Results for 'Jarod Lambert'

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  1.  50
    Dewey's Democracy and Education Revisited: Contemporary Discourses for Democratic Education and Leadership.Clay Baulch, Nichole E. Bourgeois, Peter Hlebowitsh, Raymond A. Horn, Karen Embry-Jenlink, Patrick M. Jenlink, Timothy B. Jones, Andrew Kaplan, Jarod Lambert, John Leonard, Reitumetse Obakeng Mabokela, Jean A. Madsen, Kathy Sernak, Robert J. Starratt, Lee Stewart, Duncan Waite & Susan Field Waite (eds.) - 2009 - R&L Education.
    This book presents a collection of contemporary discourses that reconsider the relationship of democracy as a political ideology and American ideal and education as the foundation of preparing democratic citizens in America.
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  2. Johann Heinrich Lambert: treatise on the criterion of truth (1761) ; New organon (1764).Lambert - 2009 - In Eric Watkins, Kant's Critique of Pure Reason: Background Source Materials. New York: Cambridge University Press.
  3. Lambert-Index.Norbert Hinske & Johann Heinrich Lambert - 1983
  4.  34
    Zuidervaart, Lambert. Adorno's Aesthetic Theory: The Redemption of Illusion.Lambert Zuidervaart - 1992 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 50 (3):251-252.
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    Social Philosophy After Adorno.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Lambert Zuidervaart examines what is living and what is dead in the social philosophy of Theodor W. Adorno, the most important philosopher and social critic in Germany after World War II. When he died in 1969, Adorno's successors abandoned his critical-utopian passions. Habermas in particular, rejected or ignored Adorno's central insights on the negative effects of capitalism and new technologies upon nature and human life. Zuidervaart reclaims Adorno's insights from Habermasian neglect while taking up legitimate Habermasian criticisms. He also (...)
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    Formalisme et ritualité chez Boulez et Stockhausen.Lambert Dousson - 2009 - Nouvelle Revue d'Esthétique 4 (2):85-95.
    Résumé De nombreuses musiques cherchent à exercer sur les auditeurs une « efficacité symbolique » : transformer l’instant musical en rite d’initiation, faire entrer les corps en transe, convertir les émotions musicales en émotions corporelles, c’est-à-dire les affects en actions. En s’appuyant sur les écrits théoriques de Pierre Boulez et Karlheinz Stockhausen, cet article tente de montrer comment chez ces deux compositeurs cette utopie d’une subjectivation à travers la ritualisation de l’écoute s’articule à l’entreprise formaliste d’autodéfinition de la musique, en (...)
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    Qué sentido tienen las fiestas cristianas en la post-cristiandad emergente. Reflexión con respecto a la «resurrección» del lunes de Pentecostés en Francia.Arnaud Join Lambert - 2012 - Salmanticensis 59 (1):115-127.
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    On Labels and Issues: The Lysenko Controversy and the Cold War.William deJong-Lambert & Nikolai Krementsov - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (3):373-388.
  9.  12
    Art, Education, and Cultural Renewal: Essays in Reformational Philosophy.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2017 - Montréal ; Kingston ; London ; Chicago: Mcgill-Queen's University Press.
    What good is art? What is the point of a university education? Can philosophers contribute anything to social liberation? Such questions, both ancient and urgent, are the pulse of reformational philosophy. Inspired by the vision of the Dutch religious and political leader Abraham Kuyper, reformational philosophy pursues social transformation for the common good. In this companion volume to Religion, Truth, and Social Transformation, Lambert Zuidervaart presents a socially engaged philosophy of the arts and higher education. Interacting with the ideas (...)
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    Discours de M. Lambert.Johann Heinrich Lambert - 2018 - Les Cahiers Philosophiques de Strasbourg 44:149-157.
    [506] Je ne m’arrêterai pas à vous entretenir, Messieurs, sur la liaison des connaissances, qui sont l’objet de chacune des quatre classes de cette Académie. Ces liaisons sont celles de toutes les sciences, et les mêmes que celles qui enchaînent les vérités, de façon qu’elles en font un tout étroitement uni en toutes ses parties. La classe de physique expérimentale, à laquelle j’ai cru devoir me vouer, me donnera lieu de vous offrir un point de vue plus particulier, en ce (...)
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  11.  25
    Adorno, Heidegger, and the Politics of Truth.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2024 - Albany, NY: SUNY Press.
    A critical and creative reconstruction of Adorno's conception of truth that shows its relevance for comtemporary philosophy, art, and politics.
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    Nouvel organon: phénoménologie.Jean-Henri Lambert & Gilbert Fanfalone - 2002 - Paris: Libr. Philosophique J. Vrin.
