Results for 'John Ozell'

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  1. Logic; or, the Art of Thinking [by A. Arnauld and P. Nicole], Tr. By Several Hands. 4 Pt. [In 2]. Done From the New Fr. Ed. By P. Ozell.Antoine Arnauld & John Ozell - 1717
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    Logic; Or, The Art of Thinking:: Containing (besides the Common Rules) Many New Observations, that are of Great Use in Forming an Exactness of Judgment. : In Four Parts..Antoine Arnauld, Pierre Nicole, John Ozell & Taylor - 1717 - Printed for William Taylor, ..
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    ABD’deki İslam ve İslam Felsefesi Çalışmalarına Genel Bir Bakış.Yunus Kaplan - 2019 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 23 (1):563-579.
    Sahip olduğu akademik imkânların ve başta İngilizce olmak üzere birçok dilde uluslararası yayınların çokluğu nedeniyle Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’ndeki İslam çalışmaları yoğun, üretken ve dünya genelinde ilgiyle takip edilen bir alandır. Ancak Batı’daki üniversitelerin genelinde olduğu gibi Amerikan üniversitelerinde de İslam felsefesi/tarihi çalışmaları oldukça zayıftır. Bu makalede öncelikle geçmişten günümüze İslam çalışmalarının ABD’deki durumu tasviri bir metotla ortaya konulmakta ve İslam Felsefesinin ABD’deki İslam çalışmaları içerisindeki zayıf konumu sorgulanmaktadır. İkinci olarak Post-Oryantalist süreçte İslam Felsefesi çalışmalarında öne çıkan isimler ve çalışmaları değerlendirilmektedir. (...)
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  4. I too have seen the blue light.John Levack - 2012 - The Australian Humanist (106):19.
    Levack, John Having just read another poem about how a city-bred agnostic finds God after spending a weekend away in the Australian bush..
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    Plato's Statesman Story: The Birth of Fiction Reconceived.John Tomasi - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):348-358.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:PLATO'S STATESMAN STORY: THE BIRTH OF FICTION RECONCEIVED by John Tomasi In "Plato's Atlantis Story and the Birth of Fiction," Christopher Gill wants to distinguish the story ofAdantis in the Critias from Plato's earlier stories—like diat in the Statesman.1 These stories, Gill claims, belong to different literary genres. While the Statesman story is but another example of fable, the Adantis story of the Critias represents the first example—the (...)
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    XV*—Hume on Practical Reason.John Robertson - 1990 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 90 (1):267-282.
    John Robertson; XV*—Hume on Practical Reason, Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Volume 90, Issue 1, 1 June 1990, Pages 267–282,
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    Screen, Culture, Psyche: A Post Jungian Approach to Working with the Audience.John Izod - 2006 - Routledge.
    _Screen, Culture, Psyche_ illuminates recent developments in Jungian modes of media analysis, and illustrates how psychoanalytic theories have been adapted to allow for the interpretation of films and television programmes, employing Post-Jungian methods in the deep reading of a whole range of films. Readings of this kind can demonstrate the way that some films bear the psychological projections not only of their makers but of their audience, and assess the manner in which films engage the writer’s own psyche. Seeking to (...)
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  8. Questioning the role of enchantment for the new evangelisation.John Francis Collins & Carroll - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (2):196.
    Collins, John Francis; Carroll, Sandra In the April 2012 edition of The Australasian Catholic Record John Duiker presented a useful overview and history of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal titled 'Spreading the Culture of Pentecost in the Midst of Disenchantment.' According to Duiker the CCR as an ecclesial movement 'has its origins in a retreat that was held at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania in the USA in February 1967.' Describing this event as a Pentecost experience Duiker writes that (...)
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    Text of an address given by Pope John Paul II to the participants of a symposium marking the centenary of the death of John Henry Newman.John Paul Ii - 1992 - The Chesterton Review 18 (4):608-612.
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    Foucaultovo umění vidět.John Rajchman - 2008 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 30 (2):91-131.
