Results for 'John Ruskin Clark'

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  1.  42
    The great living system: The world as the body of God.John Ruskin Clark - 1974 - Zygon 9 (1):57-93.
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    John Ruskin's Political Economy.William Henderson - 1999 - Routledge.
    This volume offers an exciting new reading of John Ruskin's economic and social criticism, based on recent research into rhetoric in economics. Willie Henderson uses notions derived from literary criticism, the rhetorical turn in economics and more conventional approaches to historical economic texts to reevaluate Ruskins economic and social criticism. By identifying Ruskin's rhetoric, and by reading his work through that of Plato, Xenophon, and John Stuart Mill, Willie Henderson reveals how Ruskin manipulated a knowledge (...)
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    On Writing the History of Relativity.John Earman, Clark Glymour & Robert Rynasiewicz - unknown
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    A Naturalistic Observation of Spontaneous Touches to the Body and Environment in the First 2 Months of Life.Abigail DiMercurio, John P. Connell, Matthew Clark & Daniela Corbetta - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    The Art Criticism Of John Ruskin.John Ruskin & Robert L. Herbert - 1987 - Da Capo Press.
    "Ruskin was the most important aesthetic authority of the 19th century. In his dozens of books and lectures he wrote about the qualities of art. the key figure, the history that connected one to another. In The Stones of Venice, Modern Painters, Seven Lamps of Architecture he developed rules and standards that are amazingly contemporary in their range of sympathies. However, Ruskin wrote thousands of pages of criticism; for the modern reader his thought needs always to be rediscovered. (...)
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    Einstein and Hilbert: Two Months in the History of General Relativity.John Earman & Clark Glymour - unknown
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    Foundations of Space-Time Theories: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science.John Earman, Clark N. Glymour & John J. Stachel (eds.) - 1974 - University of Minnesota Press.
    Some Philosophical Prehistory of General Relativity As history, my remarks will form rather a medley. If they can claim any sort of unity (apart from a ...
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  8. Relativity and Eclipses: The British Eclipse Expedition of 1919 and its Predecessors.John Earman & Clark Glymour - unknown
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  9. Lost in the tensors: Einstein's struggles with covariance principles 1912–1916.John Earman & Clark Glymour - 1978 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 9 (4):251-278.
  10. Beat the (Backward) Clock.Fred Adams, John A. Barker & Murray Clarke - 2016 - Logos and Episteme 7 (3):353-361.
    In a recent very interesting and important challenge to tracking theories of knowledge, Williams & Sinhababu claim to have devised a counter-example to tracking theories of knowledge of a sort that escapes the defense of those theories by Adams & Clarke. In this paper we will explain why this is not true. Tracking theories are not undermined by the example of the backward clock, as interesting as the case is.
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  11. The gravitational red shift as a test of general relativity: History and analysis.John Earman & Clark Glymour - 1980 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 11 (3):175-214.
  12. What revisions does bootstrap testing need? A reply.John Earman & Clark Glymour - 1988 - Philosophy of Science 55 (2):260-264.
  13. Knowledge as Fact-Tracking True Belief.Fred Adams, John A. Barker & Murray Clarke - 2017 - Manuscrito 40 (4):1-30.
    ABSTRACT Drawing inspiration from Fred Dretske, L. S. Carrier, John A. Barker, and Robert Nozick, we develop a tracking analysis of knowing according to which a true belief constitutes knowledge if and only if it is based on reasons that are sensitive to the fact that makes it true, that is, reasons that wouldn’t obtain if the belief weren’t true. We show that our sensitivity analysis handles numerous Gettier-type cases and lottery problems, blocks pathways leading to skepticism, and validates (...)
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    Editorial.John Earman, Clark Glymour & Sandra Mitchell - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):277-280.
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    The Principles of Art: As Illustrated by Examples in the Ruskin Museum at Sheffield, with Passages, by Permission, from the Writings of John Ruskin.William White & John Ruskin - 1895 - George Allen.
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  16. Ruskin's Modern Painters.John Ruskin & A. J. Finberg - 1927 - G. Bell.
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    On Writing the History of Special Relativity.John Earman, Clark Glymour & Robert Rynasiewicz - 1982 - PSA: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association 1982:403 - 416.
