Results for 'Johannes Fromme'

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  1. Einführung in Fromms pädagogisch relevante Grundanliegen, am Beispiel seiner dialektischen Auffassung der Relation Gehorsam, Ungehorsam dargestellt.Johannes Classen - 1987 - In Erich Fromm und die Pädagogik: Gesellschafts-Charakter und Erziehung. Weinheim: Beltz.
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    Erich Fromm und die Pädagogik: Gesellschafts-Charakter und Erziehung.Johannes Classen (ed.) - 1987 - Weinheim: Beltz.
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    Wissenschaft und Wirklichkeit: zur Lage u. zur Aufgabe d. Wiss.Johannes Anderegg (ed.) - 1977 - Göttingen: Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht.
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    The Frankfurt School on Religion: Key Writings by the Major Thinkers.Eduardo Mendieta (ed.) - 2004 - Routledge.
    In "The Frankfurt School on Religion," Eduardo Mendieta has brought together a collection of readings and essays revealing both the deep connections that the Frankfurt School has always maintained with religion as well as the significant contribution that its work has to offer. Rather than being unanimously antagonistic towards religion as has been the received wisdom, this collection shows the great diversity of responses that individual thinkers of the school developed and the seriousness and sophistication with which they engaged the (...)
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    Toward an alternative dialogue between the social and natural sciences.Johannes Persson, Alf Hornborg, Lennart Olsson & Henrik Thorén - 2018 - Ecology and Society 23 (4).
    Interdisciplinary research within the field of sustainability studies often faces incompatible ontological assumptions deriving from natural and social sciences. The importance of this fact is often underrated and sometimes leads to the wrong strategies. We distinguish between two broad approaches in interdisciplinarity: unificationism and pluralism. Unificationism seeks unification and perceives disciplinary boundaries as conventional, representing no long-term obstacle to progress, whereas pluralism emphasizes more ephemeral and transient interdisciplinary connections and underscores the autonomy of the disciplines with respect to one another. (...)
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    Bemerkungen zur Psychologie der Apperzeption und des Urteils.Johannes Daubert & Karl Schuhmann - 2002 - New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy 2:344-365.
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    Moral reflection differences among Norwegian business students. A presentation and discussion of findings.Johannes Brinkmann - 2002 - Teaching Business Ethics 6 (1):83-99.
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    The Rules of the Game: The Logical Structure of Economic Theories.Johannes J. Klant - 1984 - Cambridge University Press.
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  9. Holism, entrenchment, and the future of climate model pluralism.Johannes Lenhard & Eric Winsberg - 2010 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 41 (3):253-262.
    In this paper, we explore the extent to which issues of simulation model validation take on novel characteristics when the models in question become particularly complex. Our central claim is that complex simulation models in general, and global models of climate in particular, face a form of confirmation holism. This holism, moreover, makes analytic understanding of complex models of climate either extremely difficult or even impossible. We argue that this supports a position we call convergence skepticism: the belief that the (...)
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    Theologie auf historisch-religionsphilosophischer Grundlage.Johannes Zachhuber - 2008 - In Andreas Arndt, Ulrich Barth & Wilhelm Gräb (eds.), Christentum – Staat – Kultur: Akten des Kongresses der Internationalen Schleiermacher-Gesellschaft in Berlin, März 2006. Walter de Gruyter. pp. 193-208.
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    Feedback consistency effects.Johannes C. Ziegler & Guy C. Van Orden - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (3):351-352.
    Models are not adequately evaluated simply by whether they capture the data, after the fact. Other criteria are needed. One criterion is parsimony; but utility and generality are at least as important. Even with respect to parsimony, however, the case against feedback is not as straightforward as Norris et al. present it. We use feedback consistency effects to illustrate these points.
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    F.W.J. Schelling and the rise of historical theology.Johannes Zachhuber - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 80 (1-2):23-38.
    In this editorial introduction, we set out the contexts, aims and contents of this special issue on Schelling’s influence on later religious and theological thought, as well as the rationale behind its genesis.
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    Divisione della natura.Johannes Scotus Erigena - 2013 - Milano: Bompiani. Edited by Nicola Gorlani & Johannes Scotus Erigena.
