Results for 'Jean Luis Benoît'

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  1.  15
    Lettre sur Derrida: combats au-dessus du vide.Jean Pierre Faye - 2013 - [Meaux]: Germina.
    Dans cette longue lettre à Benoît Peeters, Jean-Pierre Faye revient sur les péripéties de la fondation du Collège international de philosophie, sous l’égide de Jean-Pierre Chevènement alors ministre de la recherche, dans les années 1981-1982. Il laisse entendre quel rôle ambigu – et relativement peu élégant - a joué Derrida dans cette affaire de fondation. Mais la lettre pousse plus loin. Ces circonstances relatives à la création du Collège international de philosophie ne sont qu’un cadre narratif. Il (...)
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    Actualidad de Tocqueville.Fernando Caro - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:47-62.
    El siguiente artículo ofrece un resumen de la panorámica descrita por Jean Luis Benoît acerca de la percepción actual de Alexis de Tocqueville en Francia [2009]. Sus apreciaciones hallan complemento en el relato de algunas circunstancias relacionadas con la primicia de la edición de la carta que dirigió a su hermano Edouard, el 20 de junio de 1831 desde Nueva York, inédita hasta marzo de 2013. Finalmente se ofrece una versión en inglés de la misma, probablemente en (...)
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    Le traité de l''me de Jean Buridan: (de prima lectura).Jean Buridan & Benoît Patar - 1991 - Longueuil, Québec: Louvain-la-Neuve : Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie ; Longueuil, Québec : Éditions du Préambule. Edited by Benoît Patar & Jean Buridan.
  4.  8
    O livre arbitrário em Duns Scoto.Jean Luis Arana Alencastre - 2024 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 30:82-91.
    Este trabalho visa aprofundar o conceito de liberdade como autodeterminação da vontade em Juan Duns Escoto. O problema da escolha é interpretado a partir de uma leitura da ética aristotélica que privilegia um ponto de vista centrado no fato de que a razão é o que direciona adequadamente a escolha, que é entendida como desejo racional. Porém, surge o problema de até que ponto, então, seria realmente uma escolha livre, uma vez que, quando o objeto do desejo é mostrado ao (...)
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  5. Ilustração, experimentalismo e mecanicismo: aspectos das transformações do saber médico em Portugal no século XVIII.Jean Luis Neves Abreu - 2007 - Topoi. Revista de História 8 (15):80-104.
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    Expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis Physicam ad Albertum de Saxonia attributae.Jean Buridan, Benoît Patar & Albertus - 1999 - Louvain-la-Neuve: Louvain-la-Neuve [Belgique] : Éditions de l'Institut supérieur de philosophie. Edited by Benoît Patar, Albertus & Jean Buridan.
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    Expositio et quaestiones in Aristotelis De caelo.Jean Buridan & Benoît Patar - 1996 - Peeters Publishers.
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    La connaissance et ses raisons.Jean-Marie Chevalier & Benoit Gaultier (eds.) - 2016 - Collège de France.
    Les textes réunis dans ce volume traitent de questions particulièrement discutées de l’épistémologie contemporaine, entendue comme élucidation philosophique de la nature de la connaissance, de sa valeur et de ses modalités, ainsi que de la justification et des modalités de la croyance. Une clarification des notions de raison et de justification permet notamment d’affronter de manière renouvelée les défis du scepticisme. L’épistémologie y est ainsi présentée dans toute son extension, de l’analyse du concept de connaissance aux conditions sociales de la (...)
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  9.  10
    Les communs: des jardins partagés à Wikipédia.Jean-Benoît Zimmermann - 2020 - Paris: Libre & Solidaire.
  10. Are moral norms distinct from social norms? A critical assessment of Jon Elster and Cristina Bicchieri.Benoît Dubreuil & Jean-François Grégoire - 2013 - Theory and Decision 75 (1):137-152.
    This article offers a critical assessment of Cristina Bicchieri and Jon Elster’s recent attempt to distinguish between social, moral, and quasi-moral norms. Although their typologies present interesting differences, they both distinguish types of norms on the basis of the way in which context, and especially other agents’ expectations and behavior, shapes one’s preference to comply with norms. We argue that both typologies should be abandoned because they fail to capture causally relevant features of norms. We nevertheless emphasize that both Bicchieri (...)
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    Ze halen hun slag wel thuis.Jean-Benoit Pilet & Petra Meier - 2018 - Res Publica 60 (4):321-345.
