Results for 'Jelena Hodak'

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  1. Problem klasifikacije u filozofiji psihijatrije : slučaj psihopatije (Eng. The Problem of Classification in the Philosophy of Psychiatry: The Case of Psychopathy).Zdenka Brzović, Jelena Hodak, Luca Malatesti, Vesna Šendula-Jengić & Predrag Šustar - 2016 - Prolegomena 15 (1):21-41.
    The aim of this paper is to analyze, from a philosophical perspective, the scientific robustness of the construct of psychopathy as measured by the Psychopathy Checklist Revised that was developed by Robert Hare (1991; 2003). The scientific robustness and validity of classifications are topics of many debates in philosophy of science and philosophy of psychiatry more specifically. The main problem consists in establishing whether scientific classifications reflect natural kinds where the concept of a natural kind refers to the existence of (...)
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    Employer–Employee Congruence in Environmental Values: An Exploration of Effects on Job Satisfaction and Creativity.Jelena Spanjol, Leona Tam & Vivian Tam - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (1):117-130.
    This study examines how the match between personal and firm-level values regarding environmental responsibility affects employee job satisfaction and creativity and contributes to three literature streams [i.e., social corporate responsibility, creativity, and person–environment fit]. Building on the P–E fit literature, we propose and test environmental orientation fit versus nonfit effects on creativity, identifying job satisfaction as a mediating mechanism and regulatory pressure as a moderator. An empirical investigation indicates that the various environmental orientation fit conditions affect job satisfaction and creativity (...)
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    Friend or Foe? Rethinking Epistemic Trespassing.Jelena Pavličić, Jelena Dimitrijević, Aleksandra Vučković, Strahinja Đorđević, Adam Nedeljković & Željko Tešić - 2024 - Social Epistemology 38 (2):249-266.
    In this paper, we reconsider the notion of epistemic trespassing and attempt to explore possible scenarios in which it could lead to positive outcomes in scientific research and information dissemination. As we will point out, some of the significant discoveries in the history of science would not have been possible were it not for the epistemic trespassers, whose shift in paradigm changed the approach to specific issues for the better. Furthermore, we will present instances where individuals, often labeled as ‘trespassers’ (...)
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    Katalin Fábián and Elżbieta Korolczuk , Rebellious Parents: Parental Movements in Central-Eastern Europe and Russia, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017.Jelena Ćeriman - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (3):448-450.
    Jelena Ćeriman, Rebellious Parents: Parental Movements in Central-Eastern Europe and Russia, Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2017).
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    Why Rankings Appear Natural.Jelena Brankovic - 2022 - Business and Society 61 (4):801-806.
    Rankings have dramatically proliferated over the past several decades. An often-overlooked impact of this proliferation is that it has facilitated the institutionalization of an imaginary of the modern world as a stratified order, whose actors are imagined as continuously striving to perform better than others. To better understand this impact, we need to take a closer look at rankings’ premises and the way these resonate with the broader institutional environment of which rankings are a part.
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  6. Transformatsija cennostej rossijskogo obschtschestwa.Jelena Baschkirowa - 2000 - Polis 6:51-65.
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    The application of Kuhn's and Laudan's models of scientific progress to an example from the history of physics.Jelena Dimitrijević - 1992 - Theoria 35 (2):41-76.
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  8. Пространство и время петербурга с точки зрения микромифологии.Jelena Grigorjeva - 1998 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:151-185.
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    Czytelnik jako współtwórca lokalnej gazety na przykładzie „Nowego Życia Pabianic”.Magdalena Hodak - 2012 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Litteraria Polonica 3:40 - 49.
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    Beyond the territory principle: Non-territorial approach to the Kosovo question.Aleksandar Pavlović Jelena Ćeriman - 2020 - Filozofija I Društvo 31 (3):340-362.
