Results for 'Fernando Caro'

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  1.  12
    Alexis de Tocqueville.Fernando Caro Grau - 2014 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 55:23-46.
    Alexis de Tocqueville mantuvo una muy abundante correspondencia a lo largo de su vida. Familiares y relevantes contemporáneos, no sólo franceses, figuran entre sus destinatarios. Sus cartas ofrecen una parte esencial de su pensamiento, expuesto con la libertad propia del género epistolar, y representan una componente de primera importancia dentro de su obra literaria. Las Cartas Americanas, escritas entre abril de 1831 y febrero de 1832 con ocasión de su viaje al Nuevo Mundo, son un buen ejemplo. Además, por servir (...)
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    Actualidad de Tocqueville.Fernando Caro - 2015 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 63:47-62.
    El siguiente artículo ofrece un resumen de la panorámica descrita por Jean Luis Benoît acerca de la percepción actual de Alexis de Tocqueville en Francia [2009]. Sus apreciaciones hallan complemento en el relato de algunas circunstancias relacionadas con la primicia de la edición de la carta que dirigió a su hermano Edouard, el 20 de junio de 1831 desde Nueva York, inédita hasta marzo de 2013. Finalmente se ofrece una versión en inglés de la misma, probablemente en primicia, de modo (...)
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    Emancipação intelectual e democracia: para uma filosofia crítica da educação a partir de Jacques Rancière e Paulo Freire.Fernando Gimbo - 2017 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 16 (2):270-284.
    Trata-se de propor, através da leitura conjunta de Jacques Rancière e Paulo Freire, uma filosofia da educação capaz de nos orientar em uma crítica da atual sociedade neoliberal. Tendo tal objetivo em vista, primeiramente exponho como a igualdade pode aparecer enquanto princípio a orientar nossas práticas educacionais. Com a afirmação da potência própria à inteligência é toda uma compreensão antropológica do homem que se desenha, compreensão essa que afirma o ser humano enquanto um ente que tem no aprendizado uma forma (...)
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    (1 other version)Brainhood, anthropological figure of modernity.Fernando Vidal - 2009 - History of the Human Sciences 22 (1):5-36.
    If personhood is the quality or condition of being an individual person, brainhood could name the quality or condition of being a brain. This ontological quality would define the `cerebral subject' that has, at least in industrialized and highly medicalized societies, gained numerous social inscriptions since the mid-20th century. This article explores the historical development of brainhood. It suggests that the brain is necessarily the location of the `modern self', and that, consequently, the cerebral subject is the anthropological figure inherent (...)
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    Las fuentes filosóficas de la especulación.Fernando Valenzuela Erazo - 2016 - Revista de filosofía (Chile):59-70.
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    Dewey y Honneth: una idea sobre el progreso crítico de la moralidad.Sergio Luis Caro Arroyo - 2024 - Cuadernos de Filosofía Latinoamericana 45 (130).
    El objetivo del presente artículo consiste en analizar la relación Dewey-Honneth con el propósito de profundizar en la comprensión de la idea de > y evidenciar algunos puntos de encuentro que, en el ámbito de la filosofía social, se dan entre la tradición pragmatista y la teoría crítica de la sociedad representadas por John Dewey y Axel Honneth. Se considera la existencia de cierto aire de familia en el entendimiento de Honneth sobre la idea > con relación a las consideraciones (...)
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    Self-Defense in International Law and Rights of Persons.Fernando R. Tesón - 2004 - Ethics and International Affairs 18 (1):87-91.
  8.  25
    Diferencia Y repetición: Preludios en la matemática moderna Y ecos en la matemática contemporánea.Fernando Zalamea - 2020 - Universitas Philosophica 37 (74):139-153.
    We study the emergence of all references to modern mathematics in Difference and Repetition, and we explain how, using these mathematical approaches, Deleuze constructs an “ideal synthesis of difference” which goes well beyond the usual reductionist perspectives of his commentators.
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    Superrational types.Fernando A. Tohmé & Ignacio D. Viglizzo - 2019 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 27 (6):847-864.
    We present a formal analysis of Douglas Hofstadter’s concept of superrationality. We start by defining superrationally justifiable actions, and study them in symmetric games. We then model the beliefs of the players, in a way that leads them to different choices than the usual assumption of rationality by restricting the range of conceivable choices. These beliefs are captured in the formal notion of type drawn from epistemic game theory. The theory of coalgebras is used to frame type spaces and to (...)
