Results for 'Jana Jungjohann'

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  1.  33
    Jana Mohr Lone.Jana Mohr Lone & John Patrick Cleary - 2009 - Thinking: The Journal of Philosophy for Children 19 (2-3):28-29.
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    Conversational Artificial Intelligence in Psychotherapy: A New Therapeutic Tool or Agent?Jana Sedlakova & Manuel Trachsel - 2022 - American Journal of Bioethics 23 (5):4-13.
    Conversational artificial intelligence (CAI) presents many opportunities in the psychotherapeutic landscape—such as therapeutic support for people with mental health problems and without access to care. The adoption of CAI poses many risks that need in-depth ethical scrutiny. The objective of this paper is to complement current research on the ethics of AI for mental health by proposing a holistic, ethical, and epistemic analysis of CAI adoption. First, we focus on the question of whether CAI is rather a tool or an (...)
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    Conventional controller design based on Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy models.Jana Nowaková, Miroslav Pokorný & Martin Pieš - 2015 - Journal of Applied Logic 13 (2):148-155.
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    Luxus.María V. Barriga Jungjohann - 2022 - Aisthesis 71:313-317.
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  5. (1 other version)Karol Kuzmány: On Beauty.Jana Sošková - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2):215-237.
    This short essay by Karol Kuzmány (1806–1866), a founding father of Slovak aesthetic thinking, was written in Czech and published in 1836 in Hronka, a periodical edited by the author. In the essay, Kuzmány follows on from the thinking of his teacher at Jena, Jakob Friedrich Fries (1773–1843), particularly Fries’s theory of Ahn(d)ung (intuitive awareness). In the introduction, Kuzmány emphasizes that his concern is to bridge the gap between the theory of imitation and the theory of art based on imagination. (...)
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    Common Thread: The Impact of Mission on Ethical Business Culture. A Case Study.Jana L. Craft - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (1):127-145.
    What is the impact of mission on ethical business culture? This question was analyzed through a qualitative case study of a large nonprofit organization in the human services industry with a solid history of ethical business practices and consistent use of a values-based decision-making model. This research explored ethical decision making, ethical business culture, and congruence between enacted and espoused institutional values. Institutional values were identified, and the following pair of research questions was examined: To what extent were incongruent values (...)
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    Foucault, queer theory, and the discourse of desire.Jana Sawicki - 2010 - In Christopher Falzon, Foucault and Philosophy. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 185.
    This chapter contains sections titled: Introduction Foucault and the Discourse of Sex‐Desire Power and Pleasure Reading Foucault on Pleasures Foucault's Use of Pleasure The Turn to Ancient Greco‐Roman Ethics Why Embrace an Ethics of Pleasures? References.
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  8. Heidegger and Foucault: Escaping technological nihilism.Jana Sawicki - 1987 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 13 (2):155-173.
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    Phronesis and phantasia: Teaching with wisdom and imagination.Jana Noel - 1999 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 33 (2):277–286.
    Critics of Aristotelian accounts of practical reasoning, in teaching and in other contexts, criticise phronesis for its rigidity and lack of imagination. This paper argues that phantasia, or imagination, helps us to develop a richer account of Aristotle’s phronesis. Two senses of phantasia, as producing images and as an interpretive faculty, are proposed here to be importantly involved in phronesis. By producing images that help in the selection of an end goal, and by having an interpretive faculty that helps to (...)
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    (1 other version)The Power of Feminist Theory.Jana Sawicki - 2002 - Hypatia 17 (1):222-226.
  11.  46
    (1 other version)Auditory Verbal Experience and Agency in Waking, Sleep Onset, REM, and Non‐REM Sleep.Speth Jana, A. Harley Trevor & Speth Clemens - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (7):723-743.
    We present one of the first quantitative studies on auditory verbal experiences and auditory verbal agency voices or characters”) in healthy participants across states of consciousness. Tools of quantitative linguistic analysis were used to measure participants’ implicit knowledge of auditory verbal experiences and auditory verbal agencies, displayed in mentation reports from four different states. Analysis was conducted on a total of 569 mentation reports from rapid eye movement sleep, non-REM sleep, sleep onset, and waking. Physiology was controlled with the nightcap (...)