    This article presents an attempt to approach the dispute over Kosovo between Serbs and Albanians from a non-territorial perspective, with particular focus on the preservation of the Serbian cultural and religious heritage. First, we argue that the Kosovo issue is at present commonly understood as an either-or territorial dispute over sovereignty and recognition between Serbian and Kosovo Albanian politicians. However, we claim that a lasting resolution to the Kosovo issue actually needs to account for at least three separate aspects: 1) (...)
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    Ὁ ὅρος μύστης στὴν προχριστιανική του χρήση.Jelena Femić Kasapis - 2015 - Philotheos 15:32-39.
    Εἰς τὴν παρούσαν ἐργασίαν ἐκτίθενται ἐνδεικτικὰ χωρία τοῦ ὅρου μύστης, ἔτσι ὅπως εἶχε διαμορφωθεῖ ἡ χρήση του καὶ oἱ σημασιολογικὲς ἀποχρώσεις ποὺ λαμβάνει σὲ χωρία ἀρχαίων συγγραφέων. Παρουσιάζονται ἕξι χωρία, τὰ ὁποῖα ἀποδεικνύουν ὅτι ὁ μύστης ἦταν μέτοχος καὶ πλῆρες μέλος τῶν μυστηριακῶν λατρειῶν, ὄχι μόνο τῶν Μυστηρίων, ἀλλὰ καὶ τῶν ὀργίων. Κάθε χωρίο ἀκολουθείται ἀπὸ μετάφραση σὲ μία ἀπὸ τὶς σύγχρονες γλῶσσες. Ἀπὸ τὸ χωρίο τοῦ Ἀριστοφάνη προκύπτει ὅτι ὁ ὅρος ἀρχικὰ εἶχε διατυπωθεῖ ὡς ἐπίθετο καὶ ὄχι ὡς οὐσιαστικό. (...)
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  12. Placenta : le maillon indispensable dans les expertises pour pathologie cérébrale périnatale.Jelena Martinovic - forthcoming - Médecine et Droit.
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  13. Acquisition and representation of grammatical categories: Grammatical gender in a connectionist network.Jelena Mirkovic, Mark S. Seidenberg & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 2008 - In B. C. Love, K. McRae & V. M. Sloutsky (eds.), Proceedings of the 30th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Cognitive Science Society. pp. 1954--1959.
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    Konceptuální sítĕ antropologických reflexí a dílčí podoby moci.Jelena Petrucijová - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9).
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    The meaning of myth.Jelena B. Đurić - 1995 - Filozofija I Društvo 1995 (8):169-190.
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    Value change and social change the example of Yugoslav society.Jelena B. Đurić - 1996 - Filozofija I Društvo 1996 (9):147-156.
  17. Fengliu- krytyczny kanon życia artysty.Jelena Zawadskaja - 1987 - Colloquia Communia 34 (5):135-140.
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    Anthony Giddens: Značenje i transformacija intimnosti.Jelena Zlatar - 2007 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 27 (2):441-451.
    U ovom će radu biti objašnjena važna sintagma Anthony Giddensa koja se nadovezuje na refleksivnu projekciju osobnosti, a to je transformacija intimnosti. Uz taj pojam povezane su i teorija i praksa čiste veze, dakle način na koji se ljudi ponašaju u bliskim odnosima, što traže u njima, te kako se ti odnosi mijenjaju. Prije, tumači Giddens, odnosi su se ostvarivali preko određenog skupa pravila, slijedeći određene norme i vrijednosti u društvu, tj. u lokalnoj zajednici. Danas, intimnost postaje projekt na kojemu (...)
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    What Judges Want to Know From Forensic Evaluators in Child Custody and Child Protection Cases: Analyzing Forensic Assignments With Latent Dirichlet Allocation.Jelena Zumbach & Renate Volbert - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    This study analyzes the questions on aspects of child custody, visitation rights, or child endangerment that judges pose to forensic psychologists in family law proceedings. Before conducting a psychological evaluation, the legal question in the referral has to be translated into case-specific, forensically relevant issues. The only overarching principle guiding this process is the “best interests of the child” criterion. Literature indicates that judges often struggle to define what variables should be specified for a psychological evaluation in their referral questions. (...)
