Results for 'Johan Ardui'

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  1.  41
    Boekbesprekingen.P. C. Beentjes, Theo de Kruijf, Herman-Emiel Mertens, Th Bell, Paul van Geest, Johan Ardui, Martin Parmentier, Toon Brekelmans, A. H. C. van Eijk, Geert van Dartel, A. Meijers, Erik Sengers, Carlo Leget, Ben Vedder, H. J. Adriaanse, M. Parmentier & Joke Maex - 2001 - Bijdragen 62 (3):342-365.
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    An assumption-based TMS.Johan de Kleer - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (2):127-162.
  3.  17
    A qualitative physics based on confluences.Johan De Kleer & John Seely Brown - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 24 (1-3):7-83.
  4.  95
    Twelve gordian knots when developing an organizational code of ethics.Muel Kaptein & Johan Wempe - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (8):853-869.
    Following the example of the many organizations in the United States which have a code of ethics, an increasing interest on the part of companies, trade organizations, (semi-)governmental organizations and professions in the Netherlands to develop codes of ethics can be witnessed. We have been able to escort a variety of organizations in this process. The process that organizations must go through in order to attain a code involves a variety of difficult decisions. In this article we will, based on (...)
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    Diagnosing multiple faults.Johan de Kleer & Brian C. Williams - 1987 - Artificial Intelligence 32 (1):97-130.
  6.  40
    Segmentation of object outlines into parts: A large-scale integrative study.Joeri De Winter & Johan Wagemans - 2006 - Cognition 99 (3):275-325.
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    Sovereignty across generations: The problem of divisive pluralism dismissed.Johan van der Walt - 2024 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 50 (10):1436-1449.
    The Rawlsian conception of constituent power in Alessandro Ferrara’s Sovereignty Across Generations is burdened by a deep contradiction that renders the central argument in the book highly questionable. On the one hand, Rawls is (correctly in my view) presented as the thinker that confronted contemporary political theory with the problem of divisive pluralism. On the other hand, Rawls is also presented (incorrectly in my view) as the thinker who then suddenly found a solution for this divisive pluralism in the ‘common (...)
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  8. Fair Allocation of GLP-1 and Dual GLP-1-GIP Receptor Agonists. Reply.Govind Persad, Johan Dellgren & Ezekiel J. Emanuel - 2024 - New England Journal of Medicine 391 (8):776.
    In our reply to critiques of our GLP-1 receptor agonist allocation framework, we explain that using potential years of life lost (PYLL) as a metric addresses racial health disparities without explicitly allocating resources based on race. This approach is "racism-conscious" and has legal and ethical challenges over race-based approaches. Meanwhile, though acknowledging the importance of cardiovascular risk assessment, we maintain in response to other interlocutors that focusing solely on immediate risk would ignore the broader goal of mitigating disadvantage. We emphasize (...)
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  9. What one may come to know.van Benthem Johan - 2004 - Analysis 64 (2):95–105.
    The general verificationist thesis says that What is true can be known or formally: φ → ◊Kφ VT Fitch's argument trivializes this principle. It uses a weak modal epistemic logic to show that VT collapses truth and knowledge, by taking a clever substitution instance for φ: P ∧ ¬KP → ◊ K(P ∧ ¬KP) Then we have the following chain of three conditionals (a) ◊ K(P ∧ ¬KP) → ◊ (KP ∧ K¬KP) in the minimal modal logic for the knowledge (...)
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  10.  69
    On A New Semantics for First-Order Predicate Logic.István Németi, Johan van Benthem & Hajnal Andréka - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 46 (3):259-267.
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  11.  34
    Tense logic and time.Johan van Benthem - 1984 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 25 (1):1-16.
  12.  84
    The artistic design stance and the interpretation of Paleolithic art.Johan De Smedt & Helen De Cruz - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (2):139-140.
    The artistic design stance is an important part of art appreciation, but it remains unclear how it can be applied to artworks for which art historical context is no longer available, such as Ice Age art. We propose that some of the designer's intentions can be gathered noninferentially through direct experience with prehistoric artworks.
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  13.  16
    Problem solving with the ATMS.Johan de Kleer - 1986 - Artificial Intelligence 28 (2):197-224.
  14. Modelling simultaneous games in dynamic logic.Johan van Benthem, Sujata Ghosh & Fenrong Liu - 2008 - Synthese 165 (2):247-268.
    We make a proposal for formalizing simultaneous games at the abstraction level of player’s powers, combining ideas from dynamic logic of sequential games and concurrent dynamic logic. We prove completeness for a new system of ‘concurrent game logic’ CDGL with respect to finite non-determined games. We also show how this system raises new mathematical issues, and throws light on branching quantifiers and independence-friendly evaluation games for first-order logic.
