Results for 'Jamaica Ritcher'

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  1. There is more to life than my life.Jamaica Ritcher - 2006 - In Jay Allison, Dan Gediman, John Gregory & Viki Merrick (eds.), This I believe: the personal philosophies of remarkable men and women. New York: H. Holt.
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    Wollstonecraft in Jamaica: the international reception of A Vindication of the Rights of Men in the Kingston Daily Advertiser in 1791.Eileen Hunt Botting - 2021 - History of European Ideas 47 (8):1304-1314.
    Re-reading Mary Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Men (1790) in the context of the international politics after the start of the French Revolution in 1789 and before the rise of the Haitian Revolution in 1791 leads to three discoveries in the history of European ideas. First, her reply to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France was advertised, discussed, and rumoured to be the work of a woman in London papers days earlier in November 1790 than previously (...)
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    The population of Jamaica: an analysis of its structure and growth.Gertrude Willoughby - 1957 - The Eugenics Review 49 (3):143.
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    The Role of NGOs in Environmental Policy Failures in a Developing Country: The Mismanagement of Jamaica's Coral Reefs.Michael Haley & Anthony Clayton - 2003 - Environmental Values 12 (1):29-54.
    Recent years have seen a proliferation of non-governmental organisations with a mission to help redress various social and environmental problems, but the effectiveness of these organisations in carrying out their stated goals is rarely assessed or critically examined. It has become increasingly clear, however, that these organisations vary greatly in their level of competence and professionalism. Many of them are ineffective, and in some cases they may even exacerbate the problems they set out to solve. These difficulties are based upon (...)
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    Risking identity: a case study of Jamaica’s short-lived national ID system.Hopeton S. Dunn - 2020 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 18 (3):329-338.
    Purpose This paper aims to expose the challenges facing the attempt by Jamaica to introduce a new digital ID system without adequate regard to public consultation and the rights of citizens. Design/methodology/approach The method used is critical text analysis and policy analysis, providing background and relevant factors leading up to the legislative changes under review. Extensive literature sources were consulted and the relevant sections of the Jamaican constitution referenced and analysed. Findings The case study may have national peculiarities not (...)
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    The ethics of relationality in implementation and evaluation research in global health: reflections from the Dream-A-World program in Kingston, Jamaica.Nicole A. D’Souza, Jaswant Guzder, Frederick Hickling & Danielle Groleau - 2018 - BMC Medical Ethics 19 (S1).
    Background Despite recent developments aimed at creating international guidelines for ethical global health research, critical disconnections remain between how global health research is conducted in the field and the institutional ethics frameworks intended to guide research practice. Discussion In this paper we attempt to map out the ethical tensions likely to arise in global health fieldwork as researchers negotiate the challenges of balancing ethics committees’ rules and bureaucracies with actual fieldwork processes in local contexts. Drawing from our research experiences with (...)
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    The Plantation System Throughout Jamaica and the Early Caribbean.Jason St John Oliver Campbell - 2006 - International Studies in Philosophy 38 (1):19-29.
  8. Christmas Festival of the Jamaica High School.R. B. Scott - 1910 - Classical Weekly 4:111.
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    A plague of weasels and ticks: animal introduction, ecological disaster, and the balance of nature in Jamaica, 1870–1900.Matthew Holmes - 2023 - British Journal for the History of Science 56 (3):391-407.
    Towards the end of the nineteenth century, British colonists in Jamaica became increasingly exasperated by the damage caused to their sugar plantations by rats. In 1872, a British planter attempted to solve this problem by introducing the small Indian mongoose (Urva auropunctata). The animals, however, turned on Jamaica's insectivorous birds and reptiles, leading to an explosion in the tick population. This paper situates the mongoose catastrophe as a closing chapter in the history of the nineteenth-century acclimatization movement. While (...)
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    Cossacks in Jamaica, Ukraine at the Antipodes: Essays in Honor of Marko Pavlyshyn, eds. Alessandro Achilli, Serhy Yekelchyk, and Dmytro Yesypenko.Ostap Kin - 2020 - Kyiv-Mohyla Humanities Journal 7:245-248.