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    Miracles, Science, and Testimony in Post-Tridentine Saint-Making.Fernando Vidal - 2007 - Science in Context 20 (3):481-508.
    ArgumentSeeing a prodigious cure happen and then testifying about it certainly differs from attending an air pump experiment in order to bear witness to it. Yet early-modern saint-making and the “new” or “experimental philosophy” shared juridical roots, and thereby an understanding of the role of testimony for the establishment of “matters of fact” and for the production of legitimate knowledge. The reforms carried out after the Council of Trent, especially during Urban VIII's pontificate, of the juridical procedures for saint-making in (...)
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  11. Schedules in a temporal interpretation of modals.Fernando Tim - 2005 - Journal of Semantics 22 (2):211-229.
    Eventualities and worlds are analysed uniformly as schedules of certain descriptions of eventuality-types (reversing the reduction of eventuality-types to eventualities). The temporal interpretation of modals in Condoravdi 2002 is reformulated to bring out what it is about eventualities and worlds that is essential to the account. What is essential, it is claimed, can be recovered from schedules that may or may not include worlds.
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  12. Psychology in the 18th century: a view from encyclopaedias.Fernando Vidal - 1993 - History of the Human Sciences 6 (1):89-119.
  13. Enabling Monsters: A Reply to Richard W. Miller.Fernando Teson - 2011 - Ethics and International Affairs 25 (2).
    Richard Miller's two central theses rest on dubious predictions, and, more important, are morally objectionable. The United States would be perpetrating a major injustice if it enabled the Taliban to rule over any part of the territory and over any person.
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  14.  45
    On Trade and Justice.Fernando Tesón - 2004 - Theoria 51 (104):192-202.
  15.  70
    The Liberal Constitution and Foreign Affairs.Fernando R. Tesón - 2011 - Social Philosophy and Policy 28 (1):115-149.
    Scholars have debated the meaning of the foreign-relations clauses in the U.S. Constitution. This essay attempts to outline the foreign-relations clauses that an ideal constitution should have. A liberal constitution must enable the government to implement a morally defensible foreign policy. The first priority is the defense of liberty. The constitution must allow the government to effectively defend persons, territory, and liberal institutions themselves. The liberal government should also contribute to the advancement of global freedom, subject to a number of (...)
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    Iterated Admissibility Through Forcing in Strategic Belief Models.Fernando Tohmé, Gianluca Caterina & Jonathan Gangle - 2020 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 29 (4):491-509.
    Iterated admissibility embodies a minimal criterion of rationality in interactions. The epistemic characterization of this solution has been actively investigated in recent times: it has been shown that strategies surviving \ rounds of iterated admissibility may be identified as those that are obtained under a condition called rationality and m assumption of rationality in complete lexicographic type structures. On the other hand, it has been shown that its limit condition, with an infinity assumption of rationality ), might not be satisfied (...)
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    Filosofía y literatura de la India.Fernando Tola - 1983 - Buenos Aires: Kier. Edited by Carmen Dragonetti.
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    El narcisismo de la postmodernidad o la crisis de una modernidad decadente.Fernando Guzmán Toro - 2004 - Utopía y Praxis Latinoamericana 9 (26):105-111.
    Postmodernity is a move ment that arose as a re sult of the cri sis of the dom i nant mo der nity, con front ing many of the great pro jects which ex - alted the do min ion and the power of man, and re - plac ing them with small ness, what is lo cal, and other al ter na tives. One of the most o..
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    La organización como tejido conversacional.Luis Fernando Zea - 2004 - Medellín: Fondo Editorial Universidad EAFIT.
    El sistema neuronal, máquinas triviales y no triviales - La empresa como tejido conversacional - Conversaciones que transforman el mundo - Conversaciones responsables - Tejiendo la red - Conversaciones que completan la conversación - Reabriendo conversaciones.
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    Zigzag and Fregean Arithmetic.Fernando Ferreira - 2018 - In Hassan Tahiri (ed.), The Philosophers and Mathematics: Festschrift for Roshdi Rashed. Cham: Springer Verlag. pp. 81-100.
