Results for 'John Nolan'

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  1. What Would Teleological Causation Be?John Hawthorne & Daniel Nolan - 2006 - In Metaphysical essays. New York: Clarendon Press.
    As is well known, Aristotelian natural philosophy, and many other systems of natural philosophy since, have relied heavily on teleology and teleological causation. Somehow, the purpose or end of an obj ect can be used to predict and explain what that object does: once you know that the end of an acorn is to become an oak, and a few things about what sorts of circumstances are conducive to the attainment of this end, you can predict a lot about the (...)
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  2. Self-knowledge in Descartes and Malebranche.Lawrence Nolan & John Whipple - 2005 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 43 (1):55-81.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Journal of the History of Philosophy 43.1 (2005) 55-81 [Access article in PDF] Self-Knowledge in Descartes and Malebranche Lawrence Nolan John Whipple 1. Introduction Descartes's notorious claim that mind is better known than body has been the target of repeated criticisms, but none appears more challenging than that of his intellectual heir Nicolas Malebranche.1 Whereas other critics—especially twentieth-century philosophers eager to use Descartes as their whipping boy—have (...)
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  3. Letters to the Editor.John D. Sommer, Ed Casey, Mary C. Rawlinson, Eva Kittay, Michael A. Simon, Patrick Grim, Clyde Lee Miller, Rita Nolan, Marshall Spector, Don Ihde, Peter Williams, Anthony Weston, Donn Welton, Dick Howard, David A. Dilworth & Tom Foster Digby 3d - 1993 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 66 (5):97 - 112.
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  4. International Directory of Bioethical Organizations.Anita L. Nolan, Mary Carrington Coutts & John McKie - 1995 - Bioethics 9 (2):179-179.
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  5. (1 other version)The Dustbin Theory of Mind: A Cartesian Legacy?Lawrence Nolan & John Whipple - 2006 - Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy 3:33-55.
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    The computational metaphor and environmentalism.John Nolan - 1992 - AI and Society 6 (1):50-61.
    The Computational Metaphor is an extremely influential notion, and more than any other trend has given rise to the field of Cognitive Science. Environmentalism is at present better formalised as a political movement than as a scientific paradigm, despite significant research by Gibson and his followers. This article attempts to address the difficult problem of synthesising these two apparently antagonistic research paradigms.
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    Buddhism and the Contemporary World.John Berthrong, Robert C. Neville, Steve Odin & Nolan Pliny Jacobson - 1984 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 4:137.
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    Spheres of Influence: A Walzerian Approach to Business Ethics.Andrew C. Wicks, Patricia H. Werhane, Heather Elms & John Nolan - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 174 (1):1-14.
    Michael Walzer is one of the most distinguished political philosophers and social critics of this century. His ideas have had great import and influence in political philosophy and political discussion, yet very few of his ideas have been incorporated explicitly into the business ethics literature. We argue that Walzer’s work provides an important conceptual canvas for business ethics scholars that has not been adequately explored. Scholars in business ethics often borrow from political theory and philosophy to generate new insights and (...)
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    John Baconthorpe on Soul, Body and Extension.Simon Nolan - 2013 - Maynooth Philosophical Papers 7:33-45.
    John Baconthorpe (c.1290-1345/8) was the best-known of the Carmelite scholastics in the Middle Ages. This article is a brief study of his solution to the philosophical problem of how the soul may be wholly present in the human body and present whole and undivided in each part. Baconthorpe’s account is of great interest for a number of reasons. He takes issue with one of his fellow Carmelite masters, alerting us to diversity of opinion within that ‘school’. Furthermore, in using (...)
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    John Baconthorpe.Simon Nolan - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 594--597.
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  11. Comments on John Divers's “on the significance of the question of the function of modal judgment”.Daniel Nolan - 2010 - In Bob Hale & Aviv Hoffmann, Modality: metaphysics, logic, and epistemology. qnew York: Oxford University Press. pp. 220-226.