    Art of seeing, John Rajchman argues in his essay, was in the center of Michel Foucault’s critical attention as well as practice. Foucault himself was a visual thinker and writer. More importantly, however, the ways in which historically changing vision determines not only what is seen, but what can be seen, are one of his major concerns. Rupture with self-evidences is then the first step one must take to make the invisible – yet not hidden – power visible. Th (...)
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    Foucault for Students of Education.John Drummond - 2000 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 34 (4):709-719.
    John Drummond; Foucault for Students of Education, Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 34, Issue 4, 7 March 2003, Pages 709–719,
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    Theology in three dimensions: a guide to triperspectivalism and its significance.John M. Frame - 2017 - Phillipsburg, New Jersey: P&R Publishing.
    John Frame gives us an accessible introduction to "triperspectival" study-where theological issues are fruitfully viewed from multiple perspectives without compromise to their unity and truth. Book jacket.
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    Dr. John Brown 1735-88) and Early German Romanticism.John Neubauer - 1967 - Journal of the History of Ideas 28 (3):367.
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    Nietzsche's voices.John Sallis - 2022 - Bloomington, Indiana, USA: Indiana University Press. Edited by Richard Rojcewicz.
    Nietzsche's Voices, the latest volume of John Sallis's Collected Writings, presents his two-semester lecture course on Nietzsche offered in the Philosophy Department of Duquesne University during the school year 1971-72. "Nietzsche is easy to read; his is apparently the easiest of all the great philosophies. Yet the easy intelligibility is deceptive. Nietzsche's writings make us believe we have understood when in fact we have not. His philosophy is actually the exact opposite of easy," says Sallis. He first discusses Nietzsche's (...)
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    A Mission to the Earth's Core.John Cramer - unknown
    Keywords: geology instrument probe Earth interior crust magma core crack underground nuclear explosion molten iron China Syndrome melting rock Published in the December-2003 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine ; This column was written and submitted 06/22/2003 and is copyrighted ©2003 by John G. Cramer. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission of the author.
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  16. Foster's Case Against Matter.John Gardner - unknown
    This paper has two parts. The first is an exposition of John Foster's argument that ultimate reality, whatever else it might be, is not physical, and could not be. The second part is a somewhat tentative discussion of this argument, in which I consider ways it might be challenged or amended. I suggest that while Foster's argument may not render materialism untenable, at the very least it forces the materialist to adopt certain other controversial views, and so is a (...)
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    Paul de Man, Deconstruction, and Discipleship.John Allman - 1990 - Philosophy and Literature 14 (2):324-339.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:John Allman PAUL DE MAN, DECONSTRUCTION, AND DISCIPLESHIP God may be dead, but his vocabulary lives on, oddly enough, in the militandy secular pages of recent literary theory. Just when we thought it was safe to plunge the depths of postmodernism without the muddying mystifications of worship, religious language seems to have resurrected itself and is walking once again on the troubled waters of literary criticism. In an (...)
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    The New Hermeneutic, Edited by James M. Robinson And John B. Cobb, Jr.James Mcconkey Robinson & John Boswell Cobb - 1964 - Harper & Row.
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    Locke and Sydenham.John Brown - 2008 - Spencer Press.
    Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900s and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork.
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    The De Primo Principio of John Duns Scotus.John Duns Scotus - 1949 - St. Bonaventure, N.Y.,: Franciscan Institute. Edited by Evan Roche.
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    Should anyone say forever?: On making, keeping, and breaking commitments.John C. Haughey - 1975 - Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday.
    An important book, one that can truly be called seminal. --America In a popular, informal style, the Jesuit author of many theological books and articles explores the question of interpersonal commitments . . . His book should do much to clarify a great deal of muddy thinking on a critical issue. --Library Journal Haughey is not addressing one life-style, but is writing for all, since all of us are committed to someone or something. His book is carefully written and deserves (...)
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  22.  22
    A Century of Physics.John Cramer - unknown
    Alternate View Column AV-97 Keywords: super-lasers space molecules atom lasers 4-wave mixers direct CP violation matter-antimatter asymmetry K0 mesons Published in the October-1999 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine ; This column was written and submitted 03/28/99 and is copyrighted ©1999 by John G. Cramer. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission of the author.