    La Phenomenologie, derniere section du Nouvel Organon (1764) de Jean-Henri Lambert, proposee ici dans sa traduction integrale, constitue une piece originale apportee au debat entre rationalisme et empirisme au XVIIIe siecle. Ce texte aborde le probleme de la critique de l'apparence en general, en ne recherchant pas seulement les criteres de l'apparence sensible, mais egalement ceux de l'apparence intellectuelle et morale, avec une consideration particuliere pour le domaine du probable. La verite apparente est au coeur de la phenomenologie definie (...)
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    Philosophical applications of free logic.Karel Lambert (ed.) - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Free logic, an alternative to traditional logic, has been seen as a useful avenue of approach to a number of philosophical issues of contemporary interest. In this collection, Karel Lambert, one of the pioneers in, and the most prominent exponent of, free logic, brings together a variety of published essays bearing on the application of free logic to philosophical topics ranging from set theory and logic to metaphysics and the philosophy of religion. The work of such distinguished philosophers as (...)
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  14.  14
    Politique de la voix archivée.Lambert Dousson - 2013 - Nouvelle Revue D’Esthétique 12 (2):67.
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    2. Truth and Authentication: Heidegger and Adorno in Reverse.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2007 - In Iain Macdonald & Krzysztof Ziarek, Adorno and Heidegger: philosophical questions. Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. pp. 22-46.
  16.  28
    Lysenkoism in Poland.William deJong-Lambert - 2012 - Journal of the History of Biology 45 (3):499-524.
    This article describes the impact of, and response to, Trofim D. Lysenko's anti-genetics campaign in Poland between the years 1949 and 1956. It focuses particularly upon the response of three individuals – Teodor Marchlewski, Waclaw Gajewski, and Aleksandra Putrament -who were central figures in the controversy in Poland. In addition to examining the responses and motivations of these individuals, the article also addresses the question of why the Lysenko-era in Poland ended relatively earlier than in neighboring Soviet-allied states such as (...)
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  17.  14
    Ich für mich: Phänomenologie des Selbstbewusstseins.Lambert Wiesing - 2020 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
  18.  63
    Artificial Presence: Philosophical Studies in Image Theory.Lambert Wiesing - 2009 - Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
    These phenomenological studies on the philosophy of the image review contemporary image theory while defending the fundamental insight that images alone make the artificial presence of things possible.
  19.  27
    Art in Public : Politics, Economics, and a Democratic Culture.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book examines fundamental questions about funding for the arts: why should governments provide funding for the arts? What do the arts contribute to daily life? Do artists and their publics have a social responsibility? Challenging questionable assumptions about the state, the arts and a democratic society, Lambert Zuidervaart presents a vigorous case for government funding, based on crucial contributions the arts make to civil society. He argues that the arts contribute to democratic communication and a social economy, fostering (...)
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    Fragmento III: acerca de los conceptos y las definiciones.J. H. Lambert & Luciana Martínez - 2020 - Agora 39 (1).
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    Une fratrie peut en cacher une autre. Récit d’une thérapie fraternelle.Valérie Collart-Lambert - 2024 - Dialogue: Families & Couples 246 (1):59-70.
    Dans cet article, l’auteure interroge son contre-transfert au travers du récit de la thérapie d’une fratrie adulte qui lui a semblé ambivalente dans son rapport au cadre. Elle y voit la manifestation d’alliances inconscientes, en lien avec le négatif de la famille, notamment la fratrie paternelle, elle questionne son écoute et son contre-transfert, gênés par la particularité du dispositif de soin fraternel qu’elle a accepté à la demande des patients. Le deuil d’une sœur handicapée décédée dans l’enfance a gravement porté (...)
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  22. Compte-rendu de Joseph GALEA-CURMI, The Diocesan Synod as a Pastoral Event. A Study of the Post-Conciliar Understanding of the Diocesan Synod (2005).Arnaud Join-Lambert - 2009 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 40 (4):563-564.
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  23.  16
    La théologie pratique au défi de son épistémologie.Arnaud Join-Lambert - 2019 - Laval Théologique et Philosophique 75 (1):39-57.
    L’épistémologie est un domaine un peu oublié en théologie pratique, à la différence de la méthodologie. L’article développe l’hypothèse selon laquelle la manière dont un théologien ou une théologienne pratique situe la dimension empirique dans la construction d’ensemble de sa recherche, est significative d’une épistémologie implicite. Il y aurait des ancrages épistémologiques différents selon que les données du terrain sont situées en première partie, en deuxième partie ou disséminées tout au long de l’étude. Ce choix serait lié au statut de (...)
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  24. Aids—a public health dilemma.Lambert N. King - forthcoming - Scarce Medical Resources and Justice.
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    Une grande politique, or the new philosophy of right?Gregg Lambert - 2003 - Critical Horizons 4 (2):177-197.