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    Hacia la independencia cultural hispanoamericana. Génesis conceptual de la "Carta de Jamaica".Juan Guillermo Gómez García - 2008 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia):281-299.
    Entre los documentos del exjesuita peruano Juan Pablo Viscardo y Guzmán que el venezolano Francisco Miranda recibió del plenipotenciario norteamericano en Inglaterra, Rufus King, se encontraba la "Carta dirigida a los españoles americanos". Este pieza documental, considerada "la primera proclama de la independencia" hispanoamericana, había sido escrita originalmente en francés hacia 1792 como testimonio de protesta de la situación de vejación y sometimiento que tenía España a sus colonias americanas, para ser presentada ante las autoridades inglesas. El entusiasmo que despertó (...)
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    Fragmented nationalism: Jamaica since 1938.Darrell E. Levi - 1992 - History of European Ideas 15 (1-3):413-417.
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    Public Health Protection vs. Freedom of Commercial Expression in the Commonwealth Caribbean: The Case of Barbados and Jamaica.Shajoe J. Lake, Kimberley E. Benjamin & Nicole D. Foster - 2022 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 50 (2):304-311.
    This chapter explores the tension between public health protection and the freedom of commercial expression from a Commonwealth Caribbean perspective, using Barbados and Jamaica as case studies. First, it assesses the scope of the right to freedom of expression. Second, it discusses the extent to which public health protection may be invoked to restrict the right. The authors conclude that Commonwealth Caribbean states can justifiably restrict commercial speech about tobacco products and unhealthy food and beverages.
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    The performativity of Black beauty shame in Jamaica and its diaspora: Problematising and transforming beauty iconicities.Shirley Tate - 2013 - Feminist Theory 14 (2):219-235.
    Black beauty shame emerges within the Black/white binary because of the beauty values sedimented in our structure of feeling since African enslavement. This article does not start from white beauty as the ideal, but focuses on the performativity of Black beauty shame as it transforms or intensifies the meanings of parts of the body in Jamaica and its UK diaspora. Using extracts from interviews with UK Jamaican heritage women, the discussion illustrates how Black beauty shame produces such intensification. First, (...)
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    ‘But Most of all mi Love me Browning’: The Emergence in Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Jamaica of the Mulatto Woman as the Desired.Patricia Mohammed - 2000 - Feminist Review 65 (1):22-48.
    One of the most common threads in the Caribbean tapestry races which have populated the region over the last five centuries largely through forced or voluntary migration, is that there have emerged mixtures of the different racial groups. A large proportion of Caribbean women and men are referred to euphemistically as ‘mixed race’. The terms used to describe people of mixed race vary by territory and have been incrementally added to or changed over time. The original nomenclatures such as sambo, (...)
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    Psilocybin and the Meaning Response: Exploring the Healing Process in a Retreat Setting in Jamaica.Maria Orozco & Shana Harris - 2023 - Anthropology of Consciousness 34 (1):130-160.
    In the past decade, the consumption of psilocybin mushrooms has become a popular therapeutic tool for people looking to deal with mental and emotional health issues. The emerging interest in psilocybin therapy in the global north has led to the development of retreat centers in locations where psilocybin is legal or unregulated. Drawing on ethnographic research at a psilocybin retreat center in Jamaica, this article examines the emotional and somatic reactions attributed to psilocybin that influence the social interactions and (...)
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  17. The negro education grant 1835–1845: Its application in Jamaica.Shirley C. Gordon - 1958 - British Journal of Educational Studies 6 (2):140-150.
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    Althusser meets Anancy : structuralism and popular protest in Ken Post’s history of Jamaica.Robin Cohen - unknown
  19. Imagining homonationalism and homophobia in transnational perspective: the case of Canada and Jamaica.Kyle Jackson - 2013 - In Kathleen O'Mara & Liz Morrish (eds.), Queering paradigms III: queer impact and practices. Bern, Switzerland: Peter Lang.
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    Greg A. Graham. Democratic Tragedy in the Postcolony: The Tragedy of Postcoloniality in Michael Manley’s Jamaica and Nelson Mandela’s South Africa.Brooks Kirchgassner - 2022 - Philosophy and Global Affairs 2 (2):365-367.
