Results for 'Jan Erk'

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    Nieuw structuralisme en institutionele verandering: centralisatie en decentralisatie in acht federale staten.Jan Erk & Edward Koning - 2010 - Res Publica 52 (3):405-407.
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    Filozoficzna Szkoła Lwowsko-Warszawska.Jan Woleński (ed.) - 1985 - Warszawa: Pwn.
  3. Essais hérétiques sur la philosophie de l'histoire.Jan Patočka - 1983 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 173 (4):502-502.
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  4. Barad, Bohr, and quantum mechanics.Jan Faye & Rasmus Jaksland - 2021 - Synthese 199:8231-8255.
    The last decade has seen an increasing number of references to quantum mechanics in the humanities and social sciences. This development has in particular been driven by Karen Barad’s agential realism: a theoretical framework that, based on Niels Bohr’s interpretation of quantum mechanics, aims to inform social theorizing. In dealing with notions such as agency, power, and embodiment as well as the relation between the material and the discursive level, the influence of agential realism in fields such as feminist science (...)
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  5. Church in a Marxist Society: A Czechoslovak View.Jan Milic Lochman - 1970
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  6. The Task of Philosophy and the Question of Its Limits in Two Merleau-Ponty's Writings.Jan Lockenbauer - 2013 - Filozofia 68 (5):376-384.
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    Philosophy and parapsychology.Jan Ludwig (ed.) - 1978 - Buffalo: Prometheus Books.
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    The Early Axiomatizations of Quantum Mechanics: Jordan, von Neumann and the Continuation of Hilbert's Program.Jan Lacki - 2000 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 54 (4):279-318.
    Hilbert's axiomatization program of physical theories met an interesting challenge when it confronted the rise of quantum mechanics in the mid-twenties. The novelty of the mathematical apparatus of the then newly born theory was to be matched only by its substantial lack of any definite physical interpretation. The early attempts at axiomatization, which are described here, reflect all the difficulty of the task faced by Jordan, Hilbert, von Neumann and others. The role of von Neumann is examined in considerable detail (...)
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    Unbounded technologies. Working through the technological reductionism of nanotechnology.Jan C. Schmidt - 2004 - In Baird D. (ed.), Discovering the Nanoscale. IOS. pp. 35--50.
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  10. Bibliography.Jan Philipp Reemtsma - 2012 - In Trust and Violence: An Essay on a Modern Relationship. Princeton University Press. pp. 359-380.
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  11. Studie k pojmu světa.Jan Patocka - 2011 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 40:75-97.
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    Die Philosophie Bonaventuras und die Transzendentalienlehre.Jan Aertsen & Andreas Speer - 1997 - Recherches de Philosophie 64 (1):32-66.
    «Wer die heilige Schrift liebt, liebt auch die Philosophie, um durch sie den Glauben zu bestärken; aber die Philosophie ist der Baum der Erkenntnis von Gut und Böse, weil in ihr die Falschheit der Wahrheit beigemischt ist». Dieser Ausspruch Bonaventuras in einer Adventspredigt zu Joh 1,26-27 aus dem Jahre 1267 spiegelt die ganze Ambivalenz wider, die sich in seinen Schriften mit Bezug auf die Philosophie findet. Dem unverkennbaren philosophisch-spekulativen Impetus seines Denkens steht eine teilweise harsche Philosophen- und Philosophiekritik gegenüber. «Die (...)
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    Hoe Kan een theoloog en filosoof zo iets leren? Duns scotus' kritiek op Thomas Van aquino.Jan A. Aertsen - 2005 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 67 (3):453 - 478.
    Already in the Middle Ages the honorary title Doctor communis was conferred on Aquinas, but in fact he was never "the common teacher". About twenty-five years after his death (1274), the Franciscan theologian John Duns Scotus voiced an uncommonly severe criticism: he cannot imagine a theologian and a philosopher maintaining that which Aquinas teaches. The conflict between these thinkers of stature is the subject of this essay. (1) We first describe the epistemological problem, that of the "adequate object of the (...)
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    Middeleeuwse metafysica AlS scientia transcendens.Jan A. Aertsen - 1993 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 55 (3):538 - 547.
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    ""Paragraph Four The Concept of" Transcendens" in the Middle Ages: What is Beyond and What is Common.Jan A. Aertsen - 2004 - In Carlos G. Steel, Gerd van Riel, Caroline Macé & Leen van Campe (eds.), Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought. Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp. 32--133.
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    Philosophie und geistiges Erbe des Mittelalters.Jan Aertsen, Andreas Speer & Albert Zimmermann - 1994 - [S.N.].
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    Ontological questions in linguistics.Jan W. F. Mulder - 2005 - Muenchen: Lincom Europa. Edited by Paul Rastall.