    The question of the function of modal judgement is an interesting philosophical issue, and John Divers's paper (this volume) has persuaded me that it has not received the attention it deserves. I think it is an important and interesting question even apart from any more ambitious claims that are made about its role in settling other issues about modality. Even if we became convinced that the story about function put no constraints whatsoever, epistemologically or metaphysically, on a theory of (...)
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  12. Book reviews. [REVIEW]Roderick M. Chisholm, John Corcoran, Jorge Gracia, L. S. Carrier, T. N. Pelegrinis, Alfred L. Ivry, D. S. Clarke, Leo Rauch, Robert Young, Michael J. Loux, Rita Nolan, Gerald Vision, E. D. Klemke, Ruth Anna Putnam, Edward S. Reed, Maurice Mandelbaum, John Wettersten & Rachel Shihor - 1983 - Philosophia 13 (1-2):359-362.
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  13. Vatican II: Changing the style of being church.Ann M. C. Nolan - 2012 - The Australasian Catholic Record 89 (4):397.
    Nolan, Ann MC In the past fifty years there has been a stream of commentary on the documents of Vatican II. Have we not had so much commentary, so much interpretation, that further commentary is unnecessary? Fifty years on, one might ponder how to interpret the sixteen documents for the church of our times, indeed to wonder whether they continue to have any relevance at all. Faced with this thought, we could turn to one scholar whose works span almost (...)
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    Corporate Social Responsibility? Human Rights in the New Global Economy, edited by Charlotte Walker-Said and John D. Kelly. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2015. 392 pp. ISBN: 978-0226244273. [REVIEW]Justine Nolan - 2016 - Business Ethics Quarterly 26 (4):565-567.
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    Review of W. J. Mander, The Philosophy of John Norris[REVIEW]Lawrence Nolan - 2009 - Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews 2009 (3).
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    Worshipping (wo)men, liturgical representation and feminist film theory: an alien/s identification.Steve Nolan - 1998 - Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 80 (3):195-214.
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    Mary C. Flannery, John Lydgate and the Poetics of Fame. Cambridge, UK, and Rochester, NY: D. S. Brewer, 2012. Pp. x, 195. $90. ISBN: 978-1-84384-331-3. [REVIEW]Maura Nolan - 2014 - Speculum 89 (4):1137-1138.
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  18. Epistemic Dispositions: Reply to Turri and Bronner.Rachael Briggs & Daniel Nolan - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (4):629-636.
    We reply to recent papers by John Turri and Ben Bronner, who criticise the dispositionalised Nozickian tracking account we discuss in “Mad, Bad and Dangerous to Know.” We argue that the account we suggested can handle the problems raised by Turri and Bronner. In the course of responding to Turri and Bronner’s objections, we draw three general lessons for theories of epistemic dispositions: that epistemic dispositions are to some extent extrinsic, that epistemic dispositions can have manifestation conditions concerning circumstances (...)
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    Primary and Secondary Qualities: The Historical and Ongoing Debate, edited by Lawrence Nolan.John Bricke - 2015 - Mind 124 (493):373-377.
  20. Stumbling in Nozick’s Tracks.John Turri - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (2):291-293.
    Rachael Briggs and Daniel Nolan have recently proposed an improved version of Nozick’s tracking account of knowledge. I show that, despite its virtues, the new proposal suffers from three serious problems.
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    John lydgate and the making of public culture. By Maura Nolan.R. N. Swanson - 2007 - Heythrop Journal 48 (5):798–799.
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    Claire Molloy (2010) Memento ; Geoff King (2010) Lost in Translation ; Gary Needham (2010) Brokeback Mountain . American Indies Series. [REVIEW]John Bleasdale - 2011 - Film-Philosophy 15 (1):255-261.