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    Masked Morphological Priming in German-Speaking Adults and Children: Evidence from Response Time Distributions.Jana Hasenäcker, Elisabeth Beyersmann & Sascha Schroeder - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    The emotion potential of simple sentences: additive or interactive effects of nouns and adjectives?Jana Lüdtke & Arthur M. Jacobs - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6:129121.
    The vast majority of studies on affective processes in reading focus on single words. The most robust finding is a processing advantage for positively valenced words, which has been replicated in the rare studies investigating effects of affective features of words during sentence or story comprehension. Here we were interested in how the different valences of words in a sentence influence its processing and supralexical affective evaluation. Using a sentence verification task we investigated how comprehension of simple declarative sentences containing (...)
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  14. Disciplining Foucault: Feminism, Power, and the Body.Jana Sawicki - 1991 - New York: Routledge.
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    Perioperative Ethics and Patient Safety.Jana Wichsova & Andrea Horakova - 2018 - Postmodern Openings 9 (4):184-196.
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    Knowing Neoliberalism.Jana Bacevic - 2019 - Social Epistemology 33 (4):380-392.
    Critical accounts over the past years have focused on neoliberalism as a subject of knowledge; there has been a recently growing interest in neoliberalism as an object of knowledge. This article considers the theoretical, epistemological and political implications of the relationship between neoliberalism as an epistemic subject and neoliberalism as an epistemic object. It argues that the ‘gnossification’ of neoliberalism – framing it an epistemic project, and deriving implications for political engagement from this – avoids engaging with numerous ambiguous elements (...)
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    How prescriptive norms influence causal inferences.Jana Samland & Michael R. Waldmann - 2016 - Cognition 156 (C):164-176.
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    The Potential of Bioeconomic Innovations to Contribute to a Social-Ecological Transformation: A Case Study in the Livestock System.Jana Zscheischler, Sandra Uthes, Ingrid Bunker & Jonathan Friedrich - 2021 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 34 (4):1-26.
    Environmental crises, which are consequences of resource-intensive lifestyles and are characterized to a large extent by both a changing climate and a loss of biodiversity, stress the urgent need for a global social-ecological transformation of the agro-food system. In this regard, the bioeconomy and bioeconomic innovations have frequently been seen as instrumental in addressing these grand challenges and contributing to more sustainable land use. To date, the question of how much bioeconomic innovations contribute to sustainability objectives remains unanswered. Against this (...)
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    Žudnja za lepotom i savršenstvom: teurgijska dimenzija književnoumetničkog stvaralaštva.Jana Aleksić - 2014 - Beograd: Institut za književnost i umetnost.
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    (2 other versions)Methow Valley Elementary School Bill of Human Rights.Jana Mohr Lone - 2002 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 2:5-5.
    Lone conducted weekly philosophical discussions for first and second graders on human rights and how to be treated in society. With “The right to be treated equally” as a nearly unanimous response, Lone records these reactions in a formatted list.
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  21. Gesture of Absence: Eros of Writing1.Jana Milloy - 2005 - Janus Head 8 (2):545-552.
    Writing arouses certain sensibilities that bring about what goes on inside the body, but also, while writing, it is the process whereby self gains access to the exterior. A moment can be reached in the act of writing when one enters the flow of flesh, or the space between self and other, self and text, that is the reciprocal mirroring of the other that becomes the same, yet is always other, the incomplete self always in the process of becoming. This (...)
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    Modern confucian synthesis of qualitative and quantitative knowledge: Xiong shili.Jana S. Rošker - 2009 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 36 (3):376-390.
    Xiong was the originator and founder of Modern Confucianism (xin ruxue ) as well as one of the first Chinese philosophers, who developed his own system of thought, which was based upon classical Confucian concepts and, at the same time, adjusted to the conditions of the New Era. His contribution to the development of modern Chinese philosophy can also be demonstrated in a much broader, general sense. Xiong Shili, namely, also represents one of the first theoretically qualified intellectuals of his (...)
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    Evolution by Meaning Attribution: Notes on Biosemiotic Interpretations of Extended Evolutionary Synthesis.Jana Švorcová & Karel Kleisner - 2018 - Biosemiotics 11 (2):231-244.