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    Democratic Socialism in Dependent Capitalism: An Analysis of the Manley Government in Jamaica.John D. Stephens & Evelyne Huber Stephens - 1983 - Politics and Society 12 (3):373-411.
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    Talking Plants: Botany and Speech in Eighteenth-Century Jamaica.Miles Ogborn - 2013 - History of Science 51 (3):251-282.
  23. An Ethnography of Football and Masculinities in Jamaica: Letting the Football Talk.[author unknown] - 2019
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    Enduring Traditions and New Directions in Feminist Ethnography in the Caribbean and Latin AmericaSister Jamaica: A Study of Women, Work, and Household in KingstonThe Myth of the Male Breadwinner: Women and Industrialization in the CaribbeanProducing Power: Ethnicity, Gender, and Class in a Caribbean WorkplaceWomen of Belize: Gender and Change in Central AmericaWomen and Social Movements in Latin America: Power from Below.Carla Freeman, Donna F. Murdock, A. Lynn Bolles, Helen I. Safa, Kevin Yelvington, Irma McClaurin & Lynn Stephen - 2001 - Feminist Studies 27 (2):423.
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    Issues Hindering the Development of Jamaica’s Publishing Industry.Alexandra Haley - 2017 - Logos 28 (3):25-31.
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    14 Middle-Aged and Older Women in Jamaica.Joan M. Rawlins - 2002 - In Patricia Mohammed (ed.), Gendered realities: essays in Caribbean feminist thought. Mona, Jamaica: Centre for Gender and Development Studies. pp. 277.
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    Materialism, Slavery, and The History of Jamaica.Suman Seth - 2014 - Isis 105 (4):764-772.
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    Between Stephen Lloyd and Esteban Yo-eed: Locating Jamaica Through Cuba.Faith Smith - 2012 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 20 (1):22-38.
    In their oft-cited manifesto, the Martinican Creolists exhort Caribbean people to forego their continuing allegiances to the “mythical shores” of various old worlds, and to affirm instead the “alluvial Creoleness” that binds (or that ought to bind) them to each other, and to other communities across the globe with a similar plantation history: “Neither Europeans, nor Africans, nor Asians, we proclaim ourselves Creoles; “[the Creole language] is the initial means of communication of our deep self, or our collective unconscious, of (...)
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    Entre "Los placeres Del exilio" Y Los descontentos de la migración: Lucy, novela de jamaica Kincaid.Lucía Stecher Guzmán - 2010 - Alpha (Osorno) 30.
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  30. Did Marx Defend Black Slavery? On Jamaica and Labour in a Black Skin.Gregory Slack - 2023 - Historical Materialism 31 (3):135-158.
    Over the past 40 years a tradition of Marx interpretation has built up around a single passage concerning black slavery in an 1853 letter from Marx to Engels, in order to demonstrate that Marx’s support for emancipation was conditional on the level of ‘civilization’ attained by black slaves. I will argue that this interpretation, which attempts to prove Marx’s racist defense of slavery, is overdetermined by an inattention to historical context and a hypersensitivity to Marx’s nineteenth-century epithets. This is important (...)
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    The Psychic Versus the Social in Teresa Brennan and Jamaica Kincaid.Ashmita Khasnabish - 2007 - CLR James Journal 13 (1):39-58.
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    Sasha Turner, Contested Bodies. Pregnancy, childrearing, and slavery in Jamaica.Nadine Lefaucheur - 2019 - Clio 50:289-292.
    Cet important ouvrage de l’historienne Sasha Turner porte sur la période de 1780 à 1834 à la Jamaïque, période pendant laquelle la perspective de l’abolition de la traite (qui interviendra en 1807), puis de l’esclavage lui-même, conduisit, là comme ailleurs, les différents acteurs du système esclavagiste à réviser la politique jusqu’alors menée en matière de reproduction de la main d’œuvre et à adopter, bon gré mal gré, une politique nataliste. La connaissance des conditions de vie des femmes...