    In Frege’s logicism, numbers are logical objects in the sense that they are extensions of certain concepts. Frege’s logical system is inconsistent, but Richard Heck showed that its restriction to predicative quantification is consistent. This predicative fragment is, nevertheless, too weak to develop arithmetic. In this paper, I will consider an extension of Heck’s system with impredicative quantifiers. In this extended system, both predicative and impredicative quantifiers co-exist but it is only permissible to take extensions of concepts formulated in the (...)
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  21.  14
    Desigualdad, violencia y paz en la conferencia de Medellín Perspectiva teológico-cultural.Fernando Verdugo & Tomás Arellano - 2019 - Teología y Vida 60 (3):321-366.
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  22. En defensa del medio natural.Fernando Fuentes Bodelón - 1987 - Verdad y Vida 45 (178):251-260.
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  23.  43
    Exchangeability and the law of maturity.Fernando V. Bonassi, Rafael B. Stern, Cláudia M. Peixoto & Sergio Wechsler - 2015 - Theory and Decision 78 (4):603-615.
    The law of maturity is the belief that less-observed events are becoming mature and, therefore, more likely to occur in the future. Previous studies have shown that the assumption of infinite exchangeability contradicts the law of maturity. In particular, it has been shown that infinite exchangeability contradicts probabilistic descriptions of the law of maturity such as the gambler’s belief and the belief in maturity. We show that the weaker assumption of finite exchangeability is compatible with both the gambler’s belief and (...)
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    ¿Es posible un abordaje fenomenológico Del efecto placebo? Los alcances Del esquema corporal en Merleau-ponty.Fernando Libonati - 2020 - Ideas Y Valores 69 (173):143-161.
    RESUMEN Se comparan críticamente las teorías del condicionamiento y la expectativa. Se retoma la propuesta de Oron Frenkel a fin de juzgar si la noción de intencionalidad motriz permite establecer un marco teórico superador de las deficiencias de dichas teorías. Finalmente, se analiza la categoría de forma y los órdenes físico, vital y humano, propuestos en La estructura del comportamiento, como abordajes alternativos. La conclusión destaca el valor de la experiencia del paciente en los ensayos y plantea la posibilidad de (...)
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    The Ras‐ERK pathway: Understanding site‐specific signaling provides hope of new anti‐tumor therapies.Fernando Calvo, Lorena Agudo-Ibáñez & Piero Crespo - 2010 - Bioessays 32 (5):412-421.
    Recent discoveries have suggested the concept that intracellular signals are the sum of multiple, site‐specified subsignals, rather than single, homogeneous entities. In the context of cancer, searching for compounds that selectively block subsignals essential for tumor progression, but not those regulating “house‐keeping” functions, could help in producing drugs with reduced side effects compared to compounds that block signaling completely. The Ras‐ERK pathway has become a paradigm of how space can differentially shape signaling. Today, we know that Ras proteins are found (...)
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    Linguagem e verdade: a relação entre Schopenhauer e Nietzsche em Sobre verdade e mentira no sentido extramoral.Fernando de Sá Moreira - 2013 - Cadernos Nietzsche 33:273-300.
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  27. The place of epistemological beliefs within teachers' social representation systems: a model to explain geography teachers' practices.Fernando Alexandre - 2017 - In Gregory J. Schraw, Jo Brownlee & Lori Olafson (eds.), Teachers' personal epistemologies: evolving models for informing practice. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc,..
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    European Constitutional Patriotism and Postnational Citizenship in Jürgen Habermas.Fernando H. Llano Alonso - 2017 - Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 103 (4):504-516.
    When, on December 7, 2000, the European Parliament, the Council and the Commission proclaimed solemnly in Nice the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, many thought that European integration was practically guaranteed and that the Charter would soon be made into a binding legal text. Since then, the two attempts to enact a European consitution - the Constitutional Treaty for the European Union of 2004 and the arguably less ambitious Treaty of Lisbon of 2007 - both failed. Further (...)
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  29.  17
    A estrutura afetiva dos tipos de governo em Hobbes. I Pressupostos.Fernando Dias Andrade - 2021 - Cadernos Espinosanos 44:61-94.
