Results for 'Ivan Bit︠s︡adze'

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  1.  24
    A neuropsychological theory of hippocampal function: Procrustean treatment of inconvenient data.Ivan Divac - 1979 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 2 (3):326-327.
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    The integration problem for naive realism.Ivan V. Ivanov - 2023 - Metaphilosophy 54 (5):697-716.
    This paper makes explicit the basic problem perfect hallucinations pose for perceptual naive realists, more fundamental than the well‐trodden Screening‐off Problem. The deeper problem offers the basis for an overarching classification of the available naive‐ realist‐friendly approaches to perfect hallucinations. In the course of laying out the challenges to the different types of response, the paper makes a case for the superiority of a particular approach to perfect hallucinations, on which they would be understood as a special kind of perceptual (...)
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  3. The curriculum: The timeless and the time-bound.Ivan Snook - 1993 - In Paul Heywood Hirst, Robin Barrow & Patricia White (eds.), Beyond liberal education: essays in honour of Paul H. Hirst. New York: Routledge. pp. 94.
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  4. El movimiento de la existencia humana, de Jan Patocka.Iván Ortega Rodríguez - 2005 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía 36:159-168.
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    Conill Sancho, J. (2021). Nietzsche frente a Habermas. Genealogías de la razón. Madrid: Tecnos.Iván Sanz Marcos - 2024 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 25:261-265.
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    Nasser Behnegar: Leo Strauss, Max Weber, and the Scientific Study of Politics. Chicago University Press, Chicago, 2003.Iván Llamazares - 2004 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 4:157-199.
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    Fenomenologie a (post) analytická filosofie.Ivan Blecha-Jaroslav Peregrin - 2004 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 11 (3):297-313.
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    Edgar Morin, Introducción a una política del hombre, Gedisa, Barcelona, 2002.Iván Risueño - 2002 - Foro Interno. Anuario de Teoría Política 2:157-159.
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    Thresholds of human cooperation: constructing the developmental niche of shared intentionality.Ivan Gonzalez-Cabrera - 2024 - Biology and Philosophy 39 (6):1-29.
    Shared intentionality is key for understanding human cooperation and cognition. This paper proposes a new way of looking at shared intentionality as a set of interconnected threshold traits, highlighting the role of developmental niche construction in its evolution. This perspective suggests that shared intentionality may have arisen from environmental changes and interactions influencing existing traits, rather than genetic variation for novel cognitive machinery.
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    Bianchi G: Figurations of Human Subjectivity. A Contribution to Second-Order Psychology.Ivan Lukšík - 2024 - Human Affairs 34 (2):311-315.
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    The European Cultural Tradition and the Limits of Growth.Ivan Klíma - 1993 - Philosophy and Literature 17 (1):77-83.
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  12. The Hopelessness of Hedonism and the Will to Power.Ivan Soll - 1986 - International Studies in Philosophy 18 (2):97-112.
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    How to do things with myths: a performative theory of myths and how we got there.Ivan Strenski - 2024 - Sheffield, South Yorkshire: Equinox Publishing.
    How to Do Things with Myths: A Performative Theory of Myths and How We Got There assembles a radically updated collection of the author's oft-cited publications on myth. Together, they tell how theories of myth have changed and led to a novel "performative" theory of myth.
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    Chiassoni, P. (2019). El problema del significado jurídico. Fontamara.Iván González del Valle - forthcoming - Problema. Anuario de Filosofía y Teoria Del Derecho:429-441.
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    La noción de cuerpo en Judith Butler y Rosi Braidotti.Iván Eduardo Díaz Peña - 2021 - Praxis Filosófica 53:225-238.
    Este trabajo busca presentar el debate alrededor de la materialidad del cuerpo en dos grandes teorías feministas, a saber, las teorías feministas de la diferencia sexual y la teoría feminista alrededor del género. En ese sentido, mi interés es mostrar cómo, desde una distinta aproximación al concepto de cuerpo, se articulan unas diferencias para reivindicar las luchas feministas. Quisiera en particular acercarme a las pensadoras Judith Butler y Rosi Braidotti, que tienen una articulación distinta del sujeto-cuerpo del feminismo y el (...)
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    Parmenide trádito, Parmenide tradíto nel Commentario di Simplicio alla Fisica di Aristotele: saggio introduttivo, raccolta dei testi in greco, traduzione e commentario.Ivan Adriano Licciardi - 2016 - Sankt Augustin: Academia-Verlag. Edited by Ivan Adriano Licciardi & Simplicius.
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    Representability of Kleene Posets and Kleene Lattices.Ivan Chajda, Helmut Länger & Jan Paseka - 2024 - Studia Logica 112 (6):1281-1317.