    Nearly all accounts of the genesis of special relativity unhesitatingly assume that the theory was worked out in a roughly five week period following the discovery of the relativity of simultaneity. Not only is there no direct evidence for this common presupposition, there are numerous considerations which militate against it. The evidence suggests it is far more reasonable that Einstein was already in possession of the Lorentz and field transformations, that he had applied these to the dynamics of the electron, (...)
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  18. The Interpreter's Bible. Vol. 11. Phillippians.Ernest F. Scott, Robert R. Wicks, Francis W. Beare, G. Preston MacLeod, John W. Bailey, James W. Clarke, Fred D. Gealy, Morgan P. Noyes, John Knox, George A. Buttrick, Alexander C. Purdy & J. Harry Cotton - 1955
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    Introduction to the Philosophy of Science.Merrilee H. Salmon, John Earman, Clark Glymour & James G. Lennox (eds.) - 1992 - Hackett Publishing Company.
    A reprint of the Prentice-Hall edition of 1992. Prepared by nine distinguished philosophers and historians of science, this thoughtful reader represents a cooperative effort to provide an introduction to the philosophy of science focused on cultivating an understanding of both the workings of science and its historical and social context. Selections range from discussions of topics in general methodology to a sampling of foundational problems in various physical, biological, behavioral, and social sciences. Each chapter contains a list of suggested readings (...)
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  20.  6
    The ethics of the dust: Ten lectures to little housewives on the elements of crystallization.John Ruskin - 1894 - New York,: Maynard, Merrill, & co..
    John Ruskin, a famous English philosopher and art professional, wrote "The Ethics of the Dust" in 1866. It is the best thing he has ever executed like it. In this book, Ruskin teaches morals in a totally distinctive way: he uses the fairy world as a metaphor to teach morals to kids. There are a variety of conversations within the story between elemental beings that represent various things about nature, education, and being yourself. The Fairy Queen, who (...)
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    Athlete Experiences of Shame and Guilt: Initial Psychometric Properties of the Athletic Perceptions of Performance Scale Within Junior Elite Cricketers.Simon M. Rice, Matt S. Treeby, Lisa Olive, Anna E. Saw, Alex Kountouris, Michael Lloyd, Greg Macleod, John W. Orchard, Peter Clarke, Kate Gwyther & Rosemary Purcell - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Guilt and shame are self-conscious emotions with implications for mental health, social and occupational functioning, and the effectiveness of sports practice. To date, the assessment and role of athlete-specific guilt and shame has been under-researched. Reporting data from 174 junior elite cricketers, the present study utilized exploratory factor analysis in validating the Athletic Perceptions of Performance Scale, assessing three distinct and statistically reliable factors: athletic shame-proneness, guilt-proneness, and no-concern. Conditional process analysis indicated that APPS shame-proneness mediated the relationship between general (...)
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  22. Brain Surgery and Vivisection, 'the Times' Correspondence [Ed.] with an Intr. By J.H. Clarke.John Henry Brain Surgery & Clarke - 1885
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    Selected Writings.John Ruskin - 2009 - Oxford University Press UK.
    'To be taught to write or to speak - but what is the use of speaking, if you have nothing to say? To be taught to think - nay, what is the use of being able to think, if you have nothing to think of? But to be taught to see is to gain word and thought at once, and both true.' Ruskin was the most powerful and influential critic of the nineteenth century. He wrote about nature, art, architecture, (...)
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  24. The Nineteenth Century.John Ruskin - 2008 - The Chesterton Review 34 (1/2):269-270.
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  25. Science in Your Life.John Pfeiffer, James Clarke, Mildred Adams, Paul B. Sears & Lyman Bryson - 1940 - Philosophy of Science 7 (3):386-387.
  26.  5
    Om arkitektur (1880).John Ruskin - 2004 - Agora Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 22 (1-2):156-164.
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    The ethics of the dust.John Ruskin - 1900 - New York,: H. M. Caldwell company.
    The following lectures were really given, in substance, at a girls' school (far in the country); which, in the course of various experiments on the possibility of introducing some better practice of drawing into the modern scheme of female education, I visited frequently enough to enable the children to regard me as a friend. The Lectures always fell more or less into the form of fragmentary answers to questions; and they are allowed to retain that form, as, on the whole, (...)
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    The Merchant.John Ruskin - 2004 - The Chesterton Review 30 (1/2):167-169.