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  14. Computer simulation: The cooperation between experimenting and modeling.Johannes Lenhard - 2007 - Philosophy of Science 74 (2):176-194.
    The goal of the present article is to contribute to the epistemology and methodology of computer simulations. The central thesis is that the process of simulation modeling takes the form of an explorative cooperation between experimenting and modeling. This characteristic mode of modeling turns simulations into autonomous mediators in a specific way; namely, it makes it possible for the phenomena and the data to exert a direct influence on the model. The argumentation will be illustrated by a case study of (...)
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    Mechanism-as-activity and the threat of polygenic effects.Johannes Persson - unknown
    Polygenic effects have more than one cause. They testify to the fact that several causal contributors are sometimes simultaneously involved in causation. The importance of polygenic causation was noticed early on by Mill (1893). It has since been shown to be a problem for causal-law approaches to causation and accounts of causation cast in terms of capacities. However, polygenic causation needs to be examined more thoroughly in the emerging literature on causal mechanisms. In this paper I examine whether an influential (...)
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  16. designed in the Nelson-Heckmann tradition : a tool for reducing the theory-practice divide in business ethics.Johannes Brinkmann - 2015 - In Knut Johannessen Ims & Lars Jacob Tynes Pedersen (eds.), Business and the greater good: rethinking business ethics in an age of crisis. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar.
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  17. Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology.Johannes Roessler & Naomi Eilan (eds.) - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In recent years there has been much psychological and neurological work purporting to show that consciousness and self-awareness play no role in causing actions, and indeed to demonstrate that free will is an illusion. The essays in this volume subject the assumptions that motivate such claims to sustained interdisciplinary scrutiny. The book will be compulsory reading for psychologists and philosophers working on action explanation, and for anyone interested in the relation between the brain sciences and consciousness.
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    Calculated Surprises: A Philosophy of Computer Simulation.Johannes Lenhard - 2019 - Oup Usa.
    Simulation modeling, the core thesis of Calculated Surprises, is transforming the established conception of mathematical modeling in fundamental ways. These transformations feed back into philosophy of science, opening up new perspectives on longstanding oppositions. The book integrates historical features with both practical case studies and broad reflections on science and technology.
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    Mensch und Welt im Zeichen der Digitalisierung: Perspektiven der Philosophischen Anthropologie Plessners.Johannes F. Burow (ed.) - 2019 - Baden-Baden: Nomos.
    Digitalisierung wird im vorliegenden Band aus der Theorieperspektive der Philosophischen Anthropologie Plessners betrachtet. Damit geht es im Kern darum, ob und inwieweit sich das Verhältnis von Mensch und Welt im Zeichen von Digitalisierung verändert. Die Verwendung unterschiedlicher Theoriefiguren, Thesen und Themenstellungen aus Plessners Werk erlaubt, die Vielfalt dessen, was mit Digitalisierung verbunden wird, zu systematisieren. Indem mit Plessner der Mensch verstanden wird als exzentrisch positionales Selbst, das Kognitives und Materiales verbindet, steht im Mittelpunkt, wie sich der Mensch eine Welt schafft, (...)
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  20. Daoist cultivation in modern relationships.Johannes Gasser - 2011 - In Livia Kohn (ed.), Living authentically: Daoist contributions to modern psychology. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press.
  21. Re-sourcive pedagogy: teaching and education as vital energy flow.Johannes Gasser - 2011 - In Livia Kohn (ed.), Living authentically: Daoist contributions to modern psychology. Dunedin, FL: Three Pines Press.
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    La philosophie trinitaire de Grégoire de Nysse.Johannes Zachhuber - 2023 - Chôra 21:285-305.
    In this article, Gregory of Nyssa is presented as a trinitarian thinker. It is argued that, in order to appreciate the relevance of triadic structures for his thought, one must take into consideration that the central place the Trinity held in his thought was the result of his involvement in the final phase of the so‑called trinitarian controversy of the fourth century. The article therefore begins with a brief account of the theoretical problems that arose within the later stages of (...)