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    Around the Odour of Sanctity, Perfumes in the Christianism.Jean-Louis Benoît - 2012 - Iris 33:55-89.
    Christianism often mentions perfumes. Its liturgy based on Scripture uses incense and balm. A reading from the Bible and the lives of saints reveals many extraordinary perfumes (“odours of sanctity”). The Virgin Mary holds extreme importance among saints and it is quite common to see her spreading miraculous fragrances. These are subtle, discrete but pleasant signals from Heaven. They are sent to everyone in order to convert non‑believers or turn back believers to the faith in God. The divine origin of (...)
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    (1 other version)Morphologie des partis politiques francophones en 2004 et 2005.Jean-Benoit Pilet & Emilie van Haute - 2006 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 48 (2-3):297-335.
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    Repérer, formaliser, traduire les concepts philosophiques: colloque de Besançon, 23-24 juin 1999.Jean Pierre Cotten & Benoit Hufschmitt (eds.) - 2001 - Paris: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté.
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    Algebraization, Transcendence, and D-Group Schemes.Jean-Benoît Bost - 2013 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 54 (3-4):377-434.
    We present a conjecture in Diophantine geometry concerning the construction of line bundles over smooth projective varieties over ${\overline {\mathbb {Q}}}$. This conjecture, closely related to the Grothendieck period conjecture for cycles of codimension $1$, is also motivated by classical algebraization results in analytic and formal geometry and in transcendence theory. Its formulation involves the consideration of $D$-group schemes attached to abelian schemes over algebraic curves over ${\overline {\mathbb {Q}}}$. We also derive the Grothendieck period conjecture for cycles of codimension (...)
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  16. Calvin et le bapteme des enfants.Jean Daniel Benoit - 1937 - Revue D'Histoire Et de Philosophie Religieuses 17:457-473.
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    La Nouvelle subjectivité et les technologies de l'information.Monique Benoit & Jean Dragon - 2001 - Horizons Philosophiques 11 (2):130-140.
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    Reframing Cognitive Science as a Complexity Science.Luis H. Favela & Mary Jean Amon - 2023 - Cognitive Science 47 (4):e13280.
    Complexity science is an investigative framework that stems from a number of tried and tested disciplines—including systems theory, nonlinear dynamical systems theory, and synergetics—and extends a common set of concepts, methods, and principles to understand how natural systems operate. By quantitatively employing concepts, such as emergence, nonlinearity, and self‐organization, complexity science offers a way to understand the structures and operations of natural cognitive systems in a manner that is conceptually compelling and mathematically rigorous. Thus, complexity science both transforms understandings of (...)
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    Stabilizing Effect of Cannibalism in a Two Stages Population Model.Jonathan Rault, Eric Benoît & Jean-Luc Gouzé - 2013 - Acta Biotheoretica 61 (1):119-139.
    In this paper we build a prey–predator model with discrete weight structure for the predator. This model will conserve the number of individuals and the biomass and both growth and reproduction of the predator will depend on the food ingested. Moreover the model allows cannibalism which means that the predator can eat the prey but also other predators. We will focus on a simple version with two weight classes or stage and present some general mathematical results. In the last part, (...)
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  20.  18
    Connaître: Questions d’épistémologie contemporaine.Jean-Marie Chevalier & Benoît Gaultier (eds.) - 2014 - Paris: Editions d'Ithaque.
    Qu'est-ce que la connaissance? Que pouvons-nous connaître? Et comment connaissons-nous? Ces questions philosophiques classiques relèvent de l'épistémologie, qui excède largement l'histoire philosophique des sciences à laquelle elle se trouve trop souvent réduite. Attentif aux enseignements des sciences de la cognition comme aux exigences normatives de la connaissance, le présent volume introduit aux questions les plus débattues de l'épistémologie contemporaine de façon nouvelle et accessible. Ses chapitres ont été rédigés par une nouvelle génération de philosophes francophones dont les recherches s'inscrivent résolument (...)
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    Empirical Evidence for Extended Cognitive Systems.Luis H. Favela, Mary Jean Amon, Lorena Lobo & Anthony Chemero - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (11):e13060.
    Cognitive Science, Volume 45, Issue 11, November 2021.
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    Sartre: poder, violencia y revolución.Jean-Paul Sartre, Rodríguez García & José Luis (eds.) - 1965 - Madrid: Editorial Revolución.
