Results for 'Ivo Goldstein'

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    Croatia and Yugoslavia in the Cleft between Totalitarianisms.Ivo Goldstein - 2017 - Zeitschrift für Religions- Und Geistesgeschichte 69 (1):89-108.
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    From Ancient Omens to Statistical Mechanics: Essays on the Exact Sciences Presented to Asger Aaboe. J. L. Berggren, B. R. Goldstein[REVIEW]Ivo Schneider - 1991 - Isis 82 (2):345-346.
  3. Phenomenology is not phenomenalism. Is there such a thing as phenomenology of sport?Jan Halák, Ivo Jirásek & Mark Stephen Nesti - 2014 - Acta Gymnica 44 (2):117-129.
    Background: The application of the philosophical mode of investigation called “phenomenology” in the context of sport. Objective: The goal is to show how and why the phenomenological method is very often misused in the sportrelated research. Methods: Interpretation of the key texts, explanation of their meaning. Results: The confrontation of concrete sport-related texts with the original meaning of the key phenomenological notions shows mainly three types of misuse – the confusion of phenomenology with immediacy, with an epistemologically subjectivist stance (phenomenalism), (...)
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    Models of ecological rationality: The recognition heuristic.Daniel G. Goldstein & Gerd Gigerenzer - 2002 - Psychological Review 109 (1):75-90.
    [Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 109 of Psychological Review. Due to circumstances that were beyond the control of the authors, the studies reported in "Models of Ecological Rationality: The Recognition Heuristic," by Daniel G. Goldstein and Gerd Gigerenzer overlap with studies reported in "The Recognition Heuristic: How Ignorance Makes Us Smart," by the same authors and with studies reported in "Inference From Ignorance: The Recognition Heuristic". In addition, Figure 3 in the Psychological Review (...)
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  5. (1 other version)The Ethical Challenges in the Context of Climate Loss and Damage.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Kian Mintz-Woo, Lukas Meyer, Thomas Schinko & Olivia Serdeczny - 2019 - In Reinhard Mechler, Laurens M. Bouwer, Thomas Schinko, Swenja Surminski & JoAnne Linnerooth-Bayer (eds.), Loss and Damage from Climate Change. Springer. pp. 39-62.
    This chapter lays out what we take to be the main types of justice and ethical challenges concerning those adverse effects of climate change leading to climate-related Loss and Damage (L&D). We argue that it is essential to clearly differentiate between the challenges concerning mitigation and adaptation and those ethical issues exclusively relevant for L&D in order to address the ethical aspects pertaining to L&D in international climate policy. First, we show that depending on how mitigation and adaptation are distinguished (...)
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    Facial expressions as performances in mime.Mahsa Ershadi, Thalia R. Goldstein, Joseph Pochedly & James A. Russell - 2017 - Cognition and Emotion 32 (3):494-503.
    That facial expressions are universal emotion signals has been supported by observers agreeing on the emotion mimed by actors. We show that actors can mime a diverse range of states: emotions, cognitions, physical states, and actions. English, Hindi, and Malayalam speakers viewed 25 video clips and indicated the state conveyed. Within each language, at least 23 of the 25 clips were recognised above chance and base rate. Facial expressions of emotions are not special in their recognisability, and it is miming (...)
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  7. Embodiment and fundamental motor skills in eSports.Ivo van Hilvoorde & Niek Pot - 2016 - Sport, Ethics and Philosophy 10 (1):14-27.
    Electronic sports and other variants of ‘digital sports’ have increased in popularity all over the world and may even come to challenge hegemonic concepts of sport. More relevant than the apparent opposition between ‘physical’ and ‘non-physical’ is the question what kind of embodiment is manifested within virtual environments. In this paper, we argue that eSports do require the learning and performance of motor skills and that embodiment within a virtual environment may be considered playful or even athletic. The type of (...)
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  8. Self-driving Cars in Dilemmatic Situations: An Approach Based on the Theory of Justification in Criminal Law.Ivó Coca-Vila - 2018 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 12 (1):59-82.
    This article puts forward solutions to some of the ethical and legal dilemmas posed in the current discussion on how to program crash algorithms in autonomous or self-driving cars. The first part of the paper defines the scope of the problem in the criminal legal field, and the next section gives a critical analysis of the proposal to always prioritise the interest of the occupant of the vehicle in situations with conflict of interests. The principle of minimizing social damage as (...)
