Results for 'Jakub Płoski'

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  1.  3
    George Berkeley jako neoplatonik? – Wspólne podstawy wczesnej i późnej filozofii Berkeleya.Jakub Płoski - 2024 - Ruch Filozoficzny 79 (3):49-79.
    Późny okres filozofii Berkeleya, związany z publikacją Siris, niekiedy interpretuje się jako zerwanie z tezami okresu wczesnego – tzn. okresu twórczości obejmującego czas do opublikowania Trzech dialogów między Hylasem a Filonousem. W literaturze przedmiotu pojawiają się jednak wzmianki na temat komplementarności pism Berkeleya, pochodzących z różnych lat. Niniejszy artykuł stanowi próbę spojrzenia na system filozoficzny Berkeleya z obu okresów twórczości pod kątem jego podstawowych założeń metafizycznych. Użyty do tego zadania neoplatoński klucz interpretacyjny pozwala w odmienny sposób spojrzeć na niektóre jego (...)
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    Individual differences in epistemically suspect beliefs: the role of analytic thinking and susceptibility to cognitive biases.Jakub Šrol - 2022 - Thinking and Reasoning 28 (1):125-162.
    The endorsement of epistemically suspect (i.e., paranormal, conspiracy, and pseudoscientific) beliefs is widespread and has negative consequences. Therefore, it is important to understand the reasoning processes – such as lower analytic thinking and susceptibility to cognitive biases – that might lead to the adoption of such beliefs. In two studies, I constructed and tested a novel questionnaire on epistemically suspect beliefs (Study 1, N = 263), and used it to examine probabilistic reasoning biases and belief bias in syllogistic reasoning as (...)
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    Building an ACT‐R Reader for Eye‐Tracking Corpus Data.Jakub Dotlačil - 2018 - Topics in Cognitive Science 10 (1):144-160.
    Cognitive architectures have often been applied to data from individual experiments. In this paper, I develop an ACT-R reader that can model a much larger set of data, eye-tracking corpus data. It is shown that the resulting model has a good fit to the data for the considered low-level processes. Unlike previous related works, the model achieves the fit by estimating free parameters of ACT-R using Bayesian estimation and Markov-Chain Monte Carlo techniques, rather than by relying on the mix of (...)
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    Quantifiers and Cognition: Logical and Computational Perspectives.Jakub Szymanik - 2016 - Springer.
    This volume on the semantic complexity of natural language explores the question why some sentences are more difficult than others. While doing so, it lays the groundwork for extending semantic theory with computational and cognitive aspects by combining linguistics and logic with computations and cognition. -/- Quantifier expressions occur whenever we describe the world and communicate about it. Generalized quantifier theory is therefore one of the basic tools of linguistics today, studying the possible meanings and the inferential power of quantifier (...)
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    Jakub Urbaniak, Mooketsi Motsisi: The impact of the “fear of God” on the British abolitionist movement.Mooketsi Motsisi & Jakub Urbaniak - 2019 - Journal for the History of Modern Theology/Zeitschrift für Neuere Theologiegeschichte 26 (2):26-52.
    While there is a general consensus around the role of religion in the abolition of the Slave Trade, historians continue to give little to no detail on exactly how Christian theology influenced the abolitionist movement. This article seeks to interrogate one major theological factor inherent in the spirituality that underpinned the activism of the British abolitionists, namely their notion of Divine Providence, and particularly its moral-emotive correlate: the fear of God’s wrath. These theological notions are discussed based mainly on the (...)
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    Predicting individual differences in conflict detection and bias susceptibility during reasoning.Jakub Šrol & Wim De Neys - 2020 - Thinking and Reasoning 27 (1):38-68.
    A key component of the susceptibility to cognitive biases is the ability to monitor for conflict between intuitively cued “heuristic” answers and logical principles. While there is evidence that pe...
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  7. Anthropomorphism: Opportunities and Challenges in Human-Robot Interaction.Jakub Zlotowski, Diane Proudfoot, Kumar Yogeeswaran & Christoph Bartneck - 2015 - International Journal of Social Robotics 7 (3):347-360.
    Anthropomorphism is a phenomenon that describes the human tendency to see human-like shapes in the environment. It has considerable consequences for people’s choices and beliefs. With the increased presence of robots, it is important to investigate the optimal design for this tech- nology. In this paper we discuss the potential benefits and challenges of building anthropomorphic robots, from both a philosophical perspective and from the viewpoint of empir- ical research in the fields of human–robot interaction and social psychology. We believe (...)