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  29. Focus: Aspects of Accountancy.John Blake, Julia Clarke & Catherine Gowthorpe - forthcoming - Business Ethics:388.
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Aspects of Accountancy The Ethics of Accounting Regulation - An International Perspective.John Blake, Julia Clarke & Catherine Gowthorpe - 1996 - Business Ethics: A European Review 5 (3):143-150.
    In all the literature about ethical dilemmas facing the accounting practitioner little attention has been paid to those which arise from the accountant's role in the process of accounting regulation. This treatment explores that role in the light of differing national modes of accounting regulation, economic impact issues in accounting regulation, some ethical principles and a number of different national illustrations. John Blake is Professor of Accounting in the Department of Accounting and Financial Services at the University of Central (...)
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    Some Antecedents of the Theory of the Corporative System.John Clarke Adams - 1942 - Journal of the History of Ideas 3 (2):182.
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    Review (1888) of Gustave de MolinariÂ's Natural Laws of Political Economy (1887).John Bates Clark - unknown
    This work contains, perhaps, a larger amount of vigorous orthodoxy than can elsewhere be found in so small a compass. It is a plea for a laissez-faire policy, and is full of wisdom of a kind that is needed, in view of the drift of opinions toward “stateism.” Its effect on public policy will be like that of an anchor planted on a shoal on one side of a channel in order to warp a vessel off from an opposite shoal. (...)
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  33.  10
    A handbook of Christian ethics.John Clark Murray - 1908 - Edinburgh,: T. & T. Clark.
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it. This work is in the public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the work. Scholars believe, and we concur, that this work is important enough to be (...)
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  34. Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy an Exposition and Criticism.John Clark Murray - 1984
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    Modern physics.John Clarke Slater - 1955 - New York,: McGraw-Hill Book Co..
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    The Sikhs, A Study in Comparative Religion.John Clark Archer - 1948 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 8 (4):726-728.
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    Some remarks on carnelutti's system of jurisprudence.John Clarke Adams - 1939 - Ethics 50 (1):84-95.
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  38. Concettina ghisu vicende dell'hotel cagliaritano la Scala di Ferro.John Ruskin - forthcoming - ACME: Annali della Facoltà di lettere e filosofia dell'Università degli studi di Milano.
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  39. Jews in the Hellenistic World: Josephus, Aristeas, The Sibylline Oracles, Eupolemus.John R. Bartlett, Molly Whittaker, Richard A. Horsley, John S. Hanson, Henk Jagersma, Shaye J. D. Cohen & Howard Clark Kee - 1985
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    Modernism and traditional Japanese-style painting.John Clark - 1989 - Semiotica 74 (1-2):43-60.
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  41. The student seeks an answer.John Alden Clark - 1960 - Waterville, Me.,: Colby College Press.
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    Voices of the earth: an anthology of ideas and arguments.John James Clarke (ed.) - 1994 - New York: G. Braziller.
    Ranging from the ancient world to the recent past, and drawing on non-European traditions of thought, this study voices current concerns about the natural world and discusses the relationship of human beings to their environment.
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    Javanese-English Dictionary.John M. Echols & Elinor Clarke Horne - 1975 - Journal of the American Oriental Society 95 (3):550.
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    Peirce’s Religious Metaphysics.John Clark Smith - 1979 - International Philosophical Quarterly 19 (4):407-425.
  45. To bee or not to bee : the co-production of modern science and the modern state.John F. M. Clark - 2018 - In John L. Brooke, Julia C. Strauss & Greg Anderson, State formations: global histories and cultures of statehood. New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
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    Intuition and criticism in ethics.John A. Clark - 1940 - Journal of Philosophy 37 (20):546-555.
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  47. Erasmi Colloquia Selecta; or, the Select Colloquies of Erasmus, with an Engl. Tr. By J. Clarke. 15th Ed.Desiderius Erasmus & John Clarke - 1759
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  48. Creating citizen-consumers? public service reform and (un)willing selves.John Clarke, Janet Newman & Louise Westmarland - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan.
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  49. Hereditary inequality.John E. Clark - 2000 - In Marcia-Anne Dobres & John Robb, Agency in archaeology. New York: Routledge. pp. 92.
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    Icon and Image in Modern Thai Art: A Preliminary Exploration.John Clark - 2011 - Contemporary Aesthetics.
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