    A Kleene lattice is a distributive lattice equipped with an antitone involution and satisfying the so-called normality condition. These lattices were introduced by J. A. Kalman. We extended this concept also for posets with an antitone involution. In our recent paper (Chajda, Länger and Paseka, in: Proceeding of 2022 IEEE 52th International Symposium on Multiple-Valued Logic, Springer, 2022), we showed how to construct such Kleene lattices or Kleene posets from a given distributive lattice or poset and a fixed element of (...)
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  18. Sintetizat︠s︡ii︠a︡ khudozhestvennogo poznanii︠a︡.Ivan Bit︠s︡adze - 1984 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo Bolgarskoĭ akademii nauk.
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  19. Filosofii︠a︡ i nauchno poznanie: filosofii︠a︡ta i dialekticheskata obrabotka na naukata.Ivan Kalaĭkov - 1986 - Sofii︠a︡: Nauka i izkustvo.
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  20. Metodologicheski problemi na prirodoznanieto.Ivan Kalaĭkov (ed.) - 1985 - Sofii︠a︡: Izd-vo na Bŭlgarskata akademii︠a︡ na naukite.
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  21. Réplica: a filosofia da percepção nos Fatos do Espírito Humano de Gonçalves de Magalhães, de Evaldo Sampaio.Ivan Domingues - 2021 - In Paulo Roberto Margutti Pinto & Alécio Donizete da Silva (eds.), V Colóquio Pensadores Brasileiros: coletânea de textos, 2021. Porto Alegre: Editora Fi.
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    Smisao i značaj deliberacije u teoriji demokratije.Ivan Mladenovic - 2012 - Filozofija I Društvo 23 (1):172-186.
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    Hombre, técnica y mundo en Friedrich Dessauer y Günther Anders.Iván López García - 2023 - Araucaria 25 (52).
    El presente artículo trata de inscribir el fenómeno de la técnica en el marco de una antropología filosófica que nos permita aproximarnos a una comprensión del momento histórico del siglo XX. Para ello se analiza en primer lugar la noción de técnica propugnada por Friedrich Dessauer, esclareciéndola como un fenómeno totalizador que guarda con el hombre una relación fundamental. Posteriormente se trata la noción de técnica propuesta por Günther Anders, para quien la condición del hombre contemporáneo, inseparable del acontecer técnico, (...)
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    La ilustre incertidumbre.Iván Almeida - 2023 - Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias 26:210-225.
    Aunque fueron contemporáneos, Borges y Wittgenstein nunca se conocieron, ni se citaron, ni se leyeron. Pero hay poderosas afinidades y conexiones entre ambos. Por ejemplo, al fin del Tractatus Wittgenstein entiende que hay que callar precisamente ahí porque se ha llegado a un punto en el que conceptual se subordina a lo poético. La idea de que la naturaleza estética del mundo no puede representarse por medio del lenguaje también es característica de Borges. El mar, los atardeceres, la llama de (...)
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  25. PARADIGMA CREŞTINĂ A UNEI EUROPE UNITE. Educaţia religioasă – valori, exigenţe, finalităţi.Adrian Boldişor Adrian Ivan & Adrian Boldișor (eds.) - 2017 - Craiova, Romania: Editura Mitropolia Olteniei.
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  26. Ėstetika.Ivan Borisovich Astakhov - 1971 - Moskva,: "Mosk. rabochiĭ,".
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    Filosofia, humanidades clássicas e ciências humanas e sociais: atualidade de uma agenda no Brasil de hoje.Ivan Domingues - 2022 - Discurso 52 (1):46-64.
    O artigo trata da relação entre Humanidades, Ciências Humanas e Sociais e Filosofia, considerada à luz dos projetos pedagógico e epistêmico das humanidades clássicas, tendo por fio condutor a Renascença italiana e os Studia Humanitatis, com a Filosofia como disciplina-piloto. Ao fazer o trânsito para a modernidade, com o surgimento das ciências humanas e sociais e o descentramento da filosofia, haverá o colapso dos projetos pedagógico e epistêmico dos Studia dos renascentistas, num ambiente de pesada cultura disciplinar, tendo por resultado (...)
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    Liberación, sabiduría popular y gratuidad: una introducción a Juan Carlos Scannone.Iván Ariel Fresia - 2021 - Béccar, Buenos Aires, Argentina: Poliedro, Editorial de la Universidad de San Isidro. Edited by Luciano Maddonni.
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    Nietzsche: ou, La compensation.Ivan Gobry - 1975 - Paris: Téqui.
  30. Pythagore ou la Naissance de la philosophie.Ivan Gobry - 1973 - Paris,: Segers.
  31. Filosofii︠a︡ i stylʹ myslenni︠a︡ H. Skovorody.I. V. Ivanʹo - 1983 - Kyïv: Nauk. dumka.
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  32. Milost za choveka: novata antropodit︠s︡ei︠a︡ na papa Ĭoan Pavel II.Ivan Petrov Kalchev - 2002 - Sofii︠a︡: Filvest.
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    The Ontological Choice of the Philosopher.Ivan Kamburov - 2022 - Filosofiya-Philosophy 31 (3):219-230.
