Results for 'Jacek Kamiński'

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  1. Proces negocjacji. Sposoby definiowania.Jacek Kamiński - 1999 - Prakseologia 139 (139).
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  2. Uwagi na temat znaczenia czynnika zaufania w negocjacjach.Jacek Kamiński - 2003 - Prakseologia 143 (143):289-304.
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  3. Chimpanzees know what others know, but not what they believe.Juliane Kaminski, Josep Call & Michael Tomasello - 2008 - Cognition 109 (2):224-234.
  4. Two-year-olds but not domestic dogs (Canis familiaris) understand communicative intentions without language, gestures, or gaze.Richard Moore, Bettina Mueller, Juliane Kaminski & Michael Tomasello - 2015 - Developmental Science 18 (2):232-242.
    Infants can see someone pointing to one of two buckets and infer that the toy they are seeking is hidden inside. Great apes do not succeed in this task, but, surprisingly, domestic dogs do. However, whether children and dogs understand these communicative acts in the same way is not yet known. To test this possibility, an experimenter did not point, look, or extend any part of her body towards either bucket, but instead lifted and shook one via a centrally pulled (...)
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  5. The Truth About the Future.Jacek Wawer - 2014 - Erkenntnis 79 (3):365-401.
    There is a long-standing disagreement among Branching-Time theorists. Even though they all believe that the branching representation accurately grasps the idea that the future, contrary to the past, is open, they argue whether this representation is compatible with the claim that one among many possible futures is distinguished—the single future that will come to be. This disagreement is paralleled in an argument about the bivalence of future contingents. The single, privileged future is often called the Thin Red Line. I reconstruct (...)
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  6. Back to the actual future.Jacek Wawer & Alex Malpass - 2020 - Synthese 197 (5):2193-2213.
    The purpose of the paper is to rethink the role of actuality in the branching model of possibilities. We investigate the idea that the model should be enriched with an additional factor—the so-called Thin Red Line—which is supposed to represent the single possible course of events that gets actualized in time. We believe that this idea was often misconceived which prompted some unfortunate reactions. On the one hand, it suggested problematic semantic models of future tense and and on the other, (...)
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    Comprehensive studies on physical and chemical stability in liquid and glassy states of telmisartan : solubility advantages given by cryomilled and quenched material.K. Adrjanowicz, K. Grzybowska, K. Kaminski, L. Hawelek, M. Paluch & D. Zakowiecki - 2011 - Philosophical Magazine 91 (13-15):1926-1948.
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  8. Towards a new theory of historical counterfactuals.Jacek Wawer & Leszek Wroński - 2015 - In Pavel Arazim & Michal Dancak (eds.), The Logica Yearbook 2014. College Publications. pp. 293-310.
    We investigate the semantics of historical counterfactuals in indeterministic contexts. We claim that "plain" and "necessitated" counterfactuals differ in meaning. To substantiate this claim, we propose a new semantic treatment of historical counterfactuals in the Branching Time framework. We supplement our semantics with supervaluationist postsemantics, thanks to which we can explain away the intuitions which seem to talk in favor of the identification of "would" with "would necessarily".
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    A Bigger God and the Pre-Creation Situation: Some Remarks Inspired by William Hasker.Jacek Wojtysiak - 2022 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 70 (1):121-136.
    In the present essay, while entering into discussion with William Hasker, I addressed two divine dilemmas in “the pre-creation situation.” My considerations focused on the reasons for creating a world—the love reason and the manifestation reason—which in some way prevailed over the reasons against creating a world and whose concurrence prompted the image of an optimal creatable world. It turns out that the latter resembles both our world and the world suggested by Hasker’s theism. In that world, God has brought (...)
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  10. Gründe geben. Maschinelles Lernen als Problem der Moralfähigkeit von Entscheidungen. Ethische Herausforderungen von Big-Data.Andreas Kaminski, Michael Nerurkar, Christian Wadephul & Klaus Wiegerling - 2020 - In Andreas Kaminski, Michael Nerurkar, Christian Wadephul & Klaus Wiegerling (eds.), Klaus Wiegerling, Michael Nerurkar, Christian Wadephul (Hg.): Ethische Herausforderungen von Big-Data. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 151-174.
    Entscheidungen verweisen in einem begrifflichen Sinne auf Gründe. Entscheidungssysteme bieten eine probabilistische Verlässlichkeit als Rechtfertigung von Empfehlungen an. Doch nicht für alle Situationen mögen Verlässlichkeitsgründe auch angemessene Gründe sein. Damit eröffnet sich die Idee, die Güte von Gründen von ihrer Angemessenheit zu unterscheiden. Der Aufsatz betrachtet an einem Beispiel, einem KI-Lügendetektor, die Frage, ob eine (zumindest aktuell nicht gegebene) hohe Verlässlichkeit den Einsatz rechtfertigen kann. Gleicht er nicht einem Richter, der anhand einer Statistik Urteile fällen würde?