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    Ontological representations of rhetorical figures for argument mining.Jelena Mitrović, Cliff O’Reilly, Miljana Mladenović & Siegfried Handschuh - 2017 - Argument and Computation 8 (3):267-287.
  21. Transformative grief.Jelena Markovic - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):246-259.
    This paper argues that grieving a profound loss is a transformative experience, specifically an unchosen transformative experience, understood as an event‐based transformation not chosen by the agent. Grief transforms the self (i) cognitively, by forcing the agent to alter a large set of beliefs and desires, (ii) phenomenologically, by altering their experience in a diffuse or global manner, (iii) normatively, by requiring the agent to revise their practical identity, and (iv) existentially, by confronting the agent with a structuring condition of (...)
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  22. Structural Injustice, Shared Obligations, and Global Civil Society.Jelena Belić & Zlata Božac - 2022 - Social Theory and Practice 48 (4):607-628.
    It is frequently argued that to address structural injustice, individuals should participate in collective actions organized by civil society organizations (CSOs), but the role and the normative status of CSOs are rarely discussed. In this paper, we argue that CSOs semi-perfect our shared obligation to address structural injustice by defining shared goals as well as taking actions to further them. This assigns a special moral status to CSOs, which in turn gives rise to our duty to support them. Thus, we (...)
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  23. Tuning to the significant: neural and genetic processes underlying affective enhancement of visual perception and memory.Jelena Markovic, Adam K. Anderson & Rebecca M. Todd - 2014 - Behavioural Brain Research 1 (259):229-241.
    Emotionally arousing events reach awareness more easily and evoke greater visual cortex activation than more mundane events. Recent studies have shown that they are also perceived more vividly and that emotionally enhanced perceptual vividness predicts memory vividness. We propose that affect-biased attention (ABA) – selective attention to emotionally salient events – is an endogenous attentional system tuned by an individual's history of reward and punishment. We present the Biased Attention via Norepinephrine (BANE) model, which unifies genetic, neuromodulatory, neural and behavioural (...)
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    Unfolding meaning in context: The dynamics of conceptual similarity.Jelena Mirković & Gerry T. M. Altmann - 2019 - Cognition 183 (C):19-43.
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    (1 other version)Unchosen transformative experiences and the experience of agency.Jelena Markovic - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences (3):1-17.
    Unchosen transformative experiences—transformative experiences that are imposed upon an agent by external circumstances—present a fundamental problem for agency: how does one act intentionally in circumstances that transform oneself as an agent, and that disrupt one’s core projects, cares, or goals? Drawing from William James’s analysis of conversion and Matthew Ratcliffe’s account of grief, I give a phenomenological analysis of transformative experiences as involving the restructuring of systems of practical meaning. On this analysis, an agent’s experience of the world is structured (...)
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  26.  49
    Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment and Job Involvement: The Mediating Role of Job Involvement.Jelena Ćulibrk, Milan Delić, Slavica Mitrović & Dubravko Ćulibrk - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Feminist epistemology: “Daughters of Quine”.Jelena Mijic - 2013 - Filozofija I Društvo 24 (3):156-176.
    Feministicka epistemologija je pristup u teoriji saznanja koji u srediste postavlja feministicke probleme. U radu se razmatra savremeni poduhvat u oblasti feministicke epistemologije: feministicki empirizam. Za razliku od drugih feministkinja koje se bave epistemologijom, njihov cilj je da zadrze osnovne pojmove analiticke tradicije, koje posmatraju u svetlu feministickih interesa. Polazeci od Kvajnove naturalisticke epistemologije, feministicke empiristkinje iznose razlicite koncepcije znanja i prirode saznajnog subjekta, stvarajuci nove poglede na odnos sociopolitickih vrednosti i naucnog istrazivanja. Svoje preimucstvo u odnosu na pristupe feministickoj (...)