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    The Liar, Contextualism, and the Stalnakerian View of Context.Jakub Rudnicki - 2019 - Studia Semiotyczne 33 (1):49-57.
    My aim in this paper is to amend the Stalnakerian view of context in such a way that it can allow for an adequate treatment of a contextualist position regarding the Liar Paradox. I discuss Glanzberg’s contextualism and the reason why his position cannot be encompassed by the Stalnakerian view, as it is normally construed. Finally, I introduce the phenomenon I call “semantic dissonance”, followed by a mechanism accommodating the Stalnakerian view to the demands of Glanzberg’s contextualism.
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  9. Bohr Compactifications of Groups and Rings.Jakub Gismatullin, Grzegorz Jagiella & Krzysztof Krupiński - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1103-1137.
    We introduce and study model-theoretic connected components of rings as an analogue of model-theoretic connected components of definable groups. We develop their basic theory and use them to describe both the definable and classical Bohr compactifications of rings. We then use model-theoretic connected components to explicitly calculate Bohr compactifications of some classical matrix groups, such as the discrete Heisenberg group ${\mathrm {UT}}_3({\mathbb {Z}})$, the continuous Heisenberg group ${\mathrm {UT}}_3({\mathbb {R}})$, and, more generally, groups of upper unitriangular and invertible upper triangular (...)
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  10.  29
    Integral Ecology and Anthropocentrism: John Milbank’s Ecological Personalism.Jakub Gużyński & Szymon Włoch - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (2):35-52.
    The article discusses the ecological aspects of John Milbank’s thought in the context of the growing climate crisis. For this purpose, the concept of integral ecology is interpreted in the spirit of Milbank’s integralism, which rejects the notion of “pure nature” as a manifestation of secularism and calls for theological grounding of the environmental discourse. This perspective allows us to see the limitations of the modern way of thinking, caught up in the metaphors of “conquest of nature” and “return to (...)
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    Amendments of 2020 to the Russian Constitution as an Update to Its Symbolic and Identity Programme.Jakub Sadowski - 2021 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 35 (2):723-736.
    In the renewed Russian Fundamental Law, in addition to a number of provisions introducing changes to the political system, there are also statements of programmatic importance, as well as several provisions with symbolic and identity function. In this article these provisions are subject to functional and semiotic-cultural analysis. Particular emphasis has been placed on legally irrelevant content transmitted by the new regulations, on their semantic connections with the content of the preamble and on their cultural context. The research procedure carried (...)
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    On compactifications and the topological dynamics of definable groups.Jakub Gismatullin, Davide Penazzi & Anand Pillay - 2014 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 165 (2):552-562.
    For G a group definable in some structure M, we define notions of “definable” compactification of G and “definable” action of G on a compact space X , where the latter is under a definability of types assumption on M. We describe the universal definable compactification of G as View the MathML source and the universal definable G-ambit as the type space SG. We also point out the existence and uniqueness of “universal minimal definable G-flows”, and discuss issues of amenability (...)
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  13.  18
    When Meaning Becomes Controversial.Jakub Pruś & Fabrizio Macagno - 2024 - Informal Logic 44 (2):89-128.
    This paper aims to develop the criteria for assessing semantic arguments. However, while this notion constituted the core of ancient dialectics and is addressed in several approaches to argument analysis, the criteria for evaluating such arguments are insufficient. This paper intends to address this problem by combining the insights of classical and contemporary logic and testing them against some controversies involving controversial definitions or classifications. Through detailed case studies of the argumentative uses involving the (re)definitions of racism, war, peace, and (...)
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    Explanation and understanding: Action as “historical structure”.Jakub Čapek - 2008 - Philosophia 36 (4):453-463.
    The first part of this essay is basically historical. It introduces the explanation–understanding divide, focusing in particular on the general–unique distinction. The second part is more philosophical and it presents two different claims on action. In the first place, I will try to say what it means to understand an action. Secondly, we will focus on the explanation of action as it is seen in some explanatory sciences. I will try to argue that in some cases these sciences commit what (...)
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    Friends and Strangers (An Outline of the History of Polish-Jewsh Relations in the Polish Commonwealth).Jakub Goldberg - 1989 - Dialectics and Humanism 16 (1):13-31.
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    Nieintuicyjna czy niekonsekwentna teoria intencjonalności? Spór między Dennettem i Searlem.Jakub Gomułka - 2016 - Filozofia i Nauka 4:119-140.