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  15. On Atocha Aliseda Abductive reasoning.Atocha Aliseda, Johan van Benthem, Lorenzo Magnani, Angel Nepomuceno-Fernandez, Fernando Soler Toscano, Joke Meheus, Dagmar Provijn, John Woods, Silvio Pinto & Ilkka Niiniluoto - 2007 - Theoria 22 (60).
  16.  38
    From Gegenstand to Gegenstehenlassen: On the Meanings of Objectivity in Heidegger and Hegel.Johan de Jong - 2020 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 28 (3):390-410.
    One of Heidegger’s enduring concerns was to develop an original meditation on the meaning of (the presence of) the present. Integral to this attempt is his critique of the understanding of the being of beings in terms of the objectivity of the object. In this paper, I trace Heidegger’s analyses of objectivity, through which Heidegger consistently establishes objectivity as non-primordial and derivative. In order to do this, however, Heidegger had to identify a specific, narrow (spatio-temporalized) conception of objectivity (in terms (...)
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  17. The many faces of interpolation.Johan van Benthem - 2008 - Synthese 164 (3):451-460.
    We present a number of, somewhat unusual, ways of describing what Craig’s interpolation theorem achieves, and use them to identify some open problems and further directions.
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  18.  48
    Statistik and History in the German Enlightenment.Johan van der Zande - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (3):411-432.
    Eighteenth-century German Statistik was an empirical and descriptive discipline of "the land and the people." As the study of material conditions it provided governments with information to assess the strength of their own state in comparison with others. Its adherents' claim that Statistik was a useful science, however, was severely tempered by their empirical method and holistic view of society. As a "science of the present" it was seriously challenged by the recognition of the essential historicity of its subject matter. (...)
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  19.  33
    Interpolation, preservation, and pebble games.Johan Benthem Jon Barwisvane - 1999 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 64 (2).
  20.  50
    World Food Security and Agriculture in a Globalizing World.Eric Tollens & Johan de Tavernier - 2006 - Ethical Perspectives 13 (1):91-115.
    There is an increasing awareness of the importance of food security, of which the UN’s Millennium Development Goals are the best measure. Although some progress has been made in some regions, much progress still needs to be made in Sub-Saharan Africa, where agriculture largely remains subsistence and personal savings extremely low, and where population growth outstrips economic growth.Thus, there has been a renewed effort to bring these problems back on the development agenda. Food insecurity is a major manifestation of poverty, (...)
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  21.  86
    Why should states fund denominational schools?Johan De Jong & Ger Snik - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):573–587.
    It is generally accepted that liberal states should fund public schools for compulsory education. But whether states should also finance denominational schools is controversial. Does such funding not compromise the principle of liberal neutrality? In this article we evaluate two opposing views on this question. Both views give different interpretations of liberal neutrality and both have contrasting views on the relation between education and conceptions of the good. Arguing that neither view is convincing, we defend an alternative view, which holds (...)
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  22.  13
    Relational Patterns, Partiality, and Set Lifting in Modal Semantics.Johan Van Benthem - 2024 - In Yale Weiss & Romina Birman, Saul Kripke on Modal Logic. Cham: Springer. pp. 93-119.
    We articulate a relational understanding of modality, and show it at work in a survey of pre-order models, set-lifting, and modal languages.
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  23. Toegenomen verantwoordelijkheid.Roscam Abbing & Pieter Johan[From Old Catalog] - 1972 - Nijkerk,: Callenbach.
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  24. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science, Volume 8. Philosophy of Information.Adriaans Pieter & Van Benthem Johan (eds.) - 2008 - Elsevier-North Holland.
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  25.  21
    La tesis doctoral de Marx.Johan Nicolás Anzola Moreno - 2019 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 40 (121).
    La tesis doctoral que desarrolló Marx entre 1838 y 1841 fue uno de los primeros trabajos filosóficos del pensador nacido en Tréveris. En el trabajo, que tituló Diferencia entre la filosofía de la naturaleza de Demócrito y Epicuro, quiere demostrar que hay una diferencia específica entre estos dos autores. Más allá de esto, el objetivo general era demostrar que las escuelas posaristotélicas o helénicas tienen un pensamiento propio que no copia ninguna de las tesis de sus predecesores. Pero, ¿por qué (...)