    Os pressupostos da estrutura afetiva dos tipos de governo em Hobbes dizem respeito aos afetos fundamentais que determinam as ações humanas desde o estado de natureza, em especial o medo, o egoísmo e a glória. O medo, para Hobbes, talvez seja o afeto mais restritivo da liberdade natural no estado de natureza e, ao contrário, a principal condição para a obtenção da paz no estado civil, mas a esperança de glória é tão relevante quanto o medo para a transformação do (...)
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    O conceito de justiça de Marilena chaui.Fernando Dias Andrade - 2018 - Cadernos Espinosanos 39:65-106.
    Marilena Chauí, entre 1977 e 1982, produziu uma série de textos de Filosofia Política que podem ser considerados marco inicial para uma longa e ainda ativa carreira de investigações socialistas acerca da democracia, da liberdade e, não menos importante, da justiça. Sua filosofia promove uma crítica às teorias liberais do Estado, ao nosso autoritarismo genuinamente brasileiro, aos inimigos da classe trabalhadora então dedicada a se auto-afirmar politicamente. Ao lado da crítica chauiana à justiça liberal, porém, penso ser o caso de (...)
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    Quão judaico é O deus de espinosa?Fernando Dias Andrade - 2016 - Cadernos Espinosanos 35:63-133.
    If it is true that Spinoza belongs to the history of Jewish Philosophy, his concept of God also cannot cease to being “Jewish”. Our aim here is to call into question if Spinoza’s concept of God, as exposed in Ethics’ definitions, has something of Jewish, particularly when faced with conceptions yielded by some of the main philosophers from Jewish and Arabic traditions: Saadya, Avicenna, Ibn Gabirol, Halevi, Maimonides and Crescas. Our answer, at the end, is negative.
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    Those Powerful Materialized Dreams: Peirce on Icons and the Human Imagination.Fernando Andacht - 2001 - American Journal of Semiotics 17 (3):91-116.
  33.  28
    Sobre a relação entre vida e vontade na metafísica da natureza de Schopenhauer.Fernando De Sá Moreira - 2011 - Voluntas: Revista Internacional de Filosofia 2 (2):44.
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  34. The serpent and the satellite.Fernando Alfred Morin - 1953 - New York,: Philosophical Library.
  35.  21
    A continuum of sexes bedevils the search for sexual differences?Fernando Nottebohm - 1980 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 3 (2):245-246.
  36.  14
    Anotações sobre a vida cultural na época do Antigo Regime.Fernando A. Novais - 1979 - Discurso 10:61-70.
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    O diálogo Humanizante como Expressão de Cuidado.Fernando Bento - 2016 - Childhood and Philosophy 12 (24).
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    Creativity Between Experience and Cosmos: C.S. Peirce and A.N. Whitehead on Novelty by Maria Regina Brioschi.Fernando Zalamea - 2021 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 56 (4):631-634.
    Many natural connections between Peirce and Whitehead have been appearing since Peirce’s manuscripts began to be published in Harvard’s Collected Papers edition. The resemblances are profound, based on speculative philosophies founded on interactions between science and philosophy, in turn erected over a wide understanding of mathematical thought. Some doctoral dissertations have explored the field, but a full monograph was still needed in order to clarify the panorama. Maria Regina Brioschi’s Creativity Between Experience and Cosmos. C.S. Peirce and A.N. Whitehead on (...)
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    Las lógicas diagramáticas de Llull y Peirce: trashumancia, triadicidad, geometrización.Fernando Zalamea - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (Especial):57-64.
    En este artículo se muestra una comparación de las lógicas diagramáticas lulianas y peirceanas. En la Sección 1, se introduce una problemática general del tránsito y de sus resoluciones triádicas y espaciales, aprovechando perspectivas de las obras de Aby Warburg y Walter Benjamin. La Sección 2 es una síntesis de los engranajes fundamentales del sistema diagramático de Llull. En la Sección 3, se resumen las características geométrico-topológicas esenciales de los gráficos existenciales de Peirce. Y finalmente, en la Sección 4, se (...)
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    Metafisica per assurdo: Peirce e i problemi del'epistemologia contemporanea Giovanni Maddalena.Fernando Zalamea - 2012 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 48 (2):249.
  41.  27
    Mariano Picón Salas: triangulaciones del lugar americano 1930-1950.Fernando Zalamea - 2007 - Anuario Filosófico 40 (89):343-350.