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    Wspólnota nagiego życia i postawa bioetyczna w Requiem dla Saddama Husajna i innych wierszach dla ubogich duchem Konrada Góry.Jakub Sęczyk - 2018 - Idea Studia nad strukturą i rozwojem pojęć filozoficznych 30 (2):82-97.
    This article explores book of poems entitled Requiem for Saddam Hussein and Other Poems for the Poor in Spirit by Konrad Góra in the light of animal studies. Looking at the poetic and beyond poetic activity of its author, this work reffers to Joanna Żylińska's question about ethical living founded on understandig of life both as zoe and bios. Think of the special opposition of village and city is trying to read this book in connection with mentioned vision of life. (...)
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    Relations Matter.Jakub Tercz - 2020 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 4 (3):1-4.
    Preview: A relation is what connects two separated beings or what a being joins with itself; what is, in other words, in-between two beings or inside two parts of one being. Relations may be conceived as external or internal to those beings, as an essential part, or as separate beings of another nature. One usually cannot easily perceive or experience relations themselves. But the case is that relations must be something rather than nothing. They must be something since we use (...)
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  19. Michael Oakeshott, \"O postępowaniu człowieka\", przeł. M. Szczubiałka, Wydawnictwo Naukowe PWN, Warszawa 2008, ss. 373.Jakub Ziołek - 2009 - Filo-Sofija 9 (9).
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  20. Świat opuszczony przez bogów - świat \"Robotnika\" Ernesta Jungera.Jakub Ziołek - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (11 (2010/2)):125-133.
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  21. Narrative identity and phenomenology.Jakub Čapek - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 50 (3):359-375.
    Narrative identity theory in some of its influential variants makes three fundamental assumptions. First, it focuses on personal identity primarily in terms of selfhood. Second, it argues that personal identity is to be understood as the unity of one’s life as it develops over time. And finally, it states that the unity of a life is articulated, by the very person itself, in the form of a story, be it explicit or implicit. The article focuses on different contemporary phenomenological appraisals (...)
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    Parsing as a Cue-Based Retrieval Model.Jakub Dotlačil - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (8):e13020.
    This paper develops a novel psycholinguistic parser and tests it against experimental and corpus reading data. The parser builds on the recent research into memory structures, which argues that memory retrieval is content‐addressable and cue‐based. It is shown that the theory of cue‐based memory systems can be combined with transition‐based parsing to produce a parser that, when combined with the cognitive architecture ACT‐R, can model reading and predict online behavioral measures (reading times and regressions). The parser's modeling capacities are tested (...)
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    Oneself through Another: Ricœur and Patočka on Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation.Jakub Capek - 2017 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 9 (2):387-415.
    The paper offers a parallel exposition of Ricœur and Patočka in the narrow context of their respective reading of Husserl’s Fifth Cartesian Meditation. At the same time, it follows a broader goal, namely to confront a hermeneutics of the self with a phenomenology freed of subjectivism. Ricœur claims that phenomenology presupposes interpretation. Under this assumption, even the paradox of intersubjectivity in the 5th CM can be restated as an interpretation of the self/other difference. Patočka in his interpretations of the 5th (...)
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  24.  39
    On model-theoretic connected components in some group extensions.Jakub Gismatullin & Krzysztof Krupiński - 2015 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 15 (2):1550009.
    We analyze model-theoretic connected components in extensions of a given group by abelian groups which are defined by means of 2-cocycles with finite image. We characterize, in terms of these 2-cocycles, when the smallest type-definable subgroup of the corresponding extension differs from the smallest invariant subgroup. In some situations, we also describe the quotient of these two connected components. Using our general results about extensions of groups together with Matsumoto–Moore theory or various quasi-characters considered in bounded cohomology, we obtain new (...)
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  25.  53
    Persistence of the uncanny valley: the influence of repeated interactions and a robot's attitude on its perception.Jakub A. Złotowski, Hidenobu Sumioka, Shuichi Nishio, Dylan F. Glas, Christoph Bartneck & Hiroshi Ishiguro - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    What can body ownership illusions tell us about minimal phenomenal selfhood?Jakub Limanowski - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
  27.  72
    Personal identity and the otherness of one’s own body.Jakub Čapek - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 52 (3):265-277.
    Locke claims that a person’s identity over time consists in the unity of consciousness, not in the sameness of the body. Similarly, the phenomenological approach refuses to see the criteria of identity as residing in some externally observable bodily features. Nevertheless, it does not accept the idea that personal identity has to consist either in consciousness or in the body. We are self-aware as bodily beings. After providing a brief reassessment of Locke and the post-Lockean discussion, the article draws on (...)