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  28. On the State's Duty to Create a Just World Order.Jelena Belic - 2018 - Dissertation, Central European University
    What is the significance of asserting that certain agents, be they individual or collective ones, have a duty to create just institutions at a global level? It might appear none. For many agree that there is no global authority to coordinate compliance with the duty. Hence, it is up to individual agents to decide how to comply. If this is the correct account of the duty to create just institutions, then one can say that significant global justice projects depend on (...)
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  29. When the practice gets complicated : moral rights, migrants and political institutions.Jelena Belic - 2017 - In Reidar Maliks & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (eds.), Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press.
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    Glavni pravci analitičke filozofije u XX vijeku.Jelena Berberović - 2002 - Beograd: Institut za Filozofiju, Filozofskog Fakulteta.
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    Rationality, language, incommensurability.Jelena Berberović - 1997 - Theoria 40 (2):65-78.
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    No Evidence for an Awareness-Dependent Emotional Modulation of the Attentional Blink.Jelena Galojan & Cornelia Kranczioch - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  33. Опыты аналитического чтения.„Русские ночи в. одоевского.„Усомнившийся макар “а. платонова.Jelena Grigorjeva - 1999 - Σημιοτκή-Sign Systems Studies 1:234-270.
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    Hrvatska filozofija u XX. stoljeću.Jelena Hekman (ed.) - 2007 - Zagreb: Matica Hrvatska.
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  35. Phaneroscopy and Theory of Signs as Theory of Cognition.Jelena Issajeva & Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen - 2019 - In Ahti-Veikko Pietarinen & Mohammad Shafiei (eds.), Peirce and Husserl: Mutual Insights on Logic, Mathematics and Cognition. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Verlag.
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  36. Koncepcja kosmicznego dramatyzmu Pawła Florenskiego.Jelena Pawłowa - 2004 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 24:254.
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  37. Conceptual Nets of Anthropological Reflections and Particular Patterns of Power.Jelena Petrucijova - 2010 - Filozofia 65 (9):877-892.
    The paper’s focus is on an age-long philosophical issue: man and power. It is analyzed in the frame of the basic philosophical paradigms: ontological, epistemological, axiological, anthropological and linguistic. From the analysis and comparison of the particular traits of each of these paradigms three approaches to human beings arise: essential, existential and interpretative. The power dominating over people or possessing them has various forms: universal law, God’s will, political order, the nature inside and outside us, etc., the most dangerous of (...)
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  38. On the particular kinds of philosophico-anthropological conceptions of man and the intersections of anthropological thought.Jelena Petrucijova - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (5):687-703.
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    Automated Symbolic Orienting: The Missing Link.Jelena Ristic, Mathieu Landry & Alan Kingstone - 2012 - Frontiers in Psychology 3.
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    Examination of cognitive functions in patients with Parkinsons disease.Jelena Stamenović, S. Đurić, Marina Jolić, Biljana Živadinović & Vanja Đurić - 2005 - Facta Universitatis, Series: Linguistics and Literature 11:104-113.
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    Student background factors influencing student achievement in Serbia.Jelena Teodorović - 2012 - Educational Studies 38 (1):89-110.
    This paper describes student‐level findings of the first large‐scale comprehensive school effectiveness study of the primary education in Serbia. Twenty‐five student‐level variables were examined in a three‐level HLM model using a study sample of almost 5000 students, over 250 classrooms and over 100 schools. Differences between the students were in large part responsible for differences in achievement scores in mathematics and Serbian language. Parental education, Roma minority status, developmental or family problems, gender, student motivation, parental involvement in student work and (...)
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    Večna sadašnjost: barokna kultura u modernoj književnosti.Jelena Todorović - 2018 - Beograd: Clio.
