Results for 'Jean-Philippe Bonardi'

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  1.  22
    Firms, Breach of Norms, and Reputation Damage.Jean-Philippe Bonardi & Dominik Breitinger - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (6):1143-1176.
    A large body of literature looks at how firms develop and maintain their reputation. Little is known, however, about factors leading to a damaged corporate reputation. In this article, the authors compare two sets of predictors of reputational damage following a reported breach of norms: the characteristics of the breach and the characteristics of the actor reporting the breach. Theoretically, the authors argue that the latter is likely to prevail over the former. The authors test this proposition in the highly (...)
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    Beyond communication: a critical study of Axel Honneth's social philosophy.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2009 - Boston: Brill.
    The book will be an indispensable resource for anyone interested in contemporary philosophy and the social sciences.
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    Jean-Philippe Rameaus letzter Musiktraktat, "Vérités également ignorées et interressantes tirées du sein de la nature" (1764): kritische Ausgabe mit Kommentar.Jean Philippe Rameau & Herbert Schneider - 1986 - Franz Steiner Verlag.
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    The Leader as Chief Truth Officer: The Ethical Responsibility of “Managing the Truth” in Organizations.Jean-Philippe Bouilloud, Ghislain Deslandes & Guillaume Mercier - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 157 (1):1-13.
    Our aim is to analyze the position of the leader in relation to the ethical dimension of truth-telling within the organization under his/her control. Based on Michel Foucault’s study of truth-telling, we demonstrate that the role of the leader toward the corporation and the imperative of organizational performance place the leader in an ambiguous position: he/she is obliged to take the lead in “telling the truth” internally and externally, but also to bear the consequences of this “truth-telling” for the organization (...)
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  5. The Centrality of Work.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Christophe Dejours - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (2):167-180.
    This article briefly presents some of the main features of the notion of “centrality of work” within the framework of the “psychodynamic” approach to work developed by Christophe Dejours. The paper argues that we should distinguish between at least four separate but related ways in which work can be said to be central: psychologically, in terms of gender relations, social-politically and epistemically.
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    La bioéthique : ritournelle, cage d’acier ou horizon d’attente?Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2016 - Noesis 28.
    La bioéthique est animée par la volonté d’une reprise en main de la question des fins sur celle des moyens du soin. Ainsi, la bioéthique peut-elle se comprendre comme une tentative de juguler le discours de la rationalité instrumentale qui déferle dans le champ de la maîtrise du vivant et du monde vécu, en y altérant ou détruisant les fragiles liens de soins mutuels. À cet endroit arrivent les interrogations. La gravité de situations inouïes impose-t-elle une éthique inédite? N’encourage-t-elle pas (...)
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    Grands corpus dialectaux ou la phonologie indiscrète.Jean-Philippe Dalbera & Marie-José Dalbera-Stefanaggi - 2004 - Corpus 3.
    L’article se propose, à partir de l’expérience de la construction et de l’exploitation des bases de données dialectales de la BDLC (corse) et du THESOC (occitan), de cerner ce qu’un grand corpus est susceptible d’apporter à la phonologie. La réponse, appuyée sur quelques cas d’espèces, fait intervenir trois niveaux : celui de l’établissement des faits à soumettre à l’analyse, celui de la validation des hypothèses émises, celui de la valeur heuristique des données prises en compte. Les faits aléatoirement rassemblés dans (...)
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    De l’agent économique à l’homme capable. Une critique de l’économisme à partir de l’herméneutique critique de Paul Ricœur.Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):124-137.
    Le dialogue de Paul Ricœur a été constant avec les sciences humaines et sociales, mais peu avec l'économie. Ce silence ricœurien sur l’économie est relatif. Sans faire une épistémologie des sciences économiques, il manifesta une préoccupation constante pour la condition ouvrière (cf. Simone Weil) et les effets pratiques de l’aliénation économique. Il n’a cessé de porter son attention sur le travail plutôt que sur l’économie, sur les échanges plutôt que sur la modélisation de l’économie mathématique oublieuse de l’économie comme science (...)
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    Calliclès a-t-il été réfuté ?Jean-Philippe Ranger - 2012 - Mouseion 12 (3):273-296.