  18. Is Government a Mistake? Exploring the Anarchist Option.Jan Narveson - unknown
    Bastiat's great contribution to economics, in his own view, was his identification of service as the source of economic value. What is anything worth to anybody? In the cases where we are not dealing with what our fellow men do for us, the answer is to be found in its utility - how much the thing contributes to our satisfaction. In the case where we deal with our fellows, we are interested specifically in what they can do for us, that (...)
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    Opposition to Inbreeding Between Close Kin Reflects Inclusive Fitness Costs.Jan Antfolk, Debra Lieberman, Christopher Harju, Anna Albrecht, Andreas Mokros & Pekka Santtila - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
    Due to the intense selection pressure against inbreeding, humans are expected to possess psychological adaptations that regulate mate choice and avoid inbreeding. From a gene’s-eye perspective, there is little difference in the evolutionary costs between situations where an individual him/herself is participating in inbreeding and inbreeding among other close relatives. The difference is merely quantitative, as fitness can be compromised via both routes. The question is whether humans are sensitive to the direct as well as indirect costs of inbreeding. Using (...)
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  20. Intermezzo 7 : on dialogue.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  21. Intermezzo 11 : it's not just a right; it's an obligation to the future.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  22. Intermezzo 13 : looking back with a view to looking forward.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  23. Intermezzo 1 : the missing piece.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  24. Intermezzo 3 : touching the encountered world.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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  25. Intermezzo 5 : when the sky is not the limit, it could be the beginning.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Education and globalisation.Jan Masschelein - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):565-584.
  27. An Interpretation of Weights in Linear Opinion Pooling.Jan-Willem Romeijn - 2024 - Episteme 21 (1):19-33.
    This paper explores the fact that linear opinion pooling can be represented as a Bayesian update on the opinions of others. It uses this fact to propose a new interpretation of the pooling weights. Relative to certain modelling assumptions the weights can be equated with the so-called truth-conduciveness known from the context of Condorcet's jury theorem. This suggests a novel way to elicit the weights.
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  28. Locke on Real Essence.Jan-Erik Jones - 2012 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    In this encyclopedia entry I canvass the current interpretations of John Locke's concept of Real Essence and the role it plays in his philosophy.
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  29. Theedrinken als kern van het politieke.Jan Prij - 2011 - Filosofie En Praktijk 32 (2):19.
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  30. Chapter 1. Trust and Modernity.Jan Philipp Reemtsma - 2012 - In Trust and Violence: An Essay on a Modern Relationship. Princeton University Press. pp. 9-53.
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  31. Svar till Johan Brännmark.Jan Österberg - 2009 - Filosofisk Tidskrift 1.
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  32. Intermezzo 15 : reverence for life, whatever its manifestations.Jan Visser - 2019 - In Jan Visser & Muriel Visser (eds.), Seeking Understanding: The Lifelong Pursuit to Build the Scientific Mind. Boston: Brill | Sense.
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    Cesta do Ruska.Jan Zouhar - 2018 - Studia Philosophica 65 (1-2):101-104.
    Stať rekapituluje život a hlavní práce Jiřiny Popelové, významné české filozofky 20. století. Hlavní pozornost věnuje třem sborníkům, které vyšly k její poctě – Sborník k šedesátým naro­zeninám Jiřiny Popelové (1964), Jiřina Popelová, filozofka a učitelka filozofie (1984) a Filosofka Jiřina Popelová (2005). Podrobněji jsou připomenuty statě M. Sobotky, R. Kalivody, J. Peško­vé, P. Flosse a J. Gabriela. Ukazují přínos J. Popelové pro filozofii dějin, komeniologii, etiku, filozofii kultury a historiografii evropské a české filozofie.
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    Politics and the political in critical discourse studies: state of the art and a call for an intensified focus on the metapolitical dimension of discursive practice.Jan Zienkowski - 2018 - Critical Discourse Studies 16 (2):131-148.
    ABSTRACTBased on an overview of the ways in which politics and the political have been thought in critical discourse analysis, the author calls for a focus on the metapolitical dimension of discourse. The author develops his notion of metapolitics on the basis of post-foundational insights into politics, the political and processes of politicization. Metapolitics refers to projects and struggles where conflicting modes and models of politics clash. Metapolitical debates potentially reshape the structure of the public realm as well as the (...)
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  35. Bertrand Russell on Modality and Logical Relevance.Jan Dejnožka - 2001 - Studia Logica 68 (2):289-294.
  36. Was umfaßt heute Physik? Aspekte einer nachmodernen Physik.Jan C. Schmidt - 2001 - Philosophia Naturalis 38 (2):271-297.
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    Über Freiheit und Recht: rechtsphilosophische Aufsätze 1992-2007.Jan Schapp - 2008 - Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck.
    Er bleibt in der juristischen Diskussion aber doch weitgehend ohne scharfere Konturen. Jan Schapp hat sich dieser Thematik seit 1992 in einer Reihe rechtsphilosophischer Aufsatze angenommen, die er hier in einer Sammlung zuganglich macht.