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    Science and SF in Japan.John Cramer - unknown
    Alternate View Column AV-58 Keywords: Japan science fiction HamaCon physics Tscuba KEK TRISTAN Published in the April-1993 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine ; This column was written and submitted 9/17/92 and is copyrighted ©1992 by John G. Cramer. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without prior explicit permission of the author.
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    Does Torture Work?John W. Schiemann - 2015 - Oxford University Press USA.
    When the Senate released its so-called "Torture Report" in December 2014 the world would learn that, for years, the CIA had used unimaginably brutal methods to interrogate its prisoners - often without yielding any useful or truthful information. The agency had long and adamantly defended its use of torture, staunchly arguing that it was not only just but necessary for the country's safety. And even amid the revelations of the report, questions abound about whether torture can be considered a justifiable (...)
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    Human Rights and Common Good: Collected Essays Volume Iii.John Finnis - 2011 - Oxford University Press.
    Human Rights and Common Good collects John Finnis's wide-ranging work on central issues in political philosophy. The subjects explored include the general theory of political community and justice; the nature and role of human rights; national territory and migrants' and non-citizens' rights; the justification of punishment; and the public control of euthanasia, abortion, and marriage.
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    BioEssays 1/2020.John R. Speakman - 2020 - Bioessays 42 (1):2070013.
    Graphical AbstractA hunter gatherer in our evolutionary history would have faced many threats when physically active, including the risks of predation, snakebite and fractured limbs. In article number 1900156, John R. Speakman argues that these threats in our evolutionary past selected us to be as sedentary as possible. Image credit: Stephanie Summers.
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    (1 other version)FOCUS: Aspects of Accountancy The Ethics of Accounting Regulation - An International Perspective.John Blake, Julia Clarke & Catherine Gowthorpe - 1996 - Business Ethics: A European Review 5 (3):143-150.
    In all the literature about ethical dilemmas facing the accounting practitioner little attention has been paid to those which arise from the accountant's role in the process of accounting regulation. This treatment explores that role in the light of differing national modes of accounting regulation, economic impact issues in accounting regulation, some ethical principles and a number of different national illustrations. John Blake is Professor of Accounting in the Department of Accounting and Financial Services at the University of Central (...)
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    NASA Goes FTL - Part 2: Cracks in Nature's FTL Armor.John Cramer - unknown
    Alternate View Column AV-70 Keywords: Casimir effect negative energy quantum nonlocality tachyons extra dimensions Published in the February-1995 issue of Analog Science Fiction & Fact Magazine ; This column was written and submitted 7/13/94 and is copyrighted ©1994 by John G. Cramer. All rights reserved. No part may be reproduced in any form without the explicit permission of the author.
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    After Thoughts: Beyond the ‘System’: Political and Cultural Lectures by Agnes Heller.John Edward Grumley (ed.) - 2019 - Boston: BRILL.
    This collection of lectures by world-renowned philosopher Agnes Heller, edited and introduced by John Grumley, covers a range of political and cultural issues, from the highly topical to modern classics.
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    Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret 2 Volume Paperback Set.John Oxenford (ed.) - 2011 - Cambridge University Press.
    Originally published by Goethe's friend and personal secretary, Johann Peter Eckermann, in German in 1836, this work comprises Eckermann's recollections of his conversations with the German writer and philosopher during the last nine years of his life. Eckermann published a further volume in 1848 using both his own memories and material from the journals of Swiss scientist Frédéric Soret, who was also a close acquaintance of Goethe. The work initially sold poorly in Germany, but quickly became popular internationally, and contributed (...)
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    (1 other version)Ex decretis prioribus nihil immutamus. Du conservatisme religieux des Romains.John Scheid - 2008 - Kernos 21:185-196.
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    Les espaces cultuels et leur interpretation.John Scheid - 1995 - Klio 77 (1):424-432.
