Results for 'Catherine Guillermet'

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  1.  11
    La réforme régionale italienne : Un bilan à l'occasion des élections régionales des 8 et 9 juin 1980.Catherine Guillermet & Johan Ryngaert - 1980 - Res Publica 22 (4):547-562.
    Ten years after they were set up, the Italian regions have fallen into general discredit. They are discredited by the central government who regards them as a source of support for the opposing Communist Party and has sought to undermine this reform by depriving the regions of all true autonomy. The regions are discredited by the public opinion by not fulfilling the expectations placed in them. Such an assessment does not stand up to a close examination of regional practices : (...)
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    Three-year-olds' comprehension of contrastive and descriptive adjectives: Evidence for contrastive inference.Catherine Davies, Jamie Lingwood, Bissera Ivanova & Sudha Arunachalam - 2021 - Cognition 212 (C):104707.
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  3. With Reference to Reference.Catherine Z. Elgin - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 42 (2):336-340.
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    Nuclear Families: Mitochondrial Replacement Techniques and the Regulation of Parenthood.Catherine Mills - 2021 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 46 (3):507-527.
    Since mitochondrial replacement techniques were developed and clinically introduced in the United Kingdom, there has been much discussion of whether these lead to children borne of three parents. In the UK, the regulation of MRT has dealt with this by stipulating that egg donors for the purposes of MRT are not genetic parents even though they contribute mitochondrial DNA to offspring. In this paper, I examine the way that the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act in the UK manages the question (...)
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  5. Perceiving Necessity.Catherine Legg & James Franklin - 2017 - Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98 (3):320-343.
    In many diagrams one seems to perceive necessity – one sees not only that something is so, but that it must be so. That conflicts with a certain empiricism largely taken for granted in contemporary philosophy, which believes perception is not capable of such feats. The reason for this belief is often thought well-summarized in Hume's maxim: ‘there are no necessary connections between distinct existences’. It is also thought that even if there were such necessities, perception is too passive or (...)
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    Unnatural Emotions: Everyday Sentiments on a Micronesian Atoll and Their Challenge to Western Theory.Catherine Lutz - 1990 - Philosophy East and West 41 (1):119-120.
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    Conscience as consciousness: the idea of self-awareness in French philosophical writing from Descartes to Diderot.Catherine Glyn Davies - 1990 - Oxford: Voltaire Foundation.
    The Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment series, previously known as SVEC (Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), has published over 500 peer-reviewed scholarly volumes since 1955 as part of the Voltaire Foundation at the University of Oxford. International in focus, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment volumes cover wide-ranging aspects of the eighteenth century and the Enlightenment, from gender studies to political theory, and from economics to visual arts and music, and are published in English or French.
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    Genetic screening and selfhood.Catherine Mills - 2008 - Australian Feminist Studies 23 (55):43--55.
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    Thick Concepts in Economics: The Case of Becker and Murphy’s Theory of Rational Addiction.Catherine Herfeld & Charles Djordjevic - 2021 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 51 (4):371-399.
    In this paper, we examine the viability of avoiding value judgments encoded in thick concepts when these concepts are used in economic theories. We focus on what implications the use of such thick concepts might have for the tenability of the fact/value dichotomy in economics. Thick concepts have an evaluative and a descriptive component. Our suggestion is that despite attempts to rid thick concepts of their evaluative component, economists are often not successful. We focus on the strategy of explication to (...)
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  10. The Stoics on Ambiguity.Catherine Atherton - 1993 - New York, NY, USA: Cambridge University Press.
    Stoic work on ambiguity represents one of the most innovative, sophisticated and rigorous contributions to philosophy and the study of language in western antiquity. This book is both a comprehensive survey of the often difficult and scattered sources, and an attempt to locate Stoic material in the rich array of contexts, ancient and modern, which alone can guarantee full appreciation of its subtlety, scope and complexity. The comparisons and contrasts which this book constructs will intrigue not just classical scholars, and (...)
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    The Specter of Motherhood: Culture and the Production of Gendered Career Aspirations in Science and Engineering.Catherine J. Taylor & Sarah Thébaud - 2021 - Gender and Society 35 (3):395-421.