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    The cruelty of waking.Jakub Chavalka - 2023 - Filosoficky Casopis 71 (Special issue 1):40-66.
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    John Bellamy Foster: The Dialectics of Ecology: Socialism and Nature.Jakub Bokes - 2024 - Filozofia 79 (9):1058-1061.
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  30. Quantifiers in TIME and SPACE. Computational Complexity of Generalized Quantifiers in Natural Language.Jakub Szymanik - 2009 - Dissertation, University of Amsterdam
    In the dissertation we study the complexity of generalized quantifiers in natural language. Our perspective is interdisciplinary: we combine philosophical insights with theoretical computer science, experimental cognitive science and linguistic theories. -/- In Chapter 1 we argue for identifying a part of meaning, the so-called referential meaning (model-checking), with algorithms. Moreover, we discuss the influence of computational complexity theory on cognitive tasks. We give some arguments to treat as cognitively tractable only those problems which can be computed in polynomial time. (...)
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  31. Phenomenological approaches to personal identity.Jakub Čapek & Sophie Loidolt - 2021 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (2):217-234.
    This special issue addresses the debate on personal identity from a phenomenological viewpoint, especially contemporary phenomenological research on selfhood. In the introduction, we first offer a brief survey of the various classic questions related to personal identity according to Locke’s initial proposal and sketch out key concepts and distinctions of the debate that came after Locke. We then characterize the types of approach represented by post-Hegelian, German and French philosophies of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. We argue that whereas the (...)
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    Udělat ze svého omezení výhodu, alespoň v nějakém ohledu. Ohlédnutí za Petrou Maťovou (1971–2022).Jakub Čapek - 2022 - Reflexe: Filosoficky Casopis 2022 (62):217-219.
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  33. Dwie brązowe siekierki z okolic Pułtuska.Jakub Affelski - 2011 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Archaeologica 28:161 - 166.
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  34. Leszek Kołakowski, \"Czy Pan Bóg jest szczęśliwy i inne pytania\", Społeczny Instytut Wydawniczy Znak, Kraków 2009, s. 308.Jakub Błaszak - 2010 - Filo-Sofija 10 (10 (2010/1)).
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  35. Truth and speech.Jakub Capek - 2010 - Filosoficky Casopis 58 (5):663-673.
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  36. Pomiędzy partyturą a wykonaniem. O kłopotach z tożsamością dzieła muzycznego raz jeszcze.Jakub Chachulski - 2012 - Sztuka I Filozofia (Art and Philosophy) 40.
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    Amerykańska religia obywatelska Richarda Rorty’ego.Jakub Gużyński - 2018 - Diametros 56:69-88.
    The article presents Richard Rorty’s religious metaphors in the context of the concept of civil religion derived from The Social Contract of Jean Jacques Rousseau and primarily used today for the sociological analysis of the relationship between religion and the state. It is paired with Rorty’s conception of pragmatism as romantic polytheism and its fundamental notions of romance, polytheism, and poetry. Parallels between social and religious institutions formulated by the American neo-pragmatist, such as priesthood and sanctuary, provide the details of (...)
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  38. Relacje między wiedzą a wiarą u Jana Pawła II i Richarda Dawkinsa.Jakub Idźkowski - 2011 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 12.
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    Learning infinite-word automata with loop-index queries.Jakub Michaliszyn & Jan Otop - 2022 - Artificial Intelligence 307 (C):103710.
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    Is a 100% Renewable Energy Economy Possible in the Light of Wind Silence Occurrences?Jakub Edward Zaleski - 2018 - Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration 24 (2):47-65.
    This article is focused on analysing the present state of renewable electricity production and consumption coverage in Germany, concentrating on the intermittence of wind and solar energy production and considering the significance of the wind silence phenomenon. The development and promotion of renewable energy is a major goal set out by politicians of which one example is the German plan “Energiewende”. The author examines wind and solar energy complementarity and attempts assessing the possibility of basing Germanys’ electricity production on renewable (...)
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  41. Don’t be deceived: bald-faced lies are deceitful assertions.Jakub Rudnicki & Joanna Odrowąż-Sypniewska - 2023 - Synthese 201 (6):1-21.
    The traditional conception of lying, according to which to lie is to make an assertion with an intention to deceive the hearer, has recently been put under pressure by the phenomenon of bald-faced lies i.e. utterances that _prima facie_ look like lies but because of their blatancy allegedly lack the accompanying intention to deceive. In this paper we propose an intuitive way of reconciling the phenomenon of bald-faced lies with the traditional conception by suggesting that the existing analyses of the (...)
