsley - 2011 - Locke Studies 11:107-122.
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  4. Reconciling open-mindedness and belief.Jonathan Adler - 2004 - Theory and Research in Education 2 (2):127–42.
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  5. Another argument for the knowledge Norm.Jonathan E. Adler - 2009 - Analysis 69 (3):407-411.
    The knowledge norm of assertion is mainly in competition with a high probability or rational credibility norm. The argument for the knowledge norm that I offer turns on cases in which a hearer responds to a speaker's assertion by asserting another sentence that would lower the probability of the speaker's assertion, were its probability less than one. In cases like this, though with qualifications, is the hearer's contribution a challenge to the speaker's assertion or complementary to it? My answer is (...)
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    The skeptical economist: revealing the ethics inside economics.Jonathan Aldred - 2009 - Sterling, VA: Earthscan.
    Introduction : ethical economics? -- The sovereign consumer -- Two myths about economic growth -- The politics of pay -- Happiness -- Pricing life and nature -- New worlds of money : public services and beyond -- Conclusion.
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    Emmanuel Levinas' methodological approach to the jewish sacred texts.Jonathan Burroughs - 2012 - Heythrop Journal 53 (1):124-136.
    This paper explores Emmanuel Levinas' Jewish writings, and in particular, his Talmudic commentaries and essays on Judaism. The aim is to elicit some salient features of his methodological approach to the Jewish sacred texts. In general, Levinas' specific reflections on method (in terms of reading the Jewish Scriptures) are confined to sporadic, fragmentary comments interspersed throughout his writings. In extracting these reflections, a specifically Levinasian approach emerges. In particular, his approach shows how one may ethically encounter the Other(s) in these (...)
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    The Hesiodic Catalogue of Women and Archaic Greece by Kirk Ormand.Jonathan S. Burgess - 2015 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 109 (1):127-128.
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    Lu You.Jonathan Chaves & Michael S. Duke - 1979 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 99 (2):326.
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  10. Albinia Catherine de la Mare 1932-2001.Jonathan Jg Alexander - 2006 - In Alexander Jonathan Jg, Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V. pp. 51-68.
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    Popper, Karl.Jonathan Lieberson - 1982 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 49 (1):68-115.
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    Deconstruction, feminist criticism and cannon deformation.Jonathan Loesberg - 1991 - Paragraph 14 (3):240-256.
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    Should Gamete Donors be Allowed to Withdraw Consent from Embryo Research?Jonathan Mackenney - 2009 - Asian Bioethics Review 1 (2):89-107.
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    Continental Philosophy since 1750: the Rise and Fall of the Self.Jonathan Rée - 1989 - Philosophical Books 30 (3):144-147.
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    Foucault.Jonathan Ree - 1987 - Philosophical Books 28 (1):25-26.
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    The dying of the light.Jonathan Rée - 2008 - The Philosophers' Magazine 40:86-87.
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    Genes, Memes and Justice.Jonathan Riley - 2006 - Analyse & Kritik 28 (1):32-56.
    Ken Binmore argues that justice consists in a proportional bargaining equilibrium of a ‘game of morals’, which corresponds to a Nash bargaining equilibrium of a ‘game of life’. His argument seems unassailable if rational agents are predominantly self-interested, an assumption that he is apparently willing to make on the grounds that human behaviour is ultimately constrained in accord with the selfish gene paradigm. But there is no compelling scientific evidence for that paradigm. Rather, human nature appears to be highly plastic. (...)
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    (1 other version)John Stuart Mill.Jonathan Riley - 2005 - In John Shand, Central Works of Philosophy V3: Nineteenth Century. Routledge. pp. 127-157.
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    Thucydides and Internal War.Jonathan J. Price - 2001 - Cambridge University Press.
    In this 2001 book Jonathan Price attempts to demonstrate that Thucydides consciously viewed and presented the Peloponnesian War in terms of a condition of civil strife - stasis, in Greek. Thucydides defines stasis as a set of symptoms indicating an internal disturbance in both individuals and states. This diagnostic method, in contrast to all other approaches in antiquity, allows an observer to identify stasis even when the combatants do not or cannot openly acknowledge the nature of their conflict. The (...)
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    Bioethics Outlook.Jonathan Gillis & Bernadette Tobin - 2011 - Bioethics Outlook 22 (1).
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  21. In defense of radical empiricism: Essays and lectures.Jonathan E. Adler - 2000 - Philosophical Review 109 (3):453-456.