    Why are young women less likely than young men to persist in academic science and engineering? Drawing on 57 in-depth interviews with PhD students and postdoctoral scholars in the United States, we describe how, in academic science and engineering, motherhood is constructed in opposition to professional legitimacy, and as a subject of fear, repudiation, and public controversy. We call this the “specter of motherhood.” This specter disadvantages young women and amplifies anticipatory concerns about combining an academic career with motherhood. By (...)
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    (1 other version)Interrogating Feature Learning Models to Discover Insights Into the Development of Human Expertise in a Real‐Time, Dynamic Decision‐Making Task.Catherine Sibert, Wayne D. Gray & John K. Lindstedt - 2016 - Topics in Cognitive Science 8 (4).
    Tetris provides a difficult, dynamic task environment within which some people are novices and others, after years of work and practice, become extreme experts. Here we study two core skills; namely, choosing the goal or objective function that will maximize performance and a feature-based analysis of the current game board to determine where to place the currently falling zoid so as to maximize the goal. In Study 1, we build cross-entropy reinforcement learning models to determine whether different goals result in (...)
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  13.  32
    Optional Stops, Foregone Conclusions, and the Value of Argument.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2004 - Croatian Journal of Philosophy 4 (3):317-329.
    If the point of argument is to produce conviction, an argument tor a foregone conclusion is pointless. I maintain, however, that an argument makes a variety of cognitive contributions, even when its conclusion is already believed. It exhibits warrant. It affords reasons that we can impart to others. It identifies bases tor agreement among parties who otherwise disagree. It underwrites confidence, by showing how vulnerable warrant is under changes in background assumptions. Multiple arguments for the same conclusion show how our (...)
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  14. Rabbinic Texts and the History of Late-Roman Palestine.Hezser Catherine - 2011
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    The Role of Dynamic Social Norms in Promoting the Internalization of Sportspersonship Behaviors and Values and Psychological Well-Being in Ice Hockey.Catherine E. Amiot & Frederik Skerlj - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Conducted among parents of young ice hockey players, this field experiment tested if making salient increasingly popular social norms that promote sportspersonship, learning, and having fun in sports, increases parents’ own self-determined endorsement of these behaviors and values, improves their psychological well-being, and impacts on their children’s on-ice behaviors. Hockey parents were randomly assigned to the experimental condition vs. control condition. Parents’ motivations for encouraging their child to learn and to have fun in hockey were then assessed. Score sheets for (...)
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  16. (1 other version)Liang Shuming and the Populist Alternative in China.Catherine Lynch - 1989 - Dissertation, The University of Wisconsin - Madison
    This study contributes to the definition of populism as a significant current of thought in modern China through a focus on the development of the populist ideas of Liang Shuming . It provides an avenue to understanding a major thinker and social activist of modern China. At the same time, through a comparison with Russian Narodism, it develops populism as a general sociohistorical concept, denoting a constellation of ideas which emerges in a specific historical environment and includes a concern with (...)
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    Postmodernism and film.Catherine Constable - 2004 - In Steven Connor (ed.), The Cambridge companion to postmodernism. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 43--61.
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    Territoire philosophique, territoire poétique: l'annexion platonicienne.Catherine Collobert - 2020 - Grenoble: Jérôme Millon.
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    The Rhetoric of Godard's Breathless (1959).Catherine McGee - 1985 - Semiotics:447-453.
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    Queer considerations: Exploring the use of social media for research recruitment within LGBTQ communities.Catherine Littler & Phillip Joy - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (3):267-274.
    The use of social media platforms (such as Facebook) for research recruitment has continued to increase, especially during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Social media enables researchers to reach diverse communities that often do not have their voices heard in research. Social media research recruitment, however, can pose risks to both potential participants and the researchers. This topic paper presents ethical considerations related to social media recruitment, and offers an example of harassment and hate speech risks when social media is used (...)
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  21.  39
    Depression and rumination: Relation to components of inhibition.Ulrike Zetsche, Catherine D'Avanzato & Jutta Joormann - 2012 - Cognition and Emotion 26 (4):758-767.