    Dans ce texte, j’analyse l’échange entre Socrate et Calliclès pour défendre la thèse selon laquelle Socrate ne réussit qu’à réfuter les paroles de Calliclès. À la fin de la joute dialectique, Socrate finit par aider Calliclès à renforcer sa position en lui montrant pourquoi il doit rejeter l’hédonisme. Pour établir cette thèse, j’analyse en premier lieu le premier discours de Calliclès (Gorg. 482c-486a). En second lieu, j’examine certains éléments formels de l’ἔλεγχος socratique pour rendre compte de la stratégie argumentative de (...)
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    Je est un nous: enquête philosophique sur nos interdépendances avec le vivant.Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2021 - Arles: Actes sud.
  11. Marx, Honneth and the Tasks of a Contemporary Critical Theory.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2013 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 16 (4):745-758.
    In this paper, I consider succinctly the main Marxist objections to Honneth’s model of critical social theory, and Honneth’s key objections to Marx-inspired models. I then seek to outline a rapprochement between the two positions, by showing how Honneth’s normative concept of recognition is not antithetical to functionalist arguments, but in fact contains a social-theoretical dimension, the idea that social reproduction and social evolution revolve around struggles around the interpretation of core societal norms. By highlighting the social theoretical side of (...)
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  12.  18
    A Matrix of Intellectual and Historical Experiences.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2020 - Symposium 24 (1):1-25.
    This article seeks to re-evaluate the importance of the political in the thinking of Maurice Merleau-Ponty. The article first shows that Sartre’s description of Merleau-Ponty’s intellectual trajectory as one of increasing political apathy from the 1950s onwards is inaccurate. The article then demonstrates that throughout the post-war period, including in his project for a new ontology, Merleau-Ponty believed that a revised version of Marxism would provide the methodological framework within which philosophical work could address the political challenges of the present. (...)
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  13.  21
    Recognition in a Historical Key: Axel Honneth on the History of Recognition and Social Freedom.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2022 - Journal of Social and Political Philosophy 1 (2):169-185.
    Axel Honneth’s philosophical reflections always had significant historical dimensions, but it is only recently, in Recognition. A Chapter in the History of European Ideas, that he has attended to the history of recognition as a concept. This essay examines the cogency and the implications of this turn to intellectual history in the theory of recognition. The first section summarises the main historical claims put forward by Honneth. Section two raises critical doubts regarding three aspects of his narrative: the cultural contexts (...)
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  14. Showing, the Medium Voice, and the Unity of the Tractatus.Jean-Philippe Narboux - 2014 - Philosophical Topics 42 (2):201-262.
    In this essay, I take up James Conant and Cora Diamond’s suggestion that “to take the difference between saying and showing deeply enough is not to give up on showing but to give up on picturing it as a ‘what’ ”. I try to establish that the Tractatus’s talk of “showing” is more coherent than is usually appreciated, that it is indeed a key to the internal unity of the book, and that it positively helps us to work our way (...)
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    Hegel's social theory of value.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2005 - Philosophical Forum 36 (3):307–331.
    In the following, I want to examine the structure and the significance of the notion of value in Hegel’s philosophy of right. In the first part, I use the 1817 version to define the category itself. Hegel sees the concept of value as a formal conceptual scheme, which can be applied with full justification to the most diverse contexts. It is striking that he should use the same word, in the same structural sense, in fields as diverse as economic exchange, (...)
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  16. Ranciere and Contemporary Political Ontology.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2003 - Theory and Event 6 (4).
  17.  79
    The loss of nature in Axel Honneth's social philosophy. Rereading Mead with Merleau-ponty.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2005 - Critical Horizons 6 (1):153-181.
    This paper analyses the model of interaction at the heart of Axel Honneth's social philosophy. It argues that interaction in his mature ethics of recognition has been reduced to intercourse between human persons and that the role of nature is now missing from it. The ethics of recognition takes into account neither the material dimensions of individual and social action, nor the normative meaning of non-human persons and natural environments. The loss of nature in the mature ethics of recognition is (...)
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  18. The organization of philosophy and a philosophy of organizations.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2019 - In Cristina Neesham & Steven Segal (eds.), Handbook of philosophy of management.