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    Problems of the Noncapitalist Path of Development in Guyana and Jamaica.Jay R. Mandle - 1977 - Politics and Society 7 (2):189-197.
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    Musings on Two Worlds: Local Self-Determination in the Shadow of NeoLiberal “Opportunities” in Jamaica and Detroit.Rebecca A. Martusewicz - 2011 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 47 (5):415-418.
  35. 'When the voiceless speak': la madre/lingua in "The autobiography of my mother" di Jamaica Kincaid.Laura De Angelis - 2006 - Annali Della Facoltà di Lettere E Filosofia. Università di Macerata 39:253-270.
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    Time variations of the cosmic ray intensity in jamaica.J. C. Barton & J. H. Stockhausen - 1958 - Philosophical Magazine 3 (25):55-62.
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    Book Review: An Ethnography of Football and Masculinities in Jamaica: Letting the Football Talk by William Tantam. [REVIEW]Rachel Allison - 2020 - Gender and Society 34 (3):531-533.
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    [Book review] the social origins of democratic socialism in jamaica[REVIEW]Nelson W. Keith & Novella Zett Keith - 1994 - Science and Society 58 (3):367-370.
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    Justice and capabilities in the postcolony: Extending Sen to the Jamaican and South African contexts.Greg Graham - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (1):47-53.
    This article explores briefly the practical as well as theoretical issues that arise when Amartya Sen’s evaluation of justice through the capabilities afforded citizens in a society is applied to postcolonies like Jamaica and South Africa. It argues that the application of the capabilities approach to the circumstances of the postcolony gives rise to the need for an expansion of its purview as the informational focus of Sen’s theory of justice. This is so because of the manner in which (...)
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    Is a Self-help Orientation Sufficient Basis for Local [Economic] Development?Eris D. Schoburgh - 2017 - Journal of Human Values 23 (3):151-166.
    Local government reform in Jamaica aims (i) to refocus local authorities to providing leadership and a coordinating framework for the collective efforts of the people towards local development and (ii) to assess local service distribution modalities between central and local governments, the private sector and CSOs for more cost-effective arrangements. The institutional context in which these objectives are to be pursued is characterized by a new local governance framework populated by ‘a federated system of development committees’. Development committees are (...)
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  41. Hume's Revised Racism Revisited.Aaron Garrett - 2000 - Hume Studies 26 (1):171-177.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Hume Studies Volume XXVI, Number 1, April 2000, pp. 171-177 Hume's Revised Racism Revisited AARON GARRETT John Immerwahr's brief note "Hume's Revised Racism" is doubtless one of the most intriguing recent discussions of Hume and racism.1 Immerwahr presents a thesis as to why Hume revised a footnote originally added to his essay "Of National Characters" (hereafter "ONC") in 1753. In this note I will examine and dispute Immerwahr's thesis, (...)
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    Collected Works of John Stuart Mill: The Earlier Letters of John Stuart Mill 1812-1848. Vol. 12-13.John Stuart Mill - 1963 - Collected Works of John Stuart Mill.
    Of John Stuart Mill's major commitments, none was more passionately pursued than equality; it marks his writings throughout his life, and serves as a uniting force in his comments on many subjects, especially lawand education. This volume presents, in scholarly form for the first time, writings that reveal his goals and methods in diverse circumstances. They begin with his precocious essay on the law of libel and include his influential Subjection of Women, his major essays on slavery, his Inaugural Address (...)
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  43. Royce, Racism, and the Colonial Ideal: White Supremacy and the Illusion of Civilization in Josiah Royce's Account of the White Man's Burden.Tommy J. Curry - 2009 - The Pluralist 4 (3):10 - 38.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Royce, Racism, and the Colonial IdealWhite Supremacy and the Illusion of Civilization in Josiah Royce's Account of the White Man's Burden1Tommy J. CurryNo colony can be made by a theory of Imperialism, it can only be made by people who want to colonize and are capable of maintaining themselves as colonists.—Sir Sydney OlivierIntroductionAs with most historic white figures in philosophy, their repopularization and reintroduction into contemporary circles commits their (...)
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  44. Locke on Real Essence and Water as a Natural Kind: A Qualified Defence.E. J. Lowe - 2011 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 85 (1):1-19.