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  33. B. Ioannis Duns Scoti Quaestiones Super Libros Metaphysicorum Aristotelis.John Duns Scotus & R. Andrews - 1997
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    (2 other versions)Hermetica, The Ancient Greek and Latin writings which contain religious or philosophic teachings ascribed to Hermes Trismegistus, volume I.John Baillie - 1926 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 101 (3):299-300.
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  35. Great Minds: A Great Humanist: William James.John Shook - 2008 - Free Inquiry 29:52-53.
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    H. Stan Thayer, 1923-2008.John R. Shook - 2008 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 82 (2):170 - 171.
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    Rome and Rhetoric: Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar.John Shosky - 2016 - The European Legacy 21 (2):238-240.
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    Theology From The World.John R. Shook - 2010 - In The God debates: a 21st century guide for atheists and believers (and everyone in between). Malden, Mass.: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 84–132.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Theology and Science Arguments from Nature Arguments from Design Arguments from Religious Experience Arguments from Morality Explanations for Reason The Ontological Argument for God The Argument from Pseudo‐science.
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    Verfahrensformalismus in Kants Ethik.John R. Silber - 1975 - In Gerhard Funke, Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses: Mainz, 6.–10. April 1974, Teil 3: Vorträge. De Gruyter. pp. 149-185.
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  40. of Reasons.John Skorupski - 2009 - In Simon Robertson, Spheres of reason: new essays in the philosophy of normativity. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 113.
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  41. The Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell, Volume 6: Logical and Philosophical Papers 1909-13.John Slater & Bernd Frohmann (eds.) - 1992 - Routledge.
    The years covered by this volume of the Collected Papers of Bertrand Russell were among the most productive, philosophically speaking, of Russell's entire career. In addition to the papers reprinted here, he bought Principia Mathematica to its finished form and wrote The Problems of Philosophy, Theory of Knowledge and Knowledge of the External World . In October 1910 he began teaching at Cambridge, having accepted an appointment as lecturer in logic and the principles of mathematics at Trinity College for a (...)
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    Dedication.John Smith - 2010 - Paideusis: Journal of the Canadian Philosophy of Education Society 19 (2).
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    (1 other version)The Hermeneutic Event.John F. Smolko - 1970 - Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 44:31-54.
  44. The Communist Trials and the American Tradition.John Somerville - 1959 - Science and Society 23 (4):361-363.
  45. The beginnings of plains-pueblo interaction : An archaeological perspective from southeastern new mexico.John D. Speth - 2005 - In Michelle Hegmon, B. Sunday Eiselt & Richard I. Ford, Engaged anthropology: research essays on North American archaeology, ethnobotany, and museology. Ann Arbor, Mich.: University of Michigan, Museum of Anthropology.
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    Do Quanta Need.John Stachel - 1986 - In Robert G. Colodny, From Quarks to Quasars: Philosophical Problems of Modern Physics. University of Pittsburgh Press. pp. 229.
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    Cosmogeny.John Theodore Stearn - 1954 - New York,: Vantage Press.
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    "Man's First Disobedience": The Causal Structure of the Fall.John M. Steadman - 1960 - Journal of the History of Ideas 21 (1/4):180.
  49. Platonism and Stoicism in Vergil's Aeneid.John Stevens - 2007 - In Mauro Bonazzi & Christoph Helmig, Platonic Stoicism, stoic Platonism: the dialogue between Platonism and Stoicism in antiquity. Leuven, Belgium: Leuven University Press. pp. 39.
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    Reason & intuition, and other essays.John Leofric Stocks - 1939 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press. Edited by Dorothy Mary Emmet.
    Note, by Sir D. Ross.--Reason and intuition.--The kinds of belief.--Religious belief.--Conflicts of belief.--The eclipse of cause.--Materialism in politics.--On the need for a social philosophy.--Can philosophy determine what is ethically and socially valuable?--The philosophy of democracy.--The principles and limitations of state action.--Leisure.--Locke's contribution to political theory.--Jeremy Bentham.--The empiricism of J. S. Mill.--Is a science of theology possible?--Will and action in ethics.
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