    The chapter begins by establishing the absence of organizations in the organization of philosophy as a specialist academic discipline. The second section highlights the reasons why this gap is detrimental to philosophical inquiries. The third section seeks to clarify how philosophy, as a type of theoretical inquiry, can contribute to the study of organizations. Three basic features are proposed as underpinning the philosophical method. Hegel’s social theory is then put forward as an exemplary model of what a philosophical account of (...)
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  19. Valuing the Environment: Six Case Studies.Jean-Philippe Barde & David W. Pearce - 1992 - Environmental Values 1 (2):182-183.
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  20. Politicizing Honneth’s Ethics of Recognition.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Emmanuel Renault - 2007 - Thesis Eleven 88 (1):92-111.
    This article argues that Axel Honneth’s ethics of recognition offers a robust model for a renewed critical theory of society, provided that it does not shy away from its political dimensions. First, the ethics of recognition needs to clarify its political moment at the conceptual level to remain conceptually sustainable. This requires a clarification of the notion of identity in relation to the three spheres of recognition, and a clarification of its exact place in a politics of recognition. We suggest (...)
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  21.  15
    Temperance, Humility and Hospitality: Three Virtues for the Anthropocene Moment?Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2023 - Philosophies 9 (1):5.
    As social and ecological transition and climate change raise issues that go far beyond individual responses, how can these challenges be balanced with ethical and political responses? This article intends to show that the strength of virtue ethics lies in the fact that it translates these abstract issues into concrete biographical events that shape lifestyles. The search for the good life in these matters then finds in temperance, humility and hospitality three virtues, private and social, to operate this translation. Humility (...)
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  22.  19
    Music Audiences 3.0: Concert-Goers’ Psychological Motivations at the Dawn of Virtual Reality.Jean-Philippe Charron - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Virtuality in Modern Physics in the 1920s and 1930s: Meaning(s) of an Emerging Notion.Jean-Philippe Martinez - 2024 - Perspectives on Science 32 (3):350-371.
    This article discusses the meaning of the notion of virtuality in modern physics. To this end, it develops considerations on the introduction and establishment in nuclear physics of two independent concepts at the turn of the 1920s and 1930s: that of the virtual state, used in the context of neutron scattering studies, and that of the virtual transition, useful for the theoretical understanding of strong nuclear forces, which forms the basis of what are now called virtual particles. Their comparative analysis (...)
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  24. Jacques Ranciere: Key Concepts.Jean-Philippe Deranty (ed.) - 2010 - Routledge.
    Although relatively unknown a decade ago, the work of Jacques Ranciere is fast becoming a central reference in the humanities and social sciences. His thinking brings a fresh, innovative approach to many fields, notably the study of work, education, politics, literature, film, art, as well as philosophy. This is the first, full-length introduction to Ranciere's work and covers the full range of his contribution to contemporary thought, presenting in clear, succinct chapters the key concepts Ranciere has developed in his writings (...)
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  25. Between Honneth and Rancière: Problems and Potentials of a Contemporary Critical Theory of Society.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel - 2016 - In Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel (eds.), Recognition or Disagreement. A Critical Encounter on the Politics of Freedom, Equality, and Identity. Columbia University Press. pp. 33-80.
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    Democratic aesthetics: On Jacques rancière's latest work.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2007 - Critical Horizons 8 (2):230-255.
  27.  35
    Géoarchéologie des ports antiques en Méditerranée: problématiques et études de cas.Jean-Philippe Goiran & Christophe Morhange - 2001 - Topoi 11 (2):647-669.
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    Jacques Rancière’s Contribution to The Ethics of Recognition.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2003 - Political Theory 31 (1):136-156.
  29. (1 other version)Feuerbach, Ludwig (1804-1872).Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2020 - Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Philosophers.
    Ludwig Feuerbach (1804–1872) was born in Landshut, Bavaria, the son of Paul Johann Anselm, a renowned legal theorist who had been called from Jena by the king of Bavaria to modernize the kingdom’s penal code. Feuerbach’s brothers all became distinguished scholars in their fields and his nephew Anselm a renowned classicist painter. After enrolling in theological studies in Heidelberg, Feuerbach became enthralled in Hegel’s philosophy and moved to Berlin to study with him. He presented his dissertation in 1828 at the (...)