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    A Criminal Law for Semicitizens.Ivó Coca-Vila & Cristián Irarrázaval - 2021 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 39 (1):56-72.
    Journal of Applied Philosophy, EarlyView.
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  10. Challenging Our Thinking About Wild Animals with Common-Sense Ethical Principles.Tristan Katz & Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2022 - In Donald Bruce & Ann Bruce (eds.), Transforming Food Systems: Ethics, Innovation and Responsibility. Brill Wageningen Academic. pp. 126-131.
    Significant disagreement remains in ethics about the duties we have towards wild animals. This paper aims to mediate those disagreements by exploring how they are supported by, or diverge from, the common-sense ethical principles of non-maleficence, beneficence, autonomy and justice popular in medical ethics. We argue that these principles do not clearly justify traditional conservation or a ‘hands-off ’ approach to wild-animal welfare; instead, they support natural negative duties to reduce the harms that we cause as well as natural positive (...)
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  11. Bohmian Mechanics and Quantum Theory: An Appraisal.James T. Cushing, Arthur Fine & Sheldon Goldstein - 1998 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 49 (2):332-337.
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    Reconciling justice and attribution research to advance climate policy.Christian Huggel, Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer, Dáithí Stone & Wolfgang Cramer - 2016 - .
    The Paris Climate Agreement is an important step for international climate policy, but the compensation for negative effects of climate change based on clear assignment of responsibilities remains highly debated. From both a policy and a science perspective, it is unclear how responsibilities should be defined and on what evidence base. We explore different normative principles of justice relevant to climate change impacts, and ask how different forms of causal evidence of impacts drawn from detection and attribution research could inform (...)
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  13. Environmental Inequalities and Democratic Citizenship: Linking Normative Theory with Empirical Research.Fabian Schuppert & Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer - 2014 - Analyse & Kritik 36 (2):345–366.
    The aim of this paper is to link empirical findings concerning environmental inequalities with different normative yard-sticks for assessing whether these inequalities should be deemed unjust, or not. We argue that such an inquiry must necessarily take into account some caveats regarding both empirical research and normative theory. We suggest that empirical results must be contextualised by establishing geographies of risk. As a normative yard-stick we propose a moderately demanding social-egalitarian account of justice and democratic citizenship, which we take to (...)
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  14. Are all particles real?Sheldon Goldstein, James Taylor, Roderich Tumulka & Nino Zanghi - 2004 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics 36 (1):103-112.
    In Bohmian mechanics elementary particles exist objectively, as point particles moving according to a law determined by a wavefunction. In this context, questions as to whether the particles of a certain species are real---questions such as, Do photons exist? Electrons? Or just the quarks?---have a clear meaning. We explain that, whatever the answer, there is a corresponding Bohm-type theory, and no experiment can ever decide between these theories. Another question that has a clear meaning is whether particles are intrinsically distinguishable, (...)
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  15. Are all particles identical?Sheldon Goldstein - manuscript
    We consider the possibility that all particles in the world are fundamentally identical, i.e., belong to the same species. Different masses, charges, spins, flavors, or colors then merely correspond to different quantum states of the same particle, just as spin-up and spin-down do. The implications of this viewpoint can be best appreciated within Bohmian mechanics, a precise formulation of quantum mechanics with particle trajectories. The implementation of this viewpoint in such a theory leads to trajectories different from those of the (...)
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  16. A yabloesque paradox in set theory.Laurence Goldstein - 1994 - Analysis 54 (4):223-227.
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    Recognition of faces and verbal labels.June Chance & Alvin G. Goldstein - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (4):384-386.
  18. Environmental justice in interdisciplinary perspective.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer, Basil Bornemann, Pius Krütli & Dominic Roser - 2021 - GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society 30 (2):126-128.
    Empirical research on environmental justice often simplifies normative implica tions, and ethical investigations in these fields often lack real-world complexity. A new working group bridges these gaps.
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  19. Stepped-wedge trials should be classified as research for the purpose of ethical review.Karla Hemming, Monica Taljaard, Tom Marshall, Cory E. Goldstein & Charles Weijer - 2019 - Clinical Trials 16 (6):580-588.