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    Ethik in Wirtschaft und Unternehmen in Zeiten der Krise.Johannes Wallacher, Christian Au, Tobias Karcher & George G. Brenkert (eds.) - 2011 - Stuttgart: Verlag W. Kohlhammer.
    Papers from a conference held March 2010, Zug, Switzerland.
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    Prudentia und Contemplatio: Ethik und Metaphysik im Mittelalter: Festschrift für Georg Wieland zum 65. Geburstag.Johannes Brachtendorf (ed.) - 2002 - Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh.
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    Albrecht Ritschl and the Tübingen School. A neglected link in the history of 19th century theology.Johannes Zachhuber - 2011 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 18 (1):51-70.
    The article starts by observing a parallel between the identification of Christ's humanity and universal human nature, for which Harnack repudiates some church fathers, and David Strauss' claim, in his Life of Jesus, that the subject of the Incarnation must be all humanity. It is argued that this oppositional stance is indicative of fundamental philosophical and theological differences between the Tübingen School and the Ritschl School. Those differences, however, are then explained as emerging from what is ultimately a common project (...)
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    Friedrich Schleiermacher und Albrecht Ritschl. Kontinuitäten und Diskontinuitäten in der Theologie des 19. Jahrhunderts.Johannes Zachhuber - 2005 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 12 (1):16-46.
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  27. Saludo del Rector Magnífico de la PU Antonianum.Johannes B. Freyer - 2007 - Verdad y Vida 65 (250):565-566.
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    The civil society between freedom and democracy.Johannes Michael Schnarrer - 2004 - Journal for the Study of Religions and Ideologies 3 (8):4-12.
    In view of a rapid succession of events in the contemporary world, on both the political and the scientific levels, it is indeed essential to say more about the subject of democracy in the civil society. If by democracy we mean not only a form of govern- ment but also a system of living, then indeed a unanimous judgment and also a general conception cannot be expected, but nevertheless the concept need not to be debased to the stage of complete (...)
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  29. The Letter to the Hebrews.Johannes Schneider - 1957
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    (Un)equal treatment in the ‘tobacco-free generation’.Johannes Kniess - forthcoming - Journal of Medical Ethics.
    The idea of a ‘tobacco-free generation’ promises to make smoking a thing of the past by making cigarettes unavailable to birth cohorts in the future. If implemented, such a generational ban would lead to a society in which some individuals are allowed the freedom to smoke while others are not. This paper examines the ethical significance of this fact through the lens of ‘relational egalitarianism’, an approach to social justice that emphasises equal and respectful social relationships. It explores various dimensions (...)
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  31. Paul and the Salvation of Mankind.Johannes Munck - 1959
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    Examining the facts.Johannes Persson - 2000 - Poznan Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities 76:87-108.
    Facts are once again put to work in philosophical enterprises. The discussion in this paper is conducted under the presumption that we for this reason need to examine the nature of facts anew. To some extent it has been taken for granted that the question of properties and particulars is the primary problem to solve, and that the question of facts is secondary. This approach naturally leads to many of the old problems of facts and complexes. By taking facts as (...)
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    A Pragmatist Account of Functions in Synthetic Biology.Johannes Achatz - 2019 - Grazer Philosophische Studien 96 (1):171-186.
    In fields where science and technology overlap, so do different function-ascriptions. The entities of Synthetic Biology research are a case in point, where organisms with biological functionality are altered to perform technical functions. A function theory for SynBiofacts has to address artifactual as well as biological functions of one and the same entity. Further demands on a function theory for Synthetic Biology emerge from methods of SynBiofact creation called kludging and the use-scenarios of SynBiofacts in proof-of-concept research and BioArt. After (...)
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    Brain states matter. A reply to the unfolding argument.Johannes Kleiner - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 85:102981.
  35. Of dogs alive, birds dead, and time to tell a story.Johannes Fabian - 1991 - In John B. Bender & David E. Wellbery (eds.), Chronotypes: the construction of time. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 97--121.
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    Thought Insertion, Self-Awareness, and Rationality.Johannes Roessler - 2013 - In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton (eds.), The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 658–672.
    This chapter argues that recent attempts to make sense of the delusion of thought insertion in terms of a distinction between two notions of thought ownership have been unsuccessful. It also proposes an alternative account, in which the delusion is to be interpreted in the light of its prehistory.