    This article examines the transformation of the concept of 'natural right' in the philosophies of Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, contrasted with Jacques Derrida's 'deconstruction' of the discourse of rights, which is more concerned with the limitations of traditional philosophical discourse than with the creation of a new philosophy of right.
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  26.  20
    Par-delà Kant et Hans Jonas.Lambert Nieme - 2008 - Proceedings of the Xxii World Congress of Philosophy 10:507-513.
    L’existant humain est par essence un être-au-monde. Cette dimension ontologique (pré)suppose une réalité ontique, à savoir la nature comme espace de visibilité de notre existence. Cependant, le pouvoir technologique défigure cette nature et se retourne contre l’homme au point que même l’éthique traditionnelle devient inopérante face aux défis de ce pouvoir. C’est à juste titre que Hans Jonas soutient que la réflexion éthique doit cesser de s’occuper uniquement de l’action humaine en rapport avec les hommes entre eux pour s’intéresser à (...)
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    Introduction.Lambert Zingelmann Wiesing - 2024 - Phenomenology and Mind 26 (26):12.
    This special issue focuses on the core task of phenomenology: the description of concrete phenomena. In particular, this means that it is not primarily historical or meta-theoretical questions about phenomenology that are to be discussed, nor the works of specific phenomenologists. The intention is to practice phenomenology as a special form of philosophy in an exemplary way; descriptions of the most diverse phenomena are to be developed and their validity put up for discussion - and exclusiv...
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  28.  79
    Nietzsche on creating and discovering values.Thomas Lambert - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (1):49-69.
    ABSTRACTThis article considers Friedrich Nietzsche’s claims about value creation alongside his proclamation that ‘nature is always value-less’, assessing their implications for his metaethics. It begins by weighing the evidence for a recent constructivist interpretation of Nietzsche’s metaethics, arguing that despite several apparent interpretive advantages, Nietzschean constructivism ultimately fails. Through a close reading of GS 301 and related passages, the constructivist interpretation is shown to be misguided in taking Nietzsche’s talk of value creation as expressing a metaethical view according to which (...)
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  29.  33
    Buddhism and Nature: The Lecture Delivered on the Occasion of the EXPO 1990 : an Enlarged Version with Notes.Lambert Schmithausen - 1991
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    Truth in Husserl, Heidegger, and the Frankfurt school: critical retrieval.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2017 - Cambridge, Massachusetts: MIT Press.
    An innovative, ambitious, tradition-crossing study drawing on the work of Husserl, Heidegger, Horkheimer, Adorno, and Habermas to propose a new and transformative concept of truth. The idea of truth is a guiding theme for German continental philosophers from Husserl through Habermas. In this book, Lambert Zuidervaart examines debates surrounding the idea of truth in twentieth-century German continental philosophy. He argues that the Heideggerian and critical theory traditions have much in common—despite the miscommunication, opposition, and even outright hostility that have (...)
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  31.  17
    The visibility of the image: history and perspectives of formal aesthetics.Lambert Wiesing - 2016 - New York: Bloomsbury, Bloomsbury Academic, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing Plc.
    Now available in English for the first time, The Visibility of the Image explores the development of an influential aesthetic tradition through the work of six figures. Analysing their contribution to the progress of formal aesthetics, from its origins in Germany in the 1880s to semiotic interpretations in America a century later, the six chapters cover: Robert Zimmermann (1824-1898), the first to separate aesthetics and metaphysics and approach aesthetics along the lines of formal logic, providing a purely syntactic way of (...)
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  32.  65
    Some Remarks on the Genesis of Central Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda Concepts.Lambert Schmithausen - 2018 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 46 (2):263-281.
    The present paper is a kind of selective summary of my book The Genesis of Yogācāra-Vijñānavāda. [1.–2.] It deals with questions of origin and early development of three basic concepts of this school, viz., the ‘idealist’ thesis that the whole world is mind only or manifestation only, the assumption of a subliminal layer of the mind, and the analysis of phenomena in terms of the “Three Natures”. [3.] It has been asserted that these three basic concepts are logically inseparable and (...)
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  33.  43
    The Role of Po Prostu in the Denouncement of T. D. Lysenko.William deJong-Lambert - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (11/12):79-98.
    This article describes the role of Po Prostu in the formal denouncement of Trofim D. Lysenko’s biological theories in Poland in 1956. Lysenko promulgated a theory of evolution, “Michurinism”, based upon the false notion that acquired characteristics can be inherited (“Lamarckism”). The outcome was a ban on genetic research that lasted in Poland from 1949 to 1956. The material for this article comes from the author dissertation, The New Biology: Lysenkoism in Poland (Columbia University, 2005).