  23.  9
    Estado social democrático, democracia, despotismo e “democradura”.Jean-Louis Benoît - 2023 - Philósophos - Revista de Filosofia 28 (2).
    Há anos ou décadas, vemos países que estavam em marcha em direção à democracia como a Rússia, a Turquia e mesmo reais democracias como o Brasil, se tornarem verdadeiras democraduras, ou se encaminharem para esse tipo de regime, a Hungria por exemplo, mas igualmente outros países. Os analistas políticos continuam lutando para entender a origem e a natureza desse direcionamento sobre o qual a leitura de Tocqueville ainda fornece um esclarecimento notável, cujas análises mantêm perfeita atualidade; é um grande pensador (...)
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    Evidence of Epigenetic Oncogenesis: A Turning Point in Cancer Research.Jean-Pascal Capp, Benoît Aliaga & Vera Pancaldi - forthcoming - Bioessays:e202400183.
    In cancer research, the term epigenetics was used in the 1970s in its modern sense encompassing non‐genetic events modifying the chromatin state, mainly to oppose the emerging oncogene paradigm. However, starting from the establishment of this prominent concept, the importance of these epigenetic phenomena in cancer rarely led to questioning the causal role of genetic alterations. Only in the last 10 years, the accumulation of problematic data, better experimental technologies, and some ambitious models pushed the idea that epigenetics could be (...)
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    Une recherche citoyenne sur l’article 12 de la convention de l’ONU sur les droits des personnes handicapées.Benoit Eyraud, Arnaud Béal, Nacerdine Bezghiche, Stef Bonnot-Briey, Chantal Bruno, Erick Cattez, Jean-Philippe Cobbaut, Sylvie Daniel, Guillaume François, Julien Grard, Gael Klein, Michel Lalemant, Céline Lefebvre, Valérie Lemard, Jacques Lequien, Céline Letailleur, Claudine Levray, Marc Losson, Ana Marques, Bernard Meile, Nicolas Ordener, Mouna Romdhani, Nicolas Saenen, Sébastien Saetta, Iuliia Taran & Florie Vuattoux - 2021 - Alter - European Journal of Disability Research / Revue Européenne de Recherche Sur le Handicap 15-2 (15-2):165-176.
    In this article, we present findings from a participatory action research program in France on the exercise of human rights and supported and substitute decision-making, inspired by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (“CRPD”). Bringing together persons with the lived experience of disability, academics, and health and social care and support professionals, the project used the method of “experience-based construction of public problem” to transform experience into collective expertise. This enabled the exploration of support that (...)
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    Logique et équilibre.Leo Apostel, Benoît B. Mandelbrot & Jean Piaget - 1957 - Paris,: Presses universitaires de France. Edited by B. Mandelbot & Jean Piaget.
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    Impact of academic integrity on workplace ethical behaviour.Yolanda Heredia-Escorza, Luis Portales & Jean Gabriel Guerrero-Dib - 2020 - International Journal for Educational Integrity 16 (1).
    Corruption is a serious problem in Mexico and the available information regarding the levels of academic dishonesty in Mexico is not very encouraging. Academic integrity is essential in any teaching-learning process focussed on achieving the highest standards of excellence and learning. Promoting and experiencing academic integrity within the university context has a twofold purpose: to achieve the necessary learnings and skills to appropriately perform a specific profession and to develop an ethical perspective which leads to correct decision making. The objective (...)
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    Hearing Someone Laugh and Seeing Someone Yawn: Modality-Specific Contagion of Laughter and Yawning in the Absence of Others.Micaela De Weck, Benoît Perriard, Jean-Marie Annoni & Juliane Britz - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Laughter and yawning can both occur spontaneously and are highly contagious forms of social behavior. When occurring contagiously, laughter and yawning are usually confounded with a social situation and it is difficult to determine to which degree the social situation or stimulus itself contribute to its contagion. While contagious yawning can be reliably elicited in lab when no other individuals are present, such studies are more sparse for laughter. Moreover, laughter and yawning are multimodal stimuli with both an auditory and (...)
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    Sensation Seeking and Adaptation in Parabonauts.Aurélie Collado, Jean-Philippe Hainaut, Vincent Monfort & Benoît Bolmont - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Hoe ‘trendy’ kiesstelsels Europese democratieën veroveren.Damien Bol, Jean-Benoit Pilet & Pedro Riera - 2015 - Res Publica 57 (3):388-390.