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    Globalni procesi i preobražaj identiteta: antropološki aspekti.Jelena Đurić - 2012 - Beograd: I.P. "Albatros plus".
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  44. When the Practice Gets Complicated: Human Rights, Migrants, and Political Institutions.Jelena Belic - 2017 - In Reidar Maliks & Johan Karlsson Schaffer (eds.), Moral and Political Conceptions of Human Rights: Implications for Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 181 - 203.
  45.  11
    Postopera: reinventing the voice-body.Jelena Novak - 2015 - Burlington, VT: Ashgate.
    Both in opera studies and in most operatic works, the singing body is taken for granted. Jelena Novak reintroduces an awareness of the physicality of the singing body to opera studies. Arguing that the body-voice relationship itself is a producer of meaning, she furthermore posits this relationship as one of the major driving forces in recent opera. She takes as her focus six contemporary operas - La Belle et la Bête, Writing to Vermeer, Three Tales, One, Homeland and La (...)
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    Institutions, Automation, and Legitimate Expectations.Jelena Belic - 2024 - The Journal of Ethics 28 (3):505-525.
    Debates concerning digital automation are mostly focused on the question of the availability of jobs in the short and long term. To counteract the possible negative effects of automation, it is often suggested that those at risk of technological unemployment should have access to retraining and reskilling opportunities. What is often missing in these debates are implications that all of this may have for individual autonomy understood as the ability to make and develop long-term plans. In this paper, I argue (...)
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  47. Hypnosis and Meditation: a neurophenomenological comparison.Jelena Markovic & Evan Thompson - 2016 - In Amir Raz & Michael Lifshitz (eds.), Hypnosis and Meditation: Towards an Integrative Science of Conscious Planes. Oxford University Press. pp. 79-106.
    A necessary first step in collaboration between hypnosis research and meditation research is clarification of key concepts. The authors propose that such clarification is best advanced by neurophenomenological investigations that integrate neuroscience methods with phenomenological models based on first-person reports of hypnotic versus meditative experiences. Focusing on absorption, the authors argue that previous treatments of hypnosis and meditation as equivalent are incorrect, but that they can be fruitfully compared when characteristic features of the states described by these concepts are examined. (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Cosmopolitanism and unipolarity: the theory of hegemonic transition.Jelena Belic & Zoltan Miklosi - 2020 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 26 (2):181 - 203.
    Cosmopolitans typically argue that the realization of cosmopolitan ideals requires the creation of global political institutions of some kind. While the precise nature of the necessary institutions is widely discussed, the problem of the transition to such an order has received less attention. In this paper, we address what we take to be a crucial aspect of the problem of transition: we argue that it involves a moral coordination problem because there are several morally equivalent paths to reform the existing (...)
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    The relevance of philosophy in times of the coronavirus crisis.Jelena Pavlicic, Marija Petrovic & Milica Smajevic-Roljic - 2022 - Filozofija I Društvo 33 (1):233-246.
    The current coronavirus pandemic has presented many scientific disciplines, including philosophy, with various theoretical and practical challenges. In this paper, we deal with three philosophical issues related to the pandemic and specific approaches to them. The first part of the article is dedicated to the analysis of the term?expert,? whose significance was highlighted at the outbreak of the pandemic. By examining Plato?s ancient and Goldman?s modern understanding of this concept, we will try to emphasize the importance of expert opinion in (...)
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    (1 other version)Institutions and Moral Demandingness.Jelena Belic - 2022 - Journal of Moral Philosophy and Politics 10 (1):1-22.
    How much should we sacrifice for the sake of others? While some argue in favour of significant sacrifices, others contend that morality cannot demand too much from individuals. Recently, the debate has taken a new turn by focusing on moral demands under non-ideal conditions in which the essential interests of many people are set back. Under such conditions, in some views, moral theories must require extreme moral demands as anything less is incompatible with equal consideration of everyone’s interests. The insistence (...)
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