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  11. Was heißt es, dass eine Metapher absolut ist? Metaphern als Indizien.Andreas Kaminski - 2014 - In Friedrich Alexander, Gehring Petra & Kaminski Andreas (eds.), Journal Phänomenologie. Schwerpunkt: Metaphern als strenge Wissenschaft. pp. 47-62.
    Blumenbergs Paradigmen zu einer Metaphorologie sind bekannt für die Entdeckung absoluter Metaphern. Zahlreiche systematische Fragen mögen dabei offen geblieben sein, etwa die nach verschiedenen Typen1 von Metaphern oder den Methoden ihrer Interpretation, so dass schon bezweifelt wurde, ob es sich überhaupt um eine Metapherntheorie handle.2 Immerhin: Dass es absolute Metaphern gibt, was diese sind und woran sie erkannt werden können, wird von Blumenberg in großer Prägnanz und anhand zahlreicher Beispiele dargestellt. Wenn es eine unangetastete Gewissheit in der Blumenbergrezeption gibt, so (...)
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    The Modal Logic of Cluster-Decomposable Kripke Interpretations.Michael Tiomkin & Michael Kaminski - 2007 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 48 (4):511-520.
    We deal with the modal logic of cluster-decomposable Kripke interpretations, present an axiomatization, and prove some additional results regarding this logic.
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  13. The Epistemic Importance of Technology in Computer Simulation and Machine Learning.Michael Resch & Andreas Kaminski - 2019 - Minds and Machines 29 (1):1-9.
    Scientificity is essentially methodology. The use of information technology as methodological instruments in science has been increasing for decades, this raises the question: Does this transform science? This question is the subject of the Special Issue in Minds and Machines “The epistemological significance of methods in computer simulation and machine learning”. We show that there is a technological change in this area that has three methodological and epistemic consequences: methodological opacity, reproducibility issues, and altered forms of justification.
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    Co daje stosowanie logiki formalnej do metafizyki klasycznej?Stanisław Kaminski - 1964 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 12 (1):107-119.
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    Czy filozofia słoty teologii?Stanisław Kamiński - 1985 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 33 (2):57-67.
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    Die Erfahrung gebrochenen Vertrauens.Andreas Kaminski - 2023 - Zeitschrift für Kulturphilosophie 2023 (2):96-115.
    Broken trust elicits two types of responses: On the one hand, an epistemic response: How could I be so mistaken? How can I learn to trust more appropriately? On the other hand, a moral response: How could you deceive me so deeply and hurt me so profoundly? Even though the response in a given case may be more epistemically or morally emphasized, their interrelation raises two theoretically challenging questions: (1) How can a unity of the epistemic and normative dimensions of (...)
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    De Morgan Interpretation of the Lambek–Grishin Calculus.Michael Kaminski & Nissim Francez - 2020 - Review of Symbolic Logic 13 (4):845-856.
    We present an embedding of the Lambek–Grishin calculus into an extension of the nonassociative Lambek calculus with negation. The embedding is based on the De Morgan interpretation of the dual Grishin connectives.
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    Future Contingents, Ockhamism (Retroactivism) and Thomism (Eternalism).Jacek Wojtysiak - 2018 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 66 (4):159-182.
    In the current paper, I enter into debate with Marcin Tkaczyk and the chosen Anglo-Saxon analytic philosophers of religion to discuss the theological version of the problem of future contingents. I take into consideration some varieties of Ockhamism (retroactivism)—the position denying the temporal necessity (non-determination) of all past events and allowing some form of retroactivity. Strong Ockhamism postulates real retroactive causation, moderate Ockhamism limits it to the meanings of physical and psychical events, and weak Ockhamism replaces the notion of retroactive (...)
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  19. Causality, Custom and the Marvellous. On Natural Science at the Beginning of Modern Times.Andreas Kaminski - 2007 - In Heil Reinhard, Stippak Marcus, Unger Alexander, Ziegler Marc & Andreas Kaminski (eds.), Tensions and convergences. Technological and aesthetic transformations of society. Bielefeld: Transcript, Transaction Publishers (USA). pp. 129–140.
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  20. Die harmonische Gesellschaft. Das evolutionäre Prüfungsdispositiv um 1900.Andreas Kaminski - 2018 - In Sabine Reh & Norbert Ricken (eds.), Leistung – Entstehung und Transformation eines pädagogischen Paradigmas. Springer VS. pp. 227-249.
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    Filozofia religii i filozofia Boga.Stanisław Kamiński - 1982 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 30 (2):15-21.
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    Humanizm chrześcijański Stefana Swieżawskiego.Krzysztof Kamiński - 2007 - Łask: Leksem.