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    The Art of Judicial Reasoning: Festschrift in Honour of Carl Baudenbacher.Knut Almestad, Jean-Luc Baechler, Benedikt Bogason, Henrik Bull, Francis Delaporte, Luis José Diez Canseco Núñez, Peter Freeman, Vladimir Golitsyn, Irmgard Griss, Marc Jaeger, Koen Lenaerts, Paul Mahoney, Andreas Mundt, Sven Norberg, Toril Marie Øie, Þorgeir Örlygsson, Anne-José Paulsen, Georges Ravarani, Hubertus Schumacher, Vassilios Skouris, Gian-Flurin Steinegger, Sven Erik Svedman, Antonio Tizzano, Marc van der Woude, Bo Vesterdorf & Jean-Claude Wiwinius - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book, formed as a series of essays in honour of Professor Carl Baudenbacher, addresses the very art of judicial reasoning, and features contributions from many of the foremost current or former national, supranational, or international judges. This unique volume is intended first and foremost for legal scholars, but its approachable style makes it readily accessible for students and for those with a general interest in the application of the law and justice in today's multi-layered world. The collection of essays (...)
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    Economic Policy: Theory and Practice.Agnès Bénassy-Quéré, Benoît Coeuré, Pierre Jacquet & Jean Pisani-Ferry - 2010 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Written by four recognized experts with senior experience in research and government, this text is the first comprehensive survival kit for students and practitioners of economic policy. It is set to become an indispensable resource for everyone involved or interested in modern economic policy. Academic scholars willing to engage in policy discussions and students at graduate or advanced undergraduate levels will find it an essential bridge to the policy world. What makes the book unique is that it combines like no (...)
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  33. Analyses et comptes rendus.Henri Dilberman, Jean-Louis Vieillard-Baron, Stanislas Deprez, Stéphane Finetti, Georges Chapouthier, Roselyne Dégremont, Charlotte Luyckx, Franck Damour, Patrick Cerutti, Gérard Chazal, Benoît Donnet, Bastien Massé, Jean-Dominique Pénel, Massimo Borlandi & Dominique Merllié - 2024 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 149 (4):555-604.
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    Jean-Claude SCHMITT, Les rythmes au Moyen Âge.Grévin Benoît - forthcoming - Rhuthmos.
    Jean-Claude SCHMITT, Les rythmes au Moyen Âge, Paris, Gallimard, 2016, 718 p. Le livre de Jean-Claude Schmitt sur les rythmes au Moyen Âge est une somme, qu'il importe de lire et de discuter. Fruit d'un travail de longue haleine, il résume à certains égards une vie entière de recherche, placée sous le signe d'une lecture anthropologique du monde médiéval, à la croisée de la réflexion sur le texte et sur l'image, laquelle abonde ici, faisant de ce volume un (...)
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  35. The complex experience of touching metallic, damp, and slimy things.Mary Jean Amon & Luis H. Favela - 2015 - Theory and Psychology 25:543-545.
    The importance of touch to mammalian survival and well-being cannot be overstated. The capacity for action depends on the sense of touch, which is a necessary feature of an animal’s being-in-the-world (O’Shaughnessy, 1989, pp. 38–39). Interpersonal touch has been shown to be an important part of human welfare, including disease prevention and treatment (see Field, 2001 for review). Throughout a mammal’s lifespan, social relation- ships are also mediated by touch behavior (see Thayer, 1986 for review). Given these facts, the sense (...)
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    Jean-Marc Narbonne.Benoît Castelnérac - forthcoming - International Journal of the Platonic Tradition.
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    Une « commotion » de Jean-Jacques.Benoît Goetz - 2013 - le Portique 30 (30).
    Cet article, en se référant à un passage des Confessions de Jean-Jacques Rousseau, tente d’analyser le surgissement dans l’écriture d’une œuvre d’architecture. On propose de nommer ce processus « architecturographie ».
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    Potamia-Agios Sozomenos (Chypre). La constitution des paysages dans l'Orient médiéval.Nolwenn Lécuyer, Ludovic Decock, Benoît Devillers, Véronique François, Gilles Grivaud, Demetrios Michaelides, Andréas Nicolaïdès, Jean-Michel Saulnier, Bernard Simon, Robert Thernot, Lucy Vallauri & Catherine Vanderheyde - 2001 - Bulletin de Correspondance Hellénique 125 (2):655-678.