    Claire Molloy Memento Geoff King Lost in Translation Gary Needham Brokeback Mountain American Indies Series. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
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    Maura Nolan, John Lydgate and the Making of Public Culture. (Cambridge Studies in Medieval Literature, 58.) Cambridge, Eng.: Cambridge University Press, 2005. Pp. ix, 276. $85. [REVIEW]Helen Barr - 2006 - Speculum 81 (4):1239-1240.
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    Reformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition by Kirk J. Nolan.Amos Winarto Oei - 2017 - Journal of the Society of Christian Ethics 37 (2):213-214.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Reformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition by Kirk J. NolanAmos Winarto Oei, PhDReformed Virtue after Barth: Developing Moral Virtue Ethics in the Reformed Tradition Kirk J. Nolan LOUISVILLE, KY: WESTMINSTER JOHN KNOX PRESS, 2014. 192 PP. $30.00In this addition to the Columbia Series in Reformed Theology, Kirk Nolan attempts to overcome the theological obstacles that Karl Barth raises to (...)
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    The Distance of Irish Modernism: Memory, Narrative, Representation by John Greaney (review).Xiaojing Chen & Hamid Farahmandian - 2024 - Philosophy and Literature 48 (1):251-253.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:The Distance of Irish Modernism: Memory, Narrative, Representation by John GreaneyXiaojing Chen and Hamid FarahmandianThe Distance of Irish Modernism: Memory, Narrative, Representation, John Greaney; 248 pp. London: Blooms-bury Academic, 2022.In his thought-provoking book The Distance of Irish Modernism, John Greaney embarks on a metacritical journey to unravel the paradoxical nature of Irish modernist fictions. The book delves into the enigma of how these works serve (...)
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  26. Problems with the Dispositional Tracking Theory of Knowledge.Ben Bronner - 2012 - Logos and Episteme 3 (3):505-507.
    Rachael Briggs and Daniel Nolan attempt to improve on Nozick’s tracking theory of knowledge by providing a modified, dispositional tracking theory. The dispositional theory, however, faces more problems than those previously noted by John Turri. First, it is not simply that satisfaction of the theory’s conditions is unnecessary for knowledge – it is insufficient as well. Second, in one important respect, the dispositional theory is a step backwards relative to the original tracking theory: the original but not the (...)
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  27. Liturgy, ethics and reconciliation: Learning from Abraham Lincoln's rhetorical art.Tom Ryan - 2013 - The Australasian Catholic Record 90 (3):311.
    Ryan, Tom The year 2012 was characterized by extensive re-appraisal, nationally and internationally, of the Second Vatican Council occasioned by the fiftieth anniversary of its opening in 1962. One aspect discussed by Ann N.C. Nolan is the language of the Council documents. In her investigation of John O'Malley SJ's work, she points out how he detects in them a clear shift from the scholastic and logical style to a literary and rhetorical mode aimed at persuasion and a deepening (...)
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  28. Abolishing Morality.Richard Garner - 2007 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 10 (5):499-513.
    Moral anti-realism comes in two forms – noncognitivism and the error theory. The noncognitivist says that when we make moral judgments we aren’t even trying to state moral facts. The error theorist says that when we make moral judgments we are making statements about what is objectively good, bad, right, or wrong but, since there are no moral facts, our moral judgments are uniformly false. This development of moral anti-realism was first seriously defended by John Mackie. In this paper (...)
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    (1 other version)Concept analysis.John W. Yolton - 1960 - Kant Studien 52 (1-4):467-484.
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    Malebranche: A Study of a Cartesian System.John W. Yolton - 1980 - Philosophical Books 21 (1):15-17.
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  31. Thinking and Perceiving.John W. Yolton - 1963 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 14 (53):69-71.
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  32. The psyche as social determinant.John W. Yolton - 1952 - Journal of Philosophy 49 (7):232-239.
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    The philosophy of dr. Samuel Clarke and its critics.John W. Yolton - 1977 - Philosophical Books 18 (1):19-20.