    This volume collects all of Firth’s major published writings, two sets of unpublished lectures, and three essays from his unfinished book on epistemology. John Troyer provides a very helpful overview of the essays, as well as a short biography of a person of deep convictions and a devoted teacher and colleague. : 109-18, should also be consulted.).
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  22. Philosophical challenges and prospects for natural law foundations of human rights.Jonathan Crowe - 2022 - In Tom P. S. Angier, Iain T. Benson & Mark Retter, The Cambridge handbook of natural law and human rights. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
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    Improving the integrative memory model by integrating the temporal dynamics of memory.Jonathan Curot & Emmanuel J. Barbeau - 2019 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 42.
    Despite highlighting the role of the attribution system and proposing a coherent large-scale architecture of declarative memory, the integrative memory model would be more “integrative” if the temporal dynamics of the interactions between its components was clarified. This is necessary to make predictions in patients with brain injury and hypothesize dissociations.
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  24. William James and What Cannot be Believed.Jonathan E. Adler - 2005 - The Harvard Review of Philosophy 13 (1):65-79.
    My critical comments focus mainly on premises,, and. However, in treating these I will address other of James’s assumptions—particularly, the presupposition of his argument that it is possible to will to believe. Later I will try to accommodate existential aspects of James’s argument that retain value, even if my objections to his argument stand.
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  25. Compte rendu de CJ BROWN [éd.], The Cultural and Political Legacy of Anne de Bretagne. Negotiating Convention in Books and Documents, Leyde, Brill, 2010.Jonathan Dumont - 2011 - Bibliothèque d'Humanisme Et Renaissance 73.
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    Critique of an epistemic account of fallacies.Jonathan E. Adler - 1993 - Argumentation 7 (3):263-272.
    An epistemic account of fallacies is one which takes it as a necessary condition for a fallacy that it has a tendency to produce false or unwarranted beliefs. The most sophisticated form of this account occurs in an article by Robert J. Fogelin and Timothy J. Duggan (“Fallacies,”Argumentation 1, 1987, pp. 255–262). I criticize the Fogelin and Duggan proposal, in particular, and epistemic accounts, more generally. Though an epistemic approach is attractive, it enlarges the class of fallacies, beyond what would (...)
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  27. Epistemics and the total evidence requirement.Jonathan E. Adler - 1989 - Philosophia 19 (2-3):227-243.
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  28. Knowledge, truth, and learning.Jonathan Adler - 2003 - In Randall Curren, A Companion to the Philosophy of Education. Oxford, UK: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 285–304.
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    Where are the limits to reconstruction?Jonathan E. Adler - 1985 - Informal Logic 7 (1).
  30.  14
    Perspectives in bioethics, science, and public policy.Jonathan Beever & Nicolae Morar (eds.) - 2013 - West Lafayette, Indiana: Published in collaboration with the Global Policy Research Institute by Purdue University Press.
    In this book, nine thought-leaders engage with some of the hottest moral issues in science and ethics. Based on talks originally given at the annual "Purdue Lectures in Ethics, Policy, and Science," the chapters explore interconnections between the three areas in an engaging and accessible way. Addressing a mixed public audience, the authors go beyond dry theory to explore some of the difficult moral questions that face scientists and policy-makers every day. The introduction presents a theoretical framework for the book, (...)
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  31. Conversation is the folks' epistemology.Jonathan E. Adler - 2008 - Philosophical Forum 39 (3):337-348.
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    Conundrums of Belief Self-Control.Jonathan E. Adler - 2002 - The Monist 85 (3):456-467.
    A much disputed conceptual argument aims to show the impossibility of direct believing at will. Regardless of the success of this argument, it has been held to be impotent against indirect forms of belief-control, such as by developing oneself to be more careful or fair-minded in evaluating evidence. However, the shift to indirect forms inherits difficulties connected to the conceptual argument.
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    Comments on "Developing Philosophies of Childhood".Jonathan E. Adler - 1981 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 2 (3-4):10-10.
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    Commentary on Powers.Jonathan Adler - unknown
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    Epistemic Dependence, Diversity of Ideas, and a Value of Intellectual Vices.Jonathan E. Adler - 1999 - The Proceedings of the Twentieth World Congress of Philosophy 3:117-129.
    The present argument assumes that teaching through modeling attempts to teach the intellectual virtues not primarily as an independent goal of education as, for example, a way to build good character, but for its value to inquiry. I argue that intellectual vices (such as being gullible, dogmatic, pigheaded, or prejudiced)—while harmful to inquiry in certain ways—are essential to its well functioning. Furthermore, to the extent that teaching models critical inquiry, there are educational lessons for which some students ought to take (...)