    The aim of this contribution is to investigate certain selected parts of the extended evolutionary synthesis which all have a common denominator, namely evolution by meaning attribution. We start by arguing that living organisms can manipulate and interpret their genetic script via epigenetic modifications in a semiotic manner, that is, by meaning attribution. Genes do not build living beings to be transmitted to future generations. Genes have been shaped by evolution as a memory medium that is transmitted from one generation (...)
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    Psychometrics is not measurement: Unraveling a fundamental misconception in quantitative psychology and the complex network of its underlying fallacies.Jana Uher - 2021 - Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology 41 (1):58-84.
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    No such thing as sociological excuses? Performativity, rationality and social scientific expertise in late liberalism.Jana Bacevic - 2021 - European Journal of Social Theory 24 (3):394-410.
    This article examines a frequent assumption of sociological accounts of knowledge: the idea that knowledge acts. The performativity of knowledge claims is here analysed through the prism of ‘sociological excuses’: the idea that sociological explanations can act as ‘excuses’ for otherwise unacceptable behaviour. The article builds on Austin’s distinction between illocutionary and perlocutionary effects to discuss the relationship between sociological explanation, sociological justification and sociological critique. It argues that understanding how (and if) sociological explanations can act requires paying attention to (...)
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    Quantitative Data From Rating Scales: An Epistemological and Methodological Enquiry.Jana Uher - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Liberalismus als politisches Ordnungssystem: Positive Freiheit und die Frage nach dem guten Leben.Jana Katharina Funk - 2023 - transcript Verlag.
    Der Liberalismus beansprucht ein politisches Ordnungssystem zu sein, welches den Bürger*innen die Freiheit zuspricht und ihnen garantiert, sich selbst zu regieren. Doch löst er diesen Anspruch kohärent ein? Jana Katharina Funk zeigt auf, dass Freiheit nicht voraussetzungslos zu haben ist. In Anlehnung an Amartya Sen und Martha Nussbaum schlägt sie ein Konzept des Liberalismus vor, das die positive Freiheit in den Mittelpunkt stellt. Ein liberales Ordnungssystem muss demzufolge die Einzelnen zur Freiheit befähigen und ermächtigen. Es liegt an ihnen, sich (...)
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    Being and time, non-being and space : Introductory notes toward an ontological study of 'woman' and chora'.Jana Evans Braziel - 2006 - In Deborah Orr, Belief, bodies, and being: feminist reflections on embodiment. Lanham, Md.: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
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    Introduction to the Symposium on Moral Philosophy with Children.Jana Mohr Lone - 2000 - International Journal of Applied Philosophy 14 (1):1-2.
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    Where Are the Women? Why Expanding the Archive Makes Philosophy Better by Sarah Tyson.Jana McAuliffe - 2021 - Philosophia 11 (1-2):244-249.
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    (3 other versions)Black Mountain College Case: Transformation Trends in Art Education in the First Half of the 20th century.Jana Migašová - 2019 - Espes 9 (2):51-58.
    In the 19th century, a gradual reform of art education began, which achieved its peak in the 1930s. This process manifested itself in the form of schools with an explicit anti-academic spirit – the Bauhaus in Europe and Black Mountain College in the United States. In this paper, I contend that such attempt at reform has never repeated again after the Black Mountain College case, where the combination of John Dewey’s educational principles, Josef Albers’ peculiar conception of art instruction, and (...)
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    Karol kuzmány's philosophy of art.Jana Sošková - 2010 - Estetika: The European Journal of Aesthetics 47 (2).
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    A differentiating empirical linguistic analysis of dreamer activity in reports of EEG-controlled REM-dreams and hypnagogic hallucinations.Jana Speth, Clemens Frenzel & Ursula Voss - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (3):1013-1021.
    We present Activity Analysis as a new method for the quantification of subjective reports of altered states of consciousness with regard to the indicated level of simulated motor activity. Empirical linguistic activity analysis was conducted with dream reports conceived immediately after EEG-controlled periods of hypnagogic hallucinations and REM-sleep in the sleep laboratory. Reports of REM-dreams exhibited a significantly higher level of simulated physical dreamer activity, while hypnagogic hallucinations appear to be experienced mostly from the point of passive observer. This study (...)