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  34.  14
    Du sermon à l'homélie: Nouvelles questions théologiques et pastorales.Arnaud Join-Lambert - 2004 - Nouvelle Revue Théologique 126 (1):68-85.
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  35. eine Weltbeziehung.Lambert Wiesing - 2017 - In Konrad Paul Liessmann, Über Gott und die Welt: Philosophieren in unruhiger Zeit. Wien: Paul Zsolnay Verlag.
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  36.  44
    The Epistemologies of Non-Forecasting Simulations, Part II: Climate, Chaos, Computing Style, and the Contextual Plasticity of Error.Lambert Williams & William Thomas - 2009 - Science in Context 22 (2):271-310.
    ArgumentWe continue our analysis of modeling practices that focus more on qualitative understanding of system behavior than the attempt to provide sharp forecasts. The argument here is built around three episodes: the ambitious work of the Princeton Meteorological Project; the seemingly simple models of convection in weather systems by Edward Lorenz at MIT; and then finally analysis of the dripping faucet by Robert Shaw and the Dynamical Systems Collective at UC Santa Cruz. Using the Princeton Meteorological Project as an argumentative (...)
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  37. Ālayavijñāna: on the origin and the early development of a central concept of Yogācāra philosophy.Lambert Schmithausen - 1987 - Tokyo: International Institute for Buddist Studies.
    pt. 1. Text -- pt. 2. Notes, bibliography and indices.
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    Meinong and the principle of independence: its place in Meinong's theory of objects and its significance in contemporary philosophical logic.Karel Lambert - 1983 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    As well as aiming to revive interest in Meinong's thought, this book challenges many of the most widespread assumptions of philosophical logic.
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    Dooyeweerd’s conception of truth: Exposition and critique.Lambert Zuidervaart - 2008 - Philosophia Reformata 73 (2):170-189.
    A transformed idea of truth is central to the project of reformational philosophy. This essay lays groundwork for such an idea by proposing a critical retrieval of Herman Dooyeweerd’s conception of truth. First it summarizes relevant passages in Dooyeweerd’s New Critique. Then it demonstrates several problems in his conception: he misconstrues religious truth, misconceives its relation to theoretical truth, and overlooks central questions of epistemology and truth theory. By addressing these problems, reformational philosophers can find new ways to think about (...)
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  40. Existential import revisited.Karel Lambert - 1963 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4 (4):288-292.
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    Sehen lassen: die Praxis des Zeigens.Lambert Wiesing - 2013 - Berlin: Suhrkamp.
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    City University of New York.William deJong-Lambert - 2006 - Dialogue and Universalism 16 (3-4):65-71.
    This article describes the history of the City University of New York (CUNY), demonstrating its value as a model for the creation of the Virtual University. Since the establishment of City College in the mid-19th Century, CUNY has continually confronted the challenge of providing quality, low-cost higher education to generations of diverse students. Today CUNY has come to serve as a model not only for effective urban education, but also as an approach to preparing an international student body for a (...)
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  43.  54
    La vedette et le dictateur : sur une note de bas de page de L’Œuvre d’art à l’époque de sa reproductibilité technique de Walter Benjamin.Lambert Dousson - 2010 - Astérion 7 (7).
    La genèse de la vedette de cinéma qu’effectue Walter Benjamin au chapitre 10 de L’Œuvre d’art à l’époque de sa reproductibilité technique (dernière version, 1939) trouve une résonance politique dans une note de bas de page du même chapitre où la star acquiert un statut analogue au dictateur, quand la technique (de reproduction) de l’œuvre d’art devient elle-même, à travers le cinéma, œuvre d’art. Si les démocraties bourgeoises contiennent, dans leur rapport aux médias de masse, la possibilité de leur basculement (...)
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  44.  9
    The lingering specter of Lysenkoism.William Jong-Lambert - 2018 - Metascience 27 (1):135-137.
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    Characterizing and Classifying.Karel Lambert & Peter Simons - 1994 - The Monist 77 (3):315-328.
    Regimentation of an intuitively plausible distinction enhances understanding of that distinction. In Carnap’s words, it is an explication. Properly employed, it is, in the case to be considered, and in almost all others, an indispensable aid to good philosophizing.
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    In the Beginning Was the Word.Gregg Lambert - 2018 - Philosophy Today 62 (4):1303-1310.
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  47. On the elimination of singular terms.K. Lambert - 1984 - Logique Et Analyse 27 (8):379.
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  48.  24
    Quand les forces étaient indésirables: Ernst Mach et la Mécanique de Heinrich Hertz.Jacques Lambert - 2003 - Philosophia Scientiae 7 (2):37-57.
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  49. The Classics: A Bridge between the Worlds.M. Lambert - forthcoming - Theoria.
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    William J. Callaghan 1912-1987.Karel Lambert - 1987 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 61 (1):165 - 166.
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