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    Evaluating Global and Local Theories of Induction.Jonathan E. Adler - 1976 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1976:212-223.
    This paper explores the implications of the epistemic distinction between the grounds that are relevant for justification in normal knowledge-claim contexts and those that are relevant in philosophical knowledge-claim contexts for inductive logics.
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    Is the common law a free-market solution to pollution?Jonathan H. Adler - 2012 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 24 (1):61-85.
    Whereas conventional analyses characterize environmental problems as examples of market failure, proponents of free-market environmentalism (FME) consider the problem to be a lack of markets and, in particular, a lack of enforceable and exchangeable property rights. Enforcing property rights alleviates disputes about, as well as the overuse of, most natural resources. FME diagnoses of pollution are much weaker, however. Most FME proponents suggest that common-law tort suits can adequately protect private property and ecological resources from pollution. Yet such claims have (...)
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  38.  31
    Reasoning and Lapses in James’ The Will to Believe.Jonathan Adler - 2012 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 15 (1):387-399.
    James’ The Will to Believe is the most influential writing in the ethics of belief. In it, James defends the right and rationality to believe on non-evidential grounds. James’ argument is directed against Clifford’s “Evidentialism” presented in The Ethics of Belief in which Clifford concludes that “[i]t is wrong always, everywhere, and for anyone, to believe anything upon insufficient evidence”. After an overview of the James-Clifford exchange and James’ argument, I reconstruct his argument in detail. Subsequently, I examine four steps (...)
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    Report of a Year Working on Inlproving Teaching and Learning.Jonathan Adler - 1997 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 16 (3):35-41.
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    Teaching and the Structural Approach to Fallacies.Jonathan Adler - 1996 - Inquiry: Critical Thinking Across the Disciplines 15 (4):94-106.
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    The rationality of the scientist: Toward reconciliation.Jonathan E. Adler - 1983 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 6 (3):487.
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  42. Why war imagery? Loving life as an "experiment des Erkennenden" in Die fröhliche Wissenschaft.Jonathan Agins - 2018 - In James S. Pearson & Herman Siemens, Conflict and Contest in Nietzsche's Philosophy. New York, NY, USA: Bloomsbury.
  43.  20
    Descolonizando la «Ética de la Inteligencia Artificial».Jonathan Piedra Alegría - 2022 - Dilemata 38:247-258.
    The first part of this paper contextualizes the debate on the ethical regulation of Artificial Intelligence, and then reviews the main Anglo-Eurocentric elements of public initiatives about the ‘Ethics of AI’ that have recently emerged. All this with the ultimate purpose of analyzing the basis of principlism of the Ethics of AI. We refer to this with the specific purpose of presenting it in terms of a paradigmatic case of ‘colonized’ ethics that hides the different moral judgments and the alternative (...)
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  44. Proceedings of the British Academy, 138 Biographical Memoirs of Fellows, V.Alexander Jonathan Jg - 2006
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    Philodemus and the Old Academy.Jonathan Barnes - 1989 - Apeiron 22 (2):139 - 148.
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    Stijn De Cauwer, ed. Critical Theory at a Crossroads: Conversations on Resistance in Times of Crisis.Jonathan Basile - 2019 - Environmental Philosophy 16 (1):230-233.
  47.  20
    Are SMC Complexes Loop Extruding Factors? Linking Theory With Fact.Jonathan Baxter, Antony W. Oliver & Stephanie A. Schalbetter - 2019 - Bioessays 41 (1):1800182.
    The extreme length of chromosomal DNA requires organizing mechanisms to both promote functional genetic interactions and ensure faithful chromosome segregation when cells divide. Microscopy and genome‐wide contact frequency analyses indicate that intra‐chromosomal looping of DNA is a primary pathway of chromosomal organization during all stages of the cell cycle. DNA loop extrusion has emerged as a unifying model for how chromosome loops are formed in cis in different genomic contexts and cell cycle stages. The highly conserved family of SMC complexes (...)
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  48. Fourier and the Saint-Simonians on the shape of history.Jonathan Beecher - 2008 - In Tyrus Miller, Given world and time: temporalities in context. New York: CEU Press.
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    Brown D. G.. What the tortoise taught us. Mind, n.s. vol. 63 , pp. 170–179.Jonathan Bennett - 1956 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 21 (4):394-395.
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    Erratum.Jonathan Bennett - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (55):264.
    An error has crept into my article ‘The Status of Determinism ’,1 making nonsence of a crucial sentence. On p. 117, tenth line from the bottom, die word not at the end of the line should be deleted.
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