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  26. Sustainable development, sustainable livelihoods and land reform in South Africa : a conceptual and ethical inquiry.Robin Attfield, Johan P. Hattingh & Manamela Matshabaphala - unknown
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  27.  11
    Eliminating the fixed predicates from a circumscription.Johan de Kleer & Kurt Konolige - 1989 - Artificial Intelligence 39 (3):391-398.
  28.  5
    Hoe (in)tolerant zijn levensbeschouwingen?Johan de Tavernier (ed.) - 1992 - Leuven: Vlaamse Bijbelstichting.
    Artikelen vanuit joods, christelijk, islamitisch en humanistisch perspectief over de mogelijkheid van tolerantie tussen met name de drie grote monotheïstische religies.
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    Special issue on animals and their welfare.Johan De Tavernier & Stefan Aerts - 2006 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 19 (1):3-5.
    Perhaps the commonest reasons for the keeping of pets are companionship and as a conduit for affection. Pets are, therefore, being “used” for human ends in much the same way as laboratory or farm animals. So shouldn’t the same arguments apply to the use of pets as to those used in other ways? In accepting the “rights” of farm animals to fully express their natural behavior, one must also accept the “right” of pets to express their intrinsic natural behavior. Dogs (...)
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    Satisfaction with Life as an Entrepreneur: From Early Volition to Eudaimonia.Nadav Shir, Johan Wiklund & Srikant Manchiraju - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-22.
    This study explores how being satisfied with one’s life as an entrepreneur is a crucial ethical and psychological outcome of early volition and, subsequently, a vital resource in the development of a richer eudaimonic experience from entrepreneurship. We develop and test our predictions based on two independent datasets: American and Swedish business owners and early stage entrepreneurs. We argue and demonstrate that satisfaction with life as an entrepreneur conveys a distinct state of entrepreneurial well-being and constitutes a crucial self-evaluation which (...)
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    Who is the “God” Nietzsche denied?André J. Groenwald & Johan Buitendag - 2005 - HTS Theological Studies 61 (1/2).
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    La réforme régionale italienne : Un bilan à l'occasion des élections régionales des 8 et 9 juin 1980.Catherine Guillermet & Johan Ryngaert - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):547-562.
    Ten years after they were set up, the Italian regions have fallen into general discredit. They are discredited by the central government who regards them as a source of support for the opposing Communist Party and has sought to undermine this reform by depriving the regions of all true autonomy. The regions are discredited by the public opinion by not fulfilling the expectations placed in them. Such an assessment does not stand up to a close examination of regional practices : (...)
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  33.  4
    Samenleven kun je niet alleen.Dirk van Duppen & Johan Hoebeke - 2017 - Ethische Perspectieven 27 (2):106-122.
    Aan de hand van recente ontdekkingen op het gebied van neurowetenschappen, biologische evolutie, paleontologie, evolutionaire psychologie en evolutionaire dynamicamodellen, leggen Dirk Van Duppen en Johan Hoebeke uit hoe pro-sociale gedragingen en altruïsme het succes van de ‘homo sapiens’ evolutionair hebben bepaald. Vermits de mens als meest kwetsbaar en meest prematuur dier op de wereld is gekomen, was zijn enige manier om te overleven een biologisch-culturele co-evolutie waarbij zijn intelligente vermogens zich enkel konden ontwikkelen door zijn ingeslepen drang om zich (...)
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    Dear prudence: An essay on practical wisdom in strategy making.Matt Statler, Johan Roos & Bart Victor - 2007 - Social Epistemology 21 (2):151 – 167.
    If we presume an organizational ontology of complex, dynamic change, then what role remains for strategic intent? If managerial action is said to consist of adaptive responsiveness, then what are the foundations of value on the basis of which strategic decisions can be made? In this essay, we respond to these questions and extend the existing strategy process literature by turning to the Aristotelian concept of prudence, or practical wisdom. According to Aristotle, practical wisdom involves the virtuous capacity to make (...)
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  35.  86
    Food Citizenship: Is There a Duty for Responsible Consumption? [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2012 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 25 (6):895-907.
    Labeling of food consumption is related to food safety, food quality, environmental, safety, and social concerns. Future politics of food will be based on a redefinition of commodity food consumption as an expression of citizenship. “Citizen-consumers” realize that they could use their buying power in order to develop a new terrain of social agency and political action. It takes for granted kinds of moral selfhood in which human responsibility is bound into human agency based on knowledge and recognition. This requires (...)
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  36. (2 other versions)Computational semantics.Patrick Blackburn & Johan Bos - 2003 - Theoria 18 (1):27-45.
    In this article we discuss what constitutes a good choice of semantic representation, compare different approaches of constructing semantic representations for fragments of natural language, and give an overview of recent methods for employing inference engines for natural language understanding tasks.