    The text reveals the approaches of the philosopher as a thinker to be in the being. Two possible paradigms for achieving the absolute as a form of philosophizing are presented. One is related to the school-academic historicalphilosophical approach, and the other is related to metaphysical experience as an act. The thesis is asserted that the metaphysical goal is achievable only as an individual practical experience of transcendence through the action of the thinker conceived as a precedent. The understanding is argued (...)
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    Institucionalna realnost i pravda.Ivan Mladenović - 2010 - Beograd: IP "Filip Višnjić" AD.
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    Taking a chance!: la ricerca di David Hume tra causa e caso, una riforma dell'intelletto tra conscio e inconscio.Ivan Ottolini - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
  36. Država i društvo: odnos "građanskog društva" i "političke države" u ranim radovima Karla Marksa.Ivan Prpić - 1976 - Beograd: Mladost.
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    La galassia filosofica freudiana: Freud e i filosofi alla luce della eredità morale kantiana.Ivan Rotella - 2014 - Roma: Aracne editrice S.r.l..
  38. Logika nauchnogo poznanii︠a︡ v trudakh N.G. Chernyshevskogo.Ivan Sergeevich Serebrov - 1972 - Leningrad,: Izd-vo Leningr. un-ta. Edited by Nikolay Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky.
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    Philosophie als Geisteswissenschaft in Schellings mittlerer Periode.Ivan Smiljanić - 2020 - Filozofska Istrazivanja 40 (1):91-112.
    In dieser Arbeit wird vorgestellt die Entwicklung einer notwendigen Idee des Systems, die die wahre Form der Philosophie als Wissenschaft darstellt, wie es in Schellings späterem Denken, besonders während seiner Erlangen Vorlesungen von 1821 ausgeführt wurde. Schelling zeigt, dass das absolute Subjekt, das sich von einer Wissensform zur anderen bewegt, das über alle bestimmten Systeme erhobene Totalsystem bildet, und dadurch die Selbsterkenntnis erlangt, welche der wahre Inhalt der Philosophie als Wissenschaft ist. Das wahre philosophische Wissen ist das, was sich der (...)
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  40.  12
    HONNETH, Axel: Idea socializmu. Pokus o aktualizáciu. Rozšírené vydanie. Preložila Patrícia Elexová.Ivan Stodola - 2021 - Filozofia 76 (2):159-164.
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  41. Teorija spoznaje.Ivan Supek - 1974 - Zagreb: Institut za filozofiju znanosti i mir JAZU ; Jugoslavenska pagvaška konferencija.
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    Life Dimensions of Psychology.Ivan Štúr - 1998 - Human Affairs 8 (1):21-28.
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    How nature works: complexity in interdisciplinary research and applications.Ivan Zelinka, ʻAlī Ṣanāyiʻī, Hector Zenil & Otto E. Rössler (eds.) - 2014 - New York: Springer.
    This book is based on the outcome of the ""2012 Interdisciplinary Symposium on Complex Systems"" held at the island of Kos. The book consists of 12 selected papers of the symposium starting with a comprehensive overview and classification of complexity problems, continuing by chapters about complexity, its observation, modeling and its applications to solving various problems including real-life applications. More exactly, readers will have an encounter with the structural complexity of vortex flows, the use of chaotic dynamics within evolutionary algorithms, (...)
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  44. Kant y Habermas. Reflexiones sobre la razón política.Iván Villalobos Alpízar - 2005 - Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad de Costa Rica 43 (108):167-172.
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    Propositional Attitudes in the Logic of Walter Burley and William Ockham.Ivan Boh - 1984 - Franciscan Studies 44 (1):31-59.
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    Realismo y Equivalencia Empírica: Davidson y Quine.Iván Camilo Verano - 2011 - Saga - Revista de Estudiantes de Filosofía 12 (22):55-66.
    En una de sus formulaciones más simples, la tesis quineana de la equivalencia empírica entre teorías sostiene que dada una teoría T que dé cuenta del conjunto de observaciones O, es posible que haya otra teoría T* lógicamente incompatible con T, pero empíricamente equivalente, i. e. da cuenta del mismo conjunto O de observaciones. El propósito de este ensayo será el de examinar el impacto de esta tesis frente a la del realismo científico ingenuo, reformulándola en términos más precisos y (...)
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  47. Plato's Phaedo as an Aesopian Fable about the Immortal Soul: A fragmentary attempt in understanding.Ivan Chvatík - forthcoming - The New Yearbook for Phenomenology and Phenomenological Philosophy.
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    Conhecimento e transdisciplinaridade II: aspectos metodológicos.Ivan Domingues (ed.) - 2005 - Belo Horizonte: Editora UFMG.
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  49. Abrogation of the ABM Treaty.Ivan Eland - 1999 - Nexus 4:59.
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    Reglious life philosophicly founded.Ivan Šetak - 2006 - Disputatio Philosophica 8 (1):57-71.
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