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    Present Payments, Past Wrongs: Correcting Loose Talk about Nozick and Rectification.Jan Narveson - 2009 - Libertarian Papers 1:1.
    It is widely thought that Robert Nozick’s views on rectification of past injustices are of critical importance to his theory of distributive justice, even perhaps justifying wholesale redistributive taxes in the present because of the undoubted injustices that have pervaded much past history. This essay undertakes to correct this impression—not mostly by disagreeing with Nozick’s claims, but nevertheless proceeding on basic libertarian theory. Of enormous importance is the role of putative innocents, who are defrauded by miscreants carefully covering their tracks (...)
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    Adolf Lindenbaum: Notes on his Life, with Bibliography and Selected References.Jan Zygmunt & Robert Purdy - 2014 - Logica Universalis 8 (3-4):285-320.
    Notes on the life of Adolf Lindenbaum, a complete bibliography of his published works, and selected references to his unpublished results.
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  40. Immanent Transcendence in Chinese and Western Process Thinking.Jan Bfn Engberts - forthcoming - Philosophy Study.
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    Επιβολη τησ διανοιασ: Reflections on the fourth epicurean criterion of truth.Jan Maximilian Robitzsch - 2021 - Classical Quarterly 71 (2):601-616.
    This paper discusses ἐπιβολαὶ τῆς διανοίας, which later Epicureans are supposed to have elevated to a fourth criterion of truth to complement perceptions, preconceptions and feelings. By examining Epicurus’ extant writings, the paper distinguishes three different senses of the term: ‘thought in general’, ‘act of attention’ and ‘mental perception’. It is argued that only the sense ‘mental perception’ yields a plausible reading of ἐπιβολαί as a criterion of truth. The paper then turns to the textual evidence on ἐπιβολαί in later (...)
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  42.  17
    Leiden meer beheersautonomie en resultaatsturing tot een meer innovatieve cultuur bij publieke organisaties?Jan Wynen, Koen Verhoest, Eduardo Ongaro & Sandra van Thiel - 2013 - Res Publica 55 (4):521-537.
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    Electronic surveillance and personal privacy: an historical perspective.Jan Yestingsmeier - 1984 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 13 (4, 1-3):10-13.
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    A comparative study of 'no-thought' (wu-nien) in some indian and chinese buddhist texts.Yün-Hua Jan - 1989 - Journal of Chinese Philosophy 16 (1):37-58.
  45. Kurt Godel's doctoral dissertation.Jan Zygmunt - 1973 - In Stanisław J. Surma (ed.), Studies in the history of mathematical logic. Wrocław,: Zakład Narodowy im. Ossolinskich. pp. 153.
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  46. Posthuman sexlessness in cloning, Pokémon, and Nietzschean ethics.Jan Gresil S. Kahambing - 2020 - Eubios Journal of Asian and International Bioethics 30 (2):47-50.
    An inquiry into the bioethical or ethical component of post-humanism can be through the question of sex. Following from Manoj’s idea of a cyborg as having a “sexless” possibility, this paper presents other arguments that advance the possibility of asexuality in the posthuman. First, I begin with a discussion of Žižek’s point concerning the cessation or voiding of sexual difference. Second, I will continue such an argument through the selfreplicating possibilities of cloning and full cyberspace immersion, the later as prototyped (...)
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    Things, Facts and Events.Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler & Max Urchs (eds.) - 2000 - Rhodopi.
    Some modern philosophers have retrieved the old idea that the identification of facts and events is dependent on language. For instance, Davidson holds that ...
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  48. Strong and Weak Regress Arguments.Jan Willem Wieland - 2013 - Logique and Analyse 224:439-461.
    In the literature, regress arguments often take one of two different forms: either they conclude that a given solution fails to solve any problem of a certain kind (the strong conclusion), or they conclude that a given solution fails to solve all problems of a certain kind (the weaker conclusion). This gives rise to a logical problem: do regresses entail the strong or the weaker conclusion, or none? In this paper I demonstrate that regress arguments can in fact take both (...)
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    Observing fearful faces leads to visuo-spatial perspective taking.Jan Zwickel & Hermann J. Müller - 2010 - Cognition 117 (1):101-105.
  50.  17
    Existe-t-il un canon définitif de la vie philosophique?Jan Patočka - 1937 - Travaux du IXe Congrès International de Philosophie 10:186-189.
    L’inquiétude de la totalité de la vie, qui s’éveille chez certains esprits, les amène à créer des représentations canoniques, types de vie stylisée et unifiée. Les philosophes sont des créateurs de « canons » de vie philosophique ; mais on peut se demander s’il est possible de dresser un tableau idéal du philosophe qui pourrait lui servir en même temps de norme et de critère. Non, car la vie philosophique est un mouvement, un « acte imparfait » dont la fin (...)
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