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    Sinnliche Ideen.Johannes Haag - 2008 - In Dominik Perler & Markus Wild (eds.), Sehen und Begreifen. Wahrnehmungstheorien in der Frühen Neuzeit. Berlin, Deutschland: de Gruyter. pp. 95-122.
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  38. 6.1 Kitcher's theory of explanation.Johannes Hafner & Paolo Mancosu - 2008 - In Paolo Mancosu (ed.), The Philosophy of Mathematical Practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press. pp. 151.
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    Metaontological Deflationism and Ontological Realism.Johannes Hübner - 2020 - In Dominik Finkelde & Paul M. Livingston (eds.), Idealism, Relativism, and Realism: New Essays on Objectivity Beyond the Analytic-Continental Divide. Berlin/Boston: De Gruyter. pp. 115-130.
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  40. Kleine Schriften.Johannes Huber - 1871 - Duncker Und Humblot.
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    Woher wir kommen, wohin wir gehen: die Erforschung der Ewigkeit.Johannes Huber - 2018 - Wien: Edition A.
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  42. Hegels Phænomenologie des Geistes en de theologische kenleer.Johannes Arnoldus Oosterbaan - 1953 - Haarlem,: H. D. Tjeenk Willink.
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    Persoonlijkheid en opvoeding.Johannes Antonius Maria Jozef Pennock - 1949 - Amsterdam,: Jasonpers Universiteitspers.
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  44. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science.Johannes Persson & Petri Ylikoski - 2007 - Springer.
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    Social mechanisms and explaining how : A reply to Kimberly Chuang.Johannes Persson - 2012 - Social Epistemology Review and Reply Collective 1 (9):37-41.
    Kimberly Chuang’s detailed and very helpful reply to my article concerns Jon Elster’s struggle to develop a mechanistic account that sheds light on explanation in social science. I argue that a problem exists with Elster’s current conception of mechanistic explanation in social contexts. Chuang defends Elster’s conception against my critique. I still believe I have identified a problem with Elster’s conception. In this reply I want to recapitulate briefly Elster’s idea, as I understand it, and then use some of Chuang’s (...)
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    Existenzphilosophie: eine Einführung in Heidegger und Jaspers.Johannes Pfeiffer - 1952 - R. Meiner.
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  47. Der Mensch.Johannes Rehmke - 1929 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 8:15-15.
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    Technologie zwischen Eigenem und Fremden: Perspektiven einer interdisziplinären Anthropologie.Johannes Schick - 2019 - In Gerald Hartung & Matthias Herrgen (eds.), Interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Jahrbuch 6/2018: Das Eigene & Das Fremde. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 189-215.
    Der moderne Mensch hat ein ambivalentes Verhältnis zu seiner technischen Umwelt: Einerseits besitzt er technische Objekte, sie sind sein eigen und er strebt danach, sein technologisches Netzwerk ständig zu erweitern und zu erneuern. Andererseits bleiben die ihn umgebenden Objekte ihm immer ein Stück weit fremd, er kann sie ohne Spezialwissen nicht eigenhändig reparieren, versteht ihr Innenleben nicht oder fürchtet gar, dass sich das Machtverhältnis umkehrt und der Mensch nicht länger technische Objekte besitzt und handhabt, sondern von ihnen besessen und gesteuert (...)
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    Surprised by a Nanowire: Simulation, Control, and Understanding.Johannes Lenhard - 2006 - Philosophy of Science 73 (5):605-616.
    This paper starts by looking at the coincidence of surprising behavior on the nanolevel in both matter and simulation. It uses this coincidence to argue that the simulation approach opens up a pragmatic mode of understanding oriented toward design rules and based on a new instrumental access to complex models. Calculations, and their variation by means of explorative numerical experimentation and visualization, can give a feeling for a model's behavior and the ability to control phenomena, even if the model itself (...)
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  50. The Reliability of Tradition.Johannes Bronkhorst - 2005 - In Federico Squarcini (ed.), Boundaries, Dynamics and Construction of Traditions in South Asia. Firenze University Press and Munshiram Manoharlal. pp. 63--76.
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