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    Illustrating the need for practical wisdom.Matt Statler, Johan Roos & Bart Victor - 2006 - International Journal of Management Concepts and Philosophy 2 (1):1.
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  38.  28
    Institutional Entrepreneurship and CSR within Multinational SME’s.Dirk Johan de Jong & Frank Jan de Graaf - 2011 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 22:449-458.
    This paper develops propositions on the added value for SMEs of normatively based, employee-oriented corporate social responsibility (CSR). We suggest that not only motives but also the skills of the owner/manager as an institutional entrepreneur are critical in dealing with institutional variance. Also, the transfer of employee-oriented CSR can have positive results for SMEs that could imply that globalisation is not only a race to the bottom.
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  39. Ontvankelijkheid.Johan de Jong - 2021 - Wijsgerig Perspectief 61 (3):42-43.
    Amsterdam University Press is a leading publisher of academic books, journals and textbooks in the Humanities and Social Sciences. Our aim is to make current research available to scholars, students, innovators, and the general public. AUP stands for scholarly excellence, global presence, and engagement with the international academic community.
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    Building expert systems.Johan de Kleer - 1985 - Artificial Intelligence 25 (1):105-107.
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    The fifth generation: Artificial intelligence and Japan's computer challenge to the world.Johan de Kleer - 1984 - Artificial Intelligence 22 (2):222-226.
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    Inconsistencies in extensive games.Martin Dufwenberg & Johan Lindén - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (1):103 - 114.
    In certain finite extensive games with perfect information, Cristina Bicchieri (1989) derives a logical contradiction from the assumptions that players are rational and that they have common knowledge of the theory of the game. She argues that this may account for play outside the Nash equilibrium. She also claims that no inconsistency arises if the players have the minimal beliefs necessary to perform backward induction. We here show that another contradiction can be derived even with minimal beliefs, so there is (...)
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    Per pinstrup-Andersen & Peter Sandøe (eds.): Ethics, Hunger and globalization. In search of appropriate policies. (The international library of environmental, agricultural and food ethics 12), dordrecht, Springer, 2007. [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2009 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22 (4):383-388.
  44.  26
    Review: Alison Hills, The Beloved Self. Morality and the Challenge from Egoism. [REVIEW]Johan De Tavernier - 2012 - Ethical Perspectives 19 (1):169-171.
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    Johan C. Bester replies.Johan C. Bester - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (5):34-35.
    This letter responds to a letter by Moti Gorin in the same issue, September‐October 2024, of the Hastings Center Report.
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    Intuisjon og erkjennelse: til Johan Fredrik Bjelke på sekstiårsdagen 31. januar 1976.Johan Fredrik Bjelke (ed.) - 1976 - Oslo: Universitetet i Oslo, Institutt for filosofi.
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    Author-Meets-Critics: Johan Dahlbeck, Spinoza: Fiction and Manipulation in Civic Education.Johan Dahlbeck - unknown
    This book is a philosophical enquiry into the educational consequences of Spinoza’s political theory. Spinoza’s political theory is of particular interest for educational thought as it brings together the normative aims of his ethical theory with his realistic depiction of human psychology and the ramifications of this for successful political governance. As such, the book aims to introduce the reader to Spinoza’s original vision of civic education, as a project that ultimately aims at the ethical flourishing of individuals, while being (...)
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  48.  7
    Den Europeiske filosofi: Johan Fredrik Bjelkes forelesninger.Johan Fredrik Bjelke & Jan Tormod Dege - 1972 - Oslo,: Universitetsforlaget. Edited by Jan Tormod Dege.
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  49. Money-Pump Arguments.Johan E. Gustafsson - 2022 - Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Suppose that you prefer A to B, B to C, and C to A. Your preferences violate Expected Utility Theory by being cyclic. Money-pump arguments offer a way to show that such violations are irrational. Suppose that you start with A. Then you should be willing to trade A for C and then C for B. But then, once you have B, you are offered a trade back to A for a small cost. Since you prefer A to B, you (...)
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  50.  93
    Strategies and Instruments for Organising CSR by Small and Large Businesses in the Netherlands.Johan Graafland, Bert van de Ven & Nelleke Stoffele - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 47 (1):45-60.
    This paper analyses the use of strategies and instruments for organising ethics by small and large business in the Netherlands. We find that large firms mostly prefer an integrity strategy to foster ethical behaviour in the organisation, whereas small enterprises prefer a dialogue strategy. Both large and small firms make least use of a compliance strategy that focuses on controlling and sanctioning the ethical behaviour of workers. The size of the business is found to have a positive impact on the (...)
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