    Background: Recent research has demonstrated that depressed individuals show impairments in inhibiting irrelevant emotional material, and that these impairments are linked to rumination. Cognitive inhibition, however, is not a unitary construct but consists of several components which operate at different stages of information processing. The present study was designed to assess two components of inhibition and examine their relation to depression and rumination in a sample of clinically depressed and healthy control participants. Methods: Twenty-two individuals diagnosed with a current depressive (...)
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    Origins and the Enlightenment: aesthetic epistemology from Descartes to Kant.Catherine Labio - 2004 - Ithaca: Cornell University Press.
    Introduction We search for origins the way some cats chase their tails. After brief bursts of frenetic spinning, we think we have a grasp of our topic, ...
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  23.  8
    Pureté, impureté: une mise à l'épreuve.Catherine Chalier - 2019 - Montrouge: Bayard.
    Les sources bibliques relatives aux rites concernant la pureté et l'impureté attestent que la pureté fut anxieusement cherchée dans le judaïsme ancien comme une façon de faire prévaloir les forces de la vie sur celles de la mort. Pureté et impureté, dont les modernes retiennent surtout les aspects anthropologiques, moraux et politiques, ne sont donc pas pensées comme des essences violemment exclusives l'une de l'autre. Il s'agit de forces en devenir qui peuvent s'altérer l'une l'autre. De nos jours, le désir (...)
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  24. At the bedside of the sick.Catherine Jésus Chrisdet - 1951 - Westminster, Md.,: Newman Press.
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    Meditations and Discourse on the Pursuit of Philosophical Studies.Catherine Cunningham - 1991 - Philosophy Now 1:34-35.
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    Programming the Gesture of Writing: On the Algorithmic Paratexts of the Digital.Catherine Adams - 2016 - Educational Theory 66 (4):479-497.
    In the wake of the digital, some have recommended that we abandon the tedium of teaching handwriting to children in service of promoting “more creative” digital literacies. Others worry that an early diet of keyboard and screen may have deleterious effects on children's social, emotional, and cognitive development, as well as their physical well-being. Yet in this debate, the algorithmic scripts and digital surfaces underwriting these new reading, writing, and mathematical practices are, with a few notable exceptions, almost exclusively ignored. (...)
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    Equity in Public Health Ethics: The Case of Menu Labelling Policy at the Local Level.Catherine L. Mah & Carol Timmings - 2015 - Public Health Ethics 8 (1):85-89.
    Menu labelling is a public health policy intervention that applies principles of nutrition labelling to the eating out environment. While menu labelling has received a good deal of attention with regard to its effectiveness in shaping food choices for obesity prevention, its premises have not yet been fully explored in terms of its broader applications to social equity and population health. In the following case, we focus on the example of menu labelling within the context of food policy at the (...)
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  28. White normativity in U.S. bioethics : a call and method for more pluralist and democratic standards and policies.Catherine Myser - 2007 - In Lisa A. Eckenwiler & Felicia Cohn (eds.), The ethics of bioethics: mapping the moral landscape. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 241.
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    Citizenship with a Vengeance.Catherine Dauvergne - 2007 - Theoretical Inquiries in Law 8 (2):489-508.
    This Article situates contemporary shifts in citizenship law within a story of the relationship of globalization and illegal migration. The central argument is that citizenship as a formal legal status is enjoying a resurgence of authority at present. This mirrors the paradoxical nature of globalization itself: along the vector of citizenship, both inclusions and exclusions are increasing at present. As states are increasingly unable to assert exclusive power in a range of policy domains, immigration and citizenship law are transformed into (...)
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    Investigating the Functional Utility of the Left Parietal ERP Old/New Effect: Brain Activity Predicts within But Not between Participant Variance in Episodic Recollection.A. MacLeod Catherine & I. Donaldson David - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Science and empire in the nineteenth century: a journey of imperial conquest and scientific progress.Catherine Delmas, Christine Vandamme & Donna Spalding Andréolle (eds.) - 2010 - Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Press.
    The issue at stake in this volume is the role of science as a way to fulfil a quest for knowledge, a tool in the exploration of foreign lands, a central paradigm in the discourse on and representations of Otherness. The interweaving of scientific and ideological discourses is not limited to the geopolitical frame of the British empire in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries but extends to the rise of the American empire as well. The fields of research tackled (...)