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    The Way of Ideas: A Retrospective.John W. Yolton - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 87 (10):510-516.
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    Proactive inhibition in short-term retention of pictures.John C. Yuille & Charles Fox - 1973 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 101 (2):388.
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    Virtue and Self-Alienation.John Zeis - 1991 - Lyceum 3 (2):41-54.
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    Philosophical Turnings: Essays in Conceptual Appreciation.John Woods - 1967 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28 (3):460-460.
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    Nonmarket cooperation in the indigenous food economy of taimyr, arctic russia: Evidence for control and benefit.John Ziker - 2004 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 27 (4):571-571.
    Empirical data on food sharing in native Dolgan, Nganasan, and Nenets communities in Siberia provide evidence for hunter control over big game and fish, as well as likely benefits of inter-household sharing. Most food sharing occurs with kin and, thus, kin-selection-based nepotism cannot be ruled out. Reciprocal interhousehold sharing at meals occurs less often. Social context is discussed.
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  39. Wie zuverlässig ist wissenschaftliche Erkenntnis ?John Ziman - 1987 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 49 (2):354-355.
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    Cinematic cuts: theorizing film endings.Sheila Kunkle (ed.) - 2016 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    _Explores the philosophical, literary, and psychoanalytic significance of film endings._ Editing has been called the language of cinema, and thus a film’s ending can be considered the final punctuation mark of this language, framing everything that came before and offering the key to both our interpretation and our enjoyment of a film. In _Cinematic Cuts_, scholars explore the philosophical, literary, and psychoanalytic significance of film endings, analyzing how film endings engage our fantasies of cheating death, finding true love, or determining (...)
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    Rewatching on The Point of The Cinematic Index.Allen H. Redmon - 2022 - Jackson: University Press of Mississippi.
    Rewatching on the Point of the Cinematic Index offers a reassessment of the cinematic index as it sits at the intersection of film studies, trauma studies, and adaptation studies. Author Allen H. Redmon argues that far too often scholars imagine the cinematic index to be nothing more than an acknowledgment that the lens-based camera captures and brings to the screen a reality that existed before the camera. When cinema's indexicality is so narrowly defined, the entire nature of film is called (...)
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    Less nonsense upon stilts: the analysis of rights in medical ethics.John McMillan - 2021 - Journal of Medical Ethics 47 (4):203-204.
    Bentham’s famous remark was a response to the assertation of natural rights that did not depend on law or some other foundation for their normative force.1 Whatever we make of that claim, it flags a problem for making and evaluating rights-based arguments in medical ethics. He wasn’t trying to say that rights are all meaningless, nor that we can readily do without them. Rather, it’s an objection to a particular way of asserting rights where they are taken to express free (...)
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    The Philosopher as Social Interpreter.John M. Mecklin - 1920 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (4):408.
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    The Philosopher as Social Interpreter.John M. Mecklin - 1921 - International Journal of Ethics 31 (4):408-417.
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    Botanical Writings, 1840-61.John StuartHG Mill - 1989 - In Miscellaneous Writings: Volume 31. University of Toronto Press. pp. 255-320.
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    Critical study.John Milbank - 1988 - Modern Theology 4 (2):211-216.
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    (3 other versions)Index.John StuartHG Mill - 1979 - In An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: Volume 9. University of Toronto Press. pp. 597-625.
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    24. Of Some Natural Prejudices Countenanced by Sir William Hamilton, and Some Fallacies Which He Considers Insoluble.John StuartHG Mill - 1979 - In An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy: Volume 9. University of Toronto Press. pp. 417-429.
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    Postscript: The Close of the Session.John StuartHG Mill - 1982 - In Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire: Volume Vi. University of Toronto Press. pp. 309-318.
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    Postscript to the London Review, No. 1.John StuartHG Mill - 1982 - In Essays on England, Ireland, and Empire: Volume Vi. University of Toronto Press. pp. 289-294.
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