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    Analysis of the astronomical tables for 1340 compiled by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2017 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 71 (1):71-108.
    In this paper, we analyze the astronomical tables for 1340 by Immanuel ben Jacob Bonfils who flourished 1340–1365, based on four Hebrew manuscripts. We discuss the relation of these tables principally with those of al-Battānī, Abraham Bar Ḥiyya, and Levi ben Gerson, as well as with Bonfils’s better known tables, called Six Wings. An unusual feature of this set of tables is that there are two kinds of mean motion tables, one arranged for Julian years from 1340 to 1380, months, (...)
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  21. Can Youth Quotas Help Avoid Future Disasters?Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer - 2015 - In . pp. 57-75.
    In this paper I argue for the following conclusions. First, quotas are not normative goals in themselves but only a means to reach non-discriminatory selection procedures. Second, in a democracy quotas are most plausibly used as a means to fill offices in those bodies which have a major impact on how well interests or discourses are translated into policy. Third, quotas for the young can be justified since, due to demographic development, their discourses tend to be marginalized. Fourth, youth quotas (...)
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  22. Ethik für medizinische Berufe.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer & Muriel Keller - 2018 - Zürich, Switzerland: Versus Verlag.
    In Gesundheitsberufen ist Ethik allgegenwärtig und erhält in der Ausbildung zunehmend mehr Gewicht. Dieses Buch nimmt eine Schwierigkeit sehr ernst, die in der Ethik häufig vergessen geht: Ethiktheorien im Berufsalltag anzuwenden, ist nicht so einfach, wie es auf den ersten Blick erscheint. Dieses Buch gibt allen in Gesundheitsberufen Tätigen eine Entscheidungshilfe für ethische Fragestellungen. Die Autoren führen ein Raster zur Analyse von medizinischen Einzelfällen ein, das stark anwendungsbezogen aufgebaut ist und eine praxistaugliche Reflexionshilfe für den medizinischen Berufsalltag bietet. Anhand dieses (...)
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  23. Vorbereitende Überlegungen zu einer schiedlichen Ausgabe der Fragmente des Heraklit. Der λόγος und das Sein (I. Teil)” / “Verso un’edizione scismatica dei frammenti di Eraclito. Il λόγος e l’essere (parte I) [Λόγος and Being]”.Ivo De Gennaro, Ralf Lüfter, Sergiusz Kazmierski & Gino Zaccaria - 2015 - Eudia. Yearbook for Philosophy, Poetry and Art 9:1-40.
    Lo scritto costituisce un primo saggio preparatorio (redatto in forma di dialogo a quattro voci) di un volume consacrato al pensiero di Eraclito. In esso, si indaga il senso greco iniziale della parola "logos", quale dizione fondamentale della grecità.
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    A New View of Early Greek Astronomy.Bernard Goldstein & Alan Bowen - 1983 - Isis 74 (3):330-340.
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    Recognition memory for infant faces: An analog of the other-race effect.June E. Chance, Alvin G. Goldstein & Blake Andersen - 1986 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 24 (4):257-260.
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    Reliability of face recognition performance.June E. Chance & Alvin G. Goldstein - 1979 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 14 (2):115-117.
  27.  13
    To the Editor.José Chabás & Bernard R. Goldstein - 2004 - Isis 95 (1):98-100.
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  28. Ökonomie und Zukunft.Ivo De Gennaro, Sergiusz Kazmierski & Ralf Lüfter (eds.) - 2015 - Bozen: bu,press.
    Was meint die moderne Wirtschaftswissenschaft, wenn sie von Zukunft redet und Künftiges vorhersagt? Wohin greift sie aus, wenn sie die Zukunft für den Menschen sichern oder offen halten will? Wie ist so etwas wie Zukunft in jener Epoche – dem Griechentum – erfahren und gedacht, in der zuerst die Möglichkeit einer Theoriebildung aufkam und also der Grund für ein Wissen von der Zukunft gelegt wurde? Der vorliegende Band versammelt die Beiträge zu zwei in den Jahren 2013 und 2014 an der (...)
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  29. Geschichte der Philosophie im spanischen Kulturbereich.Ivo Höllhuber - 1967 - Basel,: Reinhardt.