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  30. New Essays On Frege’s Logical Investigations.Jean Philippe Narboux & Denis Perrin (eds.) - 2020
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    De la sagesse poétique à la sagesse pratique. Quelle place pour les poètes et le poétique dans l’anthropologie de l’homme capable ricœurienne?Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2023 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 14 (1):113-131.
    Ricœur n’a cessé d’explorer les liens de la littérature et de la philosophie, du poétique entendu au sens large et de la philosophie pratique. Ces réflexions ont fécondé ses analyses de façon majeure, le concept d’identité narrative – l’adjectif s’entendant aussi dans sa dimension littéraire – en étant un des centres. Mais cette valorisation de la linéarité du récit a parfois donné l’impression d’avoir davantage mis en avant l’importance du roman, délaissant le rôle de la poésie et du théâtre. Cet (...)
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    Firms as political entities. Saving democracy through economic bicameralism: by Isabelle Ferreras, Cambridge, UK, Cambridge University Press, 2017, 213 pages, £ 75 (Hardback). Paperback edition, March 2018, £19, ISBN: 978-1-108-41594-1.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2020 - Critical Horizons 21 (3):287-290.
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  33. La Théorie critique, entre reconnaissance et mésentente.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel - 2020 - In Jean-Philippe Deranty & Katia Genel (eds.), Reconnaissance ou mésentente? Un dialogue critique entre Jacques Rancière et Axel Honneth. Paris: Editions de la Sorbonne. pp. 7-50.
    Axel Honneth, célèbre théoricien allemand de la reconnaissance qui s’inscrit dans la filiation de l’École de Francfort et notamment de Jürgen Habermas, et Jacques Rancière, éminent penseur français de la mésentente qui a rompu avec la tradition althussérienne, sont deux figures centrales du paysage intellectuel contemporain. Leurs pensées se situent dans deux traditions distinctes, mais elles ont toutes deux à voir avec le marxisme pris au sens large, qu’elles considèrent sous un angle critique. Les deux penseurs portent intérêt à des (...)
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    Civilisation et libre arbitre: pourquoi l'Occident est différent.Jean-Philippe Delsol - 2022 - Paris: Desclée De Brouwer.
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  35. Rancière on Poetry.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2019 - In Ranjan Ghosh (ed.), Philosophy and Poetry. Continental Perspectives. pp. 283-295.
    Two key axes carry the parameters that define Rancière’s approach to poetry. The first axis is constituted by his well-known account of aesthetic modernity as a democratic “regime of the arts”, which breaks with the previous, “representative” one, by allowing all subjects and all genres to be appropriated in expressive gestures. These expressive gestures can no longer rely on the old representational rules and references and therefore require constantly reinvented creative forms. The second axis that emerges from the dismantlement of (...)
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    Artificial intelligence and work: a critical review of recent research from the social sciences.Jean-Philippe Deranty & Thomas Corbin - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-17.
    This review seeks to present a comprehensive picture of recent discussions in the social sciences of the anticipated impact of AI on the world of work. Issues covered include: technological unemployment, algorithmic management, platform work and the politics of AI work. The review identifies the major disciplinary and methodological perspectives on AI’s impact on work, and the obstacles they face in making predictions. Two parameters influencing the development and deployment of AI in the economy are highlighted: the capitalist imperative and (...)
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    Pourquoi un patriarche d'Occident?Jean-Philippe Goudot - 2012 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 134 (1):78-96.
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  38. Barbarie et voix de la nature dans les tragédies de Crébillon.Jean-Philippe Grosperrin - 1997 - In Christian Delmas & Françoise Gevrey (eds.), Nature et culture à l'âge classique, XVIe-XVIIIe siècles: actes de la journée d'étude du Centre de recherches "Idées, thèmes et formes 1580-1789 [sic]," 25 mars 1996. Toulouse: Presses universitaires du Mirail.
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    je, tu, nous: Toward a culture of difference.Jean-Philippe Mathy - 1996 - History of European Ideas 22 (1):59-60.