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    (1 other version)Intelligenzforschung und Psychotechnik 1903-1933 – Protoformen von Human Enhancement?Andreas Kaminski - 2010 - In Christopher Coenen (ed.), Die Debatte über "Human Enhancement": historische, philosophische und ethische Aspekte der technologischen Verbesserung des Menschen. Bielefeld: Transcript. pp. 117-142.
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  24. Journal Phänomenologie. Schwerpunkt: Systemtheorie, Phänomenologie Zeittheorie (24).Andreas Kaminski - 2005
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    Kierunki rozwoju problematyki semiotycznej.Stanisław Kamiński - 1982 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 30 (1):93-118.
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  26. Measuring Intelligence effectively. Psychometrics from a Philosophy of Technology Perspective.Andreas Kaminski - 2016 - In Nicola Mößner & Alfred Nordmann (eds.), Reasoning in Measurement. New York: Routledge. pp. 146-157.
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    Metoda i język: studia z semiotyki i metodologii nauk.Stanisław Kamiński - 1994 - Lublin: Tow. Nauk. Katolickiego Uniwersytetu Lubelskiego. Edited by Urszula M. Żegleń.
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    Narrator absconditus oder Der Ich-Erzähler als „verschwundener Kerl“ Von der erzählten Utopie zu utopischer Autorschaft in Grimmelshausens ‚Simplicianischen Schrifften‘.Nicola Kaminski - 2000 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 74 (3):367-394.
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    Ockhama koncepcja wiedzy przyrodniczej.Stanisław Kamiński - 1968 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 16 (1):113-123.
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    Potential expectations of biotechnologies: A model for the analysis of conflicts about new technologies.Andreas Kaminski - 2015 - Filozofija I Društvo 26 (3):519-539.
    Debates on new technologies commonly seem to be irrational. In an even higher degree this might be true for the expectations that are evoked by recent biotechnologies. A typical constellation is like this: While A expresses fears concerning a new technology, those fears are taken up to be absurd by B. And while B criticizes that A?s scenarios lack a realistic basis, A complains about not being taken serious. Thus the conflicting parties accuse each other of behaving irrational or even (...)
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    Początki indukcji matematycznej.Stanisław Kamiński - 1955 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 5 (2):171-182.
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    Rules for syllogisms with the consideration of schemata with negated subject terms.S. Kaminski - 1965 - Studia Logica 16 (1):52-52.
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    Sein und „Als“. Notizen zu einer denkfigur in Heideggers werk.Andreas Kaminski - 2014 - Filozofija I Društvo 25 (4):21-28.
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    The Hidden Ideology in Objective Measurements - an Example from a Specific Tool for Quality Assurance in Schools.Ricardo Kaminski - 2020 - Confero: Essays on Education, Philosophy and Politics 7 (1):89-116.
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    Traditional theory of immediate inference as a fragment of two-valued propositional calculus.S. Kamiński - 1961 - Studia Logica 11 (1):21.
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    Tradycyjna teoria wnioskowania bezpośredniego jako pewien fragment dwuwartościowego rachunku zdań.Stanisław Kamiński - 1961 - Studia Logica 11 (1):7 - 21.
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    Uwagi o języku teorii bytu.Stanisław Kaminski - 1969 - Roczniki Filozoficzne 17 (1):41-54.
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    Vom Paradies in den Erlebnispark.Andreas Kaminski - 2024 - Phänomenologische Forschungen 2023 (2):60-78.
    Blumenberg has sometimes described his work as a phenomenology of history. The connection between history and phenomenology is particularly striking in the context of Blumenberg’s contributions to the philosophy of technology. In the course of his analysis of Husserl’s Krisis, Blumenberg develops, as my contribution aims to show, a conception of history in which complete technologization leads to a perfected lifeworld. Blumenberg formulates this partly explicitly within the framework of a three-stage model of history, but there are also implicit insights (...)
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    Regarding Mind, Naturally.Marcin Miłkowski & Konrad Talmont-Kaminski (eds.) - 2013 - Cambridge Scholars Press.
    Naturalism is currently the most vibrantly developing approach to philosophy, with naturalised methodologies being applied across all the philosophical disciplines. One of the areas naturalism has been focussing upon is the mind, traditionally viewed as a topic hard to reconcile with the naturalistic worldview. A number of questions have been pursued in this context. What is the place of the mind in the world? How should we study the mind as a natural phenomenon? What is the significance of cognitive science (...)
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    Structural Rules for Multi-valued Logics.Nissim Francez & Michael Kaminski - 2019 - Logica Universalis 13 (1):65-75.
    We study structural rules in the context of multi-valued logics with finitely-many truth-values. We first extend Gentzen’s traditional structural rules to a multi-valued logic context; in addition, we propos some novel structural rules, fitting only multi-valued logics. Then, we propose a novel definition, namely, structural rules completeness of a collection of structural rules, requiring derivability of the restriction of consequence to atomic formulas by structural rules only. The restriction to atomic formulas relieves the need to concern logical rules in the (...)