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    Windows on Sophiatown.Catherine Descheneau, Ian Gough & Wendy Gough - 1998 - The Chesterton Review 24 (1/2):147-148.
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    What Is Neuro-literature?Catherine Malabou - 2016 - Substance 45 (2):78-87.
    Neuroliterature: this word is not a name for a new discipline, which—like neurolinguistics, neuropsychoanalysis, or neurophilosophy—would tend to explain the way in which our mental acts are rooted in biological neural processes. Even if we have to pay these new sciences the most acute attention to the extent that they are currently re-sketching the inner and outer boundaries of the Humanities, my purpose here is different and wishes to escape all forms of reductionism.Current neurobiology will be present in my discourse, (...)
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  34. Zakaz przedstawiania.Catherine Chalier - 2000 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 18:254.
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    Histoire et philosophie de la mécanique quantique Travaux récents.Catherine Chevalley - 1989 - Revue de Synthèse 110 (3-4):469-481.
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    Compte rendu de J. B. Kennedy, The Musical Structure of Plato’s Dialogues.Catherine Collobert - 2012 - Plato Journal 12.
    Cet ouvrage, composé de huit chapitres et de neuf appendices (qui contiennent des précisions utiles sur la méthode proposée), présente une thèse originale et controversée selon laquelle une structure musicale sous-tend les dialogues platoniciens, et en permet une plus riche compréhension. J. B. Kennedy s'appuie sur deux dialogues, le Banquet et l'Euthyphron pour la démontrer. Avant d'introduire sa méthodologie, il prend soin de tracer l'origine de ce type d'interprétation pour en défendre la pertinence. (…) - 12. Plato 12 (2012).
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    Faith among Faiths: Christian Theology and Non-Christian Religions (review).Catherine Cornille - 2001 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 21 (1):130-132.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 21.1 (2001) 130-132 [Access article in PDF] Book Review Faith Among Faiths: Christian Theology and Non-Christian Religions Faith Among Faiths: Christian Theology and Non-Christian Religions. By James L. Fredericks. Mahwah, New Jersey: Paulist Press, 1999. 188 pp. "The time has come to recognize that the debate between exclusivists, inclusivists, and pluralists has reached an impasse."This is the starting point and refrain of Faith Among Faiths. While James (...)
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    Stanislas Breton on Christian Uniqueness.Catherine Cornille - 2004 - Philosophy and Theology 16 (2):283-297.
    In the midst of the ongoing debate over the uniqueness of Christ and of Christianity, Stanislas Breton’s work Unicité et monothéisme offers new categories of reflection which may come to bridge the fundamental theological differences between pluralist and inclusivist perspectives. While his notions of méontology and of the Cross as the symbol of self-effacement create a radical openness to the distinctive truth of other religious traditions, this openness is itself firmly grounded within Christian self-understanding. Breton also reminds us that the (...)
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  39.  18
    “A Group of Fellow Travellers Who Understand”: Interviews With Autistic People About Post-diagnostic Peer Support in Adulthood.Catherine J. Crompton, Sonny Hallett, Christine McAuliffe, Andrew C. Stanfield & Sue Fletcher-Watson - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Receiving a diagnosis of autism in adulthood can be a life changing event, impacting identity, relationships, and mental health. A lack of post-diagnostic support has been highlighted by autistic adults, their allies, clinicians, and service providers. It can be a source of distress for autistic adults, reinforcing feelings of social isolation and rejection. Peer support could be a cost-effective, flexible, and sustainable model to provide community-based support for autistic adults. However, there is little research on the value of peer support, (...)
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    Exploring settler-Indigenous engagement in food systems governance.Catherine Littlefield, Molly Stollmeyer, Peter Andrée, Patricia Ballamingie & Charles Z. Levkoe - 2024 - Agriculture and Human Values 41 (3):1085-1101.
    Within food systems governance spaces, civil society organizations (CSOs) play important roles in addressing power structures and shaping decisions. In Canada, CSO food systems actors increasingly understand the importance of building relationships among settler and Indigenous peoples in their work. Efforts to make food systems more sustainable and just necessarily mean confronting the realities that most of what is known as Canada is unceded Indigenous territory, stolen land, land acquired through coercive means, and/or land bound by treaty between specific Indigenous (...)