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    Sensation of agency and perception of temporal order.Jana Timm, Marc Schönwiesner, Iria SanMiguel & Erich Schröger - 2014 - Consciousness and Cognition 23:42-52.
  35.  26
    Un sentido teleológico regulativo de la Nada en el pensamiento de Mainländer.Paolo Gajardo Jaña - 2020 - Contrastes: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 25 (2):79-97.
    Dentro de la filosofía de Mainländer, la nada posee un rol fundamental. La nada posee un sentido teleológico regulativo, es decir, es el fin o meta del universo, como resultado del primer movimiento: la muerte de Dios. Para comprender cómo este autor llega a plantear dicha tesis, es necesario sondear los pasos previos que confluyen en tal conclusión. Por ello, algunos de los aspectos centrales de esta filosofía serán expuestos en este artículo, con el fin de comprender la fundamentación de (...)
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    Conceptualizing the ‘female’ soul – a study in Plato and Proclus.Jana Schultz - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (5):883-901.
    Within the Platonic (or Neoplatonic) dualistic conception of body and soul the difference between maleness and femaleness might appear to be a difference which only concerns the body, that is a difference which is not essential for determining who (or what) a certain human is. One might argue that, since humans are essentially their souls and souls are genderless, men and women are essentially equal. As my paper shows, though, Plato's and Proclus’ writings set out two ways of conceptualizing human (...)
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  37. Epistemic injustice and epistemic positioning: towards an intersectional political economy.Jana Bacevic - 2021 - Current Sociology 71 (6):oooo.
    This article introduces the concept of epistemic positioning to theorize the relationship between identity-based epistemic judgements and the reproduction of social inequalities, including those of gender and ethnicity/race, in the academia. Acts of epistemic positioning entail the evaluation of knowledge claims based on the speaker’s stated or inferred identity. These judgements serve to limit the scope of the knowledge claim, making it more likely speakers will be denied recognition or credit. The four types of epistemic positioning – bounding (reducing a (...)
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    What is Behaviour? And (when) is Language Behaviour? A Metatheoretical Definition.Jana Uher - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (4):475-501.
    Behaviour is central to many fields, but metatheoretical definitions specifying the most basic assumptions about what is considered behaviour and what is not are largely lacking. This transdisciplinary research explores the challenges in defining behaviour, highlighting anthropocentric biases and a frequent lack of differentiation from physiological and psychical phenomena. To meet these challenges, the article elaborates a metatheoretical definition of behaviour that is applicable across disciplines and that allows behaviours to be differentiated from other kinds of phenomena. This definition is (...)
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    Quadrilaterizing an Orthogonal Polygon in Parallel.Jana Dietel & Hans-Dietrich Hecker - 1998 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 44 (1):50-68.
    We consider the problem of quadrilaterizing an orthogonal polygon P, that is to decompose P into nonoverlapping convex quadrangles without adding new vertices. In this paper we present a CREW-algorithm for this problem which runs in O time using Θ processors if the rectangle decomposition of P is given, and Θ processors if not. Furthermore we will show that the latter result is optimal if the polygon is allowed to contain holes.
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    An image of recurrent time: Notes on cinematic image and the gaze in Béla Tarr’s Sátántangó.Jana Dudková - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (1):21-31.
    The article deals with Béla Tarr’s longest film Sátántangó and examines relations between image, time and ways of looking, comparing it to Lászlo Krasznahorkai’s 1985 eponymous novel on which the film was based. It reveals connections between episodes and shots in Sátántangó that lead to a conception of time that passes extremely slowly. It is recurrent—leading toward similar, repetitive situations—but at the same represents an inability to change. The image in this film is often conceived as it is mediated and (...)
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    (1 other version)Discussion on Daniel Pinkwater’s I Am the Dog.Jana Mohr Lone - 2016 - Questions: Philosophy for Young People 16:3-3.
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  42. The Ideals of Law: Judging and the Constitution.Jana Mohr Lone - 1996 - Dissertation, University of Washington
    The United States Constitution embodies both the real and the ideal. It is a concrete written text that uses particular words, has a history, and possesses certain limits; it is also a statement of the aspirations and dreams of a society. This dual identity requires that the Constitution be understood both as written positive law, and as an expression of a national vision and set of ideals. ;I argue for a conceptual theory of law that is positivistic in the sense (...)