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    Trends in Logic: 50 Years of Studia Logica.Vincent F. Hendricks & Jacek Malinowski (eds.) - 2003 - Dordrecht and Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    In 1953, exactly 50 years ago to this day, the first volume of Studia Logica appeared under the auspices of The Philosophical Committee of The Polish Academy of Sciences. Now, five decades later the present volume is dedicated to a celebration of this 50th Anniversary of Studia Logica. The volume features a series of papers by distinguished scholars reflecting both the aim and scope of this journal for symbolic logic.
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    The Subject of Metaphysics and the Way of its Determination.Jarosław Paszyński & Jacek Poznański - 1970 - Forum Philosophicum: International Journal for Philosophy 6 (1):239-242.
    On the 11th of January, 2001 the Philosophical Circle of the University School of Philosophy and of Education Ignatianum in Cracow organised a philosophical symposium on: The subject of metaphysics and the way of its determination. This problem seems important nowadays, although it has been discussed throughout the whole philosophical tradition. Solutions concerning basic philosophical problems have their impact on the understanding of reality, first of all the human being and the culture created by him which is expressed in knowledge, (...)
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    Commutation-Augmented Pregroup Grammars and Mildly Context-Sensitive Languages.Nissim Francez & Michael Kaminski - 2007 - Studia Logica 87 (2-3):295-321.
    The paper presents a generalization of pregroup, by which a freely-generated pregroup is augmented with a finite set of commuting inequations, allowing limited commutativity and cancelability. It is shown that grammars based on the commutation-augmented pregroups generate mildly context-sensitive languages. A version of Lambek’s switching lemma is established for these pregroups. Polynomial parsability and semilinearity are shown for languages generated by these grammars.
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    Spiritual trauma as a manifestation of religious and spiritual struggles in female victims of sexual abuse in adolescence or young adulthood in the Catholic Church in Poland.Jacek Prusak & Anna Schab - 2022 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 44 (1):40-65.
    Specialists on issues of sexual abuse in religious institutions unanimously stress that this kind of experience significantly affects the victims’ spirituality. Particularly devastating and distorting for their spirituality is sexual abuse committed by clergy. In order to explore this issue for the first time in Poland, the authors conducted a qualitative study in the form of semi-structured interviews with five women who had experienced sexual abuse by Catholic clergy and/or religious in adolescence and young adulthood. The interviews were analyzed using (...)
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    O wartościach w środowisku cyfrowym. Wybór Cyphera.Jacek Gurczyński - 2020 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (8):185-202.
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    Patriotism: from Twardowski to Bocheński.Jacek Jadacki - 2022 - Studies in East European Thought 74 (2):173-196.
    In my paper, I show three concepts of patriotism present in the Lvov-Warsaw School, and try to indicate how these concepts differed and what norms they were involved in, as well as to evaluate the justifications indicated for these norms.
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    Sztuczna inteligencja w odczarowanym świecie.Jacek Kornacki - 2020 - Filozofia i Nauka. Studia Filozoficzne I Interdyscyplinarne 1 (8):9-30.
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    Strategie ontologiczne W wybranych utworach literackich I filmowych.Jacek Sobota - 2022 - Humanistyka I Przyrodoznawstwo 27:185-202.
    Artykuł jest próbą nakreślenia różnych sposobów konstruowania światów w wybranych utworach literackich i filmowych. Roger Caillois i – nieco później – Stanisław Lem dokonali dość szczegółowego rozróżnienia metod kreowania literackich światów, ze względu na ich gatunkowe zróżnicowanie. Inaczej konstruowane są zasady rządzące rzeczywistością w utworach kryminalnych, inaczej w literaturze grozy, inaczej w science fiction. Owe „strategie ontologiczne” mogą być podyktowane również innego rodzaju – niż zróżnicowanie gatunkowe – przyczynami.
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  49. Is an Atheist Unjust? Theism vs. Atheism Debate in the Light of Moral and Epistemic Imperatives.Jacek Wojtysiak - 2015 - European Journal for Philosophy of Religion 7 (1):89--103.
    In the article I reconstruct Karol Wojtyła’s argument against atheism. According to Wojtyła, an atheist is unjust because of not rendering absolute honour to God. In my opinion the argument is sound if one applies it to theists or negative atheists and if one presupposes that there are moral obligations to only supposed persons. The argument meets some objections. A discussion of them leads me to an interpretation of the theism-atheism controversy as being the conflict of two imperatives: the imperative (...)
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    Editorial: Extreme Environments in Movement Science and Sport Psychology.Costantino Balestra, Jacek Kot, Shai Efrati, François Guerrero, Jean-Eric Blatteau & Stéphane Besnard - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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