    ‘Water is H2O’ is one of the most frequently cited sentences in analytic philosophy, thanks to the seminal work of Saul Kripke and Hilary Putnam in the 1970s on the semantics of natural kind terms. Both of these philosophers owe an intellectual debt to the empiricist metaphysics of John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding, while disagreeing profoundly with Locke about the reality of natural kinds. Locke employs an intriguing example involving water to support his view that kinds (or ‘species’), such (...)
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    International Business Ethics.Manuel Velasquez - 1995 - Business Ethics Quarterly 5 (4):865-882.
    I evaluate the adequacy of the three models of international business ethics that have been recently proposed by Thomas Donald son, Gerard Elfstrom and Richard De George. Using the example of the conduct of the aluminum companies in Jamaica, I argue that these three models fail to address the most important of the ethical issues encountered by multinationals because they focus too narrowly on human rights issues and on utilitarian considerations. In addition I argue that these models also evidence (...)
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    Reclaiming Liberalism.Douglas B. Rasmussen - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (1):109-119.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:RECLAIMING LIBERALISM * DOUGLAS B. RASMUSSEN St. John's University Jamaica, New York Through the shift of emphasis from natural duties or obligations to natural rights, the individual, the ego, had become the center and origin of the moral world, since man-as distinguished from man's end-had become that center or origin. -Leo Strauss T:HE CONCEPTION of individuality that lies at the oundation of natural rights classical liberalism has been (...)
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    Arts of address: being alive to language and the world.Monique Roelofs - 2020 - New York City: Columbia University Press.
    Monique Roelofs offers a pathbreaking systematic model of the field of address and puts it to work in the arts, critical theory, and social life. She shows how address props up finely hewn modalities of relationality, agency, and normativity. Address exceeds a one-on-one pairing of cultural productions with their audiences. As ardently energizing tiny slippages and snippets as fueling larger impulses in the society, it activates and reaestheticizes registers of race, gender, class, coloniality, and cosmopolitanism. In readings of writers and (...)
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    Sobre la condición migrante de la literatura caribeña: geoestéticas de resistencia, entre el turismo y la soberanía.Florencia Bonfiglio - 2019 - ÍSTMICA Revista de la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras 24:9-26.
    El artículo analiza algunas problemáticas centrales de la literatura caribeña, en particular de expresión francófona y anglófona, relacionadas, por un lado, con la falta de desarrollo y el funcionamiento colonial de sus sistemas literarios, y, por el otro, con el problema social, económico y político de la emigración en las Antillas. Como propongo, es la misma condición migrante de la literatura caribeña, en tanto sistema atravesado por el desplazamiento masivo de sus productores, la que en gran parte determina sus motivaciones (...)
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    Some Dogmatic Consequences of Paul F. Knitter’s Unitarian Theocentrism.Paul D. Molnar - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (3):449-495.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:SOME DOGMATIC CONSEQUENCES OF PAUL F. KNITTER'S UNITARIAN THEOCENTRISM PAUL D. MOLNAR St. John's University Jamaica, New York EACTIONS TO Paul Knitter's No Other Nanie? vary from criticizing his "unitarian theocentrism" 1 and his sliding away from "creedal Chrisitology" 2 to unequivocail endorsement of his" less Christocentric approach to a theo1ogy of religions;" 3 this shows the challenge Knitter poses to current dogmatics. This 1arHcile w1ll explore three (...)
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    12. Inclusive biobased value chains: building on local capabilities.L. Asveld, Z. H. Robaey & S. Francke - 2021 - In Hanna Schübel & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer (eds.), Justice and food security in a changing climate. Wageningen Academic Publishers.
    Uncertainties about how to achieve sustainable and reliable biobased value chains can be remedied by inclusion of local biomass producers. Such inclusion implies that the knowledge, values, interests and skills of these local producers are integrated into the set-up, design, development and associated distribution of risk and benefits of the specific value chain. To make sure that this inclusion is both fair and effective, capabilities of relevant actors need to be taken into account, i.e. the capabilities of biomass producers and (...)
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