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    Novodobá eugenika: záchrana nebo zkáza lidstva?Jana Podroužková - 2014 - Pro-Fil 2014 (S1):109-119.
    Cílem studie je stručně přiblížit historii eugeniky a zmapovat problematiku novodobé eugeniky, její metodologie a s ní souvisejících technologických, sociálních a bezpečnostních problémů a morálních úskalí. Studie se také snaží rehabilitovat pojem eugenika, který má především kvůli nacistickým zločinům negativní konotaci, a ukázat, že jako vědecký obor má eugenika stále své místo ve vědě. Představeny budou především eugenické metody, jejichž prostřednictvím by bylo možné ochránit lidstvo před vyhynutím, ale které jsou zároveň velice rizikové a k vyhynutí lidstva mohou rovněž přispět. (...)
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  44. Prācyanyāya meṃ kathā kā udbhava evaṃ vikāsa. Rañjanā - 1987 - Ilāhābāda: Śivārādhana Prakāśana.
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    When Adolescents Disagree with Their Vaccine-Hesitant Parents about COVID-19 Vaccination.Jana Shaw, Y. Tony Yang & Robert S. Olick - 2023 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 34 (2):158-168.
    As we journey into the fourth year of the COVID-19 pandemic, a majority of Americans express relief at a “return to normal,” experience pandemic fatigue, or embrace the idea of living with COVID-19 in much the same way we live with the seasonal flu. But transition to a new phase of life with SARS-CoV-2 does not diminish the importance of vaccination. The US Centers for Disease Control and the Food and Drug Administration recently recommended another round of booster dose for (...)
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    The Auditory-Visual Speech Benefit on Working Memory in Older Adults with Hearing Impairment.Jana B. Frtusova & Natalie A. Phillips - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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    Interpreting Chinese philosophy: a new methodology.Jana S. Rošker - 2021 - New York: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Understanding Chinese philosophy requires knowledge of the referential framework prevailing in Chinese intellectual traditions. But Chinese philosophical texts are frequently approached through the lens of Western paradigms. Analysing the most common misconceptions surrounding Western Sinology, Jana Rošker alerts us to unseen dangers and introduces us to a new more effective way of reading Chinese philosophy. Acknowledging that different cultures produce different reference points, Rošker explains what happens we use rational analysis, a major feature of the European intellectual tradition, to (...)
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    Neurotic Situations: A Critical Dialogue between Freud and Fanon.Jana Cattien - 2024 - Political Theory 52 (6):956-980.
    This essay facilitates a critical dialogue between Freud’s early “cathartic method” and Fanon’s notion of a “neurotic situation.” Although Fanon does not explicitly develop this concept as a counterpoint to the Freudian understanding of neurosis, we can nevertheless glean from his work a robust understanding of the kind of psycho-political suffering it designates. To be in a “neurotic situation,” I argue, is to experience neurotic symptoms that are idiosyncratic to oneself and yet also a reflection of social and political structures (...)
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    Understanding Quantum Raffles: Quantum Mechanics on an Informational Approach - Structure and Interpretation (Foreword by Jeffrey Bub).Michael Janas, Michael E. Cuffaro & Michel Janssen - 2021 - Springer.
    This book offers a thorough technical elaboration and philosophical defense of an objectivist informational interpretation of quantum mechanics according to which its novel content is located in its kinematical framework, that is, in how the theory describes systems independently of the specifics of their dynamics. -/- It will be of interest to researchers and students in the philosophy of physics and in theoretical physics with an interest in the foundations of quantum mechanics. Additionally, parts of the book may be used (...)
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    Ethical Openness in the Work of Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak.Jana McAuliffe - 2020 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 6 (2).
    This paper explores the problem of racial privilege in US American feminist thought. Drawing on Gayatri Spivak’s analysis of ethics, particularly her ideas of epistemic discontinuity and teleopoietic reading, I argue that a specific kind of ethical openness can help feminist social-political philosophy better negotiate the legacy of white privilege. Spivak’s work calls for a reconsideration and reworking of the subject who theorizes. Her analysis of ethics suggests that racially privileged feminists must be able to confront their own complicity in (...)
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