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    AI in situated action: a scoping review of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic studies.Jakub Mlynář, Lynn de Rijk, Andreas Liesenfeld, Wyke Stommel & Saul Albert - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-31.
    Despite its elusiveness as a concept, ‘artificial intelligence’ (AI) is becoming part of everyday life, and a range of empirical and methodological approaches to social studies of AI now span many disciplines. This article reviews the scope of ethnomethodological and conversation analytic (EM/CA) approaches that treat AI as a phenomenon emerging in and through the situated organization of social interaction. Although this approach has been very influential in the field of computational technology since the 1980s, AI has only recently emerged (...)
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    Wittgenstein and Hegel: Reevaluation of Difference.Jakub Mácha & Alexander Berg (eds.) - 2019 - Berlin: De Gruyter.
    This book brings together for the first time two philosophers from different traditions and different centuries. While Wittgenstein was a focal point of 20th century analytic philosophy, it was Hegel’s philosophy that brought the essential discourses of the 19th century together and developed into the continental tradition in 20th century. This now-outdated conflict took for granted Hegel’s and Wittgenstein’s opposing positions and is being replaced by a continuous progression and differentiation of several authors, schools, and philosophical traditions. The development is (...)
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    Habit and Freedom in Merleau-Ponty and Ricœur.Jakub Capek - 2017 - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 31 (3):432-443.
    Philosophical views of habit were deeply influenced by Aristotle. If we understand habit in relation to hexis, to the acquired disposition to act in a certain way, then habit becomes a key phenomenon of ethics. According to the famous quotation, "It makes no small difference, whether we form habits of one kind or of another from our very youth; it makes a very great difference, or rather all the difference."1 And yet we can understand habit also as a dull and (...)
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  45. G-compactness and groups.Jakub Gismatullin & Ludomir Newelski - 2008 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 47 (5):479-501.
    Lascar described E KP as a composition of E L and the topological closure of E L (Casanovas et al. in J Math Log 1(2):305–319). We generalize this result to some other pairs of equivalence relations. Motivated by an attempt to construct a new example of a non-G-compact theory, we consider the following example. Assume G is a group definable in a structure M. We define a structure M′ consisting of M and X as two sorts, where X is an (...)
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  46. Language Meets and Measures Reality.Jakub Mácha - 2012 - In Jesús Padilla Gálvez & Margit Gaffal (eds.), Doubtful Certainties: Language-Games, Forms of Life, Relativism. Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.
    Language meets reality by measuring it. My aim in this paper is to shed some light on Wittgenstein's metaphors of language's meeting and measuring reality. My additional aim will be to delimit to what extent or in what sense these functions of language are transcendental.
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    Model Theory of Derivations of the Frobenius Map Revisited.Jakub Gogolok - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):1213-1229.
    We prove some results about the model theory of fields with a derivation of the Frobenius map, especially that the model companion of this theory is axiomatizable by axioms used by Wood in the case of the theory $\operatorname {DCF}_p$ and that it eliminates quantifiers after adding the inverse of the Frobenius map to the language. This strengthens the results from [4]. As a by-product, we get a new geometric axiomatization of this model companion. Along the way we also prove (...)
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    Consequences of the Complexity and Variety of Beliefs About Miracles.Jakub Pawlikowski - 2018 - American Journal of Bioethics 18 (5):71-72.
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    How Do Social Norms and Expectations About Others Influence Individual Behavior?: A Quantum Model of Self/other-perspective Interaction in Strategic Decision-Making.Jakub Tesar - 2020 - Foundations of Science 25 (1):135-150.
    Social norms can be understood as the grammar of social interaction. Like grammar in speech, they specify what is acceptable in a given context. But what are the specific rules that direct human compliance with the norm? This paper presents a quantitative model of self- and the other-perspective interaction based on a ‘quantum model of decision-making’, which can explain some of the ‘fallacies’ of the classical model of strategic choice. By connecting two fields of social science research—norms compliance, and strategic (...)
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    On Model-Theoretic Connected Groups.Jakub Gismatullin - 2024 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 89 (1):50-79.
    We introduce and study the model-theoretic notions of absolute connectedness and type-absolute connectedness for groups. We prove that groups of rational points of split semisimple linear groups (that is, Chevalley groups) over arbitrary infinite fields are absolutely connected and characterize connected Lie groups which are type-absolutely connected. We prove that the class of type-absolutely connected group is exactly the class of discretely topologized groups with the trivial Bohr compactification, that is, the class of minimally almost periodic groups.
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