    We introduce the work of Mariano Picón Salas, who tries to enlarge the Hispanoamerican tradition —historically focused on the web of transits/obstructions between Europe and Latin America— via a larger triangulation that includes the presence of the culture of the United States. His essays from the period 1930-1950 show how pragmatism —understood in Peircean terms as a web of topological transfers of knowledge between the borders of culture— can help to provide a vision that encompasses America as a whole.
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    Peirce’s Reception in Colombia.Fernando Zalamea - 2014 - European Journal of Pragmatism and American Philosophy 6 (1).
    As has happened in Latin America, and more generally in the Hispanic World, pragmatism came to our countries mainly through William James and John Dewey (particularly, through his influence in education). Studies in Spanish on Peirce were scarce and superficial until the end of the 20th century. The situation in Colombia follows that pattern. The first valuable Colombian study on Peirce came from Mariluz Restrepo (1993), a fine introduction to Peirce’s semeiotics through the unfolding of the...
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    Two new gestures. On Peirce's continuum and the existential graphs.Fernando Zalamea - 2019 - Lebenswelt. Aesthetics and Philosophy of Experience 13.
    The article presents two gestures corresponding to two profound new understandings of Peirce's Continuum and Peirce's Existential Graphs. Vargas and Oostra have revolutionized Peirce's mathematical studies, thanks to a first complete model for Peirce's continuum provided by Vargas, and thanks to the emergence of intuitionistic existential graphs provided by Oostra. The article aims at showing how these careful mathematical constructions can be encrypted in very simple gestures.
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    Funciones y valoraciones de la caza y su gestión en España: estudios científicos sobre el colectivo cinegético.Miguel Delibes-Mateos, Jesús Caro & Beatriz Arroyo - 2017 - Arbor 193 (786):414.
    Resumimos la información aportada por estudios científicos recientes sobre las opiniones, visiones y actitudes de los cazadores españoles sobre la caza y su gestión. En concreto, discutimos las distintas funciones que atribuyen los cazadores a la actividad cinegética, así como los juicios morales asociados a diversas motivaciones para cazar. Seguidamente, exploramos las valoraciones expresadas por cazadores y gestores respecto a ciertas herramientas de gestión cinegética, y discutimos sobre cómo éstas influyen en la toma de decisiones. Por último, exploramos las posibles (...)
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    A Interdependência Dos Direitos Fundamentais, Democracia e Paz: Uma Reflexão Contempor'nea.Fernando Navarro Vince & Zulmar Antonio Fachin - 2017 - Revista Brasileira de Filosofia do Direito 3 (1):101.
    O artigo tem como objetivo analisar a recíproca dependência dos direitos fundamentais, democracia e da paz, como três momentos integrantes do mesmo movimento histórico. Sem a devida proteção das liberdades fundamentais não se perfaz um governo democrático, pois, aludido regime sustenta-se na soberania popular, na separação de poderes e respeito pleno aos direitos humanos. Por outro lado, nota-se a paz como elemento intrínseco da ordem republicana, posto que fundada segundo os princípios cardeais da liberdade, igualdade e solidariedade. Destarte, necessária se (...)
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    Del yo al nosotros: El desdoblamiento de la identidad en la obra de Juan Carlos onetti.Fernando Aínsa - 2004 - Alpha (Osorno) 20.
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  47. En el eje del tiempo: la explosión postmoderna.Fernando Araya - 1993 - San José, Costa Rica: Editorial Universidad Estatal a Distancia.
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  48. Bien común y mal común.Fernando Inciarte Armiñán - 1994 - Anuario Filosófico 27 (3):939-948.
    The paper deals with he tension between morality and efficacy both from the point of view of economics (and politics) on the one hand and ethics (and politics) on the other.
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  49. Breve teoría de la España moderna.Fernando Inciarte Armiänâan - 2001 - Pamplona: Ediciones Universidad de Navarra.
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  50. Los estudios de ciencia, tecnología y sociedad (CTS).Fernando Manuel González Vega & José Salvador Arellano Rodríguez - 2012 - In González de Luna, M. Eduardo, Mauricio Ávila Barba & Óscar Wingartz Plata (eds.), Problemas filosóficos interdisciplinarios de la ciencia, la tecnología y la sociedad. Santiago de Querétaro, Qro., México: Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Facultad de Filosofía.
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