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  30. Interpretace v narativním přístupu.Vladimír Chrz & Ivo Čermák - 2011 - Teorie Vědy / Theory of Science 33 (3):415-443.
    Cílem studie je zodpovědět otázku, co znamená v interpretujících humanitních či sociálních vědách zkoumat narativně. Interpretace je pojata jako explikace utváření významu. V návaznosti na toto pojetí je identifikována řada interpretačních dilemat. V tomto kontextu je uveden narativní přístup jako řešení těchto dilemat. Je pojednáno o povaze narativní perspektivy, o vztahu narativity a zkušenosti a o povaze narativních dat. Narativní výzkum je chápán jako rekonstrukce způsobů, jakými je utvářen význam narativními prostředky. Narativní interpretace umožňuje pohybovat se pružně a efektivně: 1) (...)
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  31. Dynamics and articulatory phonology.Catherine P. Browman & Louis Goldstein - 1995 - In T. van Gelder & Robert Port (eds.), Mind As Motion. MIT Press. pp. 175--193.
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    Acquired drive strength as a joint function of shock intensity and number of acquisition trials.Melvin L. Goldstein - 1960 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 60 (6):349.
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    Weighing Way-Words.Ivo De Gennaro - 2024 - Heidegger Studies 40 (1):259-272.
    Thinking back to a published conversation between Parvis Emad and the author on “Questions Concerning the Interlingual Translation of Heidegger’s Keywords”, the essay elaborates on the way-character of translation, and on the weight of words, in the context of Heidegger’s thought. While the text centers on a reading of the word Ereignis in English, in conclusion it calls for abandoning the apparent “sheer impossibility” of translating Geschichte and Historie with two different English words.
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    Ethics of Difference: Towards a Phenomenology of Inclusion.Ivo De Gennaro & Ralf Lüfter - 2022 - Philosophy Study 12 (8).
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    Evaluating the Unevaluable: Scientific Research in the Epoch of the Will to Will.Ivo De Gennaro - 2014 - Heidegger Studies 30:17-32.
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    Prae dicendum. La dimensione greca del mito.Ivo De Gennaro - 2001 - Idee 48:83-102.
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    Translation, Tradition, and the Other Onset of Thinking.Ivo De Gennaro & Frank Schalow - 2010 - Heidegger Studies 26:97-124.
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  38. Wirtliche Ökonomie. Philosophische und dichterische Quellen [Hospitable Economics. Philosophical and Poetic Sources], Volume I, Elementa Œconomica 1.1.Ivo De Gennaro, Sergiusz Kazmierski & Ralf Lüfter (eds.) - 2013 - Verlag Traugott-Bauuz.
    Das Buch stellt den ersten Teil eines mehrbändigen Sammelwerkes dar, in dem von Philosophen sowie klassischen und modernen Philologen Beiträge zur ethischen Ökonomie und ihrer Geschichte zusammengeführt sind. Es gliedert sich in zwei Teile. Der erste Teil – „Philosophische Quellen“ – enthält Studien zur ökonomischen Dimension im Denken Heraklits, Platons, der Stoa, Thomas von Aquins, Ockhams, Kants, Nietzsches, Thoreaus, Simone Weils; der zweite Teil – „Dichterische Quellen“ – versammelt entsprechende Untersuchungen zu Aischylos, zur Augusteischen Dichtung, zu Shakespeare, Ramuz, Pound und (...)
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    Nietzsche, entre a arte de ler bem e seus leitores.Ivo da Silva Júnior - 2014 - Cadernos Nietzsche 35:17-31.
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    Inescapable Surprises and Acquirable Intentions.Laurence Goldstein - 1993 - Analysis 53 (2):93 - 99.
  41.  13
    Some Laws of the Calculus of Quantifiers.Alonzo Church & Ivo Thomas - 1950 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 15 (2):143.
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    Not Losing Major Liberal and Rawlsian Insights.Ivo Https://Orcidorg Wallimann-Helmer - 2013 - .
    In this comment a challenge Kerr’s claim that a coherent expression of a ‘liberalism of freedom’ needs an extended first Rawlsian principle of justice incorporating the principle of fair equality of opportunity for two reasons. First, such an extended first principle leads to illiberal consequences by narrowing down the scope of individual responsibility for choice and effort way too much. Second, such an extended first principle misses a main Rawlsian insight, namely that in a theory of justice the principle securing (...)