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    Matière et complexité.Jean-Philippe Milet & J. -M. Lehn (eds.) - 2023 - Neuilly: Atlande.
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    Incommensurabilité et exemplarité.Jean-Philippe Narboux - 2003 - Archives de Philosophie 3 (3):437-447.
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    Prendre soin de la nature et des humains: médecine, travail, écologie.Jean-Philippe Pierron - 2019 - Paris: Les Belles Lettres.
    La thèse de cet ouvrage est qu'il faut prendre soin du monde et qu'une "anthropologie relationnelle" permet de penser ce soin. Une pensée spécifique de la relation devient particulièrement nécessaire en médecine, dans le monde du travail et vis-à-vis de l'environnement. Elle entend s'opposer à une attitude peu soigneuse qui se répand à l'égard des personnes et des différents contextes de vie. L'exigence du soin, se faisant catégorie critique, permet ainsi de relier des domaines souvent envisagés comme distincts où, à (...)
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  43.  26
    Regimes of the arts.Jean-Philippe Deranty - unknown
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    Les horizons marxistes de l'éthique de la reconnaissance.Jean-Philippe Duranty - 2005 - Actuel Marx 38 (2):159-178.
    The genesis of Axel Honneth's ethics of recognition shows that it represents the attempt to critically rejuvenate historical materialism through an emphasis on the normative dimensions and the anthropological preconditions of social interaction. By making explicit this project to redefine a theory of praxis, the exact theoretical stance and the full practical potential of Honneth's social theory can be stressed. However, by contrast to its initial formulation, the mature theory of recognition appears to have interpreted praxis in a narrow interpersonalist (...)
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  45.  67
    Rationality, Autonomy, and the Social Bond.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2011 - Philosophy Today 55 (1):3-11.
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    Travail et expérience de la domination dans le néolibéralisme contemporain.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2011 - Actuel Marx 49 (1):73-89.
    Work and Experience of Domination in Contemporary Neoliberalism This paper seeks to study the contemporary forms of domination at and through work, by focusing on subjective experiences of work. Against the background of Marx’s analysis of the manyfold nexus between social and political domination in general and domination at work, I begin by drawing in broad strokes the general picture of current experiences of work emerging from the contemporary French sociology and psychology of work. Related to this rich literature but (...)
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    Pour lire et comprendre le "Discours de la méthode".Jean-Philippe Ravoux - 2014 - Saint-Denis: Edilivre.
    « La méthode est seule capable d’empêcher les jugements précipités, de faire en sorte que l’entendement soit informé comme il se doit, qu’il puisse connaître et affirmer le vrai et le bien, avant que la volonté ne donne son acquiescement. Il faut que d’une grande clarté en l’entendement suive une grande inclination en la volonté pour que nous puissions nous croire plus libres, puisque non assujettis aux pulsions et à la contingence, en obéissant à la détermination rationnelle. ».
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    La régulation du financement de la vie politique en France.Jean-Philippe Vachia - 2025 - Archives de Philosophie du Droit 1:135-150.
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  49. En quels sens le travail vivant est-il une catégorie politique?Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2016 - TRAVAILLER 36:59-74.
    This paper seeks to clarify some of the methodological and conceptual stakes involved in the attempt to think about politics from the point of view of "living labour". In order to avoid confusions further down the track, a formal analysis of the different possible meanings of "politics" is proposed. Politics is first defined as the series of problems that arise when separate individual lives attempt to organise a common life in common. Four types of problems can be identified on the (...)
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    A Teoria Crítica entre Marx e Honneth.Jean-Philippe Deranty - 2018 - Civitas. Revista de Ciencias Sociais 1 (3).
    Neste artigo considerarei as principais objeções marxistas ao modelo de Honneth para uma Teoria Crítica da sociedade e também as objeções centrais de Honneth aos modelos inspirados em Marx. Depois tentarei esboçar uma reaproximação entre ambas posições ao mostrar como o conceito normativo de reconhecimento de Honneth não é oposto a argumentos funcionalistas, e sim que ele contém uma dimensão socioteórica: a ideia de que a reprodução social e a evolução social revolvem ao redor de lutas pela interpretação de normas (...)
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