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    Les unités de soins intensifs psychiatriques (USIP) : expériences françaises et internationales☆.Patrick Le Bihan, David Esfandi, Claude Pagès, Sylvie Thébault & Jean-Benoît Naudet - 2009 - Médecine et Droit 2009 (98-99):138-145.
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    Jean-Louis Chrétien, L'inoubliable et l'inespéré.Benoît Thirion - 2002 - Revue Philosophique De Louvain 100 (1-2):307-308.
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    Quantitative evaluation of a clinical intervention aimed at changing prescriber behaviour in response to new guidelines.Sophie Doyon, Mélissa Perreault, Christopher Marquis, Josianne Gauthier, Denis Lebel, Benoit Bailey, Johanne Collin & Jean-François Bussières - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):1111-1117.
  42.  13
    How to Investigate the Effects of Groups on Changes in Longitudinal Patient-Reported Outcomes and Response Shift Using Rasch Models.Karima Hammas, Véronique Sébille, Priscilla Brisson, Jean-Benoit Hardouin & Myriam Blanchin - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    In order to investigate patients’ experience of healthcare, repeated assessments of patient-reported outcomes are increasingly performed in observational studies and clinical trials. Changes in PRO can however be difficult to interpret in longitudinal settings as patients’ perception of the concept being measured may change over time, leading to response shift and possibly to erroneous interpretation of the observed changes in PRO. Several statistical methods for response shift analysis have been proposed, but they usually assume that response shift occurs in the (...)
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    Het gebruik van de voorkeurstem bij de regionale en Europese parlementsverkiezingen van 13 juni 2004.Bram Wauters, Karolien Weekers & Jean-Benoît Pilet - 2004 - Res Publica 46 (2-3):377-412.
    On 13 June 2003, elections for both the regional parliaments and the European Parliament were held in Belgium.The percentage of voters casting a preferential vote increased when compared with the previous regional and European elections of 1999, reaching scores clearly higher than 60%. The new electoral laws are one explanation for this increase, together with societal evolutions, such as individualism, anti-party feelings, personalization of polities and the appearance of cartels. In comparison with the federal elections of 2003 however, there was (...)
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    Two Processes in Early Bimanual Motor Skill Learning.Maral Yeganeh Doost, Jean-Jacques Orban de Xivry, Benoît Bihin & Yves Vandermeeren - 2017 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 11.
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    Langues, paroles et Transactions.Yan Greub, Stéphane Péquignot, Xavier Hélary, Isabella Lazzarini, Benoît Grévin, Emiliano Ferrari, Jean-Louis Fournel & Mélanie Traversier - 2012 - Revue de Synthèse 133 (2):289-313.
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    Epigenesis and dynamic similarity in two regulatory networks in pseudomonas aeruginosa.Janine F. Guespin-Michel, Gilles Bernot, Jean Paul Comet, Annabelle Mérieau, Adrien Richard, Christian Hulen & Benoit Polack - 2004 - Acta Biotheoretica 52 (4):379-390.
    Mucoidy and cytotoxicity arise from two independent modifications of the phenotype of the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa that contribute to the mortality and morbidity of cystic fibrosis. We show that, even though the transcriptional regulatory networks controlling both processes are quite different from a molecular or mechanistic point of view, they may be identical from a dynamic point of view: epigenesis may in both cases be the cause of the acquisition of these new phenotypes. This was highlighted by the identity of (...)
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    A medication reconciliation form and its impact on the medical record in a paediatric hospital.Pascal Bédard, Lyne Tardif, Alexandre Ferland, Jean-François Bussières, Denis Lebel, Benoit Bailey, Marc Girard & Jean Lachaîne - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (2):222-227.
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    Dichotic summation of loudness with small frequency separations.Lawrence E. Marks, Daniel Algom & Jean-Pierre Benoit - 1991 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 29 (1):62-64.
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    Computerized physician order entry system combined with on‐ward pharmacist: analysis of pharmacists' interventions.Pierrick Bedouch, Alexandre Tessier, Magalie Baudrant, José Labarere, Luc Foroni, Jean Calop, Jean-Luc Bosson & Benoît Allenet - 2012 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 18 (4):911-918.
  50.  21
    Eerste lessen uit de automatische benoeming van burgemeesters in Wallonië.Pascal Delwit, Emilie Van Haute & Jean-Benoît Pilet - 2007 - Res Publica: Tijdschrift Voor Politologie 49 (1):34-45.
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