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    An Anonymous Zij in Hebrew for 1400 A.D.: A Preliminary Report.Bernard R. Goldstein - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (2):151-171.
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    Artificial Intelligence, Language, and the Study of Knowledge*,†.Ira Goldstein & Seymour Papert - 1977 - Cognitive Science 1 (1):84-123.
    This paper studies the relationship of Artificial Intelligence to the study of language and the representation of the underlying knowledge which supports the comprehension process. It develops the view that intelligence is based on the ability to use large amounts of diverse kinds of knowledge in procedural ways, rather than on the possession of a few general and uniform principles. The paper also provides a unifying thread to a variety of recent approaches to natural language comprehension. We conclude with a (...)
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    Ein Modell zur Zuschreibung individueller Klimaschutzverantwortung.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer & Hanna Schübel - 2024 - In Catrin Heite, Veronika Magyar-Haas & Clarissa Schär (eds.), Responsibilisierung. Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. pp. 175-192.
    Es ist nicht immer so klar, welche Verantwortlichkeiten zum Klimaschutz den einzelnen Bürger:innen legitimerweise auferlegt werden können. Viele Forderungen scheinen leicht zu bewerkstelligen – z. B. die Umstellung der Essensgewohnheiten –, manche überfordern – z. B. die Wahl angemessener Ausnahmen – und wieder andere – z. B. die technische Entfernung von Klimagasen aus der Atmosphäre – sind ohne staatliche Unterstützung nicht zu bewerkstelligen. In diesem Aufsatz entwickeln wir ein Modell zur Unterscheidung zwischen den individuellen Klimaschutzverantwortlichkeiten und den Verantwortlichkeiten des Staates, (...)
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  46. Nursing Ethics: A Selected Bibliography, 1987 to Present.Doris Mueller Goldstein - 1992 - Kennedy Institute of Ethics Journal 2 (2):177-198.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Nursing Ethics:A Selected Bibliography, 1987 to PresentDoris Mueller Goldstein (bio)The ethics of nursing is emerging as a discipline distinct from bioethics or medical ethics. Although these areas have many concerns in common, nurses are demonstrating that their perspective can make a unique contribution to ethical debate.An especially dynamic area of discussion within nursing ethics is the philosophy of caring. The work on moral development by Harvard educator Carol (...)
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    Five-step model for ethical inquiry into complex problems.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer & Markus Huppenbauer - 2019 - In Melanie Paschke & Manuela Dahinden (eds.), Applying Collective Inquiry. pp. 46-49.
    Ethics reflects the moral aspects of any kind of challenge and especially of complex problems. Ethics asks, ’What should be?’ given the facts, dilemmas and normative claims. It is always worth analyzing complex problems through a normative-ethical lens since many, if not all, complex problems incorporate moral issues. The five-step model allows decision-making in situations in which our moral intuitions do not provide convincing guidance. Ethical analysis is not only a means to clarify your individual moral position but also to (...)
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  48. Philosophie du changement climatique.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2022 - In Alexis Metzger (ed.), Le Climat au Prisme des Sciences Humaines Et Sociales. pp. 168-182.
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    Reciprocal climate adaptation responsibilities for agricultural food resilience.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2022 - In Donald Bruce & Ann Bruce (eds.), Transforming Food Systems: Ethics, Innovation and Responsibility. Brill Wageningen Academic. pp. 198-202.
    Transforming food systems: ethics, innovation and responsibility EurSafe 2022 Edinburgh, United Kingdom 7-10 September 2022 edited by: Donald Bruce and Ann Bruce.
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  50. The liberal tragedy of the commons : the deficiency of democracy in changing climate.Ivo Wallimann-Helmer - 2015 - In Dieter Birnbacher & May Thorseth (eds.), The Politics of Sustainability: Philosophical perspectives. New York: Routledge.
    In this paper, I argue that the normative framework of liberal democracy is one of the sources of the failure of international climate politics. The liberal framework makes it very likely that at least some democracies will not consent to an international agreement to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. In this situation, the institution of judicial review might be viewed as crucial to overcome the risk of a tragedy of the commons. However, judicial review cannot serve this purpose in the case (...)
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