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    Touchstones of History: Anscombe, Hume, and Julius Caesar.Catherine Z. Elgin - 2010 - Logos and Episteme 1 (1):39-57.
    In “Hume and Julius Caesar,” G.E.M. Anscombe argues that some historical claims, such as “Julius Caesar was assassinated,” serve as touchstones for historical knowledge. Only Cartesian doubt can call them into question. I examine her reasons for thinking that the discipline of history must be grounded in claims that it is powerless to discredit. I argue that she is right to recognize that some historical claims are harder to dislodge than others, but wrong to contend that any are invulnerable to (...)
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    Maternal Competition in Women.Catherine Linney, Laurel Korologou-Linden & Anne Campbell - 2017 - Human Nature 28 (1):92-116.
    We examined maternal competition, an unexplored form of competition between women. Given women’s high investment in offspring and mothers’ key role in shaping their reproductive, social, and cultural success as adults, we might expect to see maternal competition between women as well as mate competition. Predictions about the effect of maternal characteristics (age, relationship status, educational background, number of children, investment in the mothering role) and child variables (age, sex) were drawn from evolutionary theory and sociological research. Mothers of primary (...)
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    At the Margins of the World: The Nature of Limits in Terrence Malick’s "The Thin Red Line".Catherine M. Lord - 2012 - Text Matters - a Journal of Literature, Theory and Culture 2 (2):62-75.
    Terrence Malick’s The Thin Red Line is an anti-war film which can be read as an Orphic narrative meditating on the relationship between humans and “nature.” Many scholarly readings of the film have been attracted by analyzes that explore the influences of Cavell and Heidegger on Malick. Kaja Silverman’s recent opus, Flesh of My Flesh, contains a chapter titled “All Things Shining.” She elegantly examines how Malick’s film explores the theme of “finitude.” She argues that, ontologically speaking, human existence gains (...)
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    Anarchy in Our Churches? The American Architectural Press, 1944–65.Catherine R. Osborne - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (3):278-292.
    In the mid-twentieth century American architectural journals, including Architectural Forum, Architectural Record, and Progressive Architecture, routinely ran features on the state of contemporary church architecture in the United States. Rapid suburban expansion and the revival of religious life in the post-Depression, postwar era generated tremendous amounts of construction, with a great deal of work available for architects. This article examines the concerns and hopes of modernist editors in the 1940s–1960s, as they sought to stabilize a “direction” for church architecture. Specifically, (...)
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  45.  43
    The Artist's Intention and G.E.M. Anscombe's Intention.Catherine D. Rau - 1973 - NTU Philosophical Review 3:25-34.
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  46. Plato's World: Man's Place in the Cosmos. [REVIEW]Catherine Zuckert - 1996 - Interpretation 23 (3):477-485.
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    (1 other version)Li Zehou and Pragmatism.Catherine Lynch - 2016 - Philosophy East and West 66 (3):704-719.
    In treatments of the relation of Chinese thought to pragmatism, pragmatism most commonly refers to the philosophy of John Dewey, and such treatments look to the Chinese past, whether recent or distant, not to contemporary Chinese philosophy. Nearly a century ago Dewey became the foremost exponent of pragmatism, both in the English-language world and also around the globe. In China, Dewey’s student Hu Shi was a seminal figure in the New Culture Movement. Dewey himself had a direct effect on Chinese (...)
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    The challenge of Pierre Teilhard de Chardin.Catherine Aller - 1964 - New York,: Exposition Press.
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    Models of complexity: The example of emotions.Catherine Belzung & Catherine Chevalley - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1053-1054.
    Using the example of the difficulties which emerge when trying to model complex behaviors – such as emotional expression – that result from stochastic interactions between different components, we argue that biorobotics may well describe one possible evolution of certain features of a biological system, but cannot pretend to be a simulation of the whole behavior of the system.
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    Of september 11, mourning and cosmopolitan politics.Catherine Guisan - 2009